
Recipes from Ukrainian hostesses. Traditional cuisine of Ukraine: what are treated in different regions. Salo is our all

It should not be refused to be enjoyed to enjoy dishes of traditional Ukrainian cuisine.

Of course, any national cuisine reflects the nature of the people, his history, living conditions. And u krain cuisine is the same as the Ukrainians: she is generous, he loves only more and more and more, and absolutely not careful about the figure :))). Its feature is the widespread use of pork, vegetable oil, tomatoes, "Tsybuli" (Luka), "Buryak" (beets), potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, wheat flour. Our land is generous and all the freshest and tasty goes to the cook: cereals and flour; Pork, beef, lamb, chicken meat, goose, quail; Many varieties of fish - carp, pike, pike perch, trout; Vegetables, root and fruit. For the best our dishes, we take the whole best that is in nature and grows on our land.

So, what Ukrainian dishes need to try primarily a guest in Ukraine? We will tell about two dozen most popular dishes so that you come to the Ukrainian restaurant to come to the Ukrainian restaurant were prepared and could choose their own to taste.

Ukrainian treat

For a start - just a list:

  1. Fat
  2. Ukrainian bread
  3. Salad from Buryak
  4. Red borsch
  5. Green borsch
  6. Yushka (ear)
  7. Vareniki
  8. Galyushki
  9. Doves
  10. Kytlet in Kiev
  11. Kulesh
  12. Mikeniki
  13. Bechena
  14. Tsymbulnikov (Rybul - it's onions in Ukrainian)
  15. Zraza
  16. Homemade sausage
  17. Mlynzi (pancakes)
  18. Nalisnikov
  19. Cheesens
  20. Deruna
  21. Drinks: Uzbar (this is such a Ukrainian compote), kvass, beer, gorge (Ukrainian vodka), medical, hrenovuha, varenuha, different tinctures

And now we will tell you more about every dish:

1. Salo. Swine fat and borsch - most associated with Ukrainian cuisine. This product and attitude to it of Ukrainians even became the "heroes" of many anecdotes and aphorisms. Salo is used in the food in different form: raw, salty, in brine, smoked, fried, overcooked with garlic and spices. We highly advise try this legendary product - in a restaurant or in a good market. By the way, contrary to the common stereotype, from fresh Sala - Do not fully. Because of the huge variety of cooking recipes, you may have to try a few of his kinds to choose your favorite.

2. Bread. "White" wheat bread before baked mainly by holidays. On ordinary days, the main dish on the table was "black" rye bread, called "residents" (from the Ukrainian "lively" - rye). One of the Kiev markets still carries the name "Last". It is rye bread that should be ordered for lunch to Ukrainian dishes.

A slight retreat. Expression "Ukrainians" (Pronounced Ukrainski Brozova) translates as "Ukrainian dishes". Such an inscription on the sign of the establishment of food, on his business card or menu - means that the dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are prepared. That is, "Ukrainian countries", as a rule, is not the name of the restaurant. However, in Kiev, there is one restaurant with the same name.

Let us return, however, to our topic. The most popular Ukrainian dishes that are worth trying. Pillars of Ukrainian cuisine: borschy, dumplings, cabbageans, dumplings, silica, zrazy.

3. Salad from Buryak.Buryak is a beet in Ukrainian. Salads from Buryak There are many. The easiest and most tasty: boiled beet rubbed onto the grater and is fed under vegetable oil.

4. Borsch. This dish has many varieties, it happens to be lean or on meat broth. Transcarpathian borsch is not similar to Odessa, Poltavsky - to Chernigovsky, Volynsky - to Kiev, and Lviv - on Kharkov, etc. We will talk about the red boosher (classic, on meat broth), however, in most establishments you can also try green borsch, and in some places and lean borscht .. Burning components are boring (beet) and cabbage. A teasing appetizing aroma attached to the rudder onions, garlic, pepper, dill, parsley and other fragrant plants. A large piece of meat and sour cream is required in the plate. Also in the boosher can be beans, mushrooms, just up to 20 or more ingredients! Wheat pamps with garlic are served to the real boom. In principle, you can dine a good borscht, that is, it doves, so that the kitlet or cabbage rolls no longer want. In general, Ukrainian Borsch is a nail of the gastronomic program.

