
How to choose the optimal version of this. Moisture resistance of wallpaper. How to choose the best option? Differences of the ventilation of cottage and apartments

For some reason (most likely, in order to save), many motorists prefer to wash their vehicles Liquid for washing dishes, washing powder or shopping soap.

However, it is impossible to do this, since such detergents remove the paint layer and scratch the body surface.

For washing cars, there are special shampoos, characterized by high softness and foaming. They do not contain as part of detergent crystals and abrasive substances. Some car shutups are designed to remove contaminants from the outer surface of the body, others - for cleaning the cabin.

What key characteristics should a good car shampoo possess?

    First, it is easy to wash away any contamination of both organic and inorganic origin. This quality determine the surface-active substances (surfactant) included in the automampunk

    Secondly, the difference in good foaming. Thick foam prevents the appearance of scratches and micro-tests on the surface of the body

    Thirdly, do not leave divorces

In addition to the main detergent function, high-quality car supersampou must have anticorrosion properties.

Often with a manual washing of clean water is not enough, so the detergent is washed off from the body not completely. Inhibitors in the composition of the shampoo allow you to eliminate this problem, forming a thin protective film on the purified surface. In addition to aesthetic function (shine giving), it has both practical: water-repellent and antistatic.

For external work, the pink color of a variety of stamps is most often used. They remove the polyrolol well, so used before the car polishing.

All the same type of shampoos have about the same composition, so the price should not affect the choice.


Before applying, shampoo must carefully examine the instructions - very many of them need to be diluted with water. For washing the entire surface of the car, there are 3-4 tablespoons of the concentrate, when diluted with water, this amount will give a lot of foam. The optimal ratio of water and shampoo of a particular brand is indicated in the instructions.

Do not wash the surface of the car with a sponge, as it collects the smallest particles of dust and dirt, which, when contacting the car coating, work as sandpaper - scratch the paint and remove the polyteroline layer. In order to protect the car cover, it is recommended to wash twice a week.

After applying the shampoo, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe all the surfaces with a soft cloth (or a special mitten), then wash off the detergent water from the hose. If necessary, the car can be polished.

A favorable microclimate in the house is a guarantee of the health and comfort of people living in it. And an important role in creating optimal meteorological conditions inside the cottage plays the correct improvement of ventilation. The air exchange system can be thought out independently, having studied the principles of its work and producing certain calculations. How to do this you will learn from this article.

Schematic image of a cottage ventilation

Why need to air home

Modern houses are constructed from high-quality thermal insulation materials. This ensures the tightness of the design, but creates barriers to circulating air through the room, makes it impossible to supply it from the environment naturally (through the lootability of walls, windows and doors).

Ventilation cottage Performs several functions:

  • organizes the supply of pure and fresh air to residential and office space;
  • provides cleaning of air masses from harmful impurities, preventing the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms;
  • removes spent streams, harmful evaporation, carbon dioxide outside the house, preventing them by stagnation, accumulation of moisture, the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • creates a favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions for human life, housing safety, interior items.

Note: A person holds at home most of his life, so it is important that the air that he inhales is fresh and clean.

Differences of the ventilation of cottage and apartments

The structural mansion is different from the city apartment, therefore the air exchange in it is organized otherwise. The difference is:

  • location location. The air outside the city is cleaner than in his feature, therefore a simplified system of its filtration can be used in the cottage;
  • autonomy constructions. The apartment is part of a multi-storey building, so it is easier for her to organize local ventilation and connect this system to the general one. During the construction of the cottage, it is necessary to design completely autonomous ventilation, correctly placing its main nodes, mines and risers, having thought out its competent relationship with other communications, such as water supply, heating, sewage;
  • the presence of specialized premises. The country house is often provided with a basement, a pool, a sauna, and they require a special ventilation mode.

Aircraft private house

Features and nuances design air exchange systems in the cottage

During the arrangement of the system, take into account:

  • facility;
  • appointment of each room;
  • climatic features of the terrain on which the mansion is located;
  • the frequency of use of the building (constant, or seasonal accommodation).

