
Industrial production of biscuits. Cookie making: a delicious business. Rent of premises for a workshop for the production of cookies

  • Capital investments: 19,350,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 3 326 400 rubles,
  • Net profit: 574,133 rubles,
  • Payback: 34 months!

Demand assessment

According to a study carried out by Intesco Research Group in 2010, 847,300 tons of sweet biscuits, waffles, gingerbread cookies and gingerbread and similar products were produced in the Russian Federation. There was a noticeable increase in the market compared to 2009, the growth rates were at the level of 7.2%. The market is expected to increase by another 2.5% in 2011.

According to the research, the demand for cookies has stimulated new price increases. During 2008-2010. there was a steady increase in the manufacturer's selling prices for these products. In 2010, the growth in producer prices for biscuits, biscuits and crackers on average did not exceed 10%.

The competition in the market can be described as average. An important role is played by local companies that manufacture products on obsolete Soviet equipment. If you organize production on modern equipment and with competent marketing, you can take a significant share of the market.

1. Business organization

The purpose of writing a business plan: evaluating the advisability of investing in organizing the production of cookies.

1.2. Equipment

After analyzing several proposals of firms engaged in the supply of equipment for the production of cookies, we stopped from the proposal of the Russian-Chinese company "Russian-Chinese Business Center Cityline". This company offers a fully automatic line with a capacity of 450 kg. finished products per hour.

This line performs all the operations necessary for the manufacture of cookies: from kneading dough to packaging of finished products.

In the section equipment for the production of cookies, you can familiarize yourself with a cheaper option for arranging production.

1.3. Industrial production technology

Basic operations:

  1. preparation of raw materials for production;
  2. kneading dough;
  3. molding;
  4. bakery products;
  5. cooling;
  6. packaging.

1.4. Premises for the production workshop

To organize the production of cookies on an automatic line, a room with an area of \u200b\u200b200 sq.m. (ceiling height 3.5 meters), it is necessary to place a production line, warehouse and utility rooms for personnel.

Room requirement:

  • The premises must comply with the requirements of SanPiN
  • Availability of water supply and sewerage in the premises
  • Electricity 380 V
  • Convenient access for transport.

1.5. Number of staff

With one-shift work of the confectionery department, the number of employees is 14 people.

1.6. Sales markets

According to a study by Intesco Research Group, the distinctive features of the market are its attachment to the territory. biscuits have a limited shelf life, and high transportation costs at a low price do not justify long-distance deliveries.

The rather serious position of the regional market players can be explained by the fact that in each regional center there was a huge number of confectionery factories and bakeries with large capacities, which continue to operate even now. In this connection, even small companies that have only one enterprise can become leaders in the segment of inexpensive bulk cookies.

The share of foreign manufacturers in the biscuits segment is rather small (about 15%), which can be explained by the peculiarity of the product.

Sales of products can be carried out through the following channels:

  • Realization through wholesale companies engaged in the sale of food products
  • Sales through regional and federal grocery chains.

2. Feasibility study

2.1. Capital expenditures

2.2. Revenue of the confectionery department

With one-shift operation of the shop, the maximum output (excluding the time for a technical break and a lunch break), per month (22 shifts) is 79.2 tons of cookies.

The wholesale price for 1 ton of cookies starts from 42,000 rubles. Based on the price of 42,000 rubles per 1 ton of finished products and the monthly output of 79.2 tons, the monthly proceeds of the confectionery department are 3,326,400 rubles.

2.3. Cost price

The raw materials for the production of cookies are flour, granulated sugar, margarine, milk, starch, and other ingredients. For the production of 1 ton of finished products, 1,198 kg of raw materials are required.

2.4. General expenses

2.5 Calculating profitability

2.6. Payback

The payback period for the confectionery shop is 34 months. This calculation is made on the basis of one-shift shop work. If the confectionery shop works in 2-3 shifts, then the payback period will be much shorter.

3. Formal business organization

3.1. Organizational form of activity

For a confectionery shop, the most suitable organizational form is: "Individual entrepreneur".

3.2. Form of taxation

The optimal form of taxation for the activities of the confectionery shop is a simplified taxation system (income minus expenses). The tax return is submitted once a year (in April).

The following taxes are paid on this taxation system:

  • income tax (15%),
  • unified social tax (32%),
  • income tax (13%).

Biscuits are one of the most popular pastries. There is no limit to the variety of this delicacy: cookies with nuts, poppy seeds, prunes, condensed milk and marmalade. The advantage of the manufacturing business will be the constant demand for this type of product.

According to statistics, every second resident buys a cookie “for tea” every two days. This is due to limited purchasing power, which makes this type of confectionery the most affordable in comparison with, for example, chocolate bars and sweets. In addition, a developed society tends to buy more natural products, and the production of cookies does not require a large number of additional additives and substitutes. The lack of seasonality in demand for this type of product entails a reduction in risks in the area of \u200b\u200ba sharp change in production volumes. A fairly small financial investment will allow you to open a small biscuit workshop. The payback period for this project is rather short, and the level of profitability can reach fifty percent. Among the advantages is the long shelf life of finished products.

