
How to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate for poisoning: indications, methods of use, dosages

Potassium permanganate has antiseptic properties, so it should be found in every medicine cabinet. The spectrum of its action is wide: treatment of wounds, burns, cuts, inflammation of the mucous membranes, disinfection of water when bathing newborns. Potassium permanganate in case of poisoning is used to lavage the stomach and remove dangerous microflora from the body.

Potassium permanganate acts as an effective deodorant agent. When combined with proteins, it releases oxygen, forming a new substance - manganese oxide. Protein structures are destroyed, and when absorbed, it has a hematotoxic effect. The property of disinfecting and destructuring proteins has found its application in medicine. Potassium permanganate blocks the poisoning of the body with toxins, prevents the spread of poisons.

It helps well to neutralize the toxic effect:

  1. food products;
  2. alcohol: high doses or poor quality product;
  3. quinine;
  4. morphine;
  5. hydrocyanic acid;
  6. nicotine;
  7. phosphorus.

Once in the body, a weak solution of potassium permanganate blocks the development of fermentation, has an astringent effect, and prevents the spread of toxins.

Preparation of oral solution

A weak pink solution of potassium permanganate is taken orally in case of poisoning, which is safe for the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach. Such a solution is prepared independently, or it is purchased at a pharmacy with ready-made medicines. The permissible concentration of the active substance is 0.02-0.01%.

Washing is carried out only with freshly prepared manganese.

  • to prepare a weak pink solution from powder, it is enough to add 1-2 grains of permanganate salts to 1 liter of boiled water. Stir and make sure the water is not bright. If necessary, dilute again with water, reducing the concentration. Before taking it, be sure to strain it through a layer of cloth or gauze, to exclude the ingress of grains of manganese;
  • if there is a strong solution of potassium permanganate in the first-aid kit, 1-3% solution, then for washing it is diluted at the rate of 3-5 drops of the product per 1 liter of purified water. The color remains the reference point - pale pink. (observe the expiration date of the concentrate from the pharmacy).

An adult needs to drink 2 liters of rose water, 1-1.5 liters is enough for children. The dose for patients aged 3 to 12 years should be reduced. It is necessary to wash the stomach for patients under 3 years old in a hospital of a medical institution. A child under the age of three is not able to independently induce a gag reflex, therefore, specialist control is important.

Terms of taking potassium permanganate inside

To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, potassium permanganate is used for poisoning food or chemicals. It is important to quickly flush the stomach with a weak solution to have an astringent effect on the toxic element.

Indications for flushing:

  1. poisoning with alkaloids: overdose of drugs and narcotic drugs;
  2. poisoning with hydrocyanic acid from food (cherry, peach, peach jam);
  3. nicotine poisoning: e-cigarette liquid, childhood smoking;
  4. fermentation and signs of intoxication: dizziness, abdominal pain, loss of consciousness, high or low temperature bodies, pale skin with a bluish tinge.

Slowly drink 1-2 liters of a weak solution of manganese. Wait about 15 minutes to allow time for potassium oxide to act on protein compounds, "bind" toxic substances. Then, induce a gag reflex until a clear liquid appears without inclusions in the vomit. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Precautions for taking potassium permanganate by mouth

Doctors with many years of experience give ambiguous answers to the question of whether it is possible to drink potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. The usual intake of a weak solution as a drink against intoxication will not give a positive effect. To alleviate the condition, the poisoned person needs to get rid of the poisons secreted by the pathogenic microflora.

Contraindications for use:

  • an allergic reaction to a component: swelling, redness, itching, bloating;
  • typological features of the skin and mucous membranes: hypersensitivity, tendency to microtrauma;
  • Availability chronic diseases: rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma.

In any case, before taking, consult a doctor in advance about the use of potassium permanganate for treatment. Manganese is considered a gentle remedy; it is used in a hospital for poisoning children in the first year of life.
It is important to follow the dosage while preparing the detox solution. The increased concentration causes burns of the oral mucosa, larynx, esophagus, and stomach walls.

Overdose symptoms:

  1. burning and sharp pain;
  2. mucous membranes of the mouth and throat become purple or brown,
  3. edema and mechanical asphyxia;
  4. convulsions and hemorrhagic colitis;
  5. painful shock.

