
Ima press. The Ministry of Education and Science has launched a portal for informational support of inclusive higher education for persons with higher education institutions. Portal of inclusive higher education

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Ministry of Education and Science has developed a portal to promote inclusive higher education

11:22 2015

RUSSIA. In order to improve the efficiency of the implementation of measures to ensure accessibility vocational education The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a portal for informational and methodological support for inclusive higher education (www.wil.ru), which is recommended to be used to obtain up-to-date data, information on normative and methodological documents, as well as exchange experience in the field of inclusive higher education.

The resource allows you to quickly use the information obtained during the annual monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the availability of conditions for obtaining higher education for disabled people and people with disabilities health (hereinafter referred to as HIA), on adapted educational programs (for educational institutions of higher education, for federal districts, for subjects Russian Federation, by the presence of a barrier-free environment, by material and technical equipment, by the presence of support specialists, the use of distance educational technologies).

This information can be used by pedagogical workers of educational organizations of all levels, specialists of educational authorities, public organizations of people with disabilities, people with disabilities and people with disabilities, their parents (legal representatives) in order to organize career guidance work and choose an educational organization for higher education for people with disabilities and people with disabilities. health opportunities. The portal has an adapted version for the visually impaired.

Also, in order to improve the quality of higher education for people with disabilities and people with disabilities, a portal was created (www.umcvpo.ru), which provides information and technological support for distance learning for this category of students.

The portal contains regulatory legal documents, materials of conferences and seminars, video recordings of events, an archive of video lectures and webinars, materials of advanced training courses, information about projects and events aimed at the socialization of persons with disabilities. Portal visitors have the opportunity to view events online, access scientific and educational resources and electronic catalogs.

The portal contains materials for organizing the educational process: adapted educational programs, educational and methodological materials. E-library allows you to get access to educational and scientific literature, to the emerging unified all-Russian collection of methodological materials for teaching students with disabilities and disabilities, according to the Commissioner for Children's Rights in St. Petersburg.

The project "Portal of Inclusive Practices" is an Internet platform that will allow to form a single inclusive environment not only in the online space, but also in real life.

At the moment, society recognizes the need for inclusive events and the development of an inclusive culture in general. Moreover, in a few recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of inclusive events and events that help to popularize an inclusive culture and raise public awareness of the problems of people with disabilities. But, despite this, over 60% of people with disabilities lead a passive and closed lifestyle, experience significant difficulties in obtaining post-secondary education, and then do not have a permanent job. Among people with disabilities, there is an extremely low percentage of active young people living in full social life regardless of whether they have a degree of disability. Often, people with disabilities simply do not know about those events that can be attended not only by a person without disabilities, but also by a disabled person. And the socialization of disabled people is one of the most important tasks of the state.

As it turned out, the organizers of inclusive events also lack interaction with each other, there is not enough space for joint communication, development of new ideas and proposals. Due to the lack of an open base of inclusive technologies, each new organizing team that opens an adaptive project unique for their territory faces difficulties that may have already been solved in another region.

In 2016, at the Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District "IVolga-2016 "one of the winners was the" Good Good "project, the purpose of which is to create an integrated media environment based on popular social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) and to form a kind of media archive of content (photos, videos) reflecting activities in the social and, in particular, inclusive sphere.

The author of the Blago Dobra project is Mikhail Mirskov, an activist of the Inclusive Club of Volunteers. Mikhail is a disabled person of group 2 and perfectly understands the problems and importance of developing an inclusive culture for our country, since this is an indispensable attribute of a civilized society.

The central objective of the project was the development of the Portal of Inclusive Practices (hereinafter the Portal) for young people with disabilities and all categories of citizens interested in inclusive programs. The resource is aimed at highlighting, collecting, summarizing and broadcasting information about socially significant, cultural, volunteer events that are important and interesting in the life of a modern person with a disability.

The territory of inclusive practices, projects and events available for placement covers the entire Russian Federation. The Portal provides the ability to publish and sort when searching for information by region.

As already indicated above, the portal has three main tasks:

  • announcement of inclusive events, events, promotions that imply the possibility of participation of persons with disabilities. The portal will collect events in which it is possible for people with disabilities to participate as a direct participant, beneficiary or volunteer.
  • accumulation, generalization and replication of the most successful inclusive practices from various regions.
  • building a base of organizations and outstanding people whose work helps to create an inclusive environment.

