
Compatible rat horoscope with rat. What is the compatibility in the love of people born in the year of the rat? Relationships in different spheres

Two rats in love and marriage are quite peculiar, and the fault of this is exactly some of the features of this sign of the Eastern Horoscope.

General information about the compatibility of a man and women belonging to the rat mark

Such people are best preserved friendly relations when they are rarely found and do not have a joint life. However, this does not mean that they should not create love relationships and even marry with each other.

Only in such a situation, the rats will have to not forget about a number of possible disagreements and problems, you will have to try to leave conflicts and remove the provocateur features of nature. If in the Union, a man and a rat rat will constantly go along, they will be able to come to harmony and mutual understanding.

If we consider these relationships from the point of view of a combination of qualities inherent in these people, the following picture is evaporated. These fussy and restless, energetic and cunning, emotional and movable people can create a bunch of difficulties, because all the above qualities simply face double volume, provoking sometimes a real catastrophe.

In a pair, two such similar people will constantly wish to part. In order to establish a strong connection, some of the rats will have to learn how to restrain emotions. In order for the negative not accumulated, you need to be able to eliminate it outside of your relationship.

Internal tension will leave if a person will deal with some creative businessThen, when the whole remaining energy will turn into the energy of their creative ideas. Rats perceive all fresh and new, so they will easily find an interesting lesson for themselves.

Joint hobbies and hobbies will make a relationship more even. Such an alliance can be interesting and diverse that both partners like it. Rats are nice understand each other, and this is very important and helps to solve the problem of excessive hot spirits and conflicts.

The compatibility of the man and women born under the sign of rats, not bad and justifies themselves indeed from the position of survival in some conditions, when there are no other normal options for creating a prosperous union and family, with children and other dwellings and obligations. Other conditions are unlikely to become a good medium for the existence of a successful love alliance and a strong family.

Compatibility in Love

The novel can be just great. These people have a lot in common, so only becoming acquainted, they are able to understand each other without words. Both rats are very passionate, adore having fun, they have a sense of humor.

If a man-rat and a female rat was fascinated by each other, the initial period of their love will remind the plot of the sweetest romantic stories. Relationships are so full of passion and fire that partners forget about the world around. A man and a woman make luxurious gifts to each other, together go to rest in excellent places and strife passionate notes.

After time, Idyllo becomes fragile. Love rises to the background, closed by the desire to capture all the power. Rats are real owners, so the cause of their gap can be the all-consuming unpretentious jealousy. If one of the parties cease to trust the partner, the relationship will come to no.

Marriage compatibility

In marriage and joint family life, rats and rats are at risk relating to the lack of feeling of novelty and freshness. Both partners want to be on leadership positions, which is why there is a clash, undermining the fortress and strength of relationships.

Spouses who were born in the year of rats have the opportunity to create a beautiful and harmonious familyHowever, for this they will have to try to very much, correcting their shortcomings. Then love will be strong and happy.

Compatibility in bed

The easiest rats will be able to compromise in the sexual sphere, here they will definitely satisfy each other to the maximum. As a rule, insufficiently demanded in relations with people of other signs, the tenderness and sincere love of rats in a similar combination can show itself absolutely open and very bright.

The thing is not too necessary in this Union - the unwillingness of obtaining the experience of expanding its own worldview. How can one learn from each other two absolutely identical individuals? It will be understood from them, but to develop in a new way, in the area of \u200b\u200ban unknown direction - not exactly.

Friendship compatibility

Friendly relations between people belonging to this sign, from the very beginning, show themselves good. Rats are very similar in intellectual plan. Such friendship is characterized by some intimacy and mutual confidence.

Friendship will be long, if only one of the rats will not be too often putting out the flaws of their own character. The second partner does not serve pressure, and such disagreements will provoke the occurrence of conflict.

Rats want emotionality and certain theatricalness in the routine of a long relationship. The year of rat is really characterized by an excessive manifestation of emotions. Rats Loving to impress others.

If one rat does not admire the other, disappointment comes, and behind it is pressure on the partner. Friendship of two rats is full of jealousy. Sooner or later, one of the partners may not withstand pressure and continuous control and prefer to break the union.

Compatibility in work

Business partnership between two rats promises to be profitable and prosperous. People who have emerged in this year are able to competently dispose of finances. They do not work for money - money works for them. Rats are distinguished by some practicality, as well as a good business grip. These people are active and enterprising.