Methods for organizing the ventilation of the cottage

In a private house, air exchange can be equipped with three main ways:

  • organizing air supply and output by naturally;
  • with the help of the ventilation of compulsory motivation (including with heat recovery);
  • combining the two previous systems.

Natural caring cottage

This is the easiest and old way to organize an air exchange in the house based on natural conditions. Due to the difference in pressure and temperature inside the cottage and on the street, there is a natural thrust that ensures the circulation of air masses along the premises. Under its influence, spent and contaminated streams are removed from the house, and in their place they do clean, fresh.

The easiest way to organize an air exchange in the house is natural

In the structures of the old building, the air flow was carried out through the gaps between the logs, looseness in the doors and window frames, and the outflow occurs through the tube of the furnace. But in modern homes, this scheme does not work, since their walls are insulated with airproof thermal insulation materials. Windows and doors also make the most sealed, which makes the air intake through them impossible. Yes, and the furnaces in the cottages are no longer built. How to organize a natural air exchange in the cottage in this case?

To air the rooms through open windows and the windows are inappropriate, as it leads to the loss of heat, entering the house dust. For high-quality air exchange in the cottage, it is necessary that the streams move at a speed of up to 0.2 m / s. Therefore, for the receipt of fresh air from the street in the walls of the building, or the window frames are installed special valves. They are small holes covered with lattices.

The supply valves passes the stream of sufficient volume to provide people with oxygen, air ventilation, which does not create drafts and requires a large amount of heat to its heating. If necessary, this valve can be closed, for example, if the street is too cold. It can also be equipped with a silencer, or filter, so that street sounds do not fall into the house, improve the quality of the incoming air.

Note: Modern models of the supply valves are equipped with humidity sensors, so the holes open / close automatically, depending on weather conditions.

For the output of exhaust air from the cottage naturally, air ducts are provided - pipe systems. Their outlet holes are located in the most contaminated and often exploited rooms in the house - ,. For a more presentable species, they are covered with decorative lattices.

Air ducts are provided for the output of the exhaust air

For the removal of the exhaust air from the premises you need a traction. For this, the outdoor yield of the air pipe is set at an altitude of 0.7-1 m above the roof skate. The hole is covered with a special umbrella providing the protection of the highway from precipitation, ingressing birds in it, small animals.

Consider: the availability of air ducts must be foreseen at the stage of designing the cottage, in the finished house to establish them may be problematic.

Before organizing air exchange in the cottage naturally, we should weigh all its advantages and disadvantages.

Pluses of the system:

  • small cost, lack of costs during operation;
  • ease of installation;
  • feedless work.

Cons of natural air exchange in the house:

  • dependence on weather conditions. In the summer, when the temperature difference and pressure inside and outside the cottage is almost zero, the thrust will not be;
  • lack of control over the volume of incoming and output masses. This can lead to excessive cooling of the premises, or in them the spent masses;
  • teplockotieri in winter. In the absence of additional heating of the tributary, part of the heat of the house is spent on bringing it to a comfortable temperature;
  • the system will not cope with the loads, if the cottage has a sauna, swimming pool.

Cons of natural air exchange in the house

Carrying a Cottage forced Mattering

In the event that it is impractical to the natural ventilation of the house, or it is ineffective, it is mechanically equipped. This uses high-tech equipment. It consists of:

  • supply and exhaust fans;
  • heaters / air coolers;
  • filters;
  • network air ducts;
  • valves that prevent the formation of reverse thrust.

When arranging such a system into the house, the purified air of a comfortable temperature arrives at the same time and the spent, contaminated is derived. The specified air exchange parameters allow ventilation to work in absolutely automatic mode.

Note: The system can be equipped with a heat recuperator - a device that allows you to heat the incoming stream due to the outgoing. This will significantly reduce heat loss in the cottage.

Supply-exhaust ventilation of forced motivation - the most effective method Carrying a cottage. Its work does not depend on natural factors, fully adapted to the conditions of the house.

