
How to get out of the crisis and realize yourself. How to get out of the crisis of family relationships? How to get out of the crisis

In the life of each person the moments are coming when you have to reconsider our views on life, re-expose priorities for yourself and test your beliefs on strength. The list of such situations can be very long and varied, combines their common name - personal crisis.

Many people frighten personal crises: the existence of the crisis means the presence of uncertainty, the unknown, the lack of "soil under the legs", and it will plunge a person in the state of confusion. During the crisis, the person arises a number of questions, the answer to which determines his further life path.

It is clear why survive the crisis is so not easy: you have to show courage and excerpt, the ability to extract lessons from different life situations and correct your plans for the future. However, it is not necessary to perceive the personal crisis as a phenomenon exclusively negative, because the crisis can also be perceived as a signal that it is time to change something in our lives. If you correctly determine the direction of changes and the final goal, it appears a great opportunity to change your life for the better. In this regard, the personal crisis is similar to the crossroads: a certain segment of the path has already been passed, the possibilities of the path for which it had to go earlier, they had a choice of themselves and in front of a person, in which direction now go, the choice that determines the further fate of the traveler.

The crisis is almost always associated with the experience of sharp negative feelings. Therefore, the first intuitive desire of a person in this situation will be a desire to get rid of these negative experiences as soon as possible, shallow them with themselves as water splashes. However, it is very important to start correctly identifying your feelings and determine what caused the emergence of a personal crisis. After identifying the reasons for the crisis, a person appears a chance to determine the plan of its further action, wrap the complex situation to benefit and get out of the crisis the winner. What else can you do to successfully survive the crisis? The following tips can help in this:

  • Afford to survive the crisis state, to be alone with you, with your feelings and thoughts

The crisis state is always perceived as a nuisance from which it is best to get rid of it. That is why many people do not live the crisis completely: most negative experiences are "thrown overboard" consciousness or denied.

For the same to wrap the complicated situation to benefit and turn the crisis in experience, it is necessary, first of all, awareness. It is very important to realize the circumstances that preceded and contributed to the occurrence of the crisis and to realize their own feelings associated with the crisis situation. Realizing the problem, you have a chance to fix it by changing your life for the better.

  • Do not rush yourself and give honest answers to emerging questions

Another type of incorrect behavior in a crisis situation is to try to solve the problem as soon as possible, not bothering even look deep into yourself and understand what you really want.

What is vital to give yourself during the experience of the crisis is time. Give yourself a little time, while the first waves of strong emotional experiences are shown, and at one point you will ask yourself a fateful question: what to do next? What do I want to get from this life? Where should I go? If you give yourself the opportunity to reflect on these questions and try to give yourself absolutely honest answers on them, then the crisis can turn into the beginning of a new life stage.

  • Exit from crisis: study of goals and tasks for the future

Suppose you survived the emotional storm that followed the start of the crisis, and were able to determine for themselves the general direction of the continued life path - you have intention to build our own life. However, only alone intentions are not enough, because life does not tolerate uncertainty. Therefore, the next step, allowing to successfully survive the crisis, is the detailed study of the goals and objectives for the future, building a life plan for yourself.

First you need to determine global goals - what you want from life. However, global goals can scare their scale, so they should be divided into smaller life tasks - so much easier will be easier to start moving towards the ultimate goal and celebrate their successes towards her.

  • Overcoming crisis: do not forget to celebrate your progress

The achievement of the ultimate goal may take more than one year, or even one decade. Sometimes movement to the goal is stretched for life, or in general it becomes life itself. Therefore, on the way to the distant goal, small victories can remain unnoticed or being implanted.

In order to emotionally not to "be blown away" on the way to the goal, it is necessary to learn how to celebrate their achievements, both large and small. First, it will be stimulated for further achievements, and secondly, it will help develop the ability to pay attention to the positive aspects of the situation, see positive in this life. Noting his progress, we thank themselves for the efforts and help themselves to gather with the forces before the achievement of further heights.

  • Learn to positively assess the complex situation

One of the traps of crisis situations, which is able to bring out of time for a long time, is despondency. Flipping in despondency, a person deprives himself the opportunity to get out of a difficult situation, he seem to associate himself on his hands and legs with his negative emotions and deprives the opportunity to move forward.

Instead of indulging in their grief reflections, it is better to try to positively rethink the situation. Yes, such an action is not always given easily, sometimes it is not possible at all, but in most situations a positive rethinking is a faithful strategy in a difficult situation. It is difficult situations that can be a source for further personal growth, unless learn to find advantages always and everywhere.

  • Give out your feelings and find a source of support

Since childhood, we have a habit of restraining our emotions and not to issue a problem for visiting the social environment. You need to be restrained. It is impossible to "load" those around them. But does such a strategy have any positive results? Does it help to overcome the crisis situation, cope with life difficulties?

In fact, everything is completely different: in order to successfully survive the crisis, you need to learn to give out our emotions, and, if necessary, enjoy the social support of friends and the nearest environment. If you restrain all emotions in yourself, there is a chance of an "emotional explosion" at the most inopportune moment. And so - you have the ability to choose the time and method of emotional discharge ( exercise stress, creativity or classic "spoke").

In addition, it is better to learn not to be shy to seek help to close people to get support in difficult situations. The crisis depletes our strength and there is nothing shameful in the natural desire to find a support and support from friends and loved ones. In order to have different kinds of social relations so that we can assist your neighbor in a difficult situation and that someone was next to us in similar conditions, helping to overcome the vital problems and the crisis stages of our life.

Personal crisis is a critical situation in mood and feelings associated with hard meditation, how to overcome it to go out on an acceptable standard of living. It is often perceived as a hopeless state when the person cannot find a way out. This leads to the destroying psyche experiences, get rid of which only a psychologist will help.

What is a personal crisis?

Personal crisis is a psychological concept that implies a critical moment in the spiritual development of the personality. Suppose young man seeks to get good higher educationSees himself a brilliant lawyer, but can not enter a prestigious educational institution. For him, this becomes a real tragedy. The desired specialty with which he dreamed of going throughout life was inaccessible. A young man in confusion, does not know what to do. There are meditation: how to live on?

Not every person can cope with the critical situation, emotional solutions are often accepted at such a turning point of life, which do not help resolve the problem, but only it is aggravated.

If the crisis of personal development is perceived as a dead end, when all hopes for further falling and cannot be seen from the situation that has created, the help of a psychotherapist is necessary. Otherwise, a person can be lost in the stormy life of the sea and not to get on a hard beach - will not stand tightly on his feet.

The personal crisis causes a person to adapt to the changed external and inner living conditions. If he is able to adapt to the new regime of his being, does not suffer well-being. Otherwise, the crisis condition accompanied by a long negative emotional burst may result in a serious psyche disorder.

Under the definition of "personal crisis" all extraordinary experiences of a personal character fall. This should be revealed age crises: Children's and adolescent period, medium and old years.

It's important to know! Personal crisis is a natural stage in a person's life. It is characterized by anxious psychological donom. However, this is not the end of the world! Strong, volitional nature, seriously working on himself, it will be able to "destroy" his spiritual experiences in order to continue to follow in life.