This business relationship can be complicated by excessive emotionality of business partners. Ideas and plans will appear bright and rapidly, but it may not reach the case. It happens that the intentions of these people, which appeared due to a stormy emotional burst, have too weak communication with the real world.

Compatibility in interest

  • Love compatibility - 70%.
  • Marriage compatibility - 50%.
  • Bed compatibility - 90%.
  • Friendship compatibility - 80%.
  • Compatibility in business - 80%.

Negative sides of the Union

  • Invulsion rats forgive some of the shortcomings of the partner.
  • Problems with the ordering of both personal and collaborate partners.
  • These people will never cease the struggle for the primacy anywhere.
  • It is unlikely that rats will be able to abstract from emotions by putting forward a mind forward.

  • Rats do not need to show each other his mad desire for freedom.
  • They must learn not to press each other.
  • Joint hobbies and hobbies will be the best connecting link.

In principle, the Union of people belonging to this sign of the Eastern Horoscope is harmonious, but the difficulties will be mass. Compatibility is constantly tested for strength conflicts and contradictions. If you try to build relations on mutual love and respect, the flaws will go away, and the Union will become stronger.

Rat years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Rat and rat compatibility

This is a very complex combination. Their connection begins very romantic, they are very similar, as if they see in their partner mirror reflection. They are very passionate, the hole to madness, and therefore the duration of their union remains under a big question. But it is not bad at all if the rats try to taste love with your own sign.

According to a rat compatibility horoscope, this connection will help them understand the complexity of their own world of feelings. Even friendship between them is difficult, since they are largely accomplices, and therefore they cannot share the laurels.

Rat and ox compatibility

According to a rat compatibility horoscope, this is a very favorable union. These people are endowed with a bright individuality of P capable of understanding each other. The rat needs a serious attitude, namely the WHO everything perceives seriously.

Ox is not talking and respecting the secrets and disadvantages of the partner much worse when the rat cannot keep the tongue behind the teeth and begins to talk about intimate details of communication with the will. But there is nothing secret that does not become apparent.

If the woman knows something, it will work on it like a red rag, and he will definitely scatter. But there are other difficulties, since the Wola cannot fully satisfy the sexual needs of the rat.

It is too accurate, and his pedantic is a little annoying rat, but it is always faithful and never change the sexy rat. This rat will be very pleased, and no ox too.

Rat and tiger compatibility

The best way Cause the admiration of the rat - to show courage and courage in front of it. Although it does not occupy her tiger, but still the connection between them is extremely difficult. Of course, while their passion is satisfied, but Tiger is a born predator and accustomed to freedom.

Therefore, from time to time he comes out of his cave and begins to scour in search of new production, and the rat will be very difficult to survive. According to a rat compatibility horoscope, she does not like to play on her feelings, she knows what is just irresistible.

True, the rat knows that others also have shortcomings. She is not very vengeful. And when the rat sees that the tiger returns, her heart calms down.

Tiger is a realist, and completely uncanyten, but the rat of the Alchina, and its fear of the future is very mixed by King Jungle. Maybe, they complement each other, because our eternally hungry predator will always make a piece of meat, hidden by the rat for a black day.

Rat and hare compatibility

Hares do not endure tensions. They are created for peace and security, they absolutely do not tolerate extreme situations. The rat believes that the hare wants to overcome it. But it is mistaken in this, since their forces are equal.

Rather, they have deep internal contradictions. And the hare does not see that rat is a doubtful and unbalanced creature. This is due to the fact that the rat is a wonderful actress, and in the depths of the soul, she laughs at the unlucky hare.

Rats are created for -Ris, and the hares are afraid to lose their wool. According to the horoscope compatibility of the rat, emotionally it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other, but there are no equal in friendship.

Rat and dragon compatibility

According to a horoscope of rat compatibility, this is a good union. The rat is very excited and gives it a confidence of a delightful dragon.

She gives him everything, because he is smart and insightful. Only to attract the dragon, it can make incredible nonsense. But whether the dragon is defiant with a modest rodent? Probably not always. Dragon in love too much.

And when his new passion flashes, he simply sometimes forgets about the former. But the Dragon loves him to be idle and admired them.

The love of rat is just a balm for his soul, so they are associated not only the feeling of love, but also a magnificent friendship, they perfectly complement each other. The rat predictively clears the path to his beloved, destroying everything in its path. She is happy with her secret role.

