
Egyptian holidays. State and religious holidays in Egypt. Official public holidays

Holidays in Egypt are quite different from the Russians. This is due to the fact that Islam is confessed in Egypt. Religion is reflected both on the country's constitution and on its holidays. In Egypt, they note both national and religious holidays and well-known.

Official public holidays

Ten holidays in Egypt are state, in these dates official institutions do not work. For example, the Christmas of Christ (January 7) and Labor Day (May 1) - holidays that we know well. Egypt also widespread their military dates:

  • April 25 - the day of liberation Sinah in the October War of 1973. In 1967, the Sinai Peninsula was captured by Israeli troops. The peace treaty in which Israeli troops should leave Egypt's Land for three years, countries signed in 1979. This happened on April 25, 1982, since then this date is considered commemorative.
  • July 23 - the day of the revolution. A holiday dedicated to the July 1952 revolution, when the national liberation movement led the country to independence.
  • October 6 - Day of the Armed Forces. Despite the fact that on October 6, 1973, Israel won the Arabic-Israeli war, the Egyptians believe that they proved such a country as Israel, you can win.

In addition, Egypt has Muslim holidays with floating dates. It is explained by the fact that the Muslim calendar for 11 days shorter than Gregoryan, so the date of the celebration regarding our calendar is shifted every year:

  • Sham-El Nessim - "Spring Holiday". It is celebrated on the first Monday after the Orthodox Easter. The name of the holiday is translated as "the aroma of the West Wind". This is a holiday meeting of spring.
  • New Year According to the Islamic lunar calendar.
  • Mavlid - the birthday of the prophet Mohammed. The 12th number of the third month of the Muslim calendar is celebrated. In this religious holiday, people go to the mosque, where they listen to the preaching about the vitality of the Prophet. This event is celebrated for three days.
  • Aid al-Fitr - the end of the sacred month of Ramadan. It is celebrated within three days with rich feasts and folk festivals.
  • Aid al-Adha - sacrifice on the occasion of the end of Hajj. This holiday does not make to forget the story of sacrifice by Abraham his son - Isaac. It is held for four days and is celebrated 70 days after Aid al-Fitr ends.

Renal dates

There are still holidays that are not state-owned, and these days all institutions work:

  • January 1 - New Year in Gregorian calendar. Getting ready for him since the beginning of December. Everywhere the Christmas trees decorated with garlands and Bethlehem stars. Even palm trees are decorated! Santa frosts walk around the city. It is done, first of all, for tourists.
  • March 1 - day of athletes. Such a significant date is in many countries. The Egyptian government actively supports sports undertakings and finances many sports clubs. In any university you can find the Faculty of Sports Culture.
  • March 21 - Mother's Day. Officially celebrated since 1956. The Egyptians have very strong ties, so this holiday is especially important for them. In this date, all residents of Egypt admire the work of the most mothers of the whole world.
  • August 15 - the day of the spill of the Nile. The whole life of Egyptians depends on this mighty river, because it supposes fresh water to the whole country. Many centuries ago, people began to celebrate the day in which this great river was poured. Now, when an Asian hydroezel is built in Egypt, the spill no longer happens, but the Egyptians do not forget the traditions of their ancestors.

War feels

Arab men feed on a special weakness to arms. Therefore, any military victory is widely and everywhere in Egypt. Also, the national military holidays of the Egyptians consider:

  • June 18 - Evacuation Day of Foreign Forces in 1954. On this day, people who died on June 18, 1954 are remembered.
  • October 21 - Day of the Navy of Egypt. On October 21, 1967, the Israeli destroyer Eilat was flooded with Egyptian troops.
  • October 24 - Folk Resistance Day. The memorable date for Egyptians dedicated to the anniversary of the seizure of the Israelis of the city of Suez and the heroic resistance of local residents. These events occurred during the war of the Judgment Day.
  • December 23 - Victory Day. The holiday is dedicated to the end of the Suez crisis on December 23, 1956.

Residents of Egypt are very reverent about their history and, accordingly, to their holidays, each of which resembles the Egyptians about a important event. Everyone who wants to visit Egypt and understand this mysterious country, should explore her holidays.

