
Pressident Sensitive toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Hydroxyapatite - a component of the dental enamel of natural origin in which tooth pastes there are hydroxyapatite

About truly magical properties hydroxyapatitisi learned when I read about a certain super popular toothpaste from Japan. It was this component that was the key to the success of this paste.

Calcium hydroxyapatite CA10 (PO4) 6 (OH) 2 is an inorganic main component of bone tissue.

According to some studies, hydroxyapatite in the dental paste is able to enter into a dental enamel and even close the microcracks. However, we read that the manufacturer writes (and this is all the same SPLAT) on the official website:

Amorphous nanhydroxyapatite calcium

Hydroxyapatite calcium (HAP) is the main mineral of bone tissue and solid tooth tissues, contained in almost all organism fluids.

GAP nanoparticles in active amorphous form (MHAP) deeply penetrate the vulnerable sections of enamel, effectively strengthening it and affects all causes of occurrence increased sensitivity teeth, including serany caries and sedimentation gums. Unlike crystal particles GAP, which cannot participate in the process of enamel mineralization.

Clinically proven *

Knowing English I will give two more references: once and two. There, too, about this most hydroxyapatite.

So, I suffer from dental flaws (in the form of caries mostly, plus sick gums), it became vital to buy a pasta with this very wonderful mineral, and preferably cheaper than Japanese wonder paste. On the revenue, as you already understood, the local splat manufacturer came with his Innova lineup. Looking at local stores, I bought an Innova sensitive paste - so that and for enamel, and for gums, and for sensitive teeth.

She looks like this:

Here you are at the same time and see the price (justice will say that you can buy and cheaper, and more expensive - it all depends on the pharmacy). Cardboard relief, printing is excellent, embossed, immediately visible - the paste is not easy. Plus a bunch of encouraging inscriptions - about reinstallation, sensitive teeth and 92.7% of natural naturalities. The volume is ordinary - 75 ml.

In general, the entire box is covered with inscriptions and information you can find on the official website.

Here everything is straight about me - weakened enamel, extended dentine tubules and I can say, I tried all sorts of toothpastes for sensitive enamel, I have a lot - the effect is weak, fast passing.

The manufacturer is Russian, shelf life - 2 years.

For those interested - the composition (with the left in the unknown gave the white balance)

The tube is executed in joyful summer colors, plastic matte, print good, many packaging inscriptions are duplicated.

Rear is quite detailed about the ingredients - you can brush your teeth and read about everything useful in paste. Pretty comfortable cover

No need to unscrew anything. The dispenser is also just right, but there is nothing more wonderful, in many pasta of Spread so. As you have already noticed, the paste a little uncharacteristic color of the smelting - beige.

Consistency thick, homogeneous. The most interesting - smell. I personally recalled the smell of dental powder, not mint, usual. Nothing unpleasant, but if someone hopes for something interesting - this will not be here. The smell is not strong, it does not remain in the mouth.

Foam Toothpaste is good - but super foam will not give. I traditionally clean my teeth with a small volume (with a pea), it is enough for it to slip foam a couple of times. Taste Not pronounced, slightly sweet. In general, when cleaning the teeth does not occur some kind of magic in the form of taste-smell-cooling. After cleaning, there is a feeling of purity and freshness (not mint).

The most important thing - There was a feeling of smoothness of the teeth, and she does not disappear for a long time (everyone probably noticed that after eating, for example, a malfunction, there is a feeling of plaque on the teeth?), Flap appears very weak. The bleeding of the gum was noticed - but whether the passage played his role, or it was a coincidence, I would not say. Enamel sensitivity decreased (but not disappeared). I clean this paste of about a month and a half, it seems to me that she began to shoot a decay spot from the bottom tooth (he is crying and collects everything) - in any case it decreased.

TOTAL: I recommend this paste, 200 r - not that amount to save on the health of the teeth. In any case, you will almost immediately understand your or not. Innova sensitive perfectly removes the flare, gives smoothness tooths, carefully refers to the gums and sensitive enamel and, possibly, whitens teeth and reanimates enamel with hydroxyapatitis. And I have something to compare - the paste is tried Nemeryano, this I am ready to put 6 stars out of 5.

Do not forget - all written, it is a purely personal opinion based on at least personal experience Use toothpaste.

