
Social deadaptation of children with OVD. The problem of adapting children with OVD. Theories of adaptation potential. The need to help children with ABS in the process of adaptation. Social adaptation specificity in the society of young people with disabilities

Svetlana Tetherin

Social adaptation of children with limited features


Peace "Special" The child is interesting and frightened.

Peace "Special" The child is ugroen and beautiful.

Clumsy, sometimes strange, good-natured and open

Peace "Special" Child. Sometimes he is afraid of us.

Why is it aggressive? Why is it so closed?

Why is he so scared? Why not say?

Peace "Special" The child is closed from the eyes of others.

Peace "Special" The child allows only their own!

The problem of incorporating people with the real life of society is relevant throughout the world. One of the main tasks of training and education children with intelligence impairment is the optimal development of potential opportunities Their cognitive activity and personality in general, preparation and inclusion on Wednesday as a full members of society. Problems social adaptation The mentally retarded students are solved in recent years more and more difficult, although its goals and objectives have always been taken into account in determining the essence of correctional and educational work with mentally retarded children. Loked, as social The phenomenon exists as much as human society, and is an integral element of civilization. Rendering assistance to children who remain without parental care is the most important direction. social State policies.

Recently in pedagogy for characteristics children With congenital development defects, the term "special" children was distributed.

Children S. limited health opportunities are children, state health which prevents the development of educational program Outside the special conditions of training and education. A group of schoolchildren with OVD is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined primarily by the fact that it includes children with different violations. development: Hearing disorders, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence. Thus, the most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the psyche and health every child.

When working with children with ABS, one of the most important conditions for me, as a class manager, is an understanding that these children need a special individual approach other than the standard secondary school framework. Children with ABS do not adapt to the rules and conditions of society, and are included in their own own conditions that society accepts and takes into account.

Existing socially-Pedagogical strategy of education childrenIn orphanages and boarding schools, it is possible to evaluate as a strategy for replacing parental care to state care. Characteristic features of this strategy: The state takes care of creating the necessary living conditions during the child's stay at the boarding school and at the issue stage; The state provides benefits providing possibility receiving vocational education of any level; In government agencies, an attempt is made to recreate a home psychological atmosphere.

The purpose of my work with children, is the organization of assistance to children on the basis of comprehensive measures to obtain them education and the development of the person as a whole.

In our boarding school, children with restricted Health not isolated from other children, and integrated into the general education environment.

We strive to create psychological and logistical conditions to train such children passed comfortable. It helps in solving the following tasks:

Creating conditions for adaptation and Socialization of children with disabilities;

Training children with disabilities Social skills;

Formation of tolerant attitude towards children with limited features;

Reducing anxiety level children with features in development;

Formation of awareness of own emotions and careful attitude towards feelings of other people.

Successful adaptation and Socialization of Children with Limited Health Conditions promotes extracurricular work, which includes in himself: the work of the class teacher, the educator, a circle work, physical education health, organization of recreation and leisure.

The greatest interest in the guys cause games. The game is of great importance for development children And is the most favorite activity. A mobile game helps to liberate, unites children, teaches the organization by performing rules. Intelligent games contribute to the development of mental abilities, cognitive processes are included in the work. Therefore, we try to organize game moments as often as possible during classes, we use in our local sports competitions, games, relay, in order for the guys to feel full-fledged members of the school student, and also received moral satisfaction from communicating with peers.

One of the important links are handicraft classes. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created to resolve the problems of personal development. children: Small hands developing, the emotional sphere of the child develops, the level of anxiety is reduced, spatial thinking develops, the initiative, mental activity, independence, curiosity develops.

the main goal: Acquisition of a child to the world of art and the development of creative abilities. The result of such creativity was a lot of crafts made by the hands of the guys with restricted Health. And if at the initial stage, the children were difficult to master ways to work with cardboard, plasticine, paper, pieces of fabric, then in the learning process, students captured various techniques: This is working with a cloth, creating clothes, crafts. In the process of occupy, the following are solved tasks:

Development and correction of the main types of movements;

Development and correction of mental functions and components of activity, improving psychomotoric;

The development of the ability to navigate in space.

In addition, the structure of classes turn on:

Creative tasks aimed at developing imagination, child fantasy;

Complex games of various mobility and varying focus;

Relaxation exercises contributing to the removal of muscle and emotional tension at the end of the lesson.

When organizing educational work, we do not share childrenhaving limited health opportunities. And it gives her positive results: increases the level of development and socialization Some and forms people's humanity. In contrast to the educational process, which limited framework frameworks and program, the educational process is organized by a single school plan, which allows you to realize yourself with children with various abilities and opportunities. Holidays, contests, competitions, games, etc., held at the boarding school, provide possibility Everyone to participate and seek success.

Thanks to such work and such classes, children do not feel outcasts in modern society.

Thus, our boarding school does everything possibleso that children with restricted Health Received decent education and development.

Socialization of children with disabilities implies not only a certain level of their labor adaptation, but also possibility Focus on the surrounding life, complying with certain rules and norms of behavior.

"Adapting persons with disabilities in College Gavrilova N.V. A significant role in the process of learning Substantial Role in the Process of EDUCATICS with OVD ... "

Scientific reports

Adaptation of persons with disabilities

College health

Gavrilova N.V.