Since this air exchange system is quite complicated, its development should be engaged exclusively by specialists. It requires a competent layout of the network of highways, the correct determination of their length and diameter, the choice of equipment of the required power. All this will turn into fairly high development costs, installation and maintenance of the system, but at the same time favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions and comfort for all the inhabitants of the cottage, the preservation of the building itself and its full filling.

Consider: the design of ventilation and the house itself is interrelated, therefore it is carried out simultaneously.

Supply-exhaust ventilation of forced motivation

Air exchange arrangement in a cottage combined way

To ventilating in the house, it is effective, natural ventilation is enhanced with the help of technical units, or organized its operation fully forcibly.

If the air is naturally entering the cottage in insufficient quantities to meet the needs of tenants and maintain a favorable environment in the premises, its influx is artificially shut. To do this, the air intake holes are mounted in the enclosure structures of the building, and the channels are equipped with inlets. Clean and fresh air enters the room through the air ducts, the holes of which are covered with decorative diffusers.

Tip: This Ventcil system is quite cumbersome and expensive, it is much easier to equip the influx natural way.

If the flow of fresh air is established, but the natural exhaust system does not cope with the amount of waste, their conclusion is organized forcibly. To do this, fans are installed in the internal exits of exhaust channels. Such devices are most often needed in rooms that are often exploited - in the bathroom, in the kitchen. They can be turned on by pressing the button, simultaneously with the light, or work automatically (when equipped with special sensors reacting to the moisture level in the air). The derivation of the exhaust air in such a way can be organized independently.

The second option of laying forced hood in the cottage - the output of air ducts from the kitchen and a bathroom in one channel, equipped with a fan and another additional equipment. This air exchange system is more complicated by the previous one, therefore it should be designed and mounted by specialists.

Plus, exhaust ventilation organized forced in the fact that it prevents the stress of contaminated and spent masses in the cottage premises. When they are derived, air is created, and it begins to suck out of the street through the supply valves. Cons of this system - irregularity, exhaust devices only work when they are included.

Features of the establishment of circulation of air masses in various premises of the cottage

Road residential room

The rooms in which people live (living room, bedroom, children), it is enough to provide a regular influx of fresh air that contributes to the ousting masses of the masses to the places of their fence and output. Clean air supply can be organized through the supply valve, or air ducts. And for the circulation of masses between the rooms, you can leave the gap under the doors, or to make small ventilation holes in their lower part.

Organization of air exchange in the kitchen

This is a service, intensively exploited room that needs enhanced ventilation. Evaporation moisture, particles of fat and smells standing out when cooking should be immediately disposed of so that they spread throughout the house. Therefore, not only the general ventilation should be provided in the kitchen, but also the local - presented in the form of an exhaust over the cooking surface.

Tip: These two systems need to be combined in such a way that they effectively worked for trusted areas, but prevented each other's functioning.

Air exchange in the kitchen with an exhaust


In hygienic premises, an increased humidity is often observed, cluster of unpleasant odors. Natural ventilation does not cope here, you need to organize an air exchange with a forced way. To do this, it is enough to install exhaust fans of the required power, which contribute to the withdrawal of contaminated, spent masses outside the house.

Tip: To avoid penetration of unpleasant smells from the bathroom in another cottage premises, you should not combine vents leading from these rooms.

Organization of air exchange in the poolside room, sauna

These rooms are characterized by an abundance of evaporated moisture, therefore require the arrangement of a powerful exhaust system. But, at the same time, in them there must be a certain temperature regime. The optimal output will be the installation of the supply and exhaust systems of forced motive.

Carrying garage

The need to organize the air exchange B is due to the use of various lubricants, fuel, the presence of exhaust gases. At low concentration, they are safe, but when accumulated is a serious danger to human health. Air flow in this room may be minimal, organized natural way, but the exhaust is recommended to provide mechanical.

Venting basements, ground floor

Often there is a floor in the cottages located below the surface of the earth used for official purposes. It can be organized workshop, pantry, laundry, gym ... The ventilation of these rooms is also necessary. In places, the receipt of fresh air is the vents, or ventotids in the walls of the base. Their quantity and location is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe basement, the nature of the use of the premises in it.