The main psychological reasons for the personal crisis

In psychology, the personal crisis is considered as an event that violates the normal course of life when there is a strong psycho-emotional tension, and the soul becomes vulnerable. Factors provoking such processes may be external and internal.

Domestic Causes of Personal Crisis

The internal factors of the personal crisis include the circumstances of the person to fry, that is, to experience the feeling of anxiety and dissatisfaction, and sometimes hopelessness, when the feeling of powerlessness arises, it is impossible to achieve the desired goal.

TO internal reasons Below:

  • Psychological barrier. The critical situation seems intractable. Personality begins to worry very much that it turns out at all as it would like in life. This represents a threat to life values \u200b\u200bthat do not want to change at all. For example, the young man dreams to enter military schoolBut does not pass a medical examination. Military specialty does not shine, and so dreamed of becoming a pilot! Strong experiences lead to psychological sudine, not everyone can get out of it.
  • Stressful situation. There was a problem, a person cannot solve it and consider himself helpless. This state is oppressing. In fact, the personality is afraid to change its behavior stereotype to radically change their lives. It further aggravates stress. The output of it can only be prompted by a psychotherapist.
  • Destructive emotions. Instead of calmly reflecting on the resolution of his predicament, a person becomes addicted to his emotions. It flows into rage, strong frenzy is accompanied by unbridled anger and aggressiveness. The critical situation is not "destroyed", but only aggravated. There is a dead-end situation when psychophysical state deteriorates sharply, suicidal thoughts arise. In this state, close to the rash step.
  • Permanent dissatisfaction with itself. One of the main reasons for the crisis of personal growth is considered an "engine of progress." When they do not stop at the achieved success, and it is believed that it can be achieved more. To do this, it is necessary to change your attitude to the already established life situation, that is, change your stereotype of behavior.
  • Perception of yourself as a person. When dissatisfaction is bordered by a complex of inferiority, a person lives with underestimated self-esteem, its own capabilities see him "below the plinth". He constantly compares himself with others and comes to the disappointing conclusion that worse than all. Such a person is constantly in a crisis situation and does not see it out of it. This is already a disease that needs to be treated.

Most people independently copes with the problems of their personal crisis. However, to not delay it, you need to contact a specialist. It can be a psychologist, psychotherapist and even a psychiatrist.

External Causes of Personal Crisis

The external factors of the personal crisis should include circumstances, from outside influencing life. Such may be:

  • Household problems. Do not go to the family. The spouses lived well, but I found a braid on a stone. The reasons why it happened may be the most different. Suppose a child appeared, and suddenly it turned out that the love went somewhere, came to life. And this is everyday duties not only in front of another, but also baby. It is necessary to get up early and cook breakfast, send a child to a kindergarten or school. And he or she are not at all ready for such a living together saw in a pink light. And someone from the spouses is the revaluation of the former life values, a personal crisis. It can flow quietly when spouses are gradually adapting to new life conditions. If accompanied by bright emotional disruptions, it can lead to a breaking of relationships.
  • Perpetuals at work. Suppose no controversial nature does not contribute to contact with people. The working team about a person is a bad opinion. Conflict with colleagues affects the mood. As a result, labor productivity decreases, comments begin with the bosses. The personality is nervous, the problems arising in oppress the psyche, develop into a personal crisis, the way out of which seems unresolved.
  • Difficulties in communication. Often there are men and narcing people. So everything is seen in the false light that they are misunderstood, they are substituted everywhere. They protruding his "I", they do not want to put up with someone else's opinion. Someone early or later remain alone with them, all friends and acquaintances from them turn away. When a person realizes that one remained, begins to worry much. He will be able to get out of the state of the personal crisis only if it can change its value guidelines, rethinking the problems of communication with people.
  • Teenage years. In the pubertal period (puberty), physical changes in the teenager's body occur. The psyche changes. Teens begin to think about the meaning of life. "Give me a plot point, and I will turn the whole world!". Many believe that they came to this life to change her for the better. And when they face the life realities, disappointment comes. It turns out that not everything is so simple in the sublutage world. It is necessary to adapt to it, and not as dreamed. For most, it ends with a successful adaptation to adulthood.
  • Average age. Such a crisis comes in people in 30 years. Due not only to internal, but also by external reasons. Youth with her hopes and carelessness has already gone, not all of the intended happened, but you need to live. Old age no longer seems so distant, it is quite real. And take care of her need now.
  • Elderly age. The person agitates, life will gradually fade, bright life paints are not available for most elderly. It is necessary to adapt to new external living conditions. It is necessary to overestimate its established stereotypes of thinking and behavior to successfully live the years allowed by fate. This process is far from so painless. With retirement, not everyone can overcome the crisis of their psycho-emotional state. For some, it ends with premature old age and death.

Note! Living conditions affect human sensations. Therefore, internal and external personal crisis factors are in close relationship. You can not consider one without the other. Such a separation conditionally.

Personal crisis stages in man's life

The identity development is impossible without overcoming difficulties. It is not for nothing that it says that "through the thorns - to the stars." And "thorns" are difficulties in life. Such critical states, stages of the personal crisis, number 5:

  1. Stage First. Emotional impassable. The personal crisis associated, adem, with dissatisfaction with its social status, displays a person from balanced state, strong emotions (indignation, fear, dissatisfaction) pushed him to solve their problems.
  2. Stage two. The spiritual struggle between "good and evil", when the understanding comes that the inconsistencies of personal life need to be addressed, for this it is necessary to change their behavior. However, the person is still unable to decide. In fact, it is in idle.
  3. Stage Third. Decisivity to act. There is an insight that if you want to live well, you need to do something. Otherwise it will be very bad. The desire to act ripen, but it is still weak. The main thing is to maintain confidence in yourself, do not take care of the weakness, when, dropping his hands, a man is floating over the flow.
  4. Stage fourth. Awareness of the false stereotypes. Personality clearly understands that the former life concepts turned out to be false, they must be resolutely changed. Perhaps even with the help of a psychotherapist. He will tell you how it is easier to make mental health without much damage. In the group of the same seekers of people's life. You need to be ready to change your behavior, a circle of friends, all those negative moments, which led to a personal crisis.
  5. Stage Fifth. Change stereotype behavior. This responsible step is far from everyone. It is necessary to show all the power of the will to overcome the spiritual crisis and go to a new standard of living, change your behavior, no matter how hard it is. Suppose a man loved to skip the cup with his friendships, and "things will wait." Friends began to laugh, but he firmly decided that the refusal of a mediocre time would help him emanate from life failures. If enough strength and energy to abandon the previous lifestyle, everything will definitely work out.

Important! Anyone throughout their life consistently passes all 5 stages of the personal crisis. If this does not happen, the person is "stuck" on their experiences, frustrate when desires do not correspond to the possibilities. This leads to difficult life situations. A person can fall, become an alcoholic or drug addict.

Varieties of personal crisis

In psychology there is no well-established separation of species of the personal crisis. There are different gradations, for example, age, situational and spiritual (existential).

