
Something about the life of a woman in strict Muslim countries. What you need to know a woman who wants to marry Muslim

1. Muslims allowed polygamy (only men!)
Are you sure that he will not take advantage of this opportunity when your relationship is cooling?

2. Muslim (only a man!) A married betrayal (adultery) is allowed, but only with non-Muslim.
Then this adultery is not considered.

3. In Islam, a woman is the property of a man.

4. Marriage in Islam is not independent

5. Muslim women are forbidden to apply for divorce, this right has only! Men.

6. Muslims are prohibited not only to take into wives not Muslims but even be friends with non-Muslims. This means that if you have a non-muddy, he will have to turn you into Islam or leave.

7. Want to accept Islam need to know what the output (refusal) from Islam Quran provides a punishment of the death penalty through head chopping.

8. Being Muslim, you need to be ready for the fact that the husband gets sanctioned by Allah and the Quran's right to beat you.

9. The Quran allows Muslim to lie if necessary. Such a lie is called Takia.

10. In the Quran there are a lot of beautiful poems dedicated to the woman, but do not rush to them to believe, perhaps this is just Takia because there are many exactly opposite poems in the Quran


In order not to be unfounded, I will give poems (Ayata) from the Quran confirming the above approval.
Islam considers a model for the imitation and model of the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad.
This is how the prochet's personal life is described by the Quran.


Clause number 1 polygamy

Muhammad himself had, according to different sources from 9 to 21 wives.
There is no doubt that nine had at least.
The youngest of them had nine (9) years when Muhammad entered her sexual relationship.

Tabari VII: 7 "The Prophet married Aisha in Mecca, three years before Hijra, after the death of Hadigi, when she was six." Iskhak: 281 "When the apostle arrived in Medina, he was fifty-three." Tabari VII: 6 "in May, 623 Messenger Allah made marriage with Aishoy."

Tabari IX: 131 "My mother came to me when I rode a swing, she took me on his arms and lowered to the ground. Nanny washed my face and led. When I approached the door, the nanny stopped so that I could breathe. When I entered, Muhammad was sitting on the bed in our house. My motherforced i sit on my knees. Other men and women rose and left. Prophet entered into connection with me in my house, when I was nine years old. "

Quran 4: 3 "And if you are afraid that you will not be fair with orphans, then marry those that are pleasant to you, on one, two, three or four. And if you are afraid that you will not be fair, then - on one or those who were traded by your dandy (on prisons and slaves, devoid of complete freedom and personal rights, which Muslim property began to be held before the transition to Islam). It is better not to evaporate (4). And let's be whale them vine as a gift. If they defend anything from this for you, then you are tightly on health and well-being. "

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 5, number 270:
Muhammad Ibn al-Mundahir:
"Aisha said:" I knew the apostle of Allah, and he went in a circle (had sexual intercourse) of his wives, and in the morning he was Muhrim (after a bath). "


Point number 2 adultery

Tabari VIII: 62 / Ibn Ishak: 496 "Ali [Son Muhammad, son-in-law, and future caliph] said:" Prophet, women are abundant. You can get a replacement, easily changing one to another. ""

Koran 28:24 You are forbidden to married women, if they did not master your travels (i.e., if they are not your prisons).


Item No3 Woman Property Men

Woman does not power over her body. Even her milk belongs to her husband. (Hadith Bukhari. P 27) [It is also not allowed to limit the birth rate.]

A woman is not a believer if she takes a trip, lasting three or more days, without escorting her husband, son, father or brother. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 431)

A woman should hide himself even in the presence of a father, her husband, brother and other relatives - men. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 432)

5. The woman is forbidden to spend money without the resolution of her husband, including the dacha food in need or friends. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 265)

6. Wife is forbidden to perform additional prayers (NaFal) or abide by the post (except Ramadan) without a husband's permission. (Hadith Tirmisi, r 300)

7. If the woman bowed to whom, except God, she must worship her husband. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 428)

8. If a man is in the mood to enter into a sexual connection with his wife, it must arrive immediately, even if it is baked bread in the furnace. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 428)

If a woman is naughty or immodinal, the husband has the right to beat her, but do not break the bone. She should not afford to enter the house whom her husband does not love. (Hadith Tirmisi. P 439)

A woman is forbidden to be noticed by any man except her husband, when it is not covered or beautifully dressed. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 430)

Hadith, Volume 7, Book 62, number 122: Abu Khrayra tells: the prophet said: "If a woman spends the night out of her husband, then the angels send her curses until she returns."

Hadith, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 460: Abu Khrayrava: Apostle Allah said: "If the husband calls his wife to bed, and she refuses and makes him sleep in anger, then the angels curse it until the morning."


Item No. 4 Marriage Independence

Marriage women and men are not independent. For example, if the father of her husband orders his son to divorce his wife, he must do so. (Hadith Tirmisi, R 440)


Item No. 5 Divorce in Islam

A woman is the property of a man and for divorce is not right.


Item No. 6 Relations with Investers

« Let Muslims do not take close to Nemusulman. A who will do it, y that with Allah there is nothing in common if you just do not fear their fear. » Quran 3:27 (28)

Quran 3:28:
Believers [mean the followers of Mohammed] should not consider unbelievers with their helpers and friends instead of believers. And who comes so, he has nothing to do with Allah, with the exception of those cases when you really fear them. Allah warns you from yourself, and Arrival will have to Allah.

لاَّ يَتَّخِذِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاء مِن دُوْنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ فَلَيْسَ مِنَ اللّهِ فِي شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ أَن تَتَّقُواْ مِنْهُمْ تُقَاةً وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللّهُ نَفْسَهُ وَإِلَى اللّهِ الْمَصِيرُ

"Oh you who believed! Do not take Jews and Christians with friends: They are friends one else. And if some of you takes their friends, he himself. Truly, Allah does not lead people unrighteous "(P. 5:51).

About the Arabs, marry your own and equal to yourself, be attentive to the purity of the blood of your future children and never get married with blacks. Because negros spoiled, deformed creations and children who will be from them will also be defective and deformed. (Muttaki, 8/24-28) Arabs Small Arabs. Mailed Roven Malvali. If Malvali (taped) is married with Arabs, they made sin, because it is an unworthy act.
(Muttaki, 8/24-28)


Clause number 7 Failure from Islam

"Kill someone who changed their faith" (Nessei 7-8 / 14, Bukhari 12/1883

"They would like you to be wrong, as they were incorrect, and you would be the same. Do not take friends of them until they are evicted along the path of Allah; If they are afraid, then grab them and kill them, wherever found them. "(Koran 4:91 (89))

"Let not master the pity for them in Allah's religion if you believe in Allah and on the last day. "(Koran 24: 2)

"Bring with incorrect and hypocrites and be cruel to them." (Quran 9:74 (73))


Clause number 8 Beach and corporal punishment

Koran 4:34 "Husbands stand over his wives for the fact that Allah gave one advantage over others, and for spending from their property. And decent women are reverent, retain the secret in what keeps Allah. And those who are afraid of those who are afraid, live and leave them on the beds and beat them. And if they obey you, then do not look for ways against them, - Truly, Allah is elevated, great! "


Item No. 9 False in Islam:

« The lies are permissible only in three cases: between husband and wife, to achieve each other's satisfaction; during the war; and lies with the aim of reconciling people » Ahmad 7/459, AT-Tirmisi 3/127

The Messenger of Allah said:« Is not a liar that [trying] to reconcile people, speaking (or: bringing to them) something good».