Holidays of Egypt

Do you know that Egypt is famous not only by its ancient artifacts, and also memorable dates, which have become true national festivals? Do you want to know more in detail what is it for the Egyptians on April 25 or October 6? Do not suspect what happens on Coptic Christmas, for the new year in this country? So be sure to come here and personally take part in merry festive events!

Egyptians, like other nationalities, have their own holidays, which they are holy honuting and noted according to the current century traditions. At the same time, the Egyptians are not alien to the very ancient celebrations that were celebrated before the separation of the religion of this people into Christianity and Muslim. In this regard, these days these holidays are celebrated by all the Egyptians, regardless of their religious preferences.

One of these archaic celebrations is Shamm En-Nasim, or translated the "odor of the wind from the West." Smem En-Nasim in the spring are celebrated, the ancient Egyptians called "Opet" and tied up with the resurrection of all living in nature. In the Copt Calendar, he stands after Coptic Easter, is celebrated on Monday after her, and coincides with Easter Orthodox.

For a centuries-old tradition on the day of Shamm En-Nasim, all the Egyptians, along with numerous families, are leaving for nature, arranging picnics near the water. Especially many people go on the coast of Nile. A painted eggs appear on the improvised tables, just like the Orthodox, green lettuce leaves, the first onion, salt fish.

On this day, no one works, he is proclaimed a day off in the country, so everyone can not rush anywhere and indulge in peace and rest in nature. On this day, it is necessary to eat a lot of sweets, donate flowers, small presents in the form of souvenirs.

Since the Egyptians, the sacred waters of the Nile are honored with the Egyptians, then all the most important national holiday are trying to join the Great River, riding on her on a boat or fevent.

Since Shamm En-Nasim is celebrated with joy and Muslims, and Christians, he began to assume to the unofficial personification of the unity of the entire Egyptian people. Apparently, it was for this reason that Shamm En-Nasim did not go into the summer during the centuries, and preserved as the great national tradition.

New Year in Egyptian

The official beginning of the year, Egyptians really fall on January 1, as well as around the world, but if you apply again to the sources of history, it turns out that the ancient Egyptians began to count the new year with the spill of the noble Nile. They watched the ascent of the Sirius's sacred star, which omens to the coming river river. This period for the people living in almost the wilderness became a true great holiday, with the onset of which for the Egyptians and the new year was attacked as a new blessed stage of life.

Nile water has heard healing, it was gained in the vessels, jugs and kept, as holy water. During the spill, the Local residents went home and close people at home to pray together and thank the gods for the life-given moisture.

Before the onset of the new year, the night of God was held, the God of the Sun plunged the gods of Mraka and Darkness. The central figure at the same time became Hathor - daughter of the Republic of Armenia, the goddess of music and love. During the night celebration, the Egyptians solemnly rushed along the streets of Ladus, in which the statue of the goddess was stood, and then the Hathor Watering ceremony took place on the roof of the temple.

In the triumphal procession, Pharaoh himself had to participate and its courtiers. Statue Hathor was placed in a gazebo decorated with 12 columns, in the number of months. With the dawn, the first ray of the Sun of the first day of the year fell on the statue, which was considered to be obtained by the blessing from the RA God for all Egypt.

In today's days, little changed, many Egyptians, especially in the villages, the elderly or simply conservative, continue to celebrate the New Year in the old manner. Therefore, on January 1, you will not see the rapid fun, colorful design of streets, wide scope, as in other countries.

The only one who rejoices the European New Year is the staff of hotels and tourist companies. Thousands of tourists, thirsting exotics rush to Egypt. For them, meeting a loved holiday in this unusual exotic country - Exquisite pleasure. After all, indeed, how great is in the homeland, snow, frost, blizzard and christmas trees, and in Egypt - sand, gentle sea, palm trees and pyramids.

Moreover, for foreign guests of travel agencies and workers hotel business The new year is organized by the full program - generously and picturesque trees, interiors of premises, serpentine and garlands, christmas tree, and toys hang everywhere. Here you can buy even the Christmas tree - real or artificial. Of course, natural fir is expensive, and only secured citizens can afford it. Basically, people acquire artificial ate and pines, or sometimes so.

