
When there is not enough energy and vitality. How to deal with chronic fatigue or what to do if it constantly lacks energy. How to defeat chronic fatigue and return the strength to

Life is God's gift. It would seem to live and rejoice. But no, not all and not always suits us. Our life is pleased when it is filled with business, events, pleasures and other attributes of happy being. And for all this filling, of course, the energy is needed. Therefore, we especially rejoice when there are many energies - it means that we have a lot of strength to build your life. If there is not enough energy - and there is no joy.

Unfortunately, not each of us has a lot of energy - this is a congenital property. But it happens that you wake up in the morning with a charge of cheerfulness, with the feeling that you can turn the mountains, and by the end of the day, it is squeezed as a lemon, while none of the mountain was not minimized. Where is the energy?

Why not enough energy? Sources of waste

Our energy is our emotions. And often it happens when we feel that we lost energy, it means that we have lost our emotional balance. If we do not have enough energy for life at all, most likely, we are experiencing some deep and unproductive emotions.

I can say that the loss of energy lies on four whales. These are: fear, wines, shame and hyperships. It is these these states that lie in the root of any outflow of energy. Consider in more detail how it works.


Let's talk to start about fear. When we are afraid, we are standing before the problem as a rabbit before the shovel. We are trembling knees, and we feel that we cannot protect yourself. We dramatically lose strength and awareness - this energy leaves us.

There are various kinds of subconscious fears that, just take our energy. We can be afraid not to live to pay. We can fear UFOs. We can be afraid of death. Women may be afraid not to marry. Etc. These fears are an infinite set. But what is the most useful thing to know that the more you feed your fear, the more you lose energy. Naturally, it will be very difficult to realize in this life. For example, it is difficult to get married, all the time fear is not married. Because you will have very little energy. It is difficult to earn when you are panicious to lose money.

From here Important Council: you need to learn how to work with fears and go to the level of so-called abundance. That is, when there are many options in your life, a lot of abundance, a lot of faith and confidence in life, fear is closed by itself. You have energy and, of course, enthusiasm appears to live.


It is believed that shame is the consequence of the moral impairment established by society. This is a grafted, not a natural feeling, like, "I'm bad in me." We were taught to feel embarrassed in different situations, for example: "Don't the men cry?", "Is the girl who can behave like a boy?" etc. And there are extremely many such cases when we feel some kind of awkwardness, we feel not in our plates. And when we feel not in our plate - this is a clear indicator that we are not fitting, i.e. We are gnawing a sense of own insolvency.

A shameful person also gives his energy completely unconscious for himself to other people who feel better in his background. And if we are overly susceptible to the feeling of shame, then, of course, it is very hard for us to live. Therefore, you should work with a feeling of shame not only to feel less than a normal, worthy person, but also in order not to drain the energy through this negative feeling.


When there is a feeling of shame, and most often it is instilled in society, the feeling of guilt hangs on top of it. This is not only "you are bad," now I have to "for this we owe." From the guilty easy to do the eternal debtor. This sense is manipulated and played by all who is ready to take advantage of the weakness of such a person.

On the one hand, a person feels bad, unworthy of forgiveness, and on the other hand, he wants to be better than it all, and justify the expectations of others. Therefore, he is fixed all the time.

And, as a rule, when a person is located nearby or such that he believes that he must, "guilty" dramatically loses his strength. A clear case, with the feeling of guilt, there is also not enough energy, because it goes to another person who awakens this feeling. The more man gives the feeling of guilt, the more he gives the energy to other people.


And the last thing I would like to say is hyperence. I'm not talking about responsibility as such, but about hyperresponsibility when this feature is distorted. For example, when we feel responsible for everything and everything, when it would not have happened around, we think that it is in our power to change it. Of course, the Universe will "help us" - load a different kind of work. There is such a proverb: who is lucky, he will drive. Those. Who is taken for everything and all who are trying to help people where they must learn from their own mistakes, in such cases a person loses energy, without living its life qualitatively.

It is believed that everyone himself must be responsible for his life. We can be responsible for our family, for their loved ones, but even this should not overdo it. Because hypersproof parents are often irresponsible children. And you need to just find the very line when we turn into our lives and do not take them for others, i.e. Not taking someone else's cross. A too developed sense of duty leads to the fact that such people are overwhelmed in life, they have no time to live and have no time to rest. Naturally, as a result - there is not enough energy even on yourself.

