
Can there be egg yolks. Is it possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet: diet for weight loss. Nutrients in the egg

Egg protein in great honor from many people: athletes, losing weight, trying to monitor the number and quality of nutrients entering the body. But the yolk reputation, to put it mildly, worse. But is it fair to blame him in those sins in which he is accused?

Studies show that the use of eggs is a rather convenient source of flow into the organism of nutrients. They can also play a key role in body weight control, strengthening muscle strengthen, in the proper functioning of the brain, in eye health and are recommended pregnant women. Only one egg per day reduces the risk of stroke by as much as 12%. Everything comes out that the consumption of the "gift from the chicken" is useful and healthy, and each of us is worth introducing them to their diet, and also make sure that the youngest eats, at least two or three eggs per week.

Eggs and cholesterol

Dozens of studies conducted by scientists of the whole world unambiguously argue that this natural product is appropriate in the menu of almost every person. Where did the thesis at all at all that the eggs are bad and should not be eaten? This reputation is largely related to the fact that one egg contains about 200 mg of cholesterol, most of this substance stored in the yolk. Therefore, doctors called us to a cautious ratio to the yolk, because the high level of cholesterol in the blood is the main cause of heart disease. However, few people take into account that the correct level of "good" cholesterol is necessary for the life and proper operation of the whole organism. This substance helps to build new cells, supports work nervous system, Hormone production, and in the case of men contributes to an increase in testosterone in the body. Under normal conditions, the liver produces cholesterol, which is included in the products of animal origin - milk, eggs and meat.

Of course, too high cholesterol contributes to cardiovascular diseases. However, it is not necessary to consider food of animal origin (and egg yolks in particular) as the only culprit of cardiovascular diseases. For some time, scientists conduct studies that have already clearly show that far from only the high level of cholesterol is responsible for cardiovascular diseases. Scientific research has shown that in fact saturated fats and trans-fats affect the level of cholesterol in the blood, but this is also not the only factor that causes problems with the heart.

Nutrients in the egg

On the other hand, it is necessary to draw the closest attention to the fact that the yolk eggs contains almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are present in the egg. At the same time, most nutrients will be lost if we ignore it and there is only one protein. Yes, the egg protein contains about 60% of the total amount of protein in the egg, but the yolk is nutrients, such as vitamin D, E, A, choline and carotenoids that support the body in the assimilation of many important substances from eggs. In addition, eggs contain phospholipids that can positively affect blood cholesterol and limit inflammation in the body. Therefore, it is not true that they lead to the formation of cholesterol and it is impossible (or it is possible, but only in very very limited quantities).

Nutrients in the yolk helps reduce blood pressure and improve the functionality of blood vessels. From the preliminary findings of studies that study the impact of this natural product On Alzheimer's suffering from the disease, it follows that eggs can help reduce symptoms of such a problem.

Thus, from the foregoing, it seems that the eggs in general and yolks in particular are not to blame for diseases of the cardiovascular of the system, but rather, on the contrary. After all, they are full of nutrients that need to be actively used. We can freely eat eggs prepared in different ways. Without doubt, raw are the most healthy and contain the greatest amount of nutrients. But many doctors warn about Salmonella and other harmful microorganisms that may be present in them. However, nothing prevents from cooking for breakfast, for example, delicious and satisfying omelet, which will provide energy for the whole morning.

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There are 2 reasons due to which nutritionists do not recommend eating egg yolks.

1. Cholesterol. Each yolk contains about 0.2 g of cholesterol. This substance is indispensable for the vital activity of the body, however the necessary quantities synthesized internal organs. From food should come about 0.5-0.7 g of cholesterol per day. It is 3 yolks, and there are still other products containing cholesterol. Many bodybuilders eat several dozen eggs per day. If they did not throw out yolks, with cholesterol would be a clear bust ...

2. Fat.. The yolk contains about 5 g of fat. If in the day you eat one omelet, the fats will benefit. It is quite different things when there are dozens of eggs in the daily diet. 20 eggs \u003d 100 g of fat, which very often does not fit into the daily need.

Thus, yolks should be thrown away, only if you eat more than 5 eggs per day ( of them, leave 2-3 yolk). In the remaining cases, yolks are better to eat, because They contain a lot of useful substances!

With a yolk or only protein? Perhaps, in importance, this issue is inferior only to the "main issue of life, the universe and all of this", but, unlike the second, the fundamental egg problem until the last moment did not have a single decision.

Anyone, be it an athlete or at least a little bit familiar with the theme, with this question, will say something from the following:

  • EM eggs whole.
  • Always separating yolks and throw them away.
  • Leave one or two yolks, we throw the rest.

The third tactic may seem the golden middle, but only on condition that yolks are really harmful. Otherwise, it turns out that we deliberately deprive themselves by the weighty part of the delicious product. So who is right? Let science respond to her, we trust her.

