
How to dilute alcohol with water to get good quality vodka. Alcohol in water or vice versa: how to properly dilute alcohol with water at home The ratio of ethyl alcohol to water

And why, in fact, are they diluted with alcohol? Most often in order to prepare an alcoholic drink.

Why dilute alcohol

Of course, it is also bred in production. But the question of how to correctly pour alcohol into water, or vice versa, most often arises when preparing alcohol at home. It can be anything, not necessarily vodka. Various liqueurs and tinctures are prepared on the basis of alcohol. But before you dilute alcohol with water, you need to be well prepared and familiar with certain rules. Otherwise, it will turn out not too high quality.

How to dilute alcohol with water

This process does not include any complicated procedures. You just need to do everything right. How to dilute alcohol with water? To do this, you only need alcohol itself (96%) and water. It is not recommended to take liquid from the tap. It is also better to exclude boiled water immediately. It is best to purchase it from a store before diluting the alcohol with water. It should be well chilled, but not frozen. So what to pour? Is alcohol in water or vice versa? What do the technologists say? It is necessary to pour alcohol into the water in a thin stream.

Why is it so? If we do the opposite, then when the strength decreases, the solution heats up greatly, and all toxins and other harmful substances are released.

What to do next

The solution must settle. The minimum period is 2 days. But it's better to wait a week. It is necessary to defend the diluted alcohol in a dark place. The bottle should be poured up to the throat so that the oxidation process does not start. Another important point when diluting alcohol with water: if you pour water into alcohol, then the solution will most likely acquire a cloudy color, and it will smell exactly alcoholic, not vodka.

Dilution of alcohol from the point of view of chemists

If a person is even a little familiar with this science, then the question of what to pour - alcohol into water or vice versa, will not even occur to him. After all, any chemist knows that it is the agent to be dissolved that needs to be poured into the solvent, and not vice versa. This reduces the amount of heat generated. It is always the acid that is poured into the water. And even lithium with potassium is thrown into water, rather than doused with liquid.

Since alcohol is one of the strongest oxidizing agents, when it is added to water, the solution will heat up. And this will lead to the formation of peroxide, carbonic and acetic acids and various poisons, which cause a wild hangover. You also need to remember to shake the container with the solution periodically. Then the elements will interact better. A minimum amount of harmful components will remain in the solution if the procedure is carried out correctly.

But again, we must not forget about standing in a cool, dark place. During this time, all components will mix, and the resulting gases will evaporate.

Correct proportions

How much water to add to alcohol? It is believed that the inventor of vodka is Mendeleev. It’s worth looking up to his calculations. The ideal proportion is 2: 3. This is 2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water. This ratio is considered ideal.

But in what proportions to dilute alcohol with water is a private matter for everyone. Not everyone is satisfied with the fortress of 40 o. Someone prefers a sixty-degree drink, but for someone 38 is too much. Therefore, it all depends on what kind of fortress you need to achieve in the end.

Do I need to shake

Scientists do not claim that the solution needs to be shaken. After all, if the procedure is carried out correctly, then the alcohol will dissolve perfectly. But if the composition of alcohol is not the most ideal, then when shaken, all harmful substances will decompose into gas and water.

We figured out what to pour - alcohol into water or vice versa. The main thing is to take into account some of the nuances. Another important consideration in this process is water quality. Much depends on her too.

What should be the water

First of all, when diluting alcohol, the water should not be hard. That is, the content of magnesium and calcium in it should be minimal. Hard water can give the drink a cloudy color, and its taste will not change for the better.

Tap water. It is better not to use it in this case. Firstly, its hardness just rolls over, and secondly, it has a very high chlorine content. This will also negatively affect the quality of the drink.

But if you still have to use just such water, then it must be properly prepared. In order for chlorine to evaporate from it, it must be allowed to settle for at least a few hours. After that, the water must be brought to a boil and cooled. Further, it is advisable to use a filter for cleaning. Only then can the water be used.

Spring water

You can often hear that spring water is the ideal option for diluting alcohol. But it is not so. Of course, spring water most often has excellent taste, but it is possible to determine how hard it is only in a special laboratory.