Among the shortcomings of the business is a fairly high level of competition in this market segment. However, small businesses can compete on an equal footing with experienced confectionery manufacturers. This is primarily due to the fact that new industries use the latest technology and equipment, as well as a creative approach to the production process, constantly updating the assortment. The advantage of your business should be the optimal ratio of price and quality of confectionery products.

For effective and successful activities, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. You can find such examples below:

Detailed description of the stages of business organization - this business plan describes in stages the organization of a cookie business. Therefore, here you can find a detailed description of the industrial technology for the production of cookies, the necessary premises for the production workshop, the number of personnel. In addition, you will learn how to find markets for your products. This is where the economic calculation of the project's efficiency is made. Among such indicators: calculation of profitability, revenue, payback periods. The organizational and legal form of the created enterprise and the taxation system are described.

Economic Justification - This business plan describes the production of a cookie issue. For this, an analysis of sales markets is carried out, the results are presented in a diagram. Contains a table that identifies the advantages of competitors, gives their comparative assessment. A pricing strategy has been developed. In financial terms, the calculations of income and expenses, calculation of the cost of cookies were made. The payback period of the project was calculated with its presentation on the graph, possible business risks were assessed.

Theoretical description of manufacturing technology - contains a theoretical description of the product itself, that is, cookies. Particular attention is paid to the raw materials used and production methods. You will be able to find out all the nuances of the cooking technology, determine for yourself the key points to which you need to pay special attention. An examination of the quality of finished products was carried out on the example of several enterprises. The criteria of consumer preferences are determined, the results of which are presented in the diagrams.

Analysis of financial results - this business plan contains a description of the production of cookies based on a ready-made bakery and confectionery enterprise that has already been operating on the market for a certain period of time. It differs from previous business plans in that a full analysis of competitors, as well as a SWAT analysis, is performed here. The tables show economic indicators of financial results, developed a marketing plan. The diagrams show the preferences of consumers by types of products, places of purchase.

Regardless of whether it is for the production of biscuits or for the production of small ashtrays, the company will generate a good share of the profit anyway. The cookie itself is brand ready. It does not need to be advertised so that all customers know about it (this does not apply to a newly opened store that sells flour products). Now there are many types of cookies and new options come up every time.

Types of cookies

  • sugar,
  • long (dry),

First, knead the dough in a kneading machine. Use at least ten different raw materials to make it. They are all constantly mixed, which means they are dosed into the machine in the same equation.

The sugar dough is bloated and brittle. He also broke the connectivity easily.

The dough is not as bloated and fragile as sugar is. It contains less fat, sugar (almost twice). In addition, resting dough is different from sugar with special properties. In order to obtain an elastic, elastic dough, the necessary conditions characteristic for sufficiently complete swelling must be created during the kneading process.

3) Cookie production

  • "Nuts"
  • prediction cookie,
  • Gale,
  • biscuit,
  • children.

Competition stems from flaws. But here you can find a plus. Long-term companies use old equipment to a large extent, they emphasize the already "boring" types of cookies, and the new company has the ability to buy and attract customers with something new and different.

If you use high quality equipment and advertisements, you cannot doubt your success.

What do you need to get started?

Before you can find the raw materials, documents, hiring and working of employees, you need to understand the system for creating cookies.

It looks like this.

  • kneading dough;
  • production of fillers;
  • cutting the dough;
  • baking cookies;
  • cooling;
  • packaging;
  • packaging.

Don't make too many products if the technology isn't proven enough. There will be many clients to start.

If the product sells well, the new technology can finally be introduced.

Where to get raw materials?

  • ask friends,
  • found on the Internet,

How to start a cookie production

Equipment for the production of biscuits must be of high quality and modern.

It's necessary:

  • kneading machine,
  • pastry oven,
  • thermo-packer,
  • conveyors,
  • dough distributor,
  • filling syringe,
  • bake,
  • emulsifier
  • glazing,
  • packing machine,
  • mixers.

In terms of premises, this is not limited to trade. It will be necessary to equip a warehouse, a garage for vehicles that supply products, an office, and separate rooms for staff. You can focus on catering establishments.

The location is not important.

He will be responsible for the export of products. They will represent loaders, drivers, sectors for receiving and sending containers. It is necessary to hire accountants, managers, storekeepers, technologists and workers.

Each employee must have the qualifications with which the contract is concluded.

The main thing is a medical examination. Every six months, all workers must undergo a medical examination and only after they are allowed to work.

Obtain all licenses and make sure the premises meet all the standards you need in advance. First, you need to contact two services:

  • Rospotrebnadzor.

The premises must have water pipes, all types of power supply, sewerage.

If all this is not taken into account, then sanitation services will not allow the company to live long.

Product buyers

It is advisable to consider the options for selling cookies at the stage when the idea was born. This is great if at the time of production there is already an agreement with one or more stores in the chain. After all, they are intermediate buyers.

How to attract customers?

She wanted to buy cookies, so something needs to be done. For example, focus on packaging products.

The sales of pre-packaged biscuits were found to be more common in large cities and, on the contrary, better in the region.

It is designed for the production of a wide range of cookies.

To achieve this, he must quickly transition from one mode to another.

2) The quality of the oven.

Additional costs and problems will help to avoid a number of requirements: correct installation of complete equipment, location of premises, competent organization of storage of materials and raw materials. Lack of problems with regulators will create a good reputation.

