
How to make a fire safety crawler. Baby crafts on fire safety in kindergarten, school with their own hands: photo. How to make a fire safety crawler through the eyes of children to the contest is an unhappy bunk? Crafts on fire safety

In all educational pre-school and school institutions, much attention is paid to fire safety. Conduct trainings, arrange the contests of thematic drawings and posters, exhibitions children's creativity. Baby crafts on the topic "Fire safety" look always interesting. Such events are very important for each child and can not pass in vain.

Fire safety. DIY DIY

Children learn to behave correctly in a fire, handle with matches, gas and electrical appliances. Because before doing something around something, it is necessary to try to comprehend the mind. Parents should not stay aside when preparing such events. Moms and dads should not just help choose and make a sketch of crafts, but also to tell about the way the child will be made in a miniature, for example, a fire truck.

Applique in the technique of alert

Crafts on the topic "Fire safety" can be performed in the most diverse technique. Parents own some of them. Everyone will choose himself and her child what he will like most.

Very nice and modernly, the manufacturing process is simple, under the power of the kid of kindergarten.

Need to cook corrugated paper. It is sold by rolls and there are different colors. This material is useful for other crafts, if this is not used in this. You will need a sheet of cardboard, glue, pencil and scissors.

The future drawing of the applique requires a sketch. Therefore, it is necessary to apply it on a sheet of cardboard. The picture should be on fire safety: you can draw a fire station next to the car. Now that the sketch is ready, the glue should be applied to the drawing, but not at all sketch immediately. Take the corrugated paper of the desired color (according to the pattern), cut out a small square, tighten around a wooden rod or pencil around the wooden rod and screaming your fingers. Now it remains to glue the workpiece on your place on the cardboard.

Thus, "drawing" the whole drawing, get the volumetric application. The kids will have such a lesson in the shower, they like to mive something, and if a picture is obtained from this, it gives them pleasure.

As the outlines appear in the figure, they can tell the child about the appointment and a special car extinguishing machine. It should be reminded the baby why fires occur and how to warn them in the apartment. At the end of work with the pattern, it can be placed in the frame.

From semolina

Fire safety crafts can play not only a good educational role, but also help to develop a fine motility of the fingers of the kids. Pouring work and accumulation requires work with semolina. It is also often used when they create children's crafts for fire safety. On the topic studied, you can perform a fire truck, hurrying to prevent trouble. As always, a pencil will come to the rescue, a sheet of cardboard or tight paper, gouache and semolina. Pre-stain in the desired colors. Then you should be dried on a newspaper or film. Manka is ready, decomposed in colors in separate containers. Now you need to draw the contour of the machine, apply glue on them and fall asleep them painted in a red gun. Then fill all parts of the pattern with the necessary colors.

Suppose first of the crafts on the topic "Fire safety" will be fulfilled not entirely skillfully and will not take first place, the main thing is not in this. It is important that the child repeated all the rules, talked and listened to the parents, felt their help. That's what is valuable. Let the crafts on the topic "Fire Safety" try to bring together children and parents. They will want to create together and make a lot of interesting things. In addition, you can read the instructive books together and discuss them.

Fire shield

Not so terrible the topic "Fire safety". DIY DIY in this direction can be performed from plasticine, you can use modular origami. And when performing a drawing on the topic somewhere in the corner of the picture, you must define

Of course, it is necessary to focus the attention of the baby on the fact that he has already seen such a shield in kindergarten or school. Suggest a child to remember which tools are needed when steaming fire. You can offer to perform such a shield in a miniature form. This type of work will be remembered for a long time a child and will be a supplement to any craft on the topic "Fire safety".


Bedder and all other elements of the shield will be made of paper, but it is necessary to give them a compound. To cleaned a cone and paint red. The ax, the shovel can be made of thick paper, and to twist it with cylindrix to the tools. Sleeve for water, that is, a fire sleeve, make a foil. The wire is suitable for a special bag, which is also used when steaming fires.