5. Green borsch - soup in which the main ingredient is the leaves of sorrel, which gives it a characteristic green color and gentle sour taste. In addition to sorrel, there are potatoes, meat, dill, parsley, onion and egg. Served with sour cream.

6. Yushka (ear). In times of Kievan Rus, Yushka called any soup. Therefore, definition was always added to the word "Yushka". Definition: Chicken Jushnaya, Pea Jushnaya, Fish. Today, the Hushchka in Ukraine is called the ear, that is, fish from fish, which is preparing with the addition of greenery, onions, sometimes potatoes and cereals and other products. Some cooks are preparing ear on the broth from the rooster.

One thing can be said for sure: yushka is one of the most ancient traditional Ukrainian dishes and for connoisseurs is a real object of cult.

Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are very valued, prepared different views in large copper Casans. Moreover, the Cossacks' fish decoctions used as medicines by adding various herbs in them - at the same time heeded and treated. After all, the ear is rich in phosphorus compounds, calcium salts - it improves the brain, visual nerves, provides the fortress of bones and cartilage, as well as the flexibility of the joints.

The real ear is complex in preparation, there are many recipes and technologies for its preparation. In general, there are three main types of jushia: simple; double or triple; With a rooster or old lard. To prepare, a simple ear will first boil vegetables, then add fish. To prepare a double ear, first boiled small fish, the broth is filtered, and then boil vegetables and large fish. By the way, connoisseurs believe that adding potatoes into the ear - turns it into "soup".

Classic ear is boiled from pike perch, perch, hersh, ciga, adding catfish, lina. There are recipes from Zhereh, Sazan, carp, red-pan. Yushka from red fish is called red or amber. In addition to such species, Ukrainian cuisine knows more exotic species Sights: Tomny and even sweet.

In the south of Ukraine, tomatoes appear in Yushka, on Polesie - dried mushrooms. In Odessa, jushia is boiled without additives, and everyone adds a mixture of overwhelmed with salt of tomatoes, greenery and garlic to the plate.

In short, this wonderful dish every good cook prepares in its own way. You can try it in different restaurants, getting new shades of taste.

7. Bechena (emphasis on the second syllable) is an old Ukrainian dish of meat and potatoes. It's wrong to call this dish in the word "roast", for all of his meaning is lost. The fact is that the "bicken" is baked in a pot and without water, such a method of cooking gives it a special taste. The composition, except potatoes and meat, can include mushrooms, onions, fat, carrots, black pepper, garlic. Some chefs add to the baked tomatoes, sour cream and other ingredients.

This set of products that make up the dish makes it delicious and very satisfying. The bicken was very valued and appreciated by the Ukrainians, she traditionally prepared for all holidays (but not in the post). Especially tasty liver cooked in the furnace.

8. Dumplings - It's just a smoke. The main Ukrainian dish, described it in "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. And in the document "Description of the Kharkov governorship", created in 1785 by order of Empress Catherine II, says: "By the evening, the inhabitants are preparing a pyrochnik in the evening, called dumplings, whom the crust of wheat or Grechishchnago dough, and the stuffing from Svezzha Treragu, which is called cheese; And they do not bake them, but cook in water, from which they also have their own title. "

Today, dumplings are prepared with a variety of fillings, not only "zhe": with potatoes, with cherries, with mushrooms, with meat, with stew cabbage. But the main thing in dumplings is the dough, it must be gentle as a fluff pillow.

Sour cream or melted butter must be supplied to the dumplings. Honey and jam are also served to sweet dumplings, and a fried fat with onions is also served.

"Lazy dumplings" are also prepared - without stuffing, cottage cheese is added right into the dough.

Dumplings with cherry. This dish was missing ODU Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

9. Cheese. Cheesens, like Borsch, widely spread outside Ukraine - their "historical homeland", and well known in the territory of the former Soviet Union. The name of this dish comes from the word "cheese". And the cheese Ukrainians call cottage cheese.

Cheesecakes are sweet fritters from cottage cheese, often with raisins. Served with sour cream. Their gentle curd taste will be a good end of the meal.