Rat and snake compatibility

This is a rather strange union. According to the horoscope compatibility of the rat, they are both cleans and can adapt to each other. At first glance, their relationship look unusual, because the snake got used to being excited, but her rat soothes on time.

They have and similar features - this is a sense of compassion. For the snake there is no feeling of loyalty, but the rat is impossible to deceive. In such situations, this war begins between them, where the snake can defeat. This proves that they do not need each other, but they appreciate each other and are just perfect for friendship.

Together they know how to have fun and bind over others. And if they conclude an alliance, he keeps only tolerance and understanding.

These people are very easy to solve each other and if the rat begins to exercise its aggressiveness, the snake turns into a boil and hypnotizes a unlucky mouse. But no one will never see these relationships.

Rat and horse compatibility

According to the horoscope of the rat compatibility, these people are like something like each other, in their love they can make a bunch of nonsense.

But the rat is always guided by common sense and even in the midst of feelings, she listens to the voice of the mind. But the horse is not like that, she does not have a sense of measure. In his love she does not see borders.

The horse does not think about anything, rushing to the bonfire of desires. In the depths of the soul of the rat condemn the excessiveness of the horse, it perceives it as a frivolity, and the horse perceives her reaction as misunderstanding. Probably, at first glance both right, but still it is better to refrain from close relationships.

Rat and sheep compatibility

The next union is also extremely undesirable. According to the horoscope of the compatibility of the rat, the relations of these two parts are impossible due to the differences of their characters. The sheep is too careless and dreamed to make excessive rationalism and critical rats.

Although the rat has a rich imagination, but it is not so stupid, in search of beautiful love to follow the horned cattle. Perhaps this disappoints the sheep, but all evil turns good.

The real rat should love security, although it is very careless and used to trusting the legents, still she knows how to stand up.

And the sheep used to turn in the clouds, she always needed. The designer, and her rats are annoyed. And in turn, the rat is angry excessiveness of the sheep. Therefore, they cannot find a common denominator.

Rat and monkey compatibility

So people are better to avoid meetings with each other. This would get rid of trouble. This union for both of them will be too heavy silent, they love difficulties and sometimes creating them artificially. In many ways, they are similar.

They know how to spend a fun and imperceptibly strive for power. Each of them believes that he is a stronger enemy, but it is completely wrong. If they are friends, although from. An unbalanced union, but it still stimulates.

In love, the case is different, the rationalist of the monkey does not want to follow the rat forever. She does not know how to surrender the passion, in which the rat needs.

In the best case, the monkey will throw the rat with compliments, and after it turns out to be cold and avnodues. According to the horoscope compatibility of the rat, the rat does not endure the monkey games, and this connection may be fatal.

Rat and rooster compatibility

With its ratio, rats instantly repels the motley rooster. Because the rat sees only the disadvantages of its partner, it does not carry vanity and superficiality.

But if the rat considered the rooster: she would find in it positive features. In aggressiveness, they can argue with each other, and if they guide her against each other, this battle will turn into a real war.

In addition, they absolutely do not know how to save, first they begin to behave too wastefully, and then finally ruined from legal costs.

According to a rat compatibility horoscope, it is better in this combination, if a man is born in a rat, and a woman is a rooster. Then her business will help save the remaining savings.

Rat and dog compatibility

The rat can recognize the nature of the dog's concern. And it is clear, because the dog is urinary accustomed to protecting its territory, because it is somewhat afraid of rat mystery.

But in general, they transfer each other, these are two modest accomplices that come out only at night and do not know how to enter into a conversation with the first oncoming. This union exists due to his mysteriousness and confidence in the future.

After some acquaintance, they begin to trust each other, because the dog is very true, and for the rat is the most important thing. In case of trouble, both are able to stand up for themselves. According to a rat compatibility horoscope, this union is recommended for both love and business.

Rat and boar compatibility

Both are passionate and sexual creatures, they are united by the desire of pleasures. According to the horoscope of the compatibility of the rat, perhaps this is the only thing that holds them together.

And they do not regret it, together they are experiencing wonderful moments. True, sometimes the rat is annoying the naivety of boar, especially in business and family matters. But if the rat is drunk passion, she always admires the attention and tenderness of boar.

For the sake of him, she is ready to go into the fire and into the water, trying to stir and encourage his nervous pet. She can teach him a lot, especially the ability to manage money.