But the most solemn and extraordinarily popular plant here in the New Year is punsietia. This magnificent flower with red-green foliage is customary to decorate apartments, houses, offices and in general everything you can. Poannetget is used as a new year's gift. In addition to the flora in Egypt, it is customary to give jewelry and a jeweler, household appliances, Electronics and clothing items.

Maulyd - Muslim holiday

If we translate into Russian, Maulyd means "birthday", this holiday religious and the story has begun from the date of the arrival of the Prophet Mohammed. Scientists cannot call the exact date of his appearance, so this holiday today symbolizes the birth of the prophet, and the day of his death. He is at the same time joyful and mournful.

Mauld's holiday on the Muslim lunar calendar on the twelfth day of the month of Rabi Ul-Avval, this date is floating, it is determined by the decision of the imam. This day is announced weekends, members of the country's government and her chapter participate in the Celestial Ceremony of Maulyda.

If it is strictly approaching the emergence of Maulyda, then it cannot be considered canonical, he began to be celebrated in the country only in 1207, much later than the emergence of Islam. It is rather a memorable date, tribute to the Muslim tradition. The Egyptians meet Maulyd, above all, in prayers and good deeds, pleasing to God.

People remember the Prophet Mohammed, his goodwheat and glorify it, and Imama remind the believers that they should not retreat from the covenants of the Prophet. On this day, the streets are actively serving, they are engaged in disinterested and charitable acts, excellent students are awarded with memorable signs.

Pious sadness and prayers do not interfere with having fun and rejoice. Color lanterns, garlands hang out on the streets, everywhere there are fun processions with musical instrumentsPeople make each other treats in the form of sweets, as well as popular special figures from sugar depicting riders with spears or "Bride Mohammed".

Coptic Christmas in Egypt

Few people know that the Cocks are the Egyptians confessing Christianity. This branch of religion has been preserved from the pharaoh times, today the Copts are largely imitated by Orthodoxy, although, if it is strictly approaching the canons of the Coptic Church, it is not Orthodox.

The Coptic Church has 400 Orthodox communities, where in the go to Arabic and Coptic languages. All Copts wear a special tattoo on the right wrist, it is a cross. Tatat is applied to the hand after passing the baptism. The cross symbolizes that a person is ready to marty for faith

Christmas at the Copt is celebrated in the same way as Orthodox - January 7. In 2003, Coptic Christmas was the official weekend in Egypt, it is celebrated, as in Orthodox countries, with critic strokes, solemn services. It is very interesting to listen to these worship in the Coptic temple, they are not like chants and prayers familiar to us. After all, the origins of church music in Copts belong to the ancient Egyptian musical culture, and the tools on which they play in the Coptic churches are akin to the ancient tools of the Pharaohs times, so their unusual original sound is not at all what we are accustomed to in Orthodox churches.

In Egypt, a pilgrimage from different countriesFor example, here they love to come to Christmas Russians, Ukrainians. Pilgrims attend different holy places, for example, the church of St. Sergius, where the grotto was previously located, in which Maria's shelter was found with a newborn Jesus, Mount Sinai, the monastery of St. Catherine with an unhappy bay room.

In addition to the events of a religious character, the Copts are widely and fun celebrated Christmas by folk festivities, give gifts, organize abundant feast with meat and sweets.

Victory Day Egypt

For the Egyptian Victory Day is the date on December 23. On this day, Port Said was liberated from the Anglo-French occupation. The origins of the political conflict leading to military actions in the territory of Egypt, go back to the return of the Suez Canal as a result of the 1956 coup. The revolution that happened before this was aimed at the liberation of the Egyptian economy from planting foreign capital, which clearly had a negative impact on the attitude of foreign powers to the Egyptian Republic, and the nationalization of the Suez Canal became an impetus for the invaders to start a war against Egypt.

The Suez Canal was an extraordinarily important economic object for Egypt and for industrial associations of England and France, which were a long time for the main owners of the canal. In those years, through the Suez Canal, the main transport routes of oil transportation from the countries of the Middle East took place. Therefore, the British and French for domination over Suez are so violently and fought and fought.

In addition to economic power, they sought to curb the revolutionary movement in the countries of the region, which were their colonies. In confrontation with the Israeli authorities, Egypt sought to lead the anti-Israeli movement of the Arab states. Israel, in turn, pursued the goal of weakening the power of Arabs, so I tried to achieve peace negotiations with the Egypt authorities, the result of which was the recognition of Israel's state.

