
What happens if you add to vodka. Improving taste and smell. How to make vodka soft and tasty

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can proceed to mixing alcohol and water. This seemingly simple process has its own subtleties and myths passed down from generation to generation.

It is important to strictly observe the proportions

There are many recipes where the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2 parts ethanol to 3 parts water. To properly dilute alcohol and achieve the exact strength, it is better to use a special table with ready-made calculations.

Dilution table of 100 ml ethanol with water

° 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50
90 6,4
85 13,3 6,6
80 20,9 13,8 6,8
75 29,5 21,8 14,5 7,2
70 39,1 31,0 23,1 15,4 7,6
65 50,1 41,4 33,0 24,7 16,4 8,2
60 67,9 53,7 44,5 35,4 26,5 17,6 8,8
55 78,0 67,8 57,9 48,1 38,3 28,6 19,0 9,5
50 96,0 84,7 73,9 63,0 52,4 41,7 31,3 20,5 10,4
45 117,2 105,3 93,3 81,2 69,5 57,8 46,0 34,5 22,9 11,4
40 144,4 130,8 117,3 104,0 90,8 77,6 64,5 51,4 38,5 25,6
35 178,7 163,3 148,0 132,9 117,8 102,8 87,9 73,1 58,3 43,6
30 224,1 206,2 188,6 171,1 153,6 136,0 118,9 101,7 84,5 67,5
25 278,1 266,1 245,2 224,3 203,5 182,8 162,2 141,7 121,2 100,7
20 382,0 355,8 329,8 304,0 278,3 252,6 227,0 201,4 176,0 150,6
15 540,0 505,3 471,0 436,9 402,8 368,8 334,9 301,1 267,3 233,6

In the first line we find the original strength of the existing rectification. The first column contains the strength of the already diluted alcohol. At the intersection - the amount of water that needs to be diluted with 0.1 liters of alcohol.

Example: the initial product is 1 liter of ethyl rectified 95 °, the desired result is vodka 40 °. You will need 1444 ml of water (144.4 ml for every 100 ml of alcohol).

You can't pour water into alcohol - fiction

There is a widespread belief that only alcohol can be added to water and in no case vice versa. This theory is based on a lot of pseudoscientific research about the structure of water and how it breaks down. Ethanol, cloudy after the injection of water, is often cited in confirmation.

In the professional environment of chemists, this statement does not find a response. In terms of chemical processes, there is no difference between water mixed with ethanol and ethanol diluted with water. And the turbidity of the alcohol solution after adding water is explained by the loss of mineral salts... That is why, when choosing water, it is advised to pay attention to their content.

> And if chemists have no questions, the physical side of the process has its own peculiarities. When water is poured into the solvent, a thermal reaction occurs with the release of heat. This is due to the different densities of liquids. This can be flammable only under the condition of very large volumes. Alcohol vodka at home is usually not made in such quantities as to result in significant heat emission. Quite acceptable warming of the aqueous-alcoholic solution is noted.

Vodka needs at least 2 days, and it is better to keep it in the cold for 2 weeks - fiction

When making homemade alcohol, it is practiced for a long time in a cool dark place. The goal is to wait as much as possible possible amount impurities in the sediment. In the case of vodka, 99% of the salts fall out within the first few hours. Further aging only takes time, but usually does not affect the quality level.

Alcohol vodka recipe

To make vodka from alcohol yourself, you will need:

  • alcohol 95 ° - 1 liter;
  • bottled water - 1.444 liters;
  • glucose - 30 ml.

Cooking method

  • We prepare the required amount of ingredients. When using alcohol of a different strength, we look at the table and recalculate the amount of water.
  • We mix alcohol with water. The sequence of actions is not important here. But practicing moonshiners recommend diluting the water with ethanol, pouring it in a thin stream into pre-measured water.
  • Add glucose to mixed alcohol. Stir and even shake as thoroughly as possible.
  • To make the alcohol vodka cleaner, let's use a simple but effective carbon filtration. This will require activated carbon. Suitable brands KAU-A, KAU-SORB, BAU-A, BAU-LV. The amount of coal required for cleaning will depend on the type. The exact information can be found in the instructions for each drug.
  • Coal can be crushed, added to vodka and filtered after 2-3 hours. Another way is to make a coal column. To do this, take a funnel and alternate layers of crushed coal and cotton or special filter discs. We pass vodka through this filter several times.

The drink is ready to drink immediately after cooling to the desired temperature. There are no shelf life restrictions.

It is easy to prepare alcoholic drinks at home, but in order to get a high-quality product at the end, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. If you follow the technology and carefully choose the ingredients, then homemade alcohol can be no worse than its store counterparts. Craftsmen especially often try to make vodka.

In this case, it is important not only to take into account the specifics of its manufacture, but also to know b how to make vodka softer... For e that has its own secrets and tricks.

Important to remember that the taste and quality of the prepared drink directly depends on the correct choice of the necessary ingredients. If you take this without proper attention, then the resulting vodka will not only not taste good, but also hazardous to health.