A significant role in the training process of Substantial Role in The Process of Education with HSA plays them to adapt them in the new compassion of the Persons WITH OVD Adaptation of Them

tsisum. This process is quite complicated. Plays in New Society. This Process Difficultu Author proposes to use for optimi-enough. An Author Suggests to Use for Optiziization of the process of adaptation of persons with APV objects of objects of Process of Adaptation of Persons and subjective adaptation criteria. With the limited passibilities of Health The Limited role, according to the author, plays Corresponding and Subjective Tests of Adaptation. The rapid volunteering in college. Special Role, In Opinion of Author, The Corporate Volunteering Plays in A College.

The effectiveness of the learning process is largely determined by the adaptation and integration of the person in a new society for it. This is especially problematic for students who have certain health restrictions.

Social communication is the leading mechanism for the social adaptation of a person whose functions are to send and expand the range of assimilation of social values \u200b\u200bin active interaction with other individuals, social groups. In other words, the process of adaptation is the process of optimal interaction of the personality and medium.

Common tasks to adapt persons with OVI in college are:

Promoting a student with ABS in solving topical tasks to obtain a certain profession, socialization, problems with the choice of educational and further professional trajectory, relationships with peers, teachers;

Personal self-affirmation.

The most powerful factor in the adaptation process, according to I.Yu. Window, is the relationship of disabled and healthy. Many of them lack social skills, the ability to express themselves in communicating with their peers, teachers, administration.

Adaptation of persons with APV in college We are considering as a process and result of adaptation to a new integrated society, in which the student with HPV passes vocational training in the most comfortable physiological psychological conditions for it.

Socio-psychological adaptation can be assessed by the satisfaction of the disabled relations with teachers, peers.

The adaptation process involves the interaction of various combinations of activity, behavioral, information and psychological, private adaptive strategies, the entire combination of which is aimed at implementing the goals and objectives that make up the content of the comprehensive adaptation strategy. From the comprehensive adaptation strategy of a person, determining the focus, priorities and methods of adaptation, it makes sense to allocate those private adaptive strategies, thanks to which the identity is adapting at all levels: individual, group and social and in all spheres of human activity: social activities, psychological communication etc. .

Adaptation is the initial stage of the process of incorporating and integrating the disabled person to a social, educational, professional environment, based on real, everyday, regular interaction with it. Adaptation characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction between the object with the social medium, and on the other, is a reflection of a certain result of the work, which can act as a criterion of its effectiveness.

Scientific reports

Subjective adaptation criteria We chosen the level of learning motivation, satisfaction with educational activities, the emotional state of the person with HSA and the relationship with peers.

Objective adaptation criteria, we chose the condition of the adaptive environment, the organization of the adaptation process and adaptive capabilities of the studying with HSA (Fig. 1).

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Persons with OVD 7-8 species have great difficulties when communicating with others, first of all, due to the insufficiently developed initiative in communication, especially in contact with unfamiliar people. In many cases, they are embarrassing, fear, it is difficult to come to contact. The psychophysical features of the mentally retarded students adversely affect their communication, both among themselves and with the surrounding people. Fragmentality and infidelity of knowledge, inability to analyze the situation, the small experience of communication and the peculiarity of personal manifestations inhibit the development of the communicative function. The limitations of verbal contacts prevents the acquisition of knowledge and ideas about the world around, it makes it difficult to social adaptation of mentally retarded teenagers.

In many educational institutions, today they are introduced to work with persons with HSS tenuters, unfortunately, often from unprepared people, since today we have no system for training specialists in this direction. Tuters, as a rule, adults with whom people with HSA do not always build trust relationships. In this situation, corporate volunteering has several advantages, as communication with peers - volunteers, ready to support them, can play a certain role in adapting them to a new society.

Volunteer activity is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual assistance, the official provision of services and other forms of civil participation, which is carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public without calculating the monetary remuneration, the implementation of those personal qualities that often remain unexplored in everyday life, suggests independent Middle Aid Decision.

Volunteers in college are gained on a voluntary basis. Participants in corporate volunteering can be anyone who voluntarily accepting the ideas of volunteer moving messages and consonants to implement them.

The main tasks of volunteers are: the study of international and domestic experience on the volunteer movement of assistance and support for disabled and orphans; assistance in developing events for disabled, shares and participation in them; Accompanying persons with ABS in preparation for events, providing moral support.

The choice of volunteers and their fastening begins with the survey of candidates for volunteers and persons with ABS on the developed questionnaire. The coincidence of more than 50% of the interests of interest is the basis of the choice of the ward, after which the volunteers are offered to see the questionnaire of the person with HSA, communicate with it to make the final decision (Fig. 2).

An analysis of the work carried out showed that such interaction gives positive results in the adaptation of persons with ABS to new learning and society conditions for them, reduces the adaptation period, influences the motivational basis of students with certain health restrictions.

Bibliographic list:

1. http://www.coolreferat.com/ young people_I_Somism_Beques_Social_Adaptation_v_V_MIR.

2. Vetrova I.Yu. Problems of social adaptation. http://www.yspu.yar.ru.

3. Berezin F. B. Psychological and psycho-physiological adaptation of a person. - L., 1988.

4. Kaluzhenina TA. Subjective criteria for adaptation of first-year students on the training conditions in high school / psychology in economics and management. - 2009. - №2. - P.95-98.