Israel, England and France united in the fight against Egypt and on October 29, 1956 attacked the country in the Sinai Peninsula region. At first, the Israeli troops attacked Sinai, and then the Western Allies began to bombing from the sea, landed the landing in Port Said.

The political situation was increasing, the USSR and the United States entered the conflict, demanding to stop the war. The UN's forces connected, the progressive world declared Boycott aggressors due to an emergency Olympiad. November 7 by the forces of the peacekeeping troops of neutral states with the support of the UN and all mankind, Port Said was released from the invaders and martialctions against Egypt stopped.

Of course, in this conflict, the main blow and all the war of war had to know the Egyptian people. The Army of Egypt helped all the peasants, students, workers, so the date of expulsion from the Port Said of foreign interventories is considered to be rightfully another glorious milestone in the unique history of this country.

Sinai Peninsula Liberation Day

April 25 - another memorable date for the Egyptian people, the Sinai Peninsula was liberated on this day during the October 1973 war. It is also associated with Arab-Israeli confrontation. When in 1948, Israel proclaimed himself an independent state, arabic world And Egypt, including not accepted this step.

Egypt began to actively participate in all military conflicts of the Middle East. The Sinai Peninsula was conquered by the Egyptians from Israel during hostilities for the territorial affiliation of land lying in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Suez Canal. The channel was vital to Egypt as the main artery of oil transportation, as well as Sinai, who was also captured by Israeli troops.

In October 1973, a war began, against which the public and political forces of civilized countries and peacekeeping missions of the UN began. The incident was exhausted, the war was discontinued, but Egypt did not get the desired, the Sinai Peninsula remained in the hands of Israel. In 1978, peace negotiations were held, as a result, they managed to sign an agreement between Egypt and Israel. This meant that Israel brings his troops with a strong, guaranteeing Egypt a solid stable world. But the execution of this decision was delayed for years, and the Egyptians received back completely their peninsula only in 1982, April 25th.

Day of the Military Forces of Egypt

This date is celebrated on October 6. It is related to the beginning of the Arab-Israeli War, on the fourth, which began in 1973. We are talking about the October war that lasted 18 days, at the UN insistence she was finished with the victory of Israelis, all the Arab troops were discarded from the territories engaged in the invaders. The challdorm question arises - why is this actual defeat of Arabs in Egypt as a national holiday?

The fact is that this war was a goal to force the entire progressive world to understand and recognize that the Egyptian army is powerful and formidable power, it can fight and resist the enemy. In addition, this war significantly raised the combat mood of Egyptian warriors, as they managed to seize Sinai at the beginning of the war. It was a real triumph of Egyptian warriors, despite the further defeat. Moreover, then it was the result of military actions as a result of a peaceful negotiation and returning to Egypt.

Double holiday Egypt

June 18 is noted in Egypt as a solemn holiday at once in two reasons - the proclamation of the republic and the outcome of the British army from the country. Egypt turned into a colony of the British at the end of the 19th century, losing the battle in the war with them. During the time of the farm in Egypt, the British made a lot of such that it was not by the Egyptian authorities. The country was in poverty, there was no worthy prospects for the population, although the British authorities have a bit and improved some industries, agriculture, developed trade. A small group of rich tone to his hands the bulk of income, demonstrated loyalty to the ceased government. All this, of course, completely did not tired the population.

In 1952, a political coup in Egypt, a revolution, the result of which was the overthrow of the British authorities, and Egypt became a republic. And two years later, the president of the country was signed by a decree on the withdrawal of all English military groups from the territory of Egypt. Egypt went to complete independence from the intervention for difficult and long 70 years. Therefore, the date of June 18 is considered true to the national universal and significant triumph of freedom.

Anniversary of the revolution of Egypt

The revolution in the country, which occurred on July 23, 1952, was the result of many years of struggle for their independence, as a state. This is the date of this national liberation coup, which caused positive changes in the life of Egypt. Since 1914, the country has exhausted under the Great Britain.

