
Namaz hell of the spirit of the rules of committing read. Additional prayers: types and order of performance

In addition to the Sunnah of five-fold prayers, the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed other additional prayers at different times of the day. One of these prayers is the spirit prayer.

The word “ضحى” means the light of the rising sun, and indicates the time from sunrise to noon. At this time, festive prayers are also held.

The virtues of the spirit of prayer

The long period from sunrise to noon is an important part of human life. This is the period of time in which a person is most immersed in their daily affairs. And at this time, remembering Allah, to perform nafil prayer is a great gain.

Performing some types of complementary and voluntary worship opens the way to greater good. These complementary and voluntary forms of worship are important in terms of gaining the pleasure of Allah Almighty and expressing gratitude to Him.

Spirit-namaz plays an important role in the spiritual approach to Allah Almighty. One of the features of this prayer is that it is the reason for the forgiveness of some sins. In the rivayat transmitted from Abu Hurayrah, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "The one who will perform two rak'ahs of spirit-prayer, Allah Almighty will forgive all sins, even if there are as many of them as foam in the sea." (Tirmidhi, Salat, 346).

Another hadith says: "There is a gate in Paradise called" Spirit "... On the day of judgment, the herald will call: “Where are those who performed spirit prayer? This is your gate, enter it with the grace of Allah " (Taberani, al-Mujamul-Kabir, 20/30).

How many rak'ahs are there in the spirit prayer?

There is no limitation on the number of rak'ahs in nafil prayers. Like other nafil prayers, spirit prayer can consist of two, four, six or more rak'ahs. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) sometimes performed two, sometimes four, and sometimes eight rak'ahs.

Aisha (radiyallahu anha) said: “The Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed spirit prayer for four rak'ahs, giving salam after every two rak'ahs. And sometimes he increased the number of rak'ahs " (Muslim, Salatul-Musafirin, 78).

Those who constantly performed spirit prayer

The Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) constantly performed spirit prayer, and explaining to his companions the dignity of this prayer, urged them to make it an integral part of their life.

Among those who constantly performed spirit prayer were the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam), his wives, members of his family, ashabu suffa, and other sahaba.

Abu Hurayrah, one of the Ashabu Suffa, said: “The Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) recommended three things to me that I will never give up in my life. This is the observance of three days of fasting every month, the daily performance of two rak'ahs of spirit prayer, and performance before going to bed, vitr prayer ” (Bukhari, Tahajud, 3; Muslim, Salatul-Musafirin, 85).

The time of namaz-zuh (spirit) begins after sunrise, when the sun rises to the height of a spear relative to our vision - approximately 3.5 m above the horizon, and ends at noon, when the time for lunch prayer comes. The best time for him comes after 1/4 of the day. The smallest number of rak'ahs in namaz-zuh is two rak'ahs. You can perform salat in four, six or eight rak'ahs. The maximum number is twelve rak'ahs. Performing rak'ahs in pairs is the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In the first rak'ah, after the surah "al-Fatiha", read "ash-Shamsi" and "al-Kafirun", and in the second - "ad-Dukha" and "al-Ikhlas". Subsequently, in the first rak'ahs they read "al-Kafirun", and in the second - "al-Ikhlas". It is better to perform namaz-zuha in a mosque. But rather than committing early in the mosque, it is better to commit at home after 1/4 of the day. That is, the time of this prayer is more appreciated than the place.

اللّهُمَّ إن الضُّحاءَ ضحاؤك والبهاءَ بَهاؤك والجَمالَ جمالك والقوةَ قوتك والقدرةَ قدرتك والعِصمةَ عصمتك اللهم إن كان رزقي في السماء فأنزله وإن كان في الارض فأخرجه وإن كان مُعسَّرا فيَسِّره وإن كان حراما فطهِّره وإن كان بعيدا فقرِّبه بحق ضحائك وبهائك وجمالك وقوتك وقدرتك آتني ما آتيت عبادك الصالحين

Translation: " O my Allah, and the time of Zuh is Your time, and values \u200b\u200bare Your values, and beauty is Your beauty, and strength is Your strength, and power is Your might, and protection is Your protection. O my Allah, if that mercy and wealth that I will become - in heaven - sent them down to earth, if in earth - bring them out, if they are difficult to access - make it easier for me to achieve them, if they are forbidden - make them permissible, if they are far away, bring them closer to me. For the sake of Your zukh, values \u200b\u200band beauty, strength and power, give me what You give to Your righteous servants».