Fire extinguisher

The fire extinguisher will be a volumetric form, if you perform it in the old papier-mache technique. It's very simple: take a little plastic bottle, cut and enclose one half scraps of the newspaper. After giving the desired shape and drying the glue fire extinguisher to paint into red and provide small additional details.

When performing all tools, the child will be vividly interested in the appointment of each subject. It is necessary to answer in a thoroughly about each of them, because the knowledge gained will help in an emergency to save his life.


When will be considered important topic DIY "FIRE SAFETY", the photos of them next to the baby will remind you how parents helped the child when performing a task received in kindergarten. These pictures will be a reliable reminder of the rules of behavior in the fire. You need to easily approach any crafts for fire safety.

DIY on the topic "Fire safety" help children learn the rules of behavior during a fire. In the process of creativity, kids learn how to handle matches and lighters, how to leave the smoked room and cause the Ministry of Emergency Situations. DIY can be made of paper, plasticine, salt dough, beads and other girlfriends.

Crafts with your own hands

Fire takes thousands of lives. Often the reason for the fire is an incorrect treatment of fire. Children from an early age teach how to behave in the house, on the road, in everyday life and in nature to avoid fire.

Conversations in the game form - one of the types of training, but many kids will be better remembering the information, if it is consolidated by creativity by completing a picture or craft on fire safety.

From paper

It is a simple and comfortable material, it is suitable when you need to make a crawler quickly. For example, there is often a situation when the child remembered that the school should be brought to the school tomorrow.

From paper, there are volumetric layouts: fire trucks, fire, saving houses and trees. You can take colored paper or make a craft from white material, and then paint it out.

The resulting objects are glued to the lid of the box - it turns out a kind of fire safety composition with the eyes of children.

Children younger age Cut out ordinary flat figures made of colored paper and glue them to a sheet. Complete, but the original applique.


Soft fabric is convenient in work. Threads do not sprawl during circumcision. Felt pieces are stitched or glued together with each other. You can make bulk crafts or flat applications glued to the cardboard and inserted into the frame. In the stores a rich selection of flavors, it turns out bright and motley paintings from it.

From cardboard

Working with cardboard is a bit more complicated than with paper, due to its high density. But from it there are durable bulk models, which is important if the craft must be kept in preservation for a long time (for example, when it is given to the exhibition).

From the cardboard make large layouts of fire trucks, fire extinguishers, shields and other equipment. If desired, the car model is enclosed by foil, felt and other materials.

From plasticine

Kids love modeling. She develops a small motility of hands and develops creative fantasy. Crafts from plasticine on fire safety are usually made daisher, since it is easy to work with the material.

While working on the ordered, parents or educators will explain the child the danger of the game with fire and the rules of behavior in the fire.

From salted dough

To prepare the material you need to mix on 220 grams of flour and fine salt (large crystals will not go). Then 130 grams of vegetable oil are added to the mixture, a pair of tablespoons of water.

The mixture is divided into the required number of parts, the gouache of the desired color (red, green, blue and yellow) is added to each. Gouache can be replaced with vegetable dyes. The dough is smeared so that it is homogeneous in color. There is a second method of staining. First, they make a figurine from a conventional dough without dyes, and then the dried model is painted with a brush.

For the modeling of toy layouts, additional devices will be needed: board, knife, wands for eye, mouth, nose. The finished figure is dried at room temperature. The model can be put in a cold oven and warm at low temperatures (at high degrees, the toy cracks).

From cereals

Pupils of 1-2 class can use rice for making crafts. Here will require both perseverance. First, the croup is divided into several heaches and painted in different colors. Then on the cardboard you need to draw sketch of crafts.

Corks are glued to the base of PVA glue. Ready product Leave overnight, it creates and ready for exposure.

From match boxes

Boxes glue together and make barking houses from them, you can collect fire vehicles. Mockups are painted, if necessary, glued to the basis - a cardboard lid.

