
Scenario of the holiday happy birthday kindergarten. Scenario of entertainment "kindergarten birthday" for children of primary preschool age

Structural subdivision of MKOU Velikoarkhangelskaya secondary school kindergarten

Holiday script

Job title : "Birthday kindergarten»

Position: educator

MKOU Velikoarkhangelskaya secondary school

The village of Velikoarkhangelskoe

Kindergarten opening script.

(Leading students of grade 8 )

Ved. one: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to the big celebration dedicated to the opening of the kindergarten!

Veda 2 . Who is the kindergarten created for?
Both old and young will answer you.
That's why he is called a child,
What is built for preschoolers!
If the child is in a hurry to go to kindergarten,
Joyfully strives for the group,
So, such a kindergarten for children,
Definitely good!

(children come out to the music, sit on a chair in a semicircle)

Lead 1 Today there are special guests in the Great,
They came to us from afar.
We are grateful to you for this concern,
So our dream has come true.

Vedas 2. And today those who have helped to fulfill our dream came to us:

(list of guests of honor)

Lead 1 .- Today is a joyful event - the opening of a kindergarten, which will hospitably receive 25 kids. And all the guests are already eagerly awaiting when the festive ribbon will be cut. This right is granted to ……… ..

cut the tape and put it on the tray.

Vedas 2. The festive ribbon has been cut, children and parents are worried. I have the floor………..

(handing over thank you letters)

Poems about the village are read by children

1.We live in a big village,

We want to tell you about it.

2.In the center, all people wonder,

The temple is worth it! So beautiful!

3. Near a monument to soldiers.

To those who fought once

4. Here is our rural recreation center,

We can't go there yet.

5.On a hillock - a cheerful house

We know: this is our school

1.We also have a hospital

Everyone goes there for treatment.

2. We have wonderful places

And the people are interesting.

3.It has been famous for a long time

Harvesting village

Let's grow up, we can work

We will multiply the glory of the village!

Ved. 1. The floor is given to the principal of the school ………… ..

(Director's speech)

Director - Dear guests, parents, guys!

I think it will not be an exaggeration to say that the opening of a kindergarten in our rural settlement is a landmark event. It says that the village lives and has a perspective. It's no secret that any construction is a huge work of very many people. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who made their invaluable contribution to the arrangement of the home for kids ……………………….

1 child - Souvenir with the image of the Temple of Vvedensky

Accept from a pure child's heart.

(child gives a gift)

Ved. 2

District leaders
"Thank you" we say.
For your understanding
We thank you!

Lead 1

We will say to the builders: "Thank you very much!"
Our garden is modern and very beautiful.
For what you built, glued, painted,
For skillfully decorating our garden.

Ved. 2 We thank the builders and the construction organization ……………


Lead 1 Allow me to turn words of special gratitude to the head of the department ……………………………………… ..

Lead 1 Allow all of you, our dear guests, to present small souvenirs.

( kids are presenting the symbol of the new year with a gzhel horse)

Lead 1 Happy birthday, kindergarten!
He's glad to meet today
Both girls and boys
Both funny and funny
Curious, mischievous.
It's time to invite the owners of the new kindergarten to speak:

(Children come out to the festive children's music)

Girl 1 -Listen, listen, listen!
Everything from the first to the last row!
Pupils greet you
New kindergarten

Girls2 - I AMmother's, I'm daddy

And grandma's too

Everybody speaks to mom

I am very similar.

I'm not running to school

I do not teach lessons

I love funny friends

I want to go to kindergarten.

Girl3 - Though ugly I look

And not formidable i am at all

Boys I I will not insult

I announce this to everyone.

Let's join hands

Let's go to kindergarten together.

We'll get crazy there

And we will find friends for ourselves.

Ved. 2 We sincerely believe that every morning the children will hurry here with impatience and joy, and their parents will find their like-minded people in the person of their teachers. And it is no coincidence that we invite here a representative from the parental community to participate in our celebration.

Lead 1 The word from the parents is given ………………………….

( Parents speak with words of gratitude.)

Dear children, dear guests, parents, teachers!

Let me, on behalf of my parents, congratulate all of us on this joyful event. Now we, parents, can work in peace, because we know that our children are on time and deliciously fed, have taken a walk, play and study under the supervision of experienced educators. …………………………………………

(kindergarten coming out)

1 child : Good holiday for the guys,

Everyone came as if to a parade

We are opening today

New light kindergarten.

2 child : Children have a cheerful look.

Moms are happy, dads are happy

We were presented today new house

Our kindergarten!

3 child: Adults say THANKS to everyone!

For a gift to the kids.

The new home is so beautiful

Both inside and outside!

4 child: We will sculpt, count,

After all, what do children need with us?

So that we play together.

5 child: A bright day for all the guys

Everyone came as if to a parade.

6 child: Everything in this house is for us

Breakfast dinner, quiet hour

Songs, dances, round dances

Santa Claus and New Year.

7 child: Clap their hands here

And stomp their feet

Everyone is strong here, everyone is brave here

Everyone here is dexterous and skillful.

8 child: Do you know what is in the world

Little mischievous children

Who did you mean

Children in our kindergarten.

9 child: Mom's hand today
They brought us to kindergarten.
25 kids
I am glad to meet a kindergarten.

10 child Happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten!

Let it make you feel welcome

He is both adults and children!

11 child. Let's be cheerful, healthy,

Let's give good light!

Come visit more often

The path is always open for you!

All children in chorus:

Happy birthday, congratulations

Happy birthday, kindergarten!


- (ditties are performed by children kindergarten)

1 Sasha and Vova played

All the toys are scattered

They began to argue and shout.

Who should collect toys?

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

2. And Masha loves to dress up

He doesn't like to wash

Even though her face is beautiful

But she is whiny and lazy.