For the output of spent masses, the ventilation pipe is laid, the internal output of which is located 20-30 cm below the ceiling level. The outer end of the exhaust can crash into the overall highway at home and go to the roof. The output of spent masses from the base can be organized separately. At the same time, the exhaust pipe outlet should be located in such a place so that unpleasant odors do not interfere with people, they did not fall into the house.

Tip: To regulate the supply and output of air from irregular use, in the air ducts you can install gate valves. They will allow you to ventilate the rooms in manual mode.

The ventilation system is an integral attribute of the cottage, a guarantee of the health of all people living in it, the safety of housing and the whole property. If you organize it correctly, it will significantly increase the level of comfort in the country house.

If you need to quickly and easily recount paper cash, you can not do without

counter banknotes. Purchase it - the event is responsible. It is necessary to choose such a model that would definitely comply with the requirements and wishes.

Start with definition: What are you buying a counter? All devices are divided into three large groups. The first is the initial class. These are portable models, the cost of their low, but all major functions are present. They are used on the gas station, in small stores and so on. The second group is the average level. The functionality of such meters is wider, and the price, respectively, is higher. This kind of device is used in large offices. This is the optimal option for them. The third group refers to a high level. Such models are in service from large banks, firms, currency exchanges. They are capable of functioning at 20 hours. It is easy to guess that the cost of such a meter will be significant.

Thus, models belonging to different classes are very different in functionality. It should pay attention to it.

Start can be manual or automatic. The first option means that you will turn on the device you will be pressing the button. And the second is that the device will begin to recalculate the bills after you set the pack in the counter.

Another important feature is the ability to change the speed of recalculation. High speed is not always good. It is suitable only for new bills. But for mixed packs, low speed will be useful. This function is useful if the device in the process of recalculation also checks the authenticity of banknotes.

Find out if it is possible to sort in the selected model. If so, the device will be able to recount banknotes, and sort them by determining the total amount in the pack and the nominal bill. Instruments with such functional are expensive, but they are very useful and quickly pay off.

Such counters that can check whether there are no dual bills and torn in a pack of dual bills and torn. Usually it is high-level machines. They quickly find torn bills, or even their halves.

Useful when the counter has a size detector. That is, he knows how to tune in the size of those bills that lie in the pack first. All other banknotes it compares with them. If the subsequent value does not match the first, the account will suspend. This function helps to sear the banknotes of other denominations, currencies, as well as fake.

There are models of meters with the possibility of connecting external devices. For example, they can be supplemented with a remote display. This allows the client to see the operations that make a cashier.

The most important parameter is performance. It is mistaken to think that the meter is able to work continuously. If you have chosen a cheap model, and operate it for six hours a day, be prepared or for fast breakdowns, or just to reduce accuracy. If you want to buy an assistant, which would really serve the clock, then you need to prepare for big spends.

How to choose the optimal version of the family budget?

First of all, you need to agree on how your family budget will be. Depending on the features of the family, you can choose one of three options.

1. Common boiler
With this method of maintaining the budget, the spouses combine absolutely all their income and jointly decide how to spend money. This option usually choose friendly pairs whose relationships are tested by time. Such a budget modeling often prefers young families with small incomes, almost completely leaving on current spending.

Pros of "General Boiler": All expenses are transparent for both spouses, there are more opportunities to form a "accumulative fund" for the long-term needs of the family, for example, to buy housing. In addition, on the observations of psychologists, in such families, conflicts arise less often because of the money: the joint type of budget helps spouses to feel one whole, strengthens relations.

Possible problems: in the absence of personal money, the spouses cannot make each other gifts. In addition, all personal expenses, even the smallest, have to be coordinated with each other, and sometimes one of the spouses (usually the one who earns less) is shy to ask for money from the "total boiler" to their "little joy." To solve these problems, you can allocate every money that you can spend without advancing my spouse. It is better if this cost of expenses will be not more than 20% of the entire budget - 5-10% for each of the spouses.

