
Whole grain cereals. Whole Grains for Good Health

Russian folk proverb"Cabbage soup and porridge - our food" does not in the least exaggerate the importance of porridge for healthy and healthy eating person. Porridge is a primordially Russian dish containing all the trace elements, vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for the full development of a person. Porridge is perfectly digestible, promotes quick satiety, and is an optimal source of energy for every day. The variety of porridge recipes allows even the avid gourmet and the most fastidious child to get enough and enjoy. However, not every porridge and not every cereal used for its preparation has the properties that will be discussed in this article. Today we will talk about what whole grain is, why porridge made from it is much healthier than usual, how to choose ready-made whole grain cereals and how best to cook them yourself.

Whole grains.

Unrefined and unprocessed grain is a biologically active product that remains in its original form and has a colored shell (bran), endosperm (hard fruit) and grain germ. This whole grain structure retains absolutely all trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Peeled cereals are only a hard fruit, which, after processing, loses a huge amount of these nutrient fibers, fats and antioxidant elements. Together with the removed membrane, it loses fiber, a significant part of vitamins and minerals, and phytonutrients (plant substances - lignin, phytic acid and antioxidants) with the embryo.

Why whole grain cereals are useful.

They have a number of medicinal properties:

1. Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and negate the possibility of constipation.

2. Normalize digestion and stomach function. Eliminate colitis, dyskinesia, help get rid of dysbiosis, quickly remove bile and cope with heartburn.

3. Due to the presence of fiber, whole grain cereals have a beneficial effect on people suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypertension and various diseases of the heart - vascular system... They lower lipoprotein and cholesterol levels and lower blood sugar.

4. Thanks to lignin, it prevents breast and prostate cancer.

5. Regular consumption of whole grain cereals reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the digestive tract and even stomach, as well as cancer of the lungs, kidneys and bladder.

6. Improve complexion and skin condition, make it beautiful, smooth, silky and pleasant to the touch.

7. Due to the presence of antioxidants, they prevent all aging processes, cleansing the liver of various harmful substances.

8. They also have a great effect on human sexual functions, cleansing the body and improving vital energy.

9. Have a beneficial effect on people with overweight.

Whole grain cereals have a proportional ratio nutrients and fiber. Due to this, carbohydrates and fats are practically not absorbed, but they quickly and for a long time saturate the body. Weight loss, cleansing, nutrient intake, increased mood and increased energy are the wonderful qualities for which whole grain cereals are loved and appreciated.

How to choose ready-made whole grain cereals.

If the packaging of cereals or ready-made cereals says “made from cereals,” “whole grains,” or “multi-cereals,” this does not mean that this is a whole grain product. Do you want to cook whole grain cereals? Then buy only those where it says “whole grains”. However, this label is not always indicated. Whole grain cereals are those cereals where the first word in the list of ingredients is the word "whole", then the name of the cereal used, and then everything else.

How to cook whole grain cereals.

1. Buy ready-made whole grain cereals and boil them with boiling water.

2. Cook porridge yourself in water or milk.

3. And the most the best way eating whole grain porridge - raw. To do this, you do not need to cook the cereal, but it is better to pour boiling water over it or brew it in a thermos. You can pour it with yogurt, milk or kefir and let it brew for several hours. This is best done at night. And in the morning you can add berries, fruits, honey or jam. You can add butter, vegetable or olive oil, vegetables, cookies, dried fruits, nuts and seeds to whole grain cereals. Every day you can cook different cereals and add different ingredients to them, and your meal will not only be healthy, but tasty and varied every time.

What cereals to choose for making whole grain porridge.

Buckwheat- the queen of all porridge. Recommended for use by children, adults, athletes, sick, healthy and allergic people. It can and should be used by diabetics, hypertensive patients and those who have problems with the kidneys and liver, as well as those who have severely lowered hemoglobin. Whole buckwheat is rich in highly digestible proteins. In its composition it contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin "B" and a number of vitamins and minerals.

