
Beefroganov from chicken with sour cream step-by-step recipe. Beefstrods from chicken. Befstroods from chicken with tomato

Today I will show how to prepare befstroods from chicken with sour cream. I know that many hostesses very often use chicken for making their dishes. Convenient, because branded shops of different brands with fresh chicken are now in any residential microdistrict. In addition, the chicken has long become an affordable product. And besides this and useful. Here I want to say that you should not open a discussion with horror stories about what the chicken is fed. This is not the resource at all. But back to the recipe.
Once again, I go home from work, forgotten meat for dinner. Which variant? Chicken fillet. What I usually cook out of it, so quickly. Cutlets, lazy chops from fillet, pasta with chicken, but what to list. Each hostess has a list of "duty dishes" that can be prepared. Here is mine - dishes from chicken fillet. And then in the store I dawned on me. Why not cook Beefstrogen, but not from pork, but from chicken? Therefore, I quickly remembered everything at home and, pleased, went to please my husband and daughter with a tasty dinner.


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp.
  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • 1 big bulb
  • black Pepper and Salt to Taste
  • vegetable oil


  1. The first thing to do is to cut the onions and put heaving the frying pan.

  2. We start frying onions on the vegetable oil. Onions should become a little golden.

  3. I usually cook everything very quickly, so while the bow is roasted, I still have time to cut the fillet on the long pieces of the lump. With the help of a kitchen hammer, I cut off on one side (you can via the food film, especially if the hammer is tearing meat).

  4. Then from the second side.

  5. Approximately by this time, the onions became slightly golden and I add a fillet to it. At this point, I make fire more, that would rather make sicks and did not lose touch. And remember, of course, that the chicken is very simple to cut. I fresher I am 4-5 minutes. Salt, pepper.

  6. Now I add flour to chicken fillet and mix well. Flour mixes with a nipple that was formed during frying and get sauce.

  7. And now add sour cream. Be sure to try the sauce to taste, you may need to add salts or spices.

  8. I cover the frying pan with Befstogan from the chicken with a lid and tomorrow for another 5-10 minutes. Time depends on the thickness of pieces of chicken meat. Do not stand! The photo shows how the sauce thicked.

  9. By this time, her husband and daughter had already come home and are trying to find out what so tasty smells. We do not eat side dishes for dinner, only meat dishes with non-private vegetables. This is the answer to a frequently set question, as I manage to lead several culinary sites and weigh not for 100 kg. Therefore, I also managed to prepare a vegetable salad. Beefstroods from chicken fillet ready!

Beefstrods from chicken with sour cream, probably the most gentle. Pierced meat pieces with onions are soft and juicy, and sauce - thick and delicate. The dish will be no less tasty than the original with beef, besides, its preparation is significantly reduced, because chicken fillets reaches the condition at times faster than beef. Perhaps such an option would like even the very column A. G. Stroganov, who knows?

Total cooking time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Output: 2-3 portions


  • chicken fillet - 400 g
  • 20% sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • mustache is unsolving - 2 h.
  • the onions of the medium size - 1 pc.
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • corn or potato starch - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 0.5 h. l. or to taste
  • mixture of ground peppers - 2 chips.
  • ground nutmeg - 1-2 chips.
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • parsley - 4-5 twigs
  • water - 300 ml


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    The chicken fillet is rinsed and we are dry that there is no extra moisture on the surface that prevents the formation of a beautiful crust with frying. Next, cut meat and marinate in a mixture of salt and pepper. I cut the fillet with long pars, not too thin so that the meat is not overwhelmed with frying (optimally 1 cm). Generously sprinkled with a mixture of ground peppers and a large salt, left for 5-7 minutes to marinate.

    In the meantime, it cleaned and cut the midday bulb with thin half rings. Prepared sauce. For this mixed sour cream, mustard and water (or chicken broth). If you wish, you can also add a spoonful of tomato paste, but personally it seems to me that the recipe of Befstoganov from chicken fillet does not require the addition of tomatoes, and the mustache-sour cream sauce is enough to strain the delicate taste of chicken meat.

    Preheated pan with refined oil. Filed down onions in the pan. Passerved it until soft, stirring the blade. Approximately it will take 2-3 minutes.

    The pieces of chicken fillets were knocked in a mixture of flour and starch (surplus shaken) and laid out overion in the pan. Panication will create a crust on the surface of meat, which will prevent his cutting. Subsequently, the flour thickens our sour cream sauce, and starch will make it more silky and gentle.

    Increased fire to the maximum. And stirring, roasted meat with a bow, stirring constantly. After approximately 3 minutes, the chicken must be twisted.