If you encountered a loss of energy, listen to yourself what exactly is the reason. Perhaps at first it will be difficult to determine which emotion of you handled. But learning to determine how this or that negative feeling works in you, you can further recognize them in the reign and stop the outflow of energy.

Therefore, I advise everyone from you to work out these important four points and fill your life with a powerful energy of joy and happiness.

Do not refer to chronic fatigue syndrome as something negative. This is an attempt by the body in conditions of serious stress to protect against even greater harm.

Tired of tired? Do you feel that there is no power for anything since the morning? Jacob Teetelbaum teaches chronic fatigue 37 years old - he is expert number 1 on this topic. And knows how to restore energy and vitality.

His book "Always tired" for many years - bestseller and the main leadership in the world to combat chronic fatigue. It will be waiting for you a practical and understandable plan according to the method of the joint: sleep, hormones, infections, food and exercises.

how forget about chronic fatigue

My story. And your too?

I have enough energy for everything. And even with an excess. But it was not always so.

In 1975, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome (SHU) And fibromyalgia syndrome (SF), although formally in those days they had no name. Communication with a huge number of doctors helped me understand what I have to do to get rid of my ailments. The experience gained so inspired me that the last 37 years I learn this question.

If you feel that the inner light begins to go out - it's time to find a way to turn it on.

To forget about energy problems, it is enough to follow several simple advice from book. It will increase your energy by 91%.

Short test

Do you feel fatigue, pain without a certain location site, fog in my head, problems with sleep and concentration?

If they answered "yes" - welcome to the ranks of 100 million people around the world, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

If it is easier to speak, then this is a serious reduction in life tone and nervous exhaustionAs if you "knocked out traffic jams." Or how the computer switched to "sleep mode".

Often people with SHU wake up broken, exhausted and spend in such a state all day

Problems with sleep, poor nutrition, excessive load on the immune system, hormonal imbalance and acceleration of the rhythm of life - all these factors lead to the fact that people burn out.

Sleep in clubs

One of the most efficient ways to increase the vitality and clarity of consciousness -daily 8 hours of night sleep. But everything is not so simple. How to carve an extra couple of hours for sleep? That's what you can do.

1. Realize one simple thing: all cases will not redo.

Did you draw attention to what you are faster and more efficient to handle the tasks, the more new new things appear? In that focus! If you slow down - like snail, then find that the list of urgent affairs has become shorter, and some disappeared by themselves.

Start gradually refuse some lessons (I'm not talking about work, thanks to which you pay for accounts, I don't say yet!).You need to fall out.

2. Do what gives pleasure.

Make a list of everything that spend time at work and at home. Break these classes into two columns. In the first, write down everything that is nice (or at least it is better to do than not). In the second - what you should do, although you do not like it.

Soon you will understand how great it is to move more and more things in the "pleasant" column.

Listen to your body

Not even a pain, anyone forced to lie in bed or to sit for a long time, very quickly loses physical form. Exercises are an easy way to recharge the energy.But it is not necessary to immediately sign up for aerobics, in the pool and on horseback classes. The secret is not to rearrange.

Remember: Better small steps than a stop. So let yourself load gradually

"To achieve success and blood" - this saying is trying to convince us that the result is achieved only by incredible tension of physical and mental strength. I want to offer in return to another conviction: "The pain is nonsense!" An unpleasant feeling and pain - the signal stop doing what it causes it. But the reasonable balance of load will restore your energy without harm to the body.

Mark Twain said: "moderation should be in everything - including moderation." Do not forget about it.

Consciousness and Body Relationship

In each physical disease there is a psychological component. In people who always live in stress, of course, there may be bacterial infections or increased acidity that caused an ulcer. But the doctor is useful to ask them to forget about their inappropriate phones while treating. Take this note.

I found that most people with chronic fatigue syndrome work to exhaustion and out of leather climb to jump at least a little higher head. The spirit of rivalry in them is also strong. Did you know yourself?

As often "grows on themselves" in order to endure all the way all the power and stop rejoice at what they have achieved.

