
Reading registry files. Using text editors. What program to open XML files

And what problems only do not have to solve computer programmers in their activities. Here is one of the puzzles. It seems like you just need to open the file and that's it ... However, in practice, everything is not at all simple. Trying to open an understandable XML file, we get a blank page. We climb into the code - everything seems to be logical - a bunch of data in XML tags. We understand that the problem is that there are no design settings in the file itself. They must be loaded from an external resource... And the specified file also refers to a group of files with settings for each section of the document. As a result, all browsers refuse to load all these files, seeing this as a gross violation of the security policy. And here the “dancing with a tambourine” begins: we turn off “protection from dangerous sites” in the browser settings; we start the browser with disabled security tools; looking for additional services; invent and write additional programs.

How to open the registry xml file?

But what if you need to open an extract from Rosreestr XML and print it out? Then you will need the following way to launch documents from the federal service. Otherwise, you will just be left alone with a bunch of codes and databases.


But don't be afraid, it's not so scary: the following steps are very easy, so you will achieve your goal in just a few clicks. XML and SIG: how to open Rosreestr?

  1. Now we will try to read the Rosreestr XML file in a normal format.

To begin with, you should make sure that you own two documents: the XML file itself and its SIG digital signature. Without the latter, you will not be able to see the information you need.

Open the xml file of the USR statement from the registry and get it in its normal form


In the top panel, open the "Tools", the tab "Compatibility View Options";

  • in the box that opens, check the box "Display all websites with compatibility mode";
  • press alt, in the menu that opens, open "Tools", "Internet Options". On the "Security" tab, select "Trusted Sites";
  • then click "All nodes in the zone require https server verification".

In the form that opens, using the "Add" button, enter the addresses: https://*.rosreestr.ru and http://*.arcgisonline.com/;
  • Without leaving this window, you need to switch the "Advanced" mode. In all lines, select "Allow".
  • The checkmarks from the enabled protected mode are removed.

    An alternative to obtaining a statement immediately in html mode, which does not need to be opened using software, is to order a document on the commercial website Ktotam.pro.

    How to view the xml file of the USRN statement from Rosreestr


    The first time I encountered this problem, running the Firefox browser with the options to disable protection helped. As it turned out, this decision was enough for about a year.

    And suddenly this method stopped working. And on different computers and in different versions of browsers. To solve this problem once and for all, I had to study this issue in more detail.

    It turns out that the solution to the problem is available on the Rosreestr website itself. And there is even an instruction there (only, at the time of writing this article, it was outdated - the design of the site has changed, and nothing can be done according to the pictures in this instruction). I will no longer torment thoughts and memories. Solving the problem 1. Go to the page "Checking an electronic document" on the Rosreestr website.
    2. On this page there is a field "Electronic document (xml-file)". This is the field for specifying your file to upload.

    An easy way to open a registry extract xml file

    The designation is formed in the form of a shield located in the left corner of the window of the file being opened, more extended information can be studied online on the sites;

    • Google Chrome (When configured - loading an unsafe script, a shield logo pops up in the upper right corner of the window when opening a file. For more information, you can go online to the site;
    • Safari (Safary), used when not using the auxiliary view security setting;
    • Opera (Opera) without the presence of auxiliary options that are responsible for security.
      In addition, it is possible to see information (except for graphical diagrams) when this xml file is opened.
    • How to open SIG on a computer Users need to know what kind of computer program can open files with the sig extension.


    On the Rosreestr website, you can find detailed instructions that help you open files with *xml and *xml.sig extensions. In order to check the document directly, using the help of the registry website, it is advisable to use the following widely used Internet browsers:

    1. Internet Explorer version 9 or 10, which has compatibility registers (it is allowed to use the service and the eleventh version).
      You must use the option -Include all content. At the same time, at the time of opening the file, a panel with a button will appear at the very bottom of the window, or you can use the settings to activate the Rosreestr website in order to view it in compatibility mode.
    2. Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Firefox) using the setting - disable protection on the page.

    How to read the cadastral extract received in electronic form?

    In order to view the layout plan of the object and basic information about it, you need to use the same methods as when opening an extract from the USRN, as now the information is contained in one database. Online There are other ways to open an electronic extract from Rosreestr.
    To do this, you can use any common browser such as:

    • Safari;
    • Internet Explorer;
    • Google Chrome;
    • Opera;
    • Mozilla Firefox.
    • open browser.