    Poured the contents of the frying pan with sauce. The fire reduced to the smallest and extinguished the chicken until full readiness, about 20 minutes (without a cover, so that the excess moisture leaves). By consistency, the sauce should be not too thick, but not liquid. If necessary, you can pour more water.

    At the end, we definitely remove the sample, add a little ground nutmeg for fragrance, if necessary, then we are improving. Beefstroods from chicken remove from fire, sprinkled with a chopped parsley - she is very good.

Serve in Stroganov's chicken in sour cream sauce is best hot, immediately after cooking. Rice, pasta, potatoes or buckwheat will fit the garnish.

Traditional beefroganov is prepared from meat beef. But what to do, if only a chicken, and the soul requires experiments? Right! Prepare chicken befstrogen. This dish probably will like your baby. Let's figure it out how to cook beefstroods from chicken fillet.

Use of a dish for a child

Chicken is the main component of the dish. White poultry meat contains a huge amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins necessary for the harmonious development of the kid. The meat of chicken respect famous nutritionists, because the chicken breast has a set of "ideal" proteins, that is, such that contain the full composition of amino acids.


  • The meat of chicken is rich vitamins group B.. They are responsible for the work of the nervous and immune system. Vitamin PP should also be highlighted: it binds the "bad" cholesterol and does not allow him to settle on the endothelium of the vessels.
  • Vitamin K. affects blood formation processes.
  • Vitamin A It affects the work of vision, responsible for twilight vision, and its lack provokes chicken blindness.

Micro and macroelements

  • Chicken meat is rich in calcium, which is part of the bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium We are necessary for the work of the developing nervous system.
  • Potassium And sodium regulate the water balance of the body. Potassium affects the work of the heart muscle.
  • Phosphorus - component of strong and healthy bones and teeth.

  • Choose the poultry meat only in proven places.
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the carcass: the chicken breast should be rounded, proportional dimensions. Meat when pressed pliable, quickly restores the form.
  • Pay attention to the smell of meat.
  • There should be no icing on a frozen carcass.
  • Keep the chicken in the refrigerator no more than 2-3 days. It is desirable, in a saucepan with ice.
  • The chicken is perfect for children with age for 3 years. It is not fat, and in their lord it is introduced before the year.
  • If you are preparing beefstroods with mushrooms, watch the child, because the mushrooms are heavy, especially for the children's stomach.
  • For the first time, prepare a simple chicken befstrogen if everything is fine with the child, you can experiment by adding new ingredients.
  • In the children's menu, use as few spices and salts as possible.

Beefroganov from chicken - recipe

You will need

  • 0.5 kg of chicken breast;
  • 1 PC. white bow;
  • 200 g sour creams of medium fat;
  • 2 cloves of small garlic;
  • 2 h. L. Wheat flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil;
  • 30 g of butter;
  • 250 ml of boiled water or broth;
  • 0.25 h. L. paprika;
  • parsley;
  • salt and pepper.

How to cook

Cheefstroods from chicken with mushrooms and cream

You will need

  • 250 g of chicken fillet;
  • 120 g champignons;
  • 1 PC. white bow;
  • 250 ml of cream;
  • 1 tsp. flour;
  • butter;
  • salt and spices.

Sequences of cooking

  1. Clean the bow and cut it with half rings.
  2. Fry vegetable in oil, preheated in a frying pan.
  3. Add mushrooms to Luka and after 5 minutes chicken meat, sliced \u200b\u200bwith long stripes thick in 1 centimeter.
  4. Fry everything until readiness, add cream, flour and spices. Pretty mix and give the dish to remove in the resulting sauce for another 5 minutes. Screw the fire and cover the frying pan with a lid.

Befstroods from chicken with tomato

You will need

  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 ml of cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato juice or pasta;
  • 1 PC. white bow;
  • 1 tbsp. l. beloved mustard;
  • 150-200 ml of boiled water;
  • 3 small cloves of garlic;
  • spices and Sol.
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • greens.

How to cook

  1. Rinse and cut the meat with long thin stripes, fry the chicken on a preheated frying pan with butter.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the onions in the shape of a half-colt.
  3. After that, mix the boiled water with tomato paste and add mustard. Stick to get a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Add a bow to meat and continue to fry until the bow becomes transparent.
  5. Add flour, mix the meat well and add a sauce. Distribute it evenly in a frying pan.
  6. Fill the dish with cream and extinguish under the closed lid for another 7-10 minutes.
  7. Add garlic to the mostst.
  8. Hot dish decorate greens.

Recipe Beefstoganova

Try gentle chemicals from chicken: Choose an option with sour cream, mushrooms or in a slow cooker - watch step-by-step recipes with photos, videos and tips.