Ibn Shihab said:« And I did not hear people to lie to lie, except for three [cases]: [when it comes to] the war, [attempts] of reconciliation of people among themselves, as well as the fact that her husband tells his wife and that his wife says her husband (for the sake of reconciliation between them). »

Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Hell Darda (supporter Mohammed) said:« We (Muslims) smile in the face of some people, while in their heart I curse them».

Not Muslim interlocutors who want to keep a dialogue with Muslims, should know what is meant by the "justified religious pretense" - "Takia"

It is permitted, for example, to be interested in Christianity or other religions, to participate in religious actions with "incorrect" and even give an oath, but with the internal reservation. In Islamic representation, in such a situation, Allah will punish not a liar, but incorrect, which forced Muslim in a difficult situation to renunciation and the necessary lies.

In Islam "Takia", a lie with a certain goal is permitted if it is necessary to protect the entire Islam or a separate Muslim. In relation to non-Muslimanin, "Takia" is not a hoax and a lie, since he can not be trusted.

Muslim scientists of the past confirm this thought: "Know that the lie is not a shame in itself. It is permitted if it is the only way to achieve a good result. " (Al-Gazali, 1059-1111)

"Fallen is a sin, but not when it serves for the benefit of Muslim." (Al-Tabari, 839-923)

"To encourage Muslim, a verbal lie is permitted in war, if necessary for fighting" (Ibn Arabi, 1165-1240)

"Who will kill this dog for me, Caaba Ibn al Ashraf?" And then there was some Mohammed Bin Maslam and said: "We will kill him, but for this we will have to lie to him." Muhammed said: "tell him what you want, it is permitted to you." ...... (Bukhari 1540 (4037)


Clause number 10 Attitude towards a woman

Hadith, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 33: Treated by Tasama Bin Zait: The Prophet said, "After myself, I did not leave the misfortune of more harmful for men than women."

Hadith, Volume 7, Book 62, number 31: ibn Umar Umar: An evil omen was mentioned in front of the Prophet: the Prophet said: "If there is an evil omen in anything, so it is in the house where women and horses are in a house."

Ibn Ishak: 584 "Tell your men who have wives: Never trust a woman." "

Most women will go to hell. (Muslim. P 1431)

Hadith Bukhari: V4B55N547 "The Prophet said:" But the Israelites would not have deposited meat, and if not Eva, the wives would never betray her husband. ""

Tabari IX: 113 "Allah allows you to close them in isolated rooms and beat them, but not much. If they refrain, they have the right to eat and clothing. Contact women well because they are like pets - do not own anything. Allah made for you a pleasure from their bodies legitimate in his Quran. "

Tabari I: 280 "Allah said:" This is my commitment to force Eve to bleed once a month, as she made it bleed this tree. I had to also make Eve stupid, although I created her smart. 'Since Allah spoiled Eve, then all women of this world menstruate and stupid. "


And in addition:

islamic paradise as it describes the Quran.

"There are girls are good, beautiful ... they are black and largelas, held in the tractors ... With them, neither the person nor Jeans had never needed, leaning against green pillows and embroidered carpets" (Koran, 55: 70- 76).

"Their wives will be blacks, big-eyed maids like hidden pearls." (Quran, 56: 22-23).

Passing Abu Uma:
"The Messenger of Allah said:" Everyone who Allah let into paradise, will be married for 72 wives, two of them will be Guria, and the remaining 70 will be inherited from the inhabitants of the fire. All of them will have sexually delights, and he [the inhabitant of Paradise] will have ever-eregrated penis ""

Sunan Ibn Majja, Zuhd (abstinence book), 39
"Every time you stop with Guria, she will be done again with a virgin. In addition, the penis of the chosen will never be soft. The erection will be constant, and the orgasm in paradise does not compare with an orgasm in this world. Each Muslim marries seventy Guria and earthwans, and they will all have appetizing vagina "
AS-SUUTI, Al-Town Fi Ulum al-Koen, p. 351

Hadith: "The believer will make such a force that he will be able to enter into the proximity of so many times." He was asked: "The Messenger of Allah, really he will withstand it?" He replied: "He will be given the strength of a hundred [men]." (AT-Tirmisi)

Abu Khruire told: "One day of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) asked:" On the Messenger of Allah, will we bring to the paradise to bring with our wives? " He replied: "Truly, a man in paradise will get closer to a hundred virgins a day!" "(Al-Baszar in Al-Kashf al-Astar 3525, Abu Nu'aim in Syppatul-Gianna 1/169, At- Tabarani in "AS-Sagyir" 2/12. The accuracy of the Hadis was confirmed by Imam Ad-Maki Al-McAdisi, Hafiz Ibn Casir and Sheikh Al-Albani. See "As-Silsil As-Sahikha" No. 367)

78: 31-34 Truly for Orthodoxes will be the fulfillment of heart wish. Around the gardens and vineyards, foste-loving women and bowls, full (to edges).

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What is the essence of marriage? How to be the right wife? Who will make a happy family?

A recent meeting of the "Women's Gymnasium" (draft DUM RT for Women) was dedicated to such life issues (project of the RT Duma, the senior teacher of the Russian Islamic Institute.

How and why are the roles of husband and wife are divided?

Allah clearly distributed their family roles and tasks between women and men.

The creator speaks in the Quran: "Men are trustees of women, since Allah gave one advantage over others, and also because they spend out of their means" (Sura "Women" 4/34)

Hadith Messenger Allah, peace to him, says: "Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for your flock. The ruler is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock (for the state). The husband is a shepherd of the family, the wife is a shepherd for her husband's home and his children and is responsible for them. " (He told Abu Khuraira, passed Bukhari).

By wisdom of Allah, family roles are:

The role of a man: the head of the family, the defender, the breadwinner. By fulfilling your role, the husband should feel that he needs a spouse and surpasses her as the head of the family and the leader.

Women's role: wife, mother, housewife.

This is not just customs and traditions. This is Allah established order.