In addition, its quality also strongly depends on natural conditions: season, precipitation. So this water is also not the best the best way... For a sample, you can dilute a small amount of alcohol and see the result. If the solution remains clear and the taste is acceptable, then you can continue to use this water.

Store water

This is exactly what qualified specialists advise. Here you can be sure of both the composition and the rigidity. After all, all this is indicated on the label. It remains only to find water, the hardness of which does not exceed 1 mg-eq / l. It should be noted that there are many such products on the shelves of modern supermarkets. If the hardness is not indicated on the bottle, then you need to pay attention to the amount of calcium (not more than 10 mg / l) and magnesium (not more than 8 mg / l).

Distilled water

At first glance, this is ideal. Since there are no impurities, the solution will definitely not become cloudy. But there are also some nuances here. It is necessary to decide what the solution will be used for in the future. If a tincture or liqueur with a pronounced taste is prepared on its basis, then distilled water is an excellent option. This liquid has no taste. Therefore, the properties of herbs or berries in the drink will be fully revealed.

But if you need to make vodka, then this liquid is completely inappropriate. And the reason is the same - it has no taste. It is believed that the taste of vodka directly depends on the taste of water. After all, alcohol, whatever it may be, has the same taste as liquid. Before diluting alcohol with water, it is necessary to take all safety measures and in no case should this procedure be carried out near an open fire.

Alcohol vodka is prepared at home in a certain sequence. You can't just combine alcohol and water. The technology includes a number of stages, none of which can be skipped or canceled.


To get a quality product at home, you need to buy an alcohol meter. With this device, you can accurately determine the strength of the drink. If there is no device, then it is difficult to make good vodka, the strength of alcohol often does not coincide with the real level.

To prepare vodka, you should pay attention to the choice of alcohol. To obtain a drink, rubbing alcohol or food alcohol is suitable. It should be borne in mind that the taste and the degree of safety of consumption of the finished product depend on the quality of raw materials. If in doubt, you need to test the alcohol in various ways for a methyl test. The use of technical alcohol is very dangerous for the body, even death, although it is similar in taste and smell to ethanol.

Food alcohol

Manufacturers of alcoholic products use alcohol of the highest purity level as raw materials: extra, basis, alpha and luxury. Alpha is considered the best, as it is made from quality rye and wheat varieties. For alcohol, which is part of the cheapest drinks, raw materials are used that contain starch, for example, sugar beets or potatoes.

During the preparation of vodka from alcohol, it is allowed to use double distillation moonshine. However, then the preparation will not be carried out according to the classical technology. Moonshine is acceptable as an exception.


For vodka made from alcohol, good water is important. The transparency, softness and excellent taste of the finished drink depend on it. From use mineral water or liquid from the water supply will have to be discarded immediately. For homemade vodka, water is suitable, which contains few minerals and salt. But it cannot be distilled or boiled, since such manipulations will interfere with its normal mixing with alcohol. Bottled water is great.

When buying a liquid, you need to watch out minimum amount the specified substances. You can buy water for children in the supermarket, it is properly purified and will give vodka good characteristics.

Water for children

If you dilute alcohol with water, it will be very harsh, and when you taste it, you will feel dryness on your tongue. To eliminate this result, the taste of vodka is softened by adding any of these ingredients:

  1. Glycerin in the amount of 5 mg per 1 liter of the finished product.
  2. Pharmacy glucose - from 10 to 20 ml per 1 liter.
  3. Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter.

All expensive specimens use glucose, it is considered the best component... Lemon juice is added as a complementary ingredient to taste: it makes the vodka softer and more tender. To make 1 liter of vodka from alcohol, you will need 0.03 liters of freshly squeezed lemon juice. 1 medium-sized fruit will be enough.


How to dilute alcohol? The strength level of vodka can range from 40 to 56% vol. However, in countries European Union the minimum strength corresponds to a mark of 37.5% vol. Based on this information, you need to calculate the correct proportions.

Alcohol dilution

There are special online programs that help determine the required water content in the finished vodka. They calculate based on the displacement of alcohol, the level of its percentage, not paying attention to additional components.