We are ready to take care of all, except for one-sole - yourself. Praise yourself.And you will see how the level of life energy raises up.

Hormones joy

Sometimes fatigue and uncertain pain appear due to hormonal problems. How to recognize them? If, in addition to the feeling of fatigue, you type overweight and wear cold - it is worth checking the thyroid.

If too irritable, especially when hungry, "hooligany" adrenal glands.

Growth hormone, or rather, its lack, is another "stumbling block" on the way to vigor. There are three classes that naturally "persuade" the body to produce it:

1. Sex;

2. exercise;

3. Deep sleep.

You may be annoyed when the couplings are knocking in the house. But it protects your dwelling from the fire with a voltage jump. That's why do not treat SHU / SF as something negative. This is an attempt by the body in conditions of serious stress to protect against even greater harm. Just need to do something. 37-year-old experience of Tetelbaum shows that it is. Main, do.

This book will help to deal with the main steps, making you can pass the path from the point where you are now, to the one where you want to be, to excellent self-consistence and megawatts of energy. "

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Mom always forced you to have breakfast. But it was unlikely that she meant ingesting a bagel or cupcake on the run from the house. The food is rich in fast carbohydrates is very tasty, but they are also fast, which quickly burn. In a couple of hours you will already be devastated.
Combinations of sugar and starch only temporarily increase energy due to the ability of our body to recycle glucose. Fast carbohydrates are very quickly absorbed from gastrointestinal tractSo sugar in the blood increases immediately and there is a significant emission of insulin into blood. Insulin reduces blood sugar, turning it into fat. Sometimes it leads to a drop in sugar levels below the norm and the emergence of carbohydrate hunger. If the sugar level falls too much, consciousness can be blurted out, many people have problems with the concentration of attention.
How to raise energy:
Start your day from grain and proteins, for the processing of which in glucose will need more time, and which will continue to support the energy level you need longer.
For example, a plate of oatmeal or a pair of boiled or roasted eggs with tomatoes and onions.

2. Lack of exercise

Too tired for training? Whatever you do, do not skip the workout. Classes will add you acne. Back in distant antiquity, philosophers and doctors believed that healthy should be impossible without physical education. Studies show that regular physical exercises reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood that promotes the development of atherosclerosis. It is proved that people who are constantly actively engaged in physical exercises increase mental, mental and emotional stability When performing intense mental or physical activity.
And you do not need to make marathon runs. Studies show that people engaged in exercises with a small load, such as walking, quickly remove fatigue than those who run or engaged in aerobics with weights.
How to raise energy:
Do each day, even if it is only 10 minutes. If you have a completely time deficit, pass halfdow to the office on foot. If possible, do the charge, immediately like you will set. It will wake you up better than espresso.
If you are already exhausted from fatigue after lunch, stroll up 10-20 minutes. Even standing a little while working instead of a computer sitting on a computer is useful for your muscles and blood flow.

3. bottomless cup of coffee

Do you drink the fifth cup of coffee per day? Caffeine will not only make you twitch all night, it also makes something with your hormones. Coffee stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones that increase the ability. But the effect does not last long, so I rather soon you want to drink another cup for cheerfulness. The problem is that, after the third cup, caffeine stops working. It is how to squeeze a sponge.
People who drink a lot of coffee during the day can proceed the production of adrenaline, which ultimately will cause its deficit that entails fatigue and emptying.
How to raise energy:
Reduce the amount of coffee per day - it is not necessary to refuse completely from it. 1-3 cups per day will give you a tone. Studies show that the elderly coffee increases brain functions. In addition, people, half of the drinking coffee, are less defeated by Alzheimer's diseases and dementia.

