
Lemon acid: benefit and harm to human health. Lemon Acid: Benefits and Harm, Application Lemon Acid Use and Harm Composition

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Lemon acid is a common substance that is used in various fields of national economy, medicine, cosmetology and even certain types of industries. It exists in nature (affecting important biochemical processes in living organisms), and is synthesized artificially.

What will happen if you eat or drink citric acid in redundant amount? What benefits does it bring and what is its harm to the body? How can you neutralize citric acid in a soup and other dishes?

Is lemonic acid harmful to the body harmful?

Lemon acid is a three-axle organic carbon compound, in its pure form, which is a crystalline white powder with a low melting point and excellent solubility in water and alcohol. Quite often, the substance can be found in the form of ethers and salts - the so-called citrates.

In the modern era, the substance produces industrial volumes (more than one and a half million tons per year) from sugar substances under the action of individual strains of mold fungi mainly for the needs of the food industry as a regulator of acidity, preservative and flavoring additive.

According to the official recommendations of nutritionists, the daily need for substance is about 40-50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. However, it should be borne in mind that part of the daily need for three-axis carboxylic acid is compensated by the food used, therefore, as a separate additive, it is still not worth it.

With a minor, but regular excess of the dosage of acid, a person may have negative consequences in the form of increasing the risks of destruction of the enamel, the potentiation of the development of the gastrointestinal disease, including gastritis.

In the case of a significant compound in the pure powder form, either inhaling saturated vapor substances, form the prerequisites for the classical chemical burn of contact surfaces - esophagus, stomach, respiratory tract, and skin cover. Heavy forms of poisoning are fraught with systemic bleeding, as well as a direct threat of a person's life.

How can I choose?

Potential poisoning paths are primarily characterized by the use of this type of substance. Most frequent cause This event is the use of a substance in a pure powdered form, given that it is possible to buy it in any store, and almost every hostess has an indicated food additive in its kitchen.

Usually poisoning occurs randomlyFor example, if the spice necessary for cooking is confused, the connection in large quantities is consumed by the child remaining without temporary supervision of parents and so on. Pretty frequent negative factor - non-compliance with acid dosages when cooking on it.

However, it is worth considering other possible paths Overdose of the substance described:

  • Continuous use of food additives E330, 331, 332 and 333. Powder is used as a preservative, an acidity regulator and a tasteful additive in a number of beverages, fused cheese, separate semi-finished products, and so on;
  • Medical overdose. Lemonic acid is used to normalize the energy exchange in the Krebs cycle;
  • Cosmetic external use. In cosmetology, the substance is used as a chelating agent and buffer for external use, effervescent compositions;
  • Household chemicals. Separate types of cleaning agents contain high concentrations of volatile acid compounds, quickly evaporated with surfaces;
  • Other paths. The substance is also used as auxiliary component during the drilling of oil and gas wells, when picking up printed circuit boards, as an additive to plaster and cement, however, it is quite difficult to poison in this case, except to fully neglected the basic safety regulations on the production of the above industrial products.

Symptoms of poisoning

Lemon acid poisoning has pronounced characteristic symptoms with increasing pathological characteristics as the concentration of the substance that penetrates into the body increases.

  • Acute pain syndrome in the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, lungs and skin seats. It is observed in orally receiving a large amount of dry matter or a highly concentrated solution and is explained by the chemical burn of the mucous membranes and tissues. When inhalation of vapors with a high compound content there is an approached pain in the lungs. On the skin, with direct contact usually the manifestations are insignificant - this irritation and burning epithelium, but in some cases the formation of blisters with serous contents is possible;
  • Nausea and vomiting. Form 15-30 minutes after poisoning. With severe forms of chemical burns, the substance of vomits contain blood, both in its pure form (the defeat of the capillaries and blood vessels) and the substance of the black color (the collapse of proteins during the damage to the stomach walls or duodenum);
  • Diarrhea. Liquid, abundant, with blood impurities and melan, characterizing bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;

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  • General weakness organism, skin pallor;
  • Complex respiratory disorders with shortness of breath and superficial breaths;
  • Cardiovascular manifestations in the form of tachycardia and a significant reduction in blood pressure;
  • Defeat CNS.. Observed with severe forms of poisoning and expressed in convulsions, frequent loss of consciousness and even a coma.

