
Prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: methods and their features

Of course, the entire musculoskeletal system of a person consists not only of a skeleton, but also from a complex of muscles, ligaments, bones, cartilage, tendons. In this regard, the diseases of the musculoskeletal system may affect each of its parts.

The musculoskeletal department in the human body is fully responsible for its multifunctionality. Thus, the skeletal base is responsible for the flexible and durable bone joint strengthens the support for soft tissues. Various forms and positions of bones are protective shields for many internal organs man.

Thanks to the musculoskeletal compounds, cartilage and tendons, a person has the ability to make movements with all parts of the body. Numerous medical research The history of the diseases of this system, concluded that there is a considerable amount of them and the abnormalities of the diseases may occur in a number of quite different causes.

Unfortunately, modern life dictates new working conditions, the so-called "office", which have a very negative impact on all occurring processes in this area.

In addition, the diseases of the musculoskeletal department of a person are found in school age children, and people of the leading is quite improper and a sedentary lifestyle exacerbated by unbalanced and avitamin food, stressful and constantly oppressed state.

Also, factors as transferred various diseases in acute or chronic form and predisposition to heredity have all prerequisites for a provocative increase in the risk of such diseases.

However, specialists have proven that any diseases of the musculoskeletal system were not observed, each of them require very painful and long-term treatment, with the use of many different drugs and procedures.

Therefore, before doctors, it is a very difficult task - to convey to each potential patient with such varieties of this disease about all sorts and timely preventive courses.

First of all, each person needs to make a certain complex of physical exercises, chosen individually according to general status Health.

But it should be noted that any physical exercises It is necessary to fulfill, only after consultation with the profiling doctor, also this type of preventive methods is strictly contraindicated in the inflammatory period of the disease.

In addition to exercise, in the form of gymnastics, the passage of massage courses and water procedures (pools, specialized baths and souls) are recommended.

An important factor favorably affecting the work of the musculoskeletal department is the right choice of diet in various periods of life and the condition of the body (periods of pregnancy and lactation, stressful situations, body weight loss or overweight, unfavorable family predisposition on the background of genetics).

In addition, each person needs to control the content of calcium in the body, thereby not allowing its decrease in the established norm. Since such deviation from the norm can lead to the destruction of the bones of the entire system.

Also, it should not be forgotten that each of us must hold adequate every day, and do not succumb to negative external influences, such as alcoholic beverages, smoking, the use of psychotropic and narcotic drugs, abuse of coffee and its additives, excessive reception of drugs, without Appointment of a doctor.

In addition, the incorrectly selected bed and unhealthy human sleep can lead to the emergence of symptoms of such ailments. Well, the most sought-after, both preventive and restorative event recognized resort and sanatorium treatment with a specially selected program, according to a medical examination of each of the rest in it.

To eliminate such ailments as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, each person is attentive to its health care, use all recommended preventive methods and sanatorium treatment.

Musculina In the human body is represented by bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. During the life, the musculoskeletal system is subjected to colossal loads. Thanks to this system, a person can move in space in the desired direction, maintain its body in a certain static position, make any complex movements. Musculoskeletal system It works constantly, day-to-day and can afford only small pauses and rest.
With age, unfortunately, like any other system of our body, musculina Subject to certain involutive changes. People of the older and old age becomes more difficult to move, perform certain physical exertion, pain in muscles, bones and joints appear.
Slow down aging musculoskeletal system And it is possible to improve its condition under the condition of constant and continuous compliance with the rules of a certain lifestyle.
The first and most importantly rule is a movement. To maintain in the form of its bone-articular and muscular system, you must have a dosage physical Load everyday. Most best tool For this - walking. It is necessary to walk at least one hour per day. It is not necessary to go quickly and without stopping: you can walk a slow-size step, and when you feel fatigue - to stay on holiday or take a shop and raise deeply. You can also make a daily morning charging, pose for yourself comfortable and efficient exercises.
The second rule: you need to establish a diet. Exclude harmful and useless products, limit the consumption of fried, smoked and flour products. Enter in the diet more vegetables and fruits, products rich in fiber and iron. Be sure to drink a sufficient amount of fluid - about 2 liters per day.
You also need fresh air. Walk where more trees grow and drives as few cars as possible. Be sure to ventilate the room for 10-20 minutes several times a day.
It will be very desirable to choose the right clothes. . It must be made of natural fabrics, match the size and not to stance movements. Shoes should be comfortable and functional.
Extremely useful for the musculoskeletal system will be hardening. Thanks to the hardening procedures to the muscles and joints, a larger amount of blood will fall, feeding them with the necessary substances, and you will gain the vigor of the spirit and increase the resistance to disease.
For the spine and joints, sleep on a hard mattress is very useful (better if the mattress is a special orthopedic) and without a pillow, or with an orthopedic pillow.
In compliance with these uncomplicated rules, you can conduct a more active lifestyle without discomfort and pain, your vital energy Breaks a new key and you will feel much healthier and better.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The basis or frame of the human body is the musculoskeletal system, which consists of a skeleton, joints, muscles, tendons. Frame and provides the body with a support and the ability to move. The activity of a person and the quality of life depends on its condition.

