
Budget planning program. Overview of Family Budgeting Programs - Introduction

Looking for free home bookkeeping software? Then you have come to the right place.

Household bookkeeping is the success of maintaining wealth in the family.

You can control income and expenses as in the old fashioned way, i.e. in a notebook, and by modern methods, by installing the appropriate software on a PC.

In particular, we will consider the 5 most convenient and common programs for these purposes.

  1. homebank;
  2. Family Budget Lite;
  3. Family Accounting;
  4. cash fly;
  5. Home Accounting Lite.

home bank

A free application that allows you to keep track of your finances.

With the help of the software, you can fully control your income and expenses, plan your family budget, analyze expenses, and more. Take control of your spending.

The program supports tight integration and data import from Microsoft Money and Quicken services, as well as other applications for managing your own funds.

Supports QIF, QFX, CSV and OFX formats.

Of the functions, the detection of duplicate transactions is provided. This avoids confusion in calculations and clutter in the database.

Note! Transactions can be ordered by dividing into categories. You can also schedule the automatic addition of incoming transactions to the created database by adding various tags and more. There is also a function that allows you to edit several fields at once, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the accounting process.

Set an annual or monthly budget level for each category, if required.

Generate dynamic reporting reflecting the current state of your financial situation. If necessary, they can be provided with diagrams for clarity.

Family Budget Lite

This program is designed to relieve your torment regarding the calculation of personal expenses. All you need to do is enter your own income and expenses in the appropriate columns.

The program will do all other operations on its own.

The client benefits are:

  • profitability is taken into account for several main categories and accounts;
  • you can deal with accounting for your own debts, loans, investments, deposits and other calculations;
  • you can use the auto-categories feature, i.e. when entering product names, the program will automatically select the required category from the table;
  • detailed report of 8 parts with one click;
  • export to HTML, BMP, TXT, Word and . It is also possible to print and save the document.

Several people can use the client at the same time. In this case, everyone will have their own account and password.

The latter can be installed when the application starts.

The search for income and expenses is very convenient, since it is possible to set up results for several filters at once: product, date, category, etc.

Accounting Family

If you don't want to systematically wonder where your money goes all the time, use this program.

You don’t have to think and remember where the money went, which was set aside for an important purchase for so long, but at a critical moment they took it and evaporated in the literal sense of the word.

The program will allow not only to analyze, but also to control revenue. You will also be able to plan your own expenses by thinking over the budget more carefully.

The client has a lot of options:

  • accounting of income and expenses;
  • accounting for debts (both borrowed and borrowed);
  • analysis of financial transactions;
  • the possibility of accounting in different currencies.

You are free to work in the program yourself, or give access to other users. Everyone will log in with their own credentials.

For security, archived copies of databases are provided, which can be saved for later restoration from an archive or uploaded to Excel / OpenOffice.


CashFly is a simple and very user-friendly personal financial tracking software.

You can create multi-level structures that display income and expense items.

It is also possible to build graphs of varying degrees of complexity, based on previously entered data and other important financial information for you.

It provides an address book, a list of organizations, as well as a personal diary that allows you to record reminders of important events for you.

The application is able to keep records in almost any given currency, perform scheduled calculations and print data.

Databases are password protected for greater security and content security.

Home Accounting Lite

This application is intended for financial accounting. You can organize both personal and family expenses.

Also, the program is perfect for systematizing the profitability of small companies and enterprises.

The software is very easy to use and does not require any accounting knowledge from the end user. You have the ability to account for income, expenses and other transactions.

The number of accounts is unlimited.

Note! You can make your entries in several currencies without being tied to any specific unit of calculation. If more than one person is using the application at the same time, the entries are entered independently because they are logged in under different accounts.

The program interface is in Russian. It is intuitive even for beginners. It is possible to adjust the interface to the needs of a particular user.

A special help system is provided to resolve issues.

As you can see, home bookkeeping is possible not only on paper.