DIY sign short and bright phrases:

  • "Do not joke with fire!";
  • "Do not play with matches!";
  • "In case of fire, I call 01!".

From plastic bottles

From a conventional bottle will be a real fire extinguisher. It will easily make children from preparatory group kindergarten or elementary school students.

The bottle is wrapped with a red cloth or paper, fasten the hose and the label on which the step-by-step use of the fire extinguisher is described.

On the competition

Children try to make beautiful and original crafts that will be presented at the competition.

First you need to decide on the subject:

  • "Fire in the forest";
  • "Children and Fire";
  • "Fire is our enemy and friend" and so on.

At the second stage, the kids make crafts. For example: a model of a helicopter for extinguishing fires, a fire engine from a buttonThe or the original volumetric exposure.

By the day of the fireman

For kindergarten

For the middle group

For senior group

For schoolchildren

Students 3-4 class make complex applications. Children can already sew a lifeguard figure, dress it in fireman's clothes. Boys design large fire trucks, helicopters and other technique from matches.

Fire safety drawings

PBP pictures are drawn with pencils, markers, gouache or watercolor. If the child is familiar with the technique of working with oil paints, he can write a picture of oil.

Figures depict different themes. For example: Fireman extinguishes a blazing house, explosive and fire-hazardous items, fire in the forest

Preschoolers draw pictures with favorite heroes: Smeshariki pour fire in the forest, Luntik with the villages help the ants to cope with the fire.

Templates and stencils for drawings are easy to find on the Internet. On the top of the picture they write a short phrase warning: "Beware of fire!", "Match - children are not fun!", "Stop the baby, do not let him play with matches!"

Pictures draw on the day of the firefighter, on thematic contests, to the lessons on the burden. They help children explore the rules of behavior and vital activity, labor protection and health.

Matches - children are not a toy

Caution, fire!

Fire extinguisher

Fire engine


Fire rescue


Save the forest!

How to make children

When a creative task is given at school or kindergarten, parents think that you can come up with what materials for crafts are used.

In addition to the compositions, children can draw pictures and posters, make appliques about fires and the life of the rescue parts. Older schoolchildren (5-6 class) independently make cards or Baby Baby on Fire Safety.

Mostly common pictures drawn by pencils or paints are common. But it is possible to fantasize and, in addition to the drawing, stick the flame flame from the colored paper on the sheet, twist the lamps from the paper strips, also gluing them to the composition.

Sometimes the picture is made of plasticine - figures do not draw, but they are plated flat, then attach to the cardboard. Picture fire extinguishing in the forest, rescuer equipment (fire sleeve, face mask).

They are usually made of colored paper or felt. You can combine several types of material. For example, make a panel: glue a match to the cardboard (as a background is suitable colored paper Blue), close to it to attach a flame made of colored paper.

Panno sign: "Match is not a toy" and insert into the frame.


In the wall page there are several columns, each they write information.

  • how to breed fire in nature;
  • how to use a fire extinguisher;
  • what are the advantages of the profession of fire and lifeguard;
  • what does the perfect world of security at home and school look like.

The name of the wall newspaper is an important component of the publication: "Young rescuers", "Assistants of the Ministry of Emergency Situations", "Schoolchildren against fires".

Formation in children of ideas about the rules of behavior in the fire is one of the main tasks of preschool and school education. To solve it uses various methods. One of them is crafts on fire safety, which can be made in different techniques.

Appointment of such children's creativity:

  • introduce children with the rules for handling flammable objects;
  • form an algorithm of action during a fire;
  • teach care to property and nature.

Children get great pleasure from creating masterpieces with their own hands. In parallel, they master the rules of fire safety and develop fantasy.

Given the complexity of the subject, the child, you will need adult assistance. The joint making of the crafts brings closer to parents and children and causes a lot of positive emotions.

Skills of such a concept as fire safety is studied in special occupations.

To secure the material, children are often issued to the task: make a craft on fire theme. Where to start and what technique to choose?

What is the "technique of a torch"?

