
What to cook from frozen Victoria. What to cook from strawberries this summer. Sand dough base

Some may ask: what is this "Victoria" are mentioned in the title of the article? No, this is not a new modified type of berry, it is just a variety of strawberries. At the same time, the most popular variety that the first began to grow in Russia. In some regions, strawberries are still called Victoria.
But this is all the theory, let's go to the most delicious! It does not matter how you call this delicious and beautiful berry. It is important that you will prepare from it today!

Strawberry at the festive kitchen is almost indispensable. Only a few berries and the usual cake will turn into an original dessert. And strawberries with cream? This is practically a symbol of beautiful life, and for its preparation nothing is special: only whipped cream and berry itself.
Strawberry berries can be hushed into a melted white and dark chocolate. Thoroughly, they turn into original candy.

Strawberry adorn not only desserts, but also the main dishes, add it to salads, soups and cocktails.

Now summer and we finally can buy a real strawberry - delicious, juicy, bright! And not these watery and tasteless berries, which are offered in winter in supermarkets.

But still, choosing strawberries, pay attention to the tails. Berry with jams and jerked tails immediately rebel. This berry began to deteriorate. If strawberries, on the contrary, did not dose, then on the edges she will see green specks. And the color of strawberries about ripeness says nothing. Because there are varieties and dark red and pinkish.

It is easier to find a good strawberry in the market, where before buying will be allowed to try one berry. But the most important advice: buy that strawberry that looks at you!

What is still good in the strawberry? Vitamins a lot, calories are small. In addition, strawberries are excellent Afrosis. So, girls, make marks and buy juicy berries for a date!
And now we turn to the recipes. We tried to select the most original recipes from strawberries and Victoria. If you have something to add, waiting for comments!

And, of course, an important reminder: With all the advantages of strawberries, it is impossible to eat it a lot, it can cause allergies or badly affect digestion.

Strawberry with goat cheese and mint

It will take: 8 large strawberry berries, 100 g of soft goat cheese, mint twig, salt, fresh black pepper.
Cooking: Mint Grind and mix with goat cheese, salt, pepper, mix to a creamy state. To wash the strawberries and lay out on a paper towel. Cut 2/3 of strawberry height, smear cheese and cover the second half. Put for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, then serve on the table.

Salad of tomatoes and strawberries

It will take: 2 medium tomatoes, 10-12 medium strawberries, 12 Coriander grains, 1 \\ 2 kinse beam, juice 1 \\ 2 lime, pinching tarhuna, 1 tsp olive oil, salt, pepper.
Cooking: Coriander in a mortar or knife. Mix together with Lyme juice, Tarkhun. Add fine-cut kinsea greens, olive oil, salt and pepper. Leave for 15 minutes. With tomatoes, we remove the skin, remove the flesh with seeds and cut into small cubes. In order to remove the skin, it is necessary to make an incision on the skin in the form of a cross, scream with boiling water and immediately put in cold water. To wash the strawberry, dry and cut into the same small cubes. In the bowl mix tomatoes and strawberries and add our refueling. Put in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes. All is ready!

Fried strawberry

It will take: Strawberry 1 kg, butter creamy 75 g, sugar (brown) 50 g, pepper (red Cayenne) 4 chopping.
Preparation: strawberry washed, remove tailings and cut into 2 or 4 parts, depending on the size. Melt the creamy oil in a frying pan. Add sugar, strawberries and mix. Remove from fire and sprinkle with pepper. Serve immediately.

Strawberry popcorn in chocolate

It will take: 100 g of finished popcorn, 200 g of strawberry, 250 g of black chocolate, 4 tbsp. Spoons of honey, 100 g of butter.
Cooking: Broke the chocolate on small pieces, put in heat-resistant dishes and melt on a water bath with butter and honey until the mass becomes homogeneous.
Strawberry cut into small pieces and mix with popcorn. Pour melted chocolate and mix well. Shipping with low-side files with food wrap, lay out the cooked mass on it, crumple the surface and put in the refrigerator.
When the mass hardens, cut it with neat the same pieces and leave in the refrigerator until the table is filled.