10. Alongs are very tasty egg pancakes with filling. Egg yolks In the dough, they give the pronounced yellow color. The pancakes wrapped the filling, most often - cottage cheese with raisins. Each such steering wheel is cut along the length in half. Serve altogether with sour cream and melted butter.

In addition to cottage cheese as a filling can be mushrooms, meat, caviar, jam.

Half counters - not the same thing that pancakes are stuffed. Polytechniks fresh, yellow, thin, different from the usual pancake. The task of the test - it is advantageous to supply the taste of the filling, keeping her juice.

Half counters are very common and loved in Ukraine.

Half counters - the delicious Ukrainian dessert

11. Drinks. Ukrainians traditionally use drinks obtained by natural fermentation method: kvass, honey, beer; As well as by distillation of fermentation products - the gill, and the tincture made on it.

By the way, the "gorilka" is not a small monkey ("Cubs Gorilla"), and Ukrainian vodka.
The famous Varenuha is a hot alcoholic drink from the gorge, spices and honey.

Matogon and tincture are served in many restaurants from Ukrainian cuisine own cooking (Krenovukha - vodka, infused on horseback, cunning - on cranberries, sea buckthorn - understandable on what, etc.).

Beer. Of course, it is not about the bottle of beer, but about the present, alive, freshlywater. In many restaurants and pubs of the capital of Ukraine, beer is served, welded on their own brewery (which is located immediately, behind the wall of the hall). And this is a beer of excellent quality. And with a wonderful taste. "Beef", "Two Boba", "Beer Duma", "Pivarium", "Porter", "Solomenskaya Brovary" and other no less worthy establishments.

Of non-alcoholic beverages We recommend the Uzvar - a drink prepared by the brewing of dried fruits (apples, cherries, pears, plums, raisins) and berries. Part of the fruit is only brought to a boil, not cook, and some boiled - it is dictated by the fact that their readiness is different. Before cooking, fruits are soaked. Traditionally, the Uzbar was prepared on the eve of the church holidays of baptism and Christmas, and today it has become a more common drink.

While all. Descriptions of other Ukrainian flavors will add to inspiration.

Traditional Ukrainian cuisine includes basically fairly simple dishes, the preparation of which does not take much time. The hostess used cereals and vegetables.

But today, the editorial board has collected 15 dishes of Ukrainian cuisine for you, which are inconsistently becoming less and less popular. They almost forgot about them, and in vain - they are delicious and useful!


Solomach reminds porridge. Solomakh was prepared from buckwheat flour: kneaded liquid dough, and brewed, pouring in boiling water. Served with oil, smalts and garlic.


For the preparation of dishes used barley. The teeth were the favorite delicacy of children, because the dish had a sweet taste.


In the dish, the hostess added all the cereals in her house, cooked on the water. Filled bast, onions and carrots, as well as greens.


For the preparation of dishes they took buckwheat (rye) flour, poured boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, languid in the furnace. Kvasha was similar to Kisel. Used with seasonal berries or dried fruits.


Drainin was prepared from meat with the addition of vegetables and spices. Meat and the remaining ingredients were in a pot and served with potatoes or porridge.

TETERA (Ryabko)

Preparing from millet, buckwheat flour were added, cooked on water or any broth. Filled with oil or onion roasted.


This is the name of the dessert in the form of cashews based on wheat flour. The cakes covered with the icing from Mac and Möday.


Knoshi are cakes with fried ladies and onions. For cooking took rye flour.


Butters were prepared from wheat flour-based test. Butchi cooked in water and twisted on oil. They rushed them with sour cream, honey or onion roasted.


Varenuha is a drink infused on herbs with the addition of dry pear or plum, as well as spices (cinnamon, carnation). If Varenuhu wanted to make alcohol, then it insisted on vodka.


Colder reminds the okroshka. Traditionally, he was preparing on a branch from the swarms. The cucumber, egg, onion were added to the chilly.


Pork rubbishs were roasted in the flour until the appetizing crust was forming and carved with a swamp in beet harvester.


So called fish cutlets that boiled in water. Finished cutlets watered onion junk.


Taratuta is a beet soup. The cooler was drunk, salted cucumber and onions were added. Cooked this soup on a beet decoction, sunflower oil and a cucumber brine were added.


