
What color says about a person's character. Which girls love purple? The character of a woman by color. Black and white

Even in the ancient world, people attached great importance to color, describing various natural phenomena and their own experiences. The display of this colored symbolism can be found in myths, traditions, fairy tales, legends, as well as in esoteric, religious teachings of different times and cultures.

For example, the sun's rays in the spectrum give seven colors, the meaning of which people have connected with the planets of the solar system. Colors determined the social status of a person, his inner state. Since ancient times, each nation has its own symbolism of flowers, reflected in folk ornaments. Ancient Mexicans used to paint their hands black during mourning ceremonies, which to this day symbolizes the dark side of life. Black eyes are considered mysterious and even dangerous in all cultures.

Psychology of color

Ancient people considered yellow to be frozen sunlight and gave it a polar meaning: a symbol of harvest, wealth, but at the same time - a symbol of illness and death. For the Slavs, yellow until our time means parting.

White has always been a symbol of purity and innocence, the color of life and justice. Ancient Roman priestesses wore outfits of exclusively white color. The color and character of a person has always been associated, and in our time, with the help of special techniques, a psychologist can compose a complete psychological portrait of a person based on one parameter - the choice of color.

You can learn how to determine character by your favorite color by passing a special color test yourself.

The ideas of different peoples about color are reflected and confirmed in modern psychology. Today, the psychological component of color selection is widely used by professionals not only to determine character by color, but also to manipulate consciousness.

For example, in the advertising business "rich" colors are conventionally distinguished: red, white, gold, blue, black. These colors are preferred when decorating luxury goods. Some colors should not be combined in one product: purple and orange are referred to as colors that cause a feeling of hopelessness.

Each of us gives our preference to a certain color. It can be either one color or a combination of several colors. A person determines his favorite color based on individual associations and perceptions.

Thus, you can determine the character of a person by his favorite color. For example, the British psychologist B. Schwartz believed that it is possible to determine certain features of a person by the color of his car. Studies by Russian psychologists V. Petrenko, V. Kucherenko have shown the relationship between a person's emotional state and the choice of a preferred color.

Feeling joy, people choose red and yellow, and in a state of calm, harmony, people prefer blue and brown.

In a dangerous situation, the choice falls on the green color associated with the tension of internal resources to solve the problem.

A simple but informative color test

Psychologists say that the color and character of a person are closely interrelated. Characterizing a person by their favorite color can be done with a fairly simple test that you can do yourself.

We offer you a list of twelve colors. The test assumes the answer to one simple question: "What is your favorite color?" You can choose two colors or a color that you absolutely dislike. The test will show a true result, if you make a choice very quickly, you should not associate your favorite color with things and rely on your aesthetic tastes. Each of them means some aspect of the character of the person. To pass the test, you need to choose your favorite color from this list:

  • blue;
  • brown;
  • the black;
  • gray;
  • green;
  • purple;
  • the black;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • turquoise;
  • white;
  • pink.

The test is interpreted quite simply: carefully read the presented personality characteristics based on her favorite color, and then correlate your own results with this data.

The black

Favorite color of a self-confident person who strives for a high social status, professional success. This color is often associated with achievements and victories. A person is always ready for serious action, but at the same time he often does not think about the possible consequences of his decisions. Rejects authorities, is guided exclusively by his own opinion.


Favorite color of a rational, conservative person with developed logical thinking. Such people value comfort and harmony in everything. They are distinguished by high punctuality, prefer a clear schedule of life, such a person can be trusted. But sometimes it can talk about the presence of internal anxiety, anxiety.

The psychology of color - the opinion of a famous psychologist in the video:


Just like black, this color is a symbol of success and determination. But people who prefer this color strive for solitude, they feel most comfortable alone or in the company of close people. They love work that is not associated with high activity, constant interaction with other people. They can. Sometimes the choice of brown may indicate a lack of fulfillment of the personality, the desire for qualitative changes.


Such a color is often chosen by demonstrative personalities who love and appreciate attention and care. This trait makes them dependent on other people's opinions, which can have a negative impact on their self-esteem. These people are stubborn and domineering, love to lecture and give advice. At the same time, they are introverts, their negative traits are difficult to see right away.