To avoid problems with caring, the focus should be on long-term cooperation. This will fully contribute to the smooth production and sales of cookies.

Submission date: 2014-02-19

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On this page you can download or read a prepared business plan for organizing confectionery products for free.

this is business plan was developed and successfully implemented for the organization of confectionery products in the city

Alekseevka Belgorod Region *.

Cookie company

Business plan for the organization of confectionery products

1. Overview

1.1. Objective of the project

Project duration - 1 year, the project provides for the provision of a bank loan, interest rate on the loan is 20%.

Monthly repayment of interest on the loan, starting from 1 month of the project within 12 months.

Monthly repayment of loan debt from the 10th month of the project within two months.

The capital requirement for the implementation of the program for organizing the industrial production of biscuits is $ 80,000 or 2,560,000 rubles.

The main source of repayment of principal and interest is turnover.

It is planned to allocate 1200 additional funds annually in the form of the founders' contribution to the development of production.

Success Ways

One of the many promising markets in the food industry is the biscuit market.

Over the past three years, the consumption of biscuits has increased markedly, while in 2001 the capacity of the biscuit market increased to almost 400,000 tons. The typical market capacity is estimated to be 600,000 tonnes, so it is realistic to expect the market to grow by 40% over the next three years.

The success of the project also lies in reducing the cost of raw materials and materials through the purchase of equipment presented in the project.

When planning the purchase of equipment for the production of biscuits, the company paid special attention to the technological quality of the equipment and the possibilities of technological support of the supplier. In addition to direct commodity prices, this equipment allows you to optimize the cookie formula, reducing production costs and maintaining quality.

The project is managed by a company that has been successfully operating since 1996.

on the Russian market. Lack of competition in the area where production is planned. The project identifies risks and the annual inflation rate of 15% is determined in financial calculations. Integrated project metrics indicate investment performance.

2. Market analysis

Currently, the difference in the share of consumption of imported and domestic cookies is very high: 7% eat only imported cookies, 73% - only domestic ones, 20% - both.

Such a process may occur due to the emergence of new inexpensive import brands, although in last years they were usually packed with cookies, lost their market position.

Otherwise, the situation with free cookies: the share of consumers is growing rapidly - in Russia as a whole since the end of 1998.

it increased by 10%, in each region there is a steady upward trend in the consumption of cookies.

Market analysis in Russian regions shows that it is more profitable to produce raw cookies in the coming years.

The company plans to start operating in one of the promising markets for free cookies: the sugar sandwich.

Packaged cookies are very demanding in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the Moscow, North, North-West and Volga-Vyatka regions.


Analysis of the marketing project strategy

3.1. Competitors

There is no competition for the products presented in this region (Alekseevka, Belgorod region).

4. Financial analysis

The company's sales revenues from August 2002 (project start), December 2002, February 2003 and May 2003 are as follows:

The general fixed costs of the company are as follows:


The reliability of investments in the project is ensured due to the lack of competition, constant growth in demand, low cost and a good management policy.

The risk associated with the occurrence of force majeure circumstances is reduced due to the annual inflation rate of 15% in terms of financing.

* Note::
These numbers apply when preparing a business plan and for a specific region!

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Organize cookie production as a business

Regardless of whether it is for the production of biscuits or for the production of small ashtrays, the company will generate a good share of the profits anyway.

Business plan for preparing cookies

The cookie itself is brand ready. It does not need to be advertised so that all customers know about it (this does not apply to a newly opened store selling flour products). Now there are many types of cookies and new options come up every time.

This means that thanks to the opening of such a company, there is little chance of being left without clients.

Types of cookies

There are three main types of cookies:

  • sugar,
  • long (dry),
  • (it can be sandy, oatmeal, flaky, or curled).

The main difference between the two is the way the test is prepared and the consistency.

1) Production of sugar cookies

First, knead the dough in a kneading machine.

Use at least ten different raw materials to make it. They are all constantly mixed, which means they are dosed into the machine in the same equation. The sugar dough is bloated and brittle. He also broke the connectivity easily.

2) Production of long biscuits

The dough is not as bloated and fragile as sugar is.

It contains less fat, sugar (almost twice). In addition, resting dough is different from sugar with special properties. In order to obtain an elastic, elastic dough, the necessary conditions characteristic for sufficiently complete swelling must be created during the kneading process.

3) Cookie production

This dough contains the largest amount of fat, sugar, egg products.

The biscuits are characterized by a large selection of shapes and sizes.

Cookies as a business - its features

The main advantages of running a biscuit business are its chances, product demand (after research, every other consumer buys at least one packet of biscuits for one trip to the store), long life.

The most promising are:

  • "Nuts"
  • prediction cookie,
  • Gale,
  • biscuit,
  • children.

Competition stems from flaws.

But you can find a plus here. Long-term companies use old equipment to a large extent, they emphasize the already "boring" types of cookies, and the new company has the ability to buy and attract customers with something new and different. If you use high quality equipment and advertisements, you cannot doubt your success.

If you first invest in the company millions of rubles (3-4), the monthly income can be one million rubles, and the net profit - 100,000 rubles, taking into account the maturity of 2.5 years.

What do you need to get started?

Before you can find the raw materials, documents, hiring and working of employees, you need to understand the system for creating cookies. It looks like this.

