
It is necessary to soak the zucats before adding to Easter. Culich with orange zucats and vanilla. Nuts and spices

Sweets are different. And, in spite of the opinion that sweet is harmful, there are quite useful options among them. This applies to the tutatam from pumpkin. Pumpkin itself is an undisputed leader in the ranking of autumn vegetables in the content of vitamins and other health bonuses. What would you prepare from it, all these bonuses will remain with her. And you can always choose a gentle heat treatment mode, in which vitamins are saved to the maximum. During the cooking of the candle, Pumpkin pieces first need to be slightly peeling in sugar syrup, and then dry in the oven. Both are made with marginal caution. In general, the whole process is stretched almost two days, but the result is worth it.

Tsukata from pumpkins are often prepared with the addition of cinnamon or lemon. It is not recommended to use them in a pair, otherwise cinnamon just "score" lemon. Where better she will be combined with an orange. You can, of course, ignore all the "excesses" and restrict ourselves to the recipe only by pumpkin and sugar, but then the taste of the candle will be too banal - it will easily guess what they are made. And citruses are always intrigue.

The "excellent half" represents the master class on the preparation of pumpkin-lemon zucats.


The most first ruleIt is worth remembering: Pumpkin pieces, gradually turning into dry and sweet candies, will decrease in volume, and in weight. From the number of products specified in the recipe, you will have about 250-300 g of "candy". Want more? Then adjust the proportions towards the increase.

The process of creating a zuchatov is also associated with certain rules, which the hostesses often do not even suspect.

Rule second When preparing a pumpkin, try not to remove that part of the pulp in which the seeds were "sitting". When you try it in a candied form, you will understand that it is a raisin of pumpkin candlers.

Rule third. It is not worth cutting the pumpkin too small pieces. Also bother that they do not get too thin or flat. Otherwise, after drying in the oven, they will become unbearable hard. The ideal thickness of the cutting is 0.5-0.7 cm. The shape of pieces is allowed any. It is very convenient to ferment the pumpkin in the form of oblong strokes.

Rule fourth. Lemon choose more larger, and if possible with thin skin (it is juicy). Wash it and hide with boiling water. How to cut it? Yes, as you like - at least mugs, at least quarters. The main thing - the fond. After the pumpkin digestion in the syrup, the lemon will still have to be removed.

Rule fifth. The saucepan for the digestion of future zucats is better to take enameled. It is stacked by a layer of pieces of pumpkin, and on top you need to decompose several lemon plates.

Next layer - Sugar sand. Pour it so that it is evenly covered with lemons and pumpkin. The remaining ingredients must be put in the pan with the same layers, one over the other.

Sixth rule. Pumpkin with pumpkin and sugar is placed on the stove and heats up on moderate heat. In the process of heating, pumpkin and lemons will highlight juice in which sugar is gradually dissolved, and sweet syrup will be possible. Try to pay exactly the moment when it starts to throw. Pumpkin will need to boil in the syrup for 3-5 minutes, no more, and remove from the stove. Heating during a boil should be minimal - with a strong drilling of the pumpkin syrup, it is capable of falling apart and turn into the likeness of the casher.

Wait until the contents of the pan completely cools. Then put it on the stove again and repeat the entire process. After cooling, check how soft the pumpkin pieces turned out. If too hard specimens come across, - it means that the saucepan needs to be touched to a boil and the third time. If everything is in order, go to the next step.

Rule seventh. It is necessary to drain the syrup, and throw off the pieces of pumpkin on the sieve: the smaller the fluid it remains, the better. The fusion syrup is suitable for the preparation of other desserts - for example, sweet drinks.

Eighth rule. Dry the candies are necessary on the baking sheet, shining parchment paper for baking. Some with the same purpose use foil or special silicone mats. Enclose the pumpkin so that her pieces do not come into contact with each other. The oven, in which the baking sheet is installed, you need to heat up to 90-100 degrees, but not higher. The door is recommended from beginning to end to keep open. If the oven is provided in the convection mode, must be turned on.