The color of friendliness preferred by active impulsive people. Optimists in life, accept all manifestations of life as a necessity. They are not inclined to worry about trifles and quickly fall into negative psychological states. They are very sociable, by their presence they are able to cheer up other people.


This color is loved by reliable people who respect their personal space. Quite closed people, but sometimes this closeness is feigned, but in fact, a person wants to become noticeable, and choose a professional area related to social activities.


The color of bright creative intellectual people. The choice of this color speaks of the strength of the personality, which is always striving for new achievements. Such a person is in search of meanings and his purpose.


This color is chosen by passionate but sensitive natures. They strive to always be in the spotlight, while often forgetting about the existence of other people and concentrating all their attention on themselves. They like to impose their point of view, showing excessive care.


This color has a deep meaning, symbolizing renewal and strong energy. A person who prefers this color is balanced and restrained, confident in himself. They know their worth and know how to use their abilities and capabilities in the right direction.


It is the color of strong inner energy and self-confidence. The choice of red indicates a desire for victories, where rivalry does not diminish enthusiasm, but causes an even greater desire for superiority. Differs in high sexual needs and has strong sexual energy. Has and is able to lead. They strive to live an eventful life, filled with bright events and new impressions.


The color of optimists, but it is also often chosen by people who tend to escape from reality and life's difficulties. Very energetic, but these periods of energy are quickly replaced by passivity and reluctance to act. They love abrupt life changes, they enjoy not the result of these changes, but the process itself.

Tell me what is your favorite color, and I will tell you who you are ... Do not be surprised that it is by our favorite color that you can determine our essence and personality traits. If you want to know a little more about the person you are communicating with, ask him about his preference in colors, then everything will immediately become clear to you. So how do colors define a person's character? Let's find out!

Black color love passionate and emotional natures. But they used to hide their feelings. Often, those who wear predominantly black clothes are in no hurry to reveal all their secrets to others. These people do not like excessive revelation and are often insecure. Behind the black color, they try to hide what, in their opinion, can discredit them in the eyes of the people around them. Such people are prone to depression and often turn out not to be practitioners, but theorists. They love to dream, but do not strive to realize their plans.

White color has always been considered a symbol of purity and innocence. A person who prefers white is neat, organized and disciplined. Those who love this color strive for simplicity and freedom. Sometimes they are fussy and critical, but in general, they have a soft and good-natured character.

Red chosen by those who are used to an active life and constant movement. They are energetic, passionate, but sometimes aggressive people. They are confident in themselves and decisively go towards their goal. Those who prefer this color are full of ambition and plans. They will not tolerate a monotonous life, they want to live their whole life like on a volcano - with surprises, surprises, difficulties and vivid emotions.

Pink color is the color of tenderness and constancy. Those who choose this color have a soft and docile nature. They value stability, communication with close people and their family. These people strive to protect themselves as much as possible in life, stability and orderliness of events are important for them.

Blue or blue is preferred by those who strive for peace and harmony. It is the color of spirituality, modesty, wisdom, intelligence and intelligence. People who love this color are very trusting and sensitive. They are very reliable and conservative. Trying to live by their own rules, they try to fit them and the people around them. They are conscientious people who love to analyze and reflect.

Turquoise love creative people. As a rule, such people have a lot of ideas in their heads, but they cannot be realized due to the fact that they cannot determine in any way what they should undertake in the first place. They have a rich imagination, but a complex character.

Purple symbolizes originality. People who love this color tend to stand out from the crowd and have a well-defined personality. They are talented and can excel in acting. Often people of this color try to become leaders, if this does not work out, then their lot is indifference and sarcasm.

Grey colour love hardworking and responsible people. They don't need much from life. They value stability, calmness, do not like global changes. They often do not betray what is hidden in their soul.

Brown indicates a strong character, conservatism and responsibility. People who love him always have their own point of view and are not afraid to express it. They have a competent, clear speech and a completely intelligible train of thought. These people are very patient, firm in their decisions and independent.

Green is the color of calmness and harmony. This color is usually liked by balanced and quiet people. They are sociable, but often prefer to be alone with their thoughts. They are distinguished by modesty and self-control. They rarely get annoyed and angry.