Colonial countries constantly tolerated the dream of the overthrow of the English interventionists, but since all wealth and income were concentrated in the hands of the elite and foreign invaders, the people simply did not have the opportunity to resist invaders. The second world war was also discontent among the population, and the Second World War was helped, substantially weakened the economy of England. By 1952, the situation was formed when the revolution was inevitable, and it was accomplished. The night of July 23 was marked by the renunciation of the king from the throne, the arrests of the authorities, the seizure of the most important metropolitan objects. Soon Egypt was officially announced by the Republican Country.

Return of the Egyptian army in Suez

Egyptian holidays, one way or another, closely intertwined with military conflicts between Arabs and Israelis. Basically, memorable dates relate to the War of the Day of the Day, which began on October 6, 1973. This day is celebrated in Israel like a vessel. This war lasted only 18 days. As a result, another national holiday was formed, referred to as the return of Egypt's troops in Suez, or the Day of Takets.

This moment in the war of the day was of great importance for the Egyptian people. The essence is when hostilities began, the Egyptian warriors showed themselves with a worthy opponent, their martial spirit was at the height, they defeated the invaders, but all this turned out to be short-term success.

A week later, the advantage was already on the Israeli side, and without leaving the Egyptians's hopes. With a unconditional defeat of the Egyptian army, the inspired by the Israelis came to the Suez Channel. Crouching through the canal, they found themselves from Egyptians in the rear, captured the city of Suez and headed for Cairo. Without reaching the capital of 100 kilometers, the invaders were forced to stop the war, submitting to the decision of the UN and the intervention of the United States and the USSR. In fact, the victory was for Israel.

Then the possibility of a peaceful settlement of the military conflict appeared, as a result of which Egypt again became the owner of the Sinai Peninsula, and the return of Suents was a significant holiday for the Egyptian authorities and the entire people.

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Our festival concept is very different from Egyptian. Official, non-religious holidays in Egypt Almost not marked. There are no processions, no festivities, no meetings at a friendly table. It's just non-working days. True, earlier, in the national holiday - the anniversary of the revolution on July 23, 1952, a thousand rally was arranged at one of the squares of Cairo, at which President Gamal Abdel Nasser was held.

The same rally was arranged on July 26 in Alexandria, on the anniversary of the expulsion of the last Egyptian king. Later, these official celebrations began to be limited to the speech by the President at the People's Assembly and the official reception at Abdin Palace.

October 6, the anniversary of the beginning of the October 1973 war began. Earlier, before the murder on the same day in 1981, President Sadat, on the very outskirts of the city, held a military parade in honor of an unknown soldier.

Holidays New Year and Christmas in Egypt.

In the New Year in the Muslim Saves, 1 Muharmama, the sermon dedicated to the flight of the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina in 622, the starting point of the Muslim calendar is read in mosques.

Christmas and New Year in the Christian calendar take place a little more noticeable. In any case, in the capital and major cities Shop windows are decorated with Christmas trees (naturally artificial), colorful balls and cotton wool. The restaurants are confronted by the evening of the evening. However, participation in all this is taken by only Europeans and imitating the elite of Egyptian society, which naturally indifferently, what holidays are noted, just to demonstrate their stunning outfits and jewels.

Religious holidays in Egypt.

  • Night predestination

For the holiday leylyate al-frame "Night of predetermination", funny and elegant crowds walk until the morning on the squares and the streets of the most revered in Cairo mosques. Along the streets and on the facades of houses hung garlands of colored light bulbs, numerous restaurants, Harchevni and cafes are open all night, there is trade in sweets and seeds. This walk is carried out over the centuries.

  • The birthday of the prophet

Another holiday Maulin An-Nabi "The Birthday of the Prophet". If not considered the sermons in the mosque, it is mostly a holiday for children. Everywhere is installed and decorated with flags wooden pavilions, where they sell a variety of sugar figures "Arusat An-Nabi", "Bride of the Prophet" with a paper fan behind his back. Another popular sugar figure "Horseman with a saber in hand."

  • Breaking veter

But the most beloved and characteristic holiday of Sham An-Nasim "Break of the Wind". This holiday since the time of Pharaohs, passes in spring. Covered His and Muslims and Christians. Noted after the end of Easter the next day, on Monday. This is the only holiday during which all activities are stopped. All government agencies, shops and shops are closed. This holiday is accepted by families for the city. Those who do not have the opportunity to leave the city, fill all the squares and parks.

