
The most sophisticated cuisine in the world. Cuisines from around the world

Almost every country has its own national dishes... All of them differ greatly from each other in taste, aroma, appearance and ingredients used for their preparation. Below is a list of the ten most famous cuisines in the world and their most popular dishes.

Indonesian cuisine is one of the brightest and most colorful cuisines in the world, with regional diversity and nearly 5,350 traditional recipes. It is characterized by the predominance of plant products, the main of which is rice. Also corn, soybeans, cassava, sweet potatoes, sago, chicken, seafood, various fruits and vegetables are actively used in the dishes. A variety of spices play a significant role, primarily pepper. The most famous dish of Indonesian cuisine, which is often perceived as the "culinary symbol" of Indonesia, is Nasi Goreng.

But people prefer dry squid for taste. Dried calamari with mustard and shoyu go well with beer.

Western food. Simon: Pyongyang has more Italian restaurants than Chinese restaurants: three. The first place for pizza was the Pylmuri cafe. The Korean chef studied in Italy. The place was opened with international assistance and was decent.

There is demand in Pyongyang - once one of them was open, but no one went there, so the place was closed. It is easy to imagine that everything that is done in North Korea is done “for” North Korea. When someone opens a diner, everyone thinks that "Kim Jong-Un has opened a diner!" But the business is being started by entrepreneurs who want to make a profit.

Mexican cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Mexico, which is a combination of Aztec and Spanish culinary traditions. It is based on a rich variety of products: first of all, corn (maize), and only then avocado, fresh and dried beans, sweet and regular potatoes, chili peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, duck and turkey meat, chocolate, various spices, and there are also many species of fish found in the coastal waters of this country. The most famous dish mexican food It is considered a rather spicy tortilla soup, as well as the world famous alcoholic drink - tequila.

In these restaurants “ fast foodThe food is not ready when you arrive, they even have shelves behind the counter, but you have nothing there. In North Korea, ordinary food is normal and most people in Pyongyang have two hours of lunch. Now you can find burgers in different places in Pyongyang. If you have the money, you can start just about any business in town, not a restaurant called Uncle Sam's American Steakhouse. It wouldn't be much.

Sushi our old oppressor. Regardless, there are some classic Japanese-style restaurants in Pyongyang with these scanners. Everyone who knows these restaurants knows that this is Japanese food. They don't try to deny it, but chefs don't dress like Japanese and you don't get Japanese.

Eighth in the list of the most famous cuisines in the world is Chinese cuisine - one of the richest and most varied cuisines in the world, divided into several main groups, each of which has its own differences in terms of ingredients, spices and methods of preparation. The differences between these cuisines are closely related to the traditions and culture of each individual region. However, despite these differences, rice is an essential part of most Chinese dishes. The most famous dishes of Chinese cuisine are: Peking duck, fried rice, dim sum, a hundred-year-old egg and turtle soup.

And the restaurants are very good.

Oysters with a touch of gasoline. The best way to cook oysters? North Koreans love tossing gasoline at them and watch the circus catch fire. Simon: On the east coast, North Koreans cook oysters on a sheet of metal. On the west coast, they throw gasoline over sinks and set them on fire.

They always allow the driver to cook because he is the only one who knows how to handle gasoline. The oysters are smelly burnt and tasted like gasoline, and sometimes you get one that was partially closed with unleaded gasoline inside. Israel's gastronomic heritage comes from many other nations. The region, which has been in conflict for hundreds of years, is already dominated by different cultures, which greatly influences the current gastronomy. Although Israel is predominantly Jewish, the table shows the richness of the mixtures that surround the country.

Italian Cuisine - traditional cuisine Italy, one of the most popular European cuisines. Specializes in flour, fish and seafood dishes. Its characteristic feature is the relative simplicity and speed of preparation, as well as the use of fresh ingredients in dishes. Italian food is dominated by a large number of vegetables and spices such as oregano, basil, pepper, tarragon, thyme, rosemary and parmesan cheese. Olive oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic and olives are often used. Italian cuisine is very varied and regional. Each region has its own culinary delights. The most famous Italian dishes are pizza, lasagna and spaghetti.