Corn- contains silicon, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, bones and teeth. It has an excellent effect on the intestines and heart, removes excess fat and promotes collagen biosynthesis. Recommended for people with dystrophy, rheumatism, epilepsy, atherosclerosis and those who often have constipation.

Oatmeal- also rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin B. It stands out from a number of other grains with a large amount of selenium, which perfectly slows down the aging process and prevents the development of cancer. Oatmeal removes toxins, prevents cramps, increases potency and improves brain activity. It also helps the heart, liver, pancreas and thyroid gland. Oatmeal indicated for allergy sufferers, as well as for those who have arthritis, obesity, diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Millet- zinc, copper, manganese, and necessary for the heart and blood vessels, calcium and magnesium - substances for which you should love this cereal. Millet porridge helps to remove excess fats, minerals and salts. It retains moisture and perfectly promotes skin regeneration.

Pearl barley- these are vitamins "B", calcium, magnesium and lysine, which has a remarkable antiviral effect. Recommended for allergy sufferers. Used to normalize digestion. Recommended for anemia and to improve metabolism. Cleanses the intestines and improves the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Rice- has the smallest calorie content. Whole grain rice porridge has starch and a huge amount of easily digestible vegetable proteins. Recommended for indigestion and for strengthening stools.

Whole grain cereals are an excellent food product, necessary not only for children, the elderly and athletes, but also for all those who want to quickly and effectively cleanse their body of toxins, saturate it with useful substances, trace elements and vitamins, and also take care of good health and get energy for the whole day.

We often hear about the benefits of foods containing whole grains. But what is it? And why is it so important to include whole grains in your diet every day? About their useful properties, as well as which foods are whole grains, we will tell in the article.

Easily digestible food is valued primarily for its fiber content, which is nutrients that do not supply the body with energy, but affect its vital functions. The article discusses the benefits of whole grain foods and examples of possible fiber fortification.

A treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients

Whole grains contain nutrients that make the food valuable and edible. It is a source of fiber, carbohydrates, vital vitamins and minerals. Whole grains are made up of three parts, each of which contains valuable substances. It is a shell (bran) containing antioxidants, B vitamins, fiber and fiber; the germ of grain with a lot of vitamins, minerals (copper, magnesium, zinc), proteins and healthy fats, and the grain itself (endosperm), which is a source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

This highly digestible food also contains phytonutrients such as plant lignin, phytic acid, antioxidants and others. Like fiber, they are mostly found in the bran and germ.

Fiber: disease prevention

Provides fast satiety without extra calories, reduces cholesterol and sugar content, delays the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, and cleanses the body of toxins. Fiber prevents gallstones.

It is used to prevent cancer of the upper digestive and respiratory tract, liver, pancreas, colon, gallbladder, breast, ovary and prostate, as well as cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to consume 45-50 grams of fiber daily with food. The soluble fiber in oats and barley can help lower cholesterol levels, reduce body weight, and prevent type 2 diabetes.

People who consume more dietary fiber are almost one third less likely to develop heart disease. One or more servings of a whole grain breakfast (preferably cereal) eaten daily may reduce the risk of stroke. Observations of scientists have shown that with an increase in the proportion of eating whole grains, the body's weight decreases.

What happens to the grain during processing?

When cleaning grain in the manufacture of food products: cereals, bread, pasta, flour - bran and germs are removed. Together with them, 17 very valuable nutrients are removed, as well as 25% of natural protein. As a result, the food we eat becomes poorer, less useful.

Thus, whole grains retain more fiber, protein, vitamins E and B, minerals, mainly iron and magnesium, and antioxidants.

Which foods are whole grains?

Whole grain foods include wild rice, wholemeal, whole oats, hulled rice, millet, oat flour, barley, whole rye. More rare species are quinoa, amaranth, sorghum. Refined grain products are white bread, white rice, white flour. According to experts, about half of the daily diet should consist of whole grains.