5. http://wap.fictionbook.ru/author/margarita_igorevna_shishkova/razvitie_rechi_na_urokah_li teraturnogo_c / read_online.html? Page \u003d 1.

6. http://ru.wikipedia.org Keywords: persons with disabilities, objective and subjective adaptation criteria, corporate volunteering.

Keywords: Persons with The Limited Possibilities of Health, Objective and Subjective Criteria of Adaptation, Corporate Volunteering.

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1 . Social adaptation specificity in the society of young people with disabilities


List of references


The problem of socialization in society of persons with OVS is relevant for modernity. Most often under the "people with disabilities (ABS)" in the scientific literature, it is customary to understand people who have certain restrictions in everyday life, associated with physical, mental or sensory defects.

Disability is a social phenomenon. The scale of disability depends on the set of factors: the health status of the nation, the development of a health care system, socio-economic development, the country, historical and political reasons in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts. In our country, these factors have a pronounced negative color. For 2013 B. Russian Federation At least more than 10 million people are officially recognized as disabled.

People with ABS refer to the most socially unprotected category of the population. For them, it is difficult to get an education. Their income is significantly lower than the average, and the needs for medical and social services are much higher. . The state, providing social security of people with ABS, is designed to create the necessary conditions for them to achieve an acceptable standard of living compared to their fellow citizens, including in the field of income, education, employment participation in public life. The restoration of the ability of persons with disabilities to social functioning, an independent lifestyle is designed to help the system of multi-profile adaptation as an independent area of \u200b\u200bscientific and practical activities. Changes in public relations to the problem of disability and disabled, the development of a comprehensive social adaptation system is one of the main and responsible tasks of modern state policy. And this problem acquires particular importance when it comes to young people. Young people with ABS, being at the beginning of a life path and having unequal starting conditions, are in dire need of support to occupy decent place in society . socialization Adaptation Health Legal

1. Specifications of social adaptation in the society of young people with disabilities

The specifics of the social adaptation of young people with ABS is largely due to their personal features and the character of the ailment (its depth, period of origin, as well as the attitude towards him itself young man).

By virtue of the existing restrictions with young people with APV, along with purely material and real restrictions, it is often difficult access to such social opportunities and benefits, as obtaining a prestigious education, highly paid and in demand in the labor labor market and opportunities to be elected to local governments or state power. As a result, the young man forcedly closes in a rather limited environment, which generates additional problems and difficulties, to overcome which the technologies of social work with this category of the population should be sent. The main objectives of their application are:

Overcoming the state of helplessness;

Assistance in adapting to new conditions for existence and livelihoods;

The formation of a new, adequate life environment;

Restoration and compensation of lost opportunities and functions.

These goals are determined by social technologies that can be used to effectively socially adapt young people with ABS.

One of the leading traditional technologies is rehabilitation activities. Rehabilitation means a process that has the goal to provide young people with ABS opportunity to achieve an optimal physical, intellectual, mental and social level of activity and maintain it, thereby giving them means designed to change their lives and expand the framework of their independence.

"Implementation of all directions of rehabilitation occurs within the framework of the Individual Rehabilitation Program (IPR), which makes it possible to take into account the physical and psychophysiological features of a young man with ABS and related rehabilitation potential. The IPR includes rehabilitation activities aimed at restoring the abilities of a young man with ABS to household capacity , public, professional activities in accordance with the structure of its needs, the circle of interest, the level of claims, taking into account the predicted level of its somatic state, psycho-physiological endurance, social status and the real possibilities of the social environment infrastructure. "

The individual rehabilitation program includes the following types of rehabilitation: medical, psychological and pedagogical, professional and social.

The initial link of the overall rehabilitation system is medical rehabilitation, which is carried out in order to restore or compensate for lost or disturbed functional abilities of a young man with ABS. It includes the restoration and replacement of lost organs, suspending the progression of diseases, sanatorium-resort treatment, reconstructive surgery, which restores the affected organs, creates organs or their parts instead of lost, and eliminates the disorders of the appearance obtained as a result of the disease or injury.

It can be stated that medical rehabilitation is carried out in most cases for life, since to prevent the negative dynamics of the state of young people with HPV, medical support and recovery measures are needed.

Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation is an educational event aimed at ensuring that the young man with OVD mastered the necessary skills and skills in self-service, was educated. The most important goal of this activity, its psychological component - the development of a young man with HSA confidence in its own opportunities, creating an active independent life plant. It also provides professional diagnostics and professional orientation of young people with ABS, training them with appropriate labor skills and skills.

The main tasks of professional rehabilitation: to return the young man with an independence in everyday life, return it to the previous job, if possible or prepare for the fulfillment of another work corresponding to its working capacity. Practice shows that with an adequate state of health and a desire in choosing a profession, as well as the appropriate adaptation of working conditions, young people with ABS are able to continue to preserve the ability to work and perform quite large amounts of work. Long-term lacklessness not only leads to the decalification of a specialist, the extinction of professional skills, but negatively affects the state of health, as a rule, these people have drastically violated social ties, including worsen family relationships, Communication with friends is stopped, spiritual interests are narrowed, depression appears.

The social rehabilitation program covers almost all issues of vital activity of young people with ABS and includes psychological, social and domestic, socio-economic and socio-cultural rehabilitation.