Features of the choice of ingredients

To prepare vodka, you will need the following components:

  • ethanol;
  • water;
  • various additives that can soften vodka and improve its taste.

Alcohol is the basis of the future drink and you needapproach responsibly. An inexperienced person can confuse ethyl alcohol with methyl alcohol, which will inevitably lead to poisoning. Methanol is a harmful toxic substance that, if ingested, causes severe vomiting, headaches, vision problems and dizziness. This confusion can occur due to the fact that both types of alcohol do not differ from each other in taste and smell.

The easiest way to tell them apart is to set fire to liquids and see what color the flame will burn. Ethyl alcohol has a blue tint, and technical methyl alcohol has a green tint.

The following video shows how alcohol is determined:

The next important inthe main ingredient of vodka is water. To make her softer in you should opt for bottled baby water, which is sold at almost any grocery store. It differs from the usual one in the absence of silver, low content of minerals and salts. At the same time, you should not go to extremes - distilled or boiled water will not mix well with alcohol.

For cooking soft taste In vodka, various additives are often used to help reduce the specific taste of alcohol. Without them, an alcoholic beverage can leave an unpleasant aftertaste.e and cause dry mouth. The most popular supplements are sugar, glucose, fructose, and glycerin. Sometimes a little freshly squeezed lemon juice is used.

Components for softening vodka

When making vodka from alcohol at home, to give softness spirits and drinks am various additives can be used. When using them, it is important adhere to the recommended proportions so as not to distort the taste the final product.

You can improve the taste of homemade vodka using the following components:

  • Burnt sugar. The most affordable option, but it must be borne in mind that low-quality sucrose can lead to turbidity of vodka and an increase in the smell of alcohol. The best result can be achieved with refined sugar, which should be crushed and turned into caramel. To do this, pour it into a frying pan and add a little water, so that in consistency it becomes like wet sand. The resulting mass, not forgetting to stir constantly, is brought to a boil, and then removed from the heat. Recommended proportion: 1 teaspoon of burnt sugar in 1 liter of vodka. Insist two days .
  • Glucose. It is sold in powder or aqueous solution in ampoules - both are ideal for softening the taste of vodka. Optimal ratio: 20-25 ml of solution\ 3 grams of powder per 1 liter of vodka with a strength of 40%. You can slightly increase the amount of added glucose to 30 ml or 15 grams, but you should not get carried away with such experiments - alcohol can become sweet, which will ruin its taste and aggravate the hangover syndrome.
  • Fructose. Fruit sugar is several times sweeter than regular white sand, so no more than½ tablespoon for 1-3 liters of vodka.
  • Food grade glycerin. Looks like colorless liquid in consistency reminding and I syrup. Use glycerin n ado carefully, since any deviation from the recommended proportions can make the vodka unusable. To soften the drinkworth adding to itno more than 5 ml of glycerin. If done correctly, homemade vodka will be especially easy to drink.

In addition to monosaccharides and glycerin, acidifiers are also used. These include ascorbic and citric acids. Ascorbic acid dissolves well in an alcoholic solution and is able to prevent oxidation processes. For 1 liter of vodka, it needs from 3 to 5 grams. Citric acid copes with the function of softening the drink no worse and is added at the rate of 2-6 grams per liter.

If you thoroughly approach the choice of raw materials and knowhow to make vodka softerand tastier, then you can get a high-quality drink that is not inferior to those on store shelves. Components for softening the taste of alcoholic beverages are easy to find in abouthousehold stores or pharmacies. When adding them, it is important to observe the correct proportions so as not to spoil the drink, depriving it of its original taste.

Choose vodka . A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. If you have bad vodka (for example, in plastic bottle), then your tincture will have a chemical flavor. Choose a middle-class vodka, not elite, but not the cheapest, then you get a good drink.

Choose a flavor. You can be conservative or creative. From whipped cream to bacon, you can pair anything with vodka these days; don't skip these combinations until you've tasted it. Decide what flavor you want for the tincture, then choose fruits, berries, peppers, or herbs (or bacon). Don't limit your imagination. Here are some ideas:

  • Use one ingredient for the tincture. Choose mango, orange peel, watermelon, apple, blueberry, vanilla, cinnamon, basil, chili, horseradish, or bacon.
  • By mixing chili peppers, horseradish and bacon, you cook delicious cocktail"Bloody Mary" .
  • By mixing orange zest and cinnamon, you will feel like sitting in front of a fireplace during a snowfall. For a Christmas feel, add cranberries and vanilla pods.
  • Mixing mango, pineapple and passion fruit, you will feel like on a sunny beach with a delicious cocktail in hand. Read the Tips section for other ideas.
  • Determine the amount of ingredients for the tincture. Vodka (whoever drank, he knows) has a rather specific taste. To prevent the taste of vodka from interrupting the taste of the ingredient you have chosen, you need to determine the correct proportions. Here are some guidelines for the amount of tincture ingredients.
  • If you infuse vodka on fruit, use one to three, depending on the size of the fruit. For example, take two large apples, or one large grapefruit, small fruits (apricots, plums, etc.) will need more, 3-4 pieces.
  • If using fresh herbs, use one to three handfuls, depending on the strength and aroma of the herb. If using dried herbs and spices, cut your portions in half.
  • If you are making a berry tincture, take at least 1 cup of berries, don't be afraid to take more.
  • If you are making peppers, use as many peppers as you like. The more peppers you take, and the longer you infuse the drink, the stronger and sharper the pepper will turn out.
  • Prepare your ingredients. Avoid using dirty, unwashed ingredients to infuse vodka to avoid the awkward moment of getting dirt on your teeth in the middle of a party. Wash all fresh ingredients thoroughly except dry spices. Here are some guidelines for preparing ingredients:

