
What dishes are served in restaurants. Festive culinary recipes. Meat dishes

Honestly confess: I don't seem beautiful this food. It's all from the evil. Food must be a meal, not an art object. For me, so baked in the mint leg of the leg is much more beautiful than any of the towers presented here from bubbles or stoves of antician vegetables.

1. Restaurant Mugaritz (Renteria, Spain)

Dish: "Red Fruits from the Garden" Chef Restaurant Mugaritz Andoni Louis Aduuris took several years of experiments to create this bubble mountain of juicy berries and beets. At the beginning of this year, Mugaritz, awarded two Michelin stars, was completely burned, but Aduris plans to reveal again this summer.

2. Restaurant Pierre Gagnaire (Paris, France)

Dish: The "wind crystal" in the hands of the chef Pierre Ganiera Merengi survived the second birth. To make a protein by air, he adds water and sugar to it (the first it came up with the Master of Molecular Kitchen Erve Tis) - and makes crystals from it.

3. Michel Bras Restaurant (Lagiwol, France)

Dish: "Garguyu" Salad from Michel Brass. Depending on the season, he picks up new combinations of vegetables, herbs, colors and seeds - up to 60 items.

4. Restaurant Areinea (Chicago, USA)

Dish: "Palm core" in Alinea Grant Ahatz (the best young 2002 chef according to version F.& W.) Submits on separate pedestals five pieces of palm trees with five different fillings - from vanilla pudding to mashed potatoes from truffle and rye bread.

5. Restaurant Momofuku Ko (New York, USA)

Dish: "Gentle root edge with stewed daikon marinated carrots and mustard seeds." In Momofuku at the dining table-counter for 12 persons, invented by David Chang (the best young chief of 2006 according to the version F.& W.), You can try an incredibly gentle root edge of Peter Serpleiko, which prepared 48 hours on vacuum technology Sous Vide.

6. Restaurant Bazaar by José Andrés (Los Angeles, USA)

Dish: Mussels in Marinade in Bazaar José Andreas Musia Marinate in vinegar with fragrance of fragrant peppers and serve in a tin can, giving tribute to traditional Spanish marinated seafood.

7. Restaurant Manresa (Los Gatos, California, United States)

Dish: « Egg A la L "Arpège" Chef David Kincch repeated the famous egg from Paris restaurant L "Arpège: egg yolk Cooking in vinegar from sherry, cream and maple syrup. Kincch makes her barcode: he adds Tasmansky pepper.

8. Restaurant Aronia de Takazawa (Tokyo, Japan)

Dish: "Fish with a snowy seasoning" in the restaurant Yoshiaki Tagazava only two tables, but visitors serve artistically sophisticated meals: a piece of yellow-stroke is served by mountain vegetables, edible bulbs of lilies and seasoning, chilled so (-200 ° C), which it looks like snow and melts, If you touch it.

9. Restaurant Nihonryori Ryugin (Tokyo, Japan)

Dish: "Extravagant roast of snow crab" among exquisite dishes The chefs of Sejni Yamamoto are also a roast of a snow crab (which is specifically brought from the Taji region), the sea ear, 10 hours in a row ready for a couple, and milk fugu in ginger dashi-broth. Together with the dish, the drawing is fed, which shows the entire cooking process.

10. Restaurant Combal.zero (Rivoli, Italy)

Dish: "Cyber \u200b\u200bEgg" David Skabab is known for conceptual dishes like cyber eggs. It serves caviar together with a pashota egg in a plastic bubble.

Well, you say - can you call such a food beautiful?

  • Pork chops - 1 portion
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Onion - Half Head
  • Apple vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cream 30% - 50-70 ml
  • Sadfat Leaves - Bunch
  • Parsley chopped - 2 h.

Rinse pork, flush towel, salt and pepper.

In a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat the oil, fry meat on both sides for 6-8 minutes, put on a plate.

In the remaining oil, pass the finely chopped onion to the light golden color. Pour vinegar in the pan, wait until almost all fluid evaporates.

Place the meat back to the pan, add a half-ward of water, cream, finely chopped salf leaves and parsley. Prepare on slow fire about 6-7 minutes.

Meat again lay out the frying pan on the pure plate. Continue cooking sauce until the fluid remains about 3 tablespoons.

Pork pour the sauce and serve to the table with crushed fresh parsley.

Beshamel sauce - French cuisine

  • Creamy oil - 50 g
  • Flour - 50 g
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Salt - chipotch
  • Nutmeg - to taste

Melt the oil in the pan, add flour and fry on slow heat, stirring, to a homogeneous consistency.

