
What is pesto sauce from what do. How to cook pesto sauce at home step by step: the best recipes with photos, composition, ingredients. Pesto sauce - blank for the winter: a recipe from the basil. What do pesto sauce, what is it suitable, how to use it?

Each dish has its own unique aroma, which appears during cooking. But in most cases, satisfying second dishes acquire their taste due to the addition of various sauces. Such a delightful, wonderful additive is "pesto."

Briefly about sauce

Italian pasta is the main national dish, which is prepared in each country's region. However, each terrain prefers to use its characteristic additives to a traditional dish. That is what appeared in Genoa's province, in the Liguria region, Pesto's popular sauce.

The origin of the recipe for the Italian fragrant additive to the world-famous paste is considered to be the times of the Roman Empire. However, the first entry that documented the appearance of the sauce was made just over 150 years ago.

The prescription is based on unchanged products - sheep solid cheese, olive oil (1st spin), basil with green leaves, garlic, nuts of drink. In some other regions, Italy is customary to add tomatoes, not nuts, or it happens that even dried tomatoes with almonds are used, but refuse to add cheese.

Interestingly, "pesto" is perfect not only for pasta. It can be used as a spicy fragrant additive to meat dishes, seafood, changing the classic set of ingredients.

The only main method of cooking is unchanged, which is the use of a marble mortar with a wooden pestle. It is possible to replace the ancient kitchen equipment for a blender and a mixer, but even the name of the sauce is literally translated as "rubbing", "trample", "crushing."

Classic recipe

You can give an extraordinary and rich taste with meat or fish dish by making a pesto sauce yourself at home. For the absence of real sheep cheese, it will be best to make a replacement exclusively only in the form of a "Parmesan" solid cheese. Other options for this cheese choice will simply not fit the classic recipe.

The cooking process should be started with the preparation of products. For this, solid cheese grate finely on the grater. Basil rinse, get rid of excess moisture using a paper towel. Clear garlic, cut into small slices, plates.

To achieve a homogeneous consistency, pour the oil with parts on one tablespoon. In the mortar, fold the basil, salt and grind the greens to the pushing mass.

After adding cheese, nuts, garlic, oil. The crowd follows a wooden pestle to homogeneity, gradually pouring the remaining olive oil.

Having achieved the necessary consistency - thick, green, soft mass, can be served "pesto" to the table. If there is no mortar mortar in the kitchen, you can use a blender to create a sauce.

Recipe for cooking Sauce "Pesto" from Sicily

One of the variations of the preparation of Italian stunning Sosto Sauce is a recipe with the addition of fresh tomato from Sicily. The taste of such a fragrant additive not only becomes brighter, but it will be much more familiar in color scheme, unlike the green classic "pesto".

To create a tomato version of the sauce, you will need:

  • basil leaves - 30 g;
  • cedar nuts - 20 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 250 g;
  • ricotta cheese - 70 g;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • parmesan cheese - 30 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp. (without a slide);
  • ground pepper - 1 pinch;
  • garlic - 1 tooth.

The creation of fragrant additive will be required only ten minutes using the kitchen combine. In one hundred grams of the same wonderful sauce will be contained only 143 kcal.

Preparation of products start with tomatoes. They should be cut into halves, squeeze the juice from tomatoes or dry on a dry pan, eliminating excess moisture. Two types of cheese roll on a shallow grater. Basil leaves rinse, and clean the garlic.

To put tomatoes, basil, nuts, parmesan cheese, pepper, garlic, salt. Mixing to a homogeneous consistency, add ricotta cheese and oil. Mix the products again to create a sauce. This option of cooking sauce allows you to store it in a cold place for just a couple of days.

Prepare a gentle. We have prepared several recipes that can be prepared both in a multicooker and in the oven.

Flour cake with potatoes and fish - which is perfectly combined with vegetable salads.

Lean carrot cupcake - this dish can even be prepared in a strict post. Read our tips and dish will succeed in glory.

Fragrant "pesto" with walnuts and parsley

Another wonderful option to prepare "pesto" is the change in the components on cheaper, affordable ingredients. Thus, expensive cedar nuts are replaced by peanuts, walnuts, and no less fragrant parsley is added to the fragrant basil. To create sauce you will need:

  • walnut kernels - 20 g (4 pcs.);
  • peanuts - 12 g (1 tbsp);
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • solid grade cheese - 60 g;
  • basil - 60 g;
  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • lemon - 30 g (1/4 part).

Use the blender in the cooking process allows you to make a sauce for twenty minutes. The energy value of four portions will be equal to 353 kcal per 100 g "pesto."

Purified nuts during the preparation of products need to be chopped by hands or with a knife. Clear garlic, cut on slices, slightly pushe for the performance of the juice. All the greens are large in crop. Grated cheese finely.

