
Essay Essay Additional Education Programmer. Profession teacher of additional education of children and adults. Knowledge and Experience: Collaboration

Pedagogue Essay "My vocation - Pedagogue"

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of the teacher, and the one who has internal confidence that he is, should be and cannot be different. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by victims that a person brings his vocation.
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Each teacher of additional education chooses the road to skill: someone starts her with a red diploma in the Pedagogical Institute or College: someone in the call of the heart and the warehouse of the mind comprehends pedagogy through self-education or training system.
How did I come to this? Still studying in the tenth grade, I myself decided to work for myself children's garden. I really liked when I saw how my mother is preparing for classes and matinees. She was an educator. I always wanted to be like it. I then thought it was the most interesting and necessary profession.
After graduation, I entered the Kineshemsky Pedagogical School. Having finished him, returned to the hometown of distribution. He worked as an educator, a senior educator, methodologist for educational work and a teacher of additional education.
Over the years there were a lot of quest, joys and chagrins. I had to work a lot on myself, to learn a lot. It happened so that I left education for a higher paid job, but could not without children - I returned!
Today, additional education is considered by the state as a "particularly valuable type of education" as the "zone of the nearest development of education in Russia". It does not just expand and deepen the knowledge gained at school, but, first of all, forms a person, gives him the opportunity to reveal, find himself, try his hand in various fields of creativity, make the life of children brighter and rich. Often, it is additional education that is the main priority in choosing a life path.
I am proud that I am a teacher of additional education. I think that random people here, as in school, should not be. Teachers should work on the vocation - after all, this is a huge work and responsibility. It is here, as in any other profession, personal qualities of the teacher are important: it is kindness, generosity, tact, the ability to see good in every child, the ability to interest, passibly, sometimes just listen and support in a difficult moment.
I think the vocation you need to earn your work, talent, the desire to constantly improve, change, create, because the life of the teacher (educator, teacher, the teacher of additional education) cannot exist without creativity. The needs of the modern educational system pushes me to new creative ideas, to new ideas.
I love my job. I enjoy it. It is important for me to be able to talk with children. Smile to them and get their smiles in response. Just be with them. I call children-pupils "my children." I teach them to create, help each other, see beautiful, be kinder. And I hope that "my children" will find their way in life, will find their calling.
I try to be kind and strict, open and understanding, combine demanding with sincere benevolence. Be for them assistant and guide into the world of creativity.
I love my pupils. To support them, cheer up, enhance self-esteem, I use not only praise and recognition of success. I try to show the advantages of each child, I propose tasks to choose from in terms of complexity. I am very glad when it is possible to reveal their creative abilities. We are taking part in many contests and exhibitions, and we get great pleasure from the work done. I am pleased to see their achievements, successes, their growth.
To keep up with the times, I am engaged in self-education, attend courses, seminars, participating in contests. I am grateful to the fate for becoming a teacher.
For more than 20 years, I have been working in education and I think it is not just my profession, but also my vocation, my lifestyle. Over the years, I never regretted that my life passes among children. This profession makes me forget all the problems and grief, feel always young and energetic. I love my profession and found my calling in it, which means that I am a happy person. I happily see that the children love me. I think that this is the highest assessment for any teacher, even if he has no awards. After all, the love of children is the highest award!

I am a teacher, which means that
What I can't live otherwise.
And everything is good in the world
I give my talent for children.

My road to pedagogy began many years ago with a little path. I chose it intuitively, and it was surprisingly comfortable. Why? Because it was filled with music. It was the music that led me along this path, showing the right direction. Now I know for sure that I chose that the road, on which it is difficult, but so interesting to go. And now I am going alone, and leading my pupils. The experience of pedagogical work allows you to go thoughtfully, not hastily, so as not to miss important events to plan the upcoming and focus efforts to the coming.

For me, this road, like Gamma, develops from different notes, and goes only upwards. So my pedagogical gamma ...

"To" - house, family.

Everything from something starts: theater with hangers, river with a stream. My creative life - with promsories ...

He lived-there was a girl, Ninchochka, who had already decided that he would play on the "piana" and sing like Alla Pugachev, because the neighbor aunt Valya said, the child has talent and musical abilities. Parents bought a girl tool - here it all started ...

Ninachochka did not teach notes, tried to sing and play baby songs.

