
Calorie Coconut, dried pulp, not sweetened. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Coconut: Calorie, Useful properties Coconut pulp Title

Of course, you can buy a ready-made sublimated coconut chips. And you can dry the pulp of coconut and make flakes yourself - without the use of chemicals and significantly cheaper.
It will be about 3 simple and accessible methods of dehydration of coconut pulp - air, in the oven and in the microwave.

To dry coconut meat, you will need: molotok, sharp knife, food processor, baking tray (tray) for baking, microwave, jars with screw lids.

The air drying method of coconut pulp

1 Coline the nut with the help of a hammer, drain the liquid and carefully remove the coconut meat with a knife. If you prefer a snow-white flesh, separate it from the brown layer.

2 Put prepared coconut slices in the kitchen processor. Grind until they turn into a homogeneous mass.

3 Spread the coconut mass with a thin layer on baking tray.

4 Place the baking sheet on the top shelf of the warm oven (not heated!) Or the drying cabinet and leave there for one or two days until the coconut mass becomes dry.

5 Distribute dried flakes on hermetic cans and store in a cool, dry, well ventilated place (storage period - up to one year).

Method of drying coconut pulp in the oven

6 Preheat the oven by making it warm (no more than 120 s).

7 Prepare coconut (see steps 1 to 3).

8 Turn off the oven and put a baking sheet in it with coconut meat. Leave it in the oven: As it is cool, the mass will be dehydrated.

9 Give the coconut pulp completely cool, then pack into sealed banks and store in a cool, dry, well ventilated place.

Method of drying coconut pulp in microwave

10 Prepare coconut (see steps 1 and 2).

11 Distribute prepared coconut meat on a tray in the microwave oven.

12 Turn on the "defrost" setting. Place the tray in the microwave and keep there for about 20 minutes.

13 Turn the flesh and repeat the process of 5 extra minutes until the chips become dry ..

14 Give coconut meat to completely cool, then pack in sealed banks and store in a cool, dry, well ventilated place.

Coconut, dried pulp, not sweetenedit is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin B5 - 16%, vitamin B6 - 15%, potassium - 21.7%, magnesium - 22.5%, phosphorus - 25.8%, iron - 18.4%, manganese - 137.3%, copper - 79.6%, selenium - 33.6%, zinc - 16.8%

Than coconut is useful, dried pulp, not sweetened

  • Vitamin B5. Participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate exchange, shallowing of cholesterol, synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, contributes to the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestine, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. The lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6. Participates in maintaining an immune response, braking and excitation processes in the central nervous system, in the transformations of amino acids, tryptophan metabolism, lipids and nucleic acids, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining the normal level of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood. Insufficient consumption of vitamin B6 is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, disruption of the state of the skin, the development of homocysteinemia, anemia.
  • Potassium It is the main intracellular ion that participates in the regulation of aquatic, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve pulses, pressure regulation.
  • Magnesium Participates in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect for membranes, it is necessary to maintain calcium homeostasis, potassium and sodium. The lack of magnesium leads to hypomagniasia, raising the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Phosphorus Takes part in many physiological processes, including energy exchange, regulates acid-alkaline balance, is included in phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. The deficit leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Iron It is part of various proteins, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the flow of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobine-deficient atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
  • Manganese Participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes comprising in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; We are needed for cholesterol and nucleotide synthesis. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by a slowdown in growth, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Copper It is part of the enzymes with the redox activity and the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the process of ensuring the tissues of the human body with oxygen. The deficit is manifested by violations of the formation of a cardiovascular system and a skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Selenium - the essential element of the antioxidant system of protecting the human body, has an immunomodulatory action, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. The deficiency leads to a disease of Kashin-Bek (osteoarthritis with multiple deformation of the joints, spine and limbs), diseases of Keshan (endemic myocardiopathy), hereditary thrombaster.
  • Zinc More than 300 enzymes are included in the processes of synthesis and decay of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in regulation of expression of a number of genes. Insufficient consumption leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, the presence of malformations of the fetus. Recent studies revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to break the absorption of copper and the contribution to the development of anemia.
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A solid sheath covered outside, inside which there is a transparent gentle milk and a snow-white flesh, coconut for many inhabitants of our country remains mysterious fruit. Not everyone knows what kind of useful properties has this oven "Walnut", for which the reasons for the milk or the pulp of exotic delicacy should be included in its diet.