    Preparation of the tincture

    1. Place ingredients in a clean, sealed container. Glass jars with tight screw caps work best. The amount of vodka (bottles, bottles, etc.) will determine how many cans you need. It is best to divide the ingredients in half, put one half in one jar, and the other half of the ingredients in the other jar. But if you have a large enough container to hold all your vodka, you can use it.

      • The proportions of each ingredient, if you are using multiple products, depend on the individual taste.
    2. Insist! Fill the container with vodka, seal it tightly and put it in a safe place. You can put it in the refrigerator to keep it cool at all times, or leave it on the table just out of the sun!

    3. Wait and shake. It is usually recommended to infuse vodka for two to five days. Citrus fruits and rich flavored ingredients tend to infuse fairly quickly, softer or fibrous ingredients like vanilla or fresh ginger need to be infused for a week or so. Shake the container once a day to speed up the process. In order not to miss the moment when the vodka acquires the desired taste, try the tincture every two days.

      • Some people recommend infusing vodka for two weeks or even longer, but this is necessary for a large volume of drink, for example, in a restaurant. For one liter of vodka, one week is enough to get a delicious tincture.
  • Vodka is a strong drink that has long become traditional in Russia. The history of its creation and preparation began many centuries ago. The first preparation of vodka from alcohol using the distillation method occurred in the 10th century. Modern recipes for making homemade hop drinks are based on a similar technology.

    Homemade vodka made from alcohol and water can taste completely different. Manufacturers use their zest and tricks when creating it. Someone prefers to create a "green snake" with their own hands according to the classical scheme, with alcohol and glucose. Other hardcore homemade drinkers add citrus and spice to the alcohol by mixing lemon peels, nutmeg, cardamom, or cinnamon into the moonshine. In any case, independent production of hot liquids is a complex technological process. The procedure for preparing alcoholic beverages consists of several interrelated and important stages. This article will show you how to make a good vodka at home.

    To make vodka at home, prepare the required and auxiliary components. The obligatory ones include:

    • alcohol good quality(medical or ethyl);
    • raw drinking water, well purified and completely transparent;
    • sugar-based syrup or glucose.

    To make their vodka tasty and aromatic, craftsmen add additional ingredients to it:

    • milk;
    • essence of vinegar;
    • citrus fruit peels;
    • black pepper;
    • citric acid;
    • sugar.

    Experienced manufacturers of forty-degree vodka give their recommendations on how to properly make alcohol with your own hands.

    1. The optimal proportions of alcohol and purified liquid are 2: 3.
    2. The order in which the ingredients are added (water to alcohol or vice versa) does not matter.
    3. When mixing liquids, it is better to focus on their weight rather than volume.
    4. To make the fiery water made at home tasty, various herbal additives are used in the process of its preparation (flowers, roots, herbs, citrus fruit peels, spices). Such elements are added to an already finished alcoholic product and the bitter insist on them for 30 days.
    5. Sweeteners (sugar syrup, glucose) help soften the taste of homemade alcohol.

    Consider how to make vodka from alcohol at home on specific example(recipe for the phased production of moonshine).

    If you're wondering how to make the best alcohol-based vodka at home, be sure to read the following step-by-step guide.

    1. Alcohol and water are diluted in the correct ratio.
    2. It is better to take the liquid for the production of homemade forty-degree water from spring or well-purified (bottled table). It is better not to use boiled or distilled water, because the alcohol solution in it dissolves poorly.
    3. When choosing alcohol for the preparation of your alcohol, it is better to give preference to the ethyl composition. You can take a homemade drink as a basis and rubbing alcohol, but it should contain a minimum of impurities and third-party additives. At the stage of choosing a solution, you will need a hydrometer (alcoholometer) - a tool that will help determine the degree of strength of an element. The proportions of water mixed with alcohol depend on this parameter.
    4. The next stage in the production of bitter is the addition of the remaining products to the aqueous-alcoholic solution. A sweetener (glucose or sugar based syrup) is mainly used. Some manufacturers add natural flavors (honey, lemon or other citrus fruit peels, raspberries).
    5. All components are prepared, and now you can start preparing an intoxicating drink. At this stage, you need to correctly determine how to dilute pure alcohol to vodka. If the strength of the solution is 96%, then to obtain 3 liters of 40-degree from it, the following components will be required:
    • water (until the volume of alcoholic liquid reaches 3 liters);
    • glucose (40 ml);
    • alcohol (1250 ml).