Strawberry panakota

It will take: Cream - 1 cup, milk - 1 cup, sugar - 0.5 glasses, vanilla sugar - 1 h. Spoon, gelatin - 1 tbsp. Spoon (8 g), lemon - 1 pc., Fresh-frozen strawberry - 200-300 g, chocolate balls (for decoration).
Preparation: Soak gelatin in cold water. When will swell, dissolve in a water bath. Cream with milk to connect with 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon zest (more lemon in the recipe will not be used), warm the mass on fire up to 80 degrees. Remove the mass from the fire and add dissolved gelatin, mix. Pour the cream mass in the molds and remove in the refrigerator for 3 hours or more.
For the strawberry sauce to defrost, grind with sugar help the blender. The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of berries. Of 1-2 Art. Sugar spoons make powder. Remove the dessert from the molds, turning them onto the plate. Pour sauce and decorate with chocolate balls, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Strawberries, perhaps, the world favorite gourmet. Beautiful, with a gentle juicy taste and aroma, it is good both separate dish and in culinary experiments and billets. Strawberry desserts and drinks create a special festive mood, no wonder they are so popular on romantic and solemn dinners. To extend the joy of summer and the holiday, many cooks make a blank strawberry for the winter. The yoke is boosted, frozen, insist and just twist with sugar. The profits harvested, the strawberry does not lose the fragrance and the necessary microelements. The hostess willingly exchange advice as it is better to maintain natural destruction for the whole year. Time-tested step-by-step recipes, promise fascinating, fast and simple preparation of this delicious berries at home.

Best recipes with photos

The last notes

Strawberry is one of the most delicious and fragrant berries. From it you can do various sweet billets, but strawberry candles become especially popular recently. In this article, we have collected the best recipes for the preparation of this delicacy at home. Prepare and choose the recipe that you will like it.

In addition to the shade and aroma, the "genuine" strawberry differs from Victoria (so called the garden strawberries our grandmothers) is a taste - it is less saturated, the color of the pulp is white and the size of its fruit is smaller. It grows, as a rule, in the meadows, fields, sometimes in the forests. It makes no sense to breed such a culture in the garden, since half of the plants are empty.

Nevertheless, strawberries and garden strawberries are the nearest relatives. And in that and in another form, a mass of beneficial substances, organic acids and essential oils, and in the number of vitamin C, even lemon is not inferior to these berries. In addition, 88% consist of water and are low-calorie product: 100 g contains only 30 kcal. However, do not rush to arrange strawberry diet! Red berry is a strong allergen, and even if you do not have individual intolerance, it is recommended to eat no more than 400-500 per day.

But still benefits from strawberries much more than harm. For example, in France, this berry is considered an aphrodisiac, and newlyweds often prepare strawberry cream soup with sour cream or whipped cream. And Madame Teresa Talien, the secular lady of the French revolution era and fashion law, took the baths from strawberries for skin beauty. Indeed, strawberry masks are well sued and heal the angry rash, narrow the pores, and also remove pigment stains. You should smash a few things and apply Cashitz on the face. However, over the next day, solar baths are categorically contraindicated.

Recently, in American restaurants, it became popular to use the unblend, green strawberries. Chef marinate her in a mixture of champagne, sugar and salt. And then, connecting with yogurt, served to fish dishes like sauce. The berry is perfectly combined with seafood and benefits their taste. In Italy, risotto with strawberries and shrimps has already become a traditional dish. Italians are famous Mastaka for fiction: in the menu of their cafe. In addition to the dessert pizza with strawberries and mascarpone, you can meet the rolls from the raw beef hines with strawberries, as well as strawberries fried. To enjoy all this, not necessarily go to the gastronomic tour. Italian style dinner with the "Perfetto" sign can be prepared at home.

For 5 persons: Strawberry (Fresh or Frozen) - 200 g, Condensed milk - 400 g, 33% cream - 400 ml

Pour into the bowl of condensed milk and cream. Beat a mixer or a whisk to a homogeneous consistency. Strawberry put in a blender - make mashed potatoes. Connect strawberries and cream mixture well. Pour to container. Put in the freezing chamber. After 2 hours, get mixed. Send back to the freezer. Stir again in 2 hours.

