
The registry xml file does not open. How to open the sig file of the registry? Possible technical errors when opening

Now, electronic documents are widely used to obtain information from Rosreestr. This allows users to quickly obtain the information they are interested in and significantly reduces the burden on government agencies. Let's figure out what difficulties may arise when opening the electronic format of statements, and how to solve them yourself.

What is the difficulty

More recently, Rosreestr information was divided into:

  1. Unified State Register of Rights(EGRP) - contained information on ownership of real estate.
  2. State Real Estate Cadastre- had information about real estate objects.

Since 2019, all this information has been combined into the Unified State Register of Real Estate ( USRN), which began to represent a single database for real estate.

EGRN systematized the following data:

  • information on objects, drawings and references to the terrain;
  • cadastral numbers;
  • area of ​​land plots, boundaries, type of possible use;
  • floor plans, design features, type of use (residential, commercial, etc.);
  • information about;
  • accounting date;
  • all information relating to the rights to real estate, including all owners, and the grounds on which a particular person owns the object (purchase and sale agreements, and other options);
  • information about available .

Currently, the ownership of the object is confirmed by an extract from the USRN. This document replaces the certificate of ownership of real estate. Extracts are prepared at the request of applicants and may reflect various information.

For example, in some cases it may be necessary to confirm that the object is not pledged to the bank and does not have other encumbrances, or information about the previous owners is required. All this information can be obtained at the request of state, credit organizations or when citizens apply.

Thanks to the creation of the USRN, the process of concluding real estate transactions has been greatly simplified. In addition, the possibility of fraudulent actions was practically eliminated, for example, when an object with encumbrances is being sold.

Available in both standard paper and electronic form. Electronic statements can be obtained through:

  • official website of Rosreestr;
  • public services portal;
  • alternative services on the Internet, for example, ktam.pro.

When making an application in the above ways, the user is required to know the property. If it is unknown, you can use the appropriate ones, which allow you to find the desired object using the cadastral grid and find out about its characteristics.

As a rule, extracts are ordered in the following cases:

  • when purchasing real estate;
  • in disputes over the boundaries of land plots;
  • for litigation, the subject of which is a real estate object;
  • for registration of mortgage loans and loans secured by real estate;
  • when searching for the debtor's property (, etc.);
  • to remove from the registration of the former owners of real estate.

Received online help is a file with xml extension. This format is inconvenient for viewing, which causes difficulties for many users who ordered and downloaded such help.

How to open the xml file of the USRN statement from Rosreestr

So, since filling out an application for an extract from Rosreestr is a simple procedure, there should be no problems with obtaining a document. Difficulties begin after the downloaded files do not open, and the user cannot familiarize himself with the data that is presented in it.

In order to solve this problem, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to create a new folder and unpack the archive received from Rosreestr into it.
  2. As a result, three files should be located in the hotel folder:
    • statement in xml format;
    • file;
    • graphic plan folder(in some cases, the plan of the object may be in the extract itself).
  3. Next, the user must find a service on the Rosreestr website that allows you to view statements, or simply follow the following link.
  4. On the page that opens, the user will be prompted to upload the statement file. To do this, you must specify the path to the previously created folder.
  5. After that, in the same way, select the EDS file and click "Check".
  6. Checking the compliance of the statement and the electronic signature should end with the button becoming active on the screen "Show in human format".
  7. Clicking on the button will cause the browser to open a new window in which the information of interest will be displayed. In this way, xml format will be converted to html format, which can be opened by any web surfing program.
  8. After reviewing the statement, you can either save it for later use or print it. To do this, in the window that opens, there are corresponding buttons.

What to do if the graphic plan is not displayed

When converting the statement file to a readable format, some users are faced with the fact that the object plan is not displayed. The window displays an error "The file with the plan is missing".

The method to fix this error is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to download the converted html document file and move it to the created folder, where the extract archive was unpacked before.
  2. It is very important not to rename files and folders. This is necessary because there is a binding of files with each other, and the binding is carried out, including by name.
  3. After the done manipulations, you need to open the html extract from the created folder. In this case, the plan will be found and displayed correctly.

Browser Method

There are alternative methods for opening xml files, which are carried out through browsers. To do this, you need to make some settings. Here is the procedure for the example of a common Internet Explorer program:

  1. After opening the browser, you need to get into the menu "Service" and select item "Settings for running in compatibility mode".
  2. On an open tab, check the box next to the inscription "Display sites in compatibility mode".
  3. After that, the menu "Service" item must be selected "Browser Options", and go to the tab "Safety"Trusted Sites »"Sites".
  4. Opposite the inscription "All nodes require server verification" should not be checked. In addition, you must select the lowest security level.
  5. In the window with reliable sites, you need to drive in the resources that you should trust:
    • https://*.rosreestr.ru;
    • http://*.arcgisonline.com.
  6. Then in the same panel - in "Browser Options"- you need to go to the tab "Additionally".
  7. Here it is necessary to put a tick in front of all the places where it is indicated "Allow". Uncheck boxes should be where there is a ban on any action.