If Zuha prayer is missed, it is sunnah to compensate for it.


Namaz-tahiyat - This is a two-raka'at prayer performed after entering the mosque.

It is advisable to enter the mosque with the right foot, and before sitting down, one should perform, in the desired order, two rak'ah namaz-tahiyat. This is what the authentic hadith quoted by al-Bukhari and Muslim says. This prayer should be performed every time you enter the mosque, even if you entered for a short time. If you went out for a short time and came back in, then tahiyat should be performed in this case too. Namaz-tahiyyat is also considered perfect if immediately upon entering the mosque any namaz is performed (namaz-farz, namaz-sunnat, be it timely or reimbursed), because the main goal is to perform namaz before you sit in the mosque. Therefore, if a Muslim immediately starts to perform any prayer at the entrance to the mosque, he is considered to have completed the Sunnah regarding the tahiyat prayer, but in order to receive a reward for it, let him make an intention for the tahiyyat prayer together with the one performing the prayer. Most of all, the reward is due for performing separately first tahiyat, then another prayer. It is undesirable to sit in a mosque without performing tahiyyat, unless there is a special reason for that (illness, etc.). But if there is a need to immediately compensate for the missed prayer or the time for obligatory prayer ends, then it is forbidden to perform tahiyat (haram). It is undesirable to perform tahiyat even if the call for the beginning of the prayer (ikamat) has been sounded or a collective prayer has already begun.

If a Muslim sits in a mosque, then the time for performing tahiyat namaz ends. But if he sat down out of forgetfulness and no more time has passed than is needed to perform the two-rakaat prayer, then the time of the tahiyyat prayer is not considered finished. Its time does not end even if you sit down with the intention to get up immediately, for example, because of fatigue, or sit down to drink water. If someone, due to the impossibility of performing ablution and his absence, cannot perform namaz or does not want to perform it, then it is advisable for him to say the following praises four times:

سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللهُ وَاللهُ أكْبَرُ

« Subhana allahi wa-alhamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illa allahu wa llahu akbar».

Translation: " Allah is pure, praise be to Allah, there is no deity but Allah, and Allah is great ».

This is said to replace tahiyat. If on Friday a Muslim enters the mosque while the imam is reading a sermon (khutba), then he should also perform namaz-tahiyyat. The hadith quoted by at-Tirmidhi, al-Nasai, al-Hakim and others says:

« When one of you enters the mosque, let him perform a two-rakaat prayer ».

Namaz-tahiyat is an imperative sunna (sunnatun muakkadatun). It is also allowed to be performed during periods when it is undesirable to perform namaz. But if they missed it, then there is no need to reimburse.

The intention is pronounced like this: I intend to perform namaz-tahiyat". More than two rak'ahs are allowed in tahiyyat. The purpose of namaz-tahiyyat is to exalt the owner of the mosque - Allah Almighty.


One must be extremely careful when making the intention for the tahiyat namaz. If you make an intention, as is usually customary in our country, “I intended to perform a two-raka'at prayer, magnifying the mosque,” \u200b\u200bthen this intention should mean - not just to magnify the mosque itself, but to magnify the Owner of the mosque, that is, Allah, otherwise the prayer will not be counted ...

Muhammad Khalikov

Lecturer at the Dagestan Theological Institute. Saida Afandi

Allah Almighty has blessed believers with various types of worship, for which He has prepared for them a great reward. the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in addition to the Sunnah of five-fold prayers, at different times of the day he performed other additional prayers. One of these prayers is spirit prayer. Spiritual namaz is desirable (mustahabb) and, in terms of the degree of accomplishment, refers to the godly deeds that the prophet Muhammad did constantly and rarely left (sunna muakkada).

The Prophet ﷺ said:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال "يُصبح على كل سُلامى من أحدكم صدقة ، فكل تسبيحة صدقة، و كل تحميدة صدقة، و كل تهليلة صدقة، و كل تكبيرة صدقة، و نهي عن المنكر صدقة، و يُجزي من ذلك ركعتان يركعُهُما من الضحى". رواه مسلم

“When morning comes, every joint of any of you should give sadaqa (charity)! Each glorification of Allah (subhanallah) is alms. Each praise of Allah (alhamdulillah) is charity. Each utterance of the words "la ilahaillah" is charity. Each exaltation of Allah (Allahu Akbar) is a mercy. Motivation to the approved - charity and refraining from the censured - is also sadaqa (charity). But all this can be replaced by two rak'ahs of an additional namaz-spirit! " (Muslim).