4. Sweet snacks

4 pm and you need to recharge. Will the machine with chocolates? Wrong move .. Sweets actually deplete your energy reserves.
Remember what happened to your breakfast? Sweets also provoke a rapid increase in energy, which is sharply replaced by the crisis. The same thing happens with energy drinks, for example, Red Bull. In particular, energy drinks are harmful to people with overweight. Fat people already produce too much insulin because of the sugar, which they consume in excess.
Sweets are still serving a serving of sugar in their body. Ultimately, this can lead to insulin resistance (when insulin is not absorbed by cells and accumulates in the blood), and this condition for the occurrence of diabetes.
Tearing also "healthy" juices, as they are also often saturated with sugar. A glass of juice may contain 8-10 teaspoons of sugar - as well as a glass of cola.
What to do:
It is better to choose coarse-fiber food or protein snacks, for example, a slice of turkey wrapped around a piece of carrot or celery, mmmm ....
A refreshing product with low sugar can be carbonated mineral water With a droplet of juice.
Green soybeans are a wonderful source of soybean and protein, and very useful for women, because they contain phytoestrogens, nonsteroidal vegetable compounds, which in the human body can act not only as estrogens, but also as anti-estrogens. For example, in contrast to real estrogen, they are not stimulated, but suppress the growth of hormone-dependent tumors.
Nuts, especially pistachios, almonds and walnuts - another source of energy. They are saturated with protein, useful fats and are antioxidants. But you should not eat them to handles - as they are high calorie. If you are on a diet, eat no more than 300g per day.

5. You consume not magnesium.

Fall asleep at the office table? Sleepiness, dizziness, plasticity and muscle weakness - symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a key element supporting the functionality of the body, it is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions. It supports muscle and nervous function, smooth heartbeat, immunity and bone strength.
Some types of medicines, such as diuretics and antibiotics, can cause magnesium deficiency.
How to:
There are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, it best source Magnesium. Also, some types of fish, for example, halibut, in one 100g portion of which contains 90mg magnesium. Nuts, wholegrain products, beans are also rich in magnesium.
Women requires 310-320mg magnesium a day, more pregnant (350-400mg) and nursing breasts (310-360mg). You can take supplements to food containing magnesium. But first consult your doctor.

6. Abundant menstruation

Take from legs during menstruation? You may have iron deficiency anemia, syndrome characterized by a violation of hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. This mineral is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transfer of oxygen in tissue. Women are most susceptible iron deficiency anemia, due to abundant and long-term menstruation, fibrishes of the uterus. Fatigue is one of the signs, among others - short breathing, dizziness and weakness. Such a kind of fatigue of coffee or exercise Will not help. It's like if a person lacked oxygen.
How to raise energy:
Women need 18mg iron per day, less - if you are more than 51 (8mg).
Contact your doctor and hand over the blood test on the iron content. Do not take iron yourself, because such nutritional supplements May cause stomach disorder, constipation and other digestive problems.
In addition, it is best to use food, rich iron, such as the:
Meat products: beef, liver, kidney, language,
Porridge and cereals: beans, lentils, buckwheat, peas
Vegetables and greens: Potatoes (young baked with peel), tomatoes, onion, green vegetables, pumpkin, beets, salad cress, spinach, parsley greens.
Fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, persimmon, grenades, peaches, apricots (kuraga),
Berries: Blueberry, strawberry / strawberry, black currant and cranberries (you can buy frozen, also helps; cranberry can be in sugar).
Juices: carrot, beet, pomegranate, "red fruit juice"; Specially designed apple juice with elevated iron content.
Other: walnuts, black caviar / red, seafood, egg yolk, black chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.

7. Not enough sleep

Women takes 7-9 hours of night sleep. If you sleep at night less, try to sleep in the afternoon of 10-20 minutes. Even after a short day sleep, working capacity, which means, the productivity of labor increases sharply.
Also try to meditate 10-15 minutes to increase the level of your energy, clean the consciousness and refresh the body.

8. Stress

There is no difference for the brain between fear to be late or found in the teeth of a saber-toothed tiger. In any case, the adrenaline response "Bay or Run" gives us a charge of energy for speed or action. But only if you really do not run from a huge hungry cat, hormones are still circulated in the blood in elevated concentrations, without giving calm down nervous systemnor internal organs. It can wear your body and cause problems such as low energy, chronic pain, digestion problems, heart disease and diabetes.
How to deal with it:
There is one means of dealing with stress, which women can use anywhere: breathing.
- With a calm and deep breath, you can prevent emotional differences.
- An increase in the length of the exhalation will help you calm down and relax.
- The slower and deeper, calmer and rhythm
Our breath is, the sooner we get used to this way of breathing, the sooner it will become an integral part of our life.

Is something even easier? Just smile! It relaxes the muscles of the face and removes the tension, helping to increase the level of your energy.