30 minutes

135 kcal

5/5 (3)

Beefroganov is such a gentle meat chopped by oblong pieces, roasted and wound in sour cream sauce. It is remarkably combined with any side dish and vegetable salads.

In the classic version of Befstrogen, they prepare beef, but I often cook it from chicken fillet - this option seems to me easier and faster. The meat is delicate and literally melts in the mouth.

Researchers believe that this dish was invented by the cook General Governor Alexander Grigorievich Stroganov. Whether for "open lunches" for the poor intelligentsia, which at the end of the XIX century arranged a wealthy graph in Odessa, or in order to delicately feed the graph itself, whose in old age there were problems with teeth - it is not known for certain. But, be that as it may, the dish love to love around the world. It is served in cheap eaters, and in expensive restaurants.

Today I propose to master such a hearty and tasty dish as befstrods from chicken. I will show some simple variants of its preparation: in a frying pan and in a slow cooker. Let's cook.

Beefroganov from chicken breast with sour cream


  • cutting board;
  • pan;
  • a small bowl for the preparation of sauce;
  • spatula.

Required products:

Cheefstroods from chicken with sour cream: step-by-step recipe

  1. Rinse under running water chicken fillet and cut it on thin stripes.

  2. Roll the frying pan, add some vegetable oil and put a chicken fried. Cook on medium fire 3 minutes. Watch that the chicken is burned.

  3. When chicken meat is slightly twisted, send to it on the onion onions. Fry onions together with chicken, stirring, about 3-5 minutes.

  4. While the chicken and onions are preparing, prepare sauce. In a separate bowl, put the sour cream, add a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of mustard, fifty grams of tomato paste and mix.

  5. Add a sauce into a pan where chicken and onions are roasted. Suck, pepper and mix.
  6. Cover the lid and extinguish a chicken in sour cream sauce about 10 minutes.

Serve meat hot with freshly prepared garnish.

How to prepare Befstrods from chicken fillet in a slow cooker

It is simpler. Only one nuance: At the beginning of the preparation, lay out on the bottom of the multicooker in one layer onions, and on top of the meat layer. Then the meat will languish on the onion pillow and the bow will be roasted evenly. Follow the step-by-step instructions, and you will get wonderful, gentle meat with sauce. This is a great addition to any garnish.

Time will be needed: 40 minutes.
Get serving: 3.


  • cutting board;
  • food film;
  • kitchen hammer;
  • bowl;
  • multicooker.

Required products:

  • 400-500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 1 large bulb (or 2 small);
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 40 grams of flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • 200 grams sour cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Step-by-step recipe

  1. Wash the chicken fillet, cut it into oblong narrow pieces, cover the food film and slightly discard the kitchen hammer.

  2. Clean the bow, cut it with half rings.

  3. Put a multicooker in the "fry" mode for 20 minutes. While it warms up, cutting the pieces of chicken in the flour.
  4. When a multicooker will warm enough, put butter butter on the bottom and add vegetable. One layer on the bottom of the bowl lay out onions. From above on the onion pillow, lay out a layer of prepared meat. Thus, your meat will roast on the onion cushion with an open lid. Five minutes later, turn the chicken meat and fry with the bow for about 10 minutes. Stir.

  5. Disconnect the "frying" mode, spray and stick your dish. Add sour cream and tablespoon of tomato paste. Mix well and put a multicooker in the "quenching" mode for 20 minutes. Serve a dish hot with a delicious garnish and enjoy.

Cheefstroods from chicken with mushrooms

This dish is preparing quickly and easily, the cooking will take no more than 20 minutes by time. Mushrooms give Befstrods thin, gentle mushroom notes. Perfectly combined with any garnish.

Required products:

  • 0.5 kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • 2 medium bulbs;
  • 2 spoons of vegetable oil for roasting;
  • 250 grams of fresh champignons;
  • 50 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams sour cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Step-by-step recipe

  1. Rinse the chicken under running water, dry with a paper towel and cut into oblong pieces with a thickness of about centimeter. Save, pepper and cut them in flour.

  2. Put the frying pan on the stove, add several spoons of vegetable oil.

  3. On a hot frying pan, fry the meat to a golden crust for about three minutes. Then remove the meat of shimmer and put in a separate bowl.

  4. Clean the onions and cut half rings.
  5. Wash the champignons, dry and cut into thin slides.

  6. Fry champignons with onions in the same oil in which meat roasted. Fry until the bow arrives a golden shade, then add meat and fry everything together: meat, onions and mushrooms are no more than 5 minutes on a small fire.

  7. Through time, add sour cream, mix, drive under the closed lid for another 3 minutes and turn off the fire.
  8. Serve it a hot dish.