Yellow - the color of lively, energetic and mobile people. They are always ready for the unexpected and prefer an active lifestyle. In addition, they are flexible in mind and the ability to adapt to any conditions. They have a business streak, they are sociable, positive and sociable.

Orange - the color of positive, youth and movement. Those who love this color are distinguished by their desire for an active lifestyle. Often they can somewhat exaggerate what is happening to them, but despite this, they still maintain peace of mind. Sometimes they lack self-confidence and consistency.

Sometimes it happens that a person who previously preferred one color, without realizing it, begins to choose another. For example, you have always loved pink, and wore mostly things of this color, but then you noticed that your wardrobe began to increasingly replenish with things of red. Or suddenly you decided to repaint the walls in the room in a completely different color, which until a certain moment you did not like at all. A change in your favorite color may indicate that you are missing something in your life or character traits. For example, if you suddenly fell in love with green, then you lack calmness and harmony.

The color that we choose not only determines our character, but also makes it possible to get what we need in life. Color your life with the colors that will make your life happier!

When making a purchase, drawing on paper or making repairs, people choose paints, clothes or materials of the color that appeals to their inner world. A person's character and favorite color are interrelated. Knowing about the colors preferred by a man or a woman, specialists can easily draw up a psychological portrait of an individual, talk about his inherent qualities, state of mind, and even identify physical ailments. How to determine a person's character by your favorite color? Just ask to voice what tone the investigated subject likes and draw conclusions.

Color palette and psychology

All colors are perceived by a person in different ways. Some are delighted with dark tones, others like light or bright shades. The characteristic of color in psychology helps to fully reveal the human personality, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bits abilities and hidden potential. In addition, playing with color is a great way to manipulate consciousness.

For each color, psychologists have compiled a short description:

  • justice, purity and innocence are what white symbolizes;
  • yellow - a symbol of fertility, prosperity, harvest, as well as separation and disease;
  • blue color in psychology means firmness of mind, purposefulness, coldness;
  • red - the color of passion, health, desire for power;
  • black - subtlety, mystery and at the same time elegance;
  • sensuality, tenderness, softness and even naivety are characteristic of pink;
  • green - longevity, openness, calmness.

It is possible to determine the character by color. A short test is enough to pinpoint your favorite shade.

  1. Open the color palette or draw a rainbow of 7 main stripes of the corresponding color on the sheet.
  2. Try not to think about anything and just trust the sensations.
  3. Take a quick look at all the colors and then look at them one by one.
  4. The one at the sight of which an influx of energy is felt is your beloved.

What his favorite color says about a person

Psychology inextricably connects color and character of a person. This is the key to penetrating into the inner world of a person, a way to understand what he feels at this stage of life.


This is the most versatile color scheme in the palette. He is preferred by people who are open, able to empathize and sympathize, striving for peace and tranquility. What does white mean? It is a symbol of faith and sinlessness, therefore men and women who love it are often deeply religious and believing personalities. They are wise, reasonable and dreamy, they can have psychic abilities.

The black

Egoists, careerists and pessimists are crazy about the color of the night. What does black mean? This tone suggests that a person strives for victory and will not stop in front of obstacles, he is not interested in someone else's opinion, he is ambitious and knows how to calculate moves in advance. At the same time, unbalanced, pessimistic individuals who do not like communication can also love a deep dark color scheme.


Lovers of scarlet and all its shades are passionate, active, resolute natures, not tolerating routine. They constantly crave change and adventure, are not patient, they are quite hot-tempered and aggressive. Admirers of red do not notice their own shortcomings, they are maximalists and full of interest in life. If a calm person likes this color scheme, it means that he lacks warmth, courage and inner strength.


The color does not symbolize spiritual exaltation, humility of a person, his tendency to melancholy and inexplicable gullibility. Fans of the blue color scheme are firmly attached to others, they have a hard time parting and betrayal, they want peace and inner harmony. The sense of responsibility is very strong, as well as gentleness and attentiveness.