The flavors have been developed between the condiments of North African countries, Arab neighbors in the Middle East, and countries bordering the Mediterranean. All this irrigated the culinary habits of the Jews who came to the region from all over the world. If there is a good term for Israeli cuisine, it is truly a great melting pot of flavors and history.

Sitting at a table in Israel goes far beyond simple food. You will intensely experience the culture of the country. It's hard not to think about the kosher regulations governing food preparation in most local restaurants. The truth is that for those who simply enjoy food, there is no difference between kosher and non-kosher food. And in practice, even restaurants that don't follow tradition strictly adhere to tasting habits. Despite the fact that the kosher habit is a beaten one, it is worth knowing some basic rules so as not to surprise anything and not make big trouble.

Spanish cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Spain, which is divided into regional ones. Each of them has its own characteristics, because they directly depend on what products are used for cooking. An essential ingredient in true Spanish cooking is olive oil; it is Spain that produces 44% of all olive oil in the world. Spanish food is simple. They are most commonly made with fish, seafood, legumes, and rice. They often contain tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggs, garlic, onions, olives, almonds, and wine. The most famous and national Spanish dish is ham and paella.

Not all types of meat are allowed. Chicken, duck and lamb are completely permitted. Beef is allowed, but the drug must be free of blood. In general, meat is eaten by animals that roast food and have cracked legs. The fish will only come in if they have a scale. Even shellfish and crustaceans are prohibited!

Some food combinations are not allowed. The main thing is meat with milk. The combination is prohibited, even if meat is served in food and milk in dessert. Kosher eating habits are much more common in traditional regions of Israel such as Jerusalem. In Tel Aviv, it is easier to find restaurants that are not fundamentally traditional. Hotels generally follow a kosher standard.

French cuisine is the national multi-regional cuisine of France, known throughout the world as very diverse and refined. Its main feature is the use of exclusively fresh products. Despite the differences in regional culinary traditions, a characteristic feature of the national french cuisine is an abundance of vegetables and root crops: potatoes, green beans, various varieties of onions, spinach and cabbage. Residents of coastal areas prefer to use seafood in their cuisine: fish, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, shrimps, etc. The most famous French cuisine dishes are baguette, frog legs, ratatouille, croissant, truffle, etc. the world is an alcoholic drink - cognac.

Dishes in Israel are often rich and varied. Among the most popular are humus; falafel; shawarma; shakshuk; wonderful pomegranate juice and many cheeses, breads and wines. In fact, Israeli bread is a sight to behold! You can find great restaurants all over the country, but Tel Aviv is Israel's largest gastronomic hub. The cosmopolitan city appeals to every palate, with upscale dining and culinary delights around the world. You can eat everything in Tel Aviv. The experience of seating at a table in the city goes beyond the exquisite menu and allows tourists to enjoy a variety of settings, cozy and always alive.

Japanese food - national cuisine Japan, characterized by seasonality of food, freshness of products, low use of seasonings, minimal processing, preservation of the original appearance and taste of products. Much attention is paid to the appearance of the dishes. The main ingredients of Japanese cuisine are rice, various vegetables and seafood - fish, seaweed, shellfish. Compared to Americans and Europeans, the Japanese eat very little beef and pork, as well as animal fats, butter and dairy products, since in Buddhism it is forbidden to kill and eat animals. The most famous Japanese dishes are sushi, sashimi, Japanese curry and the national rice alcoholic drink - sake.

There you will find always interesting options, young and wealthy. Inspired by the movie of the same name, this restaurant offers delicious menu Spanish tapas sprinkled with good music and party tables, making the environment a great party. At the other end of the railway line in Jerusalem, the station has also been refurbished and converted into a recreation area. Back in Tel Aviv, another rebuilt region worth visiting is Sarona. Between the small shops and good restaurants, you can enjoy a nice stroll through the modern part of town.