This success is accompanied by the families where her husband and his wife fully fulfill their roles. But serious problems are conjugate with the fact that some of the spouses does not fulfill their role, takes care of the performance of other people's functions, too concerned about the execution or non-performance of his role.

Family problems root

If Allah clearly defined the role of her husband and wife, why are there problems in families? Why a man and a woman can not accept each other as they are, criticized, offended?

The problem is that in our life the material world prevails over spiritual. There is no equilibrium between them.

As you know, a person consists of two inseparable components - souls and bodies. Each of them has their own needs. If a person lives in the framework of caring needs and desires and forgets about the soul, the achievement of the spiritual balance becomes impossible.

Look at the West position. He is on top of material prosperity and at the same time in a deep spiritual crisis. People live the material world, and the spiritual hunger is sanking anything.

In such conditions, a person internally devoid. As for women, they begin to fill the inner emptiness with useless fuss: shopping, entertainment, empty communication, and even - angrily with insults.

Islam provides a person with a program for establishing an equilibrium between material and spiritual. In the Hadith of the Prophet, peace, he says, who learned himself [his soul], he knowing Allah. That is, studying himself (his pros and cons, soap and desires), we learn the creations of Allah, and through them - His himself. And then we find nothing to feed the soul - subordination to the Creator, his laws.

For a woman, the submission of Allah is expressed, including, and in submission to her husband. After all, it ordered her her creator.

About female spirituality

What is a rich spiritual world of a woman? This is the happiness of her soul; This state when a woman is inspired, grateful to the creator for his grace, in everything he sees the beauty of his creation, takes her husband as it is.

Men are important when the wife is spiritually rich and happy. They correctly believe that such a woman will spread the joy and give the surrounding warm light.

And, on the contrary, the husbands do not like wives with a scarce spiritual world, who cannot love themselves. And you need to love yourself, like the creation of Allah, i.e. Know your inner state to be able to become better.

If the marriage has shifted ...

What can save marriage from disintegration and make a happy family is the spiritual wealth of a woman.

Dear sisters, start with yourself - with all the responsibility, perform your female role, get rid of negative qualities that slow down your development (pride, ungratefulness, complacency, etc.), fill your heart and life with love for the creator.

And for this - more Ibad! After all, except Fallov, there are Nafili: additional namazy, posts. In addition to nafila, there is DUA and zikra. In addition, any of your business for the family and husband, made in the name of Allah - also worship him.

There are a lot of distracting reasons - work, children, fatigue ... But remember, for someone's satisfaction you do this, and the forces will appear, they will give them Allah.

The benefits of Ibad, obtained already in this world - is vital energy, inspiration, swallow inside yourself.

It is noted that deep positive changes in the wives inevitably affect husbands - their internal state and external manifestations.

What family is truly happy?

The more love for the Creator in the heart of a person, the more love will be around him. As a result, an inner pacification will come.

It will help you to balance the vitality of vitality. This does not mean that there will be no problems in the family. This means that you will have the strength to overcome and resolve these problems confidently and calmly. In Sha Allah.

Heart without love as an abandoned field. Harmonious relations of men and women handle this soil on so much that their lodges embrace children, loved ones, friends, the whole world. Here it is, a high goal - immense love for Allah, movement to spiritual heights.

With constant conscious aspiration of spouses to this goal, the tree of the family will turn, blossom, give excellent fruits.

The family living under the laws of the Most High with the intention to receive his contentment is truly happy. She is like a reflection of paradise on earth.

Guzel Ibrahimova

Does women really go only in black?
Is it true that Hijab oppresses a woman and a man came up with him for her suppression?
What are they, Muslims? Completely scored in communication and with them it is impossible to talk or everything is completely different?
Can they afford something at all?

I often see these and other questions in the comments to the last posts about Iran, in addition, this topic was asked to reveal me since the trip to Jordan.
This post is based on my personal observations made in the Islamic Republic of Iran and on two interviews with shi-girlfriends, which strictly adhere to the laws of Sharia.

So, with regard to hijab and strict black clothes.
In strict Islamic countries, a truly significant part of women walks in black robes, hiding their body as much as possible, including the face. Still from afar, having envy a man, she can smell the handkerchief tightly, completely cover their face or turn away to them in anticipation when a man passes by. At the same time, their black clothes are not solid and nearby "black rags", as for some reason, it is considered to be. If you look at black hijabam, it is very often very different in the texture, thickness and composition of the fabric, often containing drawing, ornament and even lace (as, for example, on this photo made in the Iranian eezde).
Wearing a female hijab is one of the main provisions of Islamic legalization - Sharia.
The Quran says: "Oh, the Prophet! Tell your wives, and your daughters, and believing women so that they tightly lowered themselves their top covers. Tell your believing women, so that they give their eyes and defeated their genitals. Let them not exhibit the appearance of their laps, with the exception of those who are visible, and let it cover up their bedspreads on the chest and do not show their beauties to anyone, except for their husbands, or their fathers, or their mother-in-law, or their sons, or sons of their husbands , or your brothers, or sons of their brothers, or sons of their sisters, or their women, or slave, who traveled their guards, or servants from among men, deprived of lusts, or children who did not comprehend the nudity of women. "
Imam Ahmad and other signs of the Hadiths handed over that the Prophet Muhammad said: "If the woman removes clothes not in her husband's house, then the great and mighty Allah will disseminate it."
At the same time, there is no indication in the Quran regarding the color of the hijab and the degree of closedness of individual parts of the body.
Both girls with whom I talked about the hijab, said literally the following: "Each girl herself chooses, in what to walk. Some choose Faard - this is the best hijab, because completely covers the body. Some wear jeans, a closed sweater and scarf. This is also their choice "

And indeed, in Iran, we saw quite a lot of women who were not closed in black clothes, but they had a handkerchief on their heads.
- those that face and without cosmetics do not go outside, not very believers, but they all perceive shisming as the only religion that did not suffer. In our country, it is impossible to walk without a scarf.
I ask the interlocutor, from what age do the girls put on hijab?
- From 9 years, they are obliged to perform Islamic rules, but some put on a handkerchief before.

It is known that Muslim men can not touch women, because It may be regarded as a harassment and entail serious problems. But what to do, if a woman comes to a man's doctor? Hairdresser? Makeupist?
- If the doctor, he can touch, because it is a matter of life and death. Islam prohibits only what is harmful to moral or physical health.
- And if a gynecologist? Or gynecologists only women?
- No, there are gynecologists of a man.
- And the husband will not mind if his wife goes to a man's gynecologist?
- You know, of course, it depends on her husband, sometimes they strongly protect their wives from other men ... This is a sign of love. But if she is indifferent to her husband, he can take her to the gynecologist a man.
- And hairdresser? Visagiste? Only women? You remove the handkerchief, he touches.
- In general, Iranki prefer to go to women .... Even if Shiism did not forbind ... I sometimes read the history of Iran. For a long time, women did not like them to touch others. But not all)
- That's how? Suddenly...