Calorie of one portion 526 kcal

Time for preparing from 150 minutes

8 points

For 2 Persons: Strawberry - 300 g, duck or turkey fillets - 300 g, red dry wine - 40 ml, sugar - 3 tbsp. l., vegetable oil, salt, black ground pepper

Duck or turkey fillet salted, pepper, fry on oil (rubbing almost until readiness, and turkey - until complete readiness). Then cut into slices, lay out on the plate.

For sauce wine pour into the scenery, add sugar, chopped strawberry (200 g) and water (50 ml), boil for 5-7 minutes. Then grind in a blender.

Fillet pour the cooked sauce, decorate the remaining strawberries or other berries.

Calorie of one portion 591 kcal

Time for preparing 40 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 2 Persons: Strawberry - 1 kg, sugar - 100 g, 33% cream - 100 ml, pistachios - handful, ice - 8 cubes, mint

Strawberry, sugar, ice put in a blender - make mashed potatoes. Cream whipping a mixer at high speed (you can add a creamy ice cream). Pistachios clear and grind. Pour soup on plates, to the center of each put a spoonful of whipped cream, sprinkle with pistachios, decorate mint. For taste in the soup you can also add a banana and grated ginger root.

Calorie of one portion 562 kcal

Time for preparing 15 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 3 points

For 4 Persons:strawberry - 400 g, Rice Arborio - 300 g, shrimp - 300 g, onion - 1 pc., butter creamy - 30 g, dry white wine - 150 ml, vegetable broth - 1.5 liters, carnations - 5 buds, nuts walnuts - 2 handstokes, oil olive, salt, black ground pepper

Shrimps, strawberries, pee out, cut. Put a saucepan with broth on the fire. In the scenery on the olive oil to fry the bow with the carnation. Remove carnation. Add rice and fry to onions, stirring, before rice transparency. Pour wine and cook until its full evaporation. Add Half Broth's Heal, Reduce Fire. Stirring, wait until rice absorbs all the liquid. Cook risotto, pouring broth, 15 minutes. Salt, pepper, add nuts and strawberries. Interfer the creamy oil. On the plate lay out a slide shrimp, top with risotto.

Calorie of one portion 281 kcal

Time for preparing from 60 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 3 Persons:strawberry - 500 g, Wheat flour - 125 g, eggs - 1 pc., Milk - 200 ml, sugar - 1 tbsp. l., powder sugar - 50 g, vegetable oil, salt

Separate protein from yolk. Sift flour, add yolks, sugar, salt, mix. Continuing to beat, pour oil (1 tbsp. L.) And milk before receiving a homogeneous test. Place it in a cool place for 1 hour. Beat the protein and enter into the dough. To wash the strawberries and lay out on a paper towel. Wash oil, dip the strawberry in the clarity and omit into boiling oil. Fry in deep fryer until golden color. Remove the berries with noisy, put on a paper towel. Sprinkle with powdered.

Calorie of one portion 355 kcal

Time for preparing from 90 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 2 Persons:strawberry - 400 g, Strawberry juice - 200 ml, butter creamy - 10 g, Cognac - 1 tbsp. l., powder sugar - 2 h.

To wash the strawberries, cut into slices (you can leave the berries as integer) and put it on a preheated frying pan, lubricated with oil. To fry very quickly so that strawberries do not lose the form. Add sugar powder and cognac. Fried strawberries shifting on a plate, pour juice. You can serve with ice cream ball, sprinkled with cedar nuts.

Calorie of one portion 212 kcal

Time for preparing from 10 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 1 point

For 3 Persons: Strawberry - 250 g, arugula - 300 g, walnuts - 50 g, feta cheese - 200 g, vinegar balsamic

Strawberry cut into half. Stay arugula in a bowl, add strawberries, crushed walnuts and fetu. Stir, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar. Decay salad on plates.

