
What circles can be discovered for children. How to open a children's creativity center: the necessary documents and equipment for the start. Make only excellent working programs using a positive experience of colleagues

The materials of this thematic section will help in the development and design of working programs in the system. additional education Children. On these pages, ready-made programs of circles of various orientations are collected. These materials are often equipped with teachers' comments on their immediate application in practice. Each publications is a developed additional educational course of any particular direction. Including: experimental, artistic and aesthetic, local lore and environmental, physical education and valeological.

Make only excellent working programs using the positive experience of colleagues.

Contained in sections:
  • Programs. Educational, workers, variable, additional education

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All sections | Circle work. Circle programs, Additional education programs for children

Report on the additional program of circle activities in the preparatory group Report on circle work"Future schoolboy" For 2018-2019 in preparatory group №5 Preparation children Lesson takes a special place in the development of children's speech. The grades are the ability to read and write texts, express your thoughts in writing, understand when ...

The program of the "origins" mug in the second youngest group Adopted pedagogical Council 08/30/2018, Protocol No. 1 approved by the Order of the Head of MBDOU DS No. 2 of August 30, 2018. No. 50-Osn Head of MBDOU DS No. 2 _ I.A. Lyzhikova Municipal budget preschool educational Institution Children's Garden of the Outlooking View with ...

Circle work. Circle programs, work programs for additional education of children - Approbation of the program of additional education "I - Researcher" in the practice of preschool education "

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Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

The program for a mug in kindergarten Mug "Merry Orchestra" Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten Outhouse Type No. 110" "Author - Compiler: Dorovo Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, Music Head 2018 Year 1 Content Explanatory note Page 3 ...

The game is one of the main types of children. At any age, the game is a leading activity, a prerequisite for the comprehensive development of children and one of the fundamental means of their upbringing and training. In the process of the game, favorable conditions are created for forming, ...

Circular work program on unconventional technology drawing "Cheerful Rainbow" for children of primary preschool age Municipal budgetary preschool education Institution "Kindergarten № 12" "Merry Rainbow" The program of the circle work of artistic and aesthetic orientation for children of primary preschool age. Compiler: Educator Shchedrinova A.M. Implementation period: 1 year Table of contents ...

Circle work. Circle programs, Additional education programs for children - Additional educational overall program "Entertaining logic"

Age of students: 5-7 years old Term of implementation: 8 months (1 year) Author-compiler Program: Gaidarova Lily Agamirzoevna Sergeeva Svetlana Vladimirovna Podagogov Additional Education: Moscow, 2019 Explanatory note. The direction of the program ...

Opening the center of children's creativity, you need to understand that the basis of the project should be love and desire to work with children, and not the desire to earn. Often, such an idea arises from those who have already had experience working with babies and is well versed in this - educators, teachers, leading circles, teachers.

The success of the project is assessed as high, since institutions specializing in the provision of such a type of service are extremely small, and in some cities there is no reason.

The first steps

Thinking on how to open a center of children's creativity, it is necessary to determine the program or direction at which you will deal with children. Currently, there are a large number of developing techniques, such as nikitin or montessori. You can develop your own training program that will combine elements of various educational directions. Professional teachers can bring their own developments and "raisins".

Legal design

Like any other business, the center for children requires the presence of an organizational and legal form. Simply put, you must register in the local tax authority as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or as a limited liability company (LLC).

Experts recommend choosing the first option (IP), since in this case the process of maintaining accounting and financial statements will be consistent. In addition, such a form of doing business will save on taxes due to a reduced tax rate.

In addition to registration, the License of the Ministry of Education will be required for the right to develop and raising children. To get it, you need to have a pedagogical education, the workplace and curriculum. It should be remembered that if during the first year of work to your center will receive complaints, then the licenses can be lost.


Before opening the center of children's creativity, think about where it is better to place it. Very often, educational schools are discovered in sleeping areas. Here the rental fee is low, and more children. You can rent a room in the shopping center, in kindergarten, at school.

At the initial stage, many entrepreneurs remove spacious apartments, where they are located mini centers of children's leisure. When choosing a place, note that there is enough space for bicycles and wheelchairs near the building or on the floor.

Groups in educational schools are not very large (usually about 5-7 people), but the room in the room must be spacious - about 30 square meters. m. If you are going to also open the store "Goods for creativity", then preference is better to send shopping centers. There is a higher passability of people.