Age Personal Crisis

With the age of personality, it also evaluates the previous period of his life, looks at the world and his place in it. All age crises usually end with a change in behavior and ideological plants, when proper conclusions are made, which makes it possible to successfully adapt to changing living conditions.

Psychologists allocate children's age crises of 3, 7th and 12-14 years. From three years old The child begins to realize himself, getting acquainted with the outside world, Mom and Dad become the main for him - family.

At seven-year-old The child begins to understand that the world is big and varied, it expands the circle of his worldview. The crisis of this age is associated with the school and sharply increased the load on the psyche of the baby. In order to come out of it, the role of not only parents, but also a school teacher is important.

The crisis of adolescence (12-14 years) associated with a pubertal period when puberty occurs. Boys and girls are beginning to understand that they have different physiology, at first they behave closed and even significantly hostile towards each other.

With the end of school, you can talk about junior crisis (17-18 years). At this time, a pronounced interest in the opposite sex appears. However, the experiences associated with the choice of further life path are the main. Actually, at this age, the foundation for further life is laid. Most boys and girls come out of the personal crisis with the right life attitudes and successfully in life.

And who failed to sort out himself, did not find the meaning of his being, often rolling on the inclined, becomes a bandwidth in society. Here are the roles of personal and external factors. For example, weakness or adverse environmental influence (unfavorable family, bad friends).

After 30 years There is a crisis of middle age. Youth has already passed, it's time to summarize the years. Often it seems disappointing, I wanted more, and it turned out very little. The man soberly assesses his life path and makes the adjustment to live on with adequately.

Retirement The crisis of mature age comes. Life has lived, old age came, a little health. You need to live now with accumulated life luggage. And these are material values, a house, family and adult children. Well, when it is all. Otherwise it will have to be sad. Old people understand this, adapt to such existence and so live in their age.

It occurs when a person falls into a difficult life situation. If he can solve it, the personal crisis can be called a stimulant of such a process. This is his positive role. The inability to adopt the necessary solution indicates the height of thinking and the well-established behavior stereotype, which only aggravates the problem.

Spiritual (existential) personal crisis

It comes to heavy life moments. Suppose it may be the death of any of loved ones, unsuccessful love or treason. In such a situation, a person is trying to rethink his life and is looking for a way out of a deadlock. Strains all his strength.

If the crisis is overcome successfully, the personality is spiritually reborn, it appears a new scale of values, allowing to live successfully and conflict. Otherwise, all ideas about the world and to themselves, which leads to a sustainable internal conflict. Often it ends with a severe mental disorder, treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

Note! Any age, situational or spiritual crisis should bring the person to a new, higher standard of living. If this did not happen, it means that a person absolutely did not work on himself. He regresses and becomes a loser in life.

How to overcome the personal crisis?

There are techniques developed by psychologists that will help to get out of the personal crisis. They imply a revision and correction of life goals. One of them suggests the following 4 steps:

  • Step one. Consider yourself. If something has changed in life, and you do not like, do not splash on all your negative emotions. They destroy, the relationship with the neighbors will deteriorate. Calm down and soberly think about what happened. Do not let your destiny on samonek, they say, where will take out. And you can nail to a bad shore.
  • Step two. Observe in your feelings and thoughts why it happened and what to do to get out of such an unpleasant position.
  • Step Third. Put a completely achievable target and move it slowly, but steadily every day. To do this, you need to make a step-by-step plan of your actions and not retreat from it.
  • Step fourth. This is the most significant and difficult out of 4 steps. Here you need serious psychological training. It is necessary to change the stereotype of thinking. Think need positively. "The world is beautiful, thanks to the Lord, which gave me the opportunity to see him and enjoy life."

It's important to know! Only a positive attitude to overcoming personal crisis will help successfully come out of it. This is the key to further prosperous life.

How to get out of the personal crisis - look at the video:

Personal crisis is a logical psychological process. If a person managed to figure it out that he does not satisfy and how to do to become successful, then the critical situation becomes the catalyst that spurst takes the necessary solutions at this stage of life. Otherwise, faced with difficulties, not to understand what happened and leaving from solving the problems of pressing, he degrades as a person and becomes a loser.

I welcome you friends!

Today I would like to talk about the two important aspects of the human person and the human soul as a crisis and implementation. These are those two qualities that are always present together and one does not exist without the other.

What is the crisis?

Let's look carefully at this word. For each of you, this word means something very painful and unpleasant. And one of you can feel some very different experiences when you hear the word crisis. Many of us do not even think about whether this part of the soul exists inside it. We are so taught in the outside world to appear, act, to achieve something that we do not notice how we gradually go to this state of the crisis. We believe that the crisis does not exist, and this is not with us. And we must necessarily become active in order not to notice those symptoms of this state that "break through" to us from our soul, we are trying to constantly take themselves.

But let's take a little away from this manifestation of our personality and consider it all that is for the concept of crisis. Perhaps this is not such a negative concept, which causes only some incomprehensible feelings, maybe there is something more ambitious.

Let's consider the elements of the crisis on the example of three important parties to human life:

The first side of the human life. Take relationships.

When do relations begins with a partner, a man or a woman, what do you feel at this first moment?

You are in a state of inspiration, for you this feeling of the experience of love, love, becomes the most important element of the data at that moment. You feel the feeling of goodness, and you mutually brings this feeling, you attract each other. At that instant, it seems to you that all the heavens parted, and you, like God, walk on the ground to the lover or beloved. And everything is so beautiful, so good.

But goes for a while, you start living together. Or you reach the goal, such a goal when you live together or already beside each other. And at that moment, step by step, imperceptibly, you feel that relationships begin to take, feelings are dulled, and you are already far from the state of love that you have at the very beginning. You gradually feel that you need something to do something all the time in order to excite your relationship to support them. You do not notice how gradually approach the crisis in the relationship.

Of course, many of us do not see this exactly. They believe that these are just some things to be changed in the material, in the outside world. More attention, more colors. More something else to awaken these feelings again. But soon you will see that the elements that are directed to the outside world will sooner or later bring you fatigue. Because they proceed from you with effort. You need an effort to keep the relationship, and when you will see that these efforts are not supported by something like inspiration, you will fully enter the crisis. You will feel that this moment has come when your partner does not understand. Does not hear you, does not see, it does not feel and everything ... The moment of crisis has come.

Look at this moment, how does your mind think? He is always directed by the mind, and the best thing that he can say is: "Looking for another partner, he does not fit you." Of course, before that, he did a lot of steps to not happen, a lot of effort was applied. And in the end, we say: "Everything is enough! I can not do it anymore!".

Consider this type of relationship, the type of crisis as a relationship between partners. Look when you come to this point at this moment - it is always a very painful moment of your interaction. What do you feel at this moment? If you take a deep look inside yourself at this moment - this is the moment of climax. When in the hardest moment of your life from your subconscious, very strange experiences begged from the depths of your soul. Suddenly, you become ourselves, as if you cannot manage your reactions, the emotions are shrouded, and you pumped at the moment, when you begin to find out the relationship with each other.