Instructions - how to order an extract from ERGN, check the status of the application and convert the received xml sig file into a human-readable form

An extract from the unified state register of real estate is a certificate, which is the right to confirm the right. To receive this extract, it must be ordered on the public services portal at www.rosreestr.ru Filling in all the required fields.

There is a characteristic logo on the site at the top, there are a large number of sections here, you can read the news, learn about the latest changes in legislation.

It also provides information on a variety of services related to real estate, cadastral valuation, geodesy. We need a section that is a little lower on the page - "Electronic services and services", and in it is the fourth field from the left, which is signed as "Obtaining information from the USRN".

Check readiness of statement online

The form is active, enter the APPLICATION NUMBER to check the STATUS of readiness.

Convert xml sig files online

The form is active, UPLOAD XML SIG FORMAT files for ONLINE conversion.

USRN information request form - which fields to fill out, step by step

After you have entered the desired page, a questionnaire will open where you need to enter the data of our object. Based on these data, we will receive the extract itself. There are both mandatory fields and fields for the desired input of information. To get information, just fill in the required fields.

We select "object type: apartment", below - "located at the address: region" - for example, Moscow. If this is a region, then we select the Moscow region and the settlement accordingly. Next, indicate the name of the street - if it is an avenue, section or highway, select the required item from the list. Below we write the number of the house and apartment.

In the bottom field "Method of providing information" select the type of document from the list - you can choose:

  1. links to electronic documents,
  2. paper document by mail
  3. paper document in the territorial department.

We are interested in electronic document- we receive it by mail, so we indicate the address in the line below, carefully and without errors, otherwise the letter will not reach. After the address, enter the text from the picture and proceed to receive information by clicking the appropriate button below.

Information about the applicant, attached documents, and sending a request

After going to the next page, in the field "Type of applicant", select "individual", in the "Category of the applicant" indicate "Other person", then enter the last name, first name of the applicant.

In the "document type" field, select a passport (it is not necessary to write a series), enter the passport number and write the date of issue of the document. You can check your email address below. At the very bottom, put a tick and agree to the transfer of personal data.

Let's move on to requesting data

Documents are attached on the next page, if any. If there are no documents, go to the next step. On the new page, the data is being checked, before sending the request, we carefully check all the previously entered information. If everything is correct, click "Submit Request".

Checking the status of the request and paying for services

After that, a page will open where it is informed that your request has been registered, it also displays the request number, by which in the future you can monitor the readiness of the statement .

You can follow the corresponding link. To do this, enter the text from the image and click "Check". Next, we will see the status of the application "Awaiting payment". A little lower, click "Enter the payment code", copy the code in the email and paste it into the required field, and click "Proceed to payment".

Payment of the statement - choice of method

On the next page, a field opens where you need to enter the full name of the payer and indicate the address of his registration, after which we proceed to payment after pressing the button below. On the new page, you need to confirm the payment details, here you can order a bank receipt.

Payment Features - Payment Options

Money can be withdrawn:

  • from a visa / mastercard bank card;
  • from a mobile phone account.

If we choose the second option, then we enter the mobile number and pay attention to the size of the commission for each operator. There is a 2.3% fee for paying by credit card. Check the box "I accept the terms of the public offer" and click "Pay". After that, the amount payable will be displayed, here you need to enter the number and other data of the bank card (if this method is selected), and click "Pay", after which the application will go to payment.

An email will be sent to your email address with information that the application has been accepted for processing and payment has been made.

Checking the readiness status of the USRN statement

On the next page you can check the execution of the application, here we enter the text from the image, press "Get access key", specify it by copying from the letter, and click "Get File". After that, the file in the form of an archive will be downloaded to your computer. Next, we check the electronic document by selecting the appropriate item on the right side of the page.

We convert xml sig into a readable USRN extract file of Rosreestr

In the downloaded archive in the folder "1" there is an image file with a diagram of the apartment. We are interested in the text part of the document, which contains information about the encumbrances and physical data of the owner.

On the page " checking electronic document", which we switched to, you need to select the files of the electronic document. We copy the .xml and .sig files that are in the archive to the desktop, specify them for download and click "Check". On the next page, the file can be viewed in text format by clicking on the link with the appropriate name.

A window appears in which the USRN information is displayed.