There was time. In school, I was noticed and invited to study in a choral school a little much, to the most real prince! Yes, yes, to Prince Alfred Goudie, who became for her the first teacher, the teacher who sowed the grain of love for music, awakened creativity in the shower. At this time, the first experience of communicating with peers in the creative team was acquired. how future teacher I realized that it is very important to be able to live and work with other people in the creative community.

"RE" - craft.

Eight years of study flew like eight days, and Nina entered the Music and Pedagogical School, where he combined tourists in the musical theater of a wonderful teacher-director, conductor of Citizen Valeria Viktorovna. Classes of this teacher helped grow up a success of creativity once an adult, to become inspiration and creativity by constant satellites. In these years, the individuality of the future teacher was clearly shown, which allows today to be in finding new turns on the creative road.

"Mi" - the world around me.

And these four years flew like four days. A young music teacher, now Nina Vladimirovna, entered the pedagogical institute and once again combined learning with singing, but already in the professional team of Domestik under the leadership of Copaneva Valery Anatolyevich. Communication with this teacher contributed to the formation of a professional creed of a teacher and a musician - wake up creativity in children. In these years, the formation of a young teacher was becoming. Along with professional skills, other qualities were manifested: purposefulness, democratic, attentiveness, tolerance, passion, responsibility.

Years of study flying like magic! And now my whole life is like a fairy tale. I am pleased to bring my students with pleasure and believe that my vocation: awakening creativity in children and their parents, colleagues at work, viewers and listeners of children's concerts.

"Fa" - fantasy, creativity.

I try to teach students to love - love loved ones, love yourself, love your homeland, love our gray-haired Urals. As a root Sverdlovchanka, I sincerely and disinterestedly love my city, and he answers me with the mutual love of my students. In the harsh unique beauty, the edge located at the junction of Europe and Asia, we draw our inspiration to creativity. Therefore, in the repertoire of our ensemble, the songs of composers-Urals M. Baska, E. Rodigina, V. Kukina occupy an honorable place. Song "Firefly" from the musical M. Basque "Deniscory stories" is performed by several generations of studios with unchanged pleasure. All speeches for students are a school of social maturity.

"Salt" - eat a salt.

The main thing is to teach students to love music, different music: folk and author's songs, classics and modernity, but necessarily real, highly artistic, because it is important to open your world of music.

And we are learning together to not be afraid - not afraid of difficulties, do not be afraid to go through your life, even if not simple. And every day we give each other a part of your heart and soul.

I am a teacher of additional education, which means that it is open to me for creativity, the ability to invent, improvise, to build in any images. I discovered the search and unexpected turns of fate.

"La" - with the song in the life of the fun.

I'm wondering not only to teach children, but also to learn from your pupils. I do not offer your disciples ready-made truths, knowledge, but I encourage them to search, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.

I open up every child the limitless world of music - the world of light and harmony, hopes and love. At each lesson, I convince my students: you are capable of talented, successful. It awakens creativity in children. I wonder everything that surrounds my students, loved ones, because the teacher will take place only when he is interested in a child. It is not by chance that the distinguishing features of the modern teacher are constant self-improvement, the desire to keep up with the times. Modern students freely own a computer, we will easily behave in virtual worldSo I must have to know and be able to know everything that they know and know how.

"SI" - the strength of success.

I still sing. My pupils are proud of me. After all, their teacher as part of the Vocal Quartet "Impressio" leads an active concert activity. Among our achievements of victory in the city festival of creative opportunities for teachers "Big Change", participation in international competitions and festivals.

For many years of work in additional education convinced me as follows:

Only a happy teacher can give his student for several years of student happiness.

Only the wise teacher can sow the grains of good in the souls of their students.

Only a creatively self-developing teacher can be a model and an incentive for creative self-development of his pupils.

I want to be a teacher who is waiting for children, teacher capable awaken in them creativity.

"To" - the road without end!

In pedagogy there is a beginning, but there is no end - we continue in our pupils, in their achievements, creative successes. Someone will turn to another road, and someone may become a teacher and will lead the dear creativity of other children. And this means that my work will not remain in vain.

My path of the teacher is the road of a happy man, because I live in harmony with me and the outside world.