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

3. And Vova Vovochka friend

Eat a pie with a toadstool

And for our Anechka

Sweets and gingerbread.

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

4. And Masha made a bear

Was in a hurry

And the bear on the nose

The picture turned out.

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

5. And Alla was sitting at the table

Dozed off over a plate

Pinocchio sat down with her

I ate both compote and porridge.

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

6. And the parents don't have an hour

No baby, chat

Who communicates in the garden

developing rapidly.

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

7. And we sang ditties for you

Is it good is it bad

And now we ask you

For you to clap.

P-in: Gardens, gardens, green gardens

And we are from kindergarten, and we are smart.

Dance "Playful"

Lead 1 - What is birthday -

This is joy and fun

These are songs, jokes, laughter,

The best day!

And it's not for nothing that our kindergarten

The holiday is celebrated.

Happy birthday, Happy birthday!
We congratulate you!

Veda . 2 . So our holiday, dedicated to the opening of a kindergarten in the village of Velikoarkhangelskoye, is coming to an end. We want to wish all of you many long years, and prosperity to the kindergarten, so that only joyful children's voices can be heard within its walls.

Together: Happy holiday, kindergarten! Happy first birthday, little country of childhood! .

Lead 1 We don't say goodbye to you. We say - see you soon!

Holiday script

"Happy birthday, kindergarten!"

Characters: Host, Fairy,
Clown - Bim.

Ved. Hello dear parents, guests, colleagues! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

Who will answer why,
Is everything so beautiful?
And where we won't look
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
Why is it here today
Do the songs sound fun?
Chorus: Because kindergarten celebrates birthday!
Oh, how right you are.
Today is a holiday in our garden.
And the doors here are open to guests.
Well, there is no better gift for us,
Than to see the faces of all your friends.
After all, Birthday is a very kind holiday.
And, this holiday can not be compared with anything.
And we will have fun with you.
We all can't hide the excitement, of course,
And I ask without further ado
Open our festive evening!
After all, we are celebrating our seventh birthday,
And everyone knows about it without a doubt.

Host: Cozy, kind, nice kindergarten,
How much effort and effort you need to put in
In order for him to actually become like this.
We are talking about kindergarten leaders who worked at different times and supported the life of a small island of childhood with dignity.
And who, if not the school director, will make sure that the children are cozy and comfortable in kindergarten.
The floor for congratulations is given to the director of MBOU SOSH s. Bolshaya Polyana Morgachevoy T.N.

Host: 2005 was the year of opening of our kindergarten.
Immediately the kindergarten was headed by Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Popova, who gave life and prosperity to our kindergarten, invested so much mental strength and patience in its development!
The floor is given to the first head of the kindergarten "Firefly" Popova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna.

Presenter: The first graduates of the kindergarten "Svetlyachok" give their number today, pupils of the 7th grade MBOU SOSH s. Bolshaya Polyana.
Song "Happy birthday, kindergarten!"

Host: 2008. For the position of already deputy director for preschool education Natalya Nikolaevna Krylova was appointed, who continued to work on the development of the kindergarten, on the creation of a play and educational environment.
The floor is given to Natalya Krylova, former deputy director for preschool education of the Firefly kindergarten.

Presenter: Graduates of 2012 give their number, today students of the 1st grade MBOU SOSH s. Bolshaya Polyana.
Host: 2011. Maslova Lyubov Vasilievna is appointed to the post of senior educator, who heads the kindergarten to the present.
The floor is given to the senior teacher of the kindergarten "Firefly" Lyubov Vasilievna Maslova
Host: Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our educators. We have kind and caring junior educators, chefs and kitchen workers who cook deliciously. Next to us is a washerwoman who keeps the linen clean. We have a wonderful caretaker who supplies us with everything we need.

Host: And now congratulations from the current pupils of the Svetlyachok kindergarten
Song "Kindergarten"

On Moskovskaya street,
Amid the splendor of the domes
For seven years now our kindergarten,
Meets the mischievous.
Children come out:
1. There is one country, guys, you can't find another one like that,
Not marked on the map and the size is small.
2. You will look around that country, go around it
And you will see: everywhere near, wherever you go - a friend is near!
3. Cleanliness, comfort, order, there are toys for children ...
You probably guessed it, this is our dear, beloved
The best kindergarten!
Fairy: Well, everything seems to be arranged in the most wonderful way, the kindergarten is decorated, everything is ready for the holiday.
Hello guys and guests of the holiday!
Happy birthday, kindergarten,
You guys are very happy
We live here all day
Here we play and sing.
We have toys for kindergarten,
Dolls, balls, animals,
There is a sandbox, a swing
And colored carousels.
We eat soup for lunch,
And then we sleep a little.
This little rhyme
Congratulations for the kindergarten!
Fairy: I, Fairy, fabulous, mysterious came to you for a holiday and I want to play with you.
The game "Wonderful bag"
It's a lot of fun with you,
With interesting riddles
I will introduce you now
1. Here's your first riddle:
There are hooves and horns
In the summer he walks to the meadows,
To keep everyone healthy
Milk is given ... (cows)

2. There is no bird on the branch,
The animal is small
The fur is warm like a heating pad
His name is ... (squirrel)

3. Dexterously catching up with the mouse,
Releases sharp claws
Resting at the window
And purrs softly ... (cat)

4. He is kinder to everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals,
He is famous, famous
Good doctor ... (Aibolit)
Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet.
Seventy clothes and all without fasteners
I'm a red girl
Sits in a dungeon
And the scythe is on the street.
The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Whoever undresses him sheds tears.
Long and green in the garden,
And in the tub, yellow and salty.
It goes with a cam, a red barrel,
You touch it smoothly, bite off it is sweet.
Doesn't upset anyone
And makes everyone cry.
We planted a grain - we raised the sun.
Antoshka stands on one leg.
In spring they grow, in autumn they fall.
Fairy: Well done, guys! You have guessed all the riddles.
Our holiday is attended by guests from the village of Ozerki and they also prepared congratulations for our kindergarten.
(The poem is read by Isaeva Varya)