Now it has become popular to organize development schools in large supermarkets. Parents give children for an hour or two for the supervision of the consultant, and they themselves calmly go beyond the purchases, not experiencing that the child will remain alone. The teacher is engaged with a baby modeling, drawing or other developing activities. Here, parents can buy goods for creativity.

Rent price

Price for renting rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 120-150 square meters. m in a residential area will be about 600-700 y. e., in a shopping center with high passability of magnitude higher - 1000-1500 y. e. Add communal payments here, which "pulled" at 120-150 y. e.


The opening of the children's center of creativity is an easy thing. In addition to the right place of location, you need to consider the interior of the room. The center will need furniture, carpets, office equipment, educational toys, books, items for creativity (paints, pencils, plasticine, etc.).

Special attention is paid to the quality of floor covering and furniture. Since the children love to spend time on the floor, it must be additionally insulated. Good high-quality coating can in this.

Children's furniture should be not only beautiful, but also reliable, safe. Do not save on this position and buy cheap products. It is necessary to choose a quality product from natural materials designed specifically for schools and kindergartens. Moreover, for each age, children should be their size of furniture.

Even if the rented room is heated, you should think about the purchase of safe heating devices. This is especially true in the offseason, when it becomes cold in the room, and the central heating has not yet included.

Before opening a children's creativity center, decide what children will do in it. If dancing lessons are assumed, large mirrors should be installed. In addition, you will need a piano, computer, player, tape recorder and TV. Do not forget about the toilet and locker room.

Toys are what attracts children of all ages. Take care of their diversity. Various pyramids, cubes, mosaic, designers should be not only colorful and interesting, but also safe. Choose high-quality and reliable accessories, because toys will be destroyed for a large number of children. On the issue of textbooks, notebooks and cards, it makes sense to consult among teachers.

All premises of the children's center should be well lit and have ventilation. Make sure that there are no dangerous and traumatic items in the rooms.


In the question of how to open a children's studio of creativity, it is important for competent recruitment. The main requirements when choosing employees should be not only availability pedagogical education and experience work, but also love for children. Pay attention to the attitude of the teacher to learn new directions and programs.

It is necessary so that it can easily adapt to new working conditions that may differ from the previous ones. The sooner the employee will cope with this task, the better. If you liked the teacher, and you took it to work, you need to visit 1-2 times in his classes, in order to make it competent with his competence and the ability to handle children.

One of the most promising business today is a business on the formation and organization of leisure of children. At first glance there is a huge competition, because every year new schools open, private kindergartens, mugs and so on. But if you look closely, it turns out that the choice is meager. Especially in the regions. Today you can successfully open not only courses of English language For children, but also organize a full-fledged school or kindergarten. In addition, it is interesting, it is also profitable.

1. Private kindergarten. As an option, you can open a private kindergarten. It will be necessary to find good room, as well as special attention to pay the training program. Parents want from such a kindergarten not only comfort and high-quality food for a child, but also a good training and educational program that would prepare children to school. And there are a number of problems. First, it is quite difficult to find a good methodologist. Secondly, there are questions of a purely legal nature and they will also have to decide. But all this can be rewarded very well - there is a huge problem with children's kindergartens and this service would be very in demand.

2. Private school. Similarly, things are with a private school. School with a deepening in the study of some kind of items and also in small groups - the dream of parents. But for the organization of business in this area will also have to take care of the legal aspects of the activity, and the teaching methodology. The experience of teachers, and the number of people in groups, and additional classes, and the opportunity to organize studies so that the children do all their homework in the classroom, and did not go home with them. At a private school, you can work well. Especially if you are flexible and adapt to parents - in this case, parents are willing to pay not only for high-quality child training, but also for him constantly under the supervision, he had a hot meal, performed homework qualitatively, developed creatively, and not only School program.

At a private school, you can work well. Especially if you are flexible and adapt to parents - in this case, parents are willing to pay not only for high-quality child training, but also for him constantly under the supervision, he had a hot meal, performed homework qualitatively, developed creatively, and not only School program.

3. Language mugs. This is one of the most popular businesses in those who want to engage in children. In this case, teachers can be invited to certain hours, remove the room for children's language courses is also possible at a certain time. All this reduces the cost of the start of its own company. However, it is worth considering the fact that competition in this sphere is quite high. Nevertheless, language mugs can be successfully promoted. It is important to come up with a peculiar bait for parents. One of interesting ideas There may be the placement of the center of languages \u200b\u200bin some shopping center. Parents with children can come there, and so far adults make purchases, children can engage in the language center.