In the blender, you should post all the components, and the cheese last time, and from Lemon squeezing juice. Oil add only in the process of stirring in small portions. Grinding all products, a thick light green color "Pesto" sauce, which is stored in a cool place, is served to meat dishes, flashes on black bread with tomato and cheese.

Culinary subtleties

The President of the Consortium of the Genuy Sauce makes a question about the preservation of the traditional classic prescription of the fragrant "pesto". Many existing options for creating this dish allows you to choose the same sauce that you like close and relatives. But culinary subtleties when creating it are:

  1. When choosing a basil, it should be remembered that the traditional recipe assumes the constant use of green leaves of this fragrant greenery;
  2. Proportions and the number of individual components are regulated independently, to choose a chef;
  3. The sauce may have mint, rollets, dill, as well as peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
  4. Mandatory is the use of exclusively olive oil, as well as preferably 1 sacrament-Extra Virgin.

Italian sauce must be stored in a sterilized container, which should be glass. It is usually put in the refrigerator, but the shelf life is no more than two days.

Pesto sauce - bright green and refreshing, useful and appetizing, tasty and universal. It is an integral part of the Italian menu and is always unique in its composition. The benefits of sauce is undoubted - it is simply a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, the necessary organism of fatty acids.

Motherland - North Italy, Genoa.

History of Sauce.

This question for descendants of proud Romans is painful, since, in their opinion, Pesto was always. Italians remember how Giuseppe Garibaldi loved supporters to themselves on the smell of sauce; They talk about his Pratrocerats from the sacred Roman Empire. And although the first mention of the sauce was a recipe from the cookbook of Giovanni Batista Ratto, published in 1860, the Italians don't care - not in vain they created the Order of the Brotherhood Pesto!

What is pesto sauce?

The basis of the traditional recipe was basil, nuts, garlic, solid cheese and olive oil. But even the Italians themselves will never name the exact proportions of the sauce - all the cooks prepare it in their taste, so to speak "on the eyes", assuring that the sauce should not be prepared, but to be born.

Modern masters of the culinary genre diversified the recipe by introducing new components into it, and the housewives adapted it to them, introducing constant replacement of inaccessible products.

The Italians actively apply to the traditional recipe of sauce, rejecting all its analogues, but there may be similar transformations of the sauce and helped him keep up with the times, it does not have to become boring in his monotony.

Peso species

Changes in the traditional composition led to the fact that the classic green pesto - the sauce acquired a number of other shades.

Red sauce, ideally complementary meat, is obtained by introducing into dried or dried tomatoes.

Yellow sauce, especially harmonizing with soups, is prepared from a combination of ricotta and parmesan.

Purple sauce, making seafood dishes by breathtaking, create arugula and basil purple shades.

What do pesto sauce?

With paste (pasta) and spaghetti, with tomatoes and bread, chips and cracker, with Lazagne and Caprese - Yes, with what you wish! It will drink meat, chicken, fish and vegetables, refreshing salad, give piquancy with soup and seafood. From pesto at home, you can even make a layer in homemade bread, distributing it with a thin layer in the test, and you can simply serve it to boiled potatoes, chop or roll from eggplant strips.

Important secrets of cooking

Deciding to cook pesto at home, remember that:

  • The riding of the culinary skill in the preparation of the sauce is considered to be the rubbing of all components in the marble mortar. But a traditional mortar can successfully make a blender. In this case, the sauce does not actually lose in taste, but the time of its preparation is reduced at times. Try both options and choose the best.
  • Garlic and greens for sauce must be taken fresh and dry.
  • Keep pesto - sauce in the refrigerator can be from 2 days to week, in a frozen form - up to 4 months.
  • Freeze sauce is most convenient in molds for ice for 3 hours, after which the cubes are placed in the package and go to the freezer. If the sauce is planned to be frozen initially, then the cheese is not added to it immediately, but after defrosting.

Possible replacements in sauce

  • Basil in sauce is perfectly replaced by parstics, arugula, cilantro, spinach or a combination of them. It is not bad to add a couple of mint leaves, because in the original recipe it uses a lemon basil (from PRA).
  • Cedar nuts can be replaced with walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, peanuts and almonds, as well as pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
  • Italian parmesan replace with any solid cheese.
  • Instead of garlic, you can try to enter the lemon zest.

Classic pesto sauce

In Italy, this sauce is called traditional or pesto in Genoese, emphasizing the place of its creation.


  • basil Green, Fresh - 1 Bunch
  • solid cheese (parmesan) - 100 gr.
  • olive oil "Extra Virgin" - 150 ml.
  • cedar nuts - 80 gr.
  • garlic - 2 medium-sized teeth
  • salt large, non-iodized - 1 pinch

You need to cook like this:

  1. My basil, we dry, sprinkle with salt and rub into a mortar.
  2. Nuts fry on a dry pan, grind and mix with greens.
  3. Clotters of garlic clean, squeeze the garbaged in the mixture and again grind everything together (pestle).
  4. The cheese is rubbed on the small grater and introduce into the composition, again the legs of all components.
  5. In the resulting mass, pour the oil with a jet, stirring it with a spoon.
  6. We put the sauce into a clean dry jar, close it and send it to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

If there is a blender, cooking is reduced to the fact that all the components are bored with a knife, poured with oil and beaten in a blender bowl of 1-2 minutes.