"The whole cycle of medical and recovery activities accompanies psychological rehabilitation, facilitating the ideas of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uselessness of the rehabilitation in the consciousness of a young man with an urgent ideas about the use of rehabilitation. It is extremely important to assess the psychological status of young people with ABS, which makes it possible to allocate people who are especially needed in long-term courses of psychotherapeutic events. On removal of anxiety, neurotic reactions, on the formation of an adequate attitude towards a disease and restorative measures. "

An important goal of psychological assistance is the training of a young man with ABS to independently solve problems with regard to professional activities and family life, orientation to return to work and in general to active livelihoods.

The leading areas of social and household rehabilitation are considered to consider medical and social care, pensions, benefits, obtaining the necessary prostheses, personal means of movement of the house and on the street, other devices that allow the young man with HSS to become quite independent in everyday life.

Socio-economic rehabilitation is a set of activities that includes: providing a young man with ABS necessary and convenient for him by the housing, located near the place of study or work, maintaining the confidence that it is a useful member of society; The monetary support of his and his family by paying temporary disability or disability, the appointment of pensions, etc.

Social rehabilitation measures should ensure the elimination of barriers that impede the full life of people whose health does not fully allow them to be fully without appropriate adaptation of their living environment to use public benefits and to participate in the increase in these goods.

The sociocultural rehabilitation is an important element of rehabilitation activities, since it satisfies the need for young people with the need for information, in obtaining socio-cultural services, in the available types of creativity, even if they do not bring any material remuneration. Socio-cultural activity acts as an essential socializing factor, entitling young people with ABS to communicate, coordinate actions, restoring their self-esteem. As an element of socio-cultural rehabilitation, sports rehabilitation can be considered, in which the mechanisms of rivalry are particularly strong in the field of creative rehabilitation. In addition to the overall healing impact, sports and participation in special competitions for young people with ABS increase the degree of coordination of movements, develop communication, bring up command skills.

Sociocommunicative rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the direct social interactions of a young man with ABS, strengthening its social network. Within the framework of this activity, there is training for communication skills in the new for a young man with HFI conditions of a violation of a number of functions. Based on the folding of adequate, but favorable self-esteem, a young man with ABS should form a new image "I" and a positively painted picture of the world, which will prevent negative emotional reactions in communicating with other people. The need for personal communications is restored, which can be broken during post-traumatic stress or illness. An important feature of this process is the organization of special channels or communication tools, if a young man with OVS in them needs to teach it using such means. In addition, trainings of communication skills are useful or even necessary, which are carried out with the aim of forming a social skill with a young man.

In this way, entity and Rehabilitation Content Young people with life limitations are to restore not only health, ability to work, but also the social status of the person, its legal status, moral and psychological balance, self-confidence, the ability to integrate into society.

"Social adaptation acquires exceptional relevance in turning periods of the life of a young man with ABS. She helps him adapt to the state arising from injury or illness, teaches to enjoy different technical and other means provided for to support this category of population. The purpose of this technology is to ensure social and psychological independence, strengthen the capacity of a young man with OVD. "

There are several types of adaptation of young people with HSA.

Socio-household adaptation of young people with ABS is a system of measures aimed at restoring abilities to independent activities in everyday life and ensuring their integration into society. The social and consumer adaptation program includes:

Special training for self-service skills, care, movement and movement;

Assistance in the selection of technical means of rehabilitation and teaching use;

Development of individual solutions to the adaptation of housing and communal conditions, a workplace for the needs of a young man with ABS.

Psychological adaptation helps to form a positive attitude towards life, herself and their state in young people. An important step in the process of psychological adaptation is the transition from passive participation to active creative activities.

Aesthetic education and cultural and leisure activities, which are defined as an integral part of the adaptation of a young man with HSA, as provided:

The ability to enter a new social environment, expand the circle of communication with peers and get rid of the incompleteness complex;

Engage in creative activity;

Detect hidden talents.

Socio-labor adaptation young people with ABS includes also aimed at a common goal of a set of events: the adaptation of the production environment to the needs and needs of such people, adaptation to the requirements of production.

"The possibility of adaptation is in a strong dependence on the severity and experience of disability, as well as the quality of life of a young man with ABS. In particular, the easier the group of disability, less than its experience and prosperity of the family, the higher the level of motivation for rehabilitation activities."

The most important condition for the achievement of social adaptation goals is the introduction of an idea of \u200b\u200bequal rights and opportunities for young people with ABS. Social adaptation will not be achieved until the humanisticity and feasibility of this idea have been cultivated in society. It is social services that are called upon to promote, on the one hand, the effective adaptation of a young man with ABS in society, on the other hand, the prevention of disability. Disability prevention involves measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of physical, mental and sensory defects or to prevent the defect transition to a permanent functional limitation.

Basic goals, on which this process is reached:

Identification of causes and conditions that contribute to the occurrence of disability;

Reducing the likelihood or prevention of disability;

Preserving, maintaining and protecting the optimal level and lifestyle of young people with OVD.

2. Federal law "On the formation of persons with disabilities"

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled in the Russian Federation" adopted in 1995, one of the most effective mechanisms for increasing social status and the protection of persons with disabilities is to obtain a full-fledged vocational education.

Overly to say, how important in the human life is the choice of the sphere of professional activity.

The mistakes made are difficult to correct, and the right choice is the basis of vital success and self-realization, both personality and a professional. The ability to profession can be developed in the course of study or in the process of industrial activity.