Brown (unpolished) rice contains 12 times more fiber than white. Wild rice is a great source of protein and fiber. Oats are a source of plant fiber. Barley is a source of phosphorus, potassium and fiber. The well-known whole grains of barley are barley and pearl barley. Buckwheat or buckwheat contains a lot of magnesium and selenium. These two elements are the foundation of a healthy immune system.

From the listed cereals, you can make excellent breakfasts, for example, by mixing different types of grains with dried fruits. Lunch dishes often contain rice, you just need to remember which type of rice is best to use. Pasta can also be made from whole grains (check on the packaging).

Undoubtedly, one of the most important elements in the diet of Russians is bread. When choosing a store-bought whole grain bread, you should pay attention to its color. It should have a greyish brown tint. The bran should be visible in the cut of such bread. Whole grain bread should be heavier than classic white bread. It is rarely airy and fluffy, often giving the impression of being wet.

Securing a healthier diet is easy. You just need to pay attention to the type of grain that make up the main products of our daily diet.

Switching to whole grains!

Want to lose weight and improve your health, reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus? Provide your body with the necessary amount of fiber! The greatest benefits of fiber-rich foods come from whole grains, which should always be present in the diet.

Whole grain foods contain whole grains such as brown rice, wheat, oats, and other crops. Each of them consists of three separate parts: a protective bran shell, which is saturated with fiber, a starchy core called endosperm, and a nutrient-rich grain embryo.

The uncompromising statistic is that people who eat a lot of whole grains tend to have a lower BMI and a smaller waist, and also avoid heavy weight gain in old age. A packaging label can help you find foods with whole grains in stores.

  • Information about fiber can be read in the section " the nutritional value". Whole grain foods contain at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. But having fiber alone doesn't mean you have whole grains in front of you, so take a close look at the list of all the ingredients.
  • Buy foods that start with “Whole” in their ingredients — that should be a signal to you. For example, whole grain flour and whole oats are whole grains, while fortified wheat is not, just like anything refined.
  • Check the ingredient list carefully when you see descriptions of grain like “crushed wheat”, “multigrain”, “milled”, etc. on the package. Such labels do not necessarily mean that the product is whole grain.

Switching to whole grains

So, whole grains are bought, but the problem is that few people can bring themselves to immediately switch to this rough food. Therefore, a smooth transition is recommended.

  1. Choose foods that contain whole grains rather than refined grains.
  2. Be sure to include one whole grain product in all your main meals: for example, you can eat a slice of whole grain bread for breakfast, a whole grain porridge or a side dish with whole grain pasta for lunch, and boiled rice for dinner.
  3. If some whole grains are totally unpalatable to you, don't despair and give them up right away. Just carefully study food labels with the word "whole grain" and taste more and more new "discoveries". Look for products made from whole grain white flour in stores - it makes real culinary masterpieces: very tasty, tender and healthy.
  4. Include some whole grains in a wide variety of dishes - they will work well in salads, soups, and side dishes.
  5. You can always have a "travel kit" of whole grains with you to snack on.

Finally, get creative: create your own wholegrain dishes. Cook them on the stove, in the oven, double boiler and in the airfryer - this will help you to diversify the taste. healthy dishes and at the same time feel how the hated kilograms go away.

What to cook with whole grains?

The effectiveness of the diet is largely determined by how appetizing the dishes are prepared within its framework. That's why better way pampering yourself while losing weight is learning how to cook fiber-rich foods deliciously.

Whole grains are the main source of fiber, which can help you lose weight quickly and effectively. Therefore, feel free to include them in your diet, and after a week, the arrow of your weights will gradually begin to approach the coveted figure.

In order to properly use grain products for the preparation of a particular dish, you need to know their basic properties. The table will help you to understand the variety of whole grains and choose which dishes you can make from them.