Now, in order to store several records and not get confused in the calculations, you just need to install one of the applications, create your account and start calculating, systematizing the total profitability and other financial transactions.

This is much more convenient than long, hours-long calculations of expenses on a calculator, followed by filling in tables.

And it is much more difficult to make a mistake in the calculations, since the system will warn about possible duplicate data.

The best home bookkeeping software. Overview of home accounting

Top 5 free home bookkeeping software for every day

It is often difficult to keep track of the cash flow within the family. You should always calculate how much to set aside for renting an apartment, for example, or for paying utility bills. How much of the budget to allocate for food, for new clothes, or how much can be set aside for gifts for friends, without subsequent financial difficulties.

It is necessary to control the family budget due to variable earnings and expenses. After all, psychologists say that because of money issues, family relationships often deteriorate and all idylls collapse.

For less hassle with a variety of papers and notebooks, you can purchase or download for free any program for managing a family budget. Wherein

  • you will be able to fully control the wallet of your family, and you will not have financial difficulties due to incorrect calculation of the necessary funds;
  • you will have before your eyes all sources of replenishment of the budget: salaries, bonuses, gifts, etc.;
  • it will be possible to more thoughtfully control expenses from the home bank;
  • financial software can help you save a lot.

And then there is the question of which program is better. Let's consider several options at once.

Which program to choose?

« home bookkeeping". This accounting program is distinguished by its simplicity and the presence of the most necessary functions, such as accounting for profit and loss, debts, payment planning, control over accounts and even exchange rates. Using this program, you can forget about financial headaches, however, this method of budgeting is paid - 500 rubles.

« Money Tracker". In fact, the program is well thought out for accounting, it is convenient to use, but you will have to get used to it a little. Most people note multifunctionality as a minus, because without studying the utility, a lot of things may seem simply useless and interfere with the direct accounting process.

But there is a small feature in this program. You will be able to control price changes in stores and predict your budget for several months or a year. The utility can estimate how much you spend, if the green indicator is on, it means that your family treasure is in perfect order, and you manage your finances correctly.

Yellow means that in some places it is worth lowering the level of expenses. Red warns that in this way you can recklessly blow all the money.

« Family 10”is a program that will immediately set you up for a friendly attitude. The main plus is the simplicity and clarity of maintaining a wallet. There are no abstruse terms and incomprehensible functions. Everything is shown and written in an accessible human language. You will have the opportunity to account for absolutely any thing in the house.

You can record and then play back information about its price, place of purchase, warranty periods and everything else that interests you. The first 30 days you will be allowed to budget for free, but then you will be required to pay between $10 and $20.

« AceMoney". So, we note right away that this utility for controlling income and expenses will cost you 500 rubles (there is also a free version, but only one account is available, which is inconvenient). The only negative is that there is no separation of expenses and income, but there is one single operation - a transaction. Now let's take a look at the benefits:

  • thanks to AceMoney, it will be possible to account for shares and securities. For this, it has a corresponding section "Promotions";
  • there are already template categories into which you can distribute your expenses. For example, payment for cable, electricity, food, etc. You don't have to create them yourself;
  • you can manage not only your family accounts, but also keep track of bank accounts. You can see which account, which bank it is in, at what interest and so on.

« DomFin" is a program that has a primitive interface with clearly defined and concretized functions for the successful maintenance of a common wallet. The utility is absolutely free. It clearly understands where to write down the list of income, and in which column to count the minus. The utility is intuitive to use and will not make you think long about the mechanism of action.


E If you want to benefit from specialized software and revenue control, you must clearly understand what you want to achieve in the end. If any points in saving and planning are unclear to you, then it is better to clarify them immediately - this will give its sweet fruit.

As a conclusion, we can say that the program should be selected based on family characteristics, because some simply do not need to account for shares and securities. Choose the accounting method that will be most understandable and accessible to you.

If you and your family members have thought about a convenient home bookkeeping to visually see not only your income, but also your monthly expenses, then the usual paper notebook with a pen is already an outdated option, and standard Excel is, of course, not bad, but if you have not fully mastered this program, then a special program for home bookkeeping, which you can download for free on the Internet quite easily, will be the best solution for realizing your goals.