The cookie was preparing on a fresh dough. They roasted on the oil until the formation of a beautiful crust.

And which of these dishes do you like most? Write in the comments.

Ukrainian dishes are popular not only in their homeland. Culinary achievements of Ukrainians are borsch, dumplings and pampus. The kitchen of Ukrainians can surprise and delicious to feed. And even though there are some regional features of dishes in the West and East, the kitchen remains whole and homogeneous.

Ukrainian dishes are characterized by complex thermal processing. First, the products are frying or boiled, and then extinguished or baked. This is due to the peculiarities of the homely focus of Ukrainians. In those days, they prepared meals on a closed fireplace. Such technology allowed to preserve the fragrance of dishes and give them a juiciness. And since most of the people engaged in physical labor, then the dishes were to be calorie. But, most importantly, delicious. It is associated with whims national Character. Therefore, popular dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are distinguished by an intricate set of components.

History of Ukrainian cuisine

Initially, for cooking Ukrainian dishes were used simple products: cereals, fish, mushrooms, berries, livestock. Beef eaten a little.

Pork fell into the dishes of Ukrainian national Kitchen During the Mongol-Tatar raids, and it gothes. Pigs, like dirty animals, did not interest the invaders, and caused a disgust with Basurman. Now pork is included in many traditional Ukrainian dishes.

In the XI century, there were already several cooks in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra who retained the recipes of delicious unusual Ukrainian cuisine. They also helped diversify the list of dishes of Ukrainian cuisine and bring some innovations to the diet.

Finally, the national cuisine of Ukrainians was formed quite late - by the beginning of the XIX century, after the appearance of tomato and sunflower oil, without which they would not be so delicious.

However, the differences between the dishes of Galichans, Poltavcan and Transcarpathians have survived to this day. Thus, the recipes of West Ukrainian cuisine with photos are very different from traditional Kharkovian dishes. Although in general the kitchen of the Ukrainian people is quite whole.

Features of Ukrainian dishes

The main characteristic of Ukrainian cuisine is associated with its late formation. The national menu has absorbed best recipes Ukrainian cuisine of different regions.

Borrowed raw materials processing methods

  • The names of the dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, like borsch and dumplings become international. But it turns out, Ukrainian dumplings come from dishes turkish cuisine Dosus-Vara.

  • The meat dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are often prepared from crushed raw materials. This technique was borrowed from the Germans.
  • From the Turks and the Tatars came such a method of heat treatment as roasting in boiling oil ("Smagnish").
  • The custom of seasoning dishes of the sweet paprika Ukrainians adopted from Hungarians.

Traditional Ukrainian dishes

Traditional delicious dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are prepared from such products as:

  • pork;
  • fish;
  • beet;
  • wheat flour and different cereals;
  • eggs;
  • milk products.

If you look at the recipes of Ukrainian national cuisine with photos, this feature is noticeable as the presence of one main ingredient, which is combined with a large number of other components.

In this case, additives emphasize the taste of the main component. A classic example is borsch. Here, the taste of beet is laid in two dozens of ingredients.

Snacks and salads of Ukrainian cuisine

The recipes of salads of Ukrainian cuisine include both raw and boiled vegetables, as well as meat and fish. For refueling, hot spin vegetable oil is used.

Some recipes of Ukrainian national cuisine with photos contain linen, rapeseed and other oil.

Baked meat cuts are served as cold dishes of Ukrainian cuisine.

But the most beloved snack of Ukrainians is fat. It is salted, marinate, baked and fry. Salo is also included in different delicious recipes Ukrainian cuisine.

The first dishes of Ukrainian cuisine

Usually Ukrainian national cuisine with video shows cooking soups on meat broth using roasted or passionate vegetables. The recipes of the first dishes of Ukrainian cuisine with fish, mushrooms, bean are also popular.

After the appearance of potatoes, it began to introduce into traditional recipes of Ukrainian cuisine. Some do not include potatoes into the first dishes. It is replaced with croups and flour dumplings.

Description of Ukrainian cuisine It will be incomplete without boors. They are served hot or cold, with pampushki and with croutons. The menu dishes of Ukrainian cuisine includes borschy and based on beet kvass.