Host: Dear guests, guys! Today we celebrate not only the birthday of the kindergarten, we also have a birthday boy among the pupils - Pasha Gerasimov.
You are exactly 5 today
Everyone will congratulate you:
And give gifts
And speak in verses.
Mom, dad, baba, grandfather,
Kiss them back
To again in a year,
Presented with a delicious cake.
Now let's get together
We will sing a song out loud!
And now we all together will congratulate Pasha with a friendly round dance "Karavai"
Host: Since in November we celebrate not only the birthday of the kindergarten, but also Mother's Day, these songs are dedicated to all mothers on earth.
Song "Song for Mom" ​​and "Pies"

The Clown runs into the hall with balloons.
Clown: Here I am! Hello guys!
Hello dear guests!
My name is Clown Beam!

I was in such a hurry for your holiday, so I ran,
I will apologize for being a little late.
Happy birthday, congratulations and wholeheartedly wish
Happiness to everyone, health to you, both the big ones and the kids!
Brought to you here balls of extraordinary beauty.
I will now distribute them to the guests, write congratulations to us!
The clown distributes balloons and markers to parents and guests.

Clown (to the children).
When you hang your nose, I'm kidding you,
And I am fast, and I am flying you cheerfully out of boredom.
I treat all diseases, and the kids know:
There is no medicine in the world that is more useful than a game!
Let's play, kids? (Yes!)

The clown plays with children.
Clown: How are you in a hurry to kindergarten?
Children: That's it! (run in place)
Clown: How do you make noise without a teacher?
Children: That's it! (stamp their feet)
Clown: How do you sleep in your quiet hour?
Children: That's it! (put their palms together, put them on the cheek and close their eyes)
Clown: How do you laugh at jokes?
Children: That's it! (clutching their bellies - laugh)
Clown: How do you cry when the teacher doesn't give you a chocolate bar before dinner?
Children: That's it! (rubbing his eyes with his fists, depicting crying)
Clown: How naughty?
Children: That's it! (puffing out cheeks, slap them)
Clown: How are you going home from kindergarten?
Children: That's it! (walking together with their heads down)
Clown: Well guys, did you like playing? Then let's keep playing! And now let's play some music games.
1. "Find a Pair"
2. "Competition with chairs"
Clown: Guys, now let's dance together.
Dance "Flowers"
Clown: The holiday continues, we release the balls.

Leading. Our children showed their resourcefulness, courage, musicality, and most importantly, their cheerfulness. And now, dear guests, we will check if you can guess riddles, but our riddles are not simple, but fabulous.
So, let's begin?
You are ready?

First task.
1 the tale of the first victim of a bad investment? (The answer is the tale "The Golden Key", and the victim is Pinocchio.)

2. The tale of how love turns a beast into a man ("The Scarlet Flower").

3. The Tale of the Vegetable Growing Farm ("The Turnip").

4. The tale of a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage 3 times, but then still found her prince ("Thumbelina").

5. The tale of overpopulation of the residential area, which led to the destruction of the building ("Teremok").

6 the tale of how a large animal used child labor in household("Mashenka and the Bear").

Host: Well, our guests are great!
And now let's rest and listen to the song "We will survive this trouble"

Host: We invite all guests to dance. ("Dance of little ducks")

Host: Dear Fairy, what is this bag in your hands?
Fairy: And I prepared a surprise for the guys. With the help of my magic wand, I performed a small miracle (shows the bag). In this magic bag, each of the children has a sweet gift (Gives sweets to the children).
Presenter: Today is the birthday at the kindergarten,
We are ready and happy to congratulate him,
We wish everything to develop
And the mood always remained
Smiling like the sun
What beats in our window!
May the children be obedient
Parents are not indifferent
May there be a sea of ​​good
And many happy destinies for you!
Host: Now!
I want to invite everyone
To the Sladkoezhkin country.
There are cookies and jam
Cake, candy, chocolate,
Birthday will be sweet
Everyone will be very happy!
So our holiday has come to an end, I congratulate everyone once again, I wish good health, success, and good luck. Thank you for being with us today! See you!!! Be happy!

Lesnikova Natalia Sergeevna


Holiday script

"Kindergarten Birthday"

(Fanfare sounds, 2 children come out).

Part I.

1 child The sun's ray knocks on the window
There will be adults and children:
"Wake up, get up,
Get ready for kindergarten! "

2 child Anniversary birthday
Celebrates kindergarten
And about this without a doubt
Everyone is talking today.

1 child If today is a birthday
This means that there will be a presentation.

2 child What presentation?

1 child Cheerful, mysterious, fabulous, fabulous
About a big anniversary in a small country of children.

(The dance "Little Country" is being performed).

Part II. (The presenters come out).

1 presenter Hello dear guests!

2 presenter Good afternoon!

1 ved We have been waiting for you for a long time
The kindergarten was turned into a fairy tale
Cleanliness, comfort all around:
The kindergarten is our second home.

2 leads Lives well here.
And in our garden they grow
Not cherries or pears,
And Seryozha and Katyusha.

1 lead Cherries are not blooming here,
And Dasha and Mashenka.
And the twigs are not rustling,
And Sasha and Svetochka.

(Children of the middle group come out)

1 reb Happy birthday, congratulations!
Our favorite kindergarten!
Let it be for many years in a row
The voices of the children are ringing.

2 children How the adults tried
To make the garden beloved,
So that we all smile
And nobody was bored here.

3 children To bright, clean, light
Was here every day and hour
So that insults are imperceptible
Leave us.