  • Preparation of ingredients (milk tension, fatigue, flour sowing);
  • kneading dough;
  • production of fillers;
  • cutting the dough;
  • baking cookies;
  • fetching the final cookie;
  • cooling;
  • packaging;
  • packaging.

Then you can introduce new technologies to make cookies.

Don't make too many products if the technology isn't proven enough. There will be many clients to start. If the product sells well, the new technology can finally be introduced.

Where to get raw materials?

By supplying raw materials, it will help suppliers. You can find in different ways here:

  • ask friends,
  • found on the Internet,
  • directly to wholesalers.

The most popular and fastest way is to search the Internet.

It is necessary to monitor those suppliers who are located within the same city. This needs to be assessed in order to agree on the corresponding costs.

There are also specialized sources where you can find not only the suppliers themselves, but also get a lot of valuable advice on this topic from people with good information. In any case, the choice of suppliers and quality raw materials are responsible, since further success in production depends on this.

Equipment and facilities required for production?

Equipment for the production of biscuits must be of high quality and modern. It's necessary:

  • kneading machine,
  • filler mixing machine,
  • pastry oven,
  • thermo-packer,
  • conveyors,
  • dough distributor,
  • filling syringe,
  • bake,
  • emulsifier
  • glazing,
  • packing machine,
  • mixers.

In terms of premises, this is not limited to trade. It will be necessary to equip a warehouse, a garage for vehicles that supply products, an office, and separate rooms for staff. You can focus on catering establishments. The location is not important.

Necessary staff and their views

All work is difficult to manage on their own, so department heads will have to keep track of a specific site.

He will be responsible for the export of products. They will represent loaders, drivers, sectors for receiving and sending containers.

It is necessary to hire accountants, managers, storekeepers, technologists and workers.

Each employee must have the qualifications with which the contract is concluded. The main thing is a medical examination. Every six months, all workers must undergo a medical examination and only after they are allowed to work.

Permits, permits and other requirements

Obtain all licenses and make sure the premises meet all the standards you need in advance.

First, you need to contact two services:

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance,
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

The premises must have water pipes, all types of power supply, sewerage. If all this is not taken into account, then sanitation services will not allow the company to live long.

Product buyers

It is advisable to consider the options for selling cookies at the stage when the idea was born. This is great if at the time of production there is already an agreement with one or more stores in the chain.

After all, they are intermediate buyers.

This means that it is the main retail channel for retail stores. I won't go to the big store. For startups, this is not the best the best waybecause manufacturers are often forced to lower their purchase price to get to the shelves of large stores.

Hypermarkets are known for the lowest prices. Based on this, a small trading chain is ideal.

The ultimate buyers of products are people. And to be interested in buying, you need to create and produce something unusual and appetizing.

How to attract customers?

She wanted to buy cookies, so something needs to be done. For example, focus on packaging products. The sales of pre-packaged biscuits were found to be more common in large cities and, on the contrary, better in the region.

To increase your sales, you should consider the following points:

1) The technical capabilities of the designer.

It is designed for the production of a wide range of cookies. To achieve this, he must quickly transition from one mode to another.

2) The quality of the oven.

What's worse than a burnt cookie? Choose your oven responsibly, as this is the key to the success of the product.

3) Reducing the cost of materials and raw materials.

This includes optimizing the composition of the product.

4) Established connections with stations.

Additional costs and problems will help to avoid a number of requirements: correct installation of complete equipment, location of premises, competent organization of storage of materials and raw materials.

Lack of problems with regulators will create a good reputation.

5) Successful supplier selection.

To avoid problems with caring, the focus should be on long-term cooperation.

This will fully contribute to the smooth production and sales of cookies.

Biscuit production is one of the most delicious, profitable, popular and promising areas of business.

There are no people in the world who would not buy it. People who also have health problems are not required to refuse a purchase as they produce diabetic cookies.

On the one hand, it is difficult to beat the competition, but on the other hand, you can always think about something new or borrow a strange foreign idea.

Biscuit making as a business has its pros and cons. The main plus is the rather large popularity of cookies, which is due to the huge variety of taste, appearance, and price. This makes it more affordable than, for example, various chocolate bars, candies and baked goods. In turn, this makes it possible to reach people with low purchasing power. In addition, modern society tends to buy more natural products that do not contain a lot of additives, dyes and various substitutes. This fact makes this product even more popular among buyers.

Another important plus of this enterprise is the quick recoupment of the equipment cost, as well as the cost of maintaining and maintaining the production line. The main disadvantage of such a business is a fairly high level of competition in this market segment. However, even small businesses can compete with well-known, more popular confectionery manufacturers. This is primarily due to the fact that new production facilities use the latest technologies and equipment, which allows to achieve cost savings while maintaining the proper quality of the product, as well as a creative approach to the production process, constantly expanding and updating the range. The disadvantages can be added to the rather large advertising costs that are needed to promote a product to the market.

Step-by-step opening plan

One should start by studying the demand for the product, that is, what kind of cookies and in what price policy is in demand the most. Based on this, in the future, equipment and technology for the production of cookies will be selected. Then, when there is a rough vision of the final product, we take the following steps:

  1. Choice of equipment and equipment;
  2. Manufacturing technology;
  3. Selection of buildings, premises;
  4. Personnel, its number;
  5. Sales channels for finished products.