The main feature of the man born in the year of the rat is unpredictable and extraordinary. If spontaneous people are attracted, ready in the most unexpected moments literally collapse the waterfalls of emotions, then you obviously did not make a mistake with the choice.

A man born under the sign of the rat is usually guided by not logic and sound practical calculation, but a certain subconscious sensation. In an intuitive way, he comes to understanding that he needs friendship or relationship with a specific person. This man can be inclined to romanticism and is not very logical, and sometimes absurd actions. In addition, it periodically moves out of extremes to extremes: at first he can spend a whole condition for excellent courtship and expensive dinners in restaurants, and then - to live in your money. Be ready that peace life will only dream of peace, because the man of this sign can drown anyone in dramatic scenes. However, there is not enough energy for a long time, so the next day your frantic chosen one can easily plunge into the bunch of black melancholy, becoming silent, depressive and not respond to your attempts to understand or discharge the situation. At such periods, the best thing you can do is to leave your beloved man alone. Do not worry, its apathy is soon replaced by a tide of cycling activity!

As a Council to the girls gathered to tie their lives with a beloved-rat, I want to say: look at his lifestyle and habits as permanent values. Rats - Fatalists. This is the most difficult to "re-education" sign. Or you try to accept it as it is, or avoid these relationships. Know: This is a man you can not remake. From the loser, you will not be able to make a successful businessman, and from the active athlete or politics will not work in any way to make a man with quiet home evenings and fishing.

If you are a romantic nature that is too thin and somewhat not from the world of people, then a serious relationship (and even more marriage) with rat it is hardly pleased with the rat. Nevertheless, rats are poorly transferred loneliness and definitely prefer the marriage union by the Bacheutian life. Yes, and a father from a male rat can get wonderful. Children are very loved and pay them a maximum of possible time and attention.

Your alliance with a man-rat

Man and female rat: A wonderful union, full of mutual understanding and community of interest, both partners look in one direction, their tastes and looks at life are very close. However, too much difference in the social status of their native families can lead to a series of meaningless scandals.

Male rat and female bull: Both partners are practical and really look at life, both love life benefits and know how to use them. The union can be very successful if a bull female will be clearing at least half of the cases. These partners should not be staying at home.

Male-rat and female tiger:prospects are not too rainbow, a tiger woman will miss romance and admiration for the partner.

Rabbit male and female rabbit: An unfavorable union in which there will be excessive pressure on the man.

Rat Man and Woman Dragon: Successful union filled with sensuality and emotions. The male rat will constantly admire the qualities of their girlfriend.

Male-rat and female snake: Adverse Union. The man-rat will always doubt the chosen.

Man-rat and woman horse: Complete interponing, all attempts to negotiate this union will rest in the deaf deadlock of alien worldviews.

Male-rat and female goat: Average compatibility. Goat too phlegmatic for a man's man, he can bother and go to search for adventures.

Male-rat and monkey woman: Very good union. It is easily adaptable and much people who are very familiar with similar views on the world.

Man-rat and female rooster: Good and strong union. The nature of the lady-rooster is quite impressed by a man-rat. These people will be able to best forgive each other.

Man-rat and female dog: Average compatibility. A dog will not arrange a lot in a man-rat.

Male Rat and Female Pig: quite promising marriage. People of these signs have a lot in common both in their views on society and in domestic issues and entertainment.

Material prepared with the help of Sofia Bozhan - Astrology Specialist on Astro7


According to the horoscope compatibility for a male rat marriage is a fertile field for creativity. In any case, it is being married and having full seven., this man reveals many of his previously unknown talents and manifests its top Qualities.

As a rule, this is a loving husband and a wonderful father. B and attentive. He does not hide his feelings and emotions. But, if he does not feel the same glow of passions on his chosen, it will quickly cool to it. It is important for him to be part of his partner and it is necessary to feel the safety of stable relationships.

If you love a man - rat sincerely and devotedly, then it will become the perfect partner to create a strong family. To his half, he belongs very gently. Increased emotionality and passion of a male rat on a love field makes life with him exciting and diverse.

He is very charismatic and attracts to himself with the incomprehensible one can say "magnetic force." But, a man-rat is peculiar to some instability of character and nervousness. Therefore, he needs a spouse that will help neutralize the difficulty traits of character, then marriage promises to be happy and almost cloudless.