To prepare a drink, the components are connected in a set sequence. You need to collect a certain amount of pure water into the vessel, components intended to soften the drink (lemon juice, glucose) are sent there. The vessel is tightly covered with a lid, the mixture is shaken for several minutes, then the solution is left for 3 hours.


In mass production, large factories subject the semi-finished product to multiple filtration. It is a cleaning in which all unnecessary impurities that spoil the taste and quality of the product are removed from the drink. Homemade vodka from alcohol does not have to go through this stage.

You can self-purify vodka from alcohol. To do this, you will have to pass it several times through a filter designed for water, for example, "Barrier" or BRITA.

Purification of vodka from alcohol with the "Barrier" filter

If the device is missing, then there is another way. You need to put cotton wool in the watering can, and on top of it there are 2 tablets of white coal, if the raw material for the drink is of high quality, then the filtration will be successful.

The final steps of the whole process are the stage of settling and pouring into containers. The preparation of a delicious drink necessarily includes keeping it in the refrigerator for 3-10 days, which will improve the taste. After pouring the finished product into bottles, it must be well closed so that air does not penetrate into the vessels.


How to make vodka from alcohol according to the classic recipe? Required components:

  1. 2 liters of water.
  2. 0.04 l of pharmacy glucose 40%.
  3. 96% alcohol 1.25 l.

Pharmacy glucose

During the cooking process, be sure to pour water into the container, and then gradually add alcohol to it. The solution made is thoroughly mixed. To do this, shake the container previously covered with a lid. Then it must be placed in the freezer.

Alcohol vodka must be refrigerated before serving. It goes well with a variety of appetizers: pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, herring, cold cuts or more hearty dishes.


You can also make vodka from alcohol with the addition of various spices, which will add piquancy to the taste. To obtain the product, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 2 glasses of alcohol;
  • 1 cup dried lemon peel
  • cardamom, ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg.

Before starting the process, you need to prepare a glass vessel with a lid. It mixes water with alcohol, then the can is sent to the refrigerator for cooling for 3 hours. After the specified time, the vessel is removed, and at ready product a glass of dried lemon peel is sent.

Mixing water with alcohol

Further, the recipe for making vodka provides for its infusion for 6 hours in a freezer or refrigerator. Then the resulting lemon tincture is subject to distillation on an apparatus to obtain moonshine. The number of additional components can be changed, but for 1 liter of the drink it is best to put 4 g of cinnamon, 1 g each of nutmeg and cardamom. Then the product is tightly closed again and sent to a warm room for half a day.

Cover the vessel well with a woolen blanket or place in a preheated oven. Then the container must be placed in a cool room for the same time for full infusion. The resulting product is filtered, for which gauze is used, folded in several layers. A completely chilled drink should be tasted and, if necessary, add granulated sugar or glucose to it.


How else to make vodka from alcohol? The lemon version has excellent taste. The drink comes out exquisitely pleasant to the taste, which is due to notes of lemon aroma, it is pleasant to drink it without eating anything. To make such vodka from alcohol, you will need:

  • medium-sized lemon (with a thin peel) - 1 pc .;
  • clean water - 0.6 l;
  • alcohol - 0.4 l.

Lemon vodka at home

If fresh lemon is not available, citrus juice can be substituted for dried lemon peel. Fresh lemon needs to be washed and doused with boiling water, then wipe well with a paper towel and carefully cut off the peel with a sharp knife. Grind the zest and send it to a clean glass jar. Pour water into another vessel, add alcohol to it, mix, send to the refrigerator for 2 hours. Juice is squeezed out of the remaining lemon into a small container.

After the solution has been infused, part of it is added to the lemon juice, and the second part is poured into a vessel with zest. Each container is covered with a lid and placed in a dry, warm room for 2 weeks. Before serving, the drink is filtered, it is allowed to add 1 tbsp to taste. l. Sahara.

Vodka made from alcohol is easy to make, and the cost of obtaining it will be significantly less than purchasing a high-quality product in a store. In the process of its manufacture, it is allowed to experiment with taste.