Soleanka is very similar to Borsch. See the recipe for her cooking. During cooking soups, it is important not to forget about sauces. From this article you can learn about their varieties.

Second Ukrainian dishes

Most often demonstrate the preparation of dishes of complex technology. The traditional Ukrainian national cuisine from the video of the entire cooking process will help to understand the subtleties of culinary techniques.

Second meat dishes are famous rabbits and quail in sour cream, "liver" and "deuna" in pots. As well as Ukrainian-beloved dishes from cottage cheese and dough: cheesery, dumplings, dumplings, casseroles.

The entire recipe of Ukrainian cuisine is designed to use local products. Thus, the best dishes of Ukrainian cuisine of the western part of the country are "Banosh", Bragch and Facreen "LOC."

The influence of neighboring Hungary and Romania is felt here.

Traditional desserts of Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian desserts are prepared from fruits and berries. They are baked, watered with honey, sprinkle with nuts and poppy. Maintenance baking recipes Ukrainian cuisine with photos Contain a step-by-step description of all processes. The baking powder serves as soda or alcohol.

And the bread to which Ukrainians relate to special reverence, sweet pastries were made on Zakvas. Traditional dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine - grandmother.

In Ukraine, they were baked for the holidays.

Festive table of Ukrainians

Festive dishes of Ukrainian cuisine prepared for religious holidays. Merry Christmas jackets, goose or carp. Mandatory dish - wheat sweet porridge (Susta).

Pictures of Ukrainian dishes look appetizing and picturesque. People with pleasure sharing their recipes. Travelers know: in any village you will be told and show what Ukrainian cuisine is free. And make a menu for every day simple recipes Ukrainian cuisine will not be difficult.

Ukrainian cuisine stands on three "whales" - fat, beets and garlic. These are iconic products, perhaps. Of course, buckwheat, millet, sour cream. As you can see, everything is very saturated and nutritious.
The most famous and famous, of course, borsch and dumplings, they love everywhere and everywhere. There are still all sorts of dins and twisters - rolls of meat or fish, maps - potatoes, cakes, cakes - Cutlets, pickers - pancakes with stuffing. Soups with buckwheat and millet, with meat and without meat, tucked or fried lard, Kulesh and Yushka. In this selection we suggest to breathe new life In the vintage dishes, as well as to prepare the most popular and delicious dishes of modern Ukrainian cuisine.


The dish is old, is mentioned in the "Aneida" of Kotlyarevsky. What is hiding under this cheerful name? Everything is simple, stew meat with beet, ideally pork breast, but you can also take a beef, although it is not characteristic of Ukrainian cuisine, because the oxes have long been used as a potential cattle and we used little, unlike pork. Traditional for many Ukrainian dishes combined preparation of products - frying, after extinguishing-taking. I decided to prepare an old dish in a modern unit - a multicooker, quenching is her horse. From seasoning only garlic, and a bit of the soul.
Pork (Oreshek) 600 g
Beets 800 g
Onions on 2 pcs.
Garlic 3 teeth
Vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
Dried soul men pinch
1. Cut meat with medium slices. Heat half fat in a frying pan and fry meat on a strong heat to a ruddy crust. To shift in the dish for extinguishing, cast iron, or as in my case - in a slow cooker.
2. Louk cut into small cubes. Fry in the same frying pan where meat roasted and shifted to it.
3. Clear beets and cut into medium cubes. Fry in the remaining fat, sprinkle with dried souls. Put to meat. Pour so much water so that it covers the products, add a spoonful of a red wine vinegar, a plowed garlic, salt and pepper, close the lid and sniff on a small fire for 1 hour.