    How to open a file with the sig extension on the Rosreestr website

    In the Java Script section, select Allow all sites to use JavaScript (recommended) or set exceptions. Allow all sites to use JavaScript

    • In the Mozilla Firefox browser, set the "Disable protection on this page" option.
    • As for Opera, everything is simpler here: you do not need to set any additional settings.
    • If errors occur, you should clarify whether the digital signature matches your XML document, whether it has expired, and so on. In any case, you can contact the authority that provided these files.
    • To save it as a PDF file, just select "Print" in the browser options, then change the printer using the appropriate "Change" button (in the browser

    Conclusion Friends, now you know how to open and read the Rosreestr XML document.

    How to open a document from the registry

    Verification of an electronic document The service allows you to generate a printed representation of an extract received in electronic form and verify the correctness of the electronic digital signature with which it is signed. If you need to get a printed representation of the statement, just upload the xml file and click on the "Check" button, then select the "Show file" function.
    If you need to check the correctness of the electronic digital signature, you need to attach the xml file, the sig file received along with it, and click on the "Check" button. If you need to get a printed representation of the statement, just upload the xml file and click on the "Check" button, then select the "Show file" function.

    • plans to acquire certain housing or land for building or farming;
    • when concluding a preliminary sale and purchase agreement with a deposit to obtain information about the owner;
    • in case of land disputes - to draw up an act of land surveying;
    • consideration of a case in court in relation to an apartment or premises for entrepreneurial activities, including inheritance disputes, in connection with donation, disposal of an object of joint property of spouses, etc.;
    • checking property for the presence of encumbrances when depositing as a pledge or mortgage to a bank;
    • determination of the debtor's property in the framework of enforcement proceedings in the collection of payments and other circumstances.

    To receive a service through the State Register, you must register on a single portal and identify the user.

    The Rosreestr website has a special service for opening statements (link below). Using the example of an extract for an apartment, I wrote detailed instructions, so repeat after me. Also at the end of the article there is a small additional instruction if .

    1. Place all files from the archive with the extract in a separate folder so that they are all in one place. There is no need to rename files, i.e. what files were in the archive, let them remain so. From the archive to a separate folder, I transferred an extract to the apartment in .xml format, a unique digital signature in .sig format and folder (1), which contained a graphic plan of the apartment on the floor. Usually the graphic plan is located inside the statement itself, but for me it came with the statement separately (you can see it in the picture). After opening the file with the graphic plan, you can view it.
    2. Follow this link - https://rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/cc_visualization. This page was created by Rosreestr to open xml files of statements.
    3. On the page click on the "Select file" button in the field "Electronic document (xml-file):".
    4. Go to the created folder and double click on the file in .xml format(this is our extract).
    5. Click on "Select file" in the field "Digital signature (sig file):" and double click on the file in .sig format, which is located next to the statement.
    6. Click on "Check".
    7. A message should appear that the XML file (the extract itself) is certified by an electronic digital signature. Click on "Show in human format".
    8. An electronic statement will appear in a new browser window, in which all information about the property is now visible. The statement file was created in .html format, which can be opened by any browser.
    9. To save the statement in .html format and then open it safely in any browser, click on the button "Save". To print the statement, click on "Type". It happens that these buttons are missing, therefore, to save the statement on the keyboard, press CTRL + C, to print - CTRL + P.

    At some point, any user may encounter a problem on how to open an xml file. This format is not common, so the user does not always get to immediately understand which viewer is best suited for him. As a rule, several proven methods are used to view an xml file.

    What is an xml file

    The difficulty with such a document often appears due to the fact that the user does not know what an xml extension is. A document is a specialized type of table that contains and is capable of using the markup language of the same name. Often used to form:

    • list of goods;
    • extracts from the cadastral register;
    • on some sites tables are part of the structure of the resource;
    • parts of the application interface;
    • basics for creating FB2 format.

    Such documents, as a rule, have a certain structure, which is represented by a tree of elements. Each of them can have its own additional attributes, some values. For example, in a line, the word value is the tag that is used to open and close. The attr value will be the attribute, and attrval its value. The last element on this line is the content. Programmers are often involved in compiling such tables; ordinary users find it difficult to work with tags and attributes.