Where it leads? Probably, many of you have already lived this moment of your life and have their own experience.

Let's now leave this moment the crisis in a relationship, just let him be happy while pause.

Let's look at the next element of human life - this is money.

Money is a very important aspect and the indicator of the manifestation of your strength, your will in life. Because if you know how to make money, seek something in life, you can already do a lot. But let's look at how the money crisis comes.

At first, you are inspired by some kind of idea, throw all the forces on its implementation, embody it. See how you step by step becoming more rich, more successful financially. And it seems like everything seems in their places, but after some moment the moment comes when making money or achieving money becomes a burden for you. And at this moment you start to move aside, lose this connection with what you have created with this financial flow.

Because again the same mechanism works. What in order to support your financial success, you need to make an effort on yourself. And for some moment you feel that you are already tired. This fatigue leads you to the time when you are not interested when it seems to you that you miss something. When you think that you miss this money - step by step, you start missing them. Money is gradually starting to leave you. And at this moment, you gradually move into a state of crisis, the financial crisis.

Of course, the mind always acts on the same scenario. He suggests that this financial crisis is related to the outside world. What happened in the outside, it also happened here. That this is to blame some non-working schemes that this is to blame the enterprise, people, everything else. Because we are so arranged that we are always directed at the outside. What rises at you at this moment - only you yourself will feel. You probably have already been at this moment, the moment of crisis? You could see how these programs, these experiences, pain, emotions rise inside you and what they lead to. Perhaps you have already lived and felt, or you are still on this path. Let's now this part of our soul, our life will also leave on a pause.

Go to the next element of the crisis - a health crisis.

Our health is a very important element of the manifestation of us in our whole life. This is what supports our creative forces and connects us to the soul. If you have not very good health from childhood, and you need more attention to keep it in health, in a normal functional condition, sooner or later you also feel fatigue. For example, you need all the time to control what you eat, as you feel, do not abuse some of the substances that are harmful to health, drink medicines. Step by step, you again come to the moment when you get tired, because you will be healthy and happy people around you, they rejoice in life, and you lose the desire to live. You seem to be limited to both our pain and a feeling of hopelessness. And again the crisis!

What is this crisis state?

Here considering three of these parts, three important sides of the human life, you can see that the result of each of these crises is such conditions or such experiences - as a sense of hopelessness, the desire to quit everything, escape somewhere, to leave life, etc. We imperceptibly fall into a sense of separation from the world, we want to remove everything from everything. From relationships, we want to escape from them. We want to stop any relationship with money when we hit the crisis with money. When we have an unimportant health, we want to leave this world and say "everything! We have nothing more to do here! "

Each of you, sooner or later, lives these moments. Someone the time of suicide, thinking that it will save him and decide this difficult life question, someone wants to quit everything and disappear from this world, from relationship, from money, from interactions with these aspects of life.

See what programs can rise inside you when you are in this painful condition for you. Or was it already happening with you? Or it can really be with you! At this moment, when we fell into these crises, each of you is asked a very important issue. The question sounds like this: "And the meaning of life in what?". We are starting to ask about the meaning of life, and at the same time we convince yourself that life is meaningless.

You just look at how much your subconscious experience will bring you at this moment. How many beliefs will rise from it. You will find yourself in depression, and if you deepen in it, then apathy and the meaninglessness of all that is happening, and then the desire arises at all from life. In this way, your mind is trying to get out of these crisis states, avoid them.

Naturally, you begin to look out of the cause and ways to avoid this crisis. And what do you see around? Around, you see very simple items that you say that you need to stimulate your feelings all the time so as not to be depressed and suffering. What does it mean? This means: drink alcohol, coffee, go take a walk, find yourself another partner, come across sex, do sports, go to some training on self-development, for example, "How to earn a million!" etc. You are looking for different opportunities to implement yourself to go through this crisis. I am talking about those of you who want to find these solutions. But there are some of you who fall into the state of apathy, meaningless life and do not know how to find a way out of this situation.

The fact is that our mind is when we are facing the outside world, always trying to find the stimulation of these feelings. Perhaps some turn out this moment. If you have enough money, you start looking for new relationships, entertain yourself with different campaigns, trips, movements. Everyone, just not to think about it, just not to feel it. Especially when you feel injustice towards your partner because of the "worn" of their feelings, you do not want to destroy these relationships. You are trying to all possible methods Do not see this, do not hear it. But if you look deep into yourself, then you will feel that in every such aspect there is something wrong, something happens not that. And anyway, it is open, this question is "what to do with it?". How else to become harmonious?

The crisis allows you to move from one level of consciousness to another

All these moments of crises that I spoke are very important engines of your own will. Let's talk about some other quality of crisis. Because the crisis is very important and required tool Changes to you. This tool will always come to your life, you will always come across it. The crisis allows you to move from one level of consciousness to another. From one standard of living in another standard of living. It always carries the positive dynamics of changes. But why do not we see this exactly? Why don't we perceive the crisis as a kind of gift for fate, which is designed to change us, look at what is contained within us? And what to do to go to a qualitatively new level of consciousness, a new level of relationship, a new level of health? Why don't we see it so?

The thing is that when we face and get into this unpleasant moment of our experiences, we face your own system of ideas, which, in one way or another, dictates us the rules of behavior at this point.

What does this mean?

Suppose, faced with the crisis, some begin to be nervous, included in the state of aggression, some perhaps, on the contrary - in depression. Someone begins to react and act unconsciously. All your reactions are due to your subconscious. This is the element that comes to us from the distant-distant past, which we are trying not to see and not hear. But at the time of the crisis, at the time of gravity life circumstancesThese programs come from our subconscious. They are raised from the depths of our subconscious and go to our conscious part. This is a natural and intentional mechanism.

What is it created for?

In order to raise all these programs from the inside and allow you to free them in this life, get rid of them, resolve these tasks. Because when you are ready for this, you get into the element of the crisis. And now you need only some awareness to take care of this moment.

But it is not always that way.

How the crisis is born

And now I will try to explain to you that this is the mechanism of the crisis, where he comes from. Why he happens, and in what period of life it happens.

Let's consider several important elements of human existence as a creature. Take from the very first life stage when you come to this life. Perhaps you know, but maybe not. I will tell you that when a person comes to this life develops, he lives the formation of five elements that are called bodies in our understanding. The formation of each of these bodies is subject to a seven-year development cycle.

First body

First body - From the moment of birth to 7 years, your physical body develops. And you can easily blame it. Starting when you watch the baby, as it acts, thinks, you will see that all his actions are due to the fact that he begins to get used to, learns to connect with this physical body, studies how his hands, legs, feelings, feelings act. At this moment, when its physical body is developing, the inner quality of the human soul is also developed, this quality is called the will.