Dry the cessies will have to be for 3-4 hours. The exact time depends on the possibilities of the oven and from the state of the pumpkin. Cuccate's readiness is determined in appearance: when they acquire a light reddish tint, and their surface will become "dried", the desired degree of readiness will be achieved.

Rule ninth. It is necessary to remove the candle with the battle with the battle, making them the tip of the knife. Having cooled, they tightly stick to paper, and to tear them after it is real only with slices of culinary parchment. And, by the way, they cooled very quickly. While you will remove half of the freshly prepared zucats, the rest will already have successfully "stick away". What to do in this case? The output is simple: put the baking sheet back into the heated oven. Sugar "Glue" will again become liquid, and the pieces of pumpkin will be easier to disconnect.

Rule tenth. Hot chicks need to immediately apply in the sugar powder. Why not in sugar sand? Because its grains are harder and will be worse to stay on the pumpkin. In addition, sugar powder becomes something like a protective spraying on the candied and does not allow them to stick into one large lump.

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Prepare ingredients.

Preparation of products.
Flour 2-3 times to sift.
Raisin wash and dry.
Cooks cut into small cubes.
Raisins and Tsukati folded in a bowl, pour rum, brandy or liqueur and leave for 30-60 minutes, swaying occasionally.

With a raisin with a zucatami in a separate bowl, merge rum or liquor (not pouring) and dry on a paper towel.

Preparation of WDO..
Creamy oil get out of the refrigerator and leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours. Oil should be soft.
Vanilla pod cut along two halves.
Knife scraping seeds.

Council. You can use a whole pod of vanilla or half a pod (depending on the quality of vanilla and the length of the pod). The pod from which the seeds scraped, as well as the soul mate with seeds, can be put in a jar with sugar and leave for a couple of days a week. It turns out natural vanilla sugar, which can then be added to pastries and desserts. And it is possible to wrap the pods into the food film (it is also better to put into a jar with a hermetically closed lid, so that the fragrance does not disappear) and use in the near future, for example, to aromatize the cream. To do this, put the pod into the cream tank and remove the refrigerator overnight - the best way to flavor cream for creams and desserts;)

Yolkti lay out in a bowl and add seeds to them Vanilla, grilled saffron (I just overhead the filament of saffron fingers) All sugar (except 1 tablespoon) and salt (optional, can be added rum or liquor, in which the cessages insisted).

It is good to confuse the yolks for a fork or with the help of a stray chopper (if the yolk mixture is too thick, you can add a tablespoon of water).
A bowl with yellowers tighten the food film and remove to the side.

Check the quality of yeast.
In a small deep bowl, pour 50 ml of warm milk (35-37 ° C), add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix.
In the milk, turn the yeast and mix so that the yeast is dissolved (it is convenient to mix with your fingers or a wooden spoon).

Put a yeast mixture into a warm place for 10-20 minutes. Yeast should foam and climb "hat."

Cooking outpass.
In a large bowl, it is sifted to seek 150-170 g of flour, pour the remaining milk (250 ml) and mix well (on consistency the dough will turn out on pancakes; if necessary, add some flour or milk to the desired consistency).

Foamed yeast stir up for a fork, pour into a milk-flour mixture.

And mix.

Cover a bowl with a towel blind or tighten the food film and remove into a warm place for 40-60 minutes.
During this time, the opara should increase in volume by 2 times, "wrinkle" and begin to be down.
As soon as the opara began to be down - she is ready.

To pour into the peeled yolks with sugar in the pole and mix.

In small portions, adding sifted flour, knead the dough.

First, wash it with a spoon in the bowl, then we sprinkle the table with flour and lay the dough on it.
It is still quite liquid, so when mixing, in small portions, add sifted flour and periodically lubricate the dough and hands, alternately, vegetable and butter (thereby introduce the oil into the dough and facilitate the mixing process).
First, the dough sticky and viscous, but with long-term mixing becomes soft and obedient.