Crafts are implicitly looking at the topical theme of fire safety performed by the movement. Make them can even attending them kindergarteniR.

To make an applique, you need to stock such materials and tools as:

  • colored paper "Corrug";
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

Create a masterpiece

The only nuance is to look beautifully, twisted paper must be applied very tight.

It is possible to achieve the completion of the composition, if you insert a picture on fire themes into the frame.

Collective Cramps

Often, the child recalls what you need to bring a craft in the kindergarten, only in the evening. Then the apparel materials come to the rescue. One of them is a manka. Make a relief applique on fire themes from the cereals is very simple.

The "manna" looks bright and creative. There is another advantage: as you have to perform small movements with your hands, the child is improved by Motorik.

The manufacture of appliqués is beginning with preparation. We are necessary for work materials are:

  • manka;
  • gouache paints;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • simple pencil.

To obtain the color "semal" sand, the croup is mixed with gouache. Then you need to dry on the newspaper. When the basis for crafts is ready, proceed to draw the picture on the specified topic. Internal parts of the image are filled with glue.

While the glue is not drying, gently poured the semolina color. This operation is made by hand. Final Stage: Carefully Squeeze excess Manka.

How to make appliques from matches?

An interesting option is to create crafts on the topic of fire safety from matches or matchboxes presented in the photo. The latter are pre-colored with colored paper.

If a child is studying at school, he can choose more sophisticated technique: Supposing covers for several matches and boxes, you can turn them into the original exhibit exhibition.

There are other ways to make crafts from matches. The plot composition "Matches - the cause of a fire!" Can be represented by a box with matches on a sheet of paper. The flame is drawn with pencils or gouache. A poster made by its own can be supplemented with a frame or to illuminate the surface.

In children's imagination, there may be other plots on the "flammable" topic. They can also be embodied on a sheet of paper by gluing matches.

In early childhood It is necessary to teach the baby to the correct handling of fire. From this may further depend on its safety.

Production of crafts with their own hands is an exciting business. Preparing for creativity - reading books, the viewing of the drawings will help unobtrusively consolidate the safety rules in the consciousness of the child.

Performing fire safety crafts, children not only demonstrate their skills, but also get acquainted with the rules of circulation of fire, teach the property and the environment from the fire. It is for this that the exhibitions of crafts arranged in preschool and general education institutions are called. Of course, parents understand the importance of such events on which the vision of fire safety is revealed by the eyes of children, crafts are also performed by children's hands. And the adults need to send a child and help him: after all, this topic is quite complicated. We bring to your attention a few master classes that parents can take note when preparing for exhibitions in kindergarten.


Torching is a technique, products from which look very impressive, volumetric, and they are so simple that even a child will cope preschool age.

This technique you can make such crafts:

Craft "Fire Machine" from semolina

The execution of children's crafts for fire safety from the mankey is very useful for the shallow motility of your baby. The following materials will be needed for manufacture:

  • semolina;
  • gouache;
  • paper sheet or cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Panel "Match - Children is not a toy!"

Crafts according to the rules of fire safety should also teach the kids to behave with igniting objects. This can be demonstrated using a panel for the manufacture of which is needed:

  • matches;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • frame;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • brush.

Another 50 ideas of crafts on the topic "Fire safety" for kindergarten and not only

What can be done on a competition or exhibition on fire safety? Of course, the fire truck!

If you are looking for something easier - offer the child to make appliques from colored paper.

You can make a beautiful application and from decorative adhesive beads, which can be purchased at the needlework store.

Application can be made even from buttons!

A more complex, but very interesting, will be the bulk aircraft of the fire truck, which can be done, for example, from match boxes.

You can make a slightly easier option.

But the original options from trays for eggs!

The fire truck can be made of the box.

And even a very large box!

You can use any remedies as decor.

And you can do just plasticine and blind here such a fire engine.

Well, the kids will be delighted with Roya Rocar!

Of course, it is worth noting the valiant work of firefighters. Crafts can be made in the form of applications.