Liz Wolf, a food expert and the author of the book Eat The Yolks, believes that egg yolks do not lead to an increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, in her opinion, the refusal of yolks can also harm health.

History of misconceptions

It all started with one study of Nikolai Anichkov. He abundantly fed rabbits by cholesterol and noticed that plaques began to form in their arteries. Naturally, every food (including egg yolk), rich in saturated fats and containing cholesterol, fell into disfavor of scientists, and then the public. However, questions began to appear, and Wolf cites an example of such thoughts.

Rabbit and man has completely different bodies. Cholesterol is generally not included in the natural diet of the rabbit.

Photo Credit: Six El Sid Via Compfight

The fire added the researcher Angel Kiz, who established the connection of nutrition and diseases of people in seven different countries. It turned out that the more in the diet of the country of animal fats, the greater the case of heart disease cases in this country. However, the credibility of the data turned out to be low.

The researcher compared the diet and statistics of diseases, but did not prove that there is a causal relationship between these parameters.

For example, mortality in these countries from any other reasons was significantly lower, and in general the lifespan was higher.

A light in the end of a tunnel

Fortunately, with time, science received more accurate and reliable data. In 2010, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published data collected on the basis of 21 studies.

Saturated fats are not associated with raising the risk of development. ischemic Disease Hearts, stroke and ischemic vascular diseases.

After a while, Time magazine refuses the flashes of eggs and another rich food of words published in 1984. They even called on readers eating oil instead of margarine.

Egg truth

Throwing yolks, we, in fact, deprive themselves the weighty part of the extremely useful product, which.

Photo Credit: Jypsygen Via Compfight

Egg yolk is an excellent source of vitamin A, which is necessary for the health of the skin, as well as the vitamins of the B Group. The choline contained in the yolk supports the proper work of the brain and muscles. The lack of choline leads to problems during pregnancy.

Saturated fats also fulfill an important role in the correct functioning of our body, and their deficit can lead to men.

People who are fond of bodybuilding can not imagine their lives without all kinds of food additives: heiners, proteins, etc. The manufacturers of sports nutrition argue that without their products to achieve a noticeable result will have to attach exorbitant efforts. However, professional athletes often advise novice bodybuilders to pay attention to the importance of a balanced diet, which should include meat, cereals and eggs. Who should be trusted? Manufacturers of food additives that are interested in marketing their products, or people who dedicated life to sports? Whatever it was, for Bodybuilder it is very important to monitor its nutrition: only then the training will be effective. This article will talk about such useful productlike chicken eggs.

Eggs are considered one of the most inexpensive sources of high-quality, easily friendly protein. Egg protein contains many essential amino acids: it can completely replace expensive amino acid complexes for athletes. Nutritionists argue that you can eat up to 10 eggs per day: it will not cause health careful harm.

The composition of eggs entering:

  • up to 7 grams of protein;
  • 0.5 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 4 grams of fats;
  • 150 milligrams of lecithin;
  • minerals and vitamins.

Scientists have long investigate the effect of eggs on the state of cardio-vascular system. For example, two groups participated in one experiment, each of which had 10 women. The tests of the first group ate for 10 boiled eggs per day, soy cheese was proposed in another group instead of eggs. After the end of the experiment, it turned out that women from the first group cholesterol level was significantly lower.

Thus, the regular use of this product does not affect cholesterol. On the contrary, the eggs help reduce the content of the so-called "bad" cholesterol, which brings health only.

Is it possible to eat yolk?

The chicken egg yolk contains about 4 grams of fat. Therefore, many athletes refuse yolks. It is justified only if you are in the drying process. When increasing the muscular mass of yolk will be very useful. In addition, when proper cooking Jolving eggs quickly "burn up" in the process of training.

In addition, it is not necessary to abandon the yolk at all: it is desirable only to reduce the amount of eggs consumed to 2-5 per day. This is due to the fact that the yolk contains many important amino acids. In addition, fats contribute to the best assimilation of the protein.

Surely you know about such a malicious microorganism as Salmonella. Salmonella lives on eggshell. Therefore, before use, it is desirable to cook or fry. Raw eggs can only be found if they were produced in practically sterile conditions.

Bodybuilder should know how to make eggs. Nutritionists argue that with too long cooking, the useful substances contained in protein and yolk are partially destroyed. In addition, yolk welded boiled eggs will be assisted for too long: for at least three hours. Therefore, it is desirable to cook the eggs of the schozyka, that is, to ensure that the yolk remains in a liquid state. In this case, the egg will not only retain the maximum of its useful propertiesBut it is also quickly learned by the body: it has been proven that the eggs sick are absorbed by the body for approximately one and a half hours.

How many eggs per day can there be an athlete?

Bodybuilding athletes can use a sufficiently large number of eggs. However, due to the large content of fat in yolks, it is recommended to be limited to one tenth. But proteins can eat as much as you like. Professionals eat proteins 150 eggs per week!