Calorie of one portion 335 kcal

Time for preparing from 10 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 2 points

For 2 Persons:strawberry (fresh or frozen) - 120 g, powder sugar - 100 g, milk - 200 ml, starch corn - 2 h. (or potato - 1 tsp.), Chocolate white - 60 g, Cream 33% - 150 ml

Frozen strawberries give a little defrost. Fall asleep with sugar powder (50 g) and grind the blender in the puree. Cream beat with the remaining powder. Mix milk with starch in the bucket, put on fire and stirring, bringing almost to a boil. Remove and add outdoor white chocolate. Bear until chocolate is completely melted. On the bottom of the cremok, put a spoonful of the creamy mass, then strawberry, cutform with a creamy mass with a confectionery bag with a nozzle.

Calorie of one portion 634 kcal

Time for preparing from 40 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 3 Persons: Strawberry - 300 g, cranberries (frozen) - 250 g, sugar - 100 g

In a large saucepan, bring water to boil (4.5 liters). Add berries (the cranberry is not necessary to defrost, and some of the strawberries leave) and bring to a boil again. Turn off. Sugar sugar. Cranberry crush as a half or spoon. Give a compote under the lid about half an hour. Serve hot or cold by adding the sliced \u200b\u200bremaining strawberries.

Calorie of one portion 198 kcal

Time for preparing from 25 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 3 points

For 10 persons: Strawberry - 150 g, almond without leather - 300 g, powder sugar - 300 g, sugar - 425 g, butter creamy - 175 g, egg whites - 280 g, red powder dye

Peeled almonds dry in the oven and grind with a powder into flour. Add protein (55 g). Do not stir, retain. Proteins (110 g) beat. In the bucket put sugar (300 g) and pour water (75 ml). Bring to a boil, cook 3 minutes. Remove. Whipped proteins, pour the syrup thin flowing. Connect with flour and dye. Stir. Laying a parchment, les around the mug. Leave per hour. Bake 12 minutes at 150 ° C. The remaining proteins are combined with sugar (125 g). Put on a water bath, dissolve sugar. Beat Add oil and berries. Beat Half pasta join pairwise cream.

Calorie of one portion 590 kcal

Time for preparing from 250 minutes

The level of complexity on a 10-point scale 10 points

Photo: Fotolia / All Over Press, Legion Media

What can be prepared from fresh, fragrant strawberries quickly and just? We have collected for you the best recipes: jelly or blanks for the winter, cake or dumplings!

  • strawberry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800-1000 gr

To prepare the jam, you need to purchase ripe and dense berries of about one size, then they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, dried and remove green fruits.

After that, you need to move the berries into a bulk deep saucepan and fall asleep them with the specified amount of sugar, in which the strawberry will be for 4-6 hours: so it will let the juice needed for further cooking.

After the specified time expires, we exhibit a saucepan with berries, sugar and sweet syrup on the stove, the liquid is brought to a boil and cook strawberries for 5 minutes on a small fire.

Along the way, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid, which will form there. Then we remove the saucepan from the plate, slightly cool its contents and leave it for 10 hours, cover with a tight towel.

As soon as 10 hours of waiting passed, we again exhibit a saucepan with strawberries on the stove, bring to a boil, boil 5 minutes, removing the foam. Then once again we give jam to completely cool. We repeat the above manipulations for another time.

Sterilize banks and covers for blockage in advance, spread the cooled jam on banks and close them carefully. We send banks with jam stored until winter in a dark and cool place. Jam from strawberry berries is ready.

Recipe 2: how to make a compote from strawberries for the winter

  • Strawberry - 600 grams
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Water - 2.5 liters

We rinse with strawberries well and separate the tails. It is advisable to change water at least once. You will see that Clean strawberries have a small dirt precipitate. It should not be.

We prepare banks for strawberries. I simply lean them with boiling water and boil the lids minutes 5. But if you doubt, then hold onto a couple or in the oven.

Fall in the banks prepared strawberries. There is no accurate number here. Everyone adds as much as he wants. There is a truth of some restrictions. For example, if you put less than 350 grams, then compote can be without a bright strawberry taste. Well, more than a kilogram, too, you should not take, there will be a bust.

The optimal norm is 500 - 600 grams. So the taste of strawberries will be heard and a lot of berries will be spent. Especially if they are purchased. The photo shows that 600 grams are about a quarter of 3 liter banks.

Meanwhile, we boiled water. We take water at the rate of 2.5 liters on a 3 liter jar. This is also no accurate result. We where 2.4 looked, and where and 2.5 liters. But it is better to take the first time with the reserve. Fill with steep boiling water, without pouring about 1.5 centimeters from the edge of the can.