    How to open xml format

    You can encounter this file after unloading some of the goods from the online store or reports, so you should know how to open the xml format. The choice of application or method for opening such files depends on the content display option, the ability to edit the table, and the formation of new data. Here is a short list of how to open xml:

    • by means of the Microsoft software package;
    • specialized utilities;
    • text editors;
    • browser and online service.

    XML editor

    You should start with programs that were specially developed to work with this format. The xml file editor provides an opportunity not only to open them, but also to edit and save them. There are many different applications that provide such an opportunity. You can view xml files through the following editors:

    • Notepad++

    Anyone who is involved in creating websites, layout, formatting table styles needs to download this program. This free application works with all text file formats, you can set the code highlighting function through the settings, which makes it very easy to read and edit a document. It is not uncommon for a person to miss a closing parenthesis or a semicolon when writing, and this notepad will point out the place where the mistake was made. The interface has Russian localization, which simplifies the work.

    • XMLPad

    Another option to open xml is the XMLPad notepad. It is also distributed free of charge, it helps to view the content and, if necessary, change it, save it. The user can set two options for displaying tables - plain text or a hierarchical tree with tags. One of the main features of XMLPad is the ability to perform XLST transformation, the presence of hints. To read the text, you need to run the program and select the document you need to open.

    • Oxygen XML Editor

    Convenient, easy-to-configure editor that supports many different formats: DTD, XSD, XSL. It has wide functionality, because it was created on the Java language platform. At the same time, users do not have any difficulties when working with the application, there are no restrictions on actions on tables. To open it, on the start page, click on the picture of the folder with the caption "Open" and select the object you want to display on your computer.

    Open online xml

    There is a site xmlgrid.net on the Internet, which provides the ability to download a file with tables. The service not only displays data for reading, but also allows you to work on them, edit the document. There is another way to open xml on the Internet, which uses standard browsers, suitable for display:

    • Firefox;
    • Safari;
    • Internet Explorer;
    • Chrome;
    • Opera.

    You can choose any, all these browsers are able to interact with tables, they display the contents of the document in the form of code. To view the file, right-click on the file and select "Open with" from the drop-down context menu. In a new window, select your browser from the list and it will display all the necessary information. There is no way to edit the document.

    in excel

    In order to view a file with this extension, you can use an application from the Microsoft package - Excel. It displays data from the table already in finished form, with formatting and tags, helps to display the given code. To open it, you need to call the "Open with" menu again, select the program from the list provided. The program is standardly set a certain number of lines to display, if there are more of them, then it simply will not be displayed, will not start.

    Text editor

    In the absence of special programs for opening tables, you can use any text editor, for example, word or a standard notepad, but you will need additional steps to configure the display. So, in a regular NotePad, when you open all the entries in the file, they will be combined into one long line, and it will be very difficult to understand the pieces of code. Encoding may fail when opened in Word. To correct the situation:

    1. Open Word, click on "File" and select "Options".
    2. Click the "Advanced" tab.
    3. In the "General" section, check the box next to "Confirm file format conversion on open"
    4. Close the document and reopen.
    5. The "File Conversion" window will appear, select "Encoded Text".
    6. In this window, set the switch to "Other" and set the desired encoding.

    Program for viewing xml files from Rosreestr

    Recently, extracts from Rosreestr began to be issued in this format, and the standard DPF is no longer relevant. You can use a simple standard browser to view the file. The opening method was described above (through the "Open with" menu). You can use the service from the Polygon called GeoEditor, which will correctly display all the data.

    Another option than opening xml from Rosreestr is a special RosreestrXML application, which is distributed on a paid basis and is able to convert statements. The utility works with many formats that are used to provide information from the state real estate cadastre. To work, the application does not need to have an Internet connection, it is able to work simultaneously on a large number of tables at once, it is possible to transfer additional attribute information when converting.

    Video: how to view xml

    Today, all information about real estate should be entered into a single register (EGRN). If there is a need to find out such information, then a corresponding request is made to Rosreestr. It is very convenient to receive an answer in electronic form, but since 2013, it has become difficult to read documents coming from Rosreestr. This is due to the format of the documents provided. We will describe further how to translate documents from Rosreestr into a human-readable format.

    Under what circumstances may information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate be needed? Photo No. 1

    As you know, the information contained in the unified register is accessible and open (with some exceptions). This information may be needed when obtaining, concluding real estate transactions, in other cases. You can get them in several ways.