And I want to say - Brush your teeth correctly, at least a pair of minutes at least twice a day, use flosses and rinses, it will help reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

Health to you and your teeth

Fluorine and its compounds in nature are quite rarely found, their small amount is present only in plants and animals. In plants, fluorine is involved in biochemical processes, and in animals and people take part in the construction of a solid frame of bones and teeth.

The signal to replenish the fluorine reserves in the body can be fragility of bones or violation of the teeth structure, as well as caries. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish its reserves in a timely manner. From food it is impossible to get it, so in different countries, including our, adopted programs for enriching water by this trace element.

Today it is proved that fluorine compounds due to their antibacterial properties provide difficult effect on bacteriacausing caries. Fluorine ions "put sand" the surface of the enamel, preventing the formation of cracks, thereby create a protective layer, also strengthen the enamel, making it less susceptible to the effects of acids.

Is the fluorine useful?

The main supplier of fluorine for teeth is a toothpaste. The first fluorinated appeared in the United States in 1914. Today pasta contain not pure fluorine, and its compounds: sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate. The number of fluorides varies depending on the brand and the country of the manufacturer. Toothpaste with fluorine today is most popular than without it. Despite the benefit of fluorination, there is his opponents.

The fact is that in large amounts of fluorides have a toxic effect on the human body. In addition, sodium fluoride is very dangerous for the body, lethal doseWhen taking it inside, it is 5-10 grams. If you breathe it, it is able to damage the respiratory system, the central nervous, blood, heart, kidney, is able to cause a heart attack, hit the brain.

No clear signs that fluorine does not have enough organism. People uncontrollably take food enriched with fluorine, use fluorine-containing pasta. Dentists recommend using toothpaste with fluorine, squeezing out of the tube portion with pea. But statistics leads data that indicate that people use a much larger amount when cleaning the teeth.

If a person consumes a large amount for a long time, then a phenomenon appears as fluorodosis. With it, fluorine ions are settled on the bones and teeth. The ftor bone fabric first strengthens, adsorbing minerals, then an oversupply of minerals occurs, which block the intake of organic compounds and bones become fragile. In 1972, doctors conducted research, during which the connection between the frequency of fractures and the use of fluorine was found.

Also the fact that fluoride connections are almost not derived from the body. Modern studies have shown that men who use fluorinated foods in large quantities lose part of the testosterone hormone. It is also found that residents of places where water is saturated with fluorine, inferior in the intelligence of the average person.

It has been proven that Fluorine has a property to settle in the thyroid gland, preventing the production of thyroid hormones.

Regions where the level of fluorine connections is elevated in water

Dental pasta without fluorine is relevant to use residents of regions, where the fluorine content in drinking water is increased. These regions are Ural, Western Siberia, some areas of the Moscow region, Tver and Tambov region. It is characteristic that in one region of one region, the content of fluorine can differ significantly. Thus, the toothpastes without fluoride can only be used in those regions where it is overestimated in water.

The composition of the dental paste where there are no fluoride connections

If the water is an excess of fluorine, then the teeth are primarily needed by calcium. This trace element neutralizes the excess fluorine, and also remineralizes the teeth. Therefore, as part of the paste, one of the calcium compounds can always be found:

calcium enriched, should not include fluorine connections:
  • aluminum fluoride
  • sodium fluoride
  • monofluorophosphate
  • tin fluoride
  • aminofluoride (Olaflora).

Toothpaste without fluorine - list

  • "President of Unic" Italy produces has an excellent composition, there are three calcium compounds that are easily absorbed. Such a composition immediately distinguishes this tooth paste from all others. Papain dissolves the remains of the biology of bacteria, which greatly facilitates its removal, and xylitis is able to protect the enamel of the teeth from the formation of the native, neutralizing the effect of the acid. The disadvantage of the paste is the potassium salt, which affects the sensitivity of the teeth, reducing it. Such pastes are recommended to use infrequently, only for removing the hypersensitivity of the teeth. Supplements that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings are able to mask the manifestations of caries and other dental diseases.
  • "Bioctiones" Domestic production contains high-active calcium compounds - it is hydroxyapatite and lactate, as well as polydon and papain, which dissolve the dental flare, which facilitates cleaning. Not bad composition with a relatively inexpensive price.
  • "Spread Maximum" Contains in the form of ultra-dispersed hydroxyapatitis easily durable calcium. Papain and polydon dissolve a pigment plaque, zinc citrate is able to delay fresh breathing for a long time, blocking the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • "ROKS" Domestic production includes calcium compounds, xylitis with an anticipressive action. Bromelain enzyme, which dissolves a soft flare than makes it easier to remove it. Pasta has a huge selection of flavors.
  • "Asepta Sensiviv" Russian production includes hydroxyapatite, papain. Part of potassium citrate eliminates everyday use. This is due to the fact that the lack of the sensitivity of the tooth can damage early diagnosis Caries when destruction is not so great.
  • "New pearl with calcium" - Russia. Calcium citrate is now located, this component releases an active calcium faster.