Add milk, mix well, spray, add a pinch of a nutmeg.

Leave the sauce on slow heat under the lid and cook it for 10 minutes.

Beshamel sauce French use in very many dishes. For example, there are hot sandwiches with him. Lubricate toast sauce, put a ham, cheese slice and cover the same toast, missed from the inside the same sauce. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Lasagna recipe with Beshamel sauce.

Croissants with Omelet A-La Anya Sorel

  • Croissant - 4 pcs.
  • Creamy oil - 20 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • White wine vinegar - 20 ml
  • Champignons - 100 g
  • Calf language - 100 g
  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Black Ground Pepper - 20 g
  • Sugar - 20 g
  • Salt - 20 g

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Fry on butter Sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes champignons, fillet and calf language. How chicken fillet will be twisted, all sneer with vinegar and extinguish for a few more minutes.

Fill this mixture slightly whipped eggs, salt and pepper. Prepare on slow fire, covering with a lid.

Croissants Preheat in the microwave or oven, gently cut the top and puff with omelet. Dish is ready.

Benedictine Eggs under Dutch Sauce

  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Creamy oil - 100 g
  • Bacon - 6 slices
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Terched parmesan - pinch
  • Cream 10% - 50 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking time: 20 minutes

In order to make a Dutch sauce, you will need to boil the water in a saucepan. A couple of mixed melted oil, yolks, lemon juice and, stirring, prepare before thickening. In the process of stirring, pour the cream and add a pinch of parmesan. Pretty stirring the resulting sauce, remove from the stove, cover the lid and remove into a warm place.

Bacon slices Fruit to Crush, put on a plate, blot the napkin to remove excess fat.

Weld a pashot eggs. To do this, boil the water in a saucepan, add a few drops of vinegar, make a tablespoon to the funnel, pour the egg there, carefully helping it with spoons to form in the bag. Boil 2 minutes.

Christmas duck in a cherry sauce

Duck always associates with New Year's and Christmas holidays. It is believed that in the coming new year, a few hot bird and meat dishes should be present on the festive table. We suggest you consider the recipe Duck in a cherry sauce, original, piquant dish with the aroma of the New Year's mood. The harmonious combination of duck meat with cherry sauce makes the dish exclusive and festive. This is an exquisite dish for those who love to decorate the New Year and Christmas table with a tasty and beautiful dish.

Dec. 2013

Coq Au Vin - Rooster in the wine Popular dish of French cuisine

One of the characters of the French cooking - Rooster in wine (CoQ AU VIN). One of the most famous and popular dishes french cuisine. The rooster dish in wine - can be attributed to festive dishes, it will fit perfectly in the festive menu of the New Year's table, banquet, birthday. Exquisite french dish Rooster in wine You can cook at home and diversify the New Year's table and christmas table with a refined dish.
The classic French dish has numerous preparation options. Presumably the birthplace of this Burgundy dish, so Rooster in wine in Burgundy It is considered a classic recipe. There is no single recipe for dishes, nevertheless there are general recommendations for the preparation of this dish: for original preparation It takes a whole carcass of the rooster, but since it is somewhat problematic to get a rooster, you can replace it with chicken. When cooking a rooster in wine, the marinade uses wine good qualityThe meat is impregnated with the aroma of wine and herbs and soften. Wine to the table is offered the same brand from which the marinade was prepared.

Dec 17 2013

French Cooking Recipe Dish Cordon Blue

The famous dish of French cuisine Cordon Blue (Blue Ribbon) is an appetizing Schnitzel with a "surprise" inside. The successful combination of chicken meat, molten cheese and ham gives the dish rich and bright flavoring and spectacular look. Dish Cordon Blue may be decoration of anyone festive table.. It is not possible to accurately establish the title history and the origin of the cordon blue dishes. According to one of the versions, Louis XV awarded the Order of the Blue Ribbon to Madame Dubarry, and since then, this award was celebrated the best culinary and delicious disasters, so epithet - cordon blue, as a symbol of the quality sign of a culinary recipe. In Paris, there is an elite culinary academy - Le Cordon Bleu. Founded in 1895, as a school of culinary art. Also, there is a version that the birthday recipe Cordon Blue is Switzerland. But let's leave aside the debate about the origin and title of the dish, and we will try to prepare it the famous dish in the culinary world.