First aid for poisoning and cleansing the body

In case of lemon acid poisoning, the victim must be rendered first attendance, after which they call him a team of qualified doctors. In the event of a severe condition of the patient and strong intoxication of the body, a decision can be made on its hospitalization into a toxicological or resuscitation department.

Activities of the first prefigure:

In case of poisoning, the substance is forbidden to wash the stomach or give any medications to a special purpose of a qualified physician, as it comes into many chemical reactions with an overwhelming majority medicinesWhat can cause a cascade pathological response in a patient.

Specific antidote against lemon acid poisoning does not exist - A kind of outstanding antagonist can act a classic soda solution, however, in the case of serious chemical lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with the formation of generalized internal bleeding, its use is not recommended.

Restoration of the body after poisoning

As modern shows clinical practice, citric acid does not accumulate in the body and causes mostly short-term, although dangerous health and life pathological consequences.

The process of restoring the body after poisoning is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of profile specialists.

The recovery in the hospital is to stabilize the vital indicators, the procedure for regeneration of affected mucous membranes, tissues, vessels and other structures, as well as countering potential complications.

Restoration of the body in hospital conditions:

  • Specialized probe washing of the stomach with an isolated output of the working substance, bypassing the esophagus, a throat and other structures;
  • Parenteral administration of glucose and saline;
  • Intravenous injections of painkillers, antombose agents, hemostatic agents and other drugs on life indications;
  • Hemodialysis and, if necessary, surgical intervention to stop bleeding or conducting other emergency actions;
  • Oral reception of hepatoprotectors, drugs induced healing of tissues and mucous membranes;
  • Other actions of a medical nature according to the indications, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of the affected, the severity of poisoning, the background development of complications.

Consequences and complications

Cerass of citric acid usually does not cause chronic pathologies, and all complications are acute. However, in the absence of high-quality and rapid medical care, the above-mentioned consequences can form a direct threat to the life and health of the victim. Possible complications and consequences:

  • System bleeding in the gastrointestinal. The first to influence the influence of acid in the poisoning of the esophagus, stomach and intestines;
  • Renal failure. Is formed due to the damage to the tissue of the organ and conducts to the formation of a classic secondary symptom complex with Anuria, Euchny and other manifestations;
  • Liver failure. Lemonic acid in high concentrations systemically affects hepatocytes, which leads to a violation of the functions of the organ;
  • Allergic reactions. Mostly local in the form of dermatitis and rarely - chemical burns;
  • Thromboembolia. Against the background of strong bleeding and thickening of blood, the risks of the development of thromboembolic processes are significantly increasing, primarily the fascinating pulmonary artery;
  • Generalized pain shock. Develops with an acute complex chemical burn in contact with the substance of surfaces as a natural reaction of the body;
  • Female outcome. When unsupportion of qualified medical care in cases of severe poisoning, the risks of deadly outcome increase. Critical period - 1-2 days after the incident.

Prevention of poisoning

Basic preventive measures to reduce the risks of lemon acid poisoning include:

  • Storage of substances in places inaccessible to children. Powder packaging should be designated accordingly that it can be easily identified at a glance;
  • Use of protective equipment. When working with solutions, including acid, it is worth using individual means of protection in the form of rubber gloves, glasses and a respirator (when in a closed room a high concentration of connections vapor);
  • Proper dosing. When preparing dishes, be sure to follow the correct dosage of the dosage supplement based on the lemon and try not to exceed it above the measure;
  • Cleaning control of capacities. Quite often, the powder is used as a working agent to clean the teapots and other tanks from science and other pollutants. Be sure to warn all those living with you or working in one room about the implementation of this procedure, and it is better to seclude temporarily capacity in an inaccessible place until the end of cleaning.

What to neutralize citric acid in dish?

It is possible to neutralize the substance in a dish in several ways:

Is the organism lemon acid?

Lemon acid, as originally natural substance, is one of the main products of the classical metabolic cycle of tricarboxylic acids in the human body and plays a rather important role in separate biochemical reactions that support the work of living structures at the cellular level.

In addition to the above, the substance has the following qualities:

  • Normalizes the state of the walls of the vessels;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Cleans the liver by activating bile production;
  • Stimulates digestion in the framework of the gastrointestation stimulation;
  • Reduces body intoxication with abstineent syndrome;
  • Locally depresses the products of pathogenic bacteria, due to which it is used as auxiliary means when rinses.

It should be noted that the above-mentioned useful properties are manifested only in the case of the recommended dosage of the substance, it is desirable not in its pure form, but from natural sources, for example, citrus juice.