My interlocutor, reacted by my interest in this topic, continues:
- You know, there are girls who love to chat with guys and even have an intimate relationship, but it is illegal, although no one will delay them.
They themselves know that the rules violate. I know girls who lived for many years with guys not in marriage, but then they have a feeling of repentance and they say that they are painful because of the violation of the rules. After all, they know why Islam banned the so-called free relationship.
- Why does Islam forbid them?
- In general, all these rules help strengthen the family. A free relationship Shiism forbade to protect people from infectious diseases.
- We are distracted, keep your thought.
- Yes. Some such girls are repent, and some normally communicate with guys and make love not in marriage, and they have no feeling of repentance). But these are very, very little in Iran. Some just communicate with the guys so that they have fun.
"Yes, I drew attention to Isfahan that some girls are not very difficult to meet, some felt flirting, they turn to you" Hallo, be a yu frome? " And then shyly hiding eyes.
- Yes, they do not mind meeting. But no more.

By the way, lovigin. Just wrote a post on this topic, read

Tell me, what are women forbidden?
- make love and even kissing with men not in marriage and touching someone else's men .... so that the girl lives happily, so as not to smash her the heart and did not insult her. A woman should be very beautiful and dressing beautiful to attract the attention of her husband. But only her husband she should show his physical beauty. A woman in the hijab is like a pearl inside a mollusk shell. So hijab is a symbol of freedom
- It is said that the eastern girls at home are still those depressants and, in the same Dubai, buy the most sexy models in the stores of underwear. It's true?
- (laughs) Breevantry) Well, I said that Shiiteka should be very attractive for her husband. This is mainly for her own happiness.

Does a woman feel in the Muslim world in something disadvantaged?
- You know the men really like when they see that their wives hide their beauty from others. I do not think. In general, we have no woman tolerate unjust infringement of their rights. :) You know, according to the rules of Shiism, a woman and a man are equal ... and the more believing husband, the kindern he is to his family.
Just a woman and a man not only on the floor differ, but in general the abilities they have different (there are generals): Shiites consider a man specialist in some affairs, and a woman in others. In the instructions of the Holy Imams, women are better to deal with the cases that morally and physically do not harm their health. There are families in which the father solves all the problems that need to decide outside the house, but internal problems Solves the woman, because the woman is softer and copes with problems in the interior, etc. Better than men.
You know, it does not mean that a woman is forbidden to work in society to be active, on the contrary, a woman should always help and support her husband, a woman's axis woman in Shiism. Just she should also comply with the rules.
A person in nature loves intimate relationships, but it is necessary to control his feelings, so Shiiteki should not communicate with a man so tightly, especially alone to seduce him.
And it will destroy the family.
I do not know how you feel about divorce, but in Iran it is not very accepted.
According to Schiism, her husband and wife should try to strengthen the family at the maximum. And if someone of them decides to divorce, one must forget about their natural rights. If the wife first decides to part, then the husband is entitled not to return her to her calm.
And if the husband decides the first to part, he needs to return not only Kalm, but all that the wife once bought.
And give her so much money as she needs to be able to live without problems until the end of life, it is 114 gold coins usually ...

Audio version of this article:

"There is no shame in the knowledge of religion ..."

There should be no excessive modesty when the question is asked regarding life practice, even if it comes to.

The wife of the Prophet Muhammad 'Aisha said once: "As far as women are medina! The modesty did not prevent them from becoming competent in the matters of faith. " Also, one of the first-generation scientists (Tabi'un), Mujahid, said: "Do not acquire knowledge two: unnecessarily modest and arrogant."

To alleviate some constraint and inconvenience of the reader, as well as in proof that questions on the topic of intimate spouse relations are asked not only in Russia, I will give a reduced version of the question that was asked to one of the modern theologians - Yusuf al-Cardavi: "We are Muslim Arabs. For many years we live in North America. We often communicate with Muslims of various nationalities, including with representatives of the indigenous population of America, who accepted Islam. When communicating, many questions arise, among which there are many people with what we never come across Arabic society. This kind of issues include intimate relationships of spouses. For example, "Can a husband and his wife be completely taken off when copulating?" Or "Can a husband look at the genital organs of his wife, and the wife - on the genitals of her husband?" And much more, that we are inconvenient to even ask in the open. "

Yusuf al-Cardavi gave this answer: "Usually, in Arabic society, this kind of questions do not arise, it is not accepted about it. However, where excessive permissiveness flourishes, the public bare and the street is full of the fact that it is categorically unacceptable from the point of view of religious morality, people appear some indifference to the opposite sex, the relationship in the circle of the family is cold.

Previously, we all answered "it is forbidden", relying on the norms of the Arab morality and those Hadiths who heard from preachers, but not from theologian. Then we learned that much in Islam is not so categorical as we imagined it. "

In response, al-Cardavi were also such words: "It is categorically unacceptable to rely on personal, national or geographical sympathies of antipathy regarding the canons of faith, especially when it concerns novice Muslims and issues of commitment or categorical prohibition."

I want to immediately notice that Hadith "Allowed is known, the Forbidden is known, and between them is dubious. Who will be in doubtful, he fell into the Forbidden " "It may be credible," doubtful ", it may be that indirectly from Ayatov and the Hadiths theologians allegedly consider such, or what a person considers personally doubtful for himself. Referring to the general position of things, "everything is unsuccessful is permitted." This is a canonical rule based on the provisions of the Holy Quran and. Also in one of the reliable Hadiths it is said that an unattended creator is grace for believers, and not by the fact that left for forgetfulness. The question of the intimate relations of the spouses is definitely no exception to the mentioned rule, as is the Islamic theologian of the past and the present.

The system given to us by the Almighty has answers to all questions. Quran and Sunna contain or general rulesFor which the situation is summarized, partially changing over time, or negotiate specific situations that are stable and immutable.

In any book on Islamic legislation (Usolyul-Fickh), you can read that the basis of everything is permitted, that is, what is not forbidden by canons is permitted. This rule is based on the Quran and Sunne.

What is allowed and what is prohibited in intimate relations of Muslim spouses?

In the intimate life, the prohibitions concern only maritalization in the period menstrual cycleIn the postpartum period, in the state of Ihrama (the state of ritual purity during pilgrimage), as well as anal sexual intercourse. The rest is time, forms, frequency - at the discretion and mutual consent of the wife and husband.