Criteria for choosing toothpaste for children

The composition of the paste for children should have a reduced amount of active substances, compared with the paste for adults. Classified by the ages of children, as every age has its own characteristics. There are pasta from three to six years, and from seven to fourteen. Then the teenager goes to adult pastes. The basic requirement that is presented to children's pastes is the smallest content of fluorineSince children swallow some saliva during cleaning, together with it, a toothpaste will fall into the body. Over time, the child may have an overdose of fluorine connections.

Before you shift one or another product from the supermarket shelves to the basket, many people carefully read information on the package: what is the product that will be eaten.

This is not the case when choosing a toothpaste. Here a decisive role often plays a commercial, obsessively sewn in the head. So our house comes beautifully packaged false with its main component, the name of which is fluorine.

Harm of this chemical element

As such, this substance is practically not found in nature. It is common in the form of chemical compounds with other substances. We absorb such compounds when cleaning the teeth:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • fluorosilicate sodium;
  • fluoro repair acid.

Fluorine is not in a hurry to quickly outrene from the body, it prefers to accumulate in the teeth, bones, but with greater intensity it penetrates and remains in the thyroid gland, as if cementing it.

Fluorine connections are dangerous for the body. So sodium fluoride, if you breathe it, strikes the respiratory system, blood, central nervous system, kidneys, heart. Taking inside sodium fluoride, we accept toxic substance, the deadly dose of which ranges from 5 to 10 grams. He is able to hit the brain, cause a heart attack, paralyze the respiratory organs.

Patients with diabetes and people suffering from renal failure are subject to the greatest negative effects.

Tip! If at least one such component enters the toothpaste, it is necessary to make a solution to: whether to use such a cleaning and whitening agent or search others without the presence of fluorine.

And some more information about the dangers of this item, see the following video:

Is there an alternative?

If the packaging inscriptions inform that there is one of the calcium compounds in the composition:

  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium glycera phosphate;
  • citrate calcium;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite,

"Present UNIQUE". Italian company "Betafarma S.P.A."

Preservatives, allergens, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes and, of course, there are no fluorine in this case. Natural formula based on plants delicately increases the natural protection of the oral cavity.

Calcium and xylitol carefully cleans enamel. Soothing and antibacterial effects guarantee bioextracts of echinacea, sage, chamomile. Selected in the ideal proportions of the aetole and eucalyptus serve to create a sensation of a gentle fresh prolonged taste.

  • as prevention of caries, inflammatory processes in gums;
  • with a lack of calcium in the body;
  • to strengthen gums, increasing enamel shine;
  • for accurate and effective destruction of the plaque;
  • to reduce sensitivity.

It is advisable to apply two or three times a day. Approximate value of 100 ml of packaging - 190 rubles.

Products from the domestic producer splat- "biocallations"

Deserved recognition by the fact that it does not have harmful components.But there are beneficial active substances that contribute to the restoration of 30% enamels, normalizing pH balance, healing wounds containing moisturizing elements safely polishing enamel.

As for aesthetic qualities, the users have a pleasant consistency of the product, similar to the creams of good density. The pleasant impression leaves the taste - sweetish, moderately resembling mint. In the mouth for a couple of hours or before the first meal, a pleasant freshness is felt.

Those who put in the first place whitening will be upset. The whitening effect is almost absent. The disadvantages also need to include the preservative of Sodium Methylparaben, and it is dangerous, as well as all parabens.

What in the end? The advantages are:

  • the price is quite affordable - 130 rubles;
  • smell and taste - pleasant;
  • cleansing - careful;
  • the presence of useful extracts;
  • the feeling of freshness is long.

Unfortunately, there is a minus - Parabanen enters.