We leave strawberry to warm up for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then constrained.

Measure the sugar by the number of empty cans. In our case, all four climbed into one container and I added one kilogram of sugar.

Weight of course weighs, but can be measured and glasses. In one 250 grams glass with a slide of 250 grams of sugar. In any case, in glasses that we have.

We bring to a boil and two minutes are boiling so that everything is well boiled. We break our sweet strawberry syrup to banks. For a photo I put a saucepan on the table and poured there. You advise you to do everything around the plate, not turning off the fire. So to speak to pour boiling syrup.

And immediately roll in covers. If suddenly you have not enough syrup in the last bank, then add boiling water. It may be that a glass of water does not have enough. Strawberry just when exposed to hot water decreases in size, and occupies a smaller volume.

So I recommend adding grams 80 to each jar - 100 water to each jar. And even before the spill of the syrup to banks. After the compote has rolled out, you need to make a bath to our strawberry compote. To do this, put on a warm blanket on the lids and wrap. Leave per day.

A day later, you can turn over and give cool completely. And then and demolish the basement or storage room.

Recipe 3: How to cook strawberries without cooking for the winter

Very simple and quickly you can prepare such useful delicacy. In the refrigerator, it will be kept for 4-5 months, glad and beautiful fresh taste, and the presence of a large number of vitamins.

For this recipe, the appearance of the strawberry will not have much importance, because such a strawberry with sugar for winter without cooking will be pre-lying. Therefore, you can not reject slightly remembered specimens, a little unplanned or overripe.

Well wash 1 kg of berry raw materials, remove all green fruits and wait for a complete overall. Practice 1.2 kg of sand sugar and let it brew 3-4 hours (well, but better to leave all night at all) so that the maximum amount of juice has been released.

Take advantage of a break or more modern way - a blender, as a result you should have a practically homogeneous mass.

Wash the banks well, then at 120 degrees, pass around them well in the oven for 10 minutes - the water droplets on the walls should disappear. For a few minutes, boil the covers.

The berry mass is packaged by dry sterile jars, close the lid (they must be completely dry and cooled). Put in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can freeze strawberries for the winter without cooking in plastic cups.

Recipe 4, step-by-step: frozen strawberry jam

  • 1 kg of frozen strawberry
  • 500 gr sugar
  • ½ lemon.

Strawberry, not defining, folded into a pot with a thick bottom, fall asleep with sugar and leave for a few hours (I left for the night).

That's how the frostbed strawberries looked in the morning.

From half lemon squeeze juice.

Add lemon juice to strawberries and with the help of a submersible blender is a little crushing the mass. I like when there are small pieces of strawberries.

Place the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil, let's get drunk 5-7 minutes on low heat, interfere with it. After that, remove from the fire and give to completely cool.

Repeat this procedure 3-4 times until the jam on the consistency will meet your requirements. I copaceted 4 times, the Jem turned out perfect: not very thick, but not liquid.

Hot jam pour into clean banks, let cool and put in the refrigerator. Store in the refrigerator 3-4 weeks. Maybe it can be longer, but we eat it much faster :) Delicious, bright and fragrant strawberry jam is ready.

Add it to porridge or yogurt, apply jam to pancakes, foddes or cheese materials. And as I have for breakfast, with croissant and cheese. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: Pie with strawberries and sour cream (with photo)

For dough:

  • flour - 200 g
  • creamy oil - 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • strawberry - 300-400 g
  • sour cream (15-20%) - 300 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 80-100 g
  • vanilla sugar - 1-2 tsp.
  • flour - 2 tbsp.

First you need to cook the dough for the cake. For this flour, pour into the board to the board, add creamy oil chopped with small pieces, and chop the knife.

Then a crumb of flour and oil to gather in a hill, in the center make a deepening and knock the egg there.

Pour a little sugar to the egg.

Start gradually stir, first - an egg with sugar, then with flour.

First, the dough can start sticking to the hands and crumble on separate pieces.