The musculoskeletal system develops up to 30 years. In the youth, the processes of updating and destruction of cells and cartilage are in a balanced form. During this period, the disorder of tissue integrity is most often due to injuries and damage. But as the body is aging, cell renewal slows down even from completely healthy people. Density bone tissue Decreases, joints and intervertebral discs are wearing, the body holds less moisture, on which the condition of the connective tissue depends and its ability to compensate for the load. The result becomes the fragility and fragility of cartilage and intervertebral disks. It leads to osteochondrosis and arthrosis.

It is believed that people over 60 are necessarily there are signs of one or another disease. However, those who are with youth to take care of the health of bones and joints less acutely feel these inevitable changes in the body and retain activity for many years.

If we talk about the musculoser, then the expression is most suitable for its health: everything should be in moderation.

Physical activity Must be dosed. Overloads can lead to injuries and acceleration of bone wear processes. The disadvantage leads to the gradual loss of the functions of the musculoskeletal system: the muscles are weakened, the metabolism in the articular fluid is disturbed. Physical activity must be suitable individually. Optimal option - Walking on foot within an hour per day.

Body mass It is also important for the health of the musculoskeletal system. Excess weight gives an additional load on the knee and hip joints and the spine itself. Sleeping fat worsens the flow of nutrients in the body fabric. Weight deficit also badly affects the health of bones and joints, weak muscle tissue impairs the protection of joints and bones, in addition, the lack of weight can lead.

Food For the musculoskeletal system should also be balanced. The most important elements for bone health are vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. For joints, the consumption of sulfur and gelatin is important. For muscle tissue - vegetable and animal protein.

How to ensure full nutrition for bones and joints

Under the influence of sunlights in the body, the synthesis of vitamin D occurs, which directly affects the fortress of bones and joints. The lack of this vitamin in children leads to rickets, in adults to a decrease in tissue density and, in the future, to osteoporosis.

Just staying in the sun for 15 minutes with an open person for obtaining a daily rate of vitamin D. But in the context of Russia, even with such minimal needs, the lack of the Sun is experiencing most of the population. Therefore, very often doctors recommend the use of biologically active additives containing this vitamin. One of these drugs is that contain fishery (omega 3), are a source of vitamin D, A and E and an effective constructive means.

No less important for a full-fledged chondroitine and glucosamine. These substances normally should be produced by the body in the right amount itself, but with age, the process slows down, which leads to their lack of.

Chondroitin It is important, it ensures the elasticity of the joints and their flexibility, is part of cartilage, bones, ligaments, vessels. Glucosamine It is in the composition chondroitin and is a necessary component for the normal functioning of the human musculoskeletal system. It is used as a building material in connecting tissues, contributing to their strength and resistance to stretching. The lack of glucosamine leads to degenerative changes in cartilage tissues, which entails the wear of bone tissue, reduce the strength of the joints and articular bags, reduce the elasticity of ligaments. Glucosamine deficiency in human chondroitin is one of the causes of osteoarthritis and other diseases of the spine, joints and ligaments.

It is important to ensure sufficient entry of these substances into the body. For this purpose, a biologically active additive is intended. Reception of this additive not only helps protect the joints from these disastrous effects, activating the process of producing glucosamine in the body natural wayBut also leads to the normal calcium content in bone tissue.

It must be remembered that the state of the musculoskeletal system directly affects human activity, its performance and quality of life. The use of biologically active additives aimed at becomes useful for any person.


  • Armit;
  • Don;
  • Formula-C;
  • Structum;
  • Teraflex;
  • Piasklined

Preparations for injection

  • Elbon;
  • Nettext;
  • Alflutop;
  • Hondronolon;
  • Socken;
  • Fermatron;
  • Sininkisk;
  • Hyalur;
  • Osual.

Prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Prevention Diseases of the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system are directed, first of all, to change the lifestyle. Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is aimed at strengthening bone, muscle tissue, synovial compounds and preventing pathologies.

Proper balanced nutrition, compliance with the day mode, active rest and rejection of bad habits contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes. Use useful products Power is saturated with the organism necessary vitamins, microelements.

To strengthen the joints and all tissues of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to obtain vitamins A, E, C, in.

The prevention of arthrosis includes such aspects:

  • moderate physical exertion;
  • wearing comfortable shoes;
  • reception of chondroprotectors;
  • balanced diet;
  • weight Correction.

The prevention of arthrosis, arthritis of chronic form consists in carrying out strengthening therapy, timely treatment of infectious, viral diseases. ENT organs, carious teeth lesions are also sources of proliferation of infection, so it is necessary to monitor the state of the oral cavity and regularly visit the dentist.

Osteochondrosis prophylactic measures include such aspects:

  • ban on lifting weights;
  • back massage;
  • exercises on the horizontal bar;
  • rest after a long stay in a vertical position;
  • uniform load distribution.

It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for night rest. In order for the body to be in the right position, use an orthopedic pillow or roller under the neck, sleeping on a hard mattress.

The prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is active leisure (swimming, cycling, hiking, skiing) and organism rehabilitation.

Also in prophylactic purposes, orthoses are used - orthopedic devices intended for fixing and removing the load from the spine and joints.

With arthrosis to restore cartilage, special preparations are applied - chondroprotectors. They affect the cause of the disease, returning the joint mobility in full. The course of treatment is long, from 6 months to a year. With arthrosis caused by autoimmune diseases, potent means apply. Cytostatic and immunosuppressors suppress their own immunity and thus saved the joints from destruction. Therapy diagram is determined individually by a doctor for each patient.

Based on the fact that chondroprotectors act long enough, and rather slowly, an anesthetic effect that "presented" the treatment of joints is maintained for 3-6 months, which will also depend on the degree of complexity of a particular disease.

Chondroprotectors for reception inside

This group includes such drugs as:

  • Armit;
  • Don;
  • Formula-C;
  • Structum;
  • Teraflex;
  • Piasklined

Preparations for injection

This group consists of the following drugs:

  • Elbon;
  • Nettext;
  • Alflutop;
  • Hondronolon;

It should be noted that injections begin to act much faster than any other means that the joints are ensured. The full-fledged therapeutic course consists of 10-20 injections, after which preparations for intakes are used.

Substituents of intra-articular fluid

Chondroprotectors created based on hyaluronic acid. These include:

  • Socken;
  • Fermatron;
  • Sininkisk;
  • Hyalur;
  • Osual.

They are injected directly into large joints, as they replace the intra-articular fluid, the production of which during arthrosis is significantly reduced. In this case, the course is from three to five injections. In most cases, the doctor is limited only to one. Secondary treatment may not be earlier than after six months. As a rule, in the dominant amount of cases, these drugs are used to heal the knee joints by the injection method.

Prevention. About 50% of cases of the disease of the musculoskeletal system are not hereditary. This means that it is possible to make maximum efforts to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Special attention to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system should be given to people belonging to the risk groups:

  • Excess body weight
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Middle and old age
  • Violation of posture
  • Adverse professional factors
  • Congenital dislocation of hips, flatfoot, etc.
  • Endocrine violations
  • Injuries and joint operations
  • Professional sport

Several directions can be distinguished in the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Physical exercise. When moving, the joint feeds more intensively, respectively, the processes of the synthesis of the joint tissue are activated. Particularly useful: cycling, swimming with a mandatory future rest, running around nature, walking with ski sticks, yoga, morning charging at home.
  • Body mass control. Excessive body weight is an important factor in the development and progression of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is believed that the decrease in body weight by 1 kg reduces the burden on the joint by 4 kg. Personally, I like the diet Elena Malysheva. It does not give a "kill" load on the body. The body teaches everything nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, because he must receive them. It is laid by nature. If a person restricts himself in something, sooner or later it will be angry and as a result, it will be even more., Therefore, it will be better learned to eat correctly, than to expose your body with periodic "stress".
  • As preventing the occurrence of diseases of the joints, it is recommended to use . These drugs stimulate the processes of the regeneration of the articular cartilage, ensure its nutrition and protection, allow you to maintain the flexibility and mobility of the joints, to avoid premature aging of the joints.

Prevention of health - this is what everyone should do, who wants to be healthy. The health of each person needs precisely in prevention and only it allows you to maintain health in proper condition.

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