The word "ad-spirit" "ضحى" has several meanings: Its first meaning is the first half of the day before noon, morning. Allah Almighty in the Quran says:

كَأَنَّهُمْ يَوْمَ يَرَوْنَهَا لَمْ يَلْبَثُوا إِلَّا عَشِيَّةً أَوْ ضُحَاهَا

"On the Day when they see him, it will seem to them that they have spent only evening or morning in this world." (Surah "an-Naziat", 46 ayah). Ibn Abbas said: “As for the evening (ashiya), this is the period from noon to sunset. As for the "morning" (spirit), this is the period from sunrise to noon "("Tafsir" Ibn Kathir).

Its second meaning is the radiance of the sun. The Quran says:

وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا

"I swear by the sun and its morning radiance" (surah "ash-Shams", ayat 1). The Mujahid said: "That is, I swear by [the sun] and its radiance." ... ("Tafsir" Ibn Kathir).

And the third meaning is daylight, day. Allah says in the Qur'an:

وَأَغْطَشَ لَيْلَهَا وَأَخْرَجَ ضُحَاهَا

"He made his (sky) night dark and brought out his daylight." (Surah "al-Naziat", ayat 29). Ad-Dahhak said: "those. brought the day "... Ibn Zeid said: "those. shine of the day "... ("Tafsir" at-Tabari).

By definition explanatory dictionary the Arabic language "Lisan al-Arab", the additional morning prayer "ad-dukha" received such a name because of the period of time in which it is performed, i.e. when the sun is in the sky in the morning.

The time of the onset and end of the Spirit of prayer.

The time for the ad-spirit prayer begins from the moment when the sun rises to the height of a spear and continues until almost noon. In other words, the time for the ad-spirit prayer begins about twenty minutes after sunrise and ends five to ten minutes before noon (that is, before the zenith). It is better to perform this prayer closer to noon. The desirability of performing the ad-dukha prayer closer to noon is indicated by the following hadith Al-Qasim al-Sheibani narrated that, having seen some people who performed the ad-dukha prayer, Zayd ibn Arkam, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Indeed, they knew that it was better to perform this prayer at another hour, because the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:" [The time] for the prayer of often repentant [comes when] [the earth begins] to burn [paws] camels " (Muslim).

As Sharia proof, one can cite a long hadith from Amr ibn Abasa, may Allah be pleased with him, to whom the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Perform the dawn prayer, and then refrain (from prayers) until the sun appears (above the horizon) and rises to the height of a spear (rumh) or two spears, for it rises between the two horns of the shaitan, and to him (ie the sun - approx.DH) is worshiped (at this time) by unbelievers. Then pray as much as you want, for this prayer will have witnesses, (and the reward for it) is written down until the shadow of the spear is equal to it in length, after which refrain (from prayers), for Hell (at this time) is kindled, and its gates are swinging open " (al-Bayhaqi, al-Hakim, Ibn Khuzeim, etc.).

The number of rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer

In nafil (voluntary) prayers there is no limit on the number of rak'ahs. Like other nafil prayers, spirit prayer can consist of two, four, six or more rak'ahs. It is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sometimes performed two, sometimes four, and sometimes eight rak'ahs. Aisha (radiyallahu anha) said: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ performed spirit prayer for four rak'ahs, giving salam after every two rak'ahs. And sometimes he increased the number of rak'ahs " (Muslim)

Hadith on the dignity of the Spirit of Salah.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ constantly performed spirit prayer, and explaining to his companions the dignity of this prayer, he urged them to make it an integral part of their life. Among those who constantly performed spirit-namaz were the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, his wives, members of his family, ashabu Suffa, and other Sahaba. Abu Hurayrah, one of the Ashabu Suffa, said: “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ recommended three things to me that I will never give up in my life. This is the observance of three days of fasting every month, the daily performance of two rak'ahs of spirit-namaz, and performance before going to bed, vitr namaz " (Bukhari, Muslim).