Easy true national festivities? Do you want to know more in detail what is it for the Egyptians on April 25 or October 6? Do not suspect what happens on Coptic Christmas, for the new year in this country? So be sure to come here and personally take part in merry festive events!

Egyptians, like other nationalities, have their own holidays, which they are holy honuting and noted according to the current century traditions. At the same time, the Egyptians are not alien to the very ancient celebrations that were celebrated before the separation of the religion of this people into Christianity and Muslim. In this regard, these days these holidays are celebrated by all the Egyptians, regardless of their religious preferences.

One of these archaic celebrations is Shamm En-Nasim, or translated the "odor of the wind from the West." Smem En-Nasim in the spring are celebrated, the ancient Egyptians called "Opet" and tied up with the resurrection of all living in nature. In the Copt Calendar, he stands after Coptic Easter, is celebrated on Monday after her, and coincides with Easter Orthodox.

For a centuries-old tradition on the day of Shamm En-Nasim, all the Egyptians, along with numerous families, are leaving for nature, arranging picnics near the water. Especially many people go on the coast of Nile. A painted eggs appear on the improvised tables, just like the Orthodox, green lettuce leaves, the first onion, salt fish.

On this day, no one works, he is proclaimed a day off in the country, so everyone can not rush anywhere and indulge in peace and rest in nature. On this day, it is necessary to eat a lot of sweets, donate flowers, small presents in the form of souvenirs.

Since the Egyptians, the sacred waters of the Nile are honored with the Egyptians, then all the most important national holiday are trying to join the Great River, riding on her on a boat or fevent.

Since Shamm En-Nasim is celebrated with joy and Muslims, and Christians, he began to assume to the unofficial personification of the unity of the entire Egyptian people. Apparently, it was for this reason that Shamm En-Nasim did not go into the summer during the centuries, and preserved as the great national tradition.

New Year in Egyptian

The official beginning of the year, Egyptians really fall on January 1, as well as around the world, but if you apply again to the sources of history, it turns out that the ancient Egyptians began to count the new year with the spill of the noble Nile. They watched the ascent of the Sirius's sacred star, which omens to the coming river river. This period for the people living in almost the wilderness became a true great holiday, with the onset of which for the Egyptians and the new year was attacked as a new blessed stage of life.

Nile water has heard healing, it was gained in the vessels, jugs and kept, as holy water. During the spill, the Local residents went home and close people at home to pray together and thank the gods for the life-given moisture.

Before the onset of the new year, the night of God was held, the God of the Sun plunged the gods of Mraka and Darkness. The central figure at the same time became Hathor - daughter of the Republic of Armenia, the goddess of music and love. During the night celebration, the Egyptians solemnly rushed along the streets of Ladus, in which the statue of the goddess was stood, and then the Hathor Watering ceremony took place on the roof of the temple.

In the triumphal procession, Pharaoh himself had to participate and its courtiers. Statue Hathor was placed in a gazebo decorated with 12 columns, in the number of months. With the dawn, the first ray of the Sun of the first day of the year fell on the statue, which was considered to be obtained by the blessing from the RA God for all Egypt.

In today's days, little changed, many Egyptians, especially in the villages, the elderly or simply conservative, continue to celebrate the New Year in the old manner. Therefore, on January 1, you will not see the rapid fun, colorful design of streets, wide scope, as in other countries.

The only one who rejoices the European New Year is the staff of hotels and tourist companies. Thousands of tourists, thirsting exotics rush to Egypt. For them, a meeting of his beloved holiday in this unusual exotic country is elegant. After all, indeed, how great is in the homeland, snow, frost, blizzard and christmas trees, and in Egypt - sand, gentle sea, palm trees and pyramids.

Moreover, for foreign guests of travel agencies and hotel business workers organizes the new year on the full program - generous and picturesque trees, interiors of premises, serpentine and garlands, christmas tree and toys are displeasted everywhere. Here you can buy even the Christmas tree - real or artificial. Of course, natural fir is expensive, and only secured citizens can afford it. Basically, people acquire artificial ate and pines, or sometimes so.