How do you cope with fatigue? Do other ways know? Share with us!

Hello, friends.

I already wrote that if we are quickly tired, we constantly lack energy, we do not know what to do with this state, and the usual holiday does not help, it means that we earned. In this article, I will tell you how to deal with chronic fatigue it is for yourself that you need to do how to pull yourself from this painful situation.

How to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome at home yourself, first steps

As soon as you noticed the first signs of the impending trouble, for example, you have become very tired of easy work, you don't want to do anything, take action immediately. And first of all you just need to stop. Say yourself "stop", leave all things and plans. Normally relax and.

Of course, many can not afford it, but you need to understand that if you do not stop, you will bring yourself to such a state that they will just get to the hospital. Then you will definitely leave everything, but now you will leave them for a long time, or maybe even forever.

All the same in the state of chronic fatigue, you do not fully work, with minimal return, and therefore you will not come to the desired result. And you just have to relax and come to yourself how left things are solved faster, because you will be done with new forces.

Obstacles to stop and rest

And so that you stop and left all things for a while, you must reconsider such a thing as responsible. It is she prevents stopping and relaxing.

I do not say that this responsibility is bad, I am talking about the hyperships, which we are in principle not needed, and which creates some problems. Hyperfestness is when we climb an unnecessary, forgetting about the interests of your body, undermining your health. It mainly arises because of some fears or stitched by someone in the heads of programs or installations.

In the order of things when a person is inspired that it is necessary to work above the norm, sacrificing the sake of production, career, making money, achieve any heights. A person tries to grasp more work, takes on a lot, strives for the goals set. Yes, of course, it happens justified and useful, but only if we do not forget about the most important responsibility.

Responsibility for yourself, for its own body, for their health.

That's the responsibility we must think first. We behave irresponsibly towards yourself, to your health. Therefore, remember, as soon as you lose your health, you are no longer needed to be the production you have given the best years and health, nor the boss, nor the situation that occupies.

It happens that a person does not spare herself not for the sake of work, but for the sake of family, children, close man. Here you also need to know the measure and not to be sacrificed. Think, because you need close people first of all healthy and full forces, and hardly they will be delighted if you, because of overwork, become inoperable. Therefore, do not forget to think not only about loved ones, but also yourself. Stop and relax.

Often we cannot afford to stop due to all sorts of fears inside. We are afraid that we will be dismissed due to incompetence. We are afraid that you will not like the authorities, colleagues. All this creates excessive tensions, and subsequently leads to chronic fatigue syndrome. If we worked more calmer, without unnecessary and no one for the necessary fears, they would not be brought to a painful state.

Many sits in the head a hidden complex of inferiority, which creates all this bustle and causes the above-described fears. And some inspired in childhood, that in order to achieve something, you need to work a lot. Of course, there is some truth in this, but people understand everything literally, forgetting that the rest is also needed. If we are all right to give work, forgetting about rest and sleep, we just get sick and can not do anything.

Well, what to do with chronic fatigue caused by internal fears? To do this, you need to change, change your gaze to life, look at more and more philosophically, and of course positively. About this little below.

Unloved work as a cause of schu

Nothing so much takes our strength and energy as that work, the activity that we do not like who do not like us. We make it through force, forcing ourselves. This is one of the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome. The thing is that there is a very strong conflict between ours and, leading to the tension in the psyche, in the body, and further to the pathological decrease in the general energy. Judge yourself, as a result of the installations with someone or just the will of the fate of our ego, our mind orders us so that we get up early, went to go to work. And all this we do through strength, persuade yourself what you need to do, there is no way out, you need to make money. In fact, persuading themselves, we persuade our soul, hidden, but the main part of our consciousness. It is she who knows what we like, and what is not, what to do and how to act in one situation or another. And these desires do not always coincide with the established atmosphere. She does not want to do what you do, fulfilling the orders of your mind. So the internal voltage occurs, not always aware of us. If such a conflict continues for a long time, then you will definitely get sick, you will simply become, earn chronic fatigue syndrome.