The fruit from the Portuguese word Coco from the Portuguese word Coco, which is translated into Russian means a monkey. This is due to the presence of three specks on coconut, which make it look like a monkey muzzle. Growing fruit in the Philippines, in Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, from where and exported to our country.

Many are coconut to nuts. This is wrong. The fruit is a busty, the mass of which reaches 2.5 kilograms. He is the only representative of the Cocos family belonging to the Palm family. The inner part of the fetus with three pores (spots) is called endocarp, and the outer (outer) sheath is exocarp.

From the inside of the shell is an endosperm, as well as the having a valuable unique composition of the flesh of white. Initially, a completely transparent liquid endosperm contains several drops of oil, and then from water as a result of maturation turns into an emulsion of a dairy shade - coconut milk. When the fruit is fully ripening, milk acquires thick consistency and harden.

The tree is distinguished by what it grows on the sea coast. The plant comfortably feels like a sea of \u200b\u200bsea water, but does not feel need. Having shallow roots, it gets all the necessary moisture for the development and growth of soil, which is abundant irrigated on the sea coast.

Salted water does not bring any harm to the skin. If the fruit falls into the sea, it will remain absolutely unharmed. When it throws off ashore, it will become a landing material from which the coconut tree will grow.

What substances are contained in coconut?

The pulp of the fetus is rich in the following valuable components:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins of groups C, E and B;
  • natural oils;
  • fiber.

It concluded a lot of potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, zinc, magnesium. There are meakty and some amount of sucrose, fructose and glucose.

Calorie and nutritional value

Coconut pulp at 100 gr. Contains approximately 360 kcal. Coconut water calorie is practically zero (per 100 grams - 16.7 kcal).

  • proteins - 3.33 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15.23 g;
  • fat - 33.49

In milk, the ratio of nutrients is somewhat different:

  • proteins - 4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6 g;
  • fats - 27

Exotic fruit is shown to use:

  • with urological pathologies and diseases of the nervous system;
  • those who keep a vegetarian diet;
  • suffering from a violation of a hormonal background with thyroid dysfunction;
  • people with weakened immunity, as well as having problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • with impairment of vision and eye diseases, diabetes mellitus of the second type, metabolic syndrome;
  • those who have diseases of the joints.

Useful saturated fats included in the coconut stabilize cholesterol levels. This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, the fetus does not allow tumors to grow.

Both milk and flesh have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This feature allows the use of coconut fruits against allergic and acnewes on the skin.

The fiber present in exotic fruit stimulates and normalizes the intestinal function. The use of coconut pulp and oil allows to reduce the addiction of the organism to antibiotics. Drops helping with ear pains make from the pulp.

The fruit does not bring any harm, but some people are able to cause individual intolerance. Those who are inclined to allergies trying to coconut for the first time, caution should be taken.

Regarding how much Cocos can eat, here too have their own nuances. People who quickly gain weight, as well as suffering from stomach disorders, is not recommended to get involved in exotic delicacies.

Where do coconuts use?

Flakes, pulp and fresh and dried, applied in cooking. Dishes with them, subject to regular use, normalize metabolic processes. They allow you to get a good energy charge, but without excess fat.

Chip coconut is also added to food. It has antiviral and anti-grapple effect, well strengthens the immune system, removes slags from the intestine. It puts in baking, snacks, salads, puddings and porridge. Coconut milk prepare various sauces, desserts, sweets, drinks and soups.

Cooking is not the only area where coconuts are used. From the fibers, which are covered with fruit outside, make durable ropes and ropes, as well as brushes, carpets and other household items, produce a variety of building materials. Coconut Shell is on the manufacture of dishes, toys, souvenirs, musical instruments.

The benefits of coconut milk

Valuable and for internal reception, and for outdoor use. The solution of coconut milk and glucose is injected intramuscularly to those who suffer from dehydration to maintain fluid in the body at the desired level.