Greckers with cookies

Buckwheat is distributed in Ukraine from 11-12 centuries, and very popular, both the souls itself and flour from it. From buckwheat, soup is boiled, added to the blood sausage, and the Grechairs are fried. In the old tradition, the Grechairs are like the kind of pancakes, but in modern kitchen This name was fixed by the type of buckwheat cereal with different additives. I propose to prepare one of the most delicious options, with the liver, and wrapped in the gland - pork fat grid. It is this culinary reception that allows the Greek not only to preserve the form, but also to remain incredibly juicy. The dish is very and very saturated /
Buckwheat Groat 200 g
Liver of calf or pig 500 g (fat grid) 500 g
Onions on 1 pc.
Garlic 2 teeth
Black pepper
Vegetable oil 1 Article.
1. Wash buckwheat and boil until readiness. Cool. The liver is cleaned from films and ducts, skip through a meat grinder.
2. Onions finely cut and fry on vegetable oil to rosy. Garlic crowded. Mix buckwheat, liver, roasted onions, garlic, salt and pepper, knead well.
3. Place the gland thoroughly straighten, cut the thick pieces of fat along the edges and cut into rectangular pieces of about 10 by 12 centimeters. On each piece to put 2 tbsp. Miner and roll out the gland as a cabarpe, roll.
4. In a large frying pan with a thick bottom, fir feed cut from the gland and lay the Grekers. Close the lid and fry on medium-small fire of 8 minutes on each side. Serve hot.

Dumplings with cherry

Dumplings are practically with any filling. The main distinguishing feature - the filling of this is always brought to full readiness, the meat is yellowed and crushed, the liver too, the mushrooms are fried, the cabbage is extinguished. Raw used only berries in the season, they usually fall asleep with sugar in advance, and then using a sweet syrup as sauce to a finished dish. Not sweet dumplings are served with slurry from a salary, fried onion, sweet paprika and sour cream. Sweet with sour cream, melted cream oil, sugar and berries. My favorite dough recipe - custard, dumplings are incredibly gentle.
Flour 450 g
Cherry Fresh or Dried 600 g
Sugar 120 g
Egg 1 piece
Creamy butter 30 g + for feeding
Salt chipotch
1. From the cherry to remove bones and fall asleep with sugar berries. Leave for 30 minutes.
2. Pour flour into a deep bowl, add an egg, 1 tbsp. Sugar, salt and melted oil. Boil approximately a glass of water. To interfere with the dough with a mixer, pouring boiling water. When it is going to the ball, continue to mix manually. The dough must be soft as the Ear Middle, and not sticky.
3. To divide it into two parts. One cover with a wet towel, the second to thin with the rolling pin. Cut mugs from the dough. I use the molding ring. On each dough circle, put a few cherries without juice and shut the edges tightly, first just flat, and then a pigtail.
4. Folding dumplings and cover with a wet towel so as not to dry. In a large saucepan boil about 2-3 liters of water, satteniate. Lower the dumplings of 10 pieces, bring to a boil and cook under the lid of 5-7 minutes. Remove the shovel, fold into a ceramic bowl and pour melted oil. Juice from cherry with sugar to bring to a boil in the saucepan and cook a few minutes before thickening. Halong the dumplings with syrup and serve.

The history of the development of Ukrainian cuisine

The history of the development of Ukrainian cuisine was not yet studied, since much was lost as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasions and not only. Nevertheless, it is known that it is closely related to the history of its people. She takes their origins during the existence of Kievan Rus. Scientists discovered numerous letters and archaeological memos, indicating that the Ukrainian hosies prepared a huge amount in the IX - XI centuries delicious dishes. Among them: Packs, Pyshki, Kulesh, Borsch, Galyushki, Kalachi, Pies, Pies, Pies, Greckers, Uzbar, Roast, Smartina, Shchuchin and much more.

Already at that time, their favorite products were included: fat, pork, wheat and buckwheat flour, garlic, onions, beets and millet. About xiv in. Told rice, and after another 400 years - sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, sunflower oil and corn.

In the XI century The first professional chefs at the pronunciation courtyards and during the monasteries began to appear. They were in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It is thanks to them, Ukrainian cuisine has enriched in interesting recipes for flour, fruit and curd dishes based on eggs that were preparing exclusively on religious holidaysFor example, at Easter.

Ukrainian culinary traditions

In different periods of its existence, the traditions of the cuisine of other peoples - German, Hungarian, Tatar, Turkish, Russian, Lithuanian, Polish, Tatar, Turkish, Russian, Lithuanian, Polish, etc. Nevertheless, it was possible to save his basic national traits by borrowing all the same The best for neighbors or conquerors.

Since ancient times, the favorite meat product of Ukrainians was pork. Juicy and gentle, it served as the basis for making many dishes. It was roast, dusty and gourc, or a home sausage.