The Prophet Muhammad (and Bless His Most High and Welcomes) said:

- "The one who has sexual intercourse with his wife via the rear pass" is cursed;

- "Who has a sexual intercourse with his wife during menstruation [precisely through the vagina], or by means of the rear pass [in general at any time], or comes to the predictor and believes his words, he becomes unbelieving with respect to what has come with Muhammad.

Quote from eightitric islamic Encyclopedia By Fickh: "All kinds of sexual satisfaction between husband and wife are allowed, except for using the rear passage, which is forbidden (haram)."

As for the moral side of this issue, the spouses are given freedom of choice in the framework that are stipulated. To date, a lot of divorces occurs due to sexual incompatibility. Although the reason is non-serious, easily solved: contact points can always be found. In Islam, intimate relationships between future spouses are prohibited, and this is in no way contrary to the nature of the person, since freedom in sexual relations after marriage is given to their discretion, given the fact that they are loved by each other and married, first of all, due to intellectual and worldview compatibility. Between them there is no shower, misunderstanding and non-negotiation. Through the openness, the spouses determine what is acceptable for them, and what is immoral.

In the Holy Quran there are Ayat, partially affecting this topic. "Partially", as it concerns that part of the sexual acts, which are committed with the intention of increasing the offspring, by the grace of the Most High. "Your wives are Niva for you, and come to your field as you wish [at a single discretion]" (), that is, using all sorts of options, as far as fantasies and opportunities. This explanation you can find in tafsira, comments to the sacred Quran.

So, invalidity does not mean compulsory following anyone or other or practices. At the same time, if the use of said actions contributes to improving mutual understanding between spouses, it is rewarded, since, having physical and psychological satisfaction inside the family, a wife or husband is not looking for this on the side. Complete understanding contributes to the preservation of family integrity. Treason - Karaha. Larithic is rewarded: "And [even] your intimate relationship [with my wife] - alms," said the Prophet. The associates in bewilderment asked: "A person satisfies his carnal desires and receives a reward for this [before God]!?" The Messenger of the Lord replied: "Do not you mean that if he had a relationship on the side, then would it be sinner (would it be sin to him)!? And having a free (allowed) intimate relationship [with his wife], he will be rewarded [like a wife with her husband, and will be rewarded before God. It will be charged with a blessing in the personal case of a man or a woman and will be on the blessing bowl on the day]! "

What is not prohibited, with proper use can be applicable, and a person has the right to free choice.

General questions about the intimate life of Muslims

I married Muslims five years ago, accepted Islam, but not by conviction, but for the sake of my wife, which I loved. I'm trying to understand Islam, but it is very difficult for me yet.

My question is intimate character. As I already wrote, we are married for five years, and sometimes you want to diversify your sexual life. I know that anal sexual intercourse is prohibited by Muslim canons. And even after full ritual ablution, the body is not considered clean for namaz. Is it so? If I want this particular sex and my wife gives it a consent to make a nice husband, is it considered to be a sin for her? Or sin only on me? Sergei.

1. Anal sexual intercourse is prohibited, you are right.

2. "And even after complete ritual ablution, the body is not considered pure for namaz" - this is not.

3. This is considered a sin. Diverse the intimate part of the family life in other ways.

Is it a finger in anal sexual intercourse?

Is it true that her husband is forbidden to drink milk of his wife? If so, what is this ban on?

Definitely, not prohibited. The resolution of this is mentioned in the books on Muslim God.

1. Is it possible to study on books for example, different postal poses?

2. If so, is it possible to study them according to graphic drawings? A., 20 years old.

1. You can, together with my wife (spouse), especially if it harmonizes inside family relationships And makes a variety of intimate life, removing something like that on the side from finding something on the side that in the realities of our life often happens.

2. Yes, you can.

Can her husband and wife shoot their intimate relationship on camera and watch together, realizing their fantasies?

Do not do this, as the recording can get into other people's hands.

Is it allowed during intimate relationships to make Muslim and Muslim moans? Amina and Abdullah.


Is it possible to increase the penis if there is no harm to health? But not an operating method. Ali.

I think you should not go through the artificial increase in the penis. It is not known what it can lead you in ten or twenty years. There are many other paths that imagine the harmony of intra-sex intimate relationships. Their study and practice should be paid.

If Muslim has two wives if he can do the fulfillment of married duties at the same time with both?

Not that "deal with the fulfillment of married duties", and even just sleep all three on the same bed is categorically not allowed. Each families should have their own separate housing. Separate and identical.

Question about Zihara. Sometimes the husband and wife joke and flirt with each other. For example, sometimes the husband is jokingly playing the role of a small boy, and his mother, and his mother, and her husband tells her: "Take me on my hands," imitating children. However, sometimes joking, thinking, did you make Zihar? Sometimes because of this question, you are deprived of sleep and become nervous. After all, if it is Zihar, then before the redemption, the wife becomes forbidden to you. Abdullah, 30 years old.

If it helps the development and maintenance of intrameal harmony, sometimes turns your family weekdays in a fun joke, from which everyone is nice and fun, you can enjoy such a game. Do not think, especially when it leads to a breakdown of sleep and intimidian peace. The mentioned jokes and games are not related to you (AZ-Zoyar).

Available Are any prohibitions on postures during sex? Glad.

There are unequivocally prohibitions.

Is it possible to have proximity to my wife during the post?

Is it allowed to join intimate relationships with her husband during the month of Ramadan at night (after talking)? A dispute arose about pregnancy in this month - they say, in this sacred month or afternoon, no night, spouses cannot be copped. It is a sin. Is it true?

It is not true. In the sacred Quran it says:

"You are allowed at night in the days of the post to have an intimate relationship with spouses. They [wives] - clothes for you, and you [husbands] - clothes for them. Allah (God, Lord) knows that you have deceived yourself, and he forgave you, pardon you. Now you can have proximity to them, strive for the fact that you are prescribed. Eat, drink until you become distinguished by a white thread from black [until the delimitable feature appears on the horizon between the coming day and the outgoing night] at dawn. And then fast until the night [before sunset, refraining from meals, drinking and intimate relationships with his wife (spouse)]. And do not have an intimate relationship with spouses when you are in mosques in a state i'TIrthaf. . These are the borders defined by the Most High, do not close to them [do not cross the prohibitions]. Thus, Allah (God, Lord) reveals his signs for people, maybe they will become pious "().

See: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 tons. T. 1. P. 68.

See, for example: Al-'aini B. Made Al-Kari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. In 20 tons. T. 2. P. 183.

Some preachers use unreliable Hadiths or parables in order for the sermon to be more convincing and penetrated. The theologians more strictly adhere to the letters of the law in quotations and comments.

See: Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. T. 2. P. 350-353.