Milk is an excellent toning and refreshing skin. It returns the aging and sluggish dermis the elasticity, is used in the treatment of allergic and acne rams. Inflamed areas after applying the milk calms down and is dry.

Of the dried pulp of the fetus, a valuable cosmetic oil is obtained, which is widespread in the rituals of beauty. It is equally useful for skin, and for hair. It has healing any burns effect, including those crucial from the long exposure of the Sun.

Especially coconut oil is useful for dry skin with reddened and cracked areas. Saturated fatty acids included in its composition provide fast absorption, moisturizing and velvety skin. Sequest and dull, they acquire a brilliant and healthy look.

The benefits of coconut oil for the stomach

The oil from the pulp of coconut is dietary. It contains lauryic acid, which protects the intestines from the effects of bactericidal, viral, pathogenic and fungal microorganisms, as well as from yeast. Due to caprinic acid, protective functions from microbes are enhanced. The oil is easily digested, does not have load on the liver, normalizes the intestinal flora.

What is coconut water and what properties does it have?

Water is present only in unripe fruits, it differs straight from milk, which is formed at the stage of mixing water and pulp, in taste quality and has almost zero calorie. Sweet-sour and cool, it does not have harmful fats.

The substances present in coconut water make the product with properties close to the physiological solution. It manifests the following useful qualities:

  • perfectly quenching thirst;
  • restores the water balance of the body;
  • eliminates infections in the bladder.

Fresh fruit has a maximum value, but it is not always possible to purchase such an opportunity. All the beneficial properties of coconut water are preserved in the process of pasteurization passing without the use of any dangerous additives and impurities.


Coconut is an incredibly useful fruit. It has value not only for health, but also for the appearance of a person. Of course, in contrast to the usual fruit, it turns out to constantly eat it in food is not always, but if such an opportunity exists, then this chance is not recommended. This also applies to the products obtained from the pulp of this exotic "walnut."

© Bought From Carballo, Fotolia

Coconut flesh - This is the pulp of coconut, i.e. Fetal coconut palm. Coconut according to the botanical classification applies not to nuts, but to bone fruit, however, the taste of its snow-white pulp is really reminded of nuts. Under the coconut chips, it is understood by a coolest and dried pulp of coconut.

General information about coconut palm:

From Wikipedia: " Coconut palm (Lat. Cōcos nucifēra) - Plant familyPalm (Arke); onlyview of Roda Cocos.. "

"The scientific name of the genus comes from the Portuguese wordCOCO (" Monkey ") And given because of the stains onout who make it look like a monkey face. Species titlenucífera - from the Latin words NUX ("Walnut") and Ferre ("Carry")" .

Use of coconut palm:

""Nuts" collect completely ripened (onkopru. and other products) or a month before ripening (onkoir ). Koyre applies in the furniture industry (fibers are connectedlatex. - Hence the resistant smell of "rubber") in products such as mattresses.

Coconut substrate - product of industrial processing of crushed peel and coconut fiber. Used in gardening"

Information about Cocos Nut:

"Fruit - Kostyanka (Coconut Name It is erroneous), 15-30 cm long, comparatively rounded, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg. Outdoor envelope of the fetus (exocarp ) permeated with fibers (coyre); internal (endocamp ) - a solid "shell" with three pores leading to three seeds, of which only one develops into the seed.Seed Consists of a fleshy surface layer of white color with a thickness of about 12 mm (flesh, orkopra) and endosperma . Endosperm, first liquid and transparent (coconut water ), with the ripening of coconut in it, drops of oil produced by the copra appear, and it becomes slightly yellowish and oily on the view. The addition of water in endosper is obtainedcoconut milk.

Fruits grow by groups of 15-20 pieces, completely matured for eight - ten months. In culture, the tree begins to be fron with seven - nine years and continues about 50 years. One tree annually gives from 60 to 200 fruits".

Chemical composition and use of coconut pulp:

Translated from "de.wikipedia.org/wiki/kokospalme#kokosnuss.":" In 100 g of fresh coconut pulp contains: 45 g of water, 36 g of fat, 4 g of protein, 4.8 g of sugar, 9 g of fiber, 380 mg of potassium, 20 mg of calcium, 39 mg of magnesium and 2 mg vitamin C.