It is very important in these first 7 years not to suppress the child, do not cut its energy, not to stop it in anything. Enable him to explore the world. Because at this moment the child explores the world in every aspect, in every quality. Not always pleasant for adults there is a moment when the child spreads something when the child does something wrong, we feel inside irritation, anger and begin to show it out. And at this moment, according to its own ideas, we begin to cut it, crop it with the will to action, suppress its own expression, using such words as "not", "do not", "it is not necessary." We do not even think that the child's thinking system is not adapted to such a concept as "not", "do not", because at that moment his consciousness thinks images. He does not understand these words, he does not understand many "adults" things. But what happens at this moment when you say no? You create in it voltage and misunderstanding. On the one hand, he wants to show his will, perform some action, but you cut it. And he wonders and does not know what to do. It is clear that he believes you, because in this moment dad and mom - this is all his life, his whole universe. He does not know another life, he does not see her, and he believes you when you say no.

The more often you do it, the more you limit in such a manifestation, the less it will be able to achieve any results in everyday life. It will make a sense of insecurity in herself, there will be a comparison of himself with others all the time, whether he does it correctly or not, so it or not. And you will see how in the next stage of his life this quality will limit its manifestation. Therefore, the first seven years is very important not to limit the will of the child, give the opportunity to manifest itself. This is due to the development of the physical body, it also misses the proper development when you built a system of restrictions for the child, because these two aspects of the will and physical body are interconnected as inner and external.

Second body

Second aspect, second body Human is an essential body. How does the essential body show? The essential body is the movement of liquids in the body, lymphs, blood in the body. The essential body is associated with a physical body and allows it to create a movement. What is the internal quality associated with the manifestation of the essential body? The essential body is developing from 7 to 14 years. In this development cycle, a child already comes such a concept, as a rule, rhythm. At this point, the child goes to school. Only at this moment he is in school, and only at that moment his consciousness can assimilate knowledge. At this moment, the concept of rhythm is important for him. What does it mean? In the morning wake up, clean your teeth, make some certain actions. As if all his day should follow a certain rhythm, a specific cycle. If you create this day for him, then the child learns to manage the will, which he developed in the first seven years, is easily and naturally directing it during this period for its development. That is, during this period, he learns to manage his will.

It is very important at this moment to follow your rhythm, because at that moment the child also looks at his parents, whether they make the same, he imitates them, copies their behavioral model. And if you do not support this cycle, do not support this rhythm, then the child has a moment of collapse, he sees the inconsistency that you also do not do it, and he is forced; What do you do something wrong, and he does it differently. For him, this means that something is wrong with him. There are no questions, requirements, here are just rules that are naturally perceived by the child at this age. Therefore, this age should teach the child to properly manage your will.

Third body

The third stage of our life. When we go from 14 years to 21 years. This is the age of young men and girls when the period of puberty begins. Any "upbringing" is only possible up to 14 years old, this is the period when you can give something to a child, tell something, to teach somehow acting in this world. Of course, we can not very much to change the nature of the child, because he already comes here with congenital qualities, but we can allow him to create such an atmosphere in which all its qualities will be performed well.

The period from 14 to 21 years is the period of development of the astral body, the spontaneous body. This is the moment when emotions are developing. And if you look at adolescents, you will see how emotions are guided by them. As if the logic is absent, thinking somewhere far away. And they are guided by feelings, actions, spontaneity in their actions. If this happens this way, then you will understand that this is the period of the development of the spontaneous body.

During this period, as in each of the periods of life, the programs of the past, which have not been peculiar to this period of life, which have not yet have the "painful" force with which you will encounter in more mature age. For example, at the moment when our spontaneous astral body develops, the program of emotional behavior is raised, and at that moment when you "passed" the first two periods of the seven years of the child's upbringing, it easily copes with this period of life. He is easy to manage with his emotions. He is easily able to cope with them, because the first period he opened his will, in the second period he learned to manage this will. And in the third period, he can independently cope with his stormy feelings that reveal his astral body. During this period, first love appears, feelings are manifested, elements of love are laid.

Fourth body

Next stage the development of a person begins at 21 and ends at 28 years old is the stage of development of the mental body. At this point, we already fall into such a system of life, where the issues of relationships, families become important for us. When we are trying to keep these relationships, that love that was at the stage earlier. Now we want to translate it into the principle of duration. We create a family, our children appear.

We also want to be constant in financial success. We begin to look for work at this moment, we begin to become successful and implement themselves in the outside world. This period of development of the mental body is characterized by the fact that we must achieve success in the material plan, in the external world. Therefore it is an important period, the most productive period to achieve results in the material plan. On the one hand, we will get a family, on the other hand we realize themselves through the achievement of material benefits. This is an important period of achievements and implementation in external, in everything that teaches us material well-being and strengthens our connections with others.

Fifth body

What happens next? From 28 years we go to the development of the spiritual body. This is a period that is not always obvious and not always understandable for us. If the first four periods we calmly see, we feel, we understand, realize, live, then this period becomes implicit for us. This is the period when we begin to face questions about the meaning of life. Why are we here? Why are we here? If in the last period there was a question of social sensibration, our significance in the world, then during this period we already have a question about the meaning of life, about something more global. And at this point, we gradually, gradually begin to get into those crises that I spoke earlier. Because by this time all organs of your inner perception have already been developed, mental, sensual, volitional and you are ready to go further. And now, from your subconscious, these programs came from which you start to go to the spiritual world and implement yourself. By this period you are already successful in relationships, you are already consistent in the material world. And now you need to learn how to understand for what this life exists, for which it needs, what she leads to.

Of course, it is worth recognizing that not all of these life stages are so obviously passing for you in time, but what they occur in such a sequence, you can blame on the example of your life. Some of you can only notice these forms of the crisis, some even later, it all depends on the accumulated material resources and attachment to "stimulants" of sensual experiences. Anyway, you will come to the time when you have to change all your life and your own ideas, this is the function of the spiritual body - lead you to your final implementation, implementation in the spirit.

So, we begin to face these crises that I spoke about. So, live crisis!

What are they necessary for? And what ultimately should we have such a positive find, passing through these crises, after these moments of life?

Any crisis performs a very important role, he leads us to our true implementation. And now we come to this concept of implementation.

What is the implementation?

For many of us, the implementation of our quality understanding means the case we would like to find in life, which we would like and in which we would achieve success. It is only a small part of this implementation function. Implementation is a much more extensive phenomenon, a more extensive concept, which manifests our will, opens our inspiration.

Why does a person can not be in inspiration, in realization, in openness to himself?

Why are we all the time we are looking for something, we can not understand that this is already inside us?

We need to do such a difficult way to find out that everything is inside us. We are trying to be implemented in the outside world, creating one's own ideas and ideas that all the wealth of this world will bring knowledge, all that we wish. And of course, seeing the temporary successes of people in the implementation of money, we understand that it is probably there is a way. Seeing these "successful people", we understand that this is the way.

We see some one of the parties, the one most convenient. We cease to see the integrity of this person. Watch people who are intertwined in their own implementation or something wrong. Yes, of course, you will see some important part of this manifestation for you. For example, you will see that this person is more successful in money than you. And you consider it already your guru in finance. You will see that another person is more successful in the other, and you begin to strive for this without having this in yourself.

But sooner or later you understand that all these desires in some kind of aspects, just parts, do not lead you to integrity.. They lead to certain life achievements, but something is missed. Be sure to miss something. And it causes sadness, some kind of life disappointment, impotence.