This pesto recipe from Basilica is close to classic in composition, but not to taste. In the recipe components are given in "cups". To prepare the sauce correctly take a cup of 150 ml.


  • green Fresh Basil Leaves - 4 Cups
  • solid grated cheese (parmesan) - 1 cup
  • roasted cedar nuts - ½ cups
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • olive oil "Extra Virgin" - 1 cup
  • large (sea) salt and pepper - at will

You need to cook like this:

  1. Basil, chopped garlic, nuts, cheese and lemon zest (without a white layer) put in the bowl of the blender.
  2. From lemon, squeeze the juice and pour the prepared composition, if you wish salt and pepper.
  3. We pour oil into a blender and beat up to homogeneity.

Pesto with basil and walnuts is preparing for the same recipe. For this, the kernel of walnut roasted and measure the required amount - ½ cups. However, pesto sauce with cedar nuts has a milder taste.

Pesto sauce from parsley

This is a softer sauce option created on the expanses of our beautiful homeland. It can additionally introduce several fresh mint leaves and arugula.


  • parsley greens - 150 grams (or 75 gr. Parsley and Basilica)
  • solid grated cheese (can be "Russian", etc.) - 70 gr.
  • roasted nuts (cedar or any other) - 70-80 gr.
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth
  • olive oil "Extra Virgin" - 3 tablespoons
  • wine vinegar or lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • large salt - at will

You need to cook like this:

  1. Parsley (or a mixture of parsley with a basil), chopped garlic, nuts and grated cheese put in the bowl of the blender and grind.
  2. Add olive oil, salt and vinegar to the mixture or lemon juice (better in several techniques to control the taste). Be whipped again.
  3. We put the sauce into a clean dry jar, stored in the refrigerator.

For this recipe, another pesto from radishes leaves is preparing. It's easy to cook it - quite the greens of parsley in the recipe for the leaves of radishes, which is approximately 15-20 young "tops" (the old will give the sauce excessive bitterness).

This pesto sauce is from Sicily, where tomatoes entered its composition. Thanks to them, the sauce has acquired not only a reddish shade, but also began to be used to prepare a pizza.


  • basil Green, Fresh (Leaves) - 35 pieces
  • grated solid cheese (parmesan) - 100 grams
  • olive oil "Extra Virgin" - 5 tablespoons
  • cedar Nuts - 3 tablespoons
  • garlic - 1 teeth
  • fresh red tomatoes - 200-250 gr.
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
  • salt large - at will

You need to cook like this:

  1. By greenery, add chopped tomato, garlic, nuts, butter and beat.
  2. In the resulting composition we introduce tomato paste and cheese. Be whipped again.
  3. We place the sauce into a clean dry jar, store no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

The luxurious recipe option will be used instead of 100 grams. Solid cheese mixture of ricotta cheeses (or mozzarella) in the amount of 70 gr. and parmesan - 30 grams.

In addition, in the Sicilian version of the sauce, the sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes are slightly dried in a pan, getting rid of extra liquid.

Pesto Sauce

People's readiness for experiments allowed to create a unique cerema-based sauce. It turns out amazingly delicious, but keep in mind that it is better to use very young shoots for its preparation.


  • cherems - 0.3 - 0,5 kilo
  • unty solid cheese (parmesan) - 3 tablespoons.
  • olive oil "Extra Virgin" - 150 ml
  • cedar nuts - 3 tablespoons.
  • salt large - at will

You need to cook like this:

  1. My chemash, we dry, sprinkle with salt and put in the bowl of the blender.
  2. By greenery, add chopped garlic, nuts, butter and beat.
  3. In the resulting composition I introduce cheese. Be whipped again.
  4. We put the sauce into a clean dry jar, stored in the refrigerator.

This Italian sauce in composition, but not according to the method of preparation. Nevertheless, it is very bright and tasty. In addition, it is stored for a long time, since it rolled it.


  • basil, leaves - 80 pieces
  • grated solid cheese (parmesan) - 150 gr.
  • olive oil "EXTRA VIRGIN" - 300 ml
  • cedar Nuts - 6 tablespoons
  • garlic - 2 medium teeth
  • salt large - at will

You need to cook like this:

  1. My basil, we dry, sprinkle salt and put the blender in the bowl.
  2. By greenery, add chopped garlic, 3/4 nuts, ½ all cheese, butter and whipped to a pasty state.
  3. We place a mixture into a saucepan and heating, adding the remainder of cheese and nuts (without frauding them).
  4. After boiling, the sauce should be tomorrow on the stove 5-6 minutes and immediately decompose into sterile jars. Roll and cool, cover from above towel (blanket). Store in the refrigerator (cellar).