In this case, everyone pays part of their income on family needs, and the rest of the part is managed at its discretion. The "total" amount goes to the current expenses of the family (nutrition, payment of utilities, etc.), from it, the means for leave and large purchases are postponed. Such a model is suitable, for example, people who have entered into a second marriage and have obligations to children from the first marriage. "Sharp participation" is convenient and if spouses most of the time spend apart: if they have different hobbies, different friends, etc. On the principles of the formation of a joint part of the "shared" budget, the spouses agree. This can be either the same percentage of each income (for example, her husband and wife are contributed to the family budget half of their salary, and the second half dispose at their discretion), or the same amount - regardless of the revenues of the spouses.

Advantages of "equity participation": this type of budget may be convenient and in a situation where conflicts arise from the spouses due to of different relationship To the money: one is inclined to save and save them, and the other - on the contrary, spontaneously spend. With the "share" budget, both partners will have sufficient amounts to use them at their discretion: one will be able to put this money on the bank account, and the other is to take a walk with them to shop. At the same time, perhaps the accumulations of the first and the purchase of the second will be used by the whole family.

Possible problems: if the spouses, the amount of income of which is significantly different, agree to the same amount in the family budget, then the one who earns less, personal money can hardly stay. Therefore, to make the same amount in the "General Fund" in the event that the revenues of the spouses are approximately the same. If the incomes are unequal, then perhaps the best solution will be "interest deductions": the one who earns more will be larger in the family "wallet".

3. Separate budget
Separate type of budget assumes that everyone himself disposes of its money - there is no "total boiler" at all. The current expenses of the spouses are usually paid in turn, and the large purchases are "dropped". This model prefers people who are just beginning to live together and are not yet confident in the strength of their relations, or those who appreciate their "personal space" and freedom, including financial.

Pros of the "separate budget": a separate budget is convenient and when "guest" marriage, when the pair does not live together constantly. Complete financial independence of spouses and the lack of need to report to someone in their traits.

Possible problems: often the budget in such families is not planned and the total costs are covered by the spouse, which is currently being money. In this case, the lack of agreements on the payment of total expenditures may cause bypasses and conflicts. To avoid this, it is best to calculate (at least approximately) the amount that the family spends on their needs every month, and agree, which part of these expenses will take on each of the spouses. Then, if some "current" purchases will pay the spouse, who at that time turned out to be money, the second will know what amount it should, and if you reimburse expenses.
If the partners trust each other, the convenient option is to agree that one of the spouses provides daily expenses (for food, communes. Services, etc.), and large purchases are postponed from the revenues of the second.

3 Golden Rules:

1. All your financial agreements and plans will be fulfilled only if someone will follow this. Therefore, select a family treasurer. There will be a husband or wife - no matter: it is better to entrust this mission to the most accurate person who does not prone to spontaneous costs.

2. Learn without constraint to discuss financial problems with each other. Openly tell the spouse about your needs, do not be afraid to express my disagreement about certain spending. Making problems sooner or later is poured into serious conflicts.

3. Agree to never hide your income and expenses from each other. The transparency of the family budget is the key to the strength of your family.

The usual finishing material for the walls, it can be safely called even the most popular. But the status of the most durable and durable finishes for them, for some reason, did not fix it. Although, in fact, the wallpaper is capable of listening to even dozens of years without losing their successful external view and tightly leaned to the walls. To do this, you simply need to correctly select the material from which the wallpaper is made for a certain room, because different wallpapers perform different functions from a practical point of view.

The conditions in the premises can also differ radically, somewhere, for example, in the guest bedroom, the wallpaper is performed purely decorative function, but in the kitchen, they must confidently withstand the attack of the couple and splashes fat.

One of the most important tests for wallpaper is moisture, depending on the sustainability of it, among this type of wall decorations are distinguished:

  • normal
  • moisture-resistant
  • washable
  • washable brushes
  • well washable brushed

Unstable to moisture wallpaper

We fear moisture, and even more waters. This is a very fragile finish. But such a material has one important advantage - its value. Paper wallpaper cheap, and therefore do not lose their popularity among more practical options. In addition, this species is characterized by high ecology, allowing the walls to "breathe".