Fakihi (Muslim Theologian) say that "if there is no evidence in favor of the prohibition, then it is done as it is convenient to man." See: An-Navva A. Al-Kava'id al-Fichium [canonical rules]. Damascus: Al-Kalyam, 1991. P. 107, 108.

It is meant that "non-revised", which was or could be in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, but nowhere has not been approved by a clear ban or explicit resolution about this. As for those things that appeared in the practice of people subsequently, here is already, taking into account scientific achievements, as well as canonical standards and rules, theologians give conclusions (feltwas).

In the sacred Quran or through Sunna the Prophet.

In a reliable Hadith, it is said: "Truly, Allah (God, Lord) established a mandatory provision (FARDS), so do not lose them! Outlined the boundaries [a certain number of daily mandatory prayer-namaz, for example, a certain form of compliance with the mandatory post and the number of days; Specific punishments for specific crimes, etc.], so do not go to them [do not break, do not complicate, do not tighten]! He [The Lord of Worlds] banned some things [for example, a clear sin, somehow: theft, lie, foul language], so do not commit them! And he was silent about other things, not for forgetfulness, but from grace to you. So do not organize searches (research) regarding them [to clarify the obligation or prohibitability. They relate to the allowed, because everything that is not prohibited by direct text of the Quran or reliable Sunna, remains permitted by default]. " Hadith from Abu Sa'Lab al-Hushai; sv. x. Ad-Dar Kutno, al-Khakima, as well as the thirtieth Hadith from the "Forty Hadiths Imam An-Nawavi". See, for example: Nuzha al-Muttakyn. Sharh Riyadh As-Salikhin [Walking the righteous. Commentary on the book "Food Gardens"]. In 2 tons. Beirut: Ar-Risal, 2000. T. 2. P. 457, 458, Hadith No. 25/1834 and explaining to it; Zalo M. MAVSU ATRAF Al-Hadith An-Nabavi Ash-Sharif [Encyclopedia began noble prophetic statements]. In 11 t. Beirut: Al-Fix, 1994. T. 3. P. 166; al-kary 'A. (He died in 1014 by hijra). Mirkat al-Mafatih Sharch Mishkat al-Masabih. In 10 tons. Beirut: Al-Fix, 2002. T. 1. P. 278, Hadith No. 197 and an explanation for him.

See, for example, Al-Butt R. Ma'a An-us. Mushavata Va Fatawa. Pp. 74-76, 84; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. T. 2. P. 354, 354.

The postpartum period ends with the completion of bleeding. The theologian-hanafits spoke about this: "There is no limit to a minimum. Maximum - forty days. " Shafiiti theologians claim: "At least - a moment. Maximum - sixty days. Usually forty days. " See: Al-Margynani B. al-Hida [Guide]. In 2 tons, 4 h. Beirut: Al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 1990. T. 1. Part 1. P. 36; Al-Khatyb Ash-Shirbinine Sh. Mugni Al-Mukhtage [enriching needy]. In 6 tons. Egypt: al-Mactaba AT-Tavfichya, [b. G.]. T. 1. P. 244. Also, see: Ash-Shavkyani M. Neil Al-Avtar. T. 1. Ch. 1. P. 304, 305, Hadith No. 390.

Hadith from Abu Khruire. See Abu Daud S. Sunan Abu Daud [Arch of Hadith Abu Dauda]. Riyad: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davlia, 1999. P. 245, Hadith No. 2162, "Hassan"; AS-SUYUTY J. Al-Jami 'as-Sagyr. P. 501, Hadith No. 8204, "Sakhih".

Intimate relationships between husband and wife are allowed during menstruation, they can bring each other to orgasm, ejaculation. The main thing is not to use the vagina (only during menstruation and in the postpartum period) and anus (generally prohibited). For more details, see, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih Al-Bukhari [Arch of Hadith Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 tons. Beirut: Al-Maktaba al-'Asriery, 1997. T. 1. S. 114 and 115, Hadith No. 300, 302 and 303; Al-Saskaliani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari [Opening the creator (for a person in understanding the new) through comments to the village of Hadith al-Bukhari]. In 18 tons. Beirut: al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 2000. T. 2. P. 531-533, Hadiths 300, 302 and 303 and explaining them.

Hadith from Abu Khruire. See: Ibn Madja M. Sunan [Arch of the Hadith]. Riyadh: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davlia, 1999. P. 79, Hadith No. 639, "Sakhih"; Janan I. Hadith Ansikopedis. Kutub Sitte. T. 10. P. 346, Hadith No. 3823.

The last edition of the encyclopedia for 1997 consists of 11 volumes.

See: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. In 8 tons. T. 3. P. 551.

Niva - popped field. In this context, it is an allegory, a metaphor, a figurative expression that implies an intimate relationship between husband and wife.

Sv. X. Muslim. See: An-Nisaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Arch of Hadisov Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davlia, 1998. P. 389, Hadith No. 53- (1006); An-Nawavi Ya. Sahih Muslim B. Sharh An-Nawavi [Arch of Hadith Imam Muslim with the comments of Imam An-Nawavi]. In 10 tons, 18 h Beirut: al-Kutub al-'ylmium, [b. G.]. T. 4. Ch. 7. P. 91-93, Hadith No. 53- (1006) and an explanation for it; Nuzha al-Muttakyn. Sharh Riyadh As-Salikhin [Walking the righteous. Commentary on the book "Food Gardens"]. In 2 tons. Beirut: Ar-Risal, 2000. T. 1. S. 121, Hadith No. 4/120.

See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. In 11 t. T. 9. P. 6594.

"If your wives you say that they are similar to the backs of your mothers, then from this they do not become your mother" (sv. Koran, 33: 4).

In the pre-Islamic period, the words of the husband leaving the wife "You for me like the back of my mother" symbolized a divorce, and the final and forever. By the killer text it was canceled. In hencefight, her husband and wife could restore family relations in this kind of cases, but only after redemption: or (1) the liberation of the involuntary, or (2) continuous two-month post, or (3) with a one-time feeding of sixty beggars. Priority corresponds to the sequence. This redemption is a kind of punishment, so that people were not scattered inappropriate words. See, for example: Sv. Koran, 58: 1-4; Az Zukhaili V. at-Tafsir al-Munir. In 17 t. T. 11. P. 256.

Initially, a month of the post was a ban on intimate relationships not only in daytime, but also partially at night. Subsequently, as revelations are given, it was canceled. Some during the prohibition relating to intimate relationships at night (after sleep), violated it by their weakness and then repent before the Almighty. He forgave them offense and canceled the ban. For more details, see, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. at-Tafsir al-Munir. In 17 tons. T. 1. P. 515, 522.

At night (from the moment of the sunset, before the appearance of the dawn), food and sexual relations are fully allowed (with a spouse, spouse).