Read about how delicious, quickly and just cook.

What is this dish

In the classic version of Beefroganov, serve for lunch with potatoes, fried in deep fryer, and slices of fresh tomato. And the dish and the side dish when feeding should be hot. The cooled Beefrodan loses its consistency, aroma and attractiveness.

Also as a side dish, you can use potatoes puree, buckwheat porridge or beans. Perfect the dish of fresh vegetables salad. Can be served in the company with diards and greens. And I also advise you to try theftstroogans with rice or pasta - you will not regret.

Cext video from chicken

This video shows a simple and fast recipe for cooking Beefstogan from chicken. Lovers of video instructions can take advantage of step-by-step recommendations to prepare a delicious and gentle dish.

Preparation options

Beefrodanov can be prepared not only from beef or chicken. Use any meat: pork or lamb. Beefrodan recipes are known even from seafood, squid and shrimp. If you prepare this beef dish, then take the crosses or the renal part. Cut the meat necessarily across the fibers. Then it will be soft and gentle.

The principle of cooking Befstoganova is quickly roasted meat (3-4 minutes). If you abreate it on fire, it will become tough, so do not miss this important point. Then the meat is roasted with onions or tomatoes on the onion cushion up to five minutes and extinguished in sour cream sauce with the addition of tomato paste or blanched and crushed tomatoes and flour. I also add mustard in such a sauce, it gives piquant to the dish. You can not do this.

Try different options to determine how you like more. Beefstoganov - a wonderful reason to experiment in your kitchen. After all, the main thing is that the dish is tasty, and the cooking process brought you pleasure.

Write, do you like my recipes. Perhaps you would like to add something or change. We will be glad to your letters with reviews and comments. Prepare with love. I wish you all happiness.

If not, you lost a lot. This gentle and fragrant dish will delight any gourmet. The article contains several recipes. We hope that some of the options you will like. We wish culinary success!

Beefroganov with chicken breast

Grocery list:

  • 300-400 ml of milk or cream;
  • two bulbs;
  • 100-200 g sour cream (any fatness);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon flour;
  • chicken breast per 500-600 g;
  • greens;
  • half of the stem of the onions-sowing (not necessarily);
  • spices (pepper, salt);
  • some vegetable oil (refined).

Practical part:

Beefroganov from chicken fillet with sour cream

Required ingredients:

  • major bulb - 1 pc.;
  • 4 tbsp. spoon sour cream;
  • 1 kg of chicken fillet;
  • spice;
  • 2 tbsp. spoon of flour (any variety);
  • vegetable oil.

Instructions for cooking

Step number 1. Let's start with the fact that they can clean the onions and cut it with half rings.

Step number 2. Heat the pan, adding some oil. We send there crushed onions. Fry until the appearance of a golden shade.

Step number 3. Quickly cut the fillet with long-piece brooms. We take a kitchen hammer in your hand. We beat off every piece of meat on both sides.

Step number 4. Do not turn off the fire. Add a fill-down fillet to the bow. Fire can be increased. Fry ingredients 4-5 minutes. Solim. Add your favorite spices and flour. Mix. It remains to pour sour cream. Then cover the frying pan with a lid. Take 5-10 minutes. Let's give our fragrant dish on the table. We wish everyone a pleasant appetite!

Chicken Beefroganov: Polaris multicooker recipe

Grocery set:

  • 400 g of champignons (in the fresh form);
  • middle carrot;
  • 3-4 cloves of marinated garlic;
  • 400 g chicken fillets;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • 3-4 tomatoes (pickled);
  • 2 tbsp. Spoon vegetable oil (refined).


  1. Where do you start? In the bowl, we pour the specified amount of oil. Mushrooms are rinsed with water from the tap and grind. We send to the bowl. Run the "frying" mode (FRY). Make sure that the shooter pointed to "vegetables". It is very important.
  2. We remove the husk from the bulbs. Cut the flesh to pieces. Grinding onions lay out over mushrooms. It is not necessary to mix.
  3. The next ingredients, which will go to the slow cooker will be grated carrots. Now I mix all. Let's leave to roast.
  4. Chicken fillet grinding on thin strips. We remove to the side. We remove the skin with tomatoes and smell them slightly.
  5. Turn off the "frying" mode. We put the chicken pieces on the onion-mushroom mass. Add softened tomatoes. We establish the "Stew" program. For full cooking, 60 minutes will be enough. It can be served with spaghetti, buckwheat or rice.


Now you know how toftstroods from chicken or fillet breast. The recipes described in the article are suitable for both experienced and beginner hosts. Preparing such a refined dish, you will feel like a real cook.

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