But the most solemn and extraordinarily popular plant here in the New Year is punsietia. This magnificent flower with red-green foliage is customary to decorate apartments, houses, offices and in general everything you can. Poannetget is used as a new year's gift. In addition to flora in Egypt, it is customary to give jewelry and jeweler, household appliances, electronics and clothing items.

Maulyd - Muslim holiday

If we translate into Russian, Maulyd means "birthday", this holiday religious and the story has begun from the date of the arrival of the Prophet Mohammed. Scientists cannot call the exact date of his appearance, so this holiday today symbolizes the birth of the prophet, and the day of his death. He is at the same time joyful and mournful.

Mauld's holiday on the Muslim lunar calendar on the twelfth day of the month of Rabi Ul-Avval, this date is floating, it is determined by the decision of the imam. This day is announced weekends, members of the country's government and her chapter participate in the Celestial Ceremony of Maulyda.

If it is strictly approaching the emergence of Maulyda, then it cannot be considered canonical, he began to be celebrated in the country only in 1207, much later than the emergence of Islam. It is rather a memorable date, tribute to the Muslim tradition. The Egyptians meet Maulyd, above all, in prayers and good deeds, pleasing to God.

People remember the Prophet Mohammed, his goodwheat and glorify it, and Imama remind the believers that they should not retreat from the covenants of the Prophet. On this day, the streets are actively serving, they are engaged in disinterested and charitable acts, excellent students are awarded with memorable signs.

Pious sadness and prayers do not interfere with having fun and rejoice. Color lanterns, garlands are hanging on the streets, merry processions with musical instruments are passing everywhere, people bring to each other a treat in the form of sweets, as well as popular special figures from sugar depicting horsemen with spears or "Bride Mohammed".

Coptic Christmas in Egypt

Few people know that the Cocks are the Egyptians confessing Christianity. This branch of religion has been preserved from the pharaoh times, today the Copts are largely imitated by Orthodoxy, although, if it is strictly approaching the canons of the Coptic Church, it is not Orthodox.

The Coptic Church has 400 Orthodox communities, where in the go to Arabic and Coptic languages. All Copts wear a special tattoo on the right wrist, it is a cross. Tatat is applied to the hand after passing the baptism. The cross symbolizes that a person is ready to marty for faith

Christmas at the Copt is celebrated in the same way as Orthodox - January 7. In 2003, Coptic Christmas was the official weekend in Egypt, it is celebrated, as in Orthodox countries, with critic strokes, solemn services. It is very interesting to listen to these worship in the Coptic temple, they are not like chants and prayers familiar to us. After all, the origins of church music in Copts belong to the ancient Egyptian musical culture, and the tools on which they play in the Coptic churches are akin to the ancient tools of the Pharaohs times, so their unusual original sound is not at all what we are accustomed to in Orthodox churches.

In Egypt, a pilgrimage from different countries has been developed, for example, they love to come to Christmas Russians, Ukrainians. Pilgrims attend different holy places, for example, the church of St. Sergius, where the grotto was previously located, in which Maria's shelter was found with a newborn Jesus, Mount Sinai, the monastery of St. Catherine with an unhappy bay room.

In addition to the events of a religious character, the Copts are widely and fun celebrated Christmas by folk festivities, give gifts, organize abundant feast with meat and sweets.

Religious holidays, both Muslim and Christian, Egypt are often accompanied by merry folk festivities. They reign atmosphere of benevolence and hospitality, entertainment is often reduced to music and dance, although there are also special performances. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know the dates of the Egyptian holidays and their customs in the case if your vacation coincided with one of them.

National holidays

Going on vacation to Egypt, keep in mind that on the next days of the national Egyptian holidays, banks will be closed, so take care of currency exchange in advance.

  • January 1 - New Year
  • April 25 - Liberation Day
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • July 23 - Revolution Day
  • October 6 - Day of the Armed Forces
  • October 23 - Suez's Day
  • December 23 - Victory Day

There are also many religious holidays, both Islamic and Christian origin. The most important of them is Ramadan, the month of the post, when working time is often reduced.