If the satellite of life in a man-rat is balanced and stable, it will learn without much difficulty smoothing and pacifying the attacks of softening her husband. But, and if it is too energetic and demanding, and also intolerant to the characteristics of the character of a husband, then a joint life promises to be violent: with beating dishes, flares of jealousy, drops of "temperature regime" from boiling to complete freezing of relationships.

A man-rat is straightforward in communication, which does not deprive his romance and mysterious riddles. In communicating with him, you should not forget that all those who have said quite seriously, the jokes are rare for this sign, almost every word they try to think about.

Rat Man - Female Bull

The man-rat and a bull female perfectly complement each other. This union can be strong enough and happy, even despite the fact that in this family a bull will keep her husband's husband. Love relationships of this pair will be full of refinement, brightness and openness. He is ready to give her romantic evenings, and she can always alone respond to his desire to please him. The main thing that combines a male-rat and a woman bull is the importance of family, family values \u200b\u200band traditions. And with the advent of children, everything becomes even better. A man-rat finds a new reason for pride - Son or daughter will undoubtedly swim in the love of the Father ... \u003e\u003e

Male Rat - Woman Tiger

Family relationships Men-rat and women tiger are pretty peculiar. They have a very different character and they can be both truly happy and unhappy. A tiger woman is independent and free from conventions and mutual obligations. A man-rat is tied to home, family and stable setting. The purpose of his life lies in achieving success and gaining wealth. And for a woman tiger, prestige, recognition and environment, and success in professional activity - This is in second place. For a man-rat gives great problems to the unpredictability of the behavior of a woman-tiger, and it is difficult for her to reconcile with the misfortune and the limited interests of his spouse ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Cat (Rabbit)

Family Union of Men-Rat and Women Cat (Rabbit) is very complex and is rarely successful. Their relationship will be constantly subject to numerous strength tests. At the very beginning, it is unlikely that a stormy passion will arise between partners, but in their relationship will always be friendliness and respect. But, in this pair, each partner plays "in his game." Therefore, although they belong to each other sincerely and in a friendly, yet the behavior of the partner is mutually tiring. Alsovistic and focused woman-cat (rabbit) can not understand the romantic and jealous nature of a male rat ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Dragon

The family union of a man-rat and a dragon woman can bring happiness to both spouses. Despite the self-confidence and self-sufficiency of both, they know how to give each other warm and love. Each of them contributes to the relationship elements of novelty and creativity, which fills the joint life with bright colors. Individual goals in this marriage are often connected to the courage of partners, self-confidence and determination to achieve them at any cost. Woman dragon can create a poor atmosphere in the house. And a man-rat often needs it not only for the sake of family well-being, but also for its promotion on the career ladder ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Snake

The compatibility of a pair of a man-rat and a woman-snake cannot be called perfect, as each partner has its own look at marital and partnerships. Therefore, jealousy, mutual resentment and reproaches, as well as the lack of adaptability on both sides are possible. If a man-rat and a female snake has already created a family union, then it is necessary to try to establish relationships. Yes, this union carries a lot of difficulties, but it allows you to learn a lot from each other. Understanding is possible to achieve, just for this it is important to work both and then marriage will be durable and happy ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Horse

The compatibility of a male rat and a woman's female under a big question, the union of their complex and ambiguous. But, since these two signs are completely opposite, then there are two options for the development of events. Or these partners will take each other, will complement and form a happy and durable union, or their contradictions and disagreements will never allow them to be together. Here, the determination of each of them is important and confidence that it is with this partner that they want to overcome all the vital difficulties. Most often, making a decision to be together or not to be, belongs to a horse woman. Although it is worth noting that these relationships are tied only thanks to the initiative of a woman's horse ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Goat (Sheep)

The family union of a man-rat and a female goat (sheep) is quite complex and problematic. To find family happiness, both spouses will have a lot to work on their own character. In this pair, the sensitivity and impracticality of a female goat (sheep) creates psychological problems for a male rat, which would like to see a more practical and business spouse next to him. And a female goat (sheep), which can be revealed in all its glory, only when it is praised and indulge in it, he suffers from excessive criticism of a male rat. Moreover, his critical contributes to the appearance of a female goat (sheep) aggression or depressive states ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Monkey