Textile wallpapers, too, should not be subject to testing water, because they can change the color and shape ..

Use both kinds of rooms with high humidity or rooms with a possible way on them is undesirable. Wallpapers can be covered with bubbles, deform, disconnect or change the drawing. But the variety of colors and patterns can incarnate unusual ideas and solutions in the interior. Use paper and textile wallpapers in dry rooms with low wall resistance, then they will serve for a long time and will delight you. Caring for them must necessarily be dry, without wet wipes, etc.


Well tolerate moisture, they are not deformed and do not disappear, such surfaces can be easily wiped with a wet rag, but it is not recommended to wash them with detergents. To this kind may relate. In addition to the paper layer, there is a layer of phlizelin, which gives elasticity and strength to wallpaper, contributes to the simplicity of sticking and long-term service. But, as we indicated above, wash them with detergent is still dangerous.


Modern manufacturers take into account the needs of buyers, so practical and simple in sticking flieslinic wallpapers are also available in versions that you can wash. Such wallpapers are covered with a protective layer of polymers or other materials, so they can not be wiped with a damp cloth, but also safely remove pollution with non-aggressive detergents and not be afraid of hitting. But still the phlizelin wallpaper is very soft and fragile, so it is dangerous to use the brush when cleaning.

Washable brushed wallpaper

Another option of wallpaper, which is not afraid of washing - acrylic wallpaper. This species consists of several layers of foamed polymer, so it can have a different texture. Soft acrylic wallpapers can be simply washed with water and gentle detergents, but there are more solid options, clean the dirt from which you can even with help. Manufacturers indicate these characteristics, so you do not have to guess the operation of wallpaper and care.

Well washes with brushed wallpaper

Well-washable with a brushed wallpaper - a specific finishing material, because it is a durable and practical, from the walls you can remove almost any contamination, but they are, like a plastic film, do not let moisture and air into the room through the walls. Therefore, it is worth using such types of wallpaper only in non-residential premises with high humidity or the likelihood of water entering. Depending on the material from which they are manufactured, they are:

  • vinyl
  • glass

They are considered one of the most durable, the top layer is covered with a film that fixes the drawing and protects it. Therefore, such wallpapers can be safely washed with a brush and detergent. But before choosing them, decide on their texture, because in the deepening of foamed volumetric vinyl wallpaper, dirt can fall, wash which is not so simple. For kitchens or places with high load it is better to use smooth wallpaper. In cleaning, vinyl wallpaper is considered one of the easiest and most durable, so if you choose the wallpaper for the room exposed to pollution, then this option will be suitable.

Gymelomes are also completely not afraid of water. They are well suited if cracked or irregularities appear on the walls, because they are very elastic. Microorganisms do not come in such wallpaper, and the variety of textures and colors is pleasantly surprising. In addition, they can be repainted many times. And to care for them is quite simple: you can wash them with a brush and special meansAt the same time they will serve you for many years.

Which option to choose is to solve you. But we tried to orient you on the issue of moisture resistance to wallpaper so that you use really suitable material in your repair.

  • Rasch. 560 rub. Marbrug. 3 714 rub. Marbrug. 990 rub. BN. 2 730 rub. Euro Decor 624 rub.
  • AS CREATION 869 rub. Coswig 280 rubles. GRANDECO (Ideco) 1 200 rub. Vinyl wallpaper Grandeco (Ideco) Jack "N Rose LL-06-02-8 GRANDECO (Ideco) 1 370 rub. Vinyl wallpaper Grandeco (IDECO) Jack "N Rose LL-04-02-0 GRANDECO (Ideco) 1 300 rub.
  • Rasch. 560 rub. AS CREATION 869 rub. Marbrug. 2 190 rubles. Marbrug. 4 350 rub. Rasch. 949 rub.
  • Marbrug. 4 350 rub. Zambaiti. 1 994 rub.

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