    The best strength for vodka is 40 ° C. In an alcoholic drink with such parameters, all the constituent components are completely dissolved. Please note that the process of preparing the rectified material is accompanied by a chemical reaction, so the volume of the resulting liquid is less than the initial volume of the constituents. All components are recommended to be thoroughly mixed in a spacious container.

    1. Purification of prepared vodka. When making homemade alcoholic moonshine, you should be aware of the peculiarities of the purification of such alcohol. There are several ways to do this. The most used is the infusion of fiery liquid on activated charcoal tablets. They are thrown into a container with an intoxicating drink, then stirred and insisted for 2 hours. The purified vodka is filtered through cheesecloth.

    So now you know how to make a classic 40-degree booze yourself. Pour the prepared solution into bottles and let it brew for 7 days. Be sure to store vodka in sealed containers so that it doesn't oxidize and taste like vinegar. Remember to check the quality of the fire liquid before pouring.

    How to check the quality of alcohol-based vodka at home?

    If you do not know how to check the quality of vodka made from alcohol at home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several effective methods.

    1. Appreciate the smell. A good vodka should only smell like alcohol. The presence of acetone or other harmful chemical components in the aroma of intoxicating drink is unacceptable.
    2. Cold check. Place the finished vodka in the freezer for 1 hour, setting the temperature to -18 ° C-30 ° C. If the alcoholic liquid is of poor quality, it will freeze during this time, and ice crystals will form inside the bottle. Drinking such moonshine is not recommended.
    3. Setting fire to the drink. Heat the vodka a little on gas stove, then pour it into a small lid and light it with a match. White high quality always burns well, with a light blue light. Bad alcohol either does not burn at all, or flares up in the same way as gasoline.
    4. Weighing. It is known that 1 liter of good vodka weighs 953 g (the weight is indicated without taking into account the container). Having previously weighed a bottle with a capacity of 1 liter, and then pouring alcohol into it and putting it back on the scales, it is possible, by simple arithmetic calculations, to determine the real weight of alcohol prepared at home.

    Ingredients for vodka

    Making a high-quality vodka at home is not a difficult task. The main thing is to collect the necessary set of ingredients and observe the proportions recommended in the recipe. The quality of home-made alcohol is higher compared to store-bought, and besides, natural flavors (for example, lemon or orange peel, raspberry berries) can always be added to home-made vodka. What products are needed to create your fiery liquid from alcohol? More on this later in the article.

    Water as the main component

    If you are looking for an answer to the question “how is homemade vodka made” and want to create this alcoholic drink with your own hands, use pure and transparent spring water for this purpose. Life-giving transparent moisture is the main ingredient in self-made moonshine. To make a high-quality forty-degree alcohol from strong alcohol, choose the right water. For people living in a city, it is difficult to find spring life-giving moisture. They can use bottled water from the store to make their own hop drink. Its main characteristics:

    • maximum transparency (clear liquid is softer);
    • minimum of salts (manufacturers of bottled water indicate the amount of salts contained on the label).

    Do not boil and distill the liquid used to create alcohol with your own hands. It lacks useful elements helping to dissolve alcohol.

    Alcohol preparation

    Understanding the question "how to make alcohol from alcohol", pay special attention to the recommendations for the correct preparation of the main ingredient. The alcohol used to make alcohol at home is medicinal or ethyl alcohol. The differences between these varieties are minimal, so for the stated purpose, take any of the options. You will need a hydrometer to help you determine the initial degree of a pure alcohol solution (this parameter is important for calculating the optimal amount of water).

    Ancillary Products

    Making artisanal drunken drinks is not limited to the use of only strong alcohol and water. Glucose is also added to the product. It is sold in pharmacies, but there are craftsmen who cook it on their own according to the following recipe. Stir sugar in water in a 1: 1 ratio. Place the container with the sweet solution over low heat and remove the foam that accumulates as it boils. The sugar syrup is ready when all the foam has been removed. It is removed from the heat and cooled, and then poured into a water-alcohol solution.

    As an experiment, the taste of ready-made home-made moonshine can be enriched with citric acid, honey, various juices (raspberry, lemon, orange, apple). Below is a table with the exact rates of dilution of an alcohol solution with water.

    Connecting components

    So, all the ingredients are ready, but to get vodka, they need to be thoroughly mixed. Determine the volume of liquid required to dilute a strong alcohol solution. For example, if you want a 40 ° C hop drink, use the following proportions of the main ingredients:

    • alcohol (90 ° C) - 100 ml;
    • water - 130.8 ml.

    Thus, 1.3 parts of water are added to 1 part of a 90-degree solution. Flavors and glucose practically do not change the strength of homemade alcohol.

    Forty-degree vodka - best option intoxicating drink for consumption. If the above proportions are observed, all harmful substances contained in pure alcohol will completely dissolve.