According to Eastern horoscope, Family Union, the male rats and women monkeys have every chance of becoming happy. Spouses have very similar interests and aspirations, which determines their mutual interest in each other. A man-rat does not get tired of admiring the beauty and charm of a woman-monkey, as well as her dexterity and resourcefulness. And she appreciates in his wife, the ability to think strategically, and even his defense. Also, she is very soul of his life goals and priorities. Both spouses provide considerable help to each other as in personal growth, so in the career staircase ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Cock

The compatibility of the male rat and female rooster is far from being perfect, but if both partners are important relationships and they will put the desire to understand the second half at first, then their family union can become happy. The female rooster is active and clever, organized and demanding, and this is so like a man-rat. He will immediately perceive the female-cock as a faithful girlfriend, on which you can always rely on everything. A woman born in the year of the rooster, active and open amendment, if she wants, he can adjust the man-rat ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Dog

The family union of the male rats and female dogs is quite good and promising, since the peace-loving and independent characters of both partners help them unite the forces on the life path. Hard work I. vital energy Rat men allow a woman to a dog to show warmth and responsibility in creating a family focus and at the same time neutralize a number of negative parties of her character. In addition, charm and tenderness of the spouse, allow a woman to feel the necessary and faithful and tactful ... \u003e\u003e

Rat Man - Woman Pig (Boar)

Family relations Men-rat and female pigs (boar) can be considered rather harmonious and promising, since each of the spouses finds another, a very attractive person, as in physical, so in the spiritual plan. In general, their love relationships are worn safely. The female pig (boar) is waiting from the male-rat knightly actions, and he with all his insight understands it and tries to fit her wishes ... \u003e\u003e

People born in the year of rat people are usually attractive, purposeful, hardworking and somewhat misfortune. They can only forget about savings and leaning if there is an extremely strong feeling. These people are neat, pedantic and purposeful. They do not know how to restrain emotions, easily fall into anger. Usually honest and open, but love gossip.

In the marriage rat, it usually shows its best qualities. She even discovers such traits of character that were previously unusual for her. It is not by chance that the second third of the life of the rat flows, as a rule, calmly - it is during this period that she is completely engaged in family matters.

BEST Couple for Male Rats

A man - a rat in relationships with an excellent floor loves to manifest initiative, and does not tolerate when a woman is manifested. This in his understanding is unnatural, so should not be. He tries to dominate in relationships and always play a leading role.

It is attracted by female tactful ladies, ready for the traditional family, where the husband is mined, and the wife provides a strong rear. In bed, he, despite its natural selfishness, manifests tact and attentiveness. The desire of the partner such a gentleman seeks to fulfill. Stormy fantasy will not allow to miss both. Innovations and exotic things will fall to the taste of men born in the year of rat.

Best Couple for Women Rats

A woman - rat is usually chosen by a more passive and misinterpretative man. This lady wants to be the first number always and everywhere, and the romantic relationship will not be an exception. Such women will not confuse the less prestigious profession of the spouse or less income. In this case, they will even easier to get the Brazda of the Board.

Of course, women are very jealous and hot-tempered rat. In the bedroom, they demonstrate greater ingenuity and courage. Rats easily violate conceivable and inconceivable rules and prohibitions. Everything that is valuable for them is mutual pleasure. They love long preludes and common erotic entourage. As in other areas of life, in love she wishes to dominate and lead.

Horoscope compatibility rat

The perfect pair for the rats born in the year are dragon, monkey and bull. Snake, tiger, dog, boar and rat. Absolutely not suitable horse.

Rat - rat. - the rat is quite a change in nature, so the combination of two rats makes the situation very difficult. Of course, the sparks of discontent will often slip between you, so for both sides, both parties must learn to patience and understanding. As in other cases, the coincidence of signs, you have a good understanding and community of interests, which should strengthen relations. Your union will be harmonious and in the sexual sphere, since the imagination of rats will help them spend the time together and after the light goes out, or, more likely in this combination, will remain on! Everything is possible, but not always easy.

Rat - Bull - From the point of view of the bull, this is a good combination, but from the point of view, the rat is sometimes not very. After all, it requires constant communication, interest, and even admiration for her, and more permanent bull are not always present. As a compensation, a solid bull can give a rat for the opportunity to succeed to achieve success, as well as make a stability. At the level of personal relations, the strength and power of the bull in combination with the imagination of the rat can make sexual life very interesting.