We then wonder about the meaning of life - why are we here?- Even now, when we have a lot of money, or at a moment, when we have many men, women, partners we replace. As if we do not catch the essence itself, the value of this life itself. Somewhere we feel that life is not quite such, and therefore we again use the search mechanisms, we begin to go out again, again to look for something. But, as a rule, not everyone finds.

Why can't we be implemented?

Each of us hears this phrase "realize yourself." But how do it do, and what does this mean - "realize yourself"? Each of you thinks that the implementation is a success in some aspect of your personality. But this happens that the implementation is not quite it.

These are some small pieces of realization in you in these small aspects of life. Still, the implementation is a holistic process. Holly because in all this process, in every aspect, you feel absolute success, absolute inspiration.

Of course, many may argue and say that it is impossible, or we are not here for this.

But, I assure you, it is worth only to take a step towards yourself, inside yourself, and in every step you will be inspired by these results and see that you are still created for something more, for something limitless. And by its nature you have the property of integrity, true vision of life, creating events of life for yourself, managing their will.

Why do we want, but do not implement, or believe that we do not come to this, or can not come to this?

The formula that I live inside myself is related to this sense of implementation or definition that I can give it: "Implementation is to manifest itself in every moment of life, with a sense of inspiration."

Imagine any of your aspect of life, any of my feelings in the moment, and see if you are inspired or not. If you are not inspired, then you are still standing on the way to implement yourself, because the inspiration is every moment - this is the realization of the human being.

In some moments, of course, you can say: here I am not much inspired by this, a little inspired by the one ... And then it goes, then another inspiration comes in another aspect, but there is no integrity. Because the implementation implies several components of your soul aspects.

Implementation is not what the mind thinks. The mind thinks to realize himself, it means you need to do something - to achieve outstanding results in life, build a house, create financial success, have a family. Of course, each of these aspects in its own way realizes your personality. But integrity does not consist only in this. Integrity - it is much more. And when you implement yourself in these aspects, you see that it still does not bring you the integrity of your soul.

What is an important aspect of implementation?

Why should you talk about it and why should you know about it?

As I said, the implementation is inspiration in every moment of your life. This means that you are present at this moment. What does this mean "presence in this moment"? When you are a observer man for what happens to you, behind the feelings, feelings in this moment, and when you are present as much as possible in this moment, you are able to catch the meaning of what is happening. You are capable of seeing all these actions to see a very deep meaning in which this action is laid.

Of course, the mind may object, and will object, because the mind is not used to watching and thinking that everything happens in observation, in sensation, in experience. The mind says that for the implementation you need to do something. We learn, we get knowledge, we go to school, at the institutes, and, in the end, we understand that it still does not work until the end. Yes, someone is more successful, someone less, in something more implemented, in something less, but still it is not that. This does not lead to this sense of inspiration, integrity.

Presence in the moment, this is when your mind is busy yourself with this moment!

We give him the opportunity to just be an observer. The observer for himself, beyond what he thinks about it, behind these thoughts, behind the feelings that rise from the inside. When you are in this moment, you are always in the nature of feeling. This is a very important aspect of the implementation - a feeling.

Feeling is the nature that reveals you infinite knowledge about yourself.

Three aspects of the spiritual organization of the human being

So a person was created - out of three aspects: will, thinking, feelings. And each of this aspect is intended for your implementation, so that these three aspects are in full harmony with each other. Look, in this three-membered mental creature there is such an aspect as thinking. Thinking does not have the concept of mind. The mind is a certain by-product of our thinking. Thinking is like a tool of knowledge that we need in the material world that we use. Thinking is the element that, thanks to sensory perception, opens to us intuitive knowledge, opening up with us, which shakes all our creature, all of our soul.

Thus, when we connect with our sensual nature, attending this moment, suddenly thinking opens up an understanding that this is knowledge about this or those impulses of the feelings that rise from the inside - they add up for knowledge precisely because of thinking. Because thinking tolerates this inner sensual knowledge of outside. We are creatures that manifest the world internal at odds. Therefore, thinking is the tool that allows us internal impulses to exhibit in out.

Therefore, these three items are very necessary. Without a sense of inspiration, your will will never be directed to the creation, in the creation of something. Without inspiration, you will not be able to take a step towards true implementation. But, nevertheless, look, we often make these steps in life. Doing not necessarily in the sense of inspiration, but making with effort. Because we believe ... the mind believes that in order to realize himself to make an action. This action must be done with effort. This is theorem - this is not inspiration. This is actually a effort that creates the mind makes us do something, explaining that this is the need for our implementation.

A few steps in such an effort we are tired. Because we do not use an important resource of implementation, which says the following: in every step of your manifestation in the outside world, you must gain inspiration. Why is it so important this sense of inspiration? If you trace when you are inspired, as if the inner force rises from the inside of you and heads further to this process of knowledge and action, in this movement, it sends you in this movement.

This suggests that inspiration awakens your will, with each step, with each movement in life. And when it is inspiration that awakens your will, you don't even think about action, you act. And this mechanism passes the mind, this mechanism comes from an infinite consciousness. Thus, you get this limitless power from the inside of you for further movement.

When you live in this sense of inspiration in each your step, you do not get tired. Because fatigue is the property of the psyche, mind, the resources of your body, the resources of your mental consciousness.

What is mental consciousness?

This is a volitional effort that you create through this filter is a mind that motivates you with certain delicious things, certain ideas about money, you are constantly looking for motivation in life. And when you need to constantly look for this motivation to action, you notice that you create efforts on this path. And you are tired, you are constantly tired, thinking that it's not that work, not that place, I do not do it! When you are in contrast to this manifest in inspiration, then your whole nature gives you strength to this movement. Because inspiration belongs to the highest, inspiration is not subject to the mind. The mind cannot attract inspiration. And so, step by step you sell your will, implemented in every movement, in every step.

Of course, the sense of inspiration comes when you are present at the moment when you trust your feelings, and when you allow these feelings to lead your movement, your will. Thus, step by step, you are deeper and deeper in your own nature. And indeed, you feel the integrity, fullness. You feel how more and more resources come to you for such a move as if from nowhere.

This is the correct mechanism in which you are implemented. Because the implementation is not what needs to be done, to achieve something. Implementation is the accommodation of this moment, every moment of life in inspiration, in goodness, in fullness. And then, when you live this moment in this way, your will is moving your own, you do not need to create an effort. You always have this feeling of lightness, the desire to go, because with each such step you are more and more filled, you get more and more forces, you still have more resources within yourself. And who wants to give up this?

And when you see that getting this resource getting this inner powerYou are implemented in money and in relationships, and in the mind of the world, in everything that surrounds you - you are huge! With each step you acquire integrity.

Of course, everything sounds simple.

Why can't we be implemented filled at this moment?

Naturally, the whole thing in our mind, in our ideas, in our future, in which we are always not here and now. Because the mind can think only by a segment of time: we need to come to this, for this we need to do this and this, overvolt, try and create certain efforts.