Tip 1. Vegetable oil facilitates the process of mixing and if the dough starts spreading to the table, it is easy to assemble into a single whole, smearing the dough and hands with vegetable oil. Also, the addition of vegetable oil makes the structure of the finished silence more crumbly, and let him do not worry longer.

Tip 2. If the finished dough is attached to the cheek, you can feel what it is soft, silky and gentle - this can be considered an indicator of well-smeared yeast dough.
The duration of the swaying dough can be about an hour. The longer to wash the dough - the better the quality of kulichs will be.
In ancient, women, kneading a boring dough, prayed: read: "Our Father" and a prayer for the Most Holy Virgin: "The Mother of God, Delo, Rejoice ..." Therefore, the cakes, fueling, not only the warmth of female hands, but also prayer, Opened on glory;)

Putting the dough to put in a big bowl, tighten the bowl of food film or cover with a towel and put it in a warm place for 3-5 hours.

Started dough.

The dough approached the dough should be changed, putting his hand into it, compressed in a fist, and releasing carbon dioxide.
Share on the table and laughing 1-2 minutes.
Raisins and Tsukata (well-dry) to cut into flour and add to the dough.
Swimming while raisins with candied eggs do not connect with the test.

Ship the dough into a large clean bowl, tighten the bowl of the food film and remove the approach either in a warm place for 3-5 hours, or at night in the refrigerator.

Started dough.

Council. If the dough is to put in the refrigerator - it is better to use only half (25 g of yeast, instead of 50 g). With a small amount of yeast and long time lifting the dough in the refrigerator - the cakes will turn out much more tastier than with quick fermentation, and in the finished herbs there will be no yeast smell.

It came up to change the dough (in the refrigerator the dough becomes rather dense, so after the refrigerator, it is better to leave the dough for a couple of hours at room temperature so that it warms it).
Slightly knead the dough on the table.
Molds for cakes (or a large saucepan, if you cook 1 large cake) lubricate a thin layer of vegetable oil, the sides sprinkle with flour (excess shook), and on the bottom of the form put a parchment paper circle.

Council. Large tin cans from canned fruits or vegetables can be used as forms (only cans with white coating inside).

Put the dough into prepared forms (pan), taking 1/3-1 / 2 forms (no more).

The most popular dish in Easter, of course, cake. Previously, he himself was a delicacy, but today the usual cake will not surprise anyone, I want something more original. The hosts are trying to prepare such pastries from different types of dough or dilute with dry fruits and sweets. I also experimented a little, and the result was a wonderful Easter cake with Cukati, whose recipe I decided to tell you. It turns out in moderation sweet, tasty, and most importantly - bright due to multi-colored candies, so I really like the kids.


Coulingerome dough

  • Wheat flour - 600-700 g.
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Live yeast - 35
  • Large eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 art. Sahara
  • Vanillin (Vanilla Essence)
  • Tsukata - 150-200 g
  • Orange Zestra - at will

Glaze for Kulichi

  • Chicken Egg protein - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 100 g

How to cook

Prepare a scheduling for yeast dough. Break the yeast (35 g) in the bowl, pour the warm milk of room temperature (1 tbsp.)

The milk temperature should not exceed 40 s, in the reverse case, the yeast will die. You can lower your finger into a glass of milk to check the temperature - it should be pleasantly warm.

Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and two glasses of sainted flour. Stir up to a homogeneous state.

We cover with a food film or polyethylene package, put in place without drafts so that the layout "rose".

Separate egg proteins from yolks (we use 3 eggs).

The remaining sugar mixes with yolks. Stir.

We stir the eggs with the sugar. The mass will increase slightly in volume and light up. We add a creamy oil that softened, but not melted.

In order for the creamy oil to have reached the consistency we need, it should be left at room temperature for 20 minutes.

The time has come to soak the candies. Rinse them, then fill with water room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Meanwhile, the opara has already risen well, increased in the amount of several times and even in the center began to love - this suggests that the opara ridicked, it can be used to lift a cowness test.