For children under three years of age, 3 g of the substance is enough for a lethal outcome, so it is important to keep the substance out of the reach of children, like other chemicals. Do not leave unattended. Adults lethal dose is 0.3-0.5 g / kg.

Interaction with other dosage forms

Manganese isn't the only drug taken orally, so it's important to know how it interacts with other medications. Ignorance of the pharmacodynamics of potassium permanganate, subject to exposure to certain substances, can lead to unpleasant consequences. Then food poisoning will be complicated by irritation of the mucous membranes, a negative reaction nervous system, even to soft tissue rupture.

Interaction with carbon (activated white and black carbon). It is important to follow the sequence: first, washing with potassium permanganate, and then activated carbon as a sorbent for toxins and removing them from the body. Violation of the sequence can lead to explosive reactions and burns to the mucous membrane. Interaction with sugar (sugary drinks, lollipops). Chemically incompatible, can provoke bloating, acute pain, unwanted chemical reactions.

Combination with tannin (tea is 15-30% tannin). It has tanning properties, therefore, if it gets into an environment containing potassium permanganate, it can cause a contradictory reaction. Easily oxidizing substances (humic acids, lignins, sulfides, thio-urea). When combined with potassium permanganate, they can cause an explosion. (Manganese is used in pyrotechnics).

You can use potassium permanganate for medicinal purposes if you follow the recommendations. Do not exceed allowable rate concentration, avoid conflicting substances, use as flushing liquid. After providing first aid, be sure to consult a doctor, call emergency help.

Intoxication of the body is a fairly frequent phenomenon, even for those people who do not abuse alcohol and try to eat right, carefully selecting products for their diet. Therefore, many were faced with the need to save their own body or loved one from such a state. A solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning is a remedy that has been proven by experience and years of use, which saves at almost any age.

At the same time, few people know what danger a solution of potassium permanganate can conceal if it is used incorrectly or if the permissible dose is exceeded. To prevent this from happening, it is important to find out the pharmacological features of potassium permanganate, as well as find out the indications and contraindications for its use.

Potassium permanganate and its solutions

Potassium permanganate is a pink crystal of a chemical compound that, in solution with water, is a local antiseptic. Interacting with organic matter, including with tissues and cells of human skin, potassium permanganate releases active oxygen. It is this property that helps transform chemical products into less aggressive and safer for the human body.

That is why, when the question arises whether it is possible to drink potassium permanganate in case of poisoning, most often the answer is yes. Even if intoxication occurred after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. However, it is important to understand the consequences of drinking a potassium permanganate solution and take precautions.

The most important question is how to breed potassium permanganate in case of poisoning, so as not to harm the body. A light pink solution is considered weak, while a bright crimson is already a strong concentration of potassium permanganate. The optimal dose for the preparation of 10 crystals per 1 liter of pure water. In case of poisoning, a weak solution is used, and the second option is often used to treat and disinfect wounds. Potassium permanganate in case of poisoning in children can be expressed only in the minimum concentration.

Indications and contraindications

The most common use of potassium permanganate is gastric lavage with potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. This simple procedure allows you to cleanse gastrointestinal tract, neutralizing any pathogenic microbes and bacteria that cling to the mucous membrane. The patient is given a weak solution to drink, 1 glass every hour and a half until the onset of improvement in the person's condition, but not more than one liter per day. In case of severe intoxication of the body, it is imperative to consult a doctor and apply stronger measures.

If the patient suffers from constant vomiting, it is inappropriate to take a solution of potassium permanganate. First of all, it is necessary to stop vomiting so that the medicine stays in the stomach and has an antiseptic effect. Sometimes potassium permanganate is used for gastric lavage, causing artificial vomiting. But such actions can burn the gastric mucosa, it is better to rinse with plain water, and only then use potassium permanganate.

Regardless of whether an adult or a child requires treatment, it is important to understand whether a person has an individual intolerance to potassium permanganate. To do this, you need to give a few sips to drink and check the body's reaction. Signs of allergies may include swelling, redness, worsening breathing, and seizures. In this case, taking the solution should be stopped immediately and seek medical help from a healthcare professional.

Almost every person in his life has been exposed to such a terrible phenomenon as poisoning. This is a kind of pathological process that occurs in the human body as a result of the penetration of poisons and toxins into it.