4 reb ... Many different toys here
We love to play with them.
Dolls, balls, animals ... -
Do not even count!

5 reb ... But we are not the only ones who play
They teach us to read poetry,
We sculpt, build and break,
We love to sing and dance.

6 children And how we play
Together, we live merrily
We will read poems to you,
And we will dance and sing.

7 children What is our kindergarten called
Where do we live to our heart's content now?
We all call "Firefly"
Now we will sing about it to you.

(The song "Kindergarten" is being performed).

1 lead According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of our preschool- 40th anniversary of the founding of the kindergarten!

2 leads Anniversary - what a word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
This is the day when there are so many friends
And here is joy and warmth!
We all wish you health and strength;
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrances!

1 lead The staff of our institution has always been distinguished by its stability in personnel matters, it was and remains always a single, cohesive organism, friendly and efficient.

2 leads For many years, people who are on a well-deserved rest have worked in the kindergarten. How much mental strength and patience have been invested in the development of the kindergarten!
So as not to grow a weed
The raft must be made like this
Don't miss anything
Do not forget about anything.

1 lead Cozy, kind, green kindergarten,
How much effort and effort you need to put in
In order for him to actually become like this.

2 leads We are talking about kindergarten leaders who worked at different times and supported the life of a small island of childhood with dignity.

This is ... (name of educators)

(The collective sings a song to the tune "I am standing at a half-station")

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greeting words sound.
Where are you cherished years?
What has been passed cannot be returned. - 2 times.

As a sign of our attention
Please accept the wishes,
Live for many years to the delight of everyone,
Let the years, like a blizzard,
All are spreading gray,
And light warms youth! - 2 times.

You indispensable happiness,
Success unchanged
We wish you great success many times!
I wish you excellent health, hopes and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! - 2 times.

1ved. We all come from childhood ...
Childhood barefoot ...
Sometimes naughty ...
Sometimes bad ...

2ved. How many children have left the walls of the kindergarten!
Many of them have become respected people.
Educators and nannies played an important role in this.

We sincerely congratulate you and wholeheartedly want to thank you for your attention and affection.

I would like to mention those educators and nannies who worked at that time(educators, junior educators, kindergarten staff)

1 ved ... We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish the main thing in life.
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without old age!

A song for you. (to the tune "Gena's song the crocodile")

We didn't come in vain
This is clear to everyone
And sat down at this table.
Happy anniversary
And leave as a keepsake
This song that we will sing!

Chorus: Don't let the years age you,
Be visible in life.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

We all congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay as it is:
Kind, sweet
Patient, beautiful ...
All your merits are countless.

Chorus: Let your life go by
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
May health be strong
For fifty years!

Life to pass is not a field to cross, says popular wisdom. Years successively replace each other, go away irrevocably, and we are left with worldly wisdom, sadness on our face, forced to look back.

Let's remember for a minute and remember those who are not with us☹)

2 leads There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to share the common joy of our institution, to congratulate on the anniversary. And the first one we give the floor to the head of the "Kindergarten No. 4"
Our dear ……………………………………….

1 lead What is in kindergarten
Let me ask you
Useful and necessary
Can they teach?

2 leads Oh, the children in it do not know boredom.
There a musician plays sounds
Everyone is taught to recognize letters
Solve tasks quickly,
Use crayons and paints
Children live in it as if in a fairy tale.

1 ved ... Despite all the hardships and troubles,
standing on life path,
employees come to work with a smile.

2 leads Everyone is in a hurry to kindergarten
There is a paradise for adults and children.
Everyone is playing merrily in the garden
They sing, dance - don't get bored.

1 ved ... And the music director helped the children with this
Sushchev Ivan Gavrilovich.

2 leads He was a great joker and humorist. He loved to joke very much, he always had time everywhere. In memory of this wonderful man (he is not with us)

Scene "The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood".

1 lead Educator-gardener
He cares for his garden, protects
After all, they grow in his garden
Someone's daughters and sons.

2 leads Jokes, music, funny laughter. These are the happy days of kindergarten. Many employees, although they do not work in the kindergarten at the moment, have left a piece of their heart and soul here.

I wish you health, warmth and inexhaustible energy.

And as a gift for you a Russian song.

1 lead Chefs and kitchen workers have a lot of worries:
Prepare a delicious lunch
Feed your charges.
These are our favorite:….
Do a wash, iron a thousand bedclothes,
Children's costumes, curtains
And it will do

For you this number:

1. Let me amuse you
And sing ditties to you.
Let me start
Put on a felt boot.

2. I have roosters and roosters on my sundress,
When you grow up big - beware of suitors.

3. Mom to tea, mother to tea from a large teapot,
When I grow up big, I will love the boss.

4. I was sitting on the river, I was lonely
I lost a pound of weight while waiting for a sweetheart.

5. There is a glass on the table, and dough in the glass
Goodbye mom and dad, I'm already a bride.

6. On the counter of the store
Sausage appeared
We came and looked
The hair stood on end.

7. Oh, friend, trouble!
The guys ate the midges.
Only those remained
That dust was sprinkled.

Part III.

2 leads We were all babies
And did not think about
That we will come with mom
To this warm, light house.
The teacher does not meet
Everyone is happy about this meeting.
All questions will be answered
And a useful one will give advice,
He has for everyone
And a smile and hello.

1 lead Thanks for the hard work! For instilling in our children a sense of beauty.

Nomination "Educator of the Year -

We will say thank you to the teachers more than once
After all, they ……… teach us everything in the world.
Kitsko Nina Dmitrievna
Lelekova Lyubov Nikolaevna
Saprykina Valentina Dmitrievna
Pavlova Anna Ivanovna
Starodubtseva Galina Mikhailovna
Romel Lyubov Mikhailovna
Altukhova Nadezhda Gavrilovna
(Teachers sing songs).