Pour a larger on a bowl of the bowl of more, it will be more convenient to knead the dough.

An egg-and oil mixture is added to the pole.

Mix the resulting mixture until uniformity.

Add salt.

Whipped proteins also go to the dough for cakes.

Mix the mixture and pour 1 tsp of vanilla essence (can be replaced with artificial vanilla from the bag).

The remaining flour interfere in the dough parts. First you can do it with a shovel, then the dough will be all thicker and thicker, you will need to go to the kneading hands. Try to achieve such a dough consistency so that it does not work out too thick, clogged with flour (in this case, cakes with candied fruit will be too dense, and we need air). Therefore, when it is better to use vegetable oil to work for work (lubricate with a small amount of hands so that the dough is unnecessarily sticking to the hands) than flour.

Attention! On the site there were new cake recipes:, (you need to go through the links to read the recipes).

In the mixed dough, we will add packed and the devil on a paper towel of the candied, mix again. We achieve all the candle to be evenly intervened in the dough.

Cook dough cover with a clean linen towel (or food film) and send for 1-2 hours to a warm place for lifting. In the meantime, we prepare forms for Kulichi. You can use homemade, purchased forms, tin jars from corn or pineapple, paper or even granny form. I just have the last) I lubricate every mold with vegetable oil with a culinary brush, then frying the flour, laying the parchment circle to the bottom.

Of the total mass of the approached test, we carefully separate small pieces, the size of 1/3 of the form.

So, the forms are filled with 1/3. We cover them with a towel and leave another 30-40 minutes, in order for the dough to come.

In the meantime, two protein eggs separate from yolks.

We whipitate proteins in a foam, then gradually add sugar and continue to beat until the protein mass becomes thick, dying.

Sugar add small portions, continuing to beat at high speed.

Bake cakes with candied

Well-approached cakes we send in the oven, preheated to 180 s. On baking kulichs, it will take from 40 minutes to 1 hour (small cakes are baked faster). The first 20 minutes of baking the oven cannot be opened, since yeast dough can settle from a sharp change of temperature.

Cook's readiness to be checked with long wooden spanks or toothpicks. It should go dry from the highest scene. Such cakes are ready, they can be removed.

Do not hurry to immediately remove the cakes from the forms: give 10 minutes and they will "move away" from the surface of the molds, you will only need to turn the shape so that they jump. Culici is important to cool correctly. It should be done not in direct form, but "lying on my side". Cover the cakes with a towel with a towel completely, with a head. Give them cool to warm state.

The cooled cakes are smeared with snow-white icing (it is convenient to use a confectionery blade for this).

I turned out to be sunflower seeds in color glaze, which approached as it is impossible.

Another option of delicious slices for Easter - cake on cream. I recorded a detailed video recorder for you and placed Yuotube on our channel, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

Light Easter! I will be glad to get any responses to the recipe, waiting for issues and reviews. It would be very interesting to see what cakes turned out with you on this recipe.

Bon Appetit!

In contact with

Tatyana: | December 30th, 2019 | 6:50 PP.

Ipex! The smell awesome! We will try tomorrow (I hope that homemade will not eaten).
Sugar added 2 times less, as there are dates, chocolate drums and other very sweet dried fruits.
Answer: Tatiana, thanks for the comment!

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:58 DP.

Baked cupcake, very tasty and convenient that you can bake in advance. Many thanks. Now I will oven cupcake for all New Year holidays.
Answer: Thanks for the comment!

Elena: | November 24th, 2018 | 12:43 DP.

Good evening, Daria. Last year she prepared such a cupcake. One of the guests ate him almost all of himself and the rest took home. Very tasty! Thanks for the recipe!
Last year kept about three weeks. Tell me, please, a month and a half before the Christmas takes?
Answer: Elena, thank you! I am glad that the recipe estimated)) the cupcake is really worth it. There was no one and a half months, it did not work so much))) so I will not tell you. But a month will just justify.