Almost all Egyptian holidays correspond to the important dates of 12 lunar months of the Islamic calendar; This means that in for different years They get on different days. In order for you to be easier to navigate in the dates, we give below the months of the Islamic calendar:

  • Muharram - 1st month (30 days)
  • Safar - 2nd month (29 days)
  • Raby El-Aval - 3rd month (30 days)
  • Rabbi El Tanya - 4th month (29 days)
  • Gamad-El Aval - 5th month (30 days)
  • Gamad El-Tanya - 6th month (29 days)
  • Rajab - 7th month (30 days)
  • Sharaban - 8th month (29 days)
  • Ramadan - 9th month (30 days)
  • Shaval - 10th month (29 days)
  • Zul Kadah - 11th month (30 days)
  • Zul Hagga - 12th month (29 days, 30 in leap years)


During this month, when all the faithful Muslims observe the post, it is forbidden to eat food from dawn to sunset. In fact, during Ramadan in Egypt, they eat more than any other month of the year, because at night everything is more than reimbursement of daily long-suffering. Night thus acquires almost carnival tint. This is a good time to walk through the streets, illuminated by multi-colored lanterns and filled with lively people singing and dancing on the squares and in the cafe. In Cairo, it is especially worth visiting the square in front of the Siadida Hussein mosque in the Khan el-Khalili quarter. In Luxor, the festival takes place on the grass in front of the Abu-El Haggag Mosque near the Luxor Temple.

Eid El Fitr

This three-day Egyptian holiday comes immediately at the end of the month of Ramadan and is considered to be culminating. These days, relatives and friends are going together.


The big Egyptian festival associated with the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice His Son Isaac, lasts from the 10th to the 13th day of the month Zul Hagga, when Hajj occurs, or the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Everyone who can afford it, cuts a ram or a cow and gives part of meat to the poor and in need.

Ras-El Sana-El Higher

The Islamic National New Year holiday begins on the first day of the month of Maharram. At this time, Quran and other religious texts are read everywhere.

Muslim and Christian Mulids

Mulid is a holiday in honor of the Holy Man. In addition to religious aspects, it usually has the character of a medieval fair with folk fun and baza carrier.

Mulid-El Nabi is a national Muslim holiday, marking the birthday of the prophet on the 12th day of the month of Raby El-Aval. In Cairo, the pictorial procession passes along the square in front of the Siadida Hussein mosque in Han el-Khalili.

Mulid in Tanta

Most mulids are held at the local level, although sometimes with a big sweep as in Tanta. Mulid in Tanta, unlike many other Muslim holidays, is not tied to the lunar calendar, and coincides with the autumn harvest. During this Egyptian holiday, a large number of candied nuts of Hubb-El Aziz is absorbed ("Seeds of the Beloved Prophet") - the favorite delicacy of the Egyptians from ancient times.

Serious rituals of Musulida accompanies an eccentric show, known as the Zeff el-Sharath, or the "Procession of Prostitutes". In the past, barges, full of funny men and women, got up on the berth at coastal villages, where the walking shouted insults to local women, began to dance or looked like skirts.

The Egyptian holiday in honor of Abu-El Haggag, whose mosque is built over a part of the yard of the Luxor Temple, takes place on the 14th day of the month Sharab and is considered one of the largest in Upper Egypt.

During the week preceding the Egyptian holiday of St. Shenut on July 14, thousands of people from all over Egypt gather in a camp from multicolored tents in front of a white monastery in the vicinity of Sokhaga. The night is fulfilled by laughter, the fragrances of the prepared meal and the lengthy sounds of Egyptian melodies.

Ringerging dervishi

Mevlana, Sufi mentor XIII century, founding the "circling dervish" sect in Koniya (Turkey), has followers in Egypt. This sect is under suspicion and is often prohibited in others. muslim countries. The purpose of its members is to achieve a mystical union with God during the dance, when Dervishi fall into ecstasy, rotating around their own axis. On Wednesdays and Saturdays from 19.30 to 21.00 they can be seen in the cultural center of El Guri's Mausoleum on Sharia Muizz in Cairo.

Sham El Nessim

This Egyptian national holiday, which is rooted in early christian traditions And the Epoch of Pharaohs, falls on the first Monday after Coptic Easter. All the Egyptians, regardless of religion, celebrate the beginning of spring on this day and are usually satisfied with picnics.

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