The outside world captures us with all possible ways. You are getting distracted by television, you are distracted by attention to other people, we look at people, we begin to compare what our problem is, in this comparison, we begin to suffer that we cannot be so. Because we do not know that we are all unique, and each of us has the right, the opportunity to show their uniqueness in this sense of inspiration, showing its own implementation.

If you go through life in realizations, in the presence, in harmony with life - all doors are open to you, all. And money, and relationships, and health - everything inspires you and works as a single whole orchestra, in harmony with the universe. Because we feel creatures. We live in compounds and in the rhythms of the whole universe. But the only mind is the element that knocks us out of this rhythm. He believes that it has the right to everything in this universe, for everything in this world. And he must conquer all this, because so little time left, the future is so close that we need to do something so quickly.

In this speed, we lose everything. We lose themselves, we lose inspiration. We create a huge amount of effort to have time to jump into this last car, because others have already jumped out there. And then we come to disappointment, because it is still not what our resource forces opens to us. This is not what inspires us.

Do not wait for this moment, do not wait for this crisis, which naturally happens in your life. Do not wait for this powerlessness, apathy. Start now to discover this resource forces, trusting your feelings, allowing you to remove these conditioned mind, allowing you to look at yourself from: how I think, as I feel like I act.

Because it is so easy to manipulate you. You raised a certain mind with a certain view of life. And all this know, and all of you are immediately used, manipulate you to do this or that action, to sell something, to pick up something. Indeed, in the depths of the soul, each human being there is a desire to manage others, because there is no ability to manage your will. It is this inner deep desire to manage your own will and should bring us an understanding that we should not manage people in the outside, but must learn how to manage your will, although the mind thinks that there is no, it is necessary to subjugate to yourself the will of another creature, just so I implement.

And not even money is the most important component of a person's life, but subordination of the will of another creature. Look at those who run into the government, those who want to have masses under people are their unrealizations, their own problems that they cannot solve inside themselves. They believe that they will gain strength due to the management of a large number of people. But this is their way. There will be a disappointment, loss of life, suffering, and still the outside world will lead them to not pay attention to themselves and realize that everything is inside them.

Nothing external in any volumes, scale cannot be replaced by my own world. And if I understand it, I understand that change the outside world around myself, my attitude towards him, I can only when I change myself.

Watch in this sense of inspiration, whether you live in it or not, is it holly at every moment your life or not. When do you eat, are you harmonious in the process, do you feel the integrity and inspiration from food? When you go to the world, walk around the city, are you inspired by this moment? When are you driving, are you inspired by this moment? When do you go to work, does this work inspire you?

With work in general, a very interesting phenomenon. If the work does not inspire you, sooner or later you can not be on it. You can't work for money, this is another illusion of the mind, because for the sake of money, it is always an effort, we are always looking for a way to motivate yourself to this work. Sooner or later we understand that there is no, we are tired. We think that we will change this work now, and everything will become different, everything will become easier, everything will become good. But every time we change our work, we change one, the other, the third, we understand that we are all in the same delusion, everything is in the same search for the meaning of life, the consciousness of yourself who we are.

How do we overcome this element of the crisis and come to true implementation?

The fact is that any crisis raises these unconscious programs from the inside of you. And when you encounter them in ordinary life, you need to have awareness in healing them, get rid of them. Then you can be rightly implemented. You can pretend that you do not notice them, or say that it is not about me. But life will always create a situation, painful for your body, for your relationship, for your money, so that you still encounter these programs and allowed you to live in yourself worthy, with deep awareness and attention to yourself.

And when you encounter this way in my life with these crises, you know how to pass them, you take power, inspiration and proceed to a new level of interaction with life, with existence, to a new level of consciousness. And then life around you changes. You reach unprecedented heights, open this limitless power of knowledge and implement yourself in every moment of life. And at this point you understand that the implementation of yourself is the limitless quality of your soul, which reveals yourself, all the power of your spirit, giving you all the new opportunities in implementing all your plans, all your desires, all that you want to achieve in this Life.

Great achievements to you on this path!

Practical task

And now I want you to give the technique of which we talked at the very beginning.

This technique will allow you to look out of your mind, in your subconscious. To some extent, you can already see how this mechanism of thinking and mind is valid, and the subconscious programs rise.

Also, thanks to this technique, you can already release some of these programs and gain some awareness in life, understanding how it works.

This technique is unique in its kind, and she is addressed to your feelings. As I said, feelings go beyond the limits of the mind and reveal to us the infinite nature of knowledge. And it will allow you to look inside you and see the truth that you are revealed. When you understand how it works when you catch the meaning of this technique, you can also work with any question, with any life situation, allowing it to be resolved in the very core of your existence.

And now take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts, into two columns. At the top of one column write the first question, it sounds like this: "I want to be in despair?"

In the second column write the second question: "I want to be implemented?".

And when you wrote them, put a handle aside, close your eyes and follow my instructions.

Now, in this state, when your eyes are closed, let yourself just relax, let go of all thoughts, experiences, feelings. Just become the observer of your own thoughts. Feel like your body becomes more relaxed, and allow yourself to become more relaxed. Watch a few moments for your breath. Let it be smooth, calm. Nothing needs to be done to control it. Just watch ...

And now, when you are in this pleasant state of relaxation, let yourself imagine, see this first question we wrote. I repeat it now, he sounds like this: "I want to be in despair?".

Ask yourself this question: "I want to be in despair?". Watch what sensations, emotions, feelings he brings you. Perhaps some memories can come at the moment. Perhaps it will be just feeling in the body. Or you will begin to see some pictures that you have never seen. Ask yourself this question and put yourself a goal, the intention that you want to know the answer to this question.

If you feel resistance - tick it while watching it. I want to be in hopelessness? .. Try to let go of your mind and not think, but to trust the feelings that rose from the inside of you. As if this question goes beyond your mind, beyond your rational thinking, somewhere in the depth and in the core of your being. Try to watch what comes to you at the moment. Thoughts are also feelings, and lead you to some experiences.

Watch. But do not include any reasonable activities, analysis, reflection, just let yourself observe what causes this question in you. And now, when you are still with closed eyes For a few moments you will watch this issue, you can open your eyes, take a handle and start writing everything that comes at this point related to this question: "I want to be hopeless?".

What you feel is what you feel what comes to you - just write down in this column, in this first part of your sheet. Write. As long as you feel that you have already written a lot, and you have some kind of silence.

When you have this gap of silence, calm, ease, close your eyes again. Allow yourself to connect with your internal observation and ask yourself the second question: "I want to be implemented?". And at this moment, a few moments, let yourself observe those sensations, feelings, thoughts that come to you from the inside. Again, do not try to think about it, just try to observe what causes this question inside you: "I want to be implemented?". And after watching a few more moments, before you start writing, connect with these sensations.

And when you are ready, you can open your eyes. In the second column, start writing everything you feel, everything that comes at this moment associated with the question "I want to be implemented?". Write as long as you feel that there is a certain stream of thoughts, feelings, sensations. And when you feel that he stopped, ended, go back to the first question, fulfilling this technique, as I said earlier.