Rat - Tiger - If there is a problem here, then not from lack of activity. The greatest difficulty is that the rat, and the tiger have a pronounced individuality, and although rats are probably more sociable, both sides want to find their own life Path. This can lead to very loud quarrels, and although the tiger is ready to solve even the most complex problems, the rat can quickly get tired and go to search for something better. Of course, this is not the best combination, but from any rule there are exceptions, and you can be one of them. The most important thing is good, and the patience does not hurt! Therefore, you should not lose the rat compatibility with a tiger depends only on you!

Rat - Rabbit - Few people can not love the rabbit with his pleasant and calm manners. The rat is not an exception, but if it does not know well enough to know its strengths and weaknesses, he may strive for dominance in relations. This is not necessarily bad, because the rabbit usually needs support and a strong shoulder. Rat can give it, but most likely it will not be so reliable as the rabbit wants. This pair has many chances of success, but the reality may not be as rainbow. Nevertheless, there are many stable pairs with a similar combination.

Rat - Dragon - This pair has great chances of success, although the relationship here will be rather changeable. As a result, everything will depend on how well the first stage of relationship will be passed. Dragons tend to dominate and easily take the role of a leader in a pair. It does not always end for them well, and it should be noted that the rat is the only sign capable of achieving its in the struggle for power. The dragons are always dynamic, but sometimes not so smart, like rats, and therefore can easily get into the network of compromises. But after the basic principles of relations were established, the dragon will begin to respect the freedom of rat.

Rat - Snake - Rat is always on the way. In fact, none of the signs of the Chinese horoscope is inclined more than her to infinite wanders along the labyrinth of life. Snake just refuses to rush. If there are difficulties in this combination, they will be associated with various attitude to life. Sensuality of the snake can harden the rat, although not for long, and if someone starts bored in this pair, then it is most likely that there will be rat. The chances of success are not so great, but this is an interesting combination. Rat and snake will surely not like each other from the first minutes of dating.

Rat - horse - Although these two signs from an astrological point of view are opposed, they have so much in common that they cannot be excluded success and mutual happiness. Both sign attracts interesting and unusual, their intellectual abilities are equally high, thanks to which they will throw admiring glances from time to time. They can be true to each other, but it is impossible to exclude a constant search for new partners. As a result, they can reunite again, because much can take each other. Light the wick and go aside. Such relations are sometimes happier than it could be assumed.

Rat - goat. - There are probably examples of successful and happy relationships in this combination, but examples of unsuccessful probably much more. The goat wants calm, which is not capable of giving a rat, and the rat is required by constant activity and admiration for the partner, which the goat can only give in an unusual situation or under pressure from circumstances. Indeed, the goat can be quite bold, but does not pay attention to social values, which in the eyes of the rat mean a lot. It is unlikely that the goat and rat will be able to find a lot in each other to live together.

Rat - Monkey - The rats and monkeys have similar qualities, but very many different. Both of these signs have a strong personal beginning and healthy egoism. And since they are easy for compliments, their relationships may look flawlessly, although in fact the situation will be close to critical. The combination deserves a high marks, although none of the partners will not be devoted or caring. They will have a deliberately luxurious house and, perhaps, considerable state, as both signs know how to make life well. However, the union of two hippies is also possible in this combination.

Rat - rooster - An ordinary rooster can bring the usual rat to white crown, while weak will never know what his place is in their relationship. Much here depends on the floor, because women with a rooster sign have a pronounced burden for freedom and can make a lot to ensure that the rat feel comfortable. Rules and restrictions will bring the rat to rabies, whereas for the rooster they are a prerequisite for a comfortable life. A man with a sign of a rooster is rare combined with a woman-rat, because unhealthy quarrels will often arise between them. Even the opposite combination of floors will not cost without ups and falls.

Rat - Dog - With a dog, it is so easy to get along that the rat almost instinctively moves in this direction. From the point of view of the rat, this combination will be the most promising, the dog easily lives with almost any sign. Most dogs easily take life and are ready to put up with what is happening around, but they love the adventure, and it is this rat is ready to give. At the level of personal relationship, this combination may be the brightest of all possible. It is unlikely to have a place to surprise.

Rat - Piggy - The root of possible problems is the natural difference between the pig and the rat. Of course, as we know, the opposites may be attracted, but probably in this combination they will attract very reluctantly. Since both of them are intelligent, they will easily get along in one space, so they will turn out good friendsBut bad sexual partners. The rat is too smart for a deeper and sensitive pig. Whatever the direction these couples would be presented, they will gladly meet in the bar, but most likely they will be happy to leave relationships at this level.

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