Manganese or manganese-sour potassium is a powder that has a bright purple color, which consists of small crystals. When dissolved in water, they form a pink solution with a bright hue. Potassium permanganate for poisoning is one of the best and effective means ambulance, especially at home or on the road.

pharmachologic effect

The most important and important action of manganese is antiseptic. How does this happen? At the moment of contact with organic matter, release occurs active oxygen, due to which disinfection and cleansing is carried out.


Since ancient times, many people have used a similar solution in the treatment and prevention of poisoning, namely for gastric lavage. The successful result is based on the unique ability to oxidize most inorganic as well as organic compounds. Properties:

  • has a destructive effect on the cells of most microbes, which are the true cause of poisoning;
  • converts a variety of chemicals into a calm and safe form, for example,.

Preparation of a solution from potassium permanganate. To prepare the solution, you will need purified boiled water. You don't need to add a whole pinch or teaspoon, keep the proportion. For a liter of water, you need to take five or seven grains, depending on the concentration of the powder. Potassium permanganate for diarrhea is ineffective.

Gastric lavage

Poisoning has a harmful and painful effect on the human body, as intoxication occurs, and the functioning of all organs is disrupted. A proven and reliable way to combat this phenomenon is a special solution prepared on the basis of manganese.

How to properly flush the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning? The procedure will not take any difficulties. Take three liters of water and dilute the prepared solution in it, then give to the patient. It is necessary to drink until the gag reflex is felt. If the patient has drunk a sufficient amount of the prepared liquid, and the result is not observed, then the old and proven method will come to the rescue.

You are obliged to induce vomiting in an artificial way, namely, to press with two fingers on the root of the tongue. Also, you should be aware of the important fact that the gag reflex does not arise from manganese. This is facilitated by a large amount of liquid drunk. The main role and function of potassium permanganate in such a process is to cleanse the mucous walls from poisons, chemicals, harmful substances, toxins and others.

Influence on the body

Given the well-known fact that potassium permanganate is the strongest active substance, you must comply with certain rules and requirements:

During cooking

It is necessary to dissolve in a glass jar or a transparent glass. Before taking inside, you need to carefully strain the finished solution. Remember to keep the correct proportion, as a very strong mixture can cause disruption. internal organs especially the kidneys.

Proper storage

The powder should be dry, and it is advisable to store it in a glass container with a sturdy lid. Exclude exposure to sunlight and moisture. It is strictly forbidden to shake the bottle, as this can provoke spontaneous combustion and explosion! That is why it is a precursor of toxic substances.

Manganese poisoning

A similar paradox can happen if you do not respect the proportions in the cooking process. A large amount of potassium permanganate will make the applied medicine concentrated.

The prepared mixture is quite dangerous.

Symptoms of potassium permanganate poisoning:

  • very violent vomiting;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • the tongue and mouth are purple;
  • diarrhea, intestinal upset, colitis, flatulence;
  • sharp pain in the stomach, as well as the esophagus, which is caused by a burn;
  • redness of the skin;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • convulsions;
  • dyspnea;
  • rash.

In order to provide the injured with emergency medical care, you need to muster up the courage and not panic. Use the following effective drugs: pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin. Then you need to call an ambulance.

Humanity has been leading the history of poisoning since ancient times: Claudius, Socrates, Mozart (however, the death of the latter still remains a mystery) ... The methods of poisoning were so sophisticated (shoes soaked in poison; peach, deadly only on one side) and numerous that they were described in volumes of books.

However, with the development of civilization, poisoning has not sunk into oblivion: on the contrary, now it is easy to get poisoned by accident, eating a poor-quality or expired product. Moreover, the consequences can be very different: from mild discomfort to disability (or even death in case of botulism, in case of poisoning with pale toadstool or methyl alcohol). So be careful, attentive, and circumspect!

And if you have not saved yourself, the first thing to do is remove the poison from the body: flush the stomach and induce vomiting. This is the fastest way to get rid of toxins trapped in the digestive system. Sometimes ordinary boiled water is used for gastric lavage. But, as practice shows, the best effect is achieved if special substances are added to the water for washing to help neutralize toxins and disinfect the contents of the stomach. Washing can be done in several ways.

Method one - based on potassium permanganate

Crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in a small container of water (you can in a jar of mayonnaise) to a rich dark color. The resulting solution must be filtered: passed through several layers of gauze, thereby removing undissolved crystals. Boil and cool 5-6 liters of water for washing (and in severe cases - up to 12 liters). A small amount of potassium permanganate concentrate is poured into this water - so that the water turns slightly pink.