For imitation of fire, you can use a tear-off technique.

An unusual applique on the background of a picture of a palm can be made like this.

And you can use ready templates, Print them and make figures for fire safety lessons.

And finally, you can draw a figurine of a firefield from plasticine.

It is worth paying attention to children and the danger of fire. Here we can use the Kvling technique.

The fire can be made in the form of an interesting craft.

You can use this option.

Very natural will look like a fire using a safe candle.

Beautiful will be released such a volumetric applique of colored paper.

Games with fire are dangerous and it is quite possible to reflect here in such crafts.

It looks interesting and such a panel of felt.

For urban and regional exhibitions, you can make a more complex handicraft.

You can use the workpiece of a wooden house.

Of course, you need to draw the attention of children and on the problem of protecting the forest from the fire, which can be displayed in the crafts.

Some elements can be performed in the Quilling technique.

Easy to do this applique.

You can make such a volumetric craft of colored paper and cardboard.

Speected articles and using natural materials.

Children should offer such an option to craft-appliques from colored paper.

And you can make such a group craft.

Application can be volumetric.

More patience and experience will require such a 3D applique.

Do not do in the fight against fires and without a faithful assistant - fire extinguisher. The cracker can be done using a simple plastic bottle and the top of the pulverizer.

If there is a red bottle and a piece of hose, the fire extinguisher can be done like that.

You can make a fire extinguisher and in the form of a panel, for example, from a salt dough covered with varnish.

To decorate a fire safety corner, a fire stand can be made, for example, on the background of the fire truck.

And you can make fire shields and thus.

Children should not forget that games with matches are dangerous!

As you can see, make the craft on fire safety not only not difficult, but also interesting. Such a joint creativity usually very brings the baby with his parents and makes him believe in his strength. Even if the firefighter is dedicated to fire safety, does not take a prize room at the exhibition, do not forget to praise the baby! Your nice words add to his work will only stimulate the desire to create.

Tatyana Petrovskaya

purpose: Creation layout"Fire shield", as a necessary element of the security center of the subject-spatial environment in the Dow.

Tasks: - Create conditions for formation in preschool children rules fire safety;

Introduce children with primary means fire extinguishing;

Create conditions for the development of cognitive motivation, curiosity.

Activation of the dictionary: fire shield, Baggump, scrap, fire extinguisher, firehose.

Cut from cardboard and paint the ax and shovel.

Scrap and Baggorte are best printed on the printer, and then cut over after sticking to the cardboard.

The most time consuming in this work is the manufacture of the fire extinguisher. We take any empty bottle with a sprayer.

Give it the form we need.

We increase our future fire extinguisher first with an unnecessary newspaper (using glue "moment" and then red paper (here is the glue PVA).

For fireman Sleeves can use any unnecessary cable.

Make a bucket will not be difficult - we will with a cone of a red paper sheet, hang the edge, glue a handle.

Well, for the box with sand, take a box and with red paper, make an inscription "Sand".

Now for the foundation we take any box from household appliancesAlign all surfaces (Paper-Masha technique) And we get yellow paper.

On the prepared foundation, we place all the details, referring to their inscriptions previously printed on the printer. Our " Fire shield"Ready!

Publications on the topic:

We continue to replenish your "Center of Nature" with visual benefits. For the manufacture of the layout "Sea" we will need: - a sheet of dense cardboard.

Layout "Fire Shield" with his hands from the cast material. Description of material: The material will be useful when studying the topic of fire.

Material Description: The material will be useful when studying the topic of fire safety with preschool children. Tasks: to acquaint.

For the manufacture of the layout, we will need: 1. a sheet of cardboard or fiberboard. 2. Polyfoam. 3. Newspaper. 4. Napkins. 5. Color sand. 6. Gouache or watercolor.

How much should you know and remember the kids! Our task is to make the way of knowledge for children as bright and interesting as possible. For this we.

Quilling - art of paper, one of the types of decorative - applied art. Narrow and long paper strips with a special.

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