How much can you earn

When working 22 days in one shift, the monthly amount of cookies produced will be 79.2 tons. The selling price of one ton of the product in bulk starts from 42 thousand rubles. This means that the monthly proceeds will be about 3 326 400 rubles.

How much money is needed to start a business

Capital investments will be:

  • Aggregates and equipment for the production line - 13.5 million rubles;
  • Transportation, installation and commissioning of equipment - 2.35 million rubles;
  • Operating costs (advertising, raw materials, etc.) - 3.5 million rubles.

Total: 19.35 million rubles.

Monthly production investments:

  • Remuneration for employees - 278 thousand rubles.
  • For rent of buildings, hangars - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising actions - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Communal - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourcing accounting - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 35 thousand rubles.

Total: 698 thousand rubles.

For the release of 1 ton. Of the product, 1.2 tons of components (flour, fat, sugar, dairy products, starch, etc.) are needed. Consumption per shift amounts to 4.28 tons of raw materials, at a cost of 75,827 rubles, and for 22 working days - 1,668,190 rubles. Electricity costs 9,492 rubles per day, 284,760 rubles for twenty-two days. Thus, the cost of cookies: for one day - 85 319 rubles, for working days of the month 1 952 950 rubles.

Income without paying taxes - 675,450 rubles. Minus 15% of the tax, equal to 101,318 rubles, we get a net benefit - 574,133 rubles.

What equipment to choose for making a product

Used as equipment:

  1. Dough mixer Z-shaped (for making non-yeast, shortcrust, sponge, dumplings, steep dough (for bagels), etc.) Includes a kneading dough, lid and Z-shaped blades. There are two types of kneaders - with a jacket (for cooling / heating the mass) and without it. There is an adjustment of the speed of the blades.
  2. If molding is not done by hand, then a molding machine is needed.
  3. Special equipment for processing the top of the cookie. For example, for glazing.
  4. Oven itself, preferably with fast heating, a high-quality turntable, a door with a sealed and heat-resistant sealing gasket, and lighting inside the chamber.
  5. Packaging machine. Packing can be in packages of 200-300-500 grams or in cardboard packages for sale by weight.

You will also need a flour sifter, refrigerators, dough machines.

What is the OKVED for business

This business is referred to as manufacturing. For the work of the biscuit making workshop, you will need code 10.72 - Production of rusks, biscuits and other rusks and bakery products, and so on, namely paragraph 10.72.31, which is responsible for the production of cookies.

What documents are needed to open

To organize a mini-enterprise, it will be enough to open an individual business. You will need: a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of the state duty, a copy of the TIN certificate.

Which taxation system to choose for production

The most suitable option is individual entrepreneurship (IE) with a simplified taxation system (simplified).

Do I need permission to open

To organize production, it will be necessary to comply with the norms of SanPiN and SNiP when preparing the premises, equipping the workshop, setting up and operating equipment, storing raw materials and finished products.

Production technology

The main steps for making a cookie include:

  • Preparation of raw materials and all components.
  • Kneading the dough.
  • Cookie molding.
  • Baking product.
  • Cooling and packaging of products.

How to calculate the required capital investment

In order to objectively assess the required cash investments, the number of required personnel, the likely income, the payback period of production, a carefully thought out business plan is definitely needed.

First of all, it is necessary to conduct market research to find out the most popular types of this product, calculate what price competitors have set for them. It needs to be made lower than that of other manufacturers. For this, it is imperative to purchase the most modern and best equipment for the production of cookies.

Due to its high cost, many firms are trying to save on labor automation. Although, if you need to establish the production of various types of goods, then a fully automatic line for the production of cookies will pay off with sufficient workload in the workshop in 6-8 months.

For the production of biscuits on an automated production line, a workshop with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 200 m², with a ceiling height of 3-5 m, will be required. It will house a production line, storage facilities and utility rooms for personnel. They must necessarily comply with the norms of SanPiN They must have water supply and electricity at 380 V. At the same time, do not forget about the obligatory convenient access for transport. It is necessary to locate the shop near the sales area, since the biscuits have a limited shelf life, and high transportation costs at a low price of the product cannot pay for its delivery over long distances.

The subtleties of the cookie business

There are several other aspects worth considering, such as the sales market and product range. A distinctive feature of this production is its territorial attachment to a certain region, and due to the disadvantageous delivery of confectionery products over long distances, the share of foreign cookies on the market is quite small. This makes it possible for even a small company with only 1 workshop to become a leader in the segment of inexpensive bulk cookies. In this regard, you need to sell your products:

  • through regional and federal grocery chains;
  • through wholesalers specializing in the delivery and distribution of various food products to the nearest chain of stores and supermarkets.

Don't forget about the range of products. It should be large enough to attract as many buyers as possible and generate even more profit. The range of products needs to be constantly expanded. It is necessary to constantly monitor the market in order to find out what is most in demand now and what features of the product will give the greatest influx of buyers. For example, products without various chemical additives are gaining popularity now, so it is beneficial to start making cookies without preservatives, flavors, dyes. The demand for biscuits with biologically active additives and dietary ones is increasing.