For those who put this particular shade in the first place, heightened impressionability, infantilism, and a passion for change are characteristic. What does blue mean? He speaks of excellent artistic ability, a thirst for public recognition and a dislike for loneliness. There are always a lot of people, friends and followers around them. In the work to which the soul lies, lovers of the blue color scheme achieve success, they demonstrate calmness even in moments of despair.


Turquoise color in psychology is called the most energetic. People who like him are distinguished by poise, inner strength and restraint, self-confidence. They know how to use their abilities for the benefit of their own position in society. Turquoise is honored by the favorites of fortune, creative people, endowed with extraordinary thinking.


Associated with sunlight and warmth. Optimists are in love with yellow, ardent adherents of originality and everything connected with creativity. They have an inquisitive mind, a keen interest in everything new and huge ambitions. They are distinguished by generosity and the desire to be the first in everything, as well as a healthy share of distrust towards others.


Persistence, desire to achieve material stability, love for nature and respect for their health - these are the distinctive character traits of people who declare: "My favorite color is green." They have different talents, but the most promising professional direction for them is architecture, construction and architecture. People who prefer green and its shades strive for peace - both physical, there and spiritual. They attract the attention of others, do not panic in front of life's difficulties and failures.


What is the favorite color for people who value the family hearth, sensual and romantic natures, in need of protection and love? These ladies and gentlemen love pink. They are prone to worries about trifles, constantly dreaming and fantasizing personalities, often immersed in their own inner world. There must be someone more down-to-earth and strong next to them.


Extraordinary personalities are in love with him, striving for complete freedom and independence. Purple is the color of everything mysterious and inexplicable, so its fans quite often gravitate towards esotericism and everything otherworldly. They are also characterized by high intellectual abilities, a passion for speed and careful choice of social circle.


Lovers of dark gray tones are distinguished by a logical mindset. They are excellent doctors, inventors and technicians. They know how to quickly overcome difficulties, love order, can give competent advice, steadfastly cope with life's disappointments. They have no problems in communication, they have many friends, and they are quite intelligent and educated.

What does gray mean? In most cases, he predicts that a person is able to achieve professional heights, thanks to the ability to analyze the situation in detail and correctly.

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Several years ago, the office where I work organized a psychological training. The event was long, for the whole day. As I understand it, this was done on purpose, because you cannot "play the role" for such a long time, at some point you relax and become yourself. I admit, I was interested, I learned a lot of new things for myself. In particular, I learned about the division of people into red, green and blue. These are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic people that are not familiar to us, the classification is slightly different. In our case, the topic was presented in the context of career, who is imprisoned for what work.

Red is the leader. He is a decisive, strong-willed and purposeful person. He succeeds in everything. The main desire of people of the red type is to act. Always be on top, be in time for everything and be able to do everything. Such a person feels comfortable when active. Red strives for new knowledge, impressions and experiences. The opinion of those around him touches him little, he goes to success solely for his own satisfaction. However, failures lead to self-annoyance, which explodes with a burst of emotion.

Green is active and hardworking. Such people are energetic, persistent, quite capable of being leaders. However, they need a leader to be most successful. Greens are reliable, the opinion of others is important to them. They value everything that guarantees confidence, strength and prestige.

Blue is a conscientious performer. Such people are great at doing monotonous routine work. All that concerns the numbers is for them: calculate, analyze, draw up a business plan. They are accurate and demand the same from others. People of the blue type are distinguished by the desire for peace. They never take on several tasks at once, but they approach each task responsibly and fundamentally.

Carriers of one chromotype are rare, most often one of the color pairs predominates. This is determined not by description, but by a test. I remember then I was a pronounced red-green. And now I don't know ... It would be interesting to be tested again.

UPD: in the magazine "New Age" for August 2002 on page 48 there was an article "Ideal - the diversity of the soul"


RED: irascibility, sexuality, aggressiveness, excitability, emotionality, harshness, optimism, activity
GREEN: calmness, diligence, poise, pride, dedication, reliability, love of prestige, thrift
BLUE: Loyalty, modesty, compliance, impressionability, pessimism, caution, withdrawal, religiosity


The mouth is ajar, the tongue often licks its lips, the hands are in constant motion - they touch something, turn it over, twirl it. The body is tense, it seems as if the person "turns up his nose." The rate of speech is accelerated, the voice is loud and harsh. When irritated, lips are pursed, the corners of the mouth are lowered, hands are clenched into fists or cover the chest. In this state, the red type scratches the nose, smoothes or brushes back the hair.