All inclusive practices directed to be posted on the Portal before May 2017 will participate in the Competition. In May 2017, out of the submitted practices, the expert staff will select the 7 most effective ones. The winning authors will receive valuable prizes (digital cameras, external hard drives and portable batteries). The work of the Portal itself on the completion of the Competition, of course, will continue, and we will be happy to talk about new practices and events.

In addition, during the work on the project, it is planned to regularly provide online consultations on the correct preparation of information materials about events and projects for organizers from any region. A key offline stage of the work related to the portal will be the conduct of three offsite training programs in three different cities of Russia. Each program is designed for 2 days and will include blocks: “understanding of disability”, “inclusive volunteering”, “information policy of a social project”, “specifics of organizing an inclusive project”.

In addition, young people with disabilities will be able to receive consultations in various areas online (both through social networks and the portal). It is planned to hold at least 100 such consultations.

At the moment, the Portal is at the stage of filling and development - to attract potential users, letters have already been sent to regional specialized authorities and friendly NGOs, active interaction with regional and federal media is beginning.

Now fundraising has started on the planet.ru crowdfunding platform. Project page on the site .

All collected funds will be used:

  • to meaningful and organizational development Portal - we have already planned a number of improvements that will make the Portal more convenient and functional. We will be glad to see your suggestions as well - send them by mail [email protected];
  • to ensure uninterrupted and high-quality work - behind the calm "window" of the site there are a number of technical needs and a project team that processes materials, interacts with organizers from other regions and responds promptly to all your requests;
  • to organize and conduct training work to train the organization of inclusive events in other regions.

How can I join the project?

1. Send information for posting on the site.

Information for posting on the Portal in the sections "News", "Contests", "Volunteers", "Practices" can be sent through the function of the site "Offer material" or through the official mail of the project [email protected] ... When sending by e-mail, you must:

  • indicate the section in which you want to place the material;
  • leave your contact information for communication (phone number, links to the official resources of the event, project or organization);
  • indicate your region or region of the event;
  • send a press release or newsletter about a project, event, etc .;
  • send a logo or high resolution photographs of the event.

Information in the sections "Organizations" and "People" is sent to e-mail. Forms for filling out the Application in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.

2. Provide information support to this project, namely:

  • help in disseminating information about the possibility of posting information on the Portal of Inclusive Practices among organizations working with people with disabilities or in the field of inclusion.
  • attract media attention to this project.
  • post information about the collection on the planet.ru crowdfunding platform on accessible electronic resources. Posts on social networks: Vkontakte and Facebook

Internet Project IVROR (Disabled people in Russia - frank conversation): Education for people with disabilities.
http: dialogenew.narod.ru/education.htm

Statistics of Russian Education.
http: stat.edu.ru

National report 2005 "State and development of the general secondary education system in the Russian Federation" (1.53 MB).
http: stat.edu.ru/doc/Doklad_tabl_obl.pdf

INVAK.INFO: Information agency - portal of disabled people.
http: invak.info

Public Interest Law Initiative (in Russian and English).

UNICEF: Children with Disabilities (in Russian and English).
http: www.unicef.org/ceecis/media_3021.html

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, resource center of the country.
http: ise.edu.mhost.ru

Reference information about educational institutions for the deaf and hard of hearing throughout Russia.
http: www.deafnet.ru/dn/index.phtml? c \u003d 46

Tatiana Goguadze: diagnosis and correction of writing disorders.
http: www.dyslexia.ru

Computer technologies for the blind and visually impaired.
http: www.tiflocomp.ru

"Integration" (site of the club of blind computer users).
http: integr.org

i-School: a school for distance education support for children with disabilities and children who do not attend educational institutions for health reasons.
http: home-edu.ru "

Big Change "is a project aimed at public promotion of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010.
http: www.newseducation.ru

"Moscow Education": information portal of the Moscow Department of Education.
http: www.mosedu.ru

Official server of the Moscow Department of Education.
http: www.educom.ru

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: Federal Agency for Education.
http: www.ed.gov.ru

Priority national project "Education".
http: www.rost.ru/projects/education/education_main.shtml

Federation of Internet Education.
http: fio.ru

Electronic scientific-practical journal "Questions of Internet education".
http: vio.fio.ru