This is a special, spiritualized, aimed at replenishing the life and soul forces staying in a mosque with the intention to be in it. Islamic scientists are unanimous in that the I'TICAF in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan for men is a Sunny, that is, the desired action.

Read more about I'TICAFEF SEE IN MY BOOK "ALL ABOUT Muslim post and Kurban Bayrame".

At the dawn of the Soviet power of our heroin would be released by the liberated women of the East (OK, and South). Now they are called progressors and modern women. What is it like - grow in an eastern family, how is it to live in direct contact with the Muslim tradition?

Nigina Saifulllaeva

Brief reference: Nigina - film director, screenwriter. For the picture "What is my name" got a jury at the "Kinotavra". The award was called: "For light breathing and artistic integrity."

On ban on beard and some features of female existence in Tajikistan

I was born in Tajikistan, in Dushanbe, in 1985 and left in 1991. This time was rather Soviet - there was nothing radical eastern. I had a very secular Russian-speaking family. Family in a wide Tajik sense of the word. That is all three hundred pretty secular people. Yes, the boys made circumcision, prepared pilaf, drank tea from the glands, but nobody went in Paradge, women worked (my mother - and at all in the house of models, grandmother was a writer), all smoked cigarettes, went to guests and all that other .

We had no tyranny. I have a very lively and cheerful dad. Religions were also not. Now the situation changes slightly in Tajikistan, but the government is trying to protect the secrecy of the state. Of this external example, beard is prohibited there. Since this is a sign of a radical religious Muslim.

Of course, the girls can not be found with the boys to marriage, they will be called Jalyab ("Shalava") and marry will be very difficult to get out. And this is the basis of the foundation. But I left at a very early age to choose myself some kind of free way. Mom made this choice for me when he took to Moscow.

In Tajik standards in Moscow, I behaved like a complete jalab. But in Moscow - it was a normal such live youth. "Kids-Religion" is me now now, after the birth of a son. Just kidding, of course, but in general, circumstances are forced to live more compromising.

In general, life in each country is due to a whole complex of interrelated processes. And the people who live there feel the situation natural and they are not running away from it. Anyway, most. Even in trust conversations, I see that my sisters and brothers do not injure the fact that their spouses did not choose themselves, but parents. When I tried to insist on my brother, I said to me: "Can mom make something bad for his son?"

As a result, this conversation turned the drama. Because he kept listening to me and married a girl who chose himself, - on bright, free, with character and other attributes.

Parents did not approve it, but agreed. As a result, she was terribly acted with our family, the marriage broke up, and I, as it were, not the right in my freedom-loving position. The second marriage, where his wife chose my dad, turned out to be perfect.

Specified, with humor, but a modest and downtry girl from a decent intelligent family was very fit not only to my brother, but also to parents. And everyone is happy. Then I realized that the traditions and the set of conditions and the rules cannot be changed like this, in one element.

Well, the situation can always be justified. So, for example, the sisters told me about the advantages of what her husband sees at the wedding conditionally for the third time in his life. Type, you get married in Russia after a few years and have already managed to get bored with each other, having to swear, and in marriage it starts the hottest. All in a novelty, flirting, romance. Well, it sounds convincing in my own way. But only if the mother with dad was not mistaken with the choice.

Zalina Marshenkulova

Brief reference: Zalina is a journalist, blogger, mediaactivist, feminist. The creator of the brilliant site of wild news Breaking Mad, the author of the telegram channel "Women's Power".

The thorny path of the daughter of the Kabardians to feminism

My father is Kabardian, Mom Russian. And although I did not grow in Kabardino-Balkaria (there was three times from strength there), I still tried to bring the elements of Muslim culture into my life. At the same time, I must say, it is not an orthodoxy, but quite the Europeanized person. He studied, worked in Moscow, here he met Mama.

I was definitely lucky: I managed to avoid strictly patriarchal education. Yes, while Dad lived with us, he instructed me: "Learn to cook", "Bring and Serve." Classical attitude towards a woman as a maid attended. But in his defense, I will say that it is also characteristic of many Russian men, I would not write off everything on ethnic origin.

I rested a sexism at the age of 14, said: "Do not apply all these Muslim rims to me!" - Brown and freedom-loving I was always. Father was surprised, but did not argue. I went to work for 14 years, the independence of all of all was always important for me, I worked in a local newspaper on Yamal and more in a consuming car, that is, I learned perfectly and worked on two works.

I myself bought a graduation dress and shoes myself, I was very proud and proud of it. In general, I declared since childhood that I wanted to put on family happiness, it was always most important for me to self-realization.

Of course, in response, this old good fucking type "Will marry - in a different way I will do it." Well, I am married to nine years, and nothing has changed. I still hate cooking, I'm not ready and not going - and my husband loves it (in his youth just promised to marry the cook).

How did I come to feminism? At some point I zadolbali sexroom publishing type "10 ways to make a man happy" - and I decided to create a telegram channel about real women who do not fit into the "cute and most obedient" framework, for women who want to make themselves.

Or look at my project Breaking Mad - an aggregator of insane news, a website with a black humor. Many for a long time thought that they were fought by a man. When it turned out that I was a woman, readers (70% - men) scored, wrote "And we thought you were our bro."

In the telegraph, I most often write readers who prevent their relatives to live. The most common story: a woman is divorced with a tyrant, and relatives on both sides of her nebat. Such stories emphasize the zero status of a woman in society.

Even some active users of Twitter, the most cynical, in my opinion, social networks, and those stand on the side of feminists. Two years ago it was impossible to imagine that these misanthropes will support antipatrimelial flash drives.

Taus Makchev

Brief reference: Taus is an artist. Winner of the Kandinsky Prize, the "Future of Europe" premium, the All-Russian Competition "Innovation". Mahacheva's works are stored in the Tate Modern Museum (London), in the Muhka Museum Muhka (Antwerp), Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as in private collections in the Russian Federation and abroad.

My childhood I had a happy, youth - a little less ... in an eastern family, probably, as in Western, most importantly, this is the clashes that happen rather in his youth. With family, with yourself. Problems were, but not in terms of teppling me like girls.

I grew up in my own free world. I remember, for example, one of his conversations with the grandfather, when I asked: "Grandfather, for whom I better get married? For anvar? " He says: "Well, yes, for anvar." - "And if not for anvar?" - "Well for Dagestan". - "And if not for Dagestanz?" - "Well for Russian." - "And if not for Russian?" He says: "For a person - it would be good."

It seems to me when you grow with such a grandfather, then everything will be fine with you. By the way, he himself, of course, was married to her grandmother, which was a purebred anvarka.