Criteria for calculating the profitability of making cookies

Based on the above features of this type of business, we can conclude what exactly should be paid attention to when creating a business plan. The main point is technical and economic calculations, which combine the calculation of monetary investments. For example, for the purchase of equipment, construction and arrangement of a workshop. Do not forget about calculating the revenue of the confectionery department, because it depends on how soon your investment will pay off and how profitable your business will be.

Another important point is the calculation of the cost of the product: the lower it is, the more profit the shop will bring and the lower the market value can be set. This will help you outflank the competition and attract even more buyers.

Do not forget about calculating the total costs of maintaining the enterprise, paying workers' salaries, repairing and marketing costs.

The last point greatly affects the price and profitability of a business. Attention should be paid to automation: it will help reduce the number of employees. You should not save on reliable equipment, because the fewer breakdowns occur in production, the more efficient and cost-effective it is. Equipment price is one of the biggest expenses for those who start a cookie production.

Marketing is a very important cost item as it helps attract more buyers and increase cookie sales. Do not forget about calculating the estimated profit that can be obtained if you open the production of cookies. This will make it possible to calculate the payback period for this business.

According to the calculations of specialists, the payback period for the confectionery shop equipped with an automatic line is 34 months. At the same time, this period can be reduced if the workshop operates in 2-3 shifts.

The production of sugar biscuits is an attractive investment. Despite a fairly high level of competition in the industry, there is a stable growth in demand, on average by 8-10% annually. When organizing production, it is necessary to come up with an original recipe in order to favorably differ from competitors. The automated line for the production of cookies provides opportunities for improvisation with the shape, additives, filling. If the production of bakery or confectionery products has already been organized, the production of cookies will diversify the assortment, moreover, it will be possible to save on some production mechanisms.

Where to begin?

Before starting the activity, you should think about some organizational issues:

  • what types of cookies will be produced;
  • study manufacturing technology;
  • choose equipment;
  • choose a room for a workshop;
  • work out options for selling products;
  • to make preliminary calculations of the cost and profitability of production.

To begin with, it would be advisable to produce all known types of cookies, the main advantage is to make high quality products. With high competition in the industry, consumers can be attracted by either low cost or quality.

It is ideal, of course, to combine these two indicators, but in no case should the price be reduced to the detriment of quality. With the help of one technological line for the production of cookies, you can make various types of it:

  • sugar;
  • biscuit;
  • crackers;
  • lingering.

The assortment can be varied in different shapes, sizes, fillings, additives. It is necessary to study the market, competitors' products and choose new types of cookies or traditional ones, but in new interpretations.

Cookie making technology

Regardless of what types of cookies the choice was made and what is its recipe, the manufacturing technology is approximately the same and includes the following steps:

The preparatory stage consists in weighing all the necessary ingredients according to the recipe and immersion in the bowl of the kneading machine. The sequence of adding raw materials is determined by the manufacturing technology of each type of cookie.

There are two main types of dough - sand-removable and sand-deposit. Removable pastry contains more sugar and fat, and turns out to be plastic. The main ingredients (flour, sugar, vegetable oil, water) are mixed for 10 minutes, then egg powder, condensed milk, vanillin are added according to the recipe and kneaded for another 15 minutes.

At the next stage, the dough is divided into portioned pieces for further rolling and forming blanks. If a filling is provided, the next step is to add it.

Cookie Forming Machine

Then the pieces are sent to the oven for baking, usually this process takes 10-15 minutes. The finished biscuits are cooled, glazed if necessary and sent to the packaging line.

Sand dough is prepared using a different technology - at the initial stage, margarine and sugar are mixed, the remaining ingredients are gradually introduced, and flour is the last. The mass is liquid, like sour cream, it is mixed in a mixer at high speeds to saturate with oxygen. Formation of blanks from such a dough is carried out using syringes or pastry bags. For a variety of assortment, various curly nozzles are used. The line for the production of sugar biscuits has a special jigging machine, its functions provide for various configurations of products, the possibility of filling with filling. At the next stage, the billets are sent to the furnace at a temperature of 220 ° C and the production process is completed. Finished goods cooled and packaged.

Production equipment

To carry out the process of making cookies, the following equipment is used:

  • flour sifting device;
  • kneading machine or mixer;
  • bake;
  • apparatus for packaging.

The flour sifting unit is designed to remove impurities, metal particles from the composition, as well as to fill flour with oxygen. Specifications:

  • power - 1.1 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • productivity - 1250 kg / h;
  • hopper capacity - 120 kg;
  • weight - 293 kg;
  • cost - 50,000 rubles.

Kneading machine with Z-shaped attachment is designed to combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Specifications:

The dough-settling machine, as a part of the biscuit production line, is used in the production of such types of biscuits as: kurabiye, oatmeal, eclairs, sticks, biscuits. Specifications:

The baking unit consists of several baking modules, a feeding and receiving table, an exhaust system and a control panel. The baking modules are interconnected by a moving conveyor, it looks like a tunnel. Specifications:

The packaging mechanism is used in the case of packaging finished products in shrinkable polyethylene film. Specifications:

  • power - 5.5 kW;
  • voltage - 220 V;
  • work speed - 5 m / min;
  • dimensions - 12000 * 750 * 630 mm;
  • cost - 120,000 rubles.