1 lead A trained cow Lyalya came to our Ogonyok with congratulations, on the eve of the New Year, the year of the yellow Bull. Please welcome! She wants to talk about the pressing problems of the kindergarten.
1. What caregivers do when children play in the area.
2. And what do the workers of the d / s do when the children sleep.
3. And how they go to work, and how they go from work.
4. Show me Lyalya, can you dance?

Cow Lyalya is dancing "Gypsy".

2 ved ... The next nomination is "Fast, Brave, Dexterous". Is invited beautiful woman, without which our children would not have strong arms or fast legs.

Marina Viktorovna Lelekova with her children.
(dance "Childhood").

1 lead Nominations "Golden Voice!" It is a musical virtuoso who discovers talented singers and musicians.
Alferenko Viktor Leonidovich
The song "... .." is being performed.

2 leads Nomination "Magician of Pedagogy". I wonder who it could be? A woman is invited to our stage, without whom the children would not have interesting activities, no games, no walks.
Senior educator Evdakova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

1 lead We invite a person whom everyone knows: both adults and children, whose kind eyes instill confidence and calmness! A person whose charming smile gives warmth and joy.
This is our head Mishchenko Tatyana Nikolaevna.

One more nomination "Giving Hope". These are smart, beautiful teachers who promise to achieve the best heights:
Marina Lelekova,
Kovalenko Nina Anatolyevna,
Ikryanova Zinaida Petrovna,
Shuvaeva Nadezhda Anatolyevna.

1 lead Nomination "Master of Cleanliness" - people who wash, clean, clean, feed children all day long. These are our first assistants to educators, nannies:
Zolotareva Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Pustovalova Tatiana Ivanovna
Maltseva Nadezhda Mikhailovna
Petrova Ludmila Trofimovna
Matyunkina Irina Nikolaevna
Elena A. Pereverzeva

2 ved ... Nominations "Inspiration" - strict, intelligent in the world, always ready to help both children and employees: our senior nurses are
Ushakova Lyubov Dmitrievna
Petrova Tatiana Dmitrievna

1 lead Nomination "Golden Hands" - to repair a chair, prepare a delicious dinner, keep order in the kitchen and in the building, take care of the timely delivery of products - all this falls on the shoulders of the employees:
Litvinova Lyubov Ivanovna
Buzova Lyubov Filippovna
Balabanova Karina Yurievna
Zhukova Elena Vasilievna
Bakhshieva Natalia Alekseevna
Ushakov Nikolay Mikhailovich

2 leads Nomination "Miss Smile and Charm" - a reliable person who loves his job and children - a watchman
Sumbaeva Natalia Mikhailovna
He understands children as well as possible, a master of warmth and kindness.

1 lead We all appreciate your work! A musical number for you, this song.
(The teacher ... will perform the song "Jubilee" to the tune of the song "Snowfall")

Verse 1:

You have not yet had time to drink your autumn,
And already your anniversary has crept up and is waiting.
He threw a little gray hair and wrinkles,
It will bring you many more surprises ”!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age at all,
This is a blessed dawn of a ripe beauty!
So let's pour glasses and drink for joy.
And hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Verse 2:

Let wishes flow like a river today.
Be a beloved wife and beloved by children,
Prepare a feast for friends and acquaintances.
Everyone will come to the holiday, do not forget to invite!

Chorus: the same.

Verse 3:

And we also wish you, dear,
Long years and good luck, great, great.
So that there is joy and happiness in your house,
And trouble would have bypassed him!

Chorus: the same.

2 leads We, educators, teachers, employees, have tried and are trying to make the kindergarten a second home for our pupils.

1 lead We hope that they will only do good deeds, help their neighbors, and benefit their homeland.
40 years is a lot and a little:
A lot for those who are tired of life,
Not enough for those who have little time,
But in his life he always did well.
I can't find such a word
To fully wish
Good health to you all
And never lose heart.
We wish you happiness and good
Less grief and sadness
So that there are more bright days
And the gloomy ones did not visit.
But on a wonderful anniversary day
All wishes are good.
May all the remaining years
They bring you joy from the heart.

2 ved ... Now it's time for parting
Years flew by like a week
The hour of goodbye has come
We didn’t even have time to blink….