Spirit-namaz plays an important role in the spiritual approach to Allah Almighty. One of the features of this prayer is that it is the reason for the forgiveness of some sins. In the rivayat transmitted from Abu Hurayrah it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "The one who will perform two rak'ahs of spirit-prayer, Allah Almighty will forgive all sins, even if there are as many of them as foam in the sea." (Tirmidhi, Salat, 346) Another hadith says: “There is a gate in Paradise called the Spirit. On the day of judgment, the herald will cry: “Where are those who performed the spirit prayer? This is your gate, enter it with the grace of Allah "

Uqba ibn Amir al-Juhani, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that, as His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, reported from the words of Allah, Allah Almighty said: “O son of Adam! It is enough for you to complete four rak'ahs for Me at the beginning of the day, and by means of them I will save you [from troubles] until the end of your day! " (Ahmad)

In conclusion, I urge myself, and then my brothers and sisters in faith, to unswervingly perform the prayer of "ad-spirit", teach this to our families, relatives, neighbors and friends and hope for the reward of the Great and Almighty Allah

Namaz ad-dukha is an optional, but desirable prayer, for which a special time is allotted in the day.

This time comes when the sun rises and rises to the height of the spear (about 3.5 meters, half an hour after sunrise). The end of the namaz ad-spirit comes at noon and coincides with the lunch namaz. The best time for this prayer is after a quarter of daylight hours.

By His Grace, Allah Almighty has blessed believers with various types of worship, for which He has prepared a great reward for them. However, unfortunately, we often do not commit them due to various reasons: lack of iman, laziness, lack of time, busyness, ignorance, etc. Therefore, when preparing this material, I, first of all, hoped to remind myself, and then my fellow believers about the need to stock up on such things every day that we will most need on that Day, when "neither wealth, nor children will help in any way before Allah." Among such matters is the voluntary morning prayer, which in Arabic is called "ad-dukha".

2. Prayer "ad-spirit" and its other names
3. Time of the beginning and end of the prayer "ad-spirit"
4. Sharia law on the prayer of "ad-spirit"
5. The number of rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer
6. Reliable Hadiths on the Merit of the Ad-Dukha Prayer
7. Reliable legends about the performance of the prayer "ad-spirit" by the Companions
8. Collective performance of the ad-dukha prayer in the mosque is a religious innovation