Another thing is when the work you like, you can easily perform it. Even if you physically and mentally get tired, the soul will begin to throw up additional sources of energy, you will find strength for further activities. The soul has access to inexhaustible energy sources. Of course, this does not mean that you do not need to rest. It is also necessary to relax, the body's resources still have their limit, despite the fact that you will open access to additional energy, just a time to rest will be already significantly less. Just the problem is that we do not know how to rest and replace the right vacation with imaginary, thereby on the contrary destroying the body, instead of giving it time to recover. How to relax right, you will learn in this article just below.

But what about those who go to the unloved work through force how they do not earn chronic fatigue syndrome. You will learn about it in the next chapter.

How to cope with chronic fatigue through the right approach to life

To get rid of internal fears that do not give us to stop, you need to change your view of life.

No other way. Of course, a positive attitude to life is a basis, but in chronic fatigue usually not before. To begin with, you just need to understand and experience inside yourself all those fears that I spoke above, do not give you to stop and relax. If you understand that you are actually afraid, then you will do half.

Be honest with yourself, look truth. Try to look from the part of your fears, on yourself, as you are overly carrying at work. Take away with humor to the situation. After all, you really are funny if you look into the soul.

Your fears are just your cockroaches in your head, which in principle are not needed to be needed or others, they deliver alone problems. If you can see them within yourself and laugh at yourself, you will make a big deal, and you will become easier. Learn to be conscious. The key to managing your feelings and emotions.

Understand, finally, that we are zombied to work on the system. If you get sick from hard work, the system will simply throw out. You need it when it is efficient. So, she needs not you, but your work activity. First take care of yourself, and therefore about your loved ones. Who will feed your children if you get sick because of chronic fatigue.

Also produce the right approach to life and look at everything from a philosophical point of view.

If you go to the unloved job, it does not mean that the world collapsed, and now you are unhappy. Treat such work as a means of mining money from which it is not going anywhere. After all, we must not only rest, but also strain to feed themselves and their children. Remember about them. Awareness that you work for them will warm your soul and it will be easier for you to fulfill your duties.

And if your work does not like, the more so do not recycle. First of all, remember your body, and not about the pleasures of the chief. It is profitable for him to work as a slave, without worrying about himself.

How do we cope with chronic fatigue syndrome using the right holiday

If we were able to relax right, it would never be brought to chronic fatigue. What does it mean correctly? The thing is that from mental tension we get tired more than physical work. Of course, constant hard exercise stress Introduces the body. But it is the experience of negative thoughts and emotions, stressful situations, take a lot of internal energy, lead to physical diseases and psychic skeins.

And relative to rest, it means to be able to remove mental tension and stop the flow of negative manifestations of the psyche. And this is achieved only with high-quality relaxation of the psyche, when the silence is reached the silence of the mind and stop internal dialogue. Man can not do it. Instead of the right, it applies the wrong vacation. This is when he is trying to escape from negative experience, lies away, trying to distract from bad feelings by any ways.

For these purposes, it uses, or even drugs. Scoring in the head of the mass of information to distract from problems. This is a TV, computer games, the Internet. The need for location in noisy companies, the need for constant communication, as well as the love of extreme. Everyone is different. Of course, many such distractions from problems do not bear strong harm, but still do not give real rest and unloading the psyche. But most of these fun, on the contrary, only take the strength and undermine the health, even though a person thinks that he rests. With such recreation methods, negative thoughts and emotions do not go anywhere. We do not get rid of them, but only hide in the depths of our psyche, and there they continue to destroy a person, but now they do it imperceptibly. And only high-quality relaxation truly eliminates negative emotions and restores the body. This is the law of nature.

In order to learn relaxation, such equipment such as Shavasan and Yoga Nidra are applied. With high-quality relaxation, it is sometimes enough for 10-20 minutes to lie down in Shavasan to remove all the fatigue of the past day. When you learn to relax, you can relax right in any position, in any atmosphere and at any time. If you feel that fatigue overcomes you, you should just close your eyes, relax the whole body, as the forces will return to you.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, then you just need to carry out daily relaxation sessions. Over time, it is not immediately, you will become even easier and easier. Lost energy will grame will be accumulated in your body, and the skews in the psyche due to stress will gradually dissolve. Therefore, you must learn to perform or. For this I send you to the relevant articles.