Fresh coconut pulp contains approximately 45% water, a maximum of about 50%. Due to drying, the water content in the fruit pulp is reduced by 5%. Then she is called a copra. In this case, the fat content ranges from 63 to 70%. One palm produces from 5 to 20 kg of copers for the year.

Kopra serves as the starting material for the production of coconut oil, coconut fat, margarine, dried coconut flakes, as well as for pasta, which is used in cooking. A squeezed copra is used in the confectionery industry. However, first of all, Coconut oil is obtained by pressing the copra. Pressing waste with the addition of sugar, proteins and minerals are valuable feed for livestock".

Coconut is a major round fruit of coconut palm palm with solid porous shell, thin brown peel, white pulp, which is eating fresh or dried, in the form of flakes or in a grated form.

Kakos, the plant of the Palm family (arky) and the only appearance of the genus Cocos.

One of the features of these trees is that they willingly live in close proximity to sea water, although they do not need it at all. This is explained by the ease with which the shallow roots of palms absorb moisture from plentifully irrigated soil on the sea coast.

Coconut peel is not damaged in salted water. This means that the nuts falling into the sea waves can be rendered in the open sea and after long wanders, it is thrown into a distant shore, where a young palm tree will appear on the light.

How to choose coconut?

Coconuts are often swallowing, so milk is poured out of them and they themselves get down. So if you see at the coconut at least a small team - do not buy. In our coconut, milk must be splashing, it is well audible.

The coconut pulp should not only be separated from the windmill, but also from the windyline, (between the White and the Skalp). If not, then it was removed green. And the pulp should be soft. It is usually used as a shallow strut.

Use coconut in cooking

Use coconuts in fruit salads, desserts, pies, soups and sometimes in the main dishes.

Coconut oil - vegetable oily oil obtained from a copra. It is manufactured by a hot pressing of freshly dried coconut pulp. It is used mainly in soaping, for the manufacture of cosmetics, for the preparation of colder stuffing in wafer cakes and in the production of margarine.

With the popularity of Asian cuisine, the pulp of coconut recently began to be used in European recipes.

How to open coconut

On the top of each coconut is 3 recesses, in the form of an equilibried triangle. First you need to pierce (with a screwdriver, a narrow knife, scissors), the hole that is located closest to the top. From one walnut you can escort up to two thirds of the glass.

Next, the hammer is useful :) Holding the coconut in one hand it is necessary to turn it on, tapping on the so-called golden cross section of coconut (about a third of the end with black eyes), and it is precisely for this line that a crack is quite unexpected - this is a line of natural fault. It is enough to stick into it the tip of the knife and slightly pressing how the coconut itself will split. Although if you open Coconut from the supermarket, and it is not the first freshness, the presence of a hammer will come in handy again.

Calorie Coconut

Coconut is considered a high-calorie product due to increased fat content. 100 g of Coconut contains 354 kcal. The energy value of coconut oil is 862 kcal per 100 g. However, in the coconut milk, only 19 kcal. Excessive use of coconuts can cause overweight.

Food value in 100 grams:

Useful properties of coconuts

Coconet contains many healing substances, natural oils and antioxidants.

Coconut contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin ,, folate and fiber.

The coconut pulp improves digestion and vision, restores strength, increases immunity, prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Coconut has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect.

Coconut milk has a pleasant smell and sweet taste, it is very useful for the skin and contains about 27% fat, 6% carbohydrates and 4% protein. Milk perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, restores the elasticity of aging and sluggish skin. It is especially successful with its help you can treat acne and allergic rashes, calm and dry the inflamed skin.

The coconut oil consists of triglycerides and medium-chained saturated fatty acids, thanks to which it absorbs very quickly, wonderfully moisturizes and gives the skin velvety. In particular, Laurinic acid adversely acts on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, mushrooms and viruses. Also in coconut oil contains caprinic acid (7% of the oily-acid composition), which stimulates antimicrobial activity. Coconut oil is easily digested and does not produce a load on the liver. It is useful for your stomach and contributes to a healthy intestinal flora.

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