Indian cuisine is one of the oldest and most varied cuisines in the world, best known for its vegetarian dishes. This densely populated peninsula is home to so many peoples of different religions that it is very difficult to characterize in a few phrases typical Indian cuisine. But we will try. Most of the Indian population are vegetarians, so the skillful use of seasonings has become a real art for them. Among the huge number of spices used in Indian cooking, it is worth highlighting: cumin, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, red and green chili, cinnamon, saffron, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, anise, sesame seeds, onions and garlic. The basis indian dishes includes rice, a variety of vegetables, eggs, fish, seafood, etc. Dairy products are very popular. The most famous Indian dishes are curries, dhal, chapatis, etc.

The restaurant has been built in the basement of a winery for over 150 years. To choose from a variety of options, a tip is to walk around downtown Tel Aviv. There are dozens of cafes and restaurants in the region. For those looking to join the fine finale in Israel, to a good table, the advice should run to the areas bordering the Mediterranean. In a restaurant with a rustic and historical atmosphere, you will find the port ancient city Acri.

However, the record of beauty lies at Caesarea Maritima, where restaurants are located between the sea and the historic excavation of the old port built by Herod. Rest assured that you will always eat well in Israel. Try different flavors and spices as they are all delicious. Have you ever been to the country and experienced an unforgettable restaurant experience? Tell us about your gastronomic experience!

The second place in the list of the most famous cuisines in the world is occupied by the national cuisine of Turkey, which is among the best in terms of wealth, variety of tastes and products used. In modern turkish cuisine the most important foods are meat and bread. A wide variety of spices are also used. And the most used vegetable in Turkish cooking is eggplant. The most famous Turkish dishes are kebab, borek, dolma, baklava, lokum and others.

The influence of the different cultures present in Morocco makes Moroccan gastronomy one of the richest in the world. Whether with seven vegetables or onions and candied fruits, couscous remains one of the most common dishes of the Moroccan family and is usually prepared on Fridays. The drug requires a certain technical significance, since it is very hot semolina processed by hand and must be mixed three times.

This dish is a type of meat stew or fish stew that can be accompanied by vegetables or dried fruit. For vegetarians, there is Berber tajin, which contains no meat. What's impressive about this dish is that it can be an everyday dish, very economical, or for special occasions. This soup is traditionally a fast-breaking dish during the month of Ramadan. Of chickpeas, lentils, onions, and meats, it's very rich and nutritious, allowing you to recharge your batteries after a day of fasting.

Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of Thailand, considered one of the best, most original and famous in the world, associated primarily with the taste of bananas, citrus fruits, pineapples, coconut milk, fresh coriander, lemongrass, garlic and capsicum - chili. However, the basis for Thai dishes is primarily rice, and only then a variety of aromatic spices, fish and seafood. Meat in Thailand is used relatively infrequently, it is considered festive dish... Thai cuisine places an emphasis on lightly cooked foods with strong aromatic properties. The most common seasoning is mild fish sauce. The most famous Thai dish is a spicy and sour soup based on chicken broth with shrimp, chicken, fish or other seafood, sometimes with the addition of coconut milk - Tom Yum.

Harira is usually accompanied by dates and small pastries. This dish is undoubtedly the emblem of the Moroccan holidays. The traditional recipe is made with pigeons, but depending on preference, you can use chicken. For lovers of sweet and savory, this is a dish that will awaken a thousand and one sensations in you. Brik leaves, also called "boiling", are used as a container and stuffed with almond filling. Cinnamon and orange blossom are the base; powdered sugar is used to decorate the dish.

For those who prefer salty, there is a fishy version of this dish. This dish is usually prepared on the third or seventh birthday. The very fine mememmen leaves are cut into ribbons and sprinkled with chicken sauce garnished with lentils and fenugreek. Coriander, saffron and ginger are a must for this recipe.

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Mexican foodon the contrary, I collected all the most useful: tomatoes, avocado, lime, beans, garlic, chili and chocolate. The famous mole sauce is prepared on the basis of chili and chocolate. Mexico is also famous for baked pork tacos al pastor and an ancient Mayan dish made from corn flour dough wrapped in leaves. This dish is called tamales.