Grains Description of how to buy What dishes does it suit
Barley It can be bought both whole and crushed. Soups, salads, breakfast cereals.
Brown rice (wild, colorful) You can buy short, medium, long grain. Side dishes.
Buckwheat Revered in Russia since ancient times. Side dishes, cereals.
Bulgur Wheat grains: crushed, boiled and dried. Groats have become very popular among Russians in a short time. Side dishes, salads, minced meat.
Millet Small grains with a very pleasant, unique taste, which is perfectly felt in cereals and side dishes. Porridge, side dishes.
Corn Corn kernels can be bought in a wide variety of varieties (fried, ground, fresh, frozen). Side dishes, cereals, pastries.
Quinoa Grain culture, which has not yet been discovered by everyone. It has a pleasant nutty flavor. Side dishes, salads.
Oats A popular cereal that can be purchased either unprocessed or flaked. Porridge, pastries.
Rye From this cereal you need to bake as often as possible: the same pancakes, cookies and pies. Bakery.
Wheat This cereal crop needs no introduction. Pasta, side dishes, cereals.

By learning how to competently cook whole grains, you can enjoy a delicious and varied diet. Include dishes with whole grains in your menu at least three times a day - and your figure and health will delight you!

All grains are initially whole. Each of them contains all the richness of the seed: fiber, protein and other nutrients. Whole grains help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, help maintain a healthy body weight. People who eat enough whole grains are less likely to have serious illnesses such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, heart failure, asthma, rectal cancer, and tooth loss.

However, many commercially available products, including various types of breads, pastas, cereals and baked goods, use refined grains and refined flours, which are obtained by removing the bran and germ of the grain during processing. As a result, fiber, protein, and many other nutrients are severely reduced, and refined grains become food low in beneficial nutrients, leaving the body dissatisfied and hungry. Therefore, when choosing foods, give preference to whole grains.

So what to look for?
1. Daily Recommended Allowance - about three servings (48 g) of whole grains.
One serving can consist of:
... 1/2 cup porridge made from pearl barley, brown rice, and other whole grains
... 1/2 cup cooked 100% whole grain pasta
... 1/2 cup cooked flakes like oatmeal
... 1 slice 100% whole grain bread
... 1 cup 100% whole grain breakfast cereal

2. Whole grain cereals is not only wheat, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Try new grains or other varieties you already know:
- amaranth;
- pearl barley;
- Wheat groats;
- millet;
- durum (durum wheat);
- corn;
- quinoa;
- rice (brown, wild);
- rye;
- sorghum;
- spelled;
- field vole;
- triticale;
- farro / spelled.
Start experimenting with a variety of cereals. Search the Internet for recipes for new delicious dishes with them.

3. For those who suffer from celiac disease - hereditary diseases of the digestive system due to intolerance and malabsorption of gluten (gluten - a protein of cereals) and related proteins - or an allergy to gluten, you can include in your diet whole grains that do not contain this very gluten, include amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, wild and regular rice, quinoa, sorghum, and field grass.

4. Read labels. Many food packages have labels that can be confusing. Popular terms like "multigrain" or "wheat flour" do not necessarily mean that a given product is made from whole grains. To be sure that foods contain truly whole grains, you should pay attention to:
- Ingredient composition: the package must indicate the presence of whole grains in the composition.
- the presence of marking. There may be special labels on the packaging to indicate that foods contain whole grains. The “Basic Whole Grain Product” label is used when there is at least 8 g of whole grains per serving. Products marked with this label may contain refined ingredients in addition to whole grains. The label “100% Whole Grain” is used if it contains a full serving or even more (minimum 16 g) of whole grains.

Refer to the table below for an explanation of which ingredients are whole grains, which are questionable, and which are definitely not.

5. Cooking from whole grains. Whole and refined grains vary in flavor. However, you can gradually train your taste buds by replacing half of the refined grains with whole grains to begin with, and then, gradually increasing the proportion of whole grains, switch to them completely.
... Rice: Replace white rice with brown, buckwheat, or whole wheat bulgur. Cook Brown rice separately, add it to soups, stews, casseroles, or salads.