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It just so happened that in Russia they love strong drinks. The most famous is Russian vodka, which is very popular far beyond the borders of Russia. The industry produces a wide variety of vodka, but if you have already tried all of it, then make a homemade one. To do this, you need to dilute the alcohol that you have at home.

Usually alcohol is produced with a strength of 96%, and vodka has a lower strength - 40%. Therefore, to make vodka from alcohol, you need to add water to it. Take only perfectly clean water: spring, distilled or from the tap, but passed through a water filter. In order for strong burning alcohol to become a delicious exclusive vodka, strict proportions for its dilution must be observed: two parts of alcohol and three parts of water. Taking 500 ml of alcohol and pouring 750 ml of water into it, the result is 1250 ml of vodka - a great serving!

If the alcohol is diluted for any other purpose, except for its consumption, the dilution can be finished at this. But if you are going to put homemade vodka on the table, then it should be ennobled. For every liter of diluted alcohol, add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and a tiny pinch citric acid... Shake the bottle well and leave to “ripen” for 2-3 days. You will see what a soft and pleasant vodka you get. It may happen that there were a lot of salts in the water - then unappetizing flakes may fall out in the final product. If this happens, then add 5-6 tablets of activated carbon to the bottle. After two to three hours, strain the diluted alcohol through filter paper. You can also use diluted alcohol by other methods - choose which one you like best.

In addition to 96% alcohol, 70% is often found. Such alcohol is diluted in a completely different proportion: 100 ml of alcohol and 78 ml of water.

There are times when you need to dilute alcohol of non-traditional strength. In the table below, you can find data on how much water you need to add to alcohol of different strengths to get a liquid of a certain strength. For example: in 1000 ml of alcohol with a strength of 80% (first column, fourth line from the bottom), you need to add 630 ml of water (sixth column, fourth line from the bottom), the result will be vodka with a strength of 50% (sixth column, fourteenth line from the bottom).

In no case try to dilute technical ethyl alcohol - it contains a lot of foreign impurities and it can greatly harm the body. Only pure medical grade is suitable for breeding and further consumption.

For many, vodka is an obligatory attribute of a feast. But few people know that it can be used on the farm for a variety of purposes. Cheap vodka can be a great substitute for more expensive products and products, while providing the same result.

The use of cheap vodka

1. Bad vodka instead of dry cleaning

By sprinkling things with vodka, you can eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Unfortunately, bad vodka is powerless against stains, therefore, after spilling red wine on your favorite dress, you do not need to experiment - take it straight to the dry cleaner.

2. Vodka for cleaning glasses

You can make eyeglass lens cleaner at home.

After all, the composition of the factory liquid includes water, alcohol and a little detergent (for example, for dishes). This solution may not work with specially coated lenses.

3. Cheap vodka to remove sticker marks

Bad vodka dissolves the adhesive used in the stickers very well.

4. Vodka mouthwash

Vodka can kill germs that cause bad breath. Add some cinnamon, mint or tea tree oil to the vodka, let it brew for two weeks. The mouthwash is ready. Most importantly, do not forget to spit out this liquid after rinsing.

Oddly enough, such a tincture well masks the smell of fumes.

5. Cheap vodka to extend the life of flowers

Add a teaspoon each of vodka and sugar to a vase of freshly cut flowers. Cheap vodka kills bacteria in the water, and sugar provides the flowers with nutrients.

6. Vodka for making puff pastry

While making puff pastry, add cold vodka to it. Thanks to the liquid, the dough is easier to knead, and during baking, the vodka evaporates, and you get the perfect puff or shortbread.

7. Vodka for making tinctures

Medium quality vodka is ideal for making aromatic liqueurs, such as chocolate or vanilla. Add a fragrant product to vodka and let it brew - perhaps the most common use of vodka for non-standard purposes.

8. Vodka for washing windows

Diluted vodka is an excellent substitute for glass cleaners. Dilute the vodka with water and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. After washing the glasses, rub them with newspapers.

9. Vodka to remove odors

If your shoes smell bad, you can sprinkle them with vodka. In the same way, you can temporarily get rid of unpleasant foot odor.