To knead the dough and roll it into the ball. Wrap it with a food film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

While the dough is cooled, you can go strawberry. Rinse the berries under water well, remove the leaves and give it to dry. Then cut the strawberries on halves or quarters.

Prepare pouring for cake. In the bowl of the eggs, add sugar and vanilla sugar, beat the wedge.

Then add sour cream and flour, beat well again.

Dough get from the refrigerator and lay out in a form for baking, form sides.

Lay out strawberries on the dough.

And pour the prepared fill. Put a strawberry pie in the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees.

Bake a strawberry pie is about 45-50 minutes.

Pouring will completely freeze when the pie will cool.

Recipe 6: how to cook dumplings with strawberries

Dough for dumplings:

  • 270 g of flour (approximately 2 glasses)
  • 170 ml kefir (2/3 cup)
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil
  • ½ h. Spoon soda
  • a pinch of salt

Strawberry Stuffing:

  • 200 g of strawberries
  • 50 g sugar

The first thing kneads the dough for our dumplings with strawberries. There is even a slightly overdue kefir for this. We pour it into a bowl, add oil, soda and salt and mix first with a spoon, and then with your hand.

We knew not sticky (or very little bit), but soft dough. Cover and assign it to the side, while we will do filling. After the dough is picked up 10-15 minutes, it will become elastic and pleasant in the work. Even if you forget about him half an hour, nothing terrible will happen to him.

My strawberries and tear the tails. Large berries I cut directly before bookmarking in dumplings so that they do not flow, and small do not cut at all.

Roll off part of the dough on the flour table and cut the glass of the circle. Or you can roll the sausage, cut into the washers and then roll out into the layer. Do how it is more convenient for you. The thickness can also be varied depending on whether you like a lot or little dough in finished dumplings.

In the middle of each pellet, we smear ½ h. Sugar spoons and put some pieces of strawberry.

We connect the edges and cover them with a pigtail, fork or just density. Shaped dumplings with strawberries lay on the surface, sprinkled with flour, and lept the following.

Now it remains only to boil our dumplings (or freeze). For this, a saucepan with water (can be satisfied) to be brought to a boil, lay the dumplings and cook without a lid about 5 minutes from the moment of bookmark. When water boils, do not forget to reduce the fire.

Either you can cook dumplings with strawberries to a couple - in a double boiler, a slow cooker, on a marlay ... Bowl of the double boiler I will definitely lubricate the oil and lay out the dumplings at a distance of each other.

In a double boiler or multicooker, they are preparing for about 10-15 minutes.

If you do not have a double boiler, pour water into a large saucepan, clean the water from above and bring water to a boil, then lay out dumplings to the gauze, cover the big mission and cook for 5 minutes.

Finished dumplings with strawberries shift into a deep plate. If you first put a piece of butter, then mix the dumplings, then they wake up oil and will not stick together.

Recipe 7: Cool sauce from fresh strawberries (step by step)

Initially, Kuli sauce was prepared from baked vegetables, meat, crayfish or fruit. Currently, Kuli is known as a sweet sauce of fruits or berries, with thermal treatment or without.

Such a sweet sauce is served to ice cream, creamy desserts.

  • water - 40 ml
  • strawberry Fresh - 250 gr
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • gelatin - 6 grams
  • corn starch - 12 grams

Recipe 8: Strawberry Jelly at home

Strawberry jelly for the winter is the fragrant billet, which will have to taste your children. Why there are children - adults themselves do not mind to enjoy such a dessert in the cold dark winter evenings, drinking it with hot tea or coffee.

  • Strawberry - 500 g
  • Sugar Sand - 300 g
  • Gelatin - 20 g

Strawberry promotion in water and remove green tails from each berry, if they are present on them.

Perepaling the strawberry mass in the scenery, add sugar and let's drink about 10-15 minutes on fire, turning products into strawberry jam. At will, at this stage, you can add some citric acid or lemon juice to highlight the sweetness of strawberries.

The cooked sweet mass grinding the immersion blender is about 3-5 minutes, turning it into a puree. Act carefully, as the jam is very hot! Strawberry puree boil at a minimum of fire for another 5-8 minutes.

At this time, pour the gelatin boiling water and dissolve it for 5-7 minutes, stirring to complete dissolution.