Pesto sauce refers to the category of spicy gas stations, which add special flavoring notes into second dishes. Today, to prepare pesto sauce, you don't need too much effort, because cooks have several adaptations of the traditional recipe.


  • There is a version that pesto was invented many centuries ago by Persians. However, the widespread consumption of sauce began in the XIX century in the area of \u200b\u200bNorthern Italy - Liguria.
  • According to the legends, sauce took with them the sailors. Therefore, when they went with a ladder, they always walked the bright smell of basil.
  • In the literal sense, the name is translated as "crushing" or "trample." In the Mediterranean, this sauce is served in any restaurant, and he has a traditional saturated green color. In France, the refueling is called "Pip", it is done in Provence.
  • The composition of the sauce has not changed for a long time. The basis is always a basil, usually green, and not red (the last variety is distinguished by a sharp smell).
  • Recipes with dried basil or ground garlic are very far from the original taste of "pesto." Therefore, if you do not have fresh leaves, cooking sauce is better to postpone.
  • The classic "pesto" is also not without cheese. As a rule, "Parmesan" is used, but as an experiment is allowed to add sour cream cheese or "Suluguni".
  • Usually the Italian sauce recipe includes nuts that are similar to cedar. However, you can take the fruits of walnuts. And, for example, in Austria, Pesto is preparing even with pumpkin seeds.
  • Souces like pesto, very useful for health. They strengthen the heart and saturate with iron, vitamin C and acids.
  • The saturated composition of the sauce provides quite high calorie content. Per 100 g of the product accounted for as many as 454 kcal.
  • Pesto sauce is equally well suited for refueling salads, and for feeding to fish, climbing or paste. A very tasty dish turns out if in the process of cooking meat poultry put the sauce under the skin.


Cooking the classic Pesto sauce is not related to high costs. The main thing is to take care of, this is the freshness of all ingredients. Required:

  • 7 tbsp. Olive oils;
  • basil beam;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 40 g of cedar nuts;
  • 50 g of the vigorous "parmesan";
  • salt.

Wash the basil leaves, dry. Blender put garlic, nuts, some oil and salt. Grind in my puree. Add cheese, more salts and oils. According to the consistency, as a result, a mixture is obtained, similar to a whipped butter. Classic "pesto" is better stored in the refrigerator.

In post

The composition of such a sauce is not much different from the traditional recipe. Lean "pesto" make on the basis of the following components:

  • bunch of green medium-sized basil;
  • olive oil;
  • 1-2 tbsp. fried cedar nuts;
  • 1-2 purified cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 tbsp. Lemon juice.

Grind basil, juice, nuts, garlic in the blender, and then add oil there. For taste, you can put cilantro.

Red "Pesto"

Green "pesto" is almost always done with cheese. However, the Italians love tomatoes, so sometimes sauce is prepared for a different recipe, without cheese. Its composition:

  • 2 glasses of basil leaves;
  • 5 dried tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. roasted nuts;
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil;
  • salt.

In the combine, we send garlic, nuts, tomatoes, salt and basil. After grinding slowly pour olive oil.

There is another option to make "pesto" without a cheese ingredient. Have to take:

  • bunch of kinse;
  • 6 tbsp. coconut cream;
  • handful of pistachios;
  • 1 tbsp. Lyme juice;
  • garlic;
  • chilli;
  • salt, sugar, ground pepper.

In the blender we put garlic, kinse, pistachios, pepper, and at the end - juice, cream and sugar on the tip of the knife. A minute later, the sauce is ready, you can salt and pepper.

With greens

Classic pesto sauce always has a green color due to the Basilica. However, greens can be different. Italians love refueling with parsley. It is necessary to cook:

  • bunch of parsley;
  • clove of garlic;
  • sage leaves;
  • olive oil;
  • fresh oregano;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • salt.

Green sauce must be made using a shredder so that the spices do not mix in a solid porridge. First you need to process parsley in chopper, then add some oil, beat again. Then the salt, oregano, garlic and sage are added. Again the whole mixture is crushed. So that the green sauce had an sophisticated taste and was stored longer in the cold, vinegar was putting.

With arugula

From arugula you can make no less delicious sauce than with a basil. For the recipe will take:

  • 1 garlic clove;
  • an incomplete glass of wedd cheese;
  • a third of a pistachio glasses;
  • 4 cups of beb-arugula leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp lemon zest;
  • olive oil chamber;
  • salt and pepper.

To begin with grinding garlic. I will add cheese and pistachios to him, once again turn on the chopper. Then you need to put the leaves of arugula, zest, juice. After a new grinding turn, the oil is slowly poured. Spice add to finished sauce.