10. Vodka against dandruff

By rinsing your hair with vodka, you can successfully fight dandruff. Mix a glass of vodka with two teaspoons of rosemary and let it brew for two days. Strain the tincture and use it as a rinse aid.

11. Vodka to fight injuries

Mix equal proportions of vodka and water, fill a heating pad with the solution and put it in the freezer. Apply a cooled heating pad to bruises to avoid inflammation and bruising.

12. Vodka instead of antibacterial gel

Vodka kills bacteria, making it an excellent substitute for antibacterial gel. Just fill a small perfume bottle with vodka and spray it into the palm of your hand if needed.

13. Vodka instead of face lotion

Dampen a cotton swab with vodka and rub it over your face to unclog pores. Vodka is also good for herpes.

14. Vodka for treating wounds

Vodka acts both as a local anesthetic and as a disinfectant. Therefore, it is excellent for treating scratches and other minor wounds.

15. Improving the quality of vodka

Cheap vodka can be passed through a charcoal filter several times. It will become softer and more aromatic.

16. Vodka for making liqueurs

Place fruits, herbs or berries in a jar and fill them with vodka. You can decorate the interior with such jars.

The process of mixing the main ingredients, of which there are only two - alcohol and vodka, is quite simple. This method of making vodka is called the "cold" method, it is used both at home and in industrial production... So that the final result does not upset, but pleases with the quality and strength of the product, you need to know how to properly organize the mixing process. So, let's begin.

Requirements for alcohol

The main ingredient in homemade vodka is purified ethyl alcohol. In its pure form, its strength can reach 96.5% (a product of the "Extra" class), but it is best to use alcohol of the "Lux" class with a percentage of strength of 96.3. It is also permissible to use an alcoholic alcohol-containing product of the highest purity of 96.2%, but the quality of the resulting vodka will be an order of magnitude lower.

The right water is important

Particular attention should be paid to water, because when making homemade vodka, a completely justified question arises, and with what water to dilute alcohol?
It is impossible to dilute with ordinary tap water, otherwise alcohol will become cloudy when interacting with it. It is necessary to use special, that is, purified water, the people call it "corrected". Basic requirements for water: must have no color, no smell, no taste, be crystal clear.

You can, of course, take tap water, first let it settle and purify it through a household filter. But best of all, to dilute alcohol, use distilled water, which is sold in a pharmacy, or, alternatively, buy a children's drink in a supermarket.

Quality product proportions

In order for the final product to be good enough to meet the stated strength requirements, the proportions must be strictly observed when mixing the main ingredients.
If the correct ratio of alcohol and water is violated, an alcoholic product of low quality may turn out, more precisely, low-alcohol water.

Even D.I. Mendeleev derived the ideal proportion of high-quality vodka with an acceptable strength (40-42%) - two parts of alcohol to three parts of purified water. It is important that the portions are measured not by volume (ml), but by weight (g), this will help to more accurately calculate the strength of the drink.

How to improve the taste of vodka
To give more pleasant taste and smell, the following components can be added to homemade vodka:

  • sugar or honey;
  • glucose;
  • citric acid;
  • orange peels;
  • food essences and flavors.

Poorly diluted alcohol can be easily distinguished from vodka; after drinking it, the mouth feels dry and unpleasant. In industry, and in everyday life, to make diluted alcohol (vodka) more soft, food glycerin (5 mg per liter of product) or glucose (20 mg per one liter of vodka) is used as an additive.

What you need to know

For the best quality home vodka, obtained by mixing the correct proportions of alcohol and water, there are several important points to consider:

  • alcohol is always poured into prepared water, and in no case is it the other way around. Specialists of homemade alcoholic preparations confirm the fact that the quality of the resulting product directly depends on the mixing process;
  • after dilution, it is imperative to shake the liquid in a closed container, turning it upside down;
  • the quality of the drink improves if the produced vodka is put in the refrigerator for a day;
  • when mixing 200 ml of alcohol and 300 ml of water, the final product will not have a volume of 500 ml.

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