And in order to understand what is the stop of the internal dialogue and silence of the mind, I suggest try to do. Nothing returns lost their lost strength, does not eliminate stress, does not solve many other body problems and mind as meditation.

Feeling on yourself the beneficial effect of silence of mind, you will understand what it means to rest right. In order to relax, you will now not, let's say, drink alcohol, but you just want to be alone, in silence, close your eyes, calm down and stay alone with yourself. Or take a walk in the fresh air in the park, without thinking about anything, but just enjoy the surrounding nature. Or listen to calm music, read a good book, stay in a relaxed atmosphere at home in a family circle, to do your favorite hobby. And such classes that really give great rest and save you from chronic fatigue actually a lot. The main thing is to like it to your soul. Let's talk about it and talk.

Switching from mental voltage

There is such a rule:

if you are tired of mental labor, switch to physical work.

And even better deal with light sports. Walking in the fresh air, swimming in the pool, skiing, bike. The main thing is not to overdo it. In the chronic fatigue, the internal energy threshold is very low, and the excess of the load in sports, or in physical work it will further reduce it. Therefore, do in pleasure. If you feel that you are in a burden, relax or do something else. You can also try asana Hatha Yoga.

Our task here is to switch the psyche into such a regime so that it stops sucking forces from the body, due to stress and experiences of bad thoughts.

And one thing best tools This is the switch to such an activity that your soul likes.

Everyone has some kind of hobby, the occupation that I want to do is not looking at anything. And making it, it becomes easier for you in difficult moments of life. I talked about my favorite work, which does not suck forces, but on the contrary gives them. But if your labor activity is not a beloved and you most likely received a chronic fatigue syndrome, then you need to find at home such an occupation that would help you to remove and give an additional source of energy.

For many it will be just a calm evening in a family circle, children's games with children, intimate proximity with a loved man.

How to defeat chronic fatigue and return the strength to

In the syndrome of chronic fatigue, the level of catastrophically low. Many symptoms of the disease, such as the constant laziness, the lack of desire to action, apathy and, all this is a consequence of reduced energy. Therefore, it urgently needs to rise in order not to turn into a patient and an unfortunate person.

It is often enough just a stop, which I said above, stopping mockery of the body, establishing a full sleep so that the body itself began to increase the level of internal energy. Complete self-healing processes are included. The body itself will pull himself from the painful situation where you drive it will increase the energy level. The main thing is not to interfere with it to do it. To understand the process, I suggest you read the article with which you will get to know by clicking on the link.

But if the energy level is very low, or you need to recover much faster, then one stop may not be enough. Then it is necessary to help the body. To do this, you need to learn to relax qualitatively, stop the internal dialogue, as well as apply special techniques to increase the energy. Of course, you can do without special techniques, they simply simply accelerate the process of self-healing. And without relaxation and stopping the internal dialogue. It is they who create ideal conditions for self-healing, to increase internal energy. This is non-interference in the perfect functioning of the body. Incorrect and uncontrolled psyche and mind, take the lion's share of vital energy and to return it, you just need to stop this work. Everything is simple, but this simplicity is hidden extraordinary opportunities for gaining health and increasing energy. So learn to relax and to defeat chronic fatigue and regain the pretty forces.


Let's summarize the article.

In order to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to do the following:

  1. Stop and stop raping your body with excessive work and improper sleep and wake mode. Sleep well.
  2. Revise your views on labor activity. Remove excessive responsibility. Free or at least reduce the inner fears. Fear of being dismissed, fear seem incompetent.
  3. Develop the right approach to life. Watch on more and more calm and philosophically.
  4. Learn to rest right, as well as learn to relax with Shavasana or Yoga Nidra.
  5. Switch from excessive tension to what you like.
  6. Increase the level of vital energy of the body.

But the most important thing, I repeat once again, leave all things for a while. Stop and deal with yourself. Good rest and sleep off. Do not forget about the main responsibility. Responsibility for yourself, for their health, for loved ones. Your health will also come in handy to you and your family.

You can cope with powerlessness and chronic fatigue, everything is in your hands.

When we fight chronic fatigue, we get rid of drowsiness, lethargy, weakness, constant fatigue, depression and becoming healthy and happy people.

What do you want.