With mayonnaise

Pesto sauce at home can be made even on a mayonnaise basis. It turns out more calories, but the taste will come out with rich and rich. Required:

  • 15 g Basilica;
  • 2 tbsp. Olive oils;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tsp. mustard;
  • 1 tsp. white wine vinegar;
  • 500 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Hold the leaves of the basil in boiling water for 15 seconds, then send it to cold water. Dry leaves and put in a blender with olive oil. Turn on the shredder. To make mayonnaise, you need to beat yolks with mustard and vinegar. In the process, vegetable oil is gradually poured. In the resulting mayonnaise, chopped basil and salt.

Recipes with sauce

Preparation of Pesto sauce is no less significant than creating a dish that this sauce is refilled.Today in different kitchens of the world there are many recipes using "pesto" as a refueling.

  1. Italian sauce is perfectly combined with such a root plant as potatoes. A young potato becomes especially soft and piquant. Boil the product without removing the peel, 15 minutes in salted water. Cooled, but still warm potatoes with fresh "pesto".
  2. Mediterranean cuisine is rich in fish dishes. Therefore, fillet is often served with Pesto sauce to give low-fat fish fragrance and delicate taste. Just lubricate the oil form for baking or bed there foil. Put 500 g fish fillets, not forgetting to salt and pepper. From above you need to smear the sauce. In the oven, the Fish in Pesto is baked at 200 S.
  3. Pasta with pesto sauce - the most popular dish in Italy. Cooking pasta need not to the end, and also do not fully get rid of the received bravery. Mix the paste with olive oil, add a pesto sauce and sprinkle "Parmesan" before serving.
  • Traditional sauce is better to do without a blender. The best assistant will become a marble mortar, with the help of which the ingredients are tricious to homogeneity. Reviews about this method only positive.
  • After reviewing the photo recipes on the Internet, you will notice that the basil does not turn into porridge. Therefore, in the case of the use of the blender, do not forget to beat the sauce on the minimum turnover in pulse mode. So that the scent of the sauce has revealed, add lemon juice and a little zest. For the same purposes, nuts can be dried in a pan minutes 10. If the cedar nuts did not turn out, take almond or hazelnut.
  • The price of basil in winter is high, so it is better to freeze the leaves in advance. You can also use another greens. In Russia and Germany, the Basilica take the Basilica.
  • For storage of sauce, need a glass container. In the refrigerator, the refrigeration is holding a week. With full freezing sauce, the cheese is not needed. For deep freezing, ice containers are excellent.
  • Ready Pesto sauce can be found in any major gastronomic store. The price depends on the manufacturer and starts from 100 rubles for a small jar.

Italian classic pesto sauce from Basilica is an excellent addition to boiled pastry, pizza, or. It is preparing enough simply, and if you apply a blender instead of a mortar, a few minutes come to the whole process.

Pesto has a refreshing, a little spicy taste and stands out for its pronounced green color, which will definitely add the originality to any Italian dish.


  • basil green - beam (approximately 30-40 g);
  • olive oil - about 50 ml;
  • parmesan cheese (or any solid cheese) - 50 g;
  • cedar nuts - 30 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth.

Pesto Recipe Classic Sauce at home

How to cook pesto sauce in mortar

  1. So that the cedar nuts acquire a more pronounced taste and saturated fragrance, fry them on a dry pan with moderate heat. It is not necessary to bring nuts to darkening - you will need only 2-3 minutes of frying, during which the kernels of nuts need to be constantly mixed.
  2. Basil is rinsed with cold water and we dry, then we climb all the green leaves - the stems will not be useful to us. Pesto sauce can be prepared in two ways - in a blender and marble mortar. The first option is faster - all the ingredients are laid in the bowl of the blender and simply grind up to homogeneity. However, the second method is considered to be more "correct", classical. Therefore, if you have time, we advise you to prefer to him.
  3. Pure and dry leaflets of the basilica are laid into a mortar and circular motions kneading in the green "Cashitz". We add toasted and already cooled nuts.
  4. Room temperature cheese rolling with shallow chips and load into the mortar. Next, squeeze the purified garlic teeth.
  5. We continue to rub the mass into the most homogeneous paste. Gradually pour olive oil. Do not forget that pesto is the sauce, and not a liquid soup or a thick porridge, so the dosage of the oil vary, taking into account the obtained consistency. Remove the sample, add salt, if necessary.

We serve a classic pesto sauce to boiled pasta, pizza or just smear on slices of fresh bread. Bon Appetit!

Pesto sauce at home: the classic of Italian recipes for real connoisseurs of taste. Sauce is preparing using a mortar and pestle. Traditionally, it is served in Italy to spaghetti and other pasta. Madly fragrant, delightful taste under the mysterious name pesto. Pesto sauce is so simple and fast in preparation, which seems to be impossible to spoil it.

Prepare it from a mixture of two main ingredients: olive oil and green basilica. Naturally, the remaining ingredients are selected by each cook for its preferences, so there are countless options. Among the most popular additional ingredients, parmesan cheese and almonds, garlic and goat cheese, dried tomatoes.

