
A short story about London in English. London is the largest city in Europe; London is the largest city in Europe - Topic in English. History of London in English with Chronological Translation

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural center. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11,000,000 people. London is situated on the river Thames.

The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. The Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament.

The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there.

The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there.

London has many places of interest. One of them is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government. There one can see the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London. Big Ben is the real bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Another place of interest is Buckingham Palace. It's the residence of the Queen. There are many other places of interest in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. It’s impossible to describe all places of interest.

The best way to know London is to visit it.


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural center. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people. London is located on the River Thames.

The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded over two thousand years ago. London is traditionally divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, West End and East End.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. Westminster is the official part of aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and Houses of Parliament.

The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses located there.

The East End is an industrial area of \u200b\u200bLondon. There are many factories and the port of London.

London has many attractions. One of them is the Parliament Building, the seat of the British government. There you can also see the famous Big Ben clock tower, the symbol of London. Big Ben is a real bell that beats every quarter of an hour. Another attraction is Buckingham Palace. This is the Queen's residence. There are many other interesting places in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and of course the British Museum. It is impossible to describe all the sights of the city.

The best way to get to know London is to visit it.

They say about London that this is the place where a person goes to return more sad and wise and, possibly, to reconsider their ideals. Loneliness is coming to this city. People on the streets, shrouded in its mysterious charm, disappear into the fog and dissolve in it. Money is in New York, brothels are in Paris, but ideals are ideals only in London.

Essay on London

Hello, folks! Today I'd like to write some words about a place which I associate with fish, chips, a cup of tea, bad food, worse weather and Mary Poppins. If you are thinking about London, you are right!
As everyone knows London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on both banks of the River Thames, and it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. About 7 millions people live there. It draws people all over the world. Some come for holidays, some come for business or studying, but having seen London once, you fall in love with it forever.
Capital consists of 3 parts: the City, the East End and the West End.
The City is London "s commercial and business center. There is the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the head offices of numerous companies and corporations there. Thanks to them, the City is often referred to as" the money "of London.

The West End is full of the historical palaces as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker "s Corner, Kensington Gardens, St. James" s Park. In the West End is Buckingham Palace. Which is the Queen "s residence, and the Palace of Westminster which is the seat of Parliament. If you are in this part of the city you just have to visit the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London, St. Paul "s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches and The Grave of the Unknown Warrior.

In The East End you can find a great number of factories, workshops and docks. For example, St. Katharine "s Dock, close to Tower Bridge, is now an attractive marina surrounded by wine bars and restaurants. The East End is in many ways the" real "London. Those who live in the East End are often called Cockneys, ie true Londoners . They have got their own peculiar dialect and accent.

It’s impossible to describe all places of interest and the best way to know London is to visit it.

Essay on London

Hi people! Today I would like to write a few words about the place that I associate with fish, potatoes, a cup of tea, bad food, the worst weather and Mary Poppins. If you are thinking of London, you are right!
As you know, London is the capital of Great Britain. It is located on both banks of the River Thames and is the largest city in the UK and one of the largest in the world. It is home to about 7 million people. It attracts people from all over the world. Some come on vacation, some come for business or study, but once you see London, you fall in love with it forever.
The capital is divided into three parts: the City, the East End and the West End.
The City is the commercial and business center of London. It houses the Bank of England, the stock exchange and the head offices of numerous companies and corporations. Thanks to them, the City is often called the "money" of London.
The West End is full of historic palaces as well as famous parks: Hyde Park with its Speaker Corner, Kensington Gardens, St. James's Park. In the West End there is Buckingham Palace - the seat of the Queen and Westminster Palace, which is the seat of Parliament. If you are in this part of the city, you must visit the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the famous Big Ben clock tower, the symbol of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, the largest of English churches, and the tomb of the unknown warrior.
In the East End, you will find a huge number of factories, workshops and docks. For example, St. Catherine's Dock, located near Tower Bridge, is now an attractive marina surrounded by wine bars and restaurants. The East End is in many ways the "real" London. Those who live in the East End are often called Cockney, i.e. "Real Londoners". They have their own particular dialect and accent.
It is impossible to describe all the attractions and the best way to get to know London is to visit it.

Similar compositions

London is an old city.