Pasta: Replace traditional pasta with whole wheat or other flours.

Flour: Use whole wheat flour or other flour. Whole wheat flour for baking is usually finely ground to give a more airy texture finished products... Replacing refined baking flour with whole grain can be a little more difficult than using whole grains for other meals. The consistency of the dough for baked goods made from whole wheat flour varies. Therefore, it is better to start by replacing half of the required amount of whole grain flour according to the recipe, in order to gradually get used to its properties. You can also experiment with other types of flour, such as whole grain flour from bran, spelled, oats or corn

Breadcrumbs topping: If breadcrumbs are included in the recipe, use whole grain breads. If it is difficult to find such a product ready-made, you can make your own by cutting grain bread into small pieces and roasting them in the oven.

Meat dishes: Add 3/4 cup raw oatmeal, whole grain bread crumbs, or cooked brown rice to cutlets, meatballs, and other minced meat dishes.

Salads: Try salads with whole grains such as ground wheat, quinoa, or barley.

Bread. Start using wheat or any other bread for your toast and sandwiches instead of regular white cereal. You can also try switching to grain bagels or English muffins.

6. Breakfast. A great breakfast can be oatmeal, chopped wheat, sugar-free bran, muesli, or any other fiber-rich cereal. To get the right yoghurt dessert, all you need to do is mix raw oatmeal and fresh berries with plain low fat Greek yogurt.

Be healthy! Take care of yourself!

Recently, we have increasingly heard the calls from experts to include whole grains in the daily diet. These appeals apply to people suffering from many diseases, to those who are struggling with excess weight, to those who lead, as well as completely healthy people in order to maintain your health for many years. Whole grain foods are the staple of most nutritionists around the world. How to understand what a whole grain product is, how to find it in a store and what its benefits are in this article.

What are whole grains.
When ripe, the grain of various crops consists of three parts:

  • Endosperm is the main part of the grain, and, in fact, the grain itself. Endosperm contains carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals.
  • An embryo is a part of a grain that, under favorable conditions, germinates and turns into a new plant. The embryo is a source of a large amount of vitamins, minerals (copper, and others), proteins and fats.
  • Shell - the shell that surrounds and protects the grain, which is also called bran. Bran is rich in B vitamins, antioxidants and fiber.

It is the grain that has retained all three parts that is the whole grain. When grinding, peeling, peeling and peeling, the grain loses its shell and embryo, thereby losing most of the health-promoting substances.

What foods are whole grains.
Whole grains include foodstuffs made from whole grains. It can be cereals (brown, cereals, couscous, and others), as well as pasta and bakery products from and wholemeal flour. Recently, it has been increasingly appearing on the shelves of our stores, this allows people to prepare delicious and healthy pastries on their own.

Whole Grain Health Benefits:

  • Whole grains are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system, they help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve blood composition. People with heart disease need to eat whole grains regularly.
  • Many experts claim that whole grain foods help protect against oncological diseases... Numerous studies show that people who regularly consume such foods are significantly less likely to suffer from cancer.
  • Regular consumption of whole grains reduces the likelihood of diabetes.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Thanks to their high fiber content, whole grain foods improve gastrointestinal function, help normalize digestion and relieve constipation.
  • Regular consumption of whole grains improves skin condition and thus helps people stay young and beautiful for many years.
  • A breakfast of whole grains energizes the body for the whole day, which in turn is the key to a good mood and well-being.

Whole Grain Weight Loss Products.
For weight loss, people most often begin to reduce the intake of food rich in carbohydrates, i.e. stop eating bread, pasta, etc. Meanwhile, most nutritionists recommend, on the contrary, to include these foods in their diet, but with the condition that they must be whole grains. Whole grain products are high in fiber, which helps to normalize digestion, improve metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and keep you feeling full for a long time. In addition, whole grains are also rich in minerals that a person is deprived of, sitting on grueling diets.

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