Solving how much to introduce eggs to the diet, it is worth repelled from our own goals. For example, on drying, when it is important to limit the content of fats in the diet, you can refuse yolks or acquire such a product as a liquid egg protein. In this food additive Intect only proteins, so that its use will not increase the mass of your body. If your goal is a set of muscle mass, you can follow the advice of professional athletes and there are two dozen chicken Yaitz daily. True, it is not easy to do this: with such a number of eggs consumed, they begin to seem unpleasant to taste and quite ridden.

To achieve good results in bodybuilding, it is important to carefully monitor your diet. Unbalanced ration will not be able to compensate for any sports additives, even the most expensive.

Proper nutrition in bodybuilding

"The color of the yolk depends on what the chicken is fed. For some reason it is believed that orange yolks are more useful. Unfortunately, no matter how we care about our nutrition, we do not always understand what food is actually healthy, what is not. You can roll something in the feed bird, and the yolk will redden. Question: What in the stern? The factory has its fattening systems, the more production, the more these systems are tied to chemical additives. And in general, I noticed that in general, factory eggs on the color are more whitish and faded, and farms are more rich in color. That is, the yellow yolk of the farmer egg will be brighter than the yellow yolk of the factory. The other side of the medal is that farmers have no money for vaccines, and they need a bird, as well as small children. Therefore, "healthy" farmer eggs are very conditional. Personally, I am visually more pleasant to this picture: break the egg, and the yolk of juicy orange. For me, so the taste of such eggs is more interesting, rushing or something. But I am not ready to overpay for it three times, especially since the benefit, as I said, very conditional. "

Alexey Berzin, Cook'Kareku Restaurant Chef:

"The color of the yolk depends on the diet of the chicken. In the feeds there may be substances that affect the color, for example, carotenoids that are responsible for the red shades: remember the same carrot. If the chicken simply pecks the grass, then the color of the yolk will be rich. But you will not feel a special difference. The taste also depends on the feed, but not from the color additives, but from the naturalness of the components. Farm eggs with any yolks will be tastier industrial with orange. There is also a gastronomic meaning in the use of eggs with different yolks: for example, cream brunel from orange yolks is obtained very beautiful and bright. And many visually likes when the scrambled eggs with bright yolks. But we, when they chose eggs for a restaurant (in Cook'Kareku, the eggs are present in almost every dish. - Approx. ed.), were guided not by the visual component, and Quality: We take dietary eggs with an expiration date of up to 10 days and small (the older chicken, the larger the eggs): it seems to me that small eggs are tastier. "

Irina Nikulina, Chief Most Support of CJSC "Poultry Farm Sinyavinskaya":

"Egg yolk is the richest pigment part of the chicken egg. Pigments in the yolk are represented by carotenoids. These are very common natural pigments of yellow, orange or red. Carotes, giving a yellow color, cannot be synthesized in chicken organism. Therefore, the main factor affecting the content of carotes and, therefore, determining the color of the egg yolk, is bird feed. It affects the color of the yolk and the age of the bird: the older the chicken, the color of the yolk of her eggs is less rich.

If in the diet of the bird there are supplements rich in yellow pigment, then the yolk will have a more rich yellow or orange shade. Such an effect is given corn of bright yellow varieties, herbal flour. If you feed the chicken with pale corn varieties and alfalfa, the color of the yolk will be pale yellow. When feeding, colorless feed and yolk will be with a barely noticeable yellow tint. Color options are a lot. And if you buy an egg with an orange yolk, there are no guarantees that the chicken was fed the right additives, not chemistry. Therefore, it is not worth drawing conclusions about the quality of the product only in the color of the yolk.

The question arises: why are the babes in the village always with a bright orange yolk? The answer is very simple: homemade chicken eat more herbs, and there are many beta carateinoids in it, which are more active natural dyes. In the conditions of industrial cultivation of bird poultry, it is mainly consisting of grain and may include up to 16 components, including herbal flour. Here is a complex dish prepared for the bird.

So: the color of the yolk is not a sign of freshness and naturalness and does not affect the quality, nutritional value and taste of eggs. The common view is that orange yolk is natural and high quality yellow - delusion. And still the color of the yolk does not depend on the color of the shell. No need to think that brown eggs have a more rich yolk, and white - always pale. This is also a delusion.

But it's difficult to argue about taste. And the point here, as I suppose, that's what. When we talk about food, we immediately appear that the dish should look delicious, and therefore brightly. And here orange yolk, of course, wins. But this does not mean that yellow worse or not so tasty.

Often, egg manufacturers try to feed non-bias brightly painted foods so that the product looks more attractive to the buyer. But if the bright color of the yolk was an indicator of quality, then all manufacturers would like to achieve a color close to red. And this does not happen. "

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