Dec 16 2013

Stew beef with oranges to a festive table

In the festive menu, as a rule, we turn on several meat dishes. Especially carefully we come to the selection of the New Year's and Christmas menu. The task is not easy since the variety of recipes meat dishes is infinite. We offer as a hot dish on New Year's table Original dish - Beef with oranges. Recipe cooking nonsense challenge At least a dish of "beef with oranges" is an extraordinary combination of citrus and meat, create a dish elegant look and spicy taste. We suggest you consider the recipe Beef with oranges.

Oct 17. 2013

Sweet, juicy and fragrant meat with quince - dish for real gourmets

Amazing, one of the mysterious fruits of quince, with a rich bouquet of flavors, his presence gives the sophistication to meat dish. Real gourmets always pleases a new combination of products, we hope that a very gentle meat with an extraordinary aroma of quince will be valued in the mouth, will be appreciated. The dishes are the meat of veal with quince, if you are interested in new ideas you can add a recipe for dishes meat with quinceWhat do you like to taste, in this you show your culinary fantasy, as a result you cook the dish with the royal taste, and that not a little importantly, your creation will look very beautiful and appetizing on the table.
Such a dish, believe me, will appreciate everything!

12 Jul. 2013

Dishes in pots. Chicken fillet with potatoes in a pot

Preparing homely in ceramic pots. Cooked potatoes in the potatoes in the oven With chicken fillet, a tasty and satisfying dish, besides - not difficult in preparation. Potatoes Cooked in pots can be attributed to the category Dietary dish, you can prepare potatoes in the oven using minimal amount fat, with all the beneficial substances saved as much as possible. The cooked food in the pots, it is distinguished by the fact that the dish is very juicy and fragrant.

Especially tasty cooked young potatoes in potatoes. The young potatoes in the pots are prepared in general, so for the preparation of the dish, choose fine potatoes.

17 Jun. 2013

Dishes of Italian cuisine of lasagna with bolognese sauce

One of the most popular Italian dishes Lasagna with bolognese sauce. The dish is the layers of the test by various types of fillings. The most common lasagna recipe with Bologuez sauce - classic, a traditional dish Italian cuisine is known and popular all over the world.
Popularity lazagany with meat sauce bolognese It is explained by the fact that it is one of the most delicious meals of Italian cuisine. In classic performance Lasagna with bolognese sauce Prepare using Parmesan Cheese, but you can replace another solid cheese and successfully prepare a delicious lasagna.

Chicken fillets are lightweight, dietary dish. Recently, cooking dishes from the chicken meat received extraordinary popularity. Preparation of dishes from chicken meat, including - lazy chops of chicken fillets have a number of advantages: a minimum of time, minimum calories, diet nutrition. And as a result tasty dish From chicken fillet. If you decide to cook lazy chops of chicken fillet for dinner - you will not need to make special efforts. To prepare lazy chops can even be a beginner culinary as the preparation of lazy chops require a minimum skill, a simple preparation recipe and as a result of a delicious dish of chicken fillet.

May 23, 2013

Dough for Chebureks, the secret of making gentle dough and chebureki at home

Hot, juicy Chebureki homely with meat enjoy extraordinary popularity and winter and summer. Cheburek demand can be compared with pizza popularity. You can learn how to cook delicious Chebureks with meat at home. To cook delicious Chebureks need to know how to cook good dough For Cheburekov. Chebureks are homely as any dishes cooked houses have a number of advantages over Chebureca purchased: First you can not be afraid of the quality of meat minced meat, especially in the summer; Secondly, the preparation of Chebureks at home on the recipe for pasties for Chebureks will allow a little to reduce the calorie of the celabureks, since the dish of the fatty and the calorie is carried out especially - not everyone.

Cooking Cheburekov does not represent a special difficulty, I propose to cook delicious, juicy Chebureks at home with meat. The secret of making a delicious test is that for the preparation of Chebureks should be taken strongly carbonated mineral water. The dough turns out more gentle. Instead of adding fat, add vodka, vodka gives bubbles on the surface of the test after roasting.