National Sauce Italy - Pesto

This is a classic Italian kitchen, which has heard every mistress. To poison close, you can buy a finished additive. But with cooked immediately before eating sauce, she will not compete.

The sauce got his name from the word "put pressure", "trample." In Italian restaurants and cafes, it is served everywhere, it is successfully combined with fish and meat dishes, side dishes and even desserts. An interesting green color looks profitable on a plate, it is smeared on the bread toast and add to pizza. For this reason, many people are interested in cooking technology.

It seems that even the name of the world-famous sauce smells like a Mediterranean. Australians add pumpkin seeds into it. Germans do not regret the abrade. But the most delicious and fragrant and remains green sauce performed by the Italians.

Pesto sauce: Classic recipe


  • Basil green - beam (40 g);
  • Olive oil - 50 ml.;
  • Cedar nuts - 30 g.;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.

Cooking method:

  1. So that the cedar nuts acquire a more pronounced taste and saturated fragrance, fry them on a dry pan with moderate heat. You do not need to bring nuts to darkening - you need only 2-3 minutes of frying, during which kernel of nuts must be constantly mixed;
  2. Basil is rinsed with cold water and we dry, then we climb all the green leaves - the stems will not be useful to us. You can prepare it in two ways - in a blender and marble mortar. The first option is faster - all the ingredients are laid in the bowl of the blender and simply grind up to homogeneity. However, the second method is considered to be more "correct", classical. Therefore, if you have time, we advise you to prefer it to him;
  3. Pure and dry leaflets of the basilica are laid into a mortar and circular motions kneading in the green "Cashitz". Add toasted and already cooled nuts;
  4. Room temperature cheese rolling with shallow chips and load into the mortar. Next, squeeze the purified garlic teeth;
  5. We continue to rub the mass into the most homogeneous paste. Gradually pour olive oil. Do not forget that pesto is the sauce, and not a liquid soup or a thick porridge, so the dosage of the oil vary, taking into account the obtained consistency. Remove the sample, add salt, if necessary;
  6. We apply to boiled pasta, pizza or simply smear on slices of fresh bread. Bon Appetit!
  • If another solid cheese is used in the recipe instead of parmesan, then "pesto" can be slightly saturated to taste. If parmesan is used, it is not necessary to saline, since parmesan is solid enough;
  • Instead of the blender, Pesto sauce can be prepared in a mortar, trusheys, ingredients of the pestle.

Today, sauce can be prepared in a blender or beat a mixer that helps to achieve a homogeneous dense consistency. There are a lot of options, so you can safely experiment with its composition - replace the cedar nuts with walnut, hazelnuts or peanuts, basil - arugula, dill or mint.

One - high-quality olive oil remains indispensable. Solid sheep cheese is replaced with parmesan, relatively, the mixture is seasoned with parsley, dried tomatoes or sharp pepper. You can add a little coriander or replace roasted nuts with kalens.

In other countries, improvisation is encountered - the French make it without nuts, the Austrians replace them with pumpkin seeds, and the Germans are used instead of Basilica. It is impossible to imagine without pesto on a vegetable oil Minestron soup, and another embodiment of the sauce will be the mixture of it with cream or sour cream and the delabcing of the carcakes for subsequent baking.

Creamy pesto sauce: step-by-step recipe


  • Basil fresh - beam (30 g);
  • Cedar nuts - 30 g.;
  • Olive oil - 70 ml.;
  • Butter butter - 30 g.;
  • Cream thick - 100 ml.;
  • Parmesan cheese (or any other solid cheese) - 50 g.;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Pepper black ground - to taste;
  • Salt to taste;

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the Basil, let him dry. Cut garlic slices, walnut grind, soda cheese. Immerse the blender in the bowl and scroll to grinding;
  2. Pour salt to your taste, please add ground pepper (you can chili). Enter softened butter, mix again. Couple with olive cream and butter, achieve homogeneity;
  3. Sauce is better to apply warm. But lovers prefer to cool it in advance, after which combining with pasta or mushroom dishes. Bon Appetit!

Ready sauce must be shifted into a jar, pour olive oil: thanks to this, its color will continue and the service life will last. Store it in the refrigerator. Often in Italy to the sauce add mint. Sometimes add seeds or leaves of coriander (kinza), olives, lemon zest and even mushrooms.

As you understand, there are many sauces with similar methods of preparation and crossed ingredients. The most vivid example is the olive version of Pesto sauce, which is called Pistou or Pist. In addition to the basil in French sauce there is a parsley, garlic, olive oil and several types of cheese.

Instead of cedar nuts in the pee, the grated almonds are added, but more often the sauce is preparing at all without nuts. Usually, the French Pista is used as refueling for summer soup. The strict recipe for a special soup for the pest does not exist, the main condition is fresh summer vegetables: green beans, tomatoes, zucchini, young potatoes.