ATTENTION! In no case, trying to enhance the therapeutic effect, do not make the potassium permanganate solution too concentrated! This can only aggravate the situation. A deep pink, and even more so a purple solution, causes a burn of internal organs - the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach.

Method two - "salt"

In 1 liter of boiled water for washing, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon table salt... This solution is good because it is able to remove poison not only from the stomach, but also from the blood. Doctors explain this by the law of osmosis (from the Greek - "pressure"). The concentrated saline solution, as it were, tends to become diluted and "sucks" a less concentrated liquid - blood - from the capillaries. And the gastric mucosa, which has the ability to "catch" toxic substances from the blood, immediately begins to release them into the lumen of the digestive system.

Method three - "tea"

Well-brewed tea is added to the washing liquid. Take it in small quantities and filter it through several layers of gauze. The solution should be pale yellow in color. it water solution tannin, which is very rich in strong tea.

NOTE... Tannins bind, converting into a non-toxic form, some alkaloids and heavy metals (including radioactive isotopes). In the stomach, under the action of hydrochloric acid, tannin is converted into gallic acid. It binds alkaloids and forms poorly soluble compounds with heavy metals.

You can also use calendula (good for mushroom poisoning), St. John's wort, chamomile, or sage. For the preparation of infusion 1 tbsp. a spoonful of floral raw materials is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left for 15 minutes in a thermos. Then it is cooled and filtered. The infusion is added to the water for washing at the rate of 1 glass herbal tea for 1 liter of water.

Method four - based on activated carbon

4-5 packages of activated carbon are diluted in boiled water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the suspension in each of the glasses of water for rinsing.

Now it's up to the victim: he must drink as many glasses of one of the solution as he can (but not less than 3). Most often, vomiting appears immediately. However, there are cases when the patient drinks both 1 liter of solution and 2, but there is no result. Then they resort to using a teaspoon: they press it on the root of the tongue, which causes vomiting. Then the solution is drunk again, repeating this until the cleansing drink is finished. At the end of the procedure, take 20-30 g of activated carbon (in the form of a suspension in boiled water).

Gastric lavage will be most beneficial in the first hours after poisoning. Therefore, never neglect it! It is necessary if you suspect poisoning with poisonous berries, mushrooms or vegetables with traces of pesticides. In these cases, they urgently cleanse the stomach and call an ambulance.

If you know what caused the poisoning

By the way, knowing chemical nature plant toxin, you can immediately adjust the first aid kit. The cause of the poisoning is determined by undigested residues.

In case of poisoning with cyanogenic glycosides the most effective of the available means is a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. They are thoroughly washed out the stomach and given enemas.

For poisoning with saponins the emphasis is on gastric lavage in any of the following ways, then the victim is given a laxative.

In case of poisoning with alkaloids it is necessary to drink a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate or a mixture of activated carbon with a 2% solution of soda. After washing the stomach, you need to take 4 more tablets of activated charcoal, and then drink tea.

If toxins get on the skin the place of contact is wiped with a water-alcohol mixture, washed thoroughly with soap and water, and for some time applied to the skin lotions with a 0.1% (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate.

For poisoning with cardiac glycosides the victim is given an aqueous suspension of activated carbon (or a 0.5% solution of tannin) to drink, and then they do cleansing enemas.

In case of poisoning with canned mushrooms (botulism) the stomach is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then the patient is given a few glasses of strong unsweetened tea to drink. Further treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Symptoms of botulism: after eating food with poisoned mushrooms, a person begins to see poorly, swallows with difficulty, his gait becomes uncertain, acute stomach pains and vomiting begin.

For prevention purposes, canned mushrooms are boiled (or fried) for 20 minutes before use. Heat treatment destroys the botulism toxin.

For acid poisoning take burnt magnesia - magnesium oxide MgO, which converts acids into salts.

In case of poisoning with lapis the stomach is washed with 2% sodium chloride solution.

In case of poisoning with iodine tincture the patient is given a 0.5% aqueous solution of sodium hyposulfite (thiosulfate) to drink. It binds the substances that caused the poisoning into a form that is harmless to the body.

Almost every person has had to deal with potassium permanganate at least once in his life. A competently diluted solution can be taken for various throat diseases, poisoning, and is also used as an antiseptic.