Making their raids, Mongol-Tatars took everything from occupied land, including livestock. But always left pigs, considering their unclean animals that are not at all fit. Thanks to this, the Ukrainian people and survived in difficult years. And that is why in Lutsk and put a monument to the pig, in any case, so they say.

Yes, and the Salo Ukrainians are honored for many centuries. At different times, he was spilled, drunk, fry, smoked, prepared from it the stuffing for home sausages, made cracker, and sometimes they decorated with sweet dishes them, for example, versic. This is evidenced not only by archaeological finds, but also sayings that were popular among the local population: " I live healthy: Salo, I sleep and Salom she hide" or " I would be sled, eating fat with lard».

Exquisite meat dishes Always were decoration festive tables Ukrainians. This is a jelly (keet), Shpundra (a dish of pork or pork ribs and beets), roasted duck with apples, a pig with a horseradish. By the way, it was the beet that was called one of the national products of Ukraine, as it was part of many dishes of Ukrainian cuisine.

But also in the number of everyday dishes included incredibly tasty and original existences - Sychenyaki (borrowed from the Germans and are roasted pellets from fish, meat or vegetable minced meat), duties (meat rolls stuffed with cheese, cabbage or mushrooms), poverty (prototype Purified from above gravy with meat), bokings (analog of French medallions). Be sure to be on the table there was a blood sausage and borsch, to which pampus with garlic was served.

Since antiquity, Ukrainians loved cabbagers and porridges. The latter prepared with meat, beans, dumplings, mushrooms and potatoes and homemade noodles. The kuleshi from the milf, fastened with a fried lace with a bow. Their recipes reached our days called "Field Kashi".

In addition, Ukraine has always loved the fish, which was able to prepare in particular here. From generation to generation passed the best recipes stuffed pussy cooked in sour cream or in honey Karai., breaming with apples and horseradish, lina with cabbage, pussy chowers or oars.

A separate place was given to dairy products. Of these, desserts were made - cheesery, grandmothers, macanka or cheese. Beloved by many children porridge from milk, pumpkins and milf also takes their roots in antiquity.

In times of Kievan Rus, Ukrainian hostesses were famous for their ability to perfectly prepare sweet meals from flour - dumplings, butteries with honey, woods, magays, puddles, honey, shutters, pegs, macorzhenics, etc.

Also lived here the real masters for the preparation of domestic drinks - beer, kvass, nodes, sweet emphasis and tinctures, including Varenuhi, Palenki, Territuda, etc.

In the XIV century There appeared vodka, or a gorilka. Later here learned to make a moonshine with berries or fruits and sugar. In the southern regions, the country was industrialled by winemaking.

Sunflower oil appeared in Ukraine only in the XVIII century. Together with sunflower itself. Prior to that, it was replaced by bridal olive or smalts. Another hundred years of age appeared eggplants and sugar beets, from which they learned to do sugar.

Features of Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine has always been rich in crop products, and animal products. In many ways, the favorable geographical and climatic conditions of the country, as well as the knowledge and skills who inherited its inhabitants. The fact is that already in the period of tripoly culture, and this is almost 5,000 years ago, I knew barley, millet and wheat.

At various periods, the Ukrainian people were attacked by the invaders who, on the one hand, brought a lot of inconvenience, and on the other hand, they provided a unique opportunity to enrich Ukrainian cuisine with new, delicious and useful dishes. And let many of them are considered national, but in fact they came from neighbors or "Supostats".

One of the main features of Ukrainian cuisine is its regional. In different periods, certain parts of Ukraine belonged to various states, the traditions and habits of which they superimposed their imprint on the culinary preferences of the inhabitants. That is why today in the west of this country are preparing such dishes, the existence of which in the east do not even know and vice versa.

And finally, the phenomenon of Ukrainian cuisine is a stove, a kind of homely focus, in which they were preparing food. She was arranged in a special way, thanks to which the dishes prepared in it were obtained not only incredibly tasty, but also useful, as they retained the maximum of useful substances.

Main ways of cooking:

The last two were borrowed from Turkic and German cuisines.

Despite the huge variety of dishes, in Ukrainian cuisine, several are allocated. Those that make up its foundation and worship all over the world.