4. Mugs for interest. Another interesting, but absolutely undeveloped direction of the teaching of children - mugs. Such mugs were especially popular in the USSR, when there were children's houses of creativity, musical, artistic and choreographic schools. All this exists now, but the choice of circles is quite small. Especially if you consider the fact that academic knowledge of children in such circles and at the electives are given, but few use new learning techniques. Yes, and new items are practically not introduced. Against the background of such a situation, there would be a very winning mug of robotics or clothes design. These are new directions of creativity that are directly applied. Scientific directions can be developed, such as chemistry, biology, physics. Abroad have long been there are companies that successfully sell franchises of chemistry circles. There, high school children learn and have fun at the same time - well, it may be more interesting for real chemical experiments!

5. Theatrical optional. The mansion is the circles of theatrical creativity. In theatrical circles you can teach many different items. From drawing and makeup to music, plastics and dancing. If you pay the time to develop your own program, you will get a very good offer on the educational services market for children.

Personal experience

6. Children's business schools.Finally, some parents dream that their children become businesslike and successful people. Assist to comprehend the science of finance management, ideas and companies help in business schools for children. There, children can learn not only to consider and invent ideas, but also earn real pocket money on selling anything to their friends, as well as everyone who wants to buy a product. Abroad, such business schools for children have long and successfully find customers.

As you can see, you can really earn on education. And if you manage to develop a really high-quality system of teaching children something, then there will be a queue in your private school.


Until the time when children step up the threshold for the first time kindergartenMany parents prefer to deal with them. Kids are happy to draw, they make appliques together with moms. But it is unlikely that at least one mother did not think about how great it was if the child was engaged not only in the company with his parents, but also shared the joy of the first discoveries and creativity with other babies.

Well, if your Chad has brothers or sisters who, at least from time to time, will take color pencils and an album with him. And if your child is the only one in the family, then for joint creative classes, you can organize a children's artistic circle.

Such a circle is usually an informal group, the main activity of which is regular creative classes. You yourself can organize an artistic circle, finding and inviting other interested parents who have children about the same age with yours. The guys will like to do together, and parents will be able to take over the experience of each other.

What circle do you want to create?

Do you want to organize a group for a child, where he and his friends could meet and at the same time to do something? Or prefer more academic art lessons? Choose something specific. At the same time, you should remember that small children will not be able to focus on some one lesson.

How to find people interested in a similar circle?

Ask your friends and acquaintances. You can also write a message on Facebook, in the social network "VKontakte", give ads on different forums and even put them on special boards at the entrances of residential buildings. You can hang the ad in the local store, the library - that is, anywhere where parents are with children. Write a few words about the circle you want to organize, and ask the interested parents to contact you. Of course, leave the phone number.

How will you pay for materials?

There are several options. One of them is to ask each family weekly to bring a certain amount that will go to necessary materials, such as feature accessories, adhesive tape, paper towels, soap, food, etc. Money can be stored in a glass jar and use as needed. It can be done like this: to buy all the necessary materials, and then inform the participants as you spent (showing checks), and divide this amount on the number of families. The third option is to agree that the classes take place in turn in each family, which will buy the necessary materials. And also - to organize peculiar lessons and take a fee for the spent time and materials (especially if you trust your experiences with children).

Where and how often will you meet?

Do you plan to meet every week or twice a month? Will there be classes in your home, or are you dividing the owner's responsibilities with one or more families? Or try to rent a room you will use? All these questions you have to solve.

What else will you need?

For classes in the group, everything is needed as for individual, only in more quantities. The place that you will not be afraid to be stain, especially considering that many exercises involve the use of paint or glue. The table will have to use large, for example, kitchen. And of course, you will need basic materials.

At first, the cabinet is not needed at all, but be prepared for the fact that over time you will appear. In addition, offer parents to wear children in what can be swap (even the "washed" paint is not always completely washed away), or bring workers robes or t-shirts that can be put on top of clothing.

How long will the classes last?

Do not forget that small children cannot concentrate attention for a long time. They will prefer five minutes to pour and switch to anything else. And it happens, there are whole half an hour. Each time it will be different every time - depending on the work, the mood of the child and what other children are engaged.