A searching look, often sullenly. The lips are compressed, nodules run down the cheekbones. The rate of speech is slow, he pronounces the words clearly. Head position - straight, shoulders raised and tense. Often uses closed poses - crossing arms or legs. The movements are measured, but in the gestures there are signs of aggression - a protruding thumb or an extended forefinger.

Calm gaze, mouth closed, corners of the mouth horizontal. The body is relaxed, the hands are calm. The rate of speech is measured, the voice is not loud.


Love is sex. The main impulse is to touch, hug a loved one. If touching is not possible, intense arousal (up to orgasm) is easily achieved by visual images or words.

Love is possession. From a partner it requires absolute affection, devotion, in any way trying to secure him for himself (marriage, authoritarian pressure or increased care). This is the case when they love but not respect. It is difficult for a man of this type to make the final choice between his wife and his mistress: there is a need to keep both.

Love-sympathy is inherent in the blue type, completely asexual in essence. This is a gentle and affectionate sympathy, spiritual closeness, the purpose of which is to achieve mutual trust and understanding. Outwardly, it manifests itself in benevolence, forgiveness and loyalty. Such people can love their ideal for years, which either does not pay attention to them at all, or treats them like a pig.

Any physical activity - from sports to gardening. Films and books with a tense criminal or erotic plot, gambling, in music - hard rock and heavy metal.

Collecting expensive or prestigious items (antiques, jewelry, weapons, collection wines). Sports activities are solely for achieving results. Computer games, chess, checkers. The accumulation of "expert" knowledge in certain areas (politics, sports, geography, medicine, pedagogy).

She loves lying down - in a sun lounger on the beach, in a hammock in the country, on a shelf in a bathhouse, but best of all - at home on a sofa. Massage, manicure, pedicure. Hobbies are more of a contemplative nature - fishing, knitting, drawing, music, crafts from clay and wood, cooking.


Exclusive, original, not copying other people's models. Things are valued by themselves - for convenience and aesthetics, while the firm, price and fashion trends do not matter. Red men love tattoos, leather and steel bracelets, metal chains with symbols of aggression - teeth, knives, razors, emphasizing the firmness and strength of the wearer. In women, it is defiant make-up, an abundance of shiny jewelry that emphasizes the erogenous zones (ears, chest, neck, hips). Fur, sequins, images that evoke a playful mood and sexual arousal.

Classic or conservative, outwardly modest, standard cut and color. The brand name is crucial. He loves expensive and conservative gold bracelets and necklaces, rings with large diamonds or sapphires, demonstrating significance and prestige. But this often hides uncertainty and numerous complexes.

Traditional, somewhat monotonous, emphasizing belonging to a particular social group. Blue accessories are few in number, modest and aesthetic, elegant and inexpensive, often of a rounded shape made of metal, ceramics, amber, semi-precious stones, wood. They cause a subconscious desire to surround the thing (and therefore its owner) with care, attention and love.


The intensity of emotions leads to overstrain, blood pressure rises. Hence - hypertension and myocardial infarction. Intimate relationships also suffer: men may have difficulties with potency, women - frigidity and anorgasmia.

Diseases of this type manifest themselves when prestige and respect decline, in a situation where it is impossible to show their will to power. First of all, the spine (radiculitis, myositis, osteochondrosis) and the gastrointestinal tract suffer, which is fraught with spasms, gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea and constipation, hemorrhoids, and gallbladder diseases.

Lack of peace and understanding lead to isolation and irritability, the main type of pathology is nervous and mental illnesses, mainly depression, often manifested in a latent form - throat cramps, discomfort in the heart, headaches and dizziness, skin diseases, as well as various kinds addictions - alcoholism, drug and substance abuse, excessive smoking, gluttony, drinking strong tea and coffee.

It also mentions some kind of YELLOW, but I have not heard anything about it before.

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