Borscht. Today it is difficult to imagine Ukrainian cuisine without it. But in fact, he came to Kiev Rus from Byzantium, where he was considered national dish Ancient Rome. Of course, he was very different from the modern version, was preparing with vegetables with seasonings and among the local named " weling with potion" Later they improved him and, bringing to the level of the world masterpiece, presented to the whole world. To date, there is a huge number of borsch recipes. He is preparing in his own way in every family. Also lives a vintage classic option, which has about 20 ingredients in its composition, among which for some reason there was no place for meat. The most delicious borsch is still served with garlic pampus.

Fat. Previously, it was considered a symbol of wealth and well-being. Today it is part of many dishes, sometimes even original. What is only "Salo in Chocolate" - a real delicacy for gourmets, called "Bounty", or "Snickers in Ukrainian".

Blood. Home sausage, which is prepared from purified calf or pork blood.

Dumplings - are products made of fresh dough with various fillings. National dish, favorite far beyond Ukraine. Previously, they were made not only with cottage cheese, berries and fruits, but also with mushrooms, meat, cracker, vegetables and even nettle.

Galushi. Pieces of dough that are boiled in boiling water and added to soups and broths. Galushki are a national dish not only Ukraine, but also Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as Chechnya and Ingushetia.

Zrazy. Cutlets or meat rolls made of beef with stuffing. Very popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Belarus, Poland.

Kulesh. A thick soup made of millet with lard and cracker, sometimes vegetables add to it. His uniqueness is that it connects the qualities of the first and second dishes.

Verse. Dough products that are roasted in oil and are served under sugar powder. Analogue of "twigs" from Bashkir cuisine.

Mlynzi, or pancakes. The symbol of carnival and simply delicious flour products that can prepare with various fillings, both salty and sweet, and be called, respectively, by Hanisnists.

Deruna, or Dranias. A peculiar pancakes from potatoes whose recipe passed not only in Ukrainian, but also in Belarusian and Russian cuisines.

Cutlet in Kiev. Cutlet prepared from chicken fillet in which a piece of oil wrapped. Until now, scientists argue about her homeland. Some argue that she was invented by French Charles de Montier and brought to Russia during the reign of Elizabeth. Then she forgot it for a while and remembered only in 1947, when it was cooked with one of the Kiev chefs, called her "Kytlet in Kiev". Others say that she fell into Ukraine in 1918, and the third - that emigrants from Ukraine in the United States were created. But, whatever it, it still exists and is associated with Ukraine.

Susta, or colog. The memorial dish, which was previously prepared from wheat, and today - from rice with raisins and honey. In antiquity, believed that Susta on the table was a symbol of wealth and good luck.

Bicken. The dish of potatoes and meat, which were tested in clay pots with spices and sour cream. In the twentieth century Tomatoes began to add to them, bell pepper etc.

Cappuette. A vegetable dish based on sauerkraut, which is an analogue of "Schuy" in Russian cuisine.

Apples baked with cinnamon and honey. One of the most delicious and fragrant delicacies of Ukrainian cuisine.

Cabbages. The dish that was borrowed in the XIV century. From Turkish cuisine. There it was called "dolma" and somewhat differed from an improved Slavic version. Cabbage then replaced grape leaves, rice - millet, and pork - lamb.

Useful properties of Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine has always been considered one of the most useful. And at least three reasons.

At firstShe welcomes the combination of three dishes that are served for lunch. The meaning of each of them was studied by I. Pavlov. It was found that liquid dishes are soups and borscht, prepare the stomach to receive more diet second dishes, by bringing special substances in it provoking enhanced generation of enzymes. Complement the favorable effect of desserts. In Ukrainian cuisine, they contain a maximum of fruit, due to which they enrich the body with vitamins and microelements.

Secondly, Ukrainians will fast. For several weeks a year, they intentionally refuse to eat meat, dairy, fish and excessively fatty dishes. This contributes to the purification and rejuvenation of the body.

ThirdlyIn the Ukrainian cuisine there is a huge number of recipes of liquid dishes - soups, boors, pickles, oars, etc., which have favorably affect the digestion.

The best proof is the average life expectancy in Ukraine, which is 73 years old in women and 67 years in men.

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