1. Definition of the word "ad-spirit"
The word "ad-spirit" has several meanings:
(1) first half of the day to noon, morning.
“On the Day when they see him, it will seem to them that they have spent only evening or morning in this world” (Surah al-Naziath, ayah 46) Ibn Abbas said: “As for 'evening' (ashiya), this is the period from noon to sunset. As for the "morning" (spirit), this is the period from sunrise to noon "(" Tafsir "by Ibn Kathir).
(2) sun shine
“I swear by the sun and its morning radiance” (surah “ash-Shams”, ayat 1). The Mujahid said: "That is, I swear [by the sun] and its radiance." ("Tafsir" Ibn Kathir).
(3) daylight, day.
“He made the night of it (the sky) dark and brought out its daylight” (Surah al-Naziath, ayah 29). Ad-Dahhak said: "i.e. brought out the day. " Ibn Zeid said: “Ie. shine of the day. " ("Tafsir" at-Tabari).
According to the definition of the explanatory dictionary of the Arabic language "Lisan al-Arab", the additional morning prayer "ad-spirit" received this name because of the period of time in which it is performed, i.e. when the sun is in the sky in the morning.
2. Prayer "ad-spirit" and its other names
In the Sunnah, this prayer has a number of names: morning prayer (salat ad-dukha), prayer of the often repentant (salat al-awwabin), prayer of the beginning of the day (salat ad-dahwa), prayer of sunrise (salat al-ishraq), morning praise ( subha ad-spirit). The hadiths in which these names are mentioned will be given below.
3. Time of the beginning and end of the prayer "ad-spirit"
The time for the "ad-spirit" prayer begins from the moment when the sun rises to the height of a spear, and continues until almost noon.
As Sharia proof, one can cite a long hadith from Amr ibn Abasa, may Allah be pleased with him, to whom the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Perform the sunrise prayer, and then refrain (from prayers) until the sun appears (over horizon) and will not rise to the height of a spear (rumh) or two spears, for it rises between the two horns of the shaitan, and unbelievers worship him (i.e. the sun - approx. D.Kh.) (at this time). Then pray as much as you wish, for this prayer will have witnesses (and the reward for it) is written down until the shadow of the spear is equal to it in length, then refrain (from prayers), for Hell (at this time) is kindled, and its gates are thrown open ”(al-Bayhaqi, al-Hakim, Ibn Khuzeima, etc.).
Modern scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, have determined the length of the spear (rumh) and the time of the onset and end of the ad-spirit prayer according to our usual calculation. In particular, Sheikh al-Albani was asked about the length of the spear mentioned in the hadith, and he replied: “The height of the spear is two meters according to the current system of measuring length” (“al-Mawsua al-Fiqhiyya” by Hussein al-Uweish). Sheikh Ibn Useymin, in turn, said: “The time of this prayer comes after the sun has risen above the horizon to the height of a spear, when it is seen with one's own eyes, and ends shortly before noon. In other words, the time for the ad-spirit prayer begins twenty minutes after sunrise and ends five to ten minutes before noon. It is better to perform this prayer closer to noon "(commentary to" Forty Hadith al-Nawawi ").
The desirability of performing the ad-dukha prayer closer to noon is indicated by the following hadith: “Al-Qasim al-Sheibani narrated that, having seen some people who performed the ad-dukha prayer, Zayd ibn Arkam, may he be pleased with him Allah said: “Indeed, they knew that it was better to perform this prayer at another hour, because the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:“ [The time] for the prayers of often repentant [comes when] [the earth begins to] burn [ paws] camel ”(Muslim).
4. Sharia law on the prayer of "ad-spirit"
Prayer “ad-dukha” is desirable (mustahabb) and according to the degree of accomplishment refers to the godly deeds that the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, did constantly and rarely left (sunna mu'akkada). Imam Muslim called one of the chapters in his collection of hadiths "al-Sahih" as follows: "The chapter on the desirability of performing the ad-dukha prayer."
5. The number of rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer
As follows from the hadiths, the smallest number of rak'ahs of the ad-dukha prayer is two. As for the largest number of rak'ahs in this prayer, Muslim scholars disagreed.
One group of scholars relied on the hadith about the actions of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in which the maximum number of rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer is eight. In particular, this is reported in the hadith, which was narrated by Abdurrahman ibn Abu Leyla: “No one told me that he saw how the prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, performed the“ ad-spirit ”prayer, except for Umm Hani, which She said that on the day of the conquest of Mecca, the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, entered her house and performed eight rak'ahs ”(al-Bukhari, Muslim).
This hadith is given in more detail in the Saheeh of Muslim from Abdullah ibn al-Harith ibn Nawfal, who said: “[At one time] I asked questions [many] people, wanting to find someone to tell me how I prayed “Ad-spirit” the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, but he could not find [such a person]. However, [I still managed to do it, and] Umm Hani bint Abu Talib informed me that when on the day of the conquest of Mecca the sun had already risen high enough, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, they brought [a piece of] cloth that he used to hide [from prying eyes], after which he performed a full ablution. [Umm Hani said]: “He then proceeded to prayer, which consisted of eight rak'ahs, and I do not know which [of the pillars of his prayer] took longer, for [the duration] of his standing was approximately equal to [the length of] the bow and prostration ". [She also] said, "And I have not seen him perform [such a prayer] either before or after that."