Nomination: school essay teacher
Title: Essay Teacher of Additional Education "My vocation - Pedagogue"

Position: Pedagogue of additional education of the highest qualification category
Place of work: Maou Doda House children's creativity Oktyabrsky district
Location: city of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region

State professional
Yaroslavl region
Rostov Pedagogical College
If you successfully choose work and put in
him all his soul, then happiness you
K. D. Ushinsky
Presentation performed:
Student 36 groups
Kharthukova Zhanna


Why this profession is ...

The choice of profession often determines in the future
all life Path man. In the life of everyone early
Or late always the question arises: "Who to become and where
Go to learn? "
Before me also got up such a choice. Based
of their interests, inconsistencies, abilities, personal
Applied creativity).

Additional education is a special (extracurricular for schoolboy) educational space. It solves the task not only

- this is special (extracurricular for
Schoolchildren) educational space. It solves the task not only
socialization, but also individualization of the personality of a teenager and becomes
intended for free choice and
educational programs that are close
Interests, develop creative potential,
Creative child personality.

Motto of teachers of additional education

If you ask me about the profession,
Then from all my heart I say:
It happens and hard and fun,
I develop, I study and worry.
I develop, because every day carries
New meaning, new way, new look.
And I study on the example of my colleagues
And the actions and opinions of the guys.
Someone created to build at home,
For someone to treat the vocation.
And I do not know the best profession,
Than a teacher of additional education

History of additional vocational education in Russia

History Additional vocational education In Russia, takes his beginning in
The first half of the 20th century. Until the end of the 90s, DPO developed mainly within
Inter-sectoral institutions improve the qualifications of specialists of the national economy.
In 1994-95 The active development of additional education in institutions began
SPO, DPO and VPO. Today there are more than 1,000 units throughout the country
additional vocational education, which are trained annually (raising
Qualifications, professional retraining) Over 400,000 specialists. Key
Intravuzovsky DPO systems.
on the

School is a special "world" in which children spend a lot of time for a long time, so it is very important correct

Alone, as well as various directions and methods
Organization of additional education.

Type of profession

Additional teacher profession
Education refers to type
"Man - man"
Labor subject: People
In the direction of the image
Activities and decorative and applied
Creativity - "Man - Artistic
Labor subject: art

Requirements for profession

Russian Federation "On Education" Convention on the Rights of the Child;
Basics of pedagogy, psychology, physiology and hygiene, general theoretical
disciplines in the amount required to solve pedagogical, scientific and organizational and management tasks;
educational technologies; content, technique and organization of scientific, aesthetic,
tourist-local lore, improving
sports, leisure activities, recreation and entertainment; programs
classes of circles, sections, studios, club associations by profile;
Trends and innovations in science, technology, culture, art (by profile);
regulatory documents within the framework of competence; Rules for labor protection.

The basis of the profession is speaking

Mastery of the teacher of additional education - not
random luck, not happy finds, and systematic,
painstaking search and work, often rough, weekday
failures. The victory of the child becomes my victory.
It is at such moments that I speak myself: "Do not hopping on
fate, and if he chose this path, then accept and love children to all
heart, believe in them, dissolving in them, because the vocation
Moisen love and joy.
Now we are experiencing a rather difficult time. Work
Attractive. And when I think about the sense and meaning
This profession, I remember the parable.

Traveler saw three workers,
who pushed hard loaded cars, and
He asked everyone about what he was doing. First
replied: "Pushing this heavy wheelbarrow, be she
Cursed. " The second said: "I earn on
the third
Said: "I am building a wonderful temple!"
Three workers did the same thing, but
The work was Katoroga, and he was unhappy.
The second felt like a support and breadwinner
families. In his response, calm dignity.
The third served a great goal. He was proud and

My pedagogical credo:

Each child is a unique person!

coercion. Can. Want. I can. I do. I'm not afraid to make a mistake.
These verbs determine the positions of children and determine the style
Relationships with adults. The obtained information I.
Practical experience in class children are used in further

I believe that interest is the key
To the knowledge and it must be maintained in children.
The ability to captivate with your mug and is
Pedagogical skill to which we all

No children of inextarious, each is gifted in a kind of region, it is only necessary to find this area and
Help the child to be implemented.