It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. There has been a “London Bridge” in the same area ever since.

They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and later they had turned it into a large port and important trading center with a long wall of stone and brick. Inside the wall low houses were built with bright red tiled roofs.

The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison. Now it is a museum and also the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.

Time passed. London grew and became a great city. The coming of the railway changed London for ever. The first underground railway was opened in 1863 between Paddington and the City.

Today London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

There are many places of interest in it and this city is well worth visiting.

A Brief History of London

London is an ancient city. It grew up around where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. London Bridge still stands there.

They founded a Celtic settlement then known as Londinium, which later became a major port and an important trading center with a long wall of stone and brick. Low-rise buildings with bright red tiled roofs were built within the city walls.

The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and rebuilt in 1066 by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, royal residence and prison. It is now a museum and also a place where the crown jewels are kept.

As time went. London grew and became a big city. The arrival of the railroad changed London forever. The first underground railroad was opened in 1863 between Paddington and the City.

Today London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with many interesting places to visit and worth visiting.

London is the capital of Great Britain - a phrase known to everyone from school years and has long become synonymous with a superficial acquaintance with the English language. London is not only the UK, but also a great topic for a full essay in English. Writing an essay about London is asked not only at school, but also in English courses. Let's figure out how to describe the sights of London in English with translation and, most importantly, how to make it interesting.

London story outline

Any text turns out to be more coherent if you write (tell) it based on a previously prepared plan. We have compiled for you a list of several points that are important to highlight in your story about London. You can stick to the classic division of the story into three main parts:

  1. Introduction.

    What is this city? How old is London? What's its story? It is enough to answer the last question with a couple of interesting facts.

  2. Main part.

    What is London famous for and what can you see there? Of course, in the list of attractions it is important to name the most famous monuments, such as Big Ben, but it is important to add something personally on your own.

  3. Conclusion.

    In conclusion, you can express your personal attitude to the city.

Important sights of London

London is one of the world's tourist capitals. In addition, the city has a very rich history and, like any old tourist city, London has many must-see attractions for any tourist. We have tried to find 10 attractions for you, some of which are on the list of the most visited places in London, and others are not found in every travel booklet.

  1. Big Ben

    Big Ben is the tourist name for the clock tower of Westminster Palace. The official name of the tower is Elizabeth Tower. Big Ben is one of the most popular symbols of Great Britain, it is he who is most often used in advertising, souvenirs and to create the image of England in films.

  2. London Millenium Footbridge

    Pedestrian bridge over the Thames. The bridge was built in honor of the new millennium, hence its name.

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  3. Sherlock Holmes' apartment (The Sherlock Holmes Museum)

    Fans of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work know that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson lived at 221b Baker Street. It is at this address in London that the house-museum dedicated to the great detective has been located since 1990.

  4. London Eye

    The London Eye is one of the largest Ferris wheels in Europe. Located in the Lambeth area on the south bank of the Thames. From the height of the wheel (135 meters), a view of almost all of London opens up.

  5. Tower of London (Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, Tower of London)

    The Tower is one of the oldest buildings in London, a fortress that holds an important place in English history.

    "Throughout its history, the Tower of London has been a fortress, a palace, a repository of royal jewels, an arsenal, a mint, a prison, an observatory, a zoo, a place that attracts tourists." duke of edinburgh
  6. Highgate Cemetery

    One of the oldest cemeteries in London, where many famous people are buried, including Karl Marx, Douglas Adams and John Galsworthy. There are many legends and urban tales associated with Highgate Cemetery, which is partly due to the novel "Dracula", most of which was spent there.

  7. Buckingham Palace

    The official London residence of British monarchs. Now belongs to Elizabeth II. When the queen is in the palace, the royal standard flutters over its roof.

  8. Hyde Park

    Hyde Park is a royal park in the heart of London. For the British, this is a traditional place for festivities, celebrations and political meetings.

  9. Trafalgar Square

    Trafalgar Square is the very place in central London where the three most important streets of Westminster - Whitehall, Mall and Strand - converge. Demonstrations, rallies, as well as mass celebrations are held on Trafalgar Square.

  10. London National Gallery (The National Gallery)

    The London National Gallery is located in Trafalgar Square. The gallery contains more than 2,000 samples of Western European painting of the 13th - early 20th century. National Gallery of London is one of the three most visited art museums in the world.