(The song "On Birthday" is played). Teachers enter the hall, holding hands with the children.
Adult: Good evening! Adult: Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome
You on our wonderful holiday. Marina Viktorovna: Mysterious children's land-
How often she is remembered And we want to look there, So that our childhood is even for
return a moment! Gosha: It's a lot of fun today, sonorous songs sound! Together:
Because the birthday is Celebrating kindergarten! Angelina: Happy birthday, congratulations
Our favorite kindergarten. Elena Leonidovna: We wish you happiness, joy For guests and for children!
Polina: We will be cheerful, healthy, We will give good light. Valentina Fedorovna:
Come visit more often The path is always open for you! Kira: Let's sing and have fun
In noisy games to play, In the meantime, we invite everyone to start the Holiday with a song.
They sing a song: "Happy birthday!" music by A. Kudryashov, lyrics I. Yavorovskaya
1. We are very happy today: Birthday at the kindergarten, Everyone is dancing and singing,
They give out gifts to everyone. We are in a good mood, because on our birthday
The kindergarten is so good that you can't find more elegant. Chorus: Happy birthday congratulations
Today we are our kindergarten And we always wish him Only to please the children.
2. Here we play merrily, Here we grow up together In hot summer and spring And
cold winter. We love kindergarten very much, And when we are big,
We'll come here anyway, we'll sing this song. Chorus: the same
Presenter: The official moment is coming We invite the one who knows everything Oh,
to all the team who helps us And courageously heads the kindergarten.
Fanfare sounds. Nina Arkadyevna comes in.
Presenter: To make our holiday bright, Friendly little people For the birthday
as a gift I prepared a round dance. Song "Loaf" (we all sing the song).
After the song, the children and staff sit down.
Song "Loaf" (we all sing the song). After the song, the children and staff sit down.
On our jubilee holiday We baked a loaf Loaf, loaf Live up to a hundred years.
It is from many parts To make it more lumpy Loaf, loaf Accept congratulations.
Anniversary, to be successful And so that the loaf remains in the memory, loaf Accept congratulations.
Presenter: Anniversary birthday Celebrates kindergarten, And no doubt about it,
Everyone is talking today. Happy anniversary kindergarten Every guest is glad to congratulate!
Our holiday is attended by: - ​​the deputy head of the municipality
the resort town of Gelendzhik; - Head of the Department of Education of the Administration
the municipal formation of the resort town of Gelendzhik; chairman of the city
the organization of the Trade Union of Educators; - head of the centralized
accounting education A word for congratulations is provided:….
Nina Arkadyevna: Good evening, dear guests! We are very glad to see you in our hall.
And we have the most pleasant reason today - we have an Anniversary today!
And not just an anniversary, but the anniversary of our dear d / s and our large and friendly family.
We are glad to see here our dear veterans and those people who have "lived" a lot
years in "Ladushki" and wherever they worked later, always with gratitude and warmth
remember those years. Presenter: Kindergarten is the country of childhood, where joy always reigns,
children's laughter and fun. May laughter and joy become constant in our kindergarten too.
residents. Let there be fewer children's tears and resentments. And may this anniversary bring joy
adults and children. To the soundtrack "Whiskas", a boy enters the door and carries with him
festively decorated box. Grisha: There is turmoil and noise in kindergarten Everyone is cooking
your best suit. We all gathered for the anniversary, But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through!
Dressed nicely and washed your cheeks, They became beautiful and hurried to you.
Anya (jumps out of the box): Anya: We are tired of waiting for our performance. We want to
the holiday to dance. All children perform the Childhood dance.
Presenter: Our beloved kindergarten would not be so funny, fabulous and joyful if
would not be the constant work and diligence of our friendly team.
But our kindergarten would not have been like this, even without our dear and respected parents.
I invite you to this hall to congratulate the mothers of our pupils! Parents:
In such a difficult difficult time, You had enough patience - this is a burden to bear through
years on women's shoulders! Don't put all the respect in words, thank you for everything
for the warmth and care, May only work be a joy to you,