My idol - K. D. Ushinsky

"Only personality can
bring up another person
Uniqueness, uniqueness "

Important features of teachers
Additional education are
1. Permanent
self improvement
2. Self-critical, erudition,
Purpose and mastering
New modern
3. Eliminates the arrogant look at
child from the standpoint of adult experience

Additional education teacher should
possess the following personal qualities
be sensitive
Wide around
Interests I.
The needs of I.
Interests of children
be ready to
Execution very
different responsibilities
associated with learning
and raising children
be flexible to be
Ready to revise
His views I.

Pros and cons profession

the younger generation;
Transferring their knowledge
and experience for children;
constant aspiration of K.

Application areas of profession

in culture and art institutions
In schools of art
in general educational institutions
in professional institutions
Teaching activities in the direction of fine activities and
Decorative and applied creativity, organization of leisure events, competitions,
exhibitions, methodical support of the educational process.

I consider additional education primarily
a man who loves children and his work
The base may include words
Shota Rustaveli:
"What did you hide, then disappeared
What did you give, then yours. "
Without possessing wonderful unconscious,
You can not be a real teacher.

depends on what sense he invests
In your work, in your work.
That's why I want to work at school:
I like to watch
on their faces
I love to enter
Class full guys
I love to feel
like each
Communicate my guys
All are becoming


The average salary of the teacher of additional education in
Municipal kindergarten - about 20 thousand rubles. IN
teacher special items - music, choreography,
Drawing - folds from the number of hours worked.

So I do not know how it will
My fate, but I can confidently
say that I will seek
goals. After all
This is exactly the profession,
Which I see in my future. Profession
Creative, necessary! In this profession, I
I can realize all your creative ideas.

Information sources
Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".
Berezina V. A. Additional education of children as a means of their creative
development. - thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical dissertation
science - M., 2002
Our Brudnov. Sat Articles. M., 2004.
The open data portal of the Government of Moscow.
Where to go to learn: how the rating of capital schools is drawn up. Moscow 24 (18
August 2015).

Essay teacher of additional education Boyko Tatiana Nikolaevna. The essay was prepared as part of the District Competition of Pedagogical Summary "Teacher of the Year 2018", in the nomination - an educator. Essay is a presentation of the teacher's activities to the profession. In my opinion, I included material about my parents, study and the path of arrival in the profession.



District Competition "Teacher of the Year - 2018"

Teacher of additional education

Boyko Tatyana Nikolaevna


Competitive task "Essay"

"I am a teacher. I am an educator "

Each person fate leads his own way. And everyone has its own, proper, difficult, winding, but its own. My first teachers were, of course, my parents. Their wisdom and parental promises accompany me throughout life and undoubtedly help me take the world around what it is. My dad, Popov Nikolai Petrovich, a vitality, responsible person. This person is broadcasting only the kind, right, valuable. All his multilateral and diverse stores of knowledge, skills, tried to convey to us, his children. Mom, Popova Olga Vasilyevna, kind, smiling and modest woman, the keeper of the homely focus, to which we strive for today, at least for a minute, recharge it with a positive, living interest in our life and our successes. And my mother is a real worker, she is a veteran of labor. I am proud of my parents. It is their love for us, children, their honesty, patriotism, love for their small homeland, formed in me the rod of life priorities, proper behavior, human values.

After graduating from school, I entered Industrial - Pedagogical Technical School. Pedagogical practice was held in a squash school. In this school, everything was familiar to me and the teacher, and the children, since I finished her. I graduated from the technical school in 1990 with a red diploma, however, the pedagogy was not fascinated at that moment. And only after many years already getting higher education, on lectures on geodesy and environmental management, the teacher could carry my attention to my knowledge, methods of filing a material that I sat and first regretted that I did not work as a teacher. I thought: "But I have something to tell children, I have something to give." Unfortunately, time was the name of this teacher, but it was her lecture that became a swivel in my life.

I graduated from the university. Fate led me to the house of children's creativity. They say that the man is happy when his passion coincides with his work. So - I am a happy man. I love the needlework and say that I came to work, it would not be right. I came to the call of the soul, came for a dream. Our home of children's creativity is a special world, this is a world of creatively passionate teachers and children. It is this tandem that gives inspiration for new creative achievements, pedagogical finds, because the teacher of additional education is the creator, sculptor, artist, mentor and educator.The work of the teacher of additional education is not only preparation for classes, but also undoubtedly, enthusiasticity of its subject.