To rest well and gain strength, I suggest to relax in nature, but virtually. Throw away all thoughts, the problems of the past day, simply turn on the video and insulating the beauty of nature. Nothing returns to us for strength as unity with nature.

Sincerely, Sergey Tigrov

Many people complain about the lack of energy. Forces not even enough to make the necessary daily minimum, not to mention to go on an unplanned party or walk.

Scientists have allocated 5 main reasons, due to which a person lacks energy. By eliminating them, you can very quickly notice how life changes to the better.

1. ignoring brain tips

If a person constantly creates a mess in the room, although it hates him with all his soul, it means that somewhere in the subconscious about himself screams an important thing, which is much more important than those who are currently engaged. Laziness in the reluctance to clean in this situation is not too lazy, a signal about the potential of the energy that a person gets, having completed his work.

The signal is sent to obtain so much inspiration as needed to cope with all pressing issues that are also ignored, postponed for later. The blind subconscious decides that the person has already fulfilled the case (the soulful discomfort will remain no less) and slowly starts this energy to eat himself like a hungry stomach.

As a result, energy is eaten exactly as much as it should have been obtained. As a result, a person feels weak and silent. There is no pleasure from an abandoned business for a second, a person is in the space "lonely guilty time": I don't want to do anything, but the pleasure of anyone does not receive a person.

Energy is hidden in action, and it is difficult to understand. Take the energy in order to start acting, you need, but it is not clear, from where. Experts advise just take and start rolling along this hill, filled from and to what it is necessary. It is worth relaxing and mechanically, as if by the side, watch your actions.

2. Contradiction

Unwillingness to make some cases can also be connected with fear to advance through life further. All life is a struggle with your own organism, and it is not even about possible diseases. It is that if a person lives, only his body, which is necessary only the basic need for its very need (heat, food, bed), the soul is losing from this.

The needs of the soul must be installed with the needs of the body. This is the perfect bunch, it is happiness. However, there are contradictions in this. One of them is the common phrase "you need to become someone." Someone. Anyone. At the same time, and isn't all the environment aiming for people to be nobody besides who they need? As soon as a person begins to enter the rules, it can very quickly "explore" many of his surroundings.

Many people have such things (in the image, in character, in hobbies) which they cannot change because there is a surroundings that will not allow this to do. That is, under "someone" is automatically understood as a successful millionaire, with its business, stylishly dressed and, in general, simpatyaga and no one. But there are other options.

It is worth remembering that it was something shameful to photograph himself to the camera before the word of Selfie appeared. You should not wait for everything that is loved, it will be in fashion - it works strange and this moment can not wait.

3. Feeding energy vampires

A person can spin around another under dozens of reasons. One of the main - in childhood it was disliked. Hence in an adult, this desire to please others. Such a person becomes funny and ridiculous, he tries too hard to get approval from sometimes completely unfamiliar people, which looks very strange from the side.

It is also very important not to get caught by the label of eternal aspectursors, because there is a huge number of people whose interaction with others is constructed solely to achieve their own affairs.

On such people it is worth responding not as they want, and they are self-sung. It is worth remembering that energy vampires catch weak, they do not always make it consciously, it happens only because in other cases there will be no energy.

4. Relocation reluctance

One way or another, holding something in my head, what a person regrets, he is engaged in that he eats himself from the inside. Energy is created and does not go anywhere, but to send it somewhere needed, these are the rules. Consequently, one way or another, bad things begin to take place, which will be suppressed by this energy, and so much so that the "free time" of a person's free time is no longer left.

An excellent training session will be the following: to imagine that there is no past, no future. All concerns disappear at the same moment, because concerns about the future there is a result of an unsuccessful past and nothing else. At any time, there can be many troubles with a person with a person, they are not afraid of people of it just because the logical mind does not allow such an opportunity, since there was nothing like that before the person did not happen. It is worth remembering that, in fact, fear does not help. Regrets about the past, about what more and does not exist - this is the waste of strength and energy. Fear of the future is as stupid, because there is no future. This is only a word, and a person is free to come from generally accepted standards and "deceive" (and maybe tell him the truth?) Your brain as it seems necessary.

5. Non-existent boundaries of the possible

The last point directly continues the fourth. As soon as a person understands that there is only now, it will turn out that the past never happened. And there is only a person.

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