But all sorts of exercises will ever end, and what to do then?

Creative meetings can be organized as follows. Immediately after arrival, parents can communicate themselves, and children will play with each other (it can take about 45 minutes). Then you can go on the creative classes in a pre-prepared place. There, children will work twenty-thirty minutes until they get tired. Then the children need to wash and eat, after which you can again play a little.

What would you like to do in your mug?

Some exercises are more suitable for group classes. The simplest and most popular of them are paint drawing. In addition, there are a huge number of different colors and ways to use them. You can still call the manufacture of collages, modeling and scratching from plasticine and clay, games with elements of creativity and drawing with a pencil.

In order to organize a children's artistic circle, it is not necessary to be an artist, no special education. You will only need a desire to engage in creativity, readiness to cope with the mess, place for work and some of the main artistic accessories and materials. But only have to do an organization and planning, but it is completely simple. A few days before the meeting, you can send letters to all parents, where to tell about the exercises, as well as about the materials they will have to bring.

According to the materials from the book of Jean Van't Hal "Creative Education".

You will need

  • - methodical development by the chosen type of activity;
  • - typical or author's program;
  • - approximate cost estimate;
  • - List of materials and equipment.


Find out what circles are in the nearest schools, cultural institutions and additional education. Decide what would you like to teach. From what exactly the circle is and for which contingent is the organizational form depends on.

A circle for a wider range of students is most convenient to create with any institution of culture or additional education. Contact your manager. Explain what you want and what your circle will work on. In an additional education institution, it can be part of common Structure. In the cultural institutions, the mugs are most often created on the conditions of self-sufficiency.

For a mug when establishing additional education, you will need to issue a common packet of documents for such institutions. In every home of children's creativity there are nuances, but what you will be accurate - this is the program. The program can be taken typical, for many types of circles they are. Develop its work on its basis. Consider the number of hours allotted. Do not forget to repel participation in contests and exhibitions, these watches are also included in the total time of classes. The rest is the care of the head of the institution.

The fate of the mug under the establishment of a culture decides the director of the DC. There are less strict requirements for the design of documentation. You will need a plan of work and attendance magazine. Make the estimate. Typically, a fixed rental payment is required, and everything else depends on you. Consider the necessary amounts of materials, etc.

You can create a children's circle even at home. To do this, you need to register with the tax inspection as an individual entrepreneur and indicate in the permitted activities "Educational Services". Pedagogical activities of individuals by Russian legislation not regulated. So you can the children in an interesting and useful case completely freely, if there is no need to give them the documents on the end. By the way, as an individual entrepreneur, you can organize a children's circle absolutely in any institution that will agree to provide you with the room.


If your circle enters the structure of some institution, the responsibility for the life and health of children is the management of the institution. In an independent circle, you take responsibility.

Helpful advice

It may turn out so that the director of the house of children's creativity is not possible to include your circle in the structure of the institution. In any case, this will require some time, because the question must be coordinated with the Committee of Education. You can create a circle on self-sufficiency. You only need to agree on the rental of the Cabinet for several hours a week. In this case, you create actually a new institution of additional education. All demands for Russian legislation will be distributed. You need to write a charter, choose founders, form of ownership, etc. If you are going to issue graduates of state sample documents, licensing will also be required. This is a sufficiently long procedure that makes sense if you create a training center with a large number of circles.

If you are an artist or a musician and earn your business, but decently tired of work in a professional environment - take care of work with children. You can organize your own creative studio. Working with children will bring you a lot of positive emotions, and over time, it may turn into a profitable business.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - start-up capital;
  • - a set of teachers;
  • - a large number of legal advice;


Contact your any already existing children's Club or development. Such clubs can at the palaces of creativity or youth clubs. Offer your educational program. Often such institutions require teachers of additional education. Many of them will gladly take you to work. Such work is obvious - you will be given a room and everything you need for classes. In addition, you will be officially arranged, and the work schedule will be a maximum of 20 hours per week. But this option is suitable for those who look at themselves just like a teacher.

Remove the room suitable for classes if your goal is not just becoming a teacher, but to organize a studio like a business. Make sure the room meets the requirements fire safety. You will have to get appropriate conclusions from the fire inspection and SanEpidemstation.