Everyone knows about potassium permanganate

What is potassium permanganate used for?

I would like to figure out what manganese is, why it needs to be diluted and under what circumstances this remedy can be taken. In short, potassium permanganate kills the very microbes that caused the poisoning. In case of poisoning, potassium permanganate has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane and skin, thereby relieving a child or an adult of microbes and toxins.

Manganese pharmacology

The main action of Potassium Permanganate is antiseptic. Gives off atomic oxygen on contact with organic matter. In a small percentage concentration, it has an astringent property. The concentrated solution is used as a means for cauterizing wounds. Potassium permanganate is able to neutralize some poisons, namely:

  • the solution can be used for gastric lavage in case of severe alcohol poisoning;
  • all kinds of food poisoning;
  • widespread use in gynecology and urology.

How to properly dilute a manganese solution in case of poisoning

How to properly prepare a manganese solution?

In some folk methods treatment with potassium permanganate, you can find such tips on how to properly and quickly get rid of poisoning for children and adults by washing the stomach with ordinary boiled water. Rinsing the stomach with this method does not mean that you can get rid of this ailment. In such a situation, it is necessary to drink a weak solution of manganese, and wait a while for disinfection in the stomach to occur.

Our parents almost all diluted manganese solution for eye poisoning. Namely, manganese was poured into a container with water and everything is ready. But this method is not suitable for use. Permanganate must be filtered through a large number of layers of gauze so that manganese crystals do not enter the stomach and damage the mucous membrane.

With the development of civilization, poisoning began to occur much more often than before. Eaten poor-quality or worst of all expired product, methyl alcohol, canned vegetables, harvested mushrooms of an unknown variety, all this can provoke severe poisoning. If a similar situation suddenly occurs, then it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and get rid of the deadly toxins. The prepared solution should be drunk in small portions at intervals.

Manganese solution is used in case of poisoning for gastric lavage

Manganese crystals are added to the water, then it is necessary to thoroughly stir the resulting solution to dissolve all the crystals at the bottom, and it is best to strain the finished solution through several layers of gauze. If a saturated solution is obtained, then in case of poisoning, a ready-made solution is added to 6 liters of water to get a pale pink color.

Is it possible to treat a child with manganese

It is possible to treat a small child in this way, but it is not desirable. Previously, when the pharmacy had few remedies to eliminate poisoning, they resorted to a proven remedy like manganese, but now you can buy many drugs for a child that can easily cope with any poisoning without harming a small child's body.

In any situation, potassium permanganate is a very aggressive oxidizing agent, which, even in very small doses, is unacceptable for children's use. Moreover, in a home situation, it is very difficult to calculate the correct percentage solution. But if in a certain situation, when it comes to saving a child, and there are no other drugs at hand and the account goes on for a while, you should first of all properly dilute the permanganate, add 2 crystals of permanganate to one liter of water and give the child no more than ½ glass to drink.

It is undesirable to treat a small child with a manganese solution

Precautions, expiration date, and how to properly store potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate belongs to potent active substances. It is for this reason that it is necessary to store and adhere to all instructions for the duration and use of this drug.

  • It is imperative to dissolve permanganate in a transparent container. As mentioned above, a prerequisite is filtering through several layers of gauze. In addition, it should be remembered that a saturated solution of manganese that has entered the body can cause Met hemoglobinemia, which can lead to a significant lack of oxygen in the tissues and organs of your body.
  • It is necessary to store the powder in a tightly closed container away from children. Completely exclude moisture and sunlight. It is strictly forbidden to shake the bottle, it can lead to spontaneous combustion and even explosion. It is for this reason that potassium permanganate is prohibited on the free market.
  • If permanganate is purchased in a diluted form, then the shelf life of its use is five years. Do not drink this product if the expiration date exceeds the date indicated on the package. In crystals, the shelf life is unlimited.
  • It should be borne in mind that external use always leads to staining in brown tones of the epidermis. This is normal.
  • It is impossible to store a strong solution in enameled pots, basins, since the prepared product will react with the metal for the shelf life and, accordingly medicinal properties will be lost.
  • Well, the most important recommendation for the fair sex. Never, under any circumstances, should permanganate be used to terminate a pregnancy. All this can hurt female organs, is fraught with serious bleeding, burns, and all this can be fatal.

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