Parents: In such a difficult difficult time, you had enough patience - this
the burden to bear through the years on women's shoulders! Don't put all the respect in words
Thank you for everything, for the warmth and care, May only work be your joy,
I wish you success and happiness to the kindergarten and to you, I bow to you today from dads and moms!
We invite all employees to come here to your stormy and friendly applause!
We would like to congratulate those who give themselves entirely to raising kids,
not sparing their efforts and time, who does not know the words "I do not want", "I can not", "I do not know how"
who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves their job and hurries here
every day to continue to live for them, babies, and be needed by them.
(Handing flowers to all kindergarten staff) - sit down
Presenter: Thank you, dear parents, we will try to continue to give everything
strength to educate our children, and look forward to cooperation and understanding.
And as a token of gratitude, accept a song from your children. Song "Kindergarten"
adult children and toddlers come out
1.In the morning we get up early,
We are heading to kindergarten as soon as possible.
We are greeted with affection
A good new fairy tale.
Kindergarten, kindergarten -
This is a house for the guys
This is a house for the soul
Kids play here.
Kindergarten, kindergarten -
For the guys, like chocolate.
Come here soon
You will find your friends here.
2. Kindergarten - one family.
Let's be together - you and me -
Joyfully to work
And learn everything. The kids are leaving Waiting for a musical lyrical background Presenter: How does the story begin? 2. The story begins with the annals. 1. Who writes history? 2. History is written by eyewitnesses and winners. 1. "Ladies" also have their own history, created and written by eyewitnesses and their followers. 2. History is events, people, accomplishments and achievements. And here is how it was in small "Ladushki" we will find out right now with you. (soundtrack of a crying baby) Presenter: Do you hear? He was born, our kindergarten! It was 1963, then "Ladushki" were nurseries for babies and were in the department of the Central City Hospital. Nurses and nannies worked with babies who were accepted from two months. At that time, there were 4 groups for children from two months to a year; from a year to two, from two to three and a round-the-clock group. (the phonogram "First steps" sounds) Presenter: The kid fell into the hands of Feoktistova Maria Semyonovna - she was the first head of this kindergarten. With great enthusiasm and creativity, the team began to prepare the kindergarten for the adoption of children. They themselves assembled furniture, sewed curtains, made didactic and handouts for classes, planted houseplants... Presenter: From the first years of its existence, the teaching staff has established itself as creative, developing. In their work, educators have used and implemented all the novelties to improve the health of children. Presenter: And what wonderful people worked in kindergarten!
Let's remember their names: Feoktistova Maria Semyonovna - the first head of the nursery, Solovod Tatyana Ivanovna - the nurse-educator. Yes, these people remain in our memory, the people who created this history; their hearts were generous and sympathetic, containing the joy and pain of all their pupils. May their bright names be blessed. (phonogram "Time Forward") Presenter: Time rushed forward, and now the first head, who is leaving for a well-deserved rest, is replaced by another head Levchik Valentina Makarovna, she headed the Ladushki day nursery for 5 years. Presenter: The team continues to work creatively and again is distinguished by its hard work and professionalism. Presenter: Their work has been noted more than once by the administration and the trade union committee: thanks, certificates. Presenter: Kindergarten is a community of children and adults. It is good and comfortable for everyone. A great contribution to the prosperity of the kindergarten was made by our head Nina Arkadyevna Mazharova, who in 1976 came as a musical director to the Ladushki day nursery. Since 1984 she has been appointed to the position of manager. During this period, the kindergarten has grown in its professionalism. The garden was becoming more beautiful day by day. Presenter: And today there are veterans at the holiday, whose contribution to the noble cause of education is immeasurable. They are always guidelines in the life of our team.
How many babies passed through their hands and hearts! How much warmth and affection they gave to each child!
How much affection and care is needed
Dress everyone and hug everyone.
Rewarding and hard work
Replace mom every day!
You are considered, you are respected
And they call you veterans.
For the experience, for the fact that you are faithful to the garden,
For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.
You can endlessly enumerate the merits of these women, but it is better to name their names.
Veterans come out to the leaders.
For many years they worked in kindergarten and went on a well-deserved rest, and therefore, by the decision of the meeting of the work collective, they are awarded the honorary title of "Elders" and are awarded a commemorative medal. Presenter: This is the methodologist Sovenko Nelly Viktorovna (phonogram of presentation) Nurse: Vermenko Lyubov Efimovna (phonogram of presentation) Nurse: Vorobieva Lydia Aleksandrovna (phonogram of presentation) Nurse-educator: Filin Svetlana Grigorievna Educator: Fedorian Valentina Vladimirovna (phonogram of presentation)
To the music, there is a solemn presentation of medals with the inscription "Elders".
The veterans sit down in their places.
Presenter: The kindergarten is undoubtedly an island of peace and goodness. Here children learn good fairy tales, play the first roles, learning the secrets of life, learn to live honestly, justly and joyfully. But the children grow up and now they are already at school, but they always certainly remember the joyful days of life in kindergarten. And today your graduates have come to congratulate you.
Dima B. We were looking forward to this meeting.
We have prepared warm words for you,
But before you hear the holiday speeches,
We will reveal to you what your children's head hurts about.
We often hear from our friends
"Lucky for the one whose mother is the educator!"
But honestly the children's complaint
Listen! Let us speak!
The children of the employees sing the verses. 1. Mothers are so interested in work. We rarely see you - things endlessly. With the old melody of a plaintive song, Maybe we can touch your hearts. 2. Ah, on Monday you are not at home! All because you have a teacher's council. Mom is not there, mom is not there. After all, on Monday you have a teacher's council.
3. On Tuesday and Wednesday they waited for dinner, You called until the evening to wait, Mom came back and instead of a conversation I immediately sat down to write plans! 4. Here and Thursday. Well, you are at the meeting Teaching parents how they are with children ... All about methods, about upbringing, How we missed our mother! 5. On Friday you spent the matinee, you jumped with a bunny, you made everyone laugh. Everyone says: you are a great artist! At home, tired and "not at all". 6. The children were waiting for Saturday with hope, So Saturday quickly passed. In the library, in the library, Mom was in the library. 7. Do we go to the movies on Sunday? Mom will have no time again: "I am composing a new matinee, Dear children, please do not interfere!" 8.In the years, the days and weeks have developed, Daughters and sons have grown up. Moms look at them in surprise: Moms were busy with other children! Dima B. Mothers, dear, do not worry! You do not need to be torn in half, Just organize the time like this All together: So that there is something left for us! Slide
Presenter: Projects, programs - everything is up to our teachers. The kindergarten team takes an active part in urban pedagogical and creative competitions. After all, our anniversary is taking place on the eve of the 2014 Olympics, and our main task is to bring up a physically developed, cheerful, healthy person. Presenter: Look, admire the cheerful preschool children. Olympic hopes now go to kindergarten.
Some with a hoop, some with a rope, breaks the record for a record, They look with envy toys at the guys that love sports. Dance "Anthem of the Olympics 2014" Children sit in their seats Host: So what is a kindergarten? Presenter: Kindergarten is a land of fairy tales, it is the most amazing of all countries in the world. Where else, if not here, you can see in the sky a carpet-plane quickly rushing under the clouds, walking through the forest, meet the Gray Wolf speaking in human language or accidentally stumble upon the fairytale palace of Santa Claus! Host: May it be today fairy tale With a wonderful plot will return again About what once happened in the world, We certainly want to tell you. Under the soundtrack is Santa Claus. Santa Claus: How many people are in the hall! A glorious holiday is coming here, It is true, they told me in the forest, That the people here are waiting for me. I went through all the obstacles, The snow poured me over, I knew that they would welcome me here, Because I was in a hurry here. Happy anniversary, I wish everyone happiness! So let's honest people Let's get up in a round dance together! They start a round dance and sing the song "Gena Crocodile". Santa Claus plays with children, then with educators. Santa Claus: Together we will plunge into a fairy tale And we will believe in magic again For birthday they give all the gifts And from me a huge cake!
A cake is being rolled out to the soundtrack of Barbariki "Happy Birthday" Children and adults are lining up in a semicircle. Everyone is singing the final song "About friendship." The river has spilled in vain, Her friends cannot be separated! Well, together we are not afraid to even wet our feet. Chorus: Sunny bunnies are jumping through the puddles, The brook sparkles with a blue ribbon, Drops fly away with a spray of freckles, Only a strong friendship cannot be spilled with water. 2. It doesn't matter when thunder rumbles. Thunder over the spring grove. If the rain gets us wet, We don't care. A rainbow shines over the forest, The sun is shining for friends, And the nightingale is singing along to our merry song! Chorus: Sunny bunnies are jumping through the puddles, The brook sparkles with a blue ribbon, Drops fly away with a spray of freckles, Only a strong friendship cannot be spilled with water.
Presenter: In our garden, like in a small house, we all live together, work, create, sing and rarely get tired.
Here, like in any other family, the law is the same for everyone. Here everyone is needed, dear to everyone, and everyone here is loved.
Our bright, kind holiday of the anniversary,
Rushed like a moment of celebration and now dear guests, we invite you to the festive table.