Another creation of the company Splat - Splat- "Maximum"

The product is considered one of the achievements of modern dentistry. It is created to quickly solve the following tasks:

  • the fencing of damaged and problem areas of enamel from the occurrence of caries;
  • ensuring the feelings of freshness in the oral cavity;
  • elimination of plaque;
  • preventing the spread of malicious microbes;
  • healing inflamed gums.

These effects are achieved through the use of only natural components. To strengthen damaged enamel sections, nanogidroxyapatite serves. Removal of stains from wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, dissolving plaque - the task of papain and polydon. Anti-inflammatory action is designed to provide Timon and Zinc. But SLS and fluorine is not used.

Neat cleansing is not accompanied by bleeding gums. After the cleaning procedure in the mouth remains pretty pleasant taste, slightly resembling eucalyptus oil. Pasta will like those who love the formation of foam during teeth care.

An unpleasant surprise may be a slight pinching in the mouth at the end of the process. And it seems to be the only drawback. And the listed pluses should add a low price - 115 rubles per tube in 100 ml.

"Rocs" for adults "from the Russian manufacturer

Unex when manufacturing a fluoride product, the creators achieve a high level of protection against malicious microbes by alternative components: xylitis, bromelain, magnesium chloride, calcium glyceluchospate. An increase of 75% enamel acid resistance is one of the effects of "ROCS" for adults. "

The dental flare, which is the cause of dental diseases, gently and neatly split, and the ability of bacteria to recreate a new flare decreases. At the same time normalizes the state of microflora in the oral cavity.

As a result of an increased cleansing ability, there is no need for the large content of substances abrasive. This effect will be interested in people with increased erasya enamel.

And now suggested by users of dignity:

  • sensitivity reduces;
  • a huge range with various taste properties;
  • beautiful composition;
  • excellent cleansing

and disadvantages:

  • 200 rubles - not so cheap;
  • not economical - too liquid, the brush flows more than required.

"Asepta Sensitive"

This medical and prophylactic paste specialists recommend:

  • for people who have a sensitivity of teeth elevated;
  • to prevent inflammatory processes in the gums, preventing bleeding.

Therapeutic properties are provided by the use of such components:

  • thermal dirt is necessary for healing, restoration, as a soothing agent;
  • citrate and hydroxyapatite reduce pain, create enamel protection for a long time;
  • to combat harmful microbes in the inflamed gums, a calendula, AIR, a donon in the form of extracts;
  • and papaine serves to prevent the formation of the plaque.

The paste has a dense consistency, perfectly foams, has a weak taste of mint. Himpting it for the first time, you need to be prepared for the fact that a greenish substance will appear on the brush. For the tube will have to give 150 rubles.

"New pearl with calcium" from "Nevsky cosmetics"

The cheapness of the product (30 rubles) is due to the absence of additional additives, as well as enzymes and xylitis. The only link of active action is calcium citrate. His task is the mineralization of the teeth, although not sufficient.

Above the toothpastes for adult people were presented. Next, products will be considered to protect the oral cavity without fluorine for kids.

Italian gel pasta "Present Baby"

No allergens, no parabens, no fluorine, no sugar! Gel pasta has a raspberry smell and taste. It is designed for kids from the output of the first tooth up to three years. Carefully cares for the milk teeth, harmlessly eliminates the flare. Calcium in aggregate with xylitol and phosphates protects against caries and returns the health of the rapid gums.

30 ml tube costs 100 rubles.

Gel with calendula "Weleda" (Germany)

Gel delicate consistency, containing calendula flowers, mint oil, Fennel oil, Ecculin. Components will not harm the child, even if he decides to enjoy pasta.

The gel paste has an attractive taste and light menthola smell, does not pinch the tongue. During cleaning, foam is not formed. Leaves a wonderful feeling of freshness. Effectively removes the raid.

Since the gel contains calcium, it is recommended to alternate with pasta, for example, having calcium glyceluphosphate.

Price - 300 rubles per 50 ml.

SPLAT Juicy Set (Russia)

It is designed for use and young children, and adults. Intensively strengthens Enamel Due to the content in the composition of the easily digestible form of calcium - hydroxyapatitis. Enzymes are also used to increase the immunity of the mucous membrane and prevent the appearance of stomatitis, also contained in the paste.

Three tubes in the set are 250 rubles.

SPLAT JUNIOR - Children's

Recommended kids up to four years. Includes xylitis and calcium, which, in combination with enzymes, increase the degree of protection of the mucous membrane. Particularly useful to kids susceptible to frequent stomatitis.