Article 79. Organization of obtaining education learners with disabilities:

Vocational training I. professional education Study with disabilities are carried out on the basis of educational programs adapted when necessary to train these student.

The state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide professional training learning with disabilities (with various forms of mental retardation) that have no basic general or secondary general education.

Professional educational organizations and educational organizations higher educationAs well as organizations carrying out educational activities on basic vocational training programs, special conditions must be created to obtain education learners with disabilities. [Article 79. Organization of obtaining education learners with disabilities. [Law 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" 2016 CHAPTER XI. Article 79. ].

The right to education is one of the fundamental rights of any person. For disabled people and persons with limited health opportunities (ABS), education is vital, since it contributes to the development of personality, an increase in its social status and security.

The issue of ensuring the rights of persons with ABS on the rehabilitation by means of education is an important component of the state policy of our country, which is reflected in the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled in the Russian Federation" (November 1995). Russia's accession to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted at the 61st session of the UN General Assembly and entered into force at the international level in May 2008, requires special attention to the issues of providing disabled and persons with the Rights of High-quality and Vocational Education As the conditions for their social integration.

It is known that reducing the availability of high-quality education leads to the aggravation of the folding social inequality and is a prerequisite for marginalization (from Lat. Marginalis - on the edge) of those citizens who could not get it. Disabled and Persons with ABS are often called researchers among those who are subject to risk of marginalization. In this regard, in the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015. It is emphasized by the need for special attention to ensuring the availability of high-quality education and creating conditions for the successful socialization of children of OVI, disabled children, children who are left without parental care, as well as children in a difficult life situation.

The state authorities of the regional level take steps in order to expand the successful practices of the formation of persons with ABS. For example, the law of the city of Moscow No. 16 dated April 28, 2010 "On the formation of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow" enshrines the responsibility of the state authorities of the city of Moscow for the creation of conditions in state educational institutions for the general and vocational education of persons with ABS. Article 10 of this Legislative Act directly indicates that "state educational institutions of primary professional, secondary vocational and higher vocational education are carried out by the psychological and medical and pedagogical correction of restrictions on the possibilities of students aimed at restoring or compensating for disturbed functions."

In this context, the load on the institutions of secondary vocational education is seriously increasing, which will have to ensure the implementation of the right to high-quality vocational education for a large number of people with disabilities and Persons with ABS. This social group is a promising category of students who want and under appropriate conditions can be trained in a system of secondary vocational education. In order for the process of their vocational training and further employment to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the realities and trends in the development of a professional education system, as well as the requirements of the regional - the capital-based labor market, which is under pressure from such socio-economic factors as a demographic situation, labor Migration, constant growth of the system of higher professional education, etc.

According to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, as of December 1, 2010, the city of Moscow received a profession / specialty of 3252 students with HSAs. This is quite large and polymorphic in the composition of the group consisting of persons with sensory, motor, intellectual and complex disorders, somatic diseases, part of which has disability.


After analyzing the specifics of the social adaptation of young people with disabilities, it can be concluded that the process of organizing social adaptation is becoming an exceptional relevance in critical periods of the life of a young man with ABS. Social adaptation is aimed at adapting to a state resulting from injury or illness, training to enjoy different technical and other means provided for in support of this category of population. The most important conditions for achieving the goals of social adaptation are, on the one hand, introduction to the public awareness of the ideas of equal rights and opportunities for young people with OVD,and on the other, the formation of a subject's position in young people with ABS in relation to the process of overcoming difficulties and the desire to improve the effectiveness of their own social adaptation in society. The effectiveness of the social adaptation of young people with APV is largely due to harmony, complementing these two processes. The awareness and cultivation of these ideas in society. It is social services that are encouraged to promote, on the one hand, the effective adaptation of a young man with ABS in society, on the other hand, the prevention of the formation of an inadequate attitude towards the phenomenon of disability. And also not a small role is played by a full-fledged vocational education, which is possible and necessary in our country, for the successful implementation of oneself as a socially significant person for society and the state.

List of references

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4. Vygotsky ji.c. Social Situation of Development / Psychology of Social Situations. C-PB., 2011.

5. Dobrovolskaya T.A. Shabalina N.B. Disabled and Society: Socio-psychological integration // Sociological research. 2011. No. 5.

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Modern education focuses on the development of adaptive strategies for children with special educational needs, which is a regular stage associated with rethinking by society and the state of its attitude towards people with development deviations, with the recognition of their rights to provide equal opportunities in training.

Inclusive education is a term used to describe the learning process of children with disabilities in secondary schools. It is based on an ideology that eliminates any discrimination of students, but at the same time creates special conditions for children with problems in development. The theory of inclusive education recognizes that all children can fully learn, and their distinctive features Decent respect. The inclusion of special children into the team of peers gives them the opportunity to fully participate in the life of an educational institution.

At the same time, the widespread dissection of deviations in the mental development of children is for the society by a constant source of problems, the main difficulties of social adaptation, leading to the deviant behavior, resulting in crime growth and defective integration into society, can be considered a constant source of problems. Deviant behavior has acquired a massive character in recent years and has become a serious social, psychological and pedagogical problem. The deviating behavior of a person is a set of actions contrary to the norms adopted in society and manifest themselves in the form of aggression, attempts by suicide, alcoholism and drug addiction, violation of food behavior, abnormal behavior, communicative deviations, pathocharacterological accentuations. Deviant behavior is due to a violation of social adaptation.