Judging by the title of this substance, it squeezes from the lemon and then processed. That is how a simple man in the street thinks when meets citric acid. However, this is not at all. The main method of production is synthesis based on sugar using special fungi. But today it will be not about the occurrence of the name or how it is manufactured. We will tell what is the benefit and harm of citric acid for health.

general information

You should know about citric acid a little more, as it is a very specific synthesized product. It contains in most part foods that you buy in stores every day. We accept it daily, so many and concerns the question of how harmful it is or is useful for our body. We will understand how it acts on the human body.


Modern medicine proved that lemon acid is one of the best natural antioxidants. The level of toxicity of this substance is extremely small, which allows it to add it to food with almost no limit.

The following properties take place regarding chemistry:

  • when he warmed over 175 degrees Celsius, the substance falls on carbon dioxide and water;
  • easily mixed with other components;
  • easily dissolved;
  • quickly decomposes and does not carry a threat to the environment.

The specific composition of citric acid is different. It all depends on which products this substance was made. Methods of obtaining mass. It can be made of Machorka, citrus, needles, as well as various fruits. But modern producers neglected by these methods, citric acid artificially synthesized from sugar with mushrooms.

We are accustomed to the fact that the letter "E" with subsequent numbers is horror for human health. This is not quite so. There are certain groups of completely harmless substances with such labeling. These include citric acid (E330).

Scope of application

Lemon acid is used in a variety of spheres.

  1. In cooking, this is an excellent additive that gives food a special taste. In ordinary supermarkets, you can find this substance in mayonnaise, fruit jam, sauces, jelly, etc.
  2. Aromatization. The substance is used to improve the flavor of tea, various beverages, etc. Also used to extend the shelf life of products. (Citric acid is not a preservative, since the increase in the shelf life is achieved by stabilizing the pH level).
  3. Medicine is also one of the applications of this additive. It is mainly used in the means that participate in the citrate cycle.
  4. In cosmetology, citric acid almost also often applies, as in cooking. It is added to special masks and used for wraps. Of course, in small quantities. It has some whitening effects for the skin, helping to fight with rivals and freckles. With this additive, you can make an effective hair rinser.

Now we are mostly talking about the fact that citric acid means for us. What real benefits can it bring to health? Is lemonic acid harmful to the body harmful? Here are the main questions to which it is worth answering.

Pluses of use

To list all the advantages of using citric acid, not enough one small article. Therefore, we will sharpen attention on water with citric acid. Here are a lot of items that you should try to remember to successfully apply them in the future.

  1. Improves the operation of the digestive system. Lemonic acid stimulates the production of gastric juice, so food will digest faster. Experts recommend applying it in slow motion metabolism.
  2. With the help of lemon and citric acid, you can clean the liver, and it really is so! This substance is an excellent liver stimulant. Thus, the bile stands out intensively, which leads to improved operation of the entire digestive system. Only one glass of water or tea with citric acid in the morning, and your liver will be ready to work all day.
  3. Reception of this additive reduces the likelihood of the appearance of various guns on the skin (furuncula, acne, acne).
  4. Changes with the elimination and body of toxins. It has a soft and diuretic effect. The gradual cleansing of the body and improving the operation of the digestive system will lead to the fact that your body will work as a clock.
  5. For diabetics this is a number one product. It allows you to withdraw extra sugar from the body.
  6. Clears the cardiovascular system.
  7. Reduces the pressure that is useful for hypertensive.
  8. Lemonic acid contains components that split fats. Thus, with the help of this substance you can deal with excess weight. In addition, the normalization of metabolism contributes to the fact that the body gradually independently stabilizes the body weight.
  9. Refreshes breathing and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the mouth.
  10. Medicine is also used in medicines that strengthen the joints and connect fabric. With regular use of this supplement, your tendons and ligaments will become stronger and stronger.
  11. Improves the work of the immune system.
  12. Many know that citric acid copes perfectly with a hangover syndrome. When intoxication, it is recommended to use it along with alternative preparations.

And this is not all useful properties. Do not forget how much useful this domestic supplement is available for domestic purposes. However, citric acid may harm the body. Fortunately, the shortcomings of the use of this substance are significantly less than advantages.

What harm can cause citric acid organism

Specialists are not recommended to use citric acid in some cases. Or take it strictly dosed.