The second group of scholars relied on the hadith, which conveyed the words, not the actions of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, about the prayer of “ad-spirit”. The maximum number of rak'ahs in this hadith is twelve. Abu Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Whoever performs two rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer will not be recorded among those who neglect. Whoever makes the four rak'ahs of the “ad-spirit” prayer will be recorded from among the worshipers. Whoever performs the six rak'ahs of the “ad-spirit” prayer, they will be sufficient for him during this day. Whoever makes eight rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer, Allah writes him down from among the obedient. Whoever makes twelve rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer, Allah will build him a house in Paradise ”(at-Tabarani). However, due to the presence in the isnad of this hadith of one transmitter, about which the opinions of the muhaddiths differed, this hadith is among the weak.
The third group of scientists believed that there is no limit on the maximum number of rak'ahs "ad-dukha", relying on the hadith transmitted by Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: “Usually the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, performed the ad-dukha prayer in four [rak'ahs, but sometimes] he added to it as many rak'ahs as Allah wanted ”(Muslim).
6. Reliable Hadith on the Merit of the Ad-Dukha Prayer
1. Uqba ibn Amir al-Juhani, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that, according to the words of Allah, His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, Allah Almighty said: “O son of Adam! It is enough for you to complete four rak'ahs for Me at the beginning of the day, and through them I will deliver you [from troubles] until the end of your day! " (Ahmad, Abu Ya'la).
2. Abu Darda and Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with them both, reported that, as reported by the words of Allah, His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the Almighty and Blessed Allah said: “O son of Adam! Do not postpone [because of weakness and laziness] performing four rak'ahs for Me at the beginning of the day, and I will save you [from troubles] until the end! " (at-Tirmidhi, Ahmad).
3. Abu Murrah at-Taifi, may Allah be pleased with him, said that, according to the words of Allah, His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Allah Almighty said: “O son of Adam! Make four rak'ahs for Me at the beginning of the day, and I will deliver you [from troubles] to the end! " (Ahmad).
4. Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As, may Allah be pleased with them both, narrated: “(Once) the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, sent a detachment on a military campaign, which captured the spoils of war and quickly returned back. Then the people began to discuss the proximity of the place where this detachment made a campaign, the rich booty that fell to its soldiers, and their quick return home. Hearing this, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Shouldn't I point you to the place of the campaign, which is even closer, to the prey, which is even richer, and to the return, which takes even less time? Anyone who performs ritual ablution (wudu), and then goes to the mosque to perform the morning prayer of praise (subha ad-dukha), his place of campaign will be even closer, he will get even more booty, and he will quickly return back "(Ahmad, at -Tabarani).
5. Abu Hureira, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: “(Once) the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, sent a detachment on a military campaign, which captured rich spoils of war and quickly returned back. Then a man said: “O Messenger of Allah! We've never seen the squad return so quickly and with such rich prey! Who is in this detachment ?! " Having listened to him, the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, replied: “Wouldn't I tell you about someone who is returning even faster than they, and who got even more booty? The person who performs the ritual ablution in the best way, and then goes to the mosque, where he performs the obligatory sunrise prayer, and after it - an additional morning prayer, returns even faster and gets even more booty "(Abu Yal'a, al-Bazzar, Ibn Hibban).
6. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: “The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, bequeathed three things to me, and I will not leave them until my death: fast for three days every month, perform two rak'ahs of the“ hell ”prayer. spirit "and perform the Vitr prayer before going to bed." (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).
7. Abu Zarr, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Each of you should give sadak for your bones. Each tasbih (ie, pronouncing the words “Subhana-Llah”) is a sadaqa, each takhmid (ie, pronouncing the words: “al-hamdu li-Llah”) is a sadaqa, each tahlil (ie pronouncing the words: "La ilaha illa-Llah") is sadaqa, each takbir (ie, uttering the words "Allahu akbar") is sadaqa, motivation for the approved is sadaqa and withholding from the condemned is sadaqa. All this can be replaced by the performance of two rak'ahs of the ad-spirit prayer ”. (Muslim).