Gel "Scarlet Vera" reduces unpleasant sensations when the first tooth appears. Cream and vanilla taste provokes children to try paste. It is completely safe.

It is unpleasant to surprise the claimed non-existent component of calcis. Unfortunately, the clarification manufacturer does not give, and the incomprehensible seems dangerous.

Tube price - 179 rubles.

"Rocs - Pro Baby" (Russia) - children's

It can be used for the smallest. For the manufacture of pasta, a very soft basis is used, which carefully cleaning, does not damage the rapid enamel of milk teeth. All ingredients of only natural origin.

The lack of fragrances does not cross the child to try the paste. When cleaning the foam is not formed. After use on the teeth there is a feeling of good cleanliness.

Price - 210 rubles.

Summing up, it must be said that someone will remain faithful to the pastes with fluorine, not wanting to change anything, and someone will think and revise their attitude towards the subject described. Making conclusions Every person must be based on extensive information.

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  • Blizzard

    January 19, 2015 at 7:54

    In 2013, I thought about the state of the health of my teeth, seeing the appeared white specks on enamel. The Internet has read that it is a symptom of fluorine tooth resaturation. I decided to replace the paste with a dental powder, but it is not entirely convenient for use: it creates, dirty clothes and the cover is uncomfortable. Then he stopped using the cleaning agent at all and cleaned his teeth just a dry brush, but the teeth lost whiteness, which was, due to the paste. And how to be? I want a snow-white smile without yellowness and spots. Need good pasta. Thanks to the article, I figured out my problem and now I know what paste to acquire. Even the budget "pearls" is perfectly suitable 🙂 thanks 🙂


    March 29, 2016 at 5:25

    Pearls also contains fluorine, do not speak naive

  • Alexander

    February 4, 2017 at 5:30

    I tried at different times and the "Splat" paste, and the "new pearls", but it seemed to me that after the application, it was not very good for freshness in the mouth, so more often I use Pressident. In my opinion, the effect of purity is longer, and my sensitive gums almost stopped bleeding. The fact that she is also harmless to the body, as it turned out - a huge plus.

  • Ivan.

    May 15, 2017 at 6:29

    With surprise and horror recently learned that most of the toothpaste contains sodium fluoride. Previously, this question was not thought about, but various sources report that sodium fluoride is not only not useful, but also extremely harmful. Its action is comparable to the action of lead to the body. I tried to find a tooth pasta without Fluoride, it turned out difficult, but I still searched. Yes, Prezident turned out to be the most suitable for the use of toothpaste.

  • Alexander

    December 6, 2017 at 16:42

    The splat only was at first there was no fluorine, why and bought it, after as it happens the manufacturer began to add it to add. The inscription appeared in a small font in the composition. And it used to be written that without fluorine, now this inscription disappeared.

Hello everyone!

I follow the innovations and new developments not only in decorative and leaving cosmetics, but also in the care products for the oral cavity.

The latest trend is the use of hydroxyapatitis in toothpastes. As a rule, the toothpastes with the content of this component are quite expensive: from 800 to 2000 rubles.

I'll tell you about toothpastePresidentSensitiveRDA 25 for sensitive teethwhich also contains this substance.

A little general product information.

The paste is produced in Moscow, produced in a tube, 75 ml.

This volume is enough for 1 month when using 2-3 times a day in one person.

Price: 230 rubles.

Packaging: The elongated box of durable, flexible, matte, soft-touch cardboard.

The inscription of the brand and logo are volumetric, white-peaculture.

The end is indicated by the production date.

On the back of the box is a description.

Printing - high-quality.

Tube - from soft, flexible, smooth, metallized plastic,

which casts holography in the sun, with a white glossy cap.

A description is duplicated on the tube.

Nose was smeared with foil.

The size of the opening in the spout is 7 mm, the paste goes easily, does not get stuck, does not dry out.

The product is easily extruded, used to the end with the key for the tube.

Color: Bright, gentle blue.

Smell: Fresh, medicinal, noticeable, I feel anise and licorice, reminds the medicine from cough.

Texture: homogeneous

dense, gel.

Taste: Refreshing, anise.

Manufacturer Description:




I clean my teeth in the morning, immediately after sleep, after breakfast, in the evening and sometimes the day.

I squeeze on a brush 1-1.5 cm. Paste.