  11. Useful words and phrases

    There are a number of words, names of expressions that can be used to make a story about the history and sights of London imaginative and complete. We have prepared for you a table with 20 such words and expressions with translation.

    English word / expression Translation into Russian
    capital capital
    changing of the Guard Changing of the Guard
    the Royal Family The royal family
    tea drinking at 5 o'clock 5 o'clock tea
    queen queen
    sight sight
    palace palace
    square square
    historical site historical place
    Thames Thames
    british accent British accent
    underground underground
    ancient ancient
    sunday lunch Sunday roast
    abbey Abbey
    Ireland Ireland
    celt celt
    anglo-Saxon / Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon
    Royal Borough of Greenwich Royal borough of greenwich
    Foggy Albion Misty Albion

    Example of a story about London (Topic about London)

    London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded by Romans more than two thousand years ago, so one of the oldest towns in the world.

    There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City, and Westminster. Westminster is the administrative center of London. The central part of London is full of sights. Almost every building, bridge, and every street have its own story. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Elizabeth II. Near the palace, there is a beautiful Hyde Park. Westminster Palace has a clock tower, better known as Big Ben. It is located along the Thames. There are many beautiful parks and squares in London.

    I think that London is very beautiful and I want to visit it someday. I want to see The Sherlock Holmes Museum and Highgate Cemetery by my own eyes. Also, I want to check is the English weather as misty and rainy as they said.

    Translation of the example

    London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded by the Romans over two thousand years ago, making it one of the oldest cities in the world.

    London is divided into four parts: West End, East End, City and Westminster. Westminster is the administrative center of the city. Central London is full of attractions. Almost every building, bridge and every street has its own history. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Elizabeth II. There is a beautiful Hyde Park next to the palace. The Palace of Westminster with its clock tower, best known as Big Ben, is located along the Thames waterfront. London has many beautiful parks and squares.

    I think London is a very beautiful city and I want to visit it one day. I want to see the Sherlock Holmes Museum and Highgate Cemetery with my own eyes. I also want to check if the English weather is as foggy and rainy as they say.

    Video on how to talk about London:

    Now test yourself and take the test to determine the level of English:

Nearly 2,000 years ago:

The Romans invaded Britain. They built a town beside the River Thames, and named it Londinium.

About 2 thousand years ago:

The Romans took over Britain. They built a city on the River Thames and named it Londinium.

By the year 200:

Londinium was the biggest town in Britain. It had a bustling market square, a fort for Roman soliders, and an arena where savage gladiator battles were fought.

By 200:

Londinium was the largest city in Britain, with a bustling market square, a fort for Roman soldiers and an arena for brutal gladiatorial battles.

Around 400:

The Romans left Britain. Over the next six hundred years, people called the Saxons, and then the Vikings, lived in London. Westminster Abbey was built.

Around 400:

The Romans left Britain. For the next 600 years, London was inhabited by the Anglo-Saxons and then by the Vikings. Westminster Abbey was built.


The Norman ruler William the Conqueror took control of England. Only around 15,000 people lived in London.

In 1066:

Duke of Normandy William the Conqueror took over England. About 15 thousand people lived in London.

London had developed into one of the world’s biggest cities, with around 80,000 people. Its twisting streets were alive with shops and stalls. Horses were bought and sold at Smithfield Market.

By 1300:

London has become one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of about 80 thousand people. Its winding streets housed shops and stables. Horses were bought and sold at Smithfield Market.

In the 1400s

In the 15th century:

The city's boundaries expanded by absorbing nearby villages. London is home to opulent mansions such as Banquet House and lively theaters, one of which is Shakespeare's famous Globe.

In the 1500s:

King Henry VIII had St. James's Palace built. Ships such as the Golden Hinde set sail from London's busy docks.

In the 16th century:

By order of Henry VIII, St. James's Palace was erected. Ships such as the Golden Hind set sail from London docks.

London history on english with translation in chronological order

1665 — 1666

The Great Plague and the Great Fire ravaged London.

In 1665-1666:

The Great Plague of London and the Great Fire of London destroyed London.

In the 1700s:

London was quickly rebuilt after the fire. Elegant houses were laid around spacious gardens. The riverbanks were crowded with factories, and the population boomed to around 6 million. Parts of London became miserable slums, festering with disease.