    The procedure for mixing the ingredients is as follows.

    1. Pure water is poured into a spacious container, flavoring agents (optional) and glucose are added to it.
    2. Next, alcohol is carefully poured into the container, the resulting liquid is thoroughly mixed, and then the vessel with the alcoholic liquid is tightly closed.

    The alcoholic drink is shaken well so that all components are mixed with each other evenly.

    Purification and filtration

    Solving the problem "how to make vodka from alcohol, water and glucose at home" pay special attention to filtering and cleaning the product. To make the prepared solution softer and more transparent, add 4 tablets of activated carbon to it, stir and leave for 2 hours at room temperature. When the indicated time is up, strain the solution using a thick cloth. How is homemade alcohol made from pure alcohol? A lot of useful and varied information about this can be found in recipes. We bring to your attention better ways creating alcohol with your own hands.


    Vodka at home and the recipe for its production from alcohol are completely different. The taste of homemade alcohol is influenced by the additives used in the manufacture of the intoxicated drink. Let's talk a little about how alcohol-based vodka was prepared before, and who came up with its perfect recipe for the first time?

    The practice of diluting alcohol to the state of forty-degree alcohol has existed for a very long time. And only the most famous scientist-chemist, D.I.Mendeleev, managed to work out the ideal proportions for mixing the 2 main elements of homemade alcohol. The scientist carried out many computational manipulations with alcohol and, finally, he managed to find the optimal formula for the production of vodka at home, with his own hands:

    • 96% alcohol - 2 parts (for example, 200 g);
    • clean water - 3 parts (respectively, 300 g).

    The named components must be thoroughly mixed in a closed and sealed container, quickly turning the latter upside down and back. After completing the above activities, it is advisable to place alcohol in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Mendeleev was often called the father of Russian vodka by the people. He really did a great job before he could come up with a formula for mixing alcohol with water. Now the result of his labors is taken as a basis in the preparation of many recipes for alcohol from alcohol.

    Classic recipe

    • 2 liters of water;
    • 40 ml glucose (40% solution);
    • Alcohol with a strength of 96% and a volume of 1 liter 250 ml.

    Stick to this cooking technology.

    1. Pour water, glucose and alcohol into one jar.
    2. Stir all the liquids first with a long spoon, close the container with a tight lid, shake it well.
    3. Take the prepared alcohol solution outside (if it's freezing weather) or leave it in the refrigerator.

    After a few hours (preferably the next day) you can taste your vodka. Sweeten it and add natural fruit flavors (such as juices) to the drink.

    Spicy vodka

    The recipe for spicy homemade vodka will certainly appeal to lovers of spicy notes in alcohol. The beverage production technology is simple.

    1. Combine alcohol with water in a 2: 3 ratio, mix well the constituent components of the future alcohol and refrigerate in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
    2. Wait a few hours, let the alcohol cool well. Take out the bottle, uncork it and add dried lemon zest (1 cup) there.
    3. Let the alcohol brew for about 5 hours, leaving it in a cool place (you can put the drink back in the refrigerator).
    4. Pass the alcohol solution through the moonshine still.
    5. Further, according to the recipe, you will need to measure the strength and volume of the resulting distillate.
    6. Add cinnamon (5 g per liter), cardamom, nutmeg to the hop mixture (at the rate of 1 g of each ingredient per liter of alcoholic liquid). If you want to make your vodka taste more piquant and pungent, add more spices to it than indicated in the recipe.
    7. Close the container with aromatic alcohol tightly and put it in a dark and warm place. For example, wrap a bottle of alcohol in a warm blanket or place it in a hot oven with a keep warm function for 11 hours.
    8. After the specified time has elapsed, leave the container for 12 hours in a dark place to brew the drink.

    Homemade alcohol with spices is ready. Now filter it through cheesecloth and refrigerate. To soften the taste of vodka, add pharmacy glucose or sugar to it.

    Do-it-yourself peppercorns

    Do you want to know how to make pepper vodka at home? We bring to your attention good recipe... Prepare the following ingredients:

    • vodka made from alcohol classic recipe- 0.5 l;
    • cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • 6 peas of black allspice;
    • 1 pod of red pepper.

    Place allspice peas and cloves in a red pepper pod so that they do not float on the surface. Pre-cut the pod and remove the seeds from the inside. Place the pod in a jar of vodka and let it sit for 3-5 days.

    Vodka nutrovka

    This recipe will tell you how to make nutcracker vodka. The preparation of this type of drink is no different in complexity. The main thing is to have the following set of ingredients on hand:

    • inshell pine nuts (0.5 kg);
    • water (2 l) - with its help, resin is evaporated from pine nuts;
    • alcohol-based vodka (3 l).

    The nutcracker cooking technology consists of the following stages.

    1. Pine nuts are thrown into water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Then the liquid is drained and replaced with new, clean water. The nuts are boiled in it for another 5 minutes.
    2. Nuts are thrown in a colander and left there until all the water has drained off.
    3. Cedar fruits are mixed with vodka, and then the bottle of alcohol is taken to a warm and dark room for 2 weeks.