When the children tell me: "You probably know everything in the world!", I answer - "No, but if you ask me, but I will not know the answer, then in the next lesson I will answer your question." I believe that the teacher should not only have such qualities as patience, attention, tacty, restraint and erudition, but must also deposit their skills, to be a real professional. Therefore, continuous self-education and self-improvement must be present in pedagogical activity. Carrying out their pedagogical activities, I chose the "method of design activities in creativity classes", the topic of self-education.

So, working on this topic for children preschool age, developed and implemented by practical - a significant project "The method of project activities in teaching children of preschool age." The result of the project is the release of brochures, the author of which is every student.

Seven years I teach children applied creativity. With reoxoons, we will be craftted with crafts, knit, damn, play, know the world and native land.

The work of the teacher, the educator is impossible without love for his work, without love for children. Love for children and helps me in work every day. I love children, as my own, try to do everything for their comfortable stay in class. Children are different, each with their habits and character. But I love them as they are. I consider it important to allow children to be ourselves, give them the opportunity to reveal their top Qualities, teach them to rejoice in every creative embodiment with his hands, believe in your strength. Teacher must be seen in every child something extraordinary, because any child is talented.

From childhood I remember edification of the Pope: "You can do, teach another, then people will remember you." I defined my pedagogical role and its principles: "I love children and your business." I transfer our knowledge and skills to children who will give them the opportunity to be a real person will help realize themselves in the surrounding world.

The teacher of additional education is, perhaps, the best profession and this is about me: "I am a teacher! I am a teacher! "

Position: Pedagogue of additional education

Educational institution: MOU "SOSH No. 40"

Position: Magnitogorsk

Material Name: Essay

Topic: "I am a teacher of additional education"


Essay will introduce you to my professional activities With my pedagogical principles and beliefs.

Link to Publication:

http: // Site / dlya_uchitelei / index? nomer_publ \u003d 452

Published 02/17/2016

Text part of the publication

"Pedagogue of additional education." Many years ago, I could not assume that I will once become teachers. But after the end of the educational school, not doubting a minute in choosing a profession, I decided to become social teachers. But fate ordered in other things I had the opportunity to work in the field of additional education. Many believe that this work is not complicated. But in fact, facing this profession, I think that this is not. Work and hard, and interesting. But, if you love children, you love your business, everything is easy. Additional education made me the opportunity to reveal your creative potential, your pedagogical abilities. I constantly improve my knowledge in the profession, increasing my professional competence. The purpose of my work is to transfer the children all the best that I can, teach them to see in the usual unusual, teach them to see beauty in simple, transform the world around yourself. Our task is to help the child to develop his ability, involving it in a variety of activities. Not all parents, unfortunately, enough time and desires, we come to the rescue here - teachers of additional education. It turns out to be a teacher of additional education, not only well know your item. The most important thing is to learn these knowledge to transfer, and ideally - to teach children to extract these knowledge yourself, directing them, suggesting the right path. For this you need to be very sensitive, patient, tactful, to be a professional. Today I understood: you need to teach everyone by teaching everyone. And all my students are so different! To find an approach to everyone, understand how to learn exactly this child, you must first study it. I watch the guys during the class and on change, trying to understand what is interesting to each of them, what tasks they like to perform, and which difficulties cause. One of the fundamentals of schoolchildren is a personality-oriented orientation. I want to teach children to see beautiful, be kind and honest. I am not afraid to praise the child once again, even when his successes are very modest. It brings up confidence in children, it raises the desire to take the next step. It is important for me that the child believes to me, retain respect and appreciation. To justify his confidence - great and honorable responsibility. The secret of children's love is simple: they are open and innocent and for me the best reward is their joyful smile. Working with the children, I see how children who are enthusiastic children flourish, how their eyes are burning, self-esteem and even the performance of the main subjects at school increases. They come to me on classes not because they just have free time Or at the insistence of parents, they come because they really like it. And what could be the best evaluation of pedagogical activity than to be interesting to its students. Seneca argued: "Learn others, we are learning ourselves." I agree with his statement, as I as a teacher of additional education constantly hesitate everything forward, to be implemented itself, work on errors, correct them, and make an educational process
positive, emotional, interesting and efficient. And otherwise, children will not go after you. Additional education is a school for interest. And my task, as a teacher of additional education, is to interest the children, inhabit them, behave. I am a teacher of additional education. I am proud of my profession. This is my vocation!

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