In this configuration, you can buy a line for the production of cookies for 1,660,000 rubles. Additionally, you will need a scale for raw materials, a sink, hearth plates, a thermometer, knives, which will increase the cost of the line by about 100,000 rubles.

Production room

Shop for making biscuits

When preparing the premises, you should take into account the total length of the production line, as well as additional equipment - sinks, tables, refrigerators. A workshop less than 100 m2 will be cramped, in addition, a warehouse for raw materials and finished products, an office space, and household rooms should be prepared. In the production workshop, it is necessary to provide sanitary and hygienic conditions that meet all the requirements for safe production. To service an automated mini-line for the production of cookies, you will need three-phase sockets with a voltage of 380 and 220 V, water supply, sewerage, ventilation. The workshop must be heated, it is better to use an air conditioning system.

Production financial plan

To organize the activity for the production of cookies, capital investments in equipment, preparation of premises, and the purchase of vehicles will be required.

  • the price of a line for the production of cookies - 1,750,000 rubles;
  • preparation of the premises - 100,000 rubles;
  • transportation costs - 100,000 rubles;
  • total - 1,950,000 rubles.

It is planned to produce 80 tons of cookies per month.

Production cost:

  • raw materials - 2,400,000 rubles;
  • salary - 100,000 rubles;
  • rent and utility bills - 80,000 rubles;
  • other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles;
  • total - 2 630 000 rubles.

The selling price of 1 ton of cookies is 40,000 rubles.
The monthly revenue will be 80 * 40,000 \u003d 3,200,000 rubles.
Profit - 3,200,000 - 2,630,000 \u003d 570,000 rubles.

If one third of the profit is attributed to cover capital investments, then the payback period will be 11 months. This is a fairly high figure, but in order to reach it, it is necessary to properly organize the sale of products, to conclude agreements with large wholesale companies and private sellers in advance.

Video: Making cookies

Making cookies as a business has many of its own nuances and characteristics. Therefore, you can often meet people who were unhappy with such a project. But the problem stems from the fact that for this kind of activity, you need to study a lot of materials in order to be able to compete in the market. The main advantage is that people love high-quality and fresh cookies and are ready to buy them all the time. Today, you can make products of different shapes and tastes. Prices will also vary for any customer. Cookies are more affordable than any candy bar, and their taste is in no way inferior to them. How to open a biscuit production in Russia? The production of inexpensive cookies will attract customers with low purchasing power. Today, products made from natural ingredients without dyes and preservatives are in demand. A composition in which there are no harmful substances is always popular, since such products can be given to children. If you make natural cookies, you will become a very popular and in-demand store. Anyone can take a business in the production of cookies even today, since there is a place for fantasy.

What are the advantages of making cookies as a business idea?

  • Popularity and demand for products;
  • In demand among all segments of the population;
  • Long term of implementation;
  • Popularity at any time of the year;
  • Fast payback.

As we can see this business is profitable enough to start it. The only thing that it requires is thorough preparation, market and raw material analysis. High-quality raw materials will allow you to make a delicious product.

But there are also some nuances. First of all, this is competition, which is very high on the market and it will not be easy to wedge in. That is why the necessary special attention should be paid to quality and variety. Private confectioners, small manufacturing companies, and entire corporations work in the market in this area. However, you should not be afraid of this. If you offer the customer the best assortment and quality, then he will certainly go to you. It is important that your recipe is validated.

Your advantage should be the right price / quality ratio. You should constantly expand the range of products, as even your favorite cookies get bored with time and you want to try something new. You should have your own flavor. These can be natural ingredients or an interesting baking form. You should set a goal to be a home pastry chef or to open a mini-workshop. Depending on this information, it is necessary to choose a strategy and equipment for the activity. You can buy equipment for the production of cookies on order.

Cookie production business plan

At the beginning of any project, it is necessary to study demand and competition. To do this, go to shops and stalls and evaluate the available assortment of goods and its cost. It will not be superfluous to buy and taste the sold cookies to compare their taste with your product. This will allow you to assess the prospects for your future activities. Select the types of cookies you want to produce. The more there are, the better. Each client has his own taste preferences and a variety of products will allow you to attract a maximum of buyers. Also buy a variety of cookie cutters. Based on the information received, you will select the equipment necessary for work and study the production technology. When this data is received, and you have definitely decided on the structure of the project, you need to proceed to active actions:

  • Selection of equipment and tools for work;
  • Selection of production technology and the best recipe;
  • Selection of production facilities;
  • Conclusion of lease agreements;
  • Selection and recruitment of personnel;
  • Selection by the supplier of raw materials;
  • Management and Advertising;
  • Implementation.

Nuances of home production

Do you love baking cookies and do you enjoy it? Then you have the opportunity not only to do what you love, but also to earn income. With the right distribution of time, you can reach a decent level of earnings. First of all, you should love the process that you are doing and show your imagination. For work, you can purchase inexpensive used equipment.

If you offer a client an original product made from natural ingredients, then you will win his love and recognition. Not only the recipe is important, but also the appearance of the final product. You can come up with fortune cookies or original cartoon characters. Next, you need to enter the market for your products. A home oven can be used for small batch production.