It was in the clay oven that Moroccan women used to cook the leg of the lamb. This is a royal dish specially prepared for a wedding. Lamb leg is usually served with grilled vegetables. Cumin is an essential ingredient in this dish that will delight lamb lovers.

Whether it's angel hair or semolina, sweet or salty, this recipe is a must in every Moroccan family. Indeed, the filling is at the center of the dish, so you need to make your way up this mountain of pleasure. Dried fruits, cinnamon and powdered sugar are used to decorate the dish. Since the cuisine is no longer national for a long time, it is international.

In Thai recipes the longest lists of ingredients. The most famous dishes are: Tom Yam Kung soup, which combines the flavors of lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime and chili, green massaman curry papaya salad and fermented fish plasom.

Feature of Greek cuisine in olive oil. When traveling in Greece, try Spanakopita, a dish of spinach feta baked in puff pastry. Also worthy of attention is fried meat with tsatsyki sauce, wrapped in pita - gyros. Lahanorizo \u200b\u200b- cabbage and onions mixed with rice - a hearty, but not so exotic dish. By the way, dolma and lentil soup came to us from Greece.

Because cooking has long ceased to be national, and there is something absurd if you do not want to freeze it within these limits to define it as such. This takes place last September in New York. Five young chefs came to pay tribute to one of the living monuments of French cuisine, Michel Bras, chef in Lagiola, French and Americans, and Carlo Mirarci, who runs a pizza restaurant in Brooklyn, makes a veal sweetness. “A miracle of balance between crispy crust and soft, sweet, fried and sour creaminess of fruit” are described by Luc Dubanchera and Andrea Petrini.

Indian chefs - masters of vegetarian cuisine. In the first place: teas and sweets. And whoever wants to have a denser snack can safely order dal - a dish of stewed lentils, or dosa pancakes with cottage cheese, vegetables or other filling.

Japanesetend to turn everything into art, and cooking is no exception. Perhaps that is why miso soup, sushi and sashimi have won fame all over the world and do not need a separate introduction. Japanese tempura is no less popular - deep-fried vegetables, pieces of fish, shrimps. Everyone has also heard about fugu, although is it worth risking your life to feast on poisonous fish - question ...

The question itself doesn't make sense. In the hour of speed and globalization, everything flows. The point is that the atmosphere has changed in the new generation. “There is more fraternity, more exchange between chefs,” explains Flora Mikula, a Paris-based chef who studied in London and New York. “Racism is less. we are used to having African, European and Japanese listeners in our kitchens. " Every year he leaves for 2 months and a half in Asia, from which he adopts the principles of cooking, as well as philosophy, the approach of life. Modern kitchen “Not French, but global, enriched with Asian, Spanish, Italian, American cultures,” says Thierry Marx.

Spaniards real gourmets. It was they who invented jamon - a dry-cured pork leg, placed on a special stand. Cutting such a leg is a whole ritual. Gazpacho salad is a less ritual dish, but no less famous. But a local dessert made from sweet fried dough called churros can only be tasted when traveling around the country. If you are in Spain, do not forget to eat.

In Francethe Le Cassoulet bean stew, pot-au-feu beef stew or regular steak are worth a try. Despite the fame of the French as sophisticated gourmets, the "native" cuisine of their country is quite simple. Even foie gras is just the fried liver of geese brought to cirrhosis. From exotic, you can try escargot snails or frog legs. Instead of a side dish, a crispy French baguette is recommended, and for coffee, choose the delicate meringues Macarons.

Chinese are famous for their ability to turn fish into chicken and rabbit into fish. In culinary terms, China is the most exotic country, especially in European taste. However, there are dishes that can surprise you not just, but pleasantly. This is pork in sweet and sour sauce, Peking duck and Xiaolongbao - large dumplings with hot broth inside.

And finally, let's say a word about italian cuisine, topped the rating. Although, almost all of us are already familiar with the culinary delights of Italy. Spaghetti and pizza, lasagne, salami and mozzarella, once conquering the heart of a gourmet, can stay in it forever.

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