My teeth: sensitive, fragile, thin enamel, there are microcracks, I feel good food temperatures, which throws out his teeth


The paste does not run away from the brush, does not decrease in the size on the brush, it fits well, it does not give a thick, white foam from medium in size with bubbles.

The paste gently purifies the teeth, it does not contain large abrasive particles. When cleaning, it envelops the teeth with purity and freshness. Often, I miss the same portion of pasta, so I add the second to work well everything is difficult to access the place.

After cleaning the teeth - very clean, the tax is removed. If you spend your teeth language, they will be very smooth, as after professional cleaning of teeth at the dentist, when, after all cleansing procedures, the dentist lowers the nozzle into a special substance and polishes his teeth. Here are similar effect.

The sensitivity of the teeth is gradually decreasing. For the month, I noticed that the teeth stopped reacting sharply to cold-heat. I can calmly rinse your mouth with cold water without pain.

After cleaning, breathing is medium fresh, freshness lasts about 20 minutes. I would like a longer and bright freshness, as from mint pastes. Although for those who do not like campling and menthol, the paste will like.

I did not notice the influence of the paste on the microcrack of dental enamel, although the hydroxyapatite in theory should fill them.


The teeth are clean, fresh, well cleaned from the raid, tactful smooth.

Sensitivity gradually decreases. It will not happen quickly, but for the month changes are already felt.

The teeth are a little brighten on the tone, which is noticeable only to you.

Re-purchase: Yes

My mark: 10 out of 10 points.

Output:high-quality packaging, good composition, soft, but efficient cleansing, decreased sensitivity of teeth, high-quality removal of daily raids. Pasta does not make miracles, but makes life more comfortable, you can safely drink cold water, there is a hot, pasta does not fasten the dental enamel, which is especially important for teeth with thin, fragile enamel.

Toothpaste PresidentSensitiveRDA 25 for sensitive teeth - this is a good option For acquaintance with pasta containing hydroxyapatite, at a reasonable price. For 230 rubles. You will understand whether you like the effect, disappointment and regret will definitely not be. Although I have not yet tried more expensive pastes, I read that some similar action with PREIDENT pastent, I no longer want to try, I will take something more efficient.

I want to draw your attention that not all PRESIDENT pastes contain hydroxyapatite in the composition, only this paste, in other pastes the composition is different.

Here is another decent toothpaste:

Thank you for your time! (· 人 ·)

Remember: "You are beautiful in Any Single Way"! ✿

HydroxyAPatite SP-1 - Mineral of Natural Origin, the cell of its crystal includes two molecules.

Approximately 70% of the solid base of the bone is formed by inorganic compounds, the main component of which is an inorganic mineral hydroxyapatite. Dear impurities, it is the main mineral as part of dental enamel and dentin.

Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral of bone tissue and solid tooth tissues. Ceramics based on it does not cause reaction reaction and is able to actively bind to a healthy bone tissue. Thanks to these properties, hydroxyapatite can be successfully used when restoring damaged bones, as well as in the bioactive layer for better rotation of the implant.

Exchange reactions to the surface of the tooth

White of our teeth depends on the color of dentin, referred to as the color of the "ivory". Dentin is an integrated tooth tissue, forming its bulk mass and defining its shape. The enamel is located on top of dentin - the hardest fabric of the body, protecting the dentin and the pulp of the tooth from the effects of external factors. The beauty of our teeth depends on the state of enamel. The enamel of a healthy tooth is translucent, its color is close to the true color of the ivory. When the enamel is covered with a dental flare and stains, undergoing a sharp mechanical effect, as well as as a result of the equilibrium impairment between the processes of demineralization and remineralization, the surface of the tooth becomes matte and muddy, and the tooth itself needs professional treatment.

The main component of dentin (70%) and enamel (97%) - hydroxyapatite is the biological phosphate of calcium and the third component of our body (after water and collagen). The human saliva, which includes a large number of calcium ions and phosphate ions, is a kind of saturated hydroxyapatite solution. It protects the teeth, neutralizing the acid of the dental plaque, and fills the loss of minerals during demineralization.

After the sugar hit the oral cavity of the bacteria, which are in dental, turn sugar into acid, and the pH of the plaque decreases sharply. While this indicator remains in the acid range, and the liquid of the plaque is not saturated compared to the minerals of the tooth, the acids produced by bacteria diffuse through the raid and inside the tooth, washing the calcium and phosphorus from enamel. Demineralization occurs.

