
Jam from persimmon with tangerine recipes. How to cook jam from persimmon? Recipe Jame from persimmon with lemon and vanilla

What is famous persimmon? What knits, "you will tell you without even thinking. Meanwhile, not the whole persimmon knits. In addition, it is known as one more quality -nobly taste.

If the fruit fell ripe, the pulp will remind a soft jelly itself melts in the mouth (this is exactly what it is not necessary to bite). But what to do with an unworthy persimmon, if there is no desire to wait until it reaches maturity, is not always clear. In this case, I have a good solution: I suggest cooking from the persimmon by Jam.

Jam from the persimmon is a very interesting version of the winter workpiece. But there is one feature in it: the taste of persimmon is so gentle that several "sterile" may seem in itself. So, in order to add it character, we will turn on the lemon and brandy in the jam (and we included an anise, vanilla and rum). Thus, the persimmon will be a sweet and delicate base for the sparkling taste of lemon and a bright aroma of brandy. In Lemon, in addition, there is a lot of pectin, so it will play the role of the thickener of jam.

Jam from persimmon can be prepared in the form of pieces (as described in the recipe) or completely shifting a blender. In the latter case, it will turn out to be smooth, perhaps this option will seem more suitable for you if you prefer to smear jam on buns, bread and cookies.

Cooking time: about 1 hour / out: 450-500 g


  • persimmon 2 pieces of large size
  • lemon 1 piece
  • sugar 180 g
  • cognac 4 tbsp. Spoons
  • carnation 3-4 Buton


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    Persimum thoroughly wash and cut into small cubes.

    Place the pieces of persimmon in a thick-walled pan and pour sugar. Stir the mixture and leave for 15 minutes so that sugar began to dissolve in the juice highlighted from the persimmon.

    Lemon thoroughly wash. On the shallow grater, remove the zest from it.

    Cedra along with a carnation Send to a pan with persimmon.

    Then cut the lemon slices in such a way that it turned out clean fillet without a membrane. Although in the membrane and contains the greatest part of the pectin, they can give a small bitterness in the finished jam.

    We charge lemon slices and send them to a saucepan.

    Put the jam on a small fire and bring to a boil.

    Discover the fire and boil the jam until the syrup thickens and starts boiled with large bubbles.

    Ready delicacy remove from fire, add cognac and mix in it.

    If you plan to store dessert at room temperature, then place it hot in sterile banks and cape. After scolding the banks with jam from the persimmon in the refrigerator.

We offer today to prepare unusual and exotic jam from persimmonwhich can be used as a stuffing for baking or simply use during tea. Our ancestors used this mysterious fruit not only in the preparation of desserts, as well as when cooking bread, wine, beer. Nowadays, many diverse dishes can also be prepared from the persimmon, for example: baked persimmon with citrus fruits, cheesery from persimmon or sweet bread with persimmon.

The persimmon is very useful fruit in it contains a lot of useful substances, such as magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, as well as glucose and fructose. Using such a jama will not only please you with your taste and raise the mood, but also will strengthen your immunity.

When choosing persimmon, it is worth choosing ripe fruits, because it has a clutter taste, it is viscous and spoil our jam. And if you still choose a persimmon of a ripe, but has a tart taste, we recommend that you add some soda or powder for cookies when preparing a dish from it. Viscosity can be removed using cold, namely freeze the fruits overnight and then just defrost, the viscosity will go, if the persimmune is treated with alcohol.

Recipe Jama from persimmon number 1, the necessary ingredients:

One kilogram persimmon;

Polkilogram of sugar;

Fifty milliliters of lemon juice;

One orange;

Ground nutmeg.

Prepare persimmon for jam, just like apples for. First wash, cut on the halves and remove the bones, if any. Then remove the skin from the persimmon and grind it in a puree in any way convenient for you, you can grind a blender or with a meat grinder, and you can just wipe it through the sieve. Cooked puree pure sugar and leave it for three hours.

Recipe Jema Of the persimmon number 2, the necessary ingredients:

Two kilograms of persimmon;

One kilogram of sugar;

One lemon;

The persimmon is washed and folded into the freezer on one day, after which it is defrosting and cut into small lobes, removing bones at the same time. We lay out the persimmune into the pan and fall asleep sugar, cover with a lid and leave for about two hours. Then we open a saucepan, fill in persimmune a little warm water and put cooking on the stove, about twenty minutes.

In the meantime, we pour water into a separate pan, put a lemon there and put on the stove. We bring lemon to a boil, reduce the fire and cook another three minutes, we repeat the same procedure two more times. After that, the cooled lemon cut the rings and remove the bones from it.

After the persimmon with sugar copied twenty-five minutes, add a sliced \u200b\u200blemon there and mix well and cook even within five minutes. Hot Jam decoons for pre-diplosted banks and ride, as well as when cooking .

How to cook jam from persimmon? Secrets and preparation subtleties. Top 6 delicious recipes.
The content of the article:

Sour in winter jam - tradition in a snowy and frosty day. However, sometimes you want something exotic, for example, persimmon. It is on a par with mandarins in winter is very popular. But some varieties are viscous, so this fruit is not everyone in taste. Of these fruits, you can prepare a variety of blanks, for example, cook jam. After all, it's time to spread myth that jam is boiled only in the summer. It can be boiled all year round from winter fruit, as in this example from persimmon. And since the berry has several varieties, then the jam can work out with a different taste, but it will always be a beautiful amber color. Several options for the recipes of this delicacy from an unusual product are presented below.