Register as an individual entrepreneur, or get a license for educational activities. After that, you can pick up teachers to work with children. At the first stage, do not try to gain many directions. Take one or two subjects. At the same time, you yourself need to understand these items. For example, organize a course or a guitar game studio. Choose such classes, to start which you will not need any special costs. And with such popular directions you can easily gain students.

You can make dolls that are put on hand, on your own! For this, the gloves are unnecessary in the farm, on which you will need to embroider eyes, nose, mouth, decorate the resulting face from the threads. The main thing is that the toy is in the size of the hands of the pouch.

Make a toy from the fabric. To get a pattern, put your palm on paper and circle. The hand should be in this form that I hope for her: the index finger looks up, big and the little finger - spread to the sides, the rest of the fingers are fastened. Make letters on sides in the size of one centimeter for seams. Now take a tight fabric, soft and pleasant to the touch. Check the two pieces of the glove doll and walk them together. As a head, you can use a ball made by the Papier Masha method or borrow this part at the old unnecessary toy.

Come up with a script. You can take the basis of all well-known fairy tales or something original. The younger than the participants of the performance, the easier it should be a work. You can initial a child to entrust the role with a minimum of words, and then complicate his batch. When the script is ready, select suitable scenery and suits.

Find the sound effects for the presentation. You can record musical accompaniment to a separate disk, turn on and off it at the right time.

Arrange the rehearsal of the performance, where each doll can repeat its batch of words, exercise in cooperation with the toy before presentation to the public.

When everything is ready for the premiere, build an auditorium from the chairs. You can make toy tickets for a puppet play, make a mini-buffet with drinks and pop root. The main thing is that all participants in the domestic performance receive a maximum of pleasure from the process.

Theater Studio can be created for children and adults. On the basis of the studio, students and visitors receive knowledge of acting, vocals, dances, scenic speech and scenic movements. But the main vocation of theatrical studio is nevertheless numerous productions and etudes in various genres, thanks to which the acting talent of the participants of the process is developing. How to organize your own theater studio from scratch?

For the organization of one leader, little. The staff of professional creative specialists who will teach the art of the theater of all those who recorded in the studio. You will also need an accountant, cashier to conduct the required calculations and offer tickets to the guests of the studio. Perhaps you will need an administrator or assistant. If the studio plans with the time of departures on the tour, you will need transport, delivering the troupe along with the props to the place, as well as the driver.

On the opening of its own theater studio, the starting money will be required. But if it is not either catastrophically, it is possible to consider the version of the studio on the franchise. To do this, it should be found via the Internet or ads of the proposals from large theater studios, promoting their training systems to theatrical art, starting with children's age. Such training centers help at first to contain material and creatively open theatrical studios, centers and mugs.

The organization of the circle began to take care of the search for future regular customers. It is worth looking for them among friendly families who know you well and want to go to your classes. After receiving two or three "customers", determine the time of classes of your mug. Usually similar events for children preschool age Pass in the interval between ten in the morning and six pm. Agree on regular meetings on a day of the week, keep in mind that if at the very beginning of the activity a mug of the meeting suddenly cancels, to collect people will be very difficult again.

After solving the basic organizational issues, consider the topic of the circle. If you don't have a lot of customers, you can arrange a meeting with them and discuss alleged topics. To such meetings, it is necessary to prepare very carefully in order not to look stupid, coming with empty hands. Choose global, large topics, on the development of which will require several classes. For example, if you are going to create with a fiction on drawing, offer the study of color combinations, proportions, perspectives. There are enough such global topics for six months-year of study. The main thing is to submit them in the correct and affordable game form if your circle is designed for preschool.

Make an interesting classes

Be sure to find on the Internet or buy specialized benefits in which you can find valuable information about learning children, interesting exercises and tasks. Be prepared to pay a lot of time. Similar helpful information Make your mugs more interesting for participants.

You can expand the circle using ads that can be placed in the nearest kindergartens, libraries and schools. You can put an advertisement on the Internet on specialized resources.

To keep the circle together, to interest the children and their parents, you can find some external goal - preparation for the exhibition, participation in a concert, competition or charitable action. Think in advance what can be such a unifying factor. The first "exits to light" help all participants to rally, strengthen their interest in the activity of the circle.

Over time, if your event will be successful, it is worth thinking about lease of special premises for him. Studio, gym, dance- - all this is quite easy to find almost in any area of \u200b\u200bthe city. In this case, it is important to discuss all financial issues with your students' parents.

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