8. Buraydah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: "A person has three hundred and sixty joints, and for each of them he must give sadaka." People asked: "Who can do it, O Prophet of Allah ?!" Then he replied: “To fill up the spit in the mosque (is sadaqa), remove an obstacle from the road (is sadaqa). But if nothing was found, then two rak'ahs of the “ad-spirit” prayer will replace all this for you ”(Abu Daud, Ahmad, etc.).
9. Abu Umamah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “Whoever left his house in a state of ritual purity to perform the obligatory prayer will receive a reward similar to the reward of one who performs Hajj and is in ihram. And whoever went out to pray the praise of the “ad-spirit”, and only she forced him to leave (from the house), awaits a reward similar to the reward of one who commits ‘die. And whoever makes prayer after prayer, without idle talk in between, his record (good deeds will be) in the upper reaches of the seventh heaven ”(Abu Daud).
10. Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Who will perform the sunrise prayer with a group of Muslims (jama'a), and then will sit and remember Allah until he rises the sun, after which he will make two rak'ahs, he will be rewarded for both the Hajj and the death. " Anas further said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:“ ... completely, completely, completely ”. (at-Tirmizi).
11. Zayd ibn Arqam, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allaah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: "[The time] of prayer of often repentant [comes] when [the earth begins] to burn [paws] of camels."
12. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said: “No one will unswervingly perform the prayer of“ ad-spirit ”, except the one who often repent.” And he also said: "Truly, she is the prayer of the often repentant!" (Ibn Khuzaimah, at-Tabarani, al-Hakim).
7. Reliable legends about the performance of the prayer "ad-spirit" by the Companions
1. Masruk narrated: “We read the Koran in the mosque, and people began to read the Koran after standing (in prayer) Ibn Masud. Then we got up and performed the “ad-spirit” prayer. News of this reached Ibn Mas'ud, and he said: “Servants of Allah! Do not lay on the servants of Allah what Allah did not lay on them! If you really need to perform (this prayer), then (do it) in your homes! ” (Ibn Abu Sheiba).
2. Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad narrated that Aisha closed the doors behind her, after which she performed the “ad-dukha” prayer. (Ibn Abu Sheiba).
3. Al-Qasim narrated that Aisha performed the “ad-dukha” prayer and performed it for a long time (Musaddad).
4. Zeid ibn Aslam narrated that Aisha performed eight rak'ahs, and then said: “Even if my parents were resurrected for me, I would not have left these (rak'ahs)” (Malik).
5. Ibn Abu Muleikah narrated that Ibn Abbas was asked about the prayer of “ad-spirit”, and he replied: “Indeed, it is (mentioned) in the Scripture of Allah, and there is nothing that could replace it, after which he read:“ In the houses that Allah has permitted to erect, His Name is remembered. He is glorified in them in the morning and before sunset ”(Surah al-Nur, ayat 36). (Ibn Abu Sheiba).
6. Shuba, a freedman of Ibn Abbas, narrated that Ibn Abbas asked: “Is the shadow already falling (to the ground)?” If they answered in the affirmative, he got up and prayed (Ibn Abu Sheiba).
7. Al-Harith ibn Nawfal narrated that Ibn Abbas did not perform the ad-spirit prayer. He further said: “Then I went to Umm Hani and told her:“ Tell him what you told me! ” Umm Hani replied: “On the day of the conquest of Mecca, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, came to my house. He ordered to pour water into a basin and bring a piece of cloth, which he used to hide from me, after which he performed a complete ablution. Then he sprayed the corner of the house and performed eight ad-dukha rak'ahs. His standing in these rak'ahs, bowing in the bow, bowing to the ground and sitting were approximately the same in duration and equal to each other. " Hearing this hadith, Ibn Abbas came out with the words: "I read what was between the two covers (ie the Koran - approx. D.Kh.), but I learned about the prayer of" ad-dukha "only now:" ... and they (the mountains) glorified with him (Daud) in the afternoon and morning (ishrak) ”(Surah Sad, ayah 18). And I kept asking myself [as I read this verse]: “What is ishrak ?!” After that Ibn Abbas began to say: “This is the al-ishraq prayer. (at-Tabari, Ibn Kathir). Similar legends from Ibn Abbas are given in the collections of at-Tabarani, al-Hakim and Ishaq ibn Rahaweikh.
8. It is narrated that Ibn Umar sat in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, until the day came, and at the same time he did not pray. Then he went to the market on his own business, and then returned to his family. Moreover, he first went to the mosque, where he performed two rak'ahs, and only then went home (Ibn Sa'd).
8. Collective performance of the ad-dukha prayer in the mosque is a religious innovation
The Mujahid narrated: “I entered the mosque with Urwa ibn al-Zubeir, where Abdullah ibn Umar was already sitting, leaning against Aisha's room. At this time, people in the mosque performed the ad-dukha prayer. Then we asked him about their prayer, and he answered: “Religious innovation (bid'a)” (Muslim, Ahmad, etc.). Imam al-Nawawi, in his comments to the Sahih Muslim, writes: “Al-Qadi (Iyad - approx. D.Kh.) and other scholars believed that Ibn Umar meant that when people openly perform this prayer in a mosque and specifically gather for her sake, then this is precisely a religious innovation, and not the very basis of the ad-spirit prayer.