As soon as gelatin is dissolved, pour the liquid with it into the stewer, mix and turn off the fire.

Strawberry jelly burst on sterilized banks and tighten with hot lids or cover them using a keys for preservation. Give the workpieces to cool, and then transfer to a permanent storage location. The shelf life of such jelly from strawberries is 1 year.

Recipe 9: Curd dessert with strawberries and yogurt

  • Cottage cheese 9% - 500 g
  • Strawberry - 300 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanillin - to taste
  • Natural yogurt - 120 g
  • Mint - for decoration

Add sugar, vanillin, yogurt, and beate with the help of a blender.

Strawberry wash, cut and send to cottage cheese.

Beat with the help of Belender to a homogeneous mass.

Descript in the creams, decorate strawberries and a sprig of mint. Feed in chilled. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 10: Biscuit Maka Cake with Strawberry

  • Eggs - 8 pcs,;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Flour - 2 glasses;
  • MAC - 80 g.

Strawberry layer Jelly:

  • Strawberry - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • Gelatin - 4 ch. L.;
  • Water - 50 ml.


  • Milk - 2-3 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Oil-custard:
  • Creamy oil 200 g;
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg 1 pc.;
  • Starch or flour 2 tbsp.;
  • Milk 250 ml.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

Beat 4 protein. Check if they are whipped enough, you can use the simplest way: turn up the bottom of the cup. Little glass of sugar sand in the proteins gradually. Favoring sugar, proteins will become very lush, get a snow-white shade. Add 4 yolks, beat up to homogeneity. Turn off the mixer, sift the glass of flour into the egg mass, gently stir. Pick up 80 g poppy, mix again.

Poppy dough lay out in shape, bake until readiness (about 30 minutes).

Cool the crude, divide the sun.

White vanilla root prepare for any recipe. For example, on the same, which is used for poppy biscuit. Naturally, with a removal of poppy ingredients from the list.

Soak 4 ppm Gelatin in 50 ml of water. After 30 minutes, dissolve gelatin in a water bath. Clause two forms of the same diameter as baked cordages, food film. So that the film does not move away from the forms, slightly moisten their inner surface with water.
500 g of strawberry wash, separate the cups, spread.

Add 4 tbsp. Sugar sand and dissolved gelatin, stir.

Pour a strawberry mass equally in two forms. Remove cold.

We send sugar and eggs to the sauinee, mix. We add starch or flour, wash the mixture to a homogeneous state. The cream at this stage will be thick. We gradually add milk and interfere all the time, we try to get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

After mixing, add vanillin and put on the middle fire. Do not move away from the cream and interfere with it all the time with a spatula. Wait for the cream to start thick, reduce the fire and tailor the cream before the appearance of bubbles.

At the end of the preparation, add melted butter and mix the cream using a mixer about 3 minutes. Consistency at the cream should be homogeneous. If the cream does not want to be whipped and stratified, then put it for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then take a mixer again.

Collect the cake is more convenient in the detachable form, or in a special ring. So it will turn out to be more even. Inside the ring you need to lay out wide stripes cut out of thin plastic, because the cake is high. The edges of the bands are made by clamps.

The first layer in the form to lay half of the poppy crude, it is better to pre-impregnate it.

Tasty and simple impregnation is obtained from 2-3 tbsp. Milk, boiled with 1 tbsp. Sugar sand.

The impregnated root is covered with cream, approximately the fourth part of it.

The next layer is strawberry jelly. With the help of a film, extract jelly from the container where it frozen, carefully turn it into a shape on the layer of cream, and only then separate the film.

Top jelly lay a layer of cream, vanilla root, cream, strawberry jelly, cream.

The top layer is the second part of the poppy crude, which should also be soaked.

Lubricate the surface of the biscuit residues of the cream, remove the cake in the refrigerator.

After a few hours, spend a thin long knife along the inner surface of the plastic strip, remove the cake on the stand, decorate. It looks very festively, glaze, colored or chocolate, decor from berries, beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bfruits, pieces of marshmallow or marshmallow.

To decorate this cake, a purchase of green green glaze from "D-R Oetker" was used, the inscription was made using a culinary pencil from the same manufacturer.

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