    1. On request, a paper version of the document can be sent by regular mail. In five days it is prepared for dispatch, further delivery speed depends on the work of postal workers.
    2. Quite quickly (within a day) you can get it in electronic form. However, such an extract is for informational purposes only and does not contain the signature of the person who issued it, the seal of the organization.
    3. Within five days, you can receive an electronic certified document. But it is provided only in certain formats (XML file, sig file). It is quite difficult for an ordinary user to understand them right away.

    Why did it become necessary to transform the Rosreestr format?

    Until recently, there were no problems with obtaining extracts from the register. But, after 2013, reading the documents coming from Rosreestr began to cause difficulties. This is due to the format of the documents themselves. The fact is that since the indicated time the rules for providing information contained in the State Property Code have changed.

    Thanks to Order No. 75 adopted by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on February 27, 2010, all electronic documents are sent to applicants in the form of XML files, sig files. This is due to the fact that the new AIS put into use for employees can generate files in the specified formats.

    It is normal to read such documents, to make a readable printout without additional manipulations with them will not work. Therefore, applicants have to look for ways to transform them, otherwise the whole point of submitting these documents is lost.

    In what format is the file sent from Rosreestr?

    If you need to get a certified extract from the register quickly enough, then you should not order it in paper form. You will have to wait more than five days for sure. Another faster option is to receive an electronic statement in five days.

    However, such extracts come in the form of archives that contain XML files (the document itself with information from the registry) and sig files (the digital electronic signature file of an employee of Rosreestr). In fact, they are documents with a set of characters that are incomprehensible to a simple user.

    It is not possible to understand their contents in this form. But most often, statements must not only be read, but also saved, and also printed out for submission to various official authorities. Therefore, the issue of converting the received extracts into a normal, understandable and readable form is very relevant.

    How to convert it for viewing and printing?

    To view and further work with files in the form of XML, their transformation is required. You can do this with a few fairly simple ones. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

    Through the service of Rosreestr

    It is worth noting that the Rosreestr website itself offers a special service that helps to read, save and even print such a file. It is called "Verification of the electronic document". This service provides an opportunity to get a readable printed version of the extract, as well as to verify the authenticity of the digital signature on this document.

    So, to translate the file into a readable format, we proceed as follows.

    • select the specified service on the Rosreestr website;
    • in the window that appears, press the file selection button and upload the resulting document;
    • when the documents are uploaded, you need to check them by clicking the appropriate button;
    • a new button will appear in the updated window with the name “show in human-readable format”;
    • after clicking it, the document will open in its normal form;
    • then it can be saved and printed.

    Via browser

    Another option for reading the received file can be the use of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox browsers. To do this, right-click on the file and select the line "open with" in the window that appears.

    If this browser is new, then you will have to do the following:

    • you need to go to the "Service" menu bar in the upper right corner;
    • select "Developer Tools" or press the F12 key on the keyboard;
    • then select document mode;
    • then switch to "Standard Internet Explorer 7".

    After all the steps taken, the document should open normally. However, some of its elements, such as graphics, may be blocked. Then you will need to click a button to allow the blocked content.

    Other ways

    Ordinary text editors, such as Word or NotePad, can also help open the encoded file in its normal form. To use them, you also need to right-click and select the "open with" line.

    The text should appear on the screen in a readable form. For the same purpose, you can use Microsoft Word Excel. You need to open it and select the file that needs to be converted. All data will be displayed in a table. However, this may not always be convenient. Especially if the file is large and contains many different attachments.

    There are also special ones that allow you to read such files. Setting them is useful when you need to constantly read a large number of documents in the form of XML. Among them is XML Explorer. XML Pad, Oxygen XML Editor. In such programs, files can not only be read, but also modified.

    If you look, then documents in the form of XML files, sig files, are not so difficult to read. On the website of the Rosreestr providing these files, there is a special service for viewing them. There are other ways to make the file readable and understandable. But, if time is not running out, and you do not need certified information from the registry, then you can order them by mail or in the usual electronic form.

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    23 Dec 2017 41

    Not all, but many users of modern computer systems often encounter incomprehensible XML. What kind of data is this and why they are needed, even fewer users know. Well, what program to open is generally understood by units. Although everything is quite simple in this matter, nevertheless, problems sometimes arise. Let's see what's what.

    XML format - what is it?