There are quite a lot of such programs, so among all the variety you will definitely find the one that will be ideal for you. Programs for accounting for the home budget can be both paid and shareware ( limited functionality or with a trial period) and are completely free. I would like to note right away that free programs do not mean " bad» programs, because they also have all the necessary functionality for competent and accurate accounting of family funds. The differences most often lie in the design, as well as in some convenient " chips”, which, in principle, can be dispensed with.

In our article, we will take a closer look at completely free programs, as well as those that can be free download, but in the future you will need to activate them to expand the functionality. All programs in our review are issued in Russian.

Free home bookkeeping software


Cubux(www.cubux.net) is a fairly convenient service for managing income, expenses and debts online. Use a gadget or just a computer, the data is synchronized and saved from all devices into one database.

Maintaining a common budget for the whole family is quite possible using the “Joint Accounting” function. After leaving the store, you can quickly and easily create an expense operation, thanks to the “Multi-expenditure” function. The action is performed in three clicks: Account, Category, Date and after entering the amount, the expense is saved.

The report on your finances is monthly reflected in the statistics. Do not forget about your debts, as well as about your debtors, the "Debts" section will help.

Use the instructions for using the service or contact the technical support service to resolve the issue. Don't worry about the data, you can download it to an Excel file and save it to your computer.

Supported Platforms: Windows, IOS, Mac Os, Android.

(http://homebank.free.fr/) - in full free an application that allows you to organize - accounting for expenses and income. A distinctive feature of this program is that it supports data exchange with the service Microsoft Money, as well as Quicken and some other applications. Works with the following formats:

  • QFX (OFX);

Features of work:

  • the ability to break down expenses and income by category;
  • data output in the form of diagrams;
  • planning for future expenses;
  • the ability to create transactions in automatic mode;
  • visualization of current operations;
  • import of data in certain formats with which the program works.

If you decide to download it for free (https://dervish.ru/), then when you open the program for the first time, its interface may seem too simple, uncomplicated and not attracting attention to you, but do not rush to close the newly installed application. If you stay in it for at least 20-30 minutes, you will understand that it is unique and completely in front of you. free without registration opens up a lot of possibilities.

With AbilityCash you can:

  • create a variety of accounts without limiting their number and currency;
  • work with popular formats. xls and .xml;
  • print various types of reports on paper;
  • use some rare languages ​​(Ukrainian and Lithuanian);
  • customize the appearance to suit your preferences: add options hidden by default (“price”, “quantity”), use a tree structure with the ability to add an unlimited number of subcategories, make notes and important notes to specific cells.

By default, only the Russian ruble is pre-installed, but you can expand the list of currencies using up-to-date data from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Another program released entirely in Russian language (http://www.softportal.com/software-4910-semejnij-byudzshet.html).

Benefits family budget the following can be noted:

  • can keep records of income and expenses for several accounts at once;
  • the function of auto-selection of categories is available, i.e. starting to enter a certain product, it will automatically be sorted into a certain category;
  • the ability to create a report of 8 points by pressing just one button;
  • use of popular formats .bmp, .txt, .xls, .doc;
  • printout of reports;
  • the possibility of using the program by several people at once, and registration is free for each of the users with the creation of their own login and password, which must be entered at the entrance.

(http://myhomesoft.ru/) in addition to the standard features for accounting for income and expenses, family budget planning, it has some individual features that distinguish the program from analogues:

  • Ability to create multiple accounts.
  • not only cost analysis is available, but also their control, i.e. upon reaching a certain maximum set by you, the program will notify you of approaching the mark;
  • the ability to account for debt obligations, both your own and those who owe you;
  • use of different currencies;
  • creating backup copies of the database, which can later be restored or uploaded to Microsoft Excel.

(http://www.domeconom.ru/) refers to free programs without registration for home accounting, so it can be downloaded from both the official and any other site.