Banner-exchange network "DetskyDomiki" (The purpose of the network is to promote sites for helping children. We invite you to exchange sites of organizations, projects, individuals who, in one way or another, provide assistance to children with special needs.)
http: bn.detskiedomiki.ru

Charitable Foundation OIP "Holiday of Life". (Combining the efforts of families with sick children, government officials, medical workers and sympathetic people in solving issues of organizing treatment, rehabilitation and social adaptation of families with sick children.)
http: www.holilife.ru/blago/

IREX: American Council for International Research and Exchanges (IREX / Russia).
http: www.irex.ru

Innovative educational network "Eureka".
http: www.eurekanet.ru

Moscow Department of Health.
http: www.mosgorzdrav.ru

Department of social protection of the population of Moscow.
http: www.kszn.ru/kszn

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. Lists of correctional educational institutions.
http: mo.mosreg.ru/contacts

Ministry of Social Protection of the Moscow Region. List of social rehabilitation centers.
http: mszn.mosreg.ru/ministry_dependents_family

Russian educational portal.
http: school.edu.ru

"Education for Children" website. Lists of all kindergartens, schools, institutions additional education and social and psychological assistance in the districts.
http: www.edukids.ru

Medical information network.
http: www.neuro.net.ru

Non-state schools in the capital.
http: www.moschools.ru

Electronic library "Special child".
http: www.webcenter.ru/~scdl

Site "Special Childhood" (Center for Curative Pedagogy, Moscow).
http: www.osoboedetstvo.ru

Increasing discrimination against children with disabilities in education. Ways to change the situation.
http: www.osoboedetstvo.ru/fs/archives/38 - .. html

Useful books (book section of the site "Special Childhood").
http: www.osoboedetstvo.ru/books.htm

The site of the St. Petersburg Fund "Fathers and Sons".
http: www.autism.ru

"Child Psychology for Parents" site.
http: www.psyparents.ru

Information network of Russian psychology.
http: www.psi-net.ru

Directory of non-profit organizations in Russia.
http: www.nco.yandex.ru

Conference "Other children" on the site "Semya.ru".
http: www.7ya.ru/conf/conf-Others.aspx

Conference "Special children" of the club "Give birth and grow up".
http: www.rodim.ru/conference/index.php? showforum \u003d 124

Forum on the Russian-language site of the mother of an autistic child from Canada.
http: www.elinahealthandbeauty.com/forum

Catalog of the Terevinf publishing house (Literature on curative pedagogy - books for parents and specialists).
http: www.terevinf.ru

Portal for inclusive and special education for children with disabilities in the city of Moscow. The portal allows specialists in the field of inclusive and special education and parents of children with disabilities to have quick access to a large-scale information resource of knowledge for the prompt resolution of specific professional and life situations, obtaining the necessary information materials and recommendations on organizing the education of children with disabilities in a general educational institution ...
http: www.edu-open.ru

The Center for Curative Pedagogy (established in 1989) aims to help every special child find his or her own path in life: from diagnosis and early assistance to getting a profession and integration into society.
http: www.ccp.org.ru

The Institute for Problems of Integrative (Inclusive) Education was created by the decision of the Academic Council of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University in July 2009. The purpose of the Institute's activities is scientific and methodological support of inclusive education, support of educational institutions implementing an inclusive approach, training and retraining of specialists in the field of inclusive education. The Institute conducts applied scientific research on the main problems of inclusive educational practice, develops programs for the training and advanced training of teaching staff working with children with disabilities in the system of integrative and inclusive education, creates technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education in preschool, school, additional and higher professional education.

This section of the site contains links to portals and sites dedicated to vocational guidance and employment of young people with disabilities and people with disabilities. The information can be useful both for employees of educational organizations and for young people with disabilities and people with disabilities of different ages, as well as for their parents.

Official website of the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment

Contains information necessary to assist in employment and personnel selection: recommendations for choosing and changing a profession, job search, announcements of city and district events held by the labor and employment authorities of Moscow. On the site you can find out the addresses of Moscow centers that provide citizens with information about the labor market, popular professions and specialties, opportunities career growth... The section "Press about the labor market" contains a large selection of interesting articles on employment and personnel selection, a digest of specialized newspapers and magazines, an annotated catalog of books on labor and employment.

Of particular interest is information on professions that are in demand on the Moscow labor market (according to the city vacancy bank).

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