Various difficulties arising in the process of adapting the younger generation to modern living conditions and society will generate the deformation of interpersonal relations, separation of generations, the loss of traditions. The greatest difficulties in the adaptation to the requirements of the modern complex economic, political, spiritual life are adolescents with various developmental impairments. Difficulties of adaptation to new social conditions are due to both reasons that caused one or other deviation, incorrect conditions for the education of adolescents with disabilities (OBAs) and the consequence of the violated development. In this regard, one of the topical tasks of special psychology is to study the factors of the formation of deviant behavior in children and adolescents with ABS for the purpose of their prevention and prevention on the basis of dizontogenesis.

Especially intensively, social adaptation problems are manifested in children with a change in the social situation of development associated with the process of entering organized groups of peers with the beginning of the development of school learning situations. This period is critical, because The structure of the intellectual and personal development of the child, which reflects the peculiarities of its previous social adaptation and socialization is checked for strength. Such problems are observed in 15% -40% of students of junior classes. In addition, in mass groups where children with disabilities with hearing impairment are integrated, children with ZPR, UO and autism - teachers in practice have to solve a difficult problem of finding children in groups of children with impaired intelligence and inadequate behavior. Recently, among healthy children, more and more children are becoming not only with unpredictable behavior, but also with asocial (deviant) behavior. Moreover, they raise such boys, as a rule, some mothers who clearly do not cope with them.

The work of the teacher in inclusion becomes extremely difficult: the responsibility of teachers increases, including legal (as the risk of injury in this situation increases). After all, the number of children in the class does not decrease when children appear in them with special needs. As a result, inclusion inevitably decreases the level of knowledge of healthy children, as the teacher is forced to damage them to spend more time for training and care for a child with special needs.

In the category of dezadapted, first of all, children with developmental impairments are falling, and the symptoms of school deadaptions act as secondary signs of violations. However, the problems of adaptation to school are not always a consequence of any defect. For example, the primary symptoms of mental underdevelopment can be so weakly pronounced that they themselves are not able to cause the difficulties of adaptation to school learning, but they become with inadequate pedagogical impacts, both from the school and from the family.

Among the real causes underlying violations of school adaptation, the lack of readiness of the child to school, socio-pedagogical nestry; long mental deprivation; somatic mind of the child; violation of the pace and quality of formation of individual mental functions; difficulties experienced in the formation of educational actions; Motor disorders; Emotional disorders. The listed violations should be considered as risk factors capable of becoming the causes of school deadaption under certain conditions. The impact of these factors on the development of disadaptation depends on the possibility of compensating for disturbed functions and positive changes in the media situation. However, all named factors pose a threat to the personal well-being of the child.

What is the position of the teacher: the teacher, teachers in the conditions of inclusion? After all, the teacher is legal responsibility for the life and health of children. (If, God forbid, what happens, the teacher will be in prison). And often a special pupil is a source of danger, and he can harm and surrounding, and even himself.

Insolvency in educational activities leads to violations of school discipline, increased conflict with others, which, against the background of complete loss of interest in school, often leads to the formation of asocial behavior, and can also contribute to the emergence of neuropsychiatric and psychosomatic disorders. The basis of the violation of school discipline is also the deviations in behavior, which are formed in connection with hyperopulility syndromes or psychomotor inhibition, and the psychological difficulties of a deadaptive nature often have a secondary conditionality, arising as a consequence of the incorrect intere-configuration of the teacher of individual and psychological features of the child 8; eleven].

An important role in successful adaptation to school is played personal features Children. The child's non-formation of the necessary communication skills or the presence of negative personalities often lead to its cure or passive ignorance by classmates.

Among the most important external factors capable of leading to the rapid and sufficiently serious disadaptation of the child should be considered a demonstratively negative attitude towards him by a teacher who form a similar attitude and by peers, the result of which is the situation of traumatic isolation of such a child. Studies of this problem have shown that the negative style of the teacher's attitude towards students, undisciplined or poorly coping with study, leads to the fact that in the first grade they fall into the category "rejected", which prevents the normal development of their intellectual abilities, forms unwanted features Character and the secondly exacerbates school failure.

Sustainable, in time not compensated forms of school deadaption, exacerbating the manifestations of deviations in the mental development of the child, often lead to the formation of sustainable types of behavioral disruption, often achieved levels of clinical and criminal severity. The so-called deviant (deviating) behavior, understood as a violation of legal, moral and social norms of behavior developing.

Depending on the approaches to the definition of deviant behavior, the causes of its occurrence are distinguished. S. A. Belicheva considers the main cause of deviant behavior to the adverse psychosocial development and violation of the process of socialization and social adaptation. These violations are manifested in the form of children's-teenage deadaption, which can be represented in a freely complex combination and occurs at a fairly early age, and at different stages of the formation of deviant behavior of the measure of the pathogenicity of each factor and its place in the general structure change, as a result of which this kind of identification of this kind Negative influences is difficult.

V. N. Mezishchev, who was engaged in the problems of difficult-to-adequacy as a form of manifestation of deviant behavior, indicated that Deviant behavior is the result of a complex plexus of a complex of social and biological factors. At the same time, "... We emphasize the importance of studying the personality of the child as a whole, the role of his attitude to reality and characteristics from the point of view of the dynamics of these relations of abnormal childhood ...".