The program allows you to work on several devices at once, and through automatic synchronization.

The functions of this utility otherwise completely repeat the similar and standard for similar programs ( for example, Home Bookkeeping, and other free programs).

Remarkably, the help is quite competently and clearly implemented here, so if you don’t know where to start or how to organize work with the utility, then after reading the appropriate section, you can easily deal with the problem.

(http://www.ownmoney.org/) is a completely free application with great features:

  • accounting of income, expenses, including those that you plan in the future;
  • multicurrency, unlimited number of accounts and accounts;
  • tree structure with various sub-items and branches;
  • transfer of funds between accounts;
  • automatic update of exchange rates;
  • accounting not only purchases, but also their weight;
  • the ability to schedule some transactions in automatic mode, as well as temporarily disable such payments;
  • work with counters, as well as accounting for benefits and discounts.

(http://www.softportal.com/software-1128-cashfly.html) is a free home accounting that allows you to calculate complex transactions related to income and expenses for various items. Among the main advantages are:

  • the ability to archive data;
  • password protection;
  • preparation of planned operations;
  • construction of graphs and diagrams for various parameters;
  • the ability to print data;
  • address book for recording data of persons and organizations;
  • the ability to keep a diary and set up notifications about memorable dates.

Free trial home bookkeeping software

These programs can be downloaded for free without registration, but for extended functionality or long-term use, payment may be required.

(http://www.mechcad.net) is available in four versions, so you can download the full version or use the Lite version and add-ons. The Lite version differs only in that with the help of the program you can manage no more than two accounts, but for most families this will be more than enough. The account here means not only bank cards or accounts, but also the cash of family members, i.e. if there are two workers in the family, then the Lite version will be enough for them. The cost of the full version of the program - 1 300 rubles.

With the AceMoney program you can:

  • manage your funds in various currencies (more than 150 currencies are represented);
  • follow online changes in exchange rates;
  • distribute your budget according to the items of expenditure (more than 100 options for spending money are preinstalled in the program);
  • tracking budget receipts and expenditures;
  • calculation of expenses according to a certain sample for the period of interest (utility payments, mobile communications, products, etc.);
  • reporting (common .xls and .html formats available);
  • accounting for savings, debt obligations, mortgages;
  • the ability to create a backup, etc.

The program (https://www.keepsoft.ru/) is one of the most common among those that are distributed on the Internet for free. Today, you can download the Home Bookkeeping program for free without registration from many services, but do not flatter yourself, because to get the full extended version, you will have to pay 400 rubles. This computer application will allow not only to calculate the accounting of expenses and income in the family, but also cope with bookkeeping in a small company.

The Home Bookkeeping program:

  • keep records of expenses and income;
  • calculation of debt obligations (both yours and those that have formed in front of you);
  • calculate the possibility of partial repayment of debts, as well as interest on debts;
  • remind you of the time of payment of debts or mandatory payments;
  • build reports in the form of tables and diagrams;
  • synchronize databases, compress them, clean up unnecessary, etc.

The main advantages over other programs:

  1. the presence of pop-up tips on budget planning;
  2. updating via the Internet;
  3. interface customization;
  4. the ability to convert data in 15 most popular formats;
  5. currency exchange, up-to-date information on 5 selected currencies, current exchange rate;
  6. planning income and expenses for the future, etc.

You can download the Home Bookkeeping program for free without registration on the official website (https://www.keepsoft.ru/), here you can also expand the functionality.

Family Pro

Family Pro(http://www.sanuel.com/ru/family/) is another shareware version of a paid program. Do not rush to look for something else, as it is quite convenient to use and for free 30 days you will definitely be able to understand whether it is right for you or you should look for something else. If free version completely satisfies you, then paying 500 - 600 rubles for the full package is not so much.

For private business purposes, this home bookkeeping program is also suitable, which you can download for free from many Internet services. In this utility, the most interesting and competent among competitors is the ability to create and save reports, as well as instantly send them to print. With Family Pro, you can create the following types of reports:

  • family budget analysis;
  • a detailed report on the items of expenses and income;
  • comparative analysis by months;
  • analysis of debt obligations and a list of debtors;
  • comparison of income and expenses, etc.