May 8, 2013

Barkuca in Transcarpathian - hot meat dish of Hungarian origin

Meat goulash - " BORGRUK IN SAKARPATSKI", One of the most common and favorite dishes Transcarpathian folk cuisine. "The food of the shepherds" traditionally prepare on open fire in a special bowler - "BRORH". Born dish in Transcarpathia, perhaps even more popular kebabs. Recipes Bograch in Transcarpathian has a unthinkable number of options, the Transcarpathians set up to their taste, but in each recipe preparation of born, the mandatory ingredient is hungarian paprika Purchase spicy taste. It should be noted that the paprika is the main ingredient of almost all Hungarian and Transcarpathian dishes. Goulash Barkch - spicy hot food from the fire at the same time both the first and second dish.
BORGRUK IN SAKARPATSKI Prepare in nature all year round. Preparation of born in nature in a romantic atmosphere among the mountains and Carpathian deaths, this is an amazing vacation that combines pleasant with useful, but I will reveal you the secret that cooking BORGURIC is possible at home. I lived in Transcarpathia for many years and I know that in the menu of almost all restaurants and a cafe is a dish bORGRUK IN SAKARPATSKIand you can easily order the most popular dish Transcarpathian cuisine. Homemade cooks at home, also often prepare a bottle dish, try and you cook biography, if you soon do not foresee a ride in nature. Of course, Born dish will not be with a smoke, but it turns out too well - I tell you very responsible. I give you one of the numerous recipe BORGRUK IN SAKARPATSKI.

18 Apr. 2013

Meat dish of Greek cuisine Steepado from rabbit

The dishes are surprised and admired ease of preparation and wonderful taste. Celebration from rabbit, Classic dish greek cuisine. Stewed rabbit meat with lots of onions, very gentle with thin aroma seasoning. Greek dishes are built on the use of good, high-quality olive oil, which undoubtedly affects the quality and taste of the cooked dishes.
In Greece, the cooking of the stifeado dishes has numerous options, you can strictly not adhere to the preparation recipe and add spices to your taste. In preparation, the stifeado includes the use of beef meat, hare, lamb, but mostly prepare steepado from rabbit meat .

22 mar. 2013

Recipe for ministerial with minced meat

Baked potatoes in the oven at the ministerial - restaurant at home

There are many recipes for making potatoes, including - baked potatoes in the oven. Recipes from potato baked in the oven have the most refined taste due to gentle cooking technology. Simple and affordable dish baked potatoes in the oven, cooked from the classic set of products (meat, onions, potatoes), tasty, satisfying and unusually beautiful dish.

Feb. 19 2013

Italian dishes - beef stew in Italian. Meat in Italian Recipes Italian cuisine.

Preparing Italian dishes at home. Italian dishes recipes do not cease to admire and amaze the way to prepare and taste quality. Beef stew in tomato sauce with the addition of a mixture of basil with rosemary, is included in the numerous list - sophisticated meal of Italian cuisine. Try cooking italian meat And you appreciate the spicy taste of the recipe of beef stew in tomato sauce. Italian dishes From meat offers the site "".

15 Feb. 2013

How to make meat in Greek. Recipes of Greek cuisine Meat dishes

Greek dishes, including - greek meat , please the most exquisite gourmets. The basis of Greek cooking is the simplicity of preparation, nevertheless recipes of Greek cuisine Allocated with colorful and fragrant dishes in the finished form. Greeks pay great attention to healthy food, preparation of Greek cuisine is based on an excellent quality olive oil, very useful for health, which is considered the best in the world. Rich Greek cooking includes many culinary recipes Dishes stored for a long time. Recipes of Greek cuisine For each region of Greece have their own characteristics and traditions. Greek cooking is characterized in that the cooking is turned on only fresh and organic products, and recipes of Greek cuisine Prepare preferably of seasonal products. Greek meat with prune and cinnamon despite the simplicity of cooking, a bright expression of a color of Greek dishes. Special effect of cooked Greek meat It gives the addition of cinnamon's "sweet" spices, giving fragrant and fragrant taste. A small culinary bar code that determines one of the decisive taste in the cooking of meat. For the preparation of meat dishes, the Greek cooking prefers beef and kozdyatin and the demand for the quality of meat is very high. I propose a recipe Greek meat made from beef with prune and cinnamon.

14 Jan. 2013

Frash dishes in the oven, recipe for second dishes From the site "Restaurant at home"

Cooks are constantly engaged in thought what a tasty cook How to diversify the kitchen menu. frash dishes in the oven in the preparation of the kitlet, original recipe for second dishes. Cooking Cotlet not a unavailable task for culinary, even if he knows how to cook delicious cutlets. If you think about the recipe for second dishes, you can offer you to cook frash dishes in the oven Cutlers "Swallow Nest" are very interesting to taste and no less interesting in appearance. IN cooking Cotlet swallow's Nest We use meat minced meat, vegetables and get a beautiful, portion dish both everyday and festive table. You can include a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day, as a snack or meat dish.

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