Pip sauce is added to the finished soup when feeding or served separately so that each add it to the soup to taste. In Italy, also eating soup with pesto and call him Minestron Al Pesto. In the United States adds tomatoes and sharp peppers dried in the sun.

Pesto Sauce With Tomatoes - Home Recipe


  • Fresh tomatoes - 250 g.;
  • Basil - a beam of 40 g.;
  • Parmesan cheese (or any other solid cheese) - 50 g.;
  • Cedar nuts - 30 g.;
  • Ricotta cheese - 80 g.;
  • Olive oil - 40 ml.;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Pepper black ground - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare a fragrant sauce with a unique taste, you will not need a lot of time. In addition, the product will be quite low-calorie. In 100 g. The composition will be only 145 kcal.;
  2. Thoroughly wash tomatoes. Next, charge them with small slices, send to the hot dry frying pan. Singing vegetables a bit, getting rid of excess moisture. In parallel, soda cheeses on a fine grater. Basil rinse, garlic Clean the shell;
  3. Send all the components presented in the recipe in the kitchen stock. Turn on the household appliance, wait for the point where the products turn into a pasty consistency. Ready sauce can be stored in the refrigerator 2 days. Bon Appetit!

In many countries, instead of cedar nuts add walnuts. This is especially sinning in Latin and North America, in the Caucasus, and in Russia. A similar principle of preparation is used in Georgian bazhe and saziva sauces, the ingredients for Adzhik are similar to the mortar.

There is a legitimate question: why still use outdated mortar when there are so many electrical appliances? For each dish there is its own preparation technique, and it would be nice to stick if you need to get a predictable correct result.

Almost all the ancient sauces, which were traditionally prepared by the ingredients in stone or wooden mortars, cannot be repeated with the help of modern kitchen equipment, such as blenders. The blender quickly crushes the gentle leaves, which are glued to the walls, and as a result, instead of uniformity, a large contrast is obtained between the ushmets of non-sharpted parts and a homogeneous casic.

We add to this painful cleaning of knives from winding plant tissues and inevitable oxidation and darkening of the sauce due to contact with the metal. It turns out in a mortar, it turns out even faster than in a blender, while the color remains saturated-green, the cooking process is conscious, it is easy to control it and correct the composition in the process.

What to file a classic Italian sauce

The most interesting thing is to sue sauce. The adepts of Italian cuisine recommend it exclusively to the paste. In fact, in Italy, pesto is served only for some species of pasta. It is used in soups and salads made of fresh vegetables and herbs. Also excellent refueling for low-calorie salads can become.

Especially well combined with rocket salad (handsola) and tomatoes. There are many pizza recipes with pesto. In this case, it is used as a substrate sauce, which lubricates the dough before laying ingredients.

Pick over the transparent container, steriline it and put it in the cooled jar of surplus. It is unlikely that he will stay long for a long time in the refrigerator, but still do not keep too long and check the presence of mold if pesto still strange.

Spaghetti with pesto sauce: Classic recipe

Pesto loves experiments. Try this rice sauce, rice noodles, boiled potatoes, add to vegetable salads, use to flavor soups and other sauces, is well combined with meat. You can submit it to a chicken or duck. You can add to omelet or kish, in a closed vegetable or meat pie, in homemade bread or pies. Observe moderation and trust your taste.

What do pesto sauce and what dishes it is served

Before you cook the sauce, you need to decide what you will have it, because it should be only fresh. When the healing composition by chance got on bread, he soon became a sauce famous for all Italy, and then on the whole culinary world.

Genoa residents believe that their region is home to sauce, there are even championships for cooking. The easiest way to eat such a sauce - with pasta. Put the spoonful of sauce in freshly prepared pasta and mix, sprinkle with grated parmesan, and the traditional paste with the sauce is ready. But the paste is not the only thing that pesto sauce is eating.

Pasta (spaghetti) with pesto - prepare pasta with sauce

How to make pasta with pesto sauce, told in this in the recipe. He will teach culinary newcomers to prepare a delicious satisfying pasta with the true spirit of Italy. It will contribute to this to the use of classic pesto with cedar nuts, high-quality olive oil and proper spaghetti from the flour of solid wheat varieties. Cook pasta is better before the condition of Al-Dente to feel the original taste.


  • Water is 1.5 l.;
  • Spaghetti - 600 g.;
  • Cedar nuts - 40 g.;
  • Basil - 2 beam;
  • Parmesan cheese - 80 g.;
  • Olive oil - 100 ml.;
  • Parsley - beam;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Water boost, salute, put spaghetti;
  2. After boiling, cook 7-10 minutes, throw back on the colander, give a track of excess moisture;
  3. For sauce, beat the washed greenery of the Basilica and Parsley blender together with a crushed garlic, fried nuts, grated parmesan, olive oil and a pinch of salt;
  4. Dilute with oil so that the sauce of the drip from the spoon;
  5. Lay out spaghetti slide, pour the sauce on top;
  6. Decorate with parsley and basil leaves. Serve hot dish. Bon Appetit!