    The finished nutcracker has a pleasant taste and alluring aroma.

    Citrus alcoholic vodka

    A wonderful refreshing alcoholic drink is obtained from alcohol-based vodka, to which dried peels and peel of lemon or orange are added. To prepare aromatic alcohol, you will need:

    • vodka 40 ° C - 400 ml;
    • pure raw water - 600 ml;
    • lemon or orange - 1 piece (you can take both fruits at once).

    Pour boiling water over citrus fruits so that they become soft and peel off easily. Wipe the fruit well, and then peel off with a knife. Next, cut the zest into thin slices and place in an empty bottle.

    Mix water and pure rubbing alcohol in a separate container. The finished alcohol solution should cool down well, so put it in the refrigerator for several hours after cooking.

    Squeeze the juice out of the citrus pulp, collect it in a separate jar. Divide the prepared and cooled vodka infusion into 2 equal parts. Mix one of them with juice, the second - send to a container and zest of lemon or orange. Close both jars tightly and leave them in a dry and dark place for 2 weeks. After the specified time, drinks can be tasted by pre-filtering them.

    The recipe for alcoholic vodka infused with citrus described above can be slightly improved by distilling the solution through a moonshine unit and adding glucose or sugar syrup to it.

    Brandy option

    Vodka-cognac from alcohol - original recipe"2 in 1". If you want to make just such a drink, prepare the following set of ingredients:

    • sugar (1 tsp);
    • soda (0.5 tsp);
    • 2 carnations;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 3 liters of homemade alcoholic vodka;
    • powdered oak bark (1 tsp);
    • a little vanilla (on the tip of a knife);
    • 3 black peppercorns;
    • instant coffee (1 tsp);
    • brew from loose leaf tea high quality (1 tsp).

    Mix all the ingredients in one bowl and place it on the stove over low heat. Don't forget to cover the pot with a transparent lid (this will let you see when the mixture starts to boil). Once this process begins, remove the vodka from the heat and take it to a cool place to cool. Strain the cooled cognac through cheesecloth, bottle and refrigerate.

    Another variant of cognac made from alcoholic vodka is ladies'. They are prepared with the following ingredients:

    • 40-degree moonshine or alcohol diluted to such a strength with water;
    • medium-sized lemon with a crust, which needs to be chopped well;
    • oak bark dust (1 tablespoon);
    • 1 teaspoon of instant coffee;
    • ½ teaspoon sugar.

    The technology of making ladies' brandy from vodka with alcohol includes the following stages.

    1. Cut the lemon together with the peel so that the juice is preserved in it.
    2. Pour alcohol over the lemon and refrigerate it for 3 days.
    3. Take out the homemade alcohol, strain it, add the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly, close the container with a tight lid and put it in a dark and cool corner for 7 days.
    4. After the indicated period of time has passed, do the following. Take a free container and pour the alcoholic drink into it. Then return the cognac back to the old empty bottle. Do the manipulations 3-4 times, and then leave the drink in the same place. It should be infused for another 3 days.
    5. Filter the finished alcoholic mixture, bottle it and store it in a dark, cool place. Homemade brandy made from alcoholic vodka is completely ready to drink.

    Lemon mint vodka

    Lemon-mint alcoholic vodka is a light alcoholic drink that tastes good and contains a lot of vitamin C in its composition. This vodka will be a great addition to festive table, will improve appetite and promote good absorption of food. Ingredients you will need to make lemon-mint tincture:

    • 1 liter of alcoholic vodka;
    • 3-4 lemons;
    • 2-2.5 cups of sugar;
    • 1 large bunch fresh mint

    Cooking technology:

    • rinse lemons and mint under cold running water;
    • remove droplets of liquid from the mint by shaking it over the sink (blot lemons with paper towels);
    • using a knife, remove the zest from all citrus fruits (only the upper yellow layer);
    • remove the white shell from the pulp of the lemons, and then cut the fruit into cubes or slices, remove the seeds (getting into an alcoholic drink, they will make it bitter);
    • pluck all the leaves from the mint branches and chop them finely on a cutting board;
    • put prepared lemons and mint in a glass jar with a capacity of 2 liters, and then pour these ingredients with vodka;
    • well seal the jar with a tight plastic lid and leave it in a dark and warm place for 3-4 days;
    • when the specified period of time has expired, strain the aromatic alcohol through cheesecloth and a watering can into another clean and dried jar of the same volume;
    • squeeze the grounds well, and then add 2-2.5 cups of sugar to lemon-mint vodka;
    • an alcoholic drink, brought to half-readiness, cover with a lid, shake well 2 times, and then set in a dark place for 10 days - let it infuse;
    • Shake the can of homemade alcohol several times daily.

    The finished lemon-mint tincture has a slightly yellowish color and is almost completely transparent. You can pour it into a beautiful decanter and serve it to the table. It is better if it is chilled. The drink can be garnished with lemon wedges and mint leaves and served over ice in a large glass.