Children gather in the festive music hall, sit on chairs to the music.
The cat Leopold enters the hall with congratulations: Hello! Hello!
Happy birthday, I wish you happiness, joy, do not get sick, do not catch a cold, smile and laugh, do not offend the kids, do not upset moms and dads! To grow up as good children, to behave well! For your holiday, kids, I wanted to get so much that I had to run away from the cartoon for my birthday
Leopold together with the children perform the song "If you are kind ..."
Leopold: Birthday means that you have grown up for a year, and for all our holiday has begun - miracles are still ahead. I know a lot of riddles, I’ll guess two for you now, guess, then someone will come to us here
Riddle 1: He is a friend of animals and children, he is a living creature, but there is not a single one like that in this world. Because he is not a bird, not a tiger, not a fox, not a kitten, not a puppy, not a wolf cub, not a marmot, but this cute little face has been filmed for a movie and everyone has known for a long time, but is called ....
Children: Cheburashka
Riddle 2: He loves everyone invariably, whoever would come to him, guess? This is Gena, this is Gena
Children: Crocodile
Enter with the song "Let them run awkwardly" Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka
Gene: Cheburashka, what's ringing all the time?
Cheburashka(embarrassed): Bell. I brought it to play with the guys.

Run to me bell game is held

Suddenly the old woman Shapoklyak appears
Shapoklyak: Aha! It seems to be here! Well, hold on, you will have a merry party!
Shapoklyak(addressing Leopold): Lord, how many years, how many winters! I congratulate you, mustachioed, on your birthday! I don’t forget my friends and appear everywhere on time. Something I chatted completely, but forgot about the present (looking in the bag). This is the most precious thing I have. Lariska? Here, Leopold, I don’t feel sorry for anything for my friend (chuckles aside)
Leopold: Sorry, grandma, but we are celebrating the birthday of the kindergarten.
Shapoklyak: W-what? Grandmother? Who? I AM? Well, I'll show you grandma. You will regret it very much. Lariska, in the bag! Behind me!

The song "We will survive this trouble" is being performed

Cheburashka: Gen, and Gen, and Shapoklyak won't come again?
Gene: Don't worry, Cheburashka, everything will be all right. Let's take the kids for a ride in our blue carriage.

The song "Blue Carriage" is being performed, Gena and Cheburashka ride children.

At the end of the song Leopold: Stop! Hush, these are our guests in a hurry.
Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Rabbit appear one after another with the song “Lives well in the world….
Rabbit: It seems we have already arrived.
Piglet: Hello!
Winnie the Pooh: Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life. Pooh!
Piglet: And I give you my favorite balloons! Let's play with them!

A ball game is being played

Rabbit: Listen, Pooh, what's sticking out of your pocket all the time?
Winnie the Pooh(pulls tied kerchiefs out of his pocket): Oh, oh, oh! Where is this from?
Leopold: These are the kerchiefs of our matryoshka girls.

The matryoshka dance is performed

Cheburashka: Gena, Gena, you do wonders, right?
Gene: Well, of course, Cheburashka. I will show you one miracle, only for a miracle to be, you need to get up, turn away and close your eyes as soon as possible!
Gene repeats three times: Cribble! Crable! Booms! (at this time Cinderella runs unnoticed)
Cheburashka: Happened! Happened! What a beautiful!
Gene: Don't be afraid of us, Cinderella.
Cinderella: And I'm not afraid. I want to sing you my favorite song "Good Beetle", and you sing along.

The song "Good Beetle" is being performed

Cinderella: How I love balls! Most of all I love to dance!
Leopold: So, music! The gentlemen invite the ladies.

Children perform a polka

Rabbit: There is still a game for you, we will read the poems now. We will begin, and you finish, together, answer in unison.
Rabbit: In the clearing, by the river, they proudly hold the stalks like snow-white porcelain cups ...
Children: Chamomile Shapoklyak from behind the door shouts "bugs" (everyone heard)
Winnie the Pooh: Here is a rough stalk, in the middle there is a coal, the petals shine like varnish, red blossomed….
Children: Poppy. Shapoklyak shouts at open door"Cancer" (she is threatened)
Cinderella: As if a ballerina in a skirt, not a bouquet, one flower, dark red….
Children: Dahlia.
Shapoklyak shouts "Mandarin", Rabbit and Piglet tiptoe to the door and hide.
Gene: A branch in bunches is dressed up, purple... It blossomed in the garden on a hot summer day ...
Children: Lilac.

Shapoklyak shouts "stump", Piglet and Rabbit catch Shapoklyak.

Gene: Ay-y-yay!
Leopold: Shapoklyak, let's live together!
Shapoklyak: Here's another! Now you will have fun with me, I will arrange a party for you. I am not going to be friends and help you!

Sings the song "He who helps people is wasting time"

Rabbit: I don’t understand anything, why should we interfere?
Winnie the Pooh: It takes a reason to get in the way.
Piglet: Winnie Winnie, let's give her our honey pot.
Shapoklyak: Fu, what disgusting! I hate sweets! Ugh!
Cheburashka: Gena, Gena, why is she so harmful?
Rabbit: It's just because someone imagines too much of themselves!
Shapoklyak: Oh oh oh! Just think!
Rabbit: Yes Yes! Someone imagines too much of themselves
Shapoklyak sings a ditty: A rabbit is sitting on the fence eating jam, Winnie the Pooh ate Piglet this Sunday!
Leopold: And our children know completely different ditties and will now perform them.

Children sing ditties

Shapoklyak: Blimey! Lariska, do you hear? Perhaps I agree to be friends with these kids!

At the end of the holiday, the song "Smile" is performed

Leopold goodbye: Guys, let's live together!

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