  1. Heartburn. In this state, the body reacts very sharply to any acid, including lemon.
  2. Ulcer. Quite dangerous statein which any irritation gastrointestinal tract May lead to deposits.

Many celebrate negative impact This additive is tooth enamel. It is believed that the acid gradually eats it. Excessive use can lead to chips of teeth and caries.

Lemon allergies - the phenomenon is extremely rare, but still meets in our time. In this case, its use is contraindicated. You will have to closely monitor everything that you eat, as in many products this substance is contained.

Consumption of citric acid always implies small doses. The dosage excess can be threatened with the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn and even poisoning. Before starting the purification of the body with citric acid or a simple regular reception, it is necessary to consult with a qualified specialist.

Virtually all is useful in moderation. This rule refers to citric acid.

Each hostess in the kitchen there is citric acid. The benefits and harm of this food additive for a person are usually rarely becoming subject to reflection. But how can you be as inattentive to the product that we use so often? Correct this omission and go to scientific reconnaissance dedicated to citric acid.

The name of the additive directly indicates that it is extracted from a popular citrus fruit. In the XVIII century, Swedish Pharmacist Shelene really used unripe lemons to produce such acid. But in our time, it is too unprofitable to produce acidic crystals, essential in cooking from fruit.

Acid that all over old memory is called lemon, is now extracted from sugar, sweet beets, molasses or sugar cane in liquid fermentation molds mushrooms. Lemon acid is a nutritional supplement, the benefits and harm of which differ significantly from other chemicals. In essence, it is a preservative and flavoring, designated as E330, but it is better to avoid its presence in any dishes and drinks, prematurely.

Valuable properties of additives under the sign "E"

Lemon acid, despite the fact that is mined in a chemical path, has the properties that have fruits with pronounced acid. Such "E" is welcome not only to the cook and connoisseurs of culinary art - lemon acid use in therapeutic and cosmetics purposes.

Intensive cleaning

Slands and toxins leave the body due to the impact of lemon. Also, this supplement thoroughly clean your vessels, harmful cholesterol will move, stop the quiet offensive atherosclerosis.

Stimulation of immunity

With low immunite, during epidemics and in the offseason, it is very useful to add citric acid to water or tea. If there are no fresh fruits at hand, these acidic crystals will help the body to successfully protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Gift for stomach and kidneys

Food with the addition of citric acid is digested faster and better than without useful crystals. Limonon carefully cleans the stomach and intestines from unwanted accumulations, not irritating the mucous membranes. Due to the E330, dissolved in warm water, the kidneys are exempted from sand and small stones.

Fighting hangover

Yesterday was a breathtaking feast, and today you do not find yourself places? Of course, the arguments that need to know the measure remain in force. But a cocktail with lemon acid will show you mercy: it will work on the acceleration of the decay of ethanol and will bring it out of the body. The liver will not be overloaded - this body will have a chance to recover.

The cheapest rinse

To destroy the microbes in the mouth, reduce the bleeding and inflammation of the gums, get rid of the unpleasant smell, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy behind the rinseller from the next advertising. A solution of ordinary citric acid can cope with these problems no worse.

Health of the respiratory system

Moderately warm water with sour food powder is suitable for rinsing with sore throat and throat. If you regularly drink such water, you can easily facilitate the condition for bronchitis and pneumonia, remove mucus from the respiratory tract and bring the recovery.

Beautiful leather

Compresses and rubbing on the basis of a weak lemon acid solution give the skin whiteness, eliminate dark spots Both freckles, acne and other rashes, defeat the excessive fatty of a person combined with the extension of pores. But such procedures cannot be carried out more often than once a day (better in the morning), and after tanning, they are completely contraindicated.

Make sure that the solution concentration does not exceed the numbers: 5 pieces of acid per 1 share of water, otherwise burns are possible.

Water with citric acid, the benefit and the harm of which, with external use, strictly depend on the concentration, will remove the yellowness of the teeth and the nail plates. Such a nuisance usually pursues smokers. To return the natural beauty of smiles and manicure, wipe the teeth and nails moistened in weak solution Lemonki, and then wash off the remnants of the means with simple water.


Any experienced hostess will confirm that dishes from meat and fish, salads, including fruit, enriched with gentle overflows of taste, if they pour them with a water in which citric acid is dissolved. Harm and benefit for the body in this case will be clearly different: you will enjoy delicious food and rejuvenate - in the absence of contraindications, it is impossible to call such a meal.