Elena: | December 21st, 2017 | 8:42 PP.

Please tell me. What sizes you have a form for cupcake. in which he baked him?
Answer: Elena, form 25 by 12 cm.

Eugene: | December 20th, 2015 | 12:22 pp.

Please tell me the specified number of ingredients is one cupcake (standard long-shaped rectangular) or more? There are only dried fruits and nuts 500 gr, really only one?
Answer: Eugene, yes, this is one cupcake.

Julia: | December 5th, 2015 | 6:14 PP.

Tell me where, besides brandy and Roma, you can soak tsukata? Amaretto liqueur suit?
Answer: Yes, you can in Amaretto if you like this taste. You can also in orange or apple juice or simply in boiling water, if there is nothing at hand.

Irina: | December 20th, 2014 | 5:00 DP.

Hello, tell me, is it possible to prepare this cupcake with freshly closed fruits in cognac? And will it be / Can it be stored for a long time?
Thank you
Answer: Irina, fresh fruits are not suitable for this cupcake. For long storage, it is prepared with dried fruits and cessies.

Lina: | December 25th, 2013 | 9:38 DP.

Thanks for the recipe! Last year I prepared two weeks before NG, I knew perfectly in the film until January 2, I really liked it) This year I will make a podstone and dear together with souvenirs :)

Elena: | December 16th, 2013 | 6:42 DP.

Dasha, what do you think in a multicooker such a cupcake will turn out?

Answer: Elena, if your multicooker has a "Baking" mode, then you can try. The only "but" is the difference in the method of heating in a slow cooker and oven. Due to this, heavy ingredients (nuts, part of dried fruits) can fall into the lower part of the cupcake.

Yaroslav: | December 29th, 2012 | 10:26 pp.

I'm going to cook tomorrow, I froze the candied in choproxes - a Karaizsky herbal moonshine, and now I think - isn't it bitterly?

Dasha: | December 25th, 2012 | 7:07 pp.

Maria, you can soak the candle in juice, tea or the infusion of herbs. Such a cupcake can be given to the child without fears.

Maria: | December 25th, 2012 | 10:21 DP.

Tell me if the chunks do not soak in alcohol, can you add them to the cupcake? Or need to soak into something in water for example?
Cupcake will have a child, so alcohol exclude

Natalia: | December 18th, 2012 | 1:21 pp.

Dasha, did you try to keep it 3-4 weeks at home in the film? Is it not moldy? I want to cook for the new year and I am afraid ... maybe it's better to prepare the number of 28-29th ...

Answer: If scary, then cook on the 28th :)

Lily: | December 16th, 2012 | 6:30 PP.

Dasha, please tell me, can you bake in small molds for the muffins to give a portion for the new year?

Answer: Yes, you can. Only baking time to reduce.

Natalia: | December 14th, 2012 | 7:13 DP.

Dasha, can you bake it in a round detachable form?

Answer: Yes, of course, in any form it is possible.


Do not abuse delicacy. If there are citades in small quantities, they are very useful for the body. The surplus of consumption leads to obesity, diabetes.

In the United States, for example, nutritionists do not advise the use of Cucats - they believe that the tsukati still contain sugar in a certain amount, and the measure of consumption of products with the content of Sugar of the Middle American is higher than in other countries.

In addition, advantages depend on the type of citades. Each form contains various nutrients, vitamins. They, in addition, which contain glucose, is also rich in vitamins, fiber, macro and microelements.

Citrus Cutters not only in the abundance contain ascorbic acid, but also remove slags from the body. It is recommended to replace sweets on the candies to those who are subject to frequent infectious diseases.

Tsukata helps to improve appetite, accelerate the metabolic process, activate the production of juice in the stomach. It is recommended to persons suffering from stomach disorder, ulcers, allergies, colds. These are not only sweet and universal natural tablets preventing colds, angina, but also a prophylactic agent for various inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

However, always remember, too much sugar adversely affects the figure.

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