    When creating alcoholic vodka with your own hands, remember that the abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to serious disruptions in the work of the whole body (up to the development of alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver, multiple organ failure). Of course, you are not forbidden to drink homemade vodka from alcohol. But do it in moderation, avoid alcohol overdose, and follow these tips.

    1. Make homemade vodka only from high-quality ethyl alcohol.
    2. Never mix alcoholic beverages of different strength levels. Remember the rule "do not lower the degree!". If you have already started drinking homemade vodka, use only it, without mixing the homemade alcoholic drink with wine or beer. Such experiments often end in failure, and the person ends up in intensive care.
    3. Choose for yourself the optimal daily dosage of alcohol (for example, 100-150 ml) and try not to exceed it. The individual characteristics of the human body greatly affect the rate of consumption of pure home-made alcohol.
    4. When using homemade intoxicated drinks, control your condition.
    5. Drink alcohol in small sips, not in whole glasses.
    6. Homemade alcohol solution cannot be combined with cigarettes. If you do smoke after drinking, control your own condition especially carefully.
    7. The technology for making vodka at home involves the use of good alcohol. Buy this ingredient only in trusted and reliable points. Be sure to see if it says on the drug label that alcohol is for external use only.
    8. In no case do not buy any alcoholic beverages on your hands (especially if you do not know what components are mixed in them).
    9. It is better to make a vodka drink 40-degree, and do not use ethyl alcohol in its pure form (95-96 ° C), so as not to provoke severe poisoning, burns of the esophagus and other organs of the digestive system.
    10. If you need to quickly prepare alcoholic vodka, simply dilute 200 ml of pure ethyl alcohol with water or fruit juice (300 ml). This will prevent you from burning your mucous membranes by drinking too much alcohol.

    Remember - if the quality of the tested home vodka is poor, you cannot drink it. Otherwise, you will experience severe poisoning with characteristic unpleasant symptoms (nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, convulsions). In such a situation, you need to contact the nearest medical institution or call an ambulance.

    To eliminate the specific smell and improve the taste of vodka, additional home cleaning and aromatization are used, adding a variety of fruits, berries, herbs, and various spices to it. They are also added to the finished purified vodka, which is infused for a certain time to obtain the desired effect.

    For holidays and family celebrations (weddings , anniversaries), a decent amount of alcoholic beverages is purchased, at least half of which is vodka.

    To save money, you can not buy expensive vodka, but clean the cheap one.

    After cleaning, pour the precious moisture intooriginal vessels and decanters and delight guests with quality and quantity.

    So how are we going to cleanse?

    Vodka purification

    Method 1:

    To purify vodka, add 5 slightly crushed into small pieces with the handle of a knife (but not crushed into powder) tablets purchased at the pharmacy Carbolene (activated carbon).

    Then the bottle is closed and vigorously shaken for 2-3 minutes, while the vodka turns black. After 10 minutes, shaking is repeated. After half an hour, the bottle can be shaken again.

    After that, the bottle is left in complete rest in the dark for 2-3 days.

    At the end of settling, a dense black layer of activated carbon is deposited at the bottom of the bottle, and above it is the purest vodka, which is very carefully siphoned off the sediment.

    Do not try to filter the vodka to speed up the process - the filter will instantly become clogged with coal and the filtration will stop.
    It is necessary to wait patiently for the coal to completely precipitate by itself.

    At the same time, the loss of vodka is about 5%, which remain at the bottom in the black coal sediment. The more Karbolen is put, the more vodka will be lost.

    The vodka purified in this way surpasses any of the most expensive in purity and taste.

    Method 2:

    More effective and more accessible than other methods is filtration, in which vodka passes through filters of adsorbent substances; activated carbon is most often used in their role.
    You can also strain the vodka through a vessel with charcoal, or place the charcoal directly in the vodka at the rate of 50 g of charcoal per liter of vodka. Leave the charcoal on for 3 weeks, remembering to shake the container in which you are cleaning daily. Filter the liquid after 3 weeks. Now you can see for yourself by tasting that the vodka has become cleaner. Better to use coal left over from burning birch firewood.

    Method 3:

    You can pass vodka through household filters for purification such as "Rodnichok", "Barrier", etc.

    Method 4:

    The old Russian method of purifying homemade vodka: a little must be added to the vodka made milk or egg white. These products bind fusel oils and together with them form a sediment at the bottom. Pour the vodka carefully into a clean vessel and distill again. Then put freshly baked rye bread into it. The product obtained as a result of all these operations is practically pure alcohol, free from any impurities.

    Method 5:

    By the same principle, vodka can be cleaned using potassium permanganate... Pour 2-3 g of potassium permanganate powder into a 3-liter jar and wait until a precipitate forms. Next, carefully pour the purified vodka into another dish, avoiding sediment getting into it.