Home paste with pesto sauce - video recipe

In addition to macaroni, Italians refuel them meat, fish, add to salads and rice dishes. It can be used for pasta dishes, as seasonings to soups, as well as smeared to toast or sandwiches with sausage or ham.

Pesto perfectly combines with fish, especially salmon, seafood and bird, for example, in the form of marinade. Classic green pesto flavors vegetable salads. In a word, it is one of the most "running" and familiar food addresses familiar in this Mediterranean country, and the recipe for sauces belongs to those few recipes that each Italian hostess can repeat with closed eyes.

Pesto with fish involves adding sauce during marination. After in the oven should bake fish - just incomparable fragrance. It is often used in pizza sauce instead of the usual tomato. Also perfectly combined vegetables with pesto sauce.

This sauce is also perfect for salads instead of vegetable oil or mayonnaise, especially for those for which the spice is a spicy supplement to the rich taste. Pesto for meat is suitable as a supplement to a ready-made meal, as well as for the basis of the marinade. Moreover, if you marinate meat in it, then it should be frying no earlier than in 3-4 hours.

In Liguria, they refuel the sauce with a special dish from Macaron under the name "Trenlette". But the sauce will easily make spicy and multifaceted and taste of spaghetti, porphalle or lasagna. It is added to snacks, like "Caprese" (a dish, based on tomatoes and mozzarella), is used in the preparation of pizza and Bruschetta.

  1. Pesto is an excellent alternative to tomato sauce for pizza. Sauce can be served with baked or grilled vegetables and greens;
  2. Fish dishes with sauce especially tasty. Try fish fillet, such as salmon, wrap in a thinly sliced \u200b\u200bham, pour a little olive oil and bake in the oven at a high temperature. Tasty, especially with a conventional vegetable salad;
  3. If it was not possible to get cedar nuts, grinding in a stump of almonds or hazelnuts;
  4. For storage of sauce, a transparent glass container is sterilized, the sauce is laid out in it and deposited into the refrigerator.

Classic pesto is prepared with a wooden pestle and marble mortar. The sauce is most often used with crackers when cooking soups, with pasta or bread flashes. It would seem that in our kitchen what only do not, which only devices and mechanisms are combines, blenders, mixers.

However, to prepare this sauce you will have to take a good old patch and both in the old days will work. Ask - why? For example, for the preparation of Italian sauce - well, I do not like the technological innovations to him, it prefers more to be triturated the main ingredients using the Pestka Stupa. This sauce has its own energy, which can be manually created only.

Persians attribute the authorship of Sauce Pesto, he got his name from the word to trample, crush, rub. This sauce will be served in any eatery of Italy, and it will be everywhere different. Green has an original sauce, as it contains the required leaves of green basilica.

According to legends, this sauce took the sailors with them to distant swimming, and when they went to the land, the bright smell of basil came from them. When adding tomatoes is red, but the tomatoes need to be added not fresh, but be sure to be dried.

What ingredients for sauce can be replaced

  • Pine nuts. This refers to the seeds of Italian drink, which are 3-4 times the more of our cedar nuts. You can take ordinary Siberian cedar nuts if it does not work with Italian. It is known for certain that pony grows in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. Do not replace walnuts, they can give bitterness. Some like a non-jarny cashew, experiment;
  • Olive oil. Only better. Try to the tongue, if it is baptized and leaves the "nail in the throat", as the Italians say, it means that it is not suitable for pesto. The oil we need should be fragrant, silk and leave pleasant sensations in the tongue and throat;
  • Green basil. Purple will not suit, he can give an ugly dark color and excessively bright aroma. Basil from the Italian region Pra has lemon shades in aroma and taste. In the markets, it is known as a lemon or mint basil. In Italy, sometimes adding a little mint to the usual green basil, if you failed to find a basil from Pra;
  • Garlic. It is difficult to say than garlic from Vesaliko better garlic from Ryazan. Most likely, the differences may even emphasize the individuality of pesto in Russian;
  • Parmesan. Let it be any of the European copies, but no Russian, sulugun and sour cream cheeses should not be in pesto;
  • Sheep cheese. Even in some places Italy, it is not always used for pesto, it means you can exclude. But if you still found Sardo Fiore cheese, add approximately 1/3 from the volume of parmesan;
  • Sea salt. Need a large salt. This is the whole idea: it is salt who sorts the leaves, and what it is larger, the easier it is to make sauce faster. In addition, the sea salt is richer with minerals, it should be at each kitchen.

Today, pesto is a mandatory attribute of an Italian diet, both everyday and festive. Is it a merit of a basilica that has a reputation between the "royal" plant or some other reasons, but to put the sauce on the table of newlyweds is considered to be a good sign for the future family. Young waiting for prosperity and well-being. Bon Appetit!

Video: Pesto - Classic Sauce at home

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