In the 18th century:

London was quickly rebuilt after the fire. The elegant homes are set around magnificent gardens.

At the beginning of the 19th century, numerous factories were built on the banks of the river, the population increased to 6 million people. Parts of London have become squalid slums, breeding grounds for disease.


In 1837, Queen Victoria moved into Buckingham Palace. Three years later, building began on the Houses of Parliament. Then, in 1851, an exhibition was held in Hyde Park to celebrate Britain's greatest achievements. The V&A and the Science Museum were built from its profits.

In 1830-1860:

In 1837 Queen Victoria moved to Buckingham Palace. Three years later, construction began on the Parliament Buildings. In 1851, an exhibition was held in Hyde Park to celebrate the great achievements of Great Britain. The Victoria and Albert Museum and Science Museum were built with proceeds from this exhibition.

The first underground train line opened in London. Steam trains rumbled over London's bridges, bringing thousands of new people into the city.

In 1863:

The first metro line opens in London. Steam locomotives swept across London bridges, bringing thousands of new residents to the city.

Early in the 1900s:

London's growing train network meant that the city itself grew too, as people moved to greener suburbs close by. Westminster Cathedral was built in 1903.

At the beginning of the 20th century:

The expanding rail network has spurred the city's growth, forcing Londoners to move to greener suburbs. Westminster Cathedral was built in 1903.

London was devastated by air raids. Over 20,000 Londoners died, and millions were left homeless. As the bombs fell, the British government met in the secret underground Cabinet War Rooms.

In the 40s of the 20th century:

London was destroyed by air raids. About 20 thousand people died, millions were left homeless. During the bombings, the British government sat in a secret underground bunker.

21st century:

The population of London is more than eight million people. Modern buildings such as 30 St. Mary Ax sit side-by-side with famous historic places.

In the 21st century:

The population of London is over 8 million. Modern buildings such as 30 Mary-ex Tower (Cucumber) are located next to the famous heritage of the past.


The history of London can begin with a fire that raged after midnight and quickly spread through wooden houses thanks to the wind. It was 1666 (see the picture on the left The Geat Fire of London, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest).

The exact number of victims is unknown to this day. According to rough estimates, at that moment they were left homeless and livelihood seventy thousand people.

Almost destroyed to the ground, the city was actively rebuilt. Optimism is not appropriate here, but the fire was good for him - thanks to this new tragedy, the plague that has mowed down the population of London since 1665 has receded. Before the fire, it was a city of dirty narrow streets, and already by the nineteenth century it was a solid metropolis with a population of six million. Agree, the figure is impressive even in modern times. The architects offered the ruler to re-plan the city, but for some reason it was decided to practically not change the plan.

The nobility began to move to a new trendy area near the royal residence - West End. East End was also actively built up, however, the wallets of the owners of the local houses were thinner, or even absent altogether. Wealthy mansions appeared in Piccadilly - before this countryside. Religious buildings were rebuilt in the new Baroque style. The wooden buildings were replaced by houses made of stone and brick. Moreover, a ban on wooden structures has been introduced. Now only doors and window frames could be wooden.

On the site of the burned down Westminster Abbey and the parliament building, the parliament, already known to us in its modern form, was erected. In 1859 the world famous Big Ben tower appeared on the map of London. The history of London in English does not explain why the tower has such a name, but it translates as a large bell.

Many people associate London not with the Tower or Trafalgar Square, but with a huge number of pubs, in each of which you can have a drink. However, this is not at all as fun and interesting as the commercials are trying to show us.

Like most major cities, nineteenth-century London was seriously overpopulated. Despite the fact that the middle class was growing and developing rapidly, the common people were mostly poor. The unemployed and the poor found rest and oblivion in drunkenness. As the history of London in English testifies, in those days one in eight Englishmen died of alcohol abuse. There is something to think about, and not only for the British.

The twentieth century became the time of large-scale buildings - luxury shops, shopping centers, office buildings, theaters, luxury hotels are being built. Mostly new rich buildings appear in the West End. Of course, the Second World War caused significant damage to the city. But, nevertheless, during the post-war historical areas were restored or renewed, international companies open their headquarters here.

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