Ideal figure

In the acid powder E330 there are substances that felt fat and improving metabolism. Lemon will noticeably increase the effect of the diet and exerciseSelected for weight loss.

Sour Recipes Merry Mood

Undoubtedly, the listed aspects of citric acid benefits will raise the mood to all who care about well-being and impeccable appearance. In addition to using a powder as a dietary supplement and the base of the healing solution, it is possible to prepare a healing drink from the lemon (in 1.5 liters of distilled water, 5 g of citric acid, a little fresh mint, melt, and a piece of ginger) are injected.

Many drink tea with citric acid. The benefits and harm of such tea drinking are ambiguous: on the one hand, the drink will have medical propertiesBut it is important not to abuse them so as not to provoke negative reactions.

Lemonic acid is not quite simple!

In use of citric acid, interruptions should be taken.

Hypertensives that use lemon every day risk to face strong headache and stroke, and people without any diagnoses with caries. With gastroenterological diseases, it is not necessary to test the mucous covers with acid, despite the fact that it does not have a particularly aggressive action. Pregnant women should try to do without chemicals, even very useful. Also a small percentage of the population suffers from allergies to this product.

A small concentration of citric acid is contained in berries, citrus fruits of evergreen plants, leaves and stems of grassy, \u200b\u200bshrub species of tobacco.

Tell about the role of this acid, about where, how, for what purpose it is used.

You will learn all about the benefits of citric acid and water with it for health, about the dangers of food additive E330 for health.

How to choose a good "lemon"

A good product is bought in specialized grocery stores. When buying, consider Packaging.

It should indicate such information:

  • the full name of the manufacturer;
  • city \u200b\u200bname;
  • manufacturing date;
  • shelf life.

Goods must have labelingThrough which you can set a shift produced by the goods.

Purchased goods are used as the ingredient to improve confectionery taste, meat dishesfor canning ,.

Composition, chemical properties, glycemic index

Chemical formula (NOSSN2) 2c (OH) Soam. On professional slang chemists - three-axis carboxylic acid. Externally is colorless crystals similar to sugar sand.

It solucts well in water, ethyl alcoholQuickly reacts with other chemicals.

Heating up to 175.5 degrees leads to the formation of akonite acid. When interacting with permanganate potassium, acrylic acid, ethylene oxide is formed.

Three-axle carboxylic acid has a glycemic index 15. The index value shows how the sugar is absorbed by the organism. Products with a smaller number, learning is slower.

The blood sugar level will be greater with the use of products with a greater index. In glucose, this indicator is 100.

General useful health properties

Salts, chemical ethers called citrates (sodium citrate, potassium citrate, calcium citrate), are used to improve the quality of food industry products, where they known as E330-E333 additives.

Thanks nice to taste substance used in the production of food. Using it, achieve the highest quality test in the production of bakery products.

It is an acidity regulator and preservative, retains the freight type of food products, freshness and taste. Protects oils, fats, margarine from the opposite odor.

Is acidic for man? Positive effects on hair, skin. The cosmetic industry based on it produces elixirs, lotions, hair care shampoos, leather.

These drugs will help restore the natural skin color, eliminate its defects.

Application of this acid contributes to the following positive processes in the body:

  • kills microbes;
  • improves the digestive process;
  • restores vision;
  • enhances the effect of antioxidants, which ensure the protection of the body, reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases.

The benefit of the product will reveal the program "On the most important thing" program:

What is useful for the body

Both products are useful for the body.. Only acid is not a natural product, its internal content is determined by the chemical formula. Natural product Contains a mass of vitamins, various acids, nutrients.

Crystalline needs to be diluted with water, and lemon juice is used without dilution.

Crystal substance can be taken with him hike, expedition, It is convenient for residents of the Far North: practical where there are difficulties with the provision of natural citrus.

It is convenient for those who are interested in culinary affairs. No need to buy a whole lemon when 1 gram of artificial matter is required at the knife tip.

Colorless acid crystals - preservative. Their finding in products improves the quality of taste, prolongs the shelf life of culinary products.

Depending on each particular case, a person himself chooses one of these products.

When weight loss

Colorless crystalline substance is an accelerator of digestive processes, chemical reactions in the body. Used contributes:

  • rapid conclusion from slag organisms, toxins;
  • improves digestion;
  • release the body from carbohydrates.

Consuming water solution This substance, adding a little honey, the man drowshes the craving for sweet. Restricting access to the body of carbohydrates, a person strengthens the tendency to lose weight.