    Let's start with the fact that the XML format is a data type created using the special Extensible language using commands that include a descriptive part of the properties or settings of an object based on tags and attributes.

    In simple terms, the XML format is text-based and somewhat similar to the HTML hypertext markup that is widely used on the Internet. Therefore, a preliminary solution to the problem of how to open an XML file in a readable form can be the use of almost any, even the most primitive text editor or viewer. But everything is not so simple here, since the files themselves can have completely different purposes.

    What are XML files used for?

    Before answering the question of how to open an XML file in its normal form, let's find out what these data types are for.

    First, they can contain quite large amounts of information, for example, about music or video collections posted on the Internet. The files themselves are somewhat reminiscent of the ID3 tags that are used in MP3 files and contain information about the artist name, album, release year, genre, etc. As for the XML format, the ability to add data to such files is practically unlimited, and the represented information may concern not only a single object (track or film), but also their whole set (albums, collections, etc.). The only limitation is the limit of the maximum possible number of lines in the text. This is what often causes problems when opening.

    Secondly, such files are very often linked to specialized programs, and textual information contains data on some important settings of the application itself or on the parameters set by the user. For example, in any music program, you can set your own parameters for one or more tracks, and then save them as a custom template. And saving, as is probably already clear, takes place precisely in the XML format.

    How to open an XML file normally: the simplest method

    Now let's look at the easiest option for opening files of this type. Let's take Windows systems as an example. As a rule, the association for this format is not set by default. As a result - the impossibility of opening a file by double clicking.

    On the other hand, even if such a technique is applied, any modification of Windows will initially provide a list of several most suitable applications or prompt the user to specify the executable EXE file by browsing.

    The first thing that comes to mind due to the fact that the format is text is the choice of the editor of this type. In the list of programs, one of the first (if not the very first) offers the standard Notepad - an application included in the mandatory set of any modification of Windows.

    However, if you solve the problem of how to open the XML file in its normal form, you can first launch Notepad itself, and then use the open command from the file menu or the Ctrl + O combination standard for all applications. It goes without saying, if this option is convenient , in the program selection menu, you can set the use of this method for all files of this type, or select the desired program yourself from the menu, which will subsequently open this format by default (double-click).

    You can, of course, use any Internet browser to view it, but you won’t be able to edit the data - just view it as text, nothing more.

    How to open an XML file in a readable way: optimal programs

    However, it is not limited to simple things. You can just as easily use more powerful word processors like Microsoft Word. The XML file in Word will have exactly the same appearance as any other, for example, TXT format.

    But it is worth paying attention to the moment that the alignment in Word, in fact, as well as formatting, is somewhat different from the standard Notepad. Yes, you can view or edit the data, but the structure of the document with all sorts of special indents (especially if there are long enough lines) can be broken.

    But what many people don’t know for sure is that the problem of how to open an XML file in its normal form can be solved even with the help of a MS Excel spreadsheet processor. True, this is where the row limit comes into play. In other words, if the document contains too much data, the information will not be displayed completely.

    But if we talk about how to open an XML file in its normal form, which is neither readable and editable, then it is better to use original programs that allow you to create data of this type, but not all kinds of notepads, but special applications with language syntax support. Among them, one can especially note such as Oxygen XML Editor, EditiX, XML Marker and the like. Here you need to clearly understand that such applications are initially "sharpened" for the language and have much more features compared to other text editors, even the most "fancy".

    Error opening XML format

    So, with the question of how to open an XML file in its normal form, we figured it out a bit. Now let's look at some errors when trying to open such data for viewing or editing. Typically, the application you're using might report a message that it can't open the XML file because the integrity of the object it's looking for has been compromised. There can be any number of reasons for this (for example, an incomplete or suddenly interrupted download from the Internet).

    Another crash can occur when it contains incorrect tags and attributes. In some cases, failures may occur if the XML file is an email attachment. When you try to open it in standard programs like Outlook Express, the file is first saved as temporary data in the TMP format, and the program responsible for opening the original file you are looking for does not understand this extension. Therefore, it is better to first save the attachment in its original form, and open it after.

    What to prefer for working with XML files?

    So we figured out how to open an XML file in its normal form. What to use? In the simplest version, any text editor or the same spreadsheet processor is suitable for viewing. But if editing is required, and even with syntax support, in order to avoid possible errors when entering commands, specialized applications cannot be dispensed with.

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