E. V. Zmanovskaya allocated several groups of factors leading to the development of deviant behavior: individually-typological vulnerability; violation of self-regulation of personality; deficiency of personality resources; deficit of socially supporting systems; Socio-psychological conditions that are launching and supporting deviant behavior; Personality ratio to deviating behavior. The combination of several factors determines the psychological tendency of a child or adolescent to a certain type of deviant behavior.

Deviation behavior has a complex nature caused by a variety of factors located in complex interaction and mutual influence. The development of a person is due to the interaction of many factors: heredity, environment, upbringing, own practical activities, etc. We have highlighted the following key factors that cause the deviant behavior of persons with ABS:

1. Biological factors to which the presence of psychophysiological or anatomical disorders in a child, impede its social adaptation. And here we are not talking about special genes that fatally affecting the development of deviant behavior, but only about the factors that, along with socio-pedagogical correction, also require medical. These include genetic factors. These may be hereditaryly determined violations of mental development, hearing defects and vision, movement The apparatus, damage to the nervous system, as well as the effects of hereditary diseases, especially heredity, burdened by alcoholism. In addition, these violations arise as a result of the influence of endo- or exogenous pathological factors during the period of intrauterine development, during the pregnancy of the mother by virtue of the defective and improper nutrition, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking; Mother's diseases (physical and mental injuries during pregnancy, chronic and somatic infectious diseases, Card and brain injuries, venereal diseases).

Negative impacts on the fruit are further able to lead to the pathology of the regulation of the affective, cognitive and behavioral sphere of the child, which subsequently may entail the early beginning of the consumption of psychoactive substances.

The following group is psycho-physiological factors associated with the influence of physical exertion, stress, conflict situations on the human body, chemical composition Environment, new types of energy leading to various somatic, allergic, toxic diseases.

Physiological factors involving violations of speech, external unattractiveness, disorders of the human musculoskeletal system, which in most cases cause a negative attitude from others, which leads to a distortion of the system of interpersonal relations of the child in the peer environment, the team. Physiological risk factors for the development of deviant behavior include diseases with organic inferiority of the brain (for example, the consequences of the cranial injury, epilepsy). These problems affect the functional capabilities of the brain, reducing its ability to carry intense or long-term loads, both in the intellectual sphere and in emotional. As a result, persons with similar problems will look for a tool that helps them cope with the loads. And the psychoactive substances are often becoming often.

2. Psychological factors include the individual-psychological features of the child, reinforcing the likelihood of the use of psychoactive substances, the abuse of them and the development of dependence. This is an increased impulsiveness, desire to search for novelty, childish hyperactivity syndrome, behavior violations in childhood. Psychological factors of the risk of developing deviations is also the presence of a child of psychopathy or character accentuation. These deviations are expressed in neuropsychiatric diseases, neurasthenia, borderline states that increase the excitability of the nervous system and conditioning inadequate adolescent reactions.

Children with accentuated features of character, which is an extreme option of mental norms, are extremely vulnerable to various psychological impacts and need, as a rule, in socio-medical rehabilitation, along with measures of an educational nature.

In each period of development of the child, some mental qualities are formed, personalities and character features. A teenager has two options for the development of adaptation: either alienation from the social environment where he lives, or an introduction. If the child feels a lack of parental caress, love, attention, then alienation will be a protective mechanism in this case. The manifestations of such an alienation may be neurotic reactions, violations of communicating with others, emotional instability and coldness, increased vulnerability due to mental illness of a pronounced or borderline, lag behind or retarding mental development, disproportionality of the development of the psyche.

One of the main psychological reasons, many researchers call low self-esteem of children, especially teenagers. The discrepancies between the claims of a teenager and its capabilities lead to psychological breakdowns, increased conflict, especially with adults. Adolescents due to age features in some periods inherent inadequate assessment of their capabilities and their own value as a person. In addition to behavioral and emotional disruptions, this situation can lead to depression and, as a result, the reluctance to attend school, a decrease in academic performance, finding support among "dubious" friends and other deviations in behavior.

These risk factors are primarily by initial inductants to receive psychoactive substances. The habit of regularly consuming them is also developing under the action of supporting conditions, which are concluded both in the social recognition of the adolescent as a reference group and in the very "positive" action of the consumed substance. The activity of reinforcing conditions leads to the fact that diverse, especially stressful, situations often cause the need for addiction.

Characteristic adolescent reactions such as failure, protest, grouping are, as a rule, a consequence of emotionally dependent, disharmonious family relations.

3. Social and pedagogical factors include the features of family or public education, the social status of parents, the success of the child of social roles, the situation in various systems of interpersonal relations, the reactions of the surrounding behavior, on deviations in development, etc. .

Pedagogical neglence in family or public education leads to violations of the early socialization of the child during childhood with the accumulation of negative experience. Such manifestations of social deadaption, as a problematic behavior, unequivocally in school, a reduced orientation to achieve success in school, a positive attitude towards drug use, awareness of its inferiority, contribute to the development of frustration - a state of mental discomfort in the dissatisfaction of certain needs. It is the presence of a low frustration threshold that seems to be an essential psychological factor in the development of mental dependence.