If a person is appointed a diet, compliance with it is a goal of a medical nature. Before applying acid solutions, a specialist consultation is necessary.

The beneficial properties of acid are widely used in many areas of human activity.

E330 substance is used in the pharmaceutical industry. With its help, preparations are created that improve the energy exchange.

Due to the sodium salt (E331) of citric acid, blood reserves are saved.

The use of a 5% solution of citrate citrate acid helps to determine the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes according to a special method.

AT folk medicine Crystal dry mix applied To maintain skin health, hair.

Mask with high fat heads, hair. Mixed in dishes:

  • herbal decoction of daisy petals;
  • honey - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - ½ teaspoon;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

How to use:

Cooking technology:

  • put the oil in an enameled bowl, a little warm, add sugar, rub;
  • combined mass with soda, lemon;
  • pour stirred, whipped egg;
  • add flour with small portions, stirring the mass;
  • knead the dough;
  • separate 2/3 of the part. Roll out, put on the bottom of the pan;
  • place jam on the rolled part of the test;
  • rolled out the second part of the test to put on top, connect with the bottom of the test;
  • put in the oven, heated to a temperature of 200 degrees;
  • baking time in the oven - 20 minutes.

The additive is used during the preparation of marinade for meat, which contributes to the softening of meat fibers, makes them gentle, strengthens the taste of meat.

Lemonic acid is useful product , applied everywhere. The substance is acid, requires cautious use, precautionary measures. It is recommended to hide well from children.

Product utility depends on the proper use. Violation of this condition may adversely affect human health.

In contact with

Lemon acid is contained in half food products and has a range of useful propertiesBut maybe negatively affect health. People who are watching their health are interested in the benefits and harm of citric acid. This should be understood in more detail.

Chemical properties of citric acid

White substance can be attributed to the category of natural or synthetic antioxidants. In the process of heating more than 175 ° C, it disintegrates water and carbon dioxide. Lemonic acid has a low level of toxicity, quickly dissolves and well mixed with other chemicals. It is worth noting that it is harmless to the environment. The composition of citric acid depends on the method of producing. It is in the fruits of citrus, needle, berries, Machorka stems, etc. But today to receive acid from fruit is unprofitable. Therefore, it is synthesized from sugar-containing products (sugar, sugar beets, molasses, sugar cane) by fermentation in the culture fluid of some mushrooms of Aspergillus and Penicillium genus.

What is the helpful of lemon acid?

  1. In cooking, this substance is called food additive E330-E333. It gives products a sweet taste and performs the function of the antioxidant. The substance is absolutely safe for health with moderate quantity. In this production, it is added to mayonnaise, ketchups, sauces, canned food, various drinks, melted cheeses, jelly, confectionery, etc.
  2. Lemon acid helps to remove slags and toxins from the body. It has a beneficial effect on the work of digestion, increases immunity and burns. It is performed exclusively in solid form, so it does not harm the mucous membranes.
  3. During the cold, citric acid softens the pain in the throat. It is necessary to prepare a 30-% solution of citric acid and rinse the throat for each hour. Instead of dry citric acid, you can slowly dissolve lemon slices without peel so that the juice falls on the throat walls.
  4. The positive property of citric acid was marked with a hangover syndrome. In this case, it helps faster to remove toxic substances from the poisoned organism.
  5. The huge benefit of this substance is to update new cells, increasing the elasticity of the skin and reducing deep wrinkles. Therefore, people with low stomach acidity It is recommended to use fruits with the content of this substance, but strictly according to the prescriptions of the doctor.
  6. Lemonic acid tightens the expanded pores of the face and has a whitening effect. For wirals, it is necessary to use a 2-3% citric acid solution or lemon juice. After performing a number of regular procedures, the skin will be clean and acquired a pleasant matte tint.
  7. The substance is useful for the beauty of nails. It takes care of the plate carefully, as a result of which the nails become smooth and shiny. But to apply this tool too often. Experts recommend using its courses.

Harm citric acid

The human body already contains citric acid, so it is necessary to use it with caution and observing the dosage. Too saturated solutions can help irritating skin cover, especially in people with sensitive skin. It may also irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach. It is important to remember that inhaling dry citric acid is undesirable to not provoke irritation of the respiratory tract.

Lemonic acid is a very valuable product, but it is useful in moderate quantities. Therefore, it is not recommended separately from food products. The exception is only in which it is contained.

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