In conclusion, I urge myself, and then my brothers and sisters in faith, to unswervingly perform the “ad-spirit” prayer, teach this to our families, relatives, neighbors and friends, and hope for the reward of the Great and Almighty Allah!

based on materials from musulmanin.com and islam-today.ru


The timetable for prayers indicates the time of Fajr and Shuruk. Shuruk time is the end of the Fajr prayer time. Since we cannot pray immediately after the onset of the shuruk, when can we perform the ad-spirit prayer? How many minutes should elapse after the Shuruk times indicated in the prayer schedule?


In the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world and only to believers - on that

To begin with, most classical scholars believe that prayer after sunrise (ishraq) is the same as the prayer of the ad-spirit. That is why in the classical Hanafi books these two prayers are not mentioned separately. (see: Abu Bakr al-Jassas, Ahkam al-Qur'an, 3/559).

Nevertheless, it is usually (especially among Muslims of the Indian subcontinent) that salting al-ishraq and salting ad-dukh are considered to be two different namaz. Ishraq prayer should preferably be performed immediately after sunrise, and ad-dukha prayer - later (see: Heavenly Ornaments, p. 143).

The meaning of this is that, in my humble opinion, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged [Muslims] to perform this prayer immediately after sunrise. Our lord Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever performed the morning (fajr) prayer in the jamaat, then sat reading dhikr until he ascended the sun, and then performed two rak'ahs, - they will receive the reward of those who performed the Hajj and die " ("Sunan" Tirmidhi, no. 586).

This hadith means that one should perform the desired prayer immediately after sunrise, and before that a person should sit in the same place where he performed Fajr and recite dua and other forms of dhikr. Then, when the sun fully rises, he should perform the Ishrak or ad-dukha prayer.

On the other hand, there are many hadiths that advise you to do this prayer later. The Fakih also mention that it is advisable to perform it in the middle of the morning (exactly in the middle between sunrise and zenith). Therefore, the Hanafi scholars on the Subcontinent considered that these are two different prayers, and we read about this in their books.

However, in the main classical books of the Hanafis, such as Radd al-Mukhtar, Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, and others, it is not said that salting al-ishraq and salting ad-spirit are two different prayers. These works say that this is the same namaz and it is called ad-dukha namaz.

The author of Umdat al-fiqh says one important thing in this connection. He writes that there are two different prayers of the ad-spirit. The first of these is known as namaz al-ishraq, the time of which begins after the sun has risen to the height of the spear and ends in the middle of the morning (that is, halfway between sunrise and zenith). This namaz is also known as the small ad-spirit prayer. The second prayer is known as the ad-dukha prayer, and its time also begins when the sun rises to the height of the spear, and ends with the zenith, although it is preferable to perform this prayer until mid-morning. This prayer is also known as the great ad-spirit prayer. According to most scholars of hadith and fakikh, if a person performs a prayer immediately after the sun rises to the height of a spear above the horizon, then this will be considered both the ishrak prayer and the ad-spirit prayer. However, if a person prays in the middle of the morning, this prayer is counted only as a prayer of ad-spirit (see: Sayyid Zawwar Husayn, Umdat al-fiqh (Urdu), 2/302).

In the light of these words from Umdat al-fiqh, as well as in the light of the views of the classical Hanafi fakikhs, we can say that Ishraq prayer and Spirit prayer are one and the same. However, if a person performs this prayer early when the sun has risen to spear height, he will earn an additional reward. And if he fulfills it later, it will still be considered a prayer of the ad-spirit. Therefore, many righteous people tried to perform the ad-spirit (or ishrak) prayer immediately after the sun rose to the height of a spear.

We see in various Hanafi books that they write about the ad-dukh prayer without mentioning two different prayers. For example, in Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya it says:

“And the namaz ad-dukha belongs to the desirable namaz. Its minimum is two rak'ahs, and the maximum is twelve rak'ahs. Its time is after sunrise and before the time when the sun is at its zenith (obstruction) " (Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya).

In many hadiths we are encouraged to perform adduh namaz:

Our lord Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that his beloved companion (the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised him to do three things: fast three days in each month, perform two rak'ahs ad-spirit and that I did vitr before going to bed. " ("Sahih" al-Bukhari, No. 1981).

Mistress Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed four rak'ahs during the spirit and added to this what Allah wished " (Sahih Muslim, no. 719).

Imam al-Haskafi mentions (and this is confirmed by Imam Ibn Abidin) that, while at least two rak'ahs, the minimum sufficient number of rak'ahs is four, because that is how much the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) usually did. (see: Radd al-Mukhtar, 2 / 22-23).

As for your question (how many minutes must elapse after sunrise to be able to perform the ad-dukh prayer), we answered it above. This prayer can be performed after sunrise, when the sun rises above the horizon to the height of a spear. This means the sun becomes bright and difficult to look at. This is approximately 15-20 minutes after sunrise.

And Allah Almighty knows best.

[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam

Darul Ifta

Leicester, UK

FROM in English translated by Malika Umm Yahya.

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