Between the formation of acid formation, alkaline buffers, which are present in saliva diffuse in the raid and neutralize the acids present, which suspends the loss of calcium and phosphorus. Remineralization occurs.

Remineralization takes place between demineralization periods.



Ideally, when these processes occurring on a dental surface are in dynamic equilibrium, the loss of minerals does not occur.

But with excessive formation of plaque, reduced salivation, meal, rich in carbohydrates, the balance is completely shifted towards demineralization. As a result, the destruction of the tooth occurs.

It is known that early stage Demineralization, or the "White Spot" stage, the development of caries can be prevented by paying for the timely receipt of the required amount of minerals.

As a result, full-fledged tooth tissues that stabilize the further development of the disease and its complications are formed.

Innovation in the market for cavity care

In 1970, Sangi Co., Ltd has developed a remineralizing toothpaste containing hydroxyapatitis nanoparticles. For the first time, its production was launched in the 1980 house of Apagard, sales amounted to over 50 million tubes. Then there were extended laboratory tests of active ingredients of toothpaste, after which in 1993 the hydroxyapatite was approved in Japan as an anticarious agent. It was called medical hydroxyapatite to distinguish from other types of hydroxyapatitis (dental abrasives).

The dimensions of the hydroxyapatite particles produced by Sangi were measured in nanometers (mainly 100 nm and above). In 2003, an improved hydroxyapatite production technology allowed obtaining hydroxyapatite with smaller particles (20-80 Nm)

Laboratory tests have demonstrated their greater remineralizing ability to dental enamel. (1 nanometer \u003d 0.000001 millimeters)

Remineralizing toothpastes and mouth care products with medical nanhydroxyapatite, developed by Sangi, are divided into two main types:

Goods for a wide consumersold in pharmacies under the APAGARD® brand.

Products for professional care produced under the Renamel® brand exclusively for dentists. They include enamel recovery tools after the treatment of After-PMTC® Finishing Paste and After Bleach® Enamel Conditioner, as well as the high-class remineralizing toothpaste Apagard Renamel® for home use.

In 1993, considering the additional possibilities of applying nanocrystalline medical hydroxyapatitis (Nano MgAP) as an anticarial agent, Japanese specialists opened three main functions:

Contributes to the removal of plaque

Adhesion to dental plates followed by its removal

Nano Mgup has a high ability to bind to proteins. While cleaning the brush, he "sticks out" to bacteria and plaque particles, facilitating its flushing and removal from the oral cavity.

Restores the smoothness of enamel

Restoration of microcracks on the surface of the enamel

Nano MgAP acts identically a seal, "zazing" small pits and fissures formed on the surface of the enamel. As a result, the enamel acquires shine, it becomes smooth and more resistant to the effects of dental plating bacteria and the formation of stains.

Fills the loss of minerals

Remineralization of demineralized sections of the inner layer of enamel (initial stage of caries)

Nano Mgup provides minerals by those zones under the surface of the enamel, where their loss occurred (the so-called stage of the white stain with the caries formed). Due to this, enamel returns its original density and translucency, protecting teeth from destruction.

Nanocrystalline MGAP does not have abrasive properties and biocompatible with teeth cloth. It not only helps to remove the dental flare, but also provides the influx of minerals to the layers of enamel, restoring microscopic damage in them. Due to this, enamel becomes dense and smooth again, providing teeth beauty and aesthetic appearance.

Acquaintance with Sangi

For the first time, Sangi showed serious interest in hydroxyapatitis after receiving NASA in 1970 a patent for its use. The third main component of our body after water and collagen, hydroxyapatite is widely used in medicine and dental practice, thanks to excellent biocompatibility. As a material that restores bone fabricIt is applied in dentistry, orthopedics, maxillofacial surgery when transplanting bones and implantation. Hydroxyapatite is also added to perfumery and cosmetic and food products, mainly in the toothpaste.

To date, the cavity care products is the main source of income of the company, although hydroxyapatite includes in many other products manufactured by them: nutritional supplements, cosmetic ingredients, as well as adsorbents for chromatographic analysis and other studies.

The priority direction of their activities is the development of products. And for more than 30 years, Sangi has focuses its attention on scientific research and development, carefully protecting his patent. At their disposal - more than 70 approved patents concerning different spheres Applications, about one hundred and is at the stage of consideration in Japan and other countries. Currently, Sangi is the largest producer of hydroxyapatitis in the world.

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