To sell your product, you can give private ads to newspapers, create pages on social networks and notify your friends about your occupation. After the first customers, if your product is of high quality, people will themselves find you by reviews. It is also important to provide relevant information on the Internet. Organization of production will take time, since you will need to check the recipes and find the best option for yourself.

If you have practical knowledge and skills in this area, then you can blog where you can share useful information. In this business format, you do not need to buy special equipment and spend money. In this case, the price of equipment does not matter to you, and you can start a business with minimal investment. You have enough kitchen utensils that are in the kitchen of each modern hostess... You can engage in such activities while on maternity leave or simply in search of yourself and your destiny. Indeed, in the future you will be able to expand your production.

Biscuit production line in the workshop

The technological process of production involves the purchase of modern industrial equipment for the manufacture of large quantities of goods. This is an expensive event, which must be approached with special scrupulousness. With the right approach, you can choose equipment with a high level of performance. This will allow in the future to increase the load and power on it, without resorting to buying new devices. The confectionery shop should have a large area. On average, it is at least 200 sq. m. The technological scheme is selected individually based on the specifics of production.

If you plan to rent a room, then remember that all communications must be carried out there, it must be possible to divide the space to provide a storage room and a staff rest room. All these nuances must be discussed before the conclusion of the lease agreement, and also written in separate clauses in the document so that in the future you will not have troubles with the owners. The factory should be located at a distance from residential areas, the best option would be the outskirts of the city, and not a densely populated area.

What determines the profitability of a business?

It is quite difficult to calculate profit. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and points of sale of products. Finding points of sale is the main issue, since they will give you profit, and it depends on the solvency of specific customers. The device is selected based on your wishes.

Industrial production costs of biscuits

Naturally, they differ in different cities of Russia, so we take into account the average indicators. The purchase of equipment is the most expensive part of the project. Equipment for sugar cookies will cost about 600,000 rubles. The cost depends on the power, functionality and manufacturer.

Paying wages to employees is also a significant part of the waste. A small production workshop should consist of 7-10 people. About 150,000 rubles will be spent on wages monthly. The purchase of raw materials is also a significant part of the costs and it is necessary to find regular suppliers who will offer not only competitive prices, but also high quality. After all, biscuit machines work identically to each other, and the taste is different because the original food products are of different quality.

The nuances of choosing equipment for the production of cookies

Today there are many different types of products and you need to choose which product you want to make. Or maybe combine several options at once for a larger assortment? It is important to establish a technological process. Only in this case you will receive the long-awaited profit. For example, the production of oatmeal cookies requires a special formulation and the addition of unique ingredients.

Necessary equipment:

  • Dough mixer. Used to make various types of dough;
  • A molding machine or a person who will do molding by hand;
  • Equipment for processing the top layer of biscuits;
  • Oven for baking products;
  • Packing and packaging machines;
  • Flour sifter;
  • Refrigerating chambers.

Some of the steps in the production of cookies can be carried out either manually or automatically. If you decide to carry out some types of work manually, then you can save on equipment, since you do not have to pay for functions that you will not use while working. The price of the machine also depends on the manufacturer. It is not worth saving here, but you do not need the most expensive option either. Choose equipment based on reviews. In the beginning, the cookie production technology must be tested by you personally.

Choosing KVED for business

Food manufacturing refers to manufacturing. To work in the workshop, you need to open the code 10.72. This is the production of biscuits, bakery products and croutons.

Documentation for official work

You need to open a private business. This procedure is quick. You must have an original passport, an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, a receipt with payment of the state fee and a copy of the identification code. The best option there will be a simplified taxation system.

Stages of biscuit production:

  • Preparation of raw materials and components that are included in a specific recipe;
  • Mixing ingredients and kneading dough;
  • Biscuit shaping;
  • Baking products;
  • Product packaging.

The nuances of running a cookie business

Here it is important to dwell on the assortment of goods and the market for their sale. Each city has its own production, since its transportation is simply unprofitable. This will allow you to become the market leader in your city, even if you only have 1 workshop. In this case, the sale of products must be organized through grocery stores and wholesale companies. In order to be noticed, it is necessary to offer not only high quality products, but also its wide range.

Products that are made from natural ingredients without dyes and chemical additives will be relevant. Even if these cookies are more expensive, they will still be in demand and popularity. Diet cookies are also gaining popularity.

To expand the range, we offer you:

  • production of sugar cookies;
  • production of shortbread cookies;
  • production of lingering cookies;
  • production of butter biscuits.

Such an assortment will interest potential buyers, as well as stalls and shops. It is important that the cookies are of different sizes and shapes. The fillings should also be varied so that everyone can find products according to their taste preferences.

Note! Customers will quickly show you which cookies are most in demand. Continuously analyze demand and expand the assortment based on the wishes of the customers. A quality cookie jig will enable you to create quality products.

Marketing and advertising campaign

Advertising is the basis for product sales. After all, without it, the business will never bring the desired income. You will have to spend money on advertising, as you must be seen and recognized in the market. Competent advertising will attract the maximum number of buyers. It will not be superfluous to create your own website where you can post your products and contact information to contact you. If you have the time and opportunity to open an office, then you can create an online store where you will sell your goods with delivery around the city. You can also maintain pages on social networks where you can offer wholesale and retail purchases of cookies.

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