With the help of the utility tools, the user can plan deposits and loans for free, predict spending and income to the budget for a certain month or period, predict a possible cash flow if there are several sources of income and a mental account is completely unacceptable.

(http://www.personalfinances.ru/) is unique in that by creating a certain database on your computer on your computer, you can download home accounting and on your mobile device by installing a similar application based on Android or IOS and synchronizing the information.

The Personal Finances program is presented in a free demo version with limited, but sufficient for comfortable use, functionality, as well as in a paid version costing from 2,450 rubles (personal and commercial licenses). Moreover, these licenses are mutually exclusive, i.e. commercial can not be used for the home and vice versa.

The program has a lot of possibilities:

  • family budget management;
  • tracking mode online interest on deposits;
  • the ability to repay loans;
  • multicurrency with the ability to update courses from the Internet;
  • organization of expenses not only by category, but also by each family member;
  • work with debts;
  • reports in the form of graphs, diagrams, projects, etc.


Program Economy(http://home-economy.ru/) is ideal for those who are not at all "friends" with economic and financial terminology, and also cannot distinguish the concept of "transaction" from "investment". There are no hard-to-understand terms and words here, so even a teenager or an elderly person can probably use this utility.

True, the program is not completely free, because. there are limitations here: if your budget is more than 14,000 rubles per month, buy the paid version.

Application advantages:

  • simple, clear, convenient and eye-pleasing interface;
  • creation of an unlimited number of accounts and accounts in each of them;
  • the possibility of creating foreign currency accounts, as well as accounting in various currencies;
  • a reminder of the dates of payment of loans, utility bills and other obligatory payments;
  • the ability to use various filters;
  • data backup, recovery option;
  • reference information for Russian-speaking users.

If your budget has grown above 14,000 rubles, then you can always buy a paid version, especially since its cost is only 250 rubles.

Online bookkeeping

You can do home accounting for free without even downloading any applications to your mobile devices or home computer, as today there are quite a few online services for keeping track of family expenses and income.

Among the most common and free, the following services stand out:

  • Drebedengi;
  • Where is my money?;
  • Easy Finance;
  • HomeMoney etc.

The convenience of these services is that there is no need to download applications, and all data is stored on servers on the Internet, which allows you to view your entire history from any computer or device with Internet access. At the same time, the functionality does not suffer at all, since all the same functions and capabilities are available to you as in standard programs.

Budget planning is the key to a successful life, even with a small income.

This article presents far from all currently existing home accounting programs and. Only the most popular, successful, and also available for download without restrictions are described here. If desired, each Internet user can find something more suitable for himself than presented here. For example, X-Cash, Xenon, Home Finance, DaReManager or something else. Find what suits you and plan your budget!

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Decided! We begin to keep track of expenses and income. How? Someone writes them down in a notebook, someone keeps a tablet in Excel, and we advise you to download a convenient free program for your mobile phone. We have already talked about them before, but now we decided to open this topic.

The Platiza online instant financial assistance team has tested some of the best personal finance management software and prepared a fresh review especially for you, dear readers.

UPD This review presents applications in which you need to enter data yourself. However, more recently, a mobile application for Android - Balance - has appeared, which automatically calculates your total balance, expenses in the current month and the forecast for the balance. To do this, you just need to upload your bank card data to it with the SMS informing service connected to them. Modern technologies based on artificial intelligence will make accounting for personal finance easier and more convenient.

1) The simplest - Wallet

Very simple application, made in a minimalist style. It is convenient and easy to use. Money appeared - click "plus" and enter the desired amount, spent - select "minus". The amount in the middle is the total for the current account. You can create any number of such accounts. The program is perfect for beginners.