An important point was when I entered the London Institute of Art and Design. Told Mom: "That's what he did. And I do not want to learn more on the economist. " "Yes, go," she replied. I will always be grateful to my mother for having enough courage to agree. Moreover, my family helped me much, we all understand what kind of costs are to study abroad.

As for the problems that are created by women in the East and south, then, you know, I came across an institutional idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of not only a woman, but also a man. It seems to me that it is necessary to talk about the Zaradeniya submission, without sharing these two worlds, - people of the opposite sex there are also put in certain frameworks.

A big question is that harder - a number of prohibitions for women or waiting (which are connected by those surrounding with adheating men). For example, I know men who married them to them said. And this is just one of the male dramas in Dagestan.

The development of a free creative soul in our republic is, first of all, not a gender problem, but difficulties associated with the system of support for art in the country.

It was not reformed effectively from Soviet times when we had creative alliances, writing cottages, good salary, promoted publications, were the weights of the fees for books. The workshops were issued ... Now there is no such thing as we know, but there is freedom of statements.

If you return to the questions of a female space, then, perhaps, the best designation of my position will be an artistic practice, or rather, my alter ego (or as I sometimes call her - my girlfriend): Super Taus.

Superheroid from Dagestan, which is quiet, silently makes amazing things: I frees the road from a giant boulder in a passion or puts a monument to two Mary Corkmas and Hamisat Abdulaeva - these women in the 1990s prevented theft of Rodchenko's canvas from the Dagestan museum.

Super Taus power and there is the power of women, which I see around myself in Dagestan. In my opinion, our own fears are always much more paralyzed than the most terrible reality.

Alisa Ganiev

Brief reference: Alice - Writer, Litkritik, editor. Winner of the Prizes "Triumph", "Debut", the finalist of the "Russian Booker". Participant of the list of the most talented young residents of Moscow, compiled by the British edition of The Guardian.

I grew up in the family, which, probably, could be called Soviet-intelligent, parents worked at the Academy of Sciences. Yes, and Makhachkala, where my childhood passed, during the restructuring period was another cultural town. There and BG came to the apartment, and Smoktunovsky was still remembered (he began his career in the local dramatic theater). But the environment gradually changed. And in addition to the all-Russian onset of gopnicity, the mass marginalization of the people was walking into the city of immigrants.

Girls in Dagestan were kept in a black body, on a wandering education, so that they worked infinitely: Molly, Dreary, Mesali, tuskali. My mom burst in this sense. On the one hand, the program was inserted into the brain: to make a hospitable hostess from his daughter, so that Hinkal she got a lush, and the cake of the miracle is thin, to the left did not go, the genus did not disgrace and to receive a diploma, who received a diploma. It was Masthew - to be sure to relative, at the worst of the person from his area.

I did not rush to such places, and I looked in high schools a little apietaceous - the board da Jerie instead of the legs. Nevertheless, moving around the city of one was always not in itself - passers-by guys could try to hurt.

Yes, I was constantly faced with Zaradnaya ideas about the place and role of the woman. Men sit - Women Served. If they are after the ablution, they will not have a hand with you, so as not to pollute and not spoil the perfect ritual.

Not too much changed now - and I'm not afraid to talk about it. And here is the result: Dagestan's loved ones do not understand me. The dad is no longer, but he reacted painfully to the greatest criticism, which all sorts of buddies (public figures, politicians, officials, journalists, Dagestan) were poured into me.

They cried me, and he worried and wrote to me admonish. Mom now lives in Makhachkala and rejoices to my successes, but as soon as the next critic is suitable and tells her that I hate my homeland, that I am amoral or something else, she immediately begins to justify, to divert - very afraid of public condemnation. After all, it turns out, since I am not patriotic and immoral, it means that she brought me up. In general, her mood and support fluctuate depending on someone else's opinion.

She is the main thing so that I will give birth to a child, no matter from whom, at least from the Cum Bank. One of the uncle, brother of the late dad, and at all asked me to change the surname.

With his family, I do not communicate, and they swear at the corners: Traders of Dagestan, a badget, lesbian (quite a wild fantasy, be a lesbian, I would not hide it), etc.

But there are those who support. My brother Omar, my two cousins \u200b\u200bPatia and Jamil, my uncle from Kizlyar. Here, perhaps, everything.


Brief reference: MANAGE - a musician, a performer and writing of ethno-pop songs in Russian and English. The owner of a rather amazing page in Wikipedia and 278 thousand subscribers in "Instagram".

About the exhausted values \u200b\u200bthat will forever stay with you

I was born in 1991 in Dushanbe - there just started the civil war. Everything around collapsing, including dreams and foundations. And the family had an atmosphere of security, security. So there were no special problems in my small world. There I was free, I became the one who wanted, - a musician.

However, I came across (and still face) with the rejection of the Muslim community: long-range relatives and people close to the family still do not perceive me as a right person. It seems like I do some shameful thing.

I always felt like a white crow. When was a high school man, I had to return home up to seven in the evening - the iron was a rule. I did not go on dates, did not communicate with the boys. At the same time he studied at the usual Moscow school, sat at one desk with pregnant classmates.

The circle of adolescents, all walk, the evening goes to the city, and you sit at home. Sit and sit. But, you know, at the age of 21 (when I was given complete freedom and I flew to study in England) I suddenly found that the values \u200b\u200bthat I pounded were only strengthened. I accepted them as your peculiarity.

For example, respect for the neighbor, the eldest for me is really above all. Or such a moment: I turn to my mom all my life on "you". I just can't do anything different. One more example. I'm really not ready to keep a rampant lifestyle.

And from most colleagues in the scene are different: the musician of the hint is not a singer in short dress And on heels. Although I constantly advise me to look exactly so for the growth of rating and popularity. But this is not mine. I can succeed differently, I know for sure.

In general, my punching activity is hereditary: the great-grandmother was the first woman in the eastern republics of the USSR, who threw off the Barraja and directly declared the desire to work, and not sit quietly in their room.

Now it would be perceived as a manifesto, and then she simply selected children - choose, or children or work. The great-grandmother eventually achieved everything that wanted. She reached a very high position and even managed to regain the children.

In the next generation, the activity has grown. My mom got three higher EducationAnd now it works as a psychotherapist and designer, she has its own modardsigns brand.

At the same time, she managed to grow five children - a great woman. Or here is a grandmother to which I went to Tajikistan every summer. It's incredibly strong and beautiful, she always touched us, children, to work. The floor was not allowed to wash the mop, only a rag, hands. I asked me, for example, clean the pool. And I, Moscow Beller, in response: "In the sense of? I will not climb there! "

After four minutes, I fished out from there dirt shovel, roared and thought how all this is unfair. Now I am full of gratitude to the grandmother - an excellent hardening. "No one will do anything for you, only herself," she brought up threatening.

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