Highlight 40 minutes to this technique. Allow you just work with these two questions during these 40 minutes. Do not try to think about it, evaluate, do not try to reflect on it, just do it. And you will see how it will lead you to the first experiences. And making it further, feel the awareness. This will change your energy, your feeling, your passion in life, your inspiration.

If you are diligent in it, if you can direct your will, having highlighting myself for a while, performing it, you will see how many processes in life will begin to change how much will become understandable to you. This will change your life.

A pleasant travel to your own consciousness, pleasant to you new discoveries and until the next meeting!

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just some of the items that quickly disappear from the shelves of supermarkets in the midst of the coronavirus flashes. Let's call things with your own names: it's not a purchase if necessary, but shopping because of panic. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an indefinite situation, but it affects the lives of others not in the best way.

The level of self-assessment, one way or another affects the actions of a person. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result of "life prizes" get others. If your self-esteem is lowered and lower, then to help you 20 tips shown in this article. Starting to apply them in your life, you will be able to increase your self-esteem and become a person confident.

Many will agree with the fact that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts, from which it is impossible to get rid of them. They are so strong that even the classes in an interesting business do not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add painful sensations. Sometimes it seems that such thoughts are not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you consider the problem from different points of view, you can find the right decision.

We are killing our happiness with our own hands. The negative, which we carry in myself to others, destructive thoughts, envy, malice, resentment - this list is infinite. Browse your life, release unpleasant memories, get rid of people, classes and things that take place consciousness. Tune in to good and positive. Do something pleasant, then what have been dreamed of.

A person's life is changing with age, the desires and priorities are changing. This is perfect normal processAlthough each of us is individual. If you want to maximize your life after 30 years, the following 9 tips will help you.

The fight against complexes is often very difficult in mind insufficient motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop for themselves the tactics of finding the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on such a joint work that the principle of work on itself is built.

Happiness - what anyone spoke, the goal of the life of every person. But is it difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but neglect with simple joys, which together and can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help feel happier.

Want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice who are given in this article, you can say with complete confidence that you will become more healthy than previously. At first glance, they seem simple, but begin to perform them, and you will be amazed by real changes in your health and condition.

Sensibility is not an incorrigible, pathological line of character, it can be corrected and needs to be corrected. Resentment is a person's response to the inconsistency of its expectations. This can be anything: the word, act or a sharply abandoned look. Frequent resentment lead to bodily diseases, psychological problems and inability to build harmonious relations with others. Do you want to stop offended and learn to understand your resentment? Then let's look at how it can be done.

Russia was shaking from economic crises repeatedly. If we talk about the twentieth century, then the first important negative experience is the First World War and Revolution, almost resetting that financial success and the potential, which the empire reached by 1913. This crisis situation was delayed at seventy years.

Next, an important turn is the oil crisis of the 1970s, which led to the collapse of the USSR, to say that this is a special shock for the country - say nothing. The crisis of 1998 occupies a special place in history, as it is the most positive episode of negative. He touched on (left and felt) fewer people than in others. It is necessary to add that they came out quickly, largely due to a completely different setting - positive, with faith in the best, based on the smaller number of victims.

But on the crisis of 2007-2009 it is worth stopping separately and in more detail. He was much more global and serious. At first, the economic situation in the country did not fall noticeably, since prices did not decrease in oil and there were large reserves in the country. But we still feel even global consequences - revolutions in Ukraine, Arab Spring, etc. There are not only the issues of the economy, but important public, up to religious.

But it is precisely the consequences in our country in the 10s of the 21st centuries - people objectively have become less money. According to Rosstat, the number of people living beyond the poverty line has reached a maximum since 2006. The number of Poor for 2015 increased by 3.1 million people - up to 19.2 million people. In 2013, there were 15.5 million, in 2014 - 16.1 million. It follows from this that the overall level of poverty in the country without registering the Crimea and Sevastopol rose to 13.4%. These figures are simply huge: 3.1 million people are, for example, the population of two cities like Novosibirsk. And what is important - in this crisis is completely different general mood - Many on themselves feel the economic drop and changes in connection with this in the lifestyle, the possibility of buying something, to drive somewhere, etc. And not only everyone suffered, it is also understood that such growth, as in zero, simply will not be, there is no resources and opportunities. Here it is just important to understand how to go to a positive, how not to tighten the process of falling for a long time?

Life is a movement on the spiral: the economy is growing, but falls, it grows again, etc. In the crisis, as such, there is nothing special, this is the norm, it is just a new round and part of a vital process (we can observe not only in the economy, but even in our psychological condition and development), you do not need to be afraid. This crisis will also finish accurately, the question is where we will go out: in growth or stagnation or even greater crisis. It is still important how long he will last. What can we do in order for the outlet to be fast and positive? Let's finally not allow such a fall to last for a long time and honestly, even for seventy-eighty years.

What can you do for this personally? "One in the field is not a warrior," many people say. Others, as usual, will be added that we still do not affect anything, nothing will help, we are too few and other sacrificial complaints. This is not the case, everything is always ruled by the most active small layer of society - the task of becoming it, and for this you do not need anything supernatural.

I solve the problem seeing the following - the creation of as many independent sources of income as much as possible. That is exactly the way independent thinking is formed, as there is a high level of responsibility for his personal, the desire to earn, and not lose.

Thus, if you have a desire to do something your own, run your project or open a business, then this is not only a contribution to personal capital and the capital of the family is also what moves the country as a whole forward: forms a new level of consciousness, Develops people in political and civil plane. The development of entrepreneurship is that a preventive measure that will not give the country to go on the totalitarian development path, since this will be too many disinterested people, and not in words, but in fact, as they will be good to see that they personally can Lose from what is earned by such hard work.

Entrepreneurship development will also stimulate economic growth, reduce the length of crisis states and healing the process of changing the stages of growth and fall, making a common spiral of life cycles much more attractive.

It is important to remember that at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Economist's authoritative magazine published the following forecast: in the twentieth century, three countries in the field of economic welfare and development themselves will be three countries: USA, Argentina and Russia. As you understand, their forecast was justified only in relation to one country. The question is what she made such that others did not and vice versa. The United States is the only country that has made a bet on the development of democratic institutions and separation of the authorities. Yes, the US economy is actually growing slowly, but the turns of growth are much longer. Countries in which the state actively interferes into the economy or otherwise those in which the mobilization economy cannot develop for a long time, these poor periods have no longer for no more than 50 years and there is an inevitable stagnation for them, and there is an excellent example of Argentina and the USSR. The story has shown that the American growth of the economy in only 3% per year is always better than the growth of Avral, who does not end in anything good. Institutional democracy are good, which allows monotonously and grow long, as it does not shake it from side to side, which leads to just the lack of democratic institutions. In consistently developing countries, the government is gradually transmitted and everything is going forward, because there is no constant struggle, who is still the main and capture everything in the country and will solve everything alone. And now, returning to the exit from the crisis it is important to say that the construction of such an institational economy is impossible without the construction of independent sources of income, which are entrepreneurs.

Finally, I repeat again, the crisis will end exactly, but how and when it depends largely from us, and as always, work is the best medicine.

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