    Method 6:

    Cleansing freezing method... Place the bottle in the freezer of the refrigerator, defrost it after a while and carefully pour it into a clean dish, and make sure that the ice from the walls of the bottle does not get into the cleaned drink. The mechanism of the proposed method is not complicated: the water in the vodka freezes, creating an ice crust on the inner surface of the bottle and absorbing harmful impurities, including fusel oils. Try the defrosted vodka, and you yourself will feel that its taste, and hence the quality, has improved significantly.

    Aromatization of vodka

    To eliminate specific odors and improve taste vodkas use aromatization, adding a variety of fruits, berries, herbs, various spices to it. They are also added to the finished purified vodka, which is infused for a certain time to obtain the desired effect.

    Initially, hops were used to flavor vodka and moonshine. Even in small quantities, it can almost completely destroy fusel odor and taste.
    Bee honey, which is also an effective aromatic additive, is distinguished by similar qualities.

    Many medicinal herbs can be used for aromatization. Such vodka, in addition to a pleasant smell, acquires and medicinal properties.

    If a plant infused in the same vodka is changed from time to time to a fresh one, then it will turn out concentrated infusion, which can then be used to improve the taste and smell of vodka, simply by adding it in a small amount.

    The most practical way is to infuse the vodka flavor in a glass container. If you need urgent aromatization(for example, for the arrival of guests), it is best to put the bottles in a pot of water on wooden blocks and boil for an hour. Then cool in cold water.

    When making homemade vodka flavoring can also be added to the starter culture. Herbs, lemon and orange skins are very appropriate here. However, the aroma is barely noticeable. To enhance it, it is better to first insist on the flavoring agent of your choice with the water used to make the mash (or prepare a decoction), and after that dilute the leaven in this water.

    Here are some recipes for vodka and moonshine with an improved taste and smell.

    Orange vodka

    Ingredients: refined sugar, water - 1 liter, vodka - 2 liters, peel from 4-5 oranges.
    Preparation: Boil the syrup from refined sugar and water. Mix with vodka. Pour into a bottle and toss in the orange peels. Place in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then filter and bottle.


    Ingredients: dried fruits (pears, apples, cherries, plums, figs), vodka, horns, honey, pepper pods to taste.
    Preparation: rinse dried fruits and horns, fill with vodka, add honey and pepper to taste. Cover the dishes with a piece of bread and cover with unleavened dough. Put it in a very warm place for 12 hours (in the village - on a hot stove). Drink hot. Fruit can also be eaten.

    Grape vodka

    Ingredients: grape juice - 1l, sugar - 1 kg, tea - 1 tbsp. l., bay leaf - 5 pcs., black peppercorns - 5 pcs., vanillin - 0.5 tsp, vodka - 1 l.
    Preparation: Add the listed ingredients to the vodka. Insist 5-6 days, stirring regularly. Strain. These flavors perfectly eliminate moonshine odor.

    Cherry vodka

    Ingredients: vodka, cherry fruits.
    Preparation: fill the bottle 3/4 full with ripe cherries (half of them should be pitted), fill with vodka and put in the cellar for 1.5 months. After the above time has passed, drain the vodka, and squeeze the cherries through the canvas. Let them settle. After a day, mix the juice with vodka, pour into bottles, seal. It is recommended to try it in a year.

    Usually, women prefer milder and sweeter drinks compared to classic moonshine. Especially for them, we present several recipes for drinks with a pleasant, mild taste.

    Strawberry vodka

    Ingredients: strawberries or strawberries - 3 kg, sugar - 1.5 kg, vodka - 1 bottle.
    Preparation: grate strawberries or strawberries with sugar, add vodka.


    Ingredients: strong moonshine - 3l, sugar and high quality tea - 1 tablespoon each, bay leaf - 3 pcs., Black peppercorns - 5 pcs., Clove buds - 3-5 pcs., Several orange or lemon peels.
    Preparation: mix all the ingredients thoroughly and let the vodka brew for 10 days.


    Ingredients: raspberries, vodka, sugar syrup to taste.
    Preparation: Fill the bottle 3/4 full with ripe raspberries. Pour in vodka and keep in the shade for two days. Drain, discard the raspberries, put on 1/2 a fresh bottle and refill with the same vodka for two days. Drain, strain. Dilute the sugar syrup and add to taste.


    Ingredients: vodka, leaves and flowers of field wormwood.

    Preparation: dry the upper leaves and flowers of the field wormwood in the shade, then immerse them in vodka so that they take up a quarter of the container. Vodka can be consumed in 1-2 weeks.

    Caraway vodka

    Ingredients: caraway seeds - 350-400 g, water - 1 liter, sugar to taste.
    Preparation: distill water with caraway seeds through a distillation apparatus. The resulting caraway water can be stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar for several months. When you need caraway vodka, sweeten the water just a little, pour it into the vodka to taste - and the drink is ready.

    Colored vodka

    Vodka can be given a very beautiful color without the use of any artificial colors.
    For her to acquire:

    - blue - insist on cornflowers;
    - green - on mint;
    - red - on blueberries;
    - purple - on sunflower seeds;
    - yellow - on saffron.

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