To know how to cook delicious jam from persimmon, it is necessary to study some simple secrets that will help get a flawlessly tip.
  • Choose persimmune in appearance. Ripe fruit with an elastic soft surface, leaves dry brown. If the fruit is green, it means that the persimmon is unheated.
  • For jam, do not use fruits with cracks and dark spots.
  • If the berry is tart, then you can get rid of it frozen fruit. Freeze better persimmon not yet ripened with a dense structure.
  • Another way to get rid of the patience is to lower the fruits for half an hour in warm water.
  • The best variety for jam is the "king".
  • For cooking jam, take an aluminum or enameled saucepan.
  • Banks are pre-worn thoroughly and sterilize, throwing boiling water.
  • The persimmon can burn, so cook it on a very slow fire, constantly stirring.
  • Add alcohol (cognac, liqueur, rum, etc.) at the end of the cooking. During cooking it is impossible.
  • Sugar can be replaced with fructose, but it should be less, otherwise the jam will be too sweet.
  • Falling asleep the persimmune with sugar or fructose, the mass is withstanding a couple of hours so that the berry let the juice.
  • If the persimmon is not very juicy, then first weld the syrup from sugar and water.
  • When adding cinnamon, you should follow jam, because It can "run away". Then you need to make foam.
  • Do not add spices in large quantities, because In combination with a gentle persimm, they show themselves very much.
  • For "honey" persimmon, lemon and brandy are considered to be the best additives.
  • Citrus can be added as juice, pulp and zest.
  • If the berry is very sweet, then the quantity of sugar can be reduced to half of the recommended portion, which is offered in the recipe.
  • We take a gelling additive for 1 kg of persimma 40 g so that it turns out liquid and fluid jam. If you want to get a delicacy tightly, increase the amount of gelatin to 60 g.

For the preparation of jam in a multicooker, the optimal program is "quenching", the "Baking", "jam" or "multipowar" is also suitable. Otherwise, the cooking process is no different from use usually pan and gas stove.
  • Calorie per 100 g - 282 kcal.
  • Number of portions - 6
  • Cooking time - 1 hour


  • Sugar sand - 0.5 kg
  • Persimmon - 1 kg
  • Large lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking of persimmon jam in a slow cooker:

  1. Berries rinse, dry and remove the flesh.
  2. In the thicket of multicookers, place the persimmon.
  3. Put it with sugar, add lemon juice and mix.
  4. Include the "Captivity" program with a timer for half an hour.
  5. After this time, we have a degree in sterilized banks.

A simple jam from persimmon will take an hour of time, while the result will be unusual with honey taste.


  • Persimmon - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 2 st
  • Lemonic acid - 0.5 ppm
Step-by-step cooking simple persimmon jam:
  1. From the persimmon, remove the skins and cut the cubes.
  2. Cook syrup from sugar and water. After boiling, lower the persimmon in it.
  3. Boil berries on a slow heat of 50 minutes, interfere with it and removing the foam.
  4. 10 minutes before readiness, add citric acid.
  5. Prepassed jam remove from the fire, cool and burst into jars.
  6. Close jam covers and keep it in a cool place.

Jam from persimmon with brandy is the most common and classic recipe. The taste of the finished dessert is saturated and piquant. And after tasting, even the most sophisticated gourmet will remain indifferent.


  • Persimmon - 600-650 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 30 g
  • Cognac - 150 ml
  • Sugar sand - 0.5 kg
Step-by-step cooking of persimmon jam with brandy:
  1. From the persimmon, remove the peel, cut down the slices, get rid of the seeds and fork or blender turn the pulp in the puree.
  2. Stir the persimmon with sugar.
  3. Send it to the fire and boil 10 minutes after boiling.
  4. In the end, fill the brandy and cool down.
  5. Repeat the heat treatment.
  6. Hot delicacy bully at the sterilized containers. Cover the warm blanket and remove into the cold.

Despite the fact that it is better to boil jam from ripe persimmon, from overripe fruits can also be cooked amazingly delicious delicacy. To do this, you need jam to add spices and put more sugar to get the right consistency.


  • Badyan - 2 stars
  • Persimmon - 1 kg
  • Citric acid - to taste
  • Carnation - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 800 g
Step-by-step cooking of jam from the fun persimmon:
  1. Clean the berries from the leaves with the fruits, rinse and dry.
  2. Remove the pulp, place it in a saucepan and pour sugar.
  3. After an hour, place on fire and boil 40 minutes after boiling.
  4. After seasoning with spices and hand over 2 hours.
  5. Join the jam for another 10 minutes and spread it on banks.

Uniform, with honey taste and light sourness, it turns out a jam of persimmon with the addition of citrus. It is superbly suitable for filling in baking, in curd mass, semolina or oatmeal.


  • Persimmon - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
Step-by-step cooking of jam from persimmon with lemon:
  1. Purpose, clean the peel and seeds and cut the cubes.
  2. Put it into the cooking container and pour sugar.
  3. Fruit mass Fill with warm water and leave for 1.5 hours.
  4. After the expiration of time, put on fire and boil.
  5. Boil on a slow fire one hour.
  6. Lemon Clean the peel with seeds and cut into cubes.
  7. 15 minutes before readiness, send it to the jam and negotiate 15 minutes.
  8. Ready hot jam bully hot banks and sunmate covers.

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