Password protection

Quick accounting of expenses and income

Ability to add photo, audio and location

Visual final balance


There is no distribution of funds by day

No detailed statistics and graphs

Only available on iOS, no Android version

Supports: iOS

The application is used by several people from our team at once: an analyst, a PR manager and a technical director. Rated 5 out of 5.

2) Most Caring - Zen Mani

The application will help you plan payments, budget and set financial goals. The main difference from others is that it recognizes sms from banks.


Recognizes SMS messages from banks, while you can make transactions manually

Integrates with electronic money systems like Webmoney and Yandex.Money

Can work offline and download changes when connected to the network


Doesn't show the total costs for the current day on the "statistics" tab

Supports: Android, iOS and PC.

Our programmer Zhenya has been using this application for several months now and is very satisfied, rating 4.5 out of 5.

3) The most advanced - EasyFinance

The service makes it possible to create several accounts, link them to bank cards. Category lists and currency can be customized. Allows you to set financial goals (“apartment”, “car”, “vacation”) and control their fulfillment: the service gives recommendations if you too rarely save money for one of the planned big purchases.


Automatic synchronization of transactions via SMS

Convenient budget and goal planning

You can enter the operation in offline mode

There is a "credits" tab


Most useful services are paid

No multiplayer mode

Supports: iOS, Android

Our marketer likes the app, rating 4.8 out of 5.

4) The most intuitive - Where is the Money

A beautiful animated application, before starting to use, it offers to get acquainted with the demo version of the wallet, which is very convenient for beginners. There are popular categories, but you can create your own.


Unlimited accounts

Quick overview of the current period on the summary screen

Data access protection via password (touch ID support)


Full control over the creation of categories and subcategories

Supports: iOS only

Web designer and system administrator put "like". Rated 4.7 out of 5.

5) Most playful - CoinKeeper

An application for personal finance with large colorful icons, convenient statistics charts and a clear interface. Expenses are started in this way: you need to move a coin on the screen from one field to another. The "auto budget" function allows the program to calculate the main categories of expenses for the month.


You can set reminders for recurring expenses

Family Sharing from Multiple Devices

Sends reminder notifications

Beautiful statistics, bright and visual diagrams

Financial goals help you save up for what you dream of.


The interface seems complicated at first glance

Supports: iOS, Android

Olya, an expert in the collection of overdue debts, recommends this application. Rated 4.5 out of 5.

6) Funniest - Toshl

Expenses can be tracked by categories, which are self-configuring using the tagging system. The application has an assistant, a three-eyed alien, he gives quite funny tips, warning about a possible budget overrun: “Money may not be enough! Get a hold of yourself."


Reminds you every day to keep a budget at a certain time, which you can set yourself

Beautiful graphics, funny characters

Supports data export


Registration is required, but it is simple and fast

Tags are entered manually

Many additional features are paid

Supports: iOS, Android, Windows Phone

The application is used by our tester. Rated 5 out of 5.

7) The most convenient - Budget (Budget)

The application differs from all others in that it allows you to specify the monthly income and displays the remaining amount for the day, taking into account constant and planned payments. If the amount for the day is exceeded, the remaining money is recalculated, respectively, the amount for the day decreases. Very visual. Discipline not to go beyond the daily budget.


Nothing extra, the application is not overloaded

It is clear exactly how much is left for the day

You can enter all your monthly expenses, the application will calculate everything automatically

Sends reminders


Doesn't allow you to set payroll dates

Supports: iOS

The project manager uses this application for half a year. Everything suits me. Rated 4.5 out of 5.

8) The most visual - M8 - my money

Are you used to spending several hundred rubles a day on various nonsense? Using this application, you will realize that by saving on chocolates, you could buy yourself something more or less worthwhile. Minor expenses add up to a big figure. The pie chart clearly shows where you spend most of your income: on transport or, for example, food.


Clear and simple interface


- there is no option to specify expenses for the last month

- no income, only expenses

Supports: iOS, Android

The application is used by our quality control manager. Rated 3 out of 5.

Do you keep track of finances? If yes, how? Share your experience in the comments with us and other readers.

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