Often young people who use psychoactive substances cannot explain the cause of their dependence. They reduce everything to direct subjective sensations arising after taking psychoactive substances: a change in consciousness, euphoria, relaxation. Three types of personal motivations of psychoactive substances were installed: 1) positive ("to get pleasure"); 2) negative ("protection against longing"); 3) neutral ("to adapt to others", "by habit"). Nevertheless, the main motive for taking psychoactive substances in adolescents is precisely extended conformity with the desire of any cost to be "its" in the reference microgroup, i.e., the "neutral" motivation is of paramount importance.

An important factor in the occurrence of deviations in the psychosocial development of the child is the disabilities of families. The nearest environment has the strongest influence on the acquisition of children and adolescents to alcohol and drugs. Half of children up to 10 years and 90% to 15 years old for the first time, alcohol was influenced by the next relatives, friends familiar.

In the family, children can be brutally handling. These actions include physical, emotional, sexual violence, recurring unjustified punishments or restrictions that have physical damage to the child. Children who were subjected to such an appeal are devoid of the safety of the safety required for their normal development. The type of response of children and adolescents on cruel appeal depends on the age of the child, the features of his personality, social experience. Along with mental reactions (fear, sleep disorder, appetite, etc.), there are various forms of violations of behavior: an increase in aggressiveness, cruelty or insecurity, timidity, disorders with peers, reducing self-esteem. In children and adolescents who were sexually violent (or encroachment), there are also various violations of sexual behavior, manifested in the difficulties of becoming sexual identification, fear of any kind of sexuality and others. It is important that the majority of children who have experienced a child abuse ( Violence) adults, tend to reproduce it, speaking as a rapist and tormentover.

Analysis of the family and its impacts on the psychosocial development of a child shows that the conditions for their early socialization are violated from a large group of children. Some of them are in conditions of stressful situations with the risk of physical or mental violence leading to various forms of deviation; Others are involved in criminal activities with the formation of sustainable forms of delinquent or criminal behavior.

4.Social and economic factors include social inequality; The bundle of society on rich and poor; restriction of socially acceptable ways to obtain decent earnings; unemployment; inflation; as well as the low moral and moral level of modern society.

In the past, it was believed that the most important social factor contributing to the spread of deviant forms of behavior is the standard of living, the contrast of income distribution in society. Indeed, the most widely chemical dependence is common among low-income layers. But it turned out that an increase in the well-being of society's life also contributes to alcoholization and drugs: urbanization has led to more accessibility of alcohol and drugs. In 1990-2000. The social status of addicts has shifted from the antisocial and marginal elements to the group of formally prosperous and materially secured people. Extensive social groups began to be involved. The consequence of this was the change in the relationship of society to the problem of drug addiction. It began to be perceived no longer as something extraordinary, tragic and frightening. The "lifestyle", the fashion for the use of alcohol and drugs affects both the level of consumption and the preference of a certain psychoactive substance.

A similar deviant "subculture" is a consequence of the low moral and moral level of modern society and a neutral attitude towards the manifestations of deviating behavior, which in turn leads to the quantitative growth of adolescent deviations reaching the level of criminal severity.

The presence of adolescent deviations in development aggravates the risk of developing deviations, since negatively affects the development of the cognitive sphere and interpersonal communication, leads to significant shortcomings in the formation of ideas about people around people and in establishing full-fledged contacts with them, as well as violations of behavior, problems in their social problems -Pedagogical adaptation and rehabilitation.

One of the patterns of mental development of persons with disabilities is an uniqueness in the formation of personality and self-consciousness, manifested in different ways with different variants of disonatogenesis. These include inadequate self-esteem, increased sustainability against asocial forms of behavior and low criticality in communicating with persons prone to the commission of unlawful actions, the difficulties of regulating emotions in the form of impulsiveness and affective excitability to aggression, insufficiently formed communicative skills leading to fears of contacts . These features lead to the formation of various deviations in behavior. Inadequate self-esteem leads to problems in interpersonal communication, suicide attempts, addiction development; Increased sustainability, propagating and asocial forms of behavior, contributes to involvement in criminal activities; impulsivity can lead to aggression; Violations in the communicative sphere - to the emergence of various phobias. For example, children with intelligence disruption due to increased suggestedness are particularly vulnerable to physical and sexual violence, and disinfecting syndrome contributes to the formation of sexual deviations. Teenagers with hearing impairment, due to the isolation of their reference groups and communication with the help of a gesture, incomprehensible to most surrounding, can be involved in criminal activity. For children and adolescents with psychopathies, the manifestation of aggression and autoagression is characterized as a way to achieve the desired result.

Thus, the deviant behavior in children and adolescents with disabilities is often a reaction to unfavorable conditions (social or micro-social), in which they found themselves, while socially acceptable ways of behavior have exhausted themselves or inconsistent.

Summing up the description of the signs and factors of deviant behavior, the following highlights should be emphasized, important for the correct understanding of the essence of this phenomenon in the context of consideration of the reasons for their occurrence in children with disabilities.

Firstly, each of the listed factors is extremely rare in "pure", isolated and, as a rule, combined with the action of other factors, forming a complex, hierarchical structure of violations of behavior.

Secondly, the effect of any factor is not direct, but is manifested indirectly, and at different stages of the formation of the deviant behavior of the measure of the pathogenicity of each factor and its place in the general structure are not constant.

Thirdly, the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents with OBS occurs not just on the background, but in an inseparable connection with the symptoms of mental disonatogenesis, which does not give grounds for their identification, but determines the need to analyze their relationship in each particular case, since it is precisely such an analysis To develop a system of preventive measures.

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