
How to open bak file online. How to open a bak file: description, programs that create and open the format

Surely you have come across files with the BAK extension on your computer and wondered how to open such a file. Maybe you tried to open it with a simple click, but the Windows message showed error details. In order to determine the answer to the question of how to open BAK, you need to understand what it is.

A file with this extension represents data saved during a backup. In other words, BAKs are generic backup files, so opening them involves using a lot of programs. So, you have found the BAK file. How to open it? The program in which it was created. Such software can be either specially designed for or simply an application that creates a backup copy (BAK) of another important file.

For example, all Autodesk products, including AutoCAD, use BAK files regularly to back up files. Other programs also work with this format, such as any financial planning software, tax programs, etc.

The question of what to open BAK with can be as important as the existence of the files themselves. First of all, you need to find out where you found this file on your computer and what it is called. The answers to these questions could help you find a program with which to open it.

General recommendations in resolving the issue of "BAK than to open" will be to use Notepad or another text editor. Many files have text content that is readable no matter what the file extension is, and a text editor may be able to display their content correctly. Of course, this method may not work, but it is always worth a try.

How to convert BAK file:

There are two main ways in which it is possible to convert a BAK file to another type:

The first way is to open such a file in any default program and choose to save the open file in a different format.

The second way is to use file conversion services or software to convert files to another format.

Also, when deciding how to open BAK, you should not try to simply change the file extension. This will not convert the format and the computer will not recognize such a file. If none of the programs installed on your computer helps, you can only resort to conversion tools. Which one to use is up to you.

In other words, when talking about how to open BAK, you should use the standard methods for such cases. First of all, try to open it using the default settings, if this does not help, seek help from third-party online services or related software. There are not so few applications that work with this today, and most of them can be found freely available on the network or purchased for a small fee.

A BAK file is a format that contains a zipped backup (backup) of the original file. Such files are created as a result of the work of programs or the operating system as a whole. Objects can be created automatically or by the user.

Where is the BAK format found?

The BAK extension can be found when working with any program that creates or edits image files, documents, archives with program code. Also, backups are often stored in mobile devices for convenient archiving of phone numbers, application data.

Often BAK can be found as one of the main formats of the AutoCAD software package, which is used to create drawings, circuit diagrams and flowcharts of algorithms. When saving a newer version of the file, the old copy does not disappear anywhere and is added to the main application directory. At the same time, the BAK format is also added to its extension, which indicates that the object is an archived copy of the document. In case of damage or deletion of the main file, you can restore all data using a drawing backup.

How to open BAK

The most common BAK viewer is AutoCAD. It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. To open a backup file in AutoCAD, simply remove the backup extension from the file name, leaving the original format. Then open the drawing in the program window and continue editing it.

Other apps to view BAK:

  • Total Commander - universal explorer allows you to easily open archives and backups on mobile platforms or in Windows OS;
  • Command line. On Linux and MacOS, to view the contents of a BAK document, use the file command line utility. It opens the firmware and unpacks the desired file;

Surely each of you noticed that when working on a project in AutoCAD, after saving the *.dwg drawing file, another file appears in the same folder, which has the *.bak extension.

Let's take a closer look, what are bak files in AutoCAD, and when they can come in handy.

In AutoCAD, a bak file is a backup of a drawing, and if this extension is manually changed to *.dwg, then the file will open without problems in AutoCAD and will contain a drawing with all objects. These files are created by default because in "Settings" there is a checkmark next to "Create backup copies" (see fig.).

How to set up autosave in AutoCAD?

Information is not entered into the backup copy immediately, but when the main file is resaved. Therefore, in order to organize work in the AutoCAD program as efficiently as possible, adhere to the following algorithm:

1. Starting work on a new drawing, immediately save it to your computer ("File" - "Save").

2. In the command line, write "SETTINGS", press Enter and in the dialog box that opens, go to the "Open / Save" tab. Make sure that the checkbox next to "Create backup copies" is checked, and autosave is also performed in AutoCAD.

3. Set up AutoCAD autosave. The optimal time is 15-20 minutes.

4. Remember that Therefore, never neglect point #1.

I also advise you to select "Save as" - AutoCAD 2004 or 2007 in the "Save files" section, so that in the future you or someone who needs this drawing can open the file in an earlier version.

Well, now you know how to open bak in AutoCAD and understand how useful this file can be, because. avoids data loss due to unforeseen situations. In AutoCAD autosave where and the main drawing file.

If you have some experience with a PC, you probably like (or loved) to delve into the file system. It contains sometimes unexpected components that are not suitable for direct user work with them. Such files cannot be opened. in the Office package, Notepad, Paint, or Photoshop.

How to work with files with BAK extension?

But interaction with rare formats often gives the user new opportunities. IT professionals are well aware of this. One of these formats is just “.bak”. You might have come across it if in one of the programs in Windows backup configured.

About BAK format

This file is the result of a backup job. It is a copy of the original file, packaged in a container for easy storage in the system. Files with the BAK extension are created automatically, sometimes the user can influence their saving.

For example, you working in Word and created a new text document. The office editor will save two copies, one in the standard ".doc" or ".docx" format, and the second in the ".bak" format. This will be the old version of the document.

HELP Doing so will prevent the system and you from mistakenly deleting the entire document if access to it is interrupted.

You will also be able to recover an important file if:

  1. Computer .
  2. A system error will occur.
  3. Word will shut down urgently.
  4. The document will be saved over the old one with extra edits.
  5. And in some other cases.

It happens that when saving a file, the BAK extension is added to an existing one. For example, a backup document might be named:

To work with the contents of such a container, it is enough remove non-core extension(".bak"). After that, you can open the file using the corresponding program. You will often see projects with a double extension if you are working in AutoCAD.

Ways to work with BAK

If you clearly know which file was backed up, open it with a compatible program, after changing the format to the original one - you won't regret it. In AutoCAD, for example, it can be ".dwg".

IMPORTANT. When your PC has important backups of any format, avoid using system cleaners like CCleaner or Windows 7 Manager. By default, they delete such copies, considering them "garbage".

Not sure what is behind the ".bak" extension?

  • On Windows, try opening a container with Total Commander. This file manager includes the Lister utility. It analyzes the structure of any files and reveals their origin using its own algorithms. To start the Lister, you need to move the cursor to an electronic document that has a "strange" format, and press the F3 key.
  • On macOS and UNIX systems, you can use the file utility for the same purpose. It comes with any of these operating systems. Didn't find her? Download online.

And also to open BAK copies you can use:

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