You can view the completed statement here:

  • the address,
  • cadastral number of the object,
  • date of assignment of the cadastral number,
  • cadastral value,
  • the recipient of the statement, and all the necessary information.

Today, all information about real estate should be entered into a single register (EGRN). If there is a need to find out such information, then a corresponding request is made to Rosreestr. It is very convenient to receive an answer in electronic form, but since 2013, it has become difficult to read documents coming from Rosreestr. This is due to the format of the documents provided. We will describe further how to translate documents from Rosreestr into a human-readable format.

Under what circumstances may information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate be needed? Photo No. 1

As you know, the information contained in the unified register is accessible and open (with some exceptions). This information may be needed when obtaining, concluding real estate transactions, in other cases. You can get them in several ways.

  1. On request, a paper version of the document can be sent by regular mail. In five days it is prepared for dispatch, further delivery speed depends on the work of postal workers.
  2. Quite quickly (within a day) you can get it in electronic form. However, such an extract is for informational purposes only and does not contain the signature of the person who issued it, the seal of the organization.
  3. Within five days, you can receive an electronic certified document. But it is provided only in certain formats (XML file, sig file). It is quite difficult for an ordinary user to understand them right away.

Why did it become necessary to transform the Rosreestr format?

Until recently, there were no problems with obtaining extracts from the register. But, after 2013, reading the documents coming from Rosreestr began to cause difficulties. This is due to the format of the documents themselves. The fact is that since the indicated time the rules for providing information contained in the State Property Code have changed.

Thanks to Order No. 75 adopted by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on February 27, 2010, all electronic documents are sent to applicants in the form of XML files, sig files. This is due to the fact that the new AIS put into use for employees can generate files in the specified formats.

It is normal to read such documents, to make a readable printout without additional manipulations with them will not work. Therefore, applicants have to look for ways to transform them, otherwise the whole point of submitting these documents is lost.

In what format is the file sent from Rosreestr?

If you need to get a certified extract from the register quickly enough, then you should not order it in paper form. You will have to wait more than five days for sure. Another faster option is to receive an electronic statement in five days.

However, such extracts come in the form of archives that contain XML files (the document itself with information from the register) and sig files (the digital electronic signature file of an employee of Rosreestr). In fact, they are documents with a set of characters that are incomprehensible to a simple user.

It is not possible to understand their contents in this form. But most often, extracts need not only to be read, but also saved, as well as printed out for submission to various official authorities. Therefore, the issue of converting the received extracts into a normal, understandable and readable form is very relevant.

How to convert it for viewing and printing?

To view and further work with files in the form of XML, their transformation is required. You can do this with a few fairly simple ones. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Through the service of Rosreestr

It is worth noting that the Rosreestr website itself offers a special service that helps to read, save and even print such a file. It is called "Verification of the electronic document". This service provides an opportunity to get a readable printed version of the extract, as well as to verify the authenticity of the digital signature on this document.

So, to translate the file into a readable format, we proceed as follows.

  • select the specified service on the Rosreestr website;
  • in the window that appears, press the file selection button and upload the resulting document;
  • when the documents are uploaded, you need to check them by clicking the appropriate button;
  • a new button will appear in the updated window with the name “show in human-readable format”;
  • after clicking it, the document will open in its normal form;
  • then it can be saved and printed.

Via browser

Another option for reading the received file can be the use of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox browsers. To do this, right-click on the file and select the line "open with" in the window that appears.

If this browser is new, then you will have to do the following:

  • you need to go to the "Service" menu bar in the upper right corner;
  • select "Developer Tools" or press the F12 key on the keyboard;
  • then select document mode;
  • then switch to "Standard Internet Explorer 7".

After all the steps taken, the document should open normally. However, some of its elements, such as graphics, may be blocked. Then you will need to click a button to allow the blocked content.

Other ways

Ordinary text editors, such as Word or NotePad, can also help open the encoded file in its normal form. To use them, you also need to right-click and select the "open with" line.

The text should appear on the screen in a readable form. For the same purpose, you can use Microsoft Word Excel. You need to open it and select the file that needs to be converted. All data will be displayed in a table. However, this may not always be convenient. Especially if the file is large and contains many different attachments.

There are also special ones that allow you to read such files. Setting them is useful when you need to constantly read a large number of documents in the form of XML. Among them is XML Explorer. XML Pad, Oxygen XML Editor. In such programs, files can not only be read, but also modified.

If you look, then documents in the form of XML files, sig files, are not so difficult to read. On the website of the Rosreestr providing these files, there is a special service for viewing them. There are other ways to make the file readable and understandable. But, if time is not running out, and you do not need certified information from the registry, then you can order them by mail or in the usual electronic form.

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