
Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Bondarev biography. Biography of Colonel General Viktor Bondarev . Participation in hostilities

Since November 2017, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev was dismissed from his post and left the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, he will take the post of senator and will represent the interests of the Kirov region in the Federation Council.


Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev, born in 1959. His homeland is the village of Novobogoroditskoye, located near Voronezh. In 1977, he graduated from high school in the village. He spent all his childhood listening to the sounds of airplanes flying overhead. He could no longer think of any other profession. The future head of the VKS, Bondarev, had a burning desire to become a pilot, and after graduating from school he dreamed only of a flight school.

From 1977 to 1981 he was listed as a cadet at the Borisoglebsk Flight School named after Chkalov. From the first year he already began to fly an aircraft and continued his studies with good results.

In 1981, he served on distribution in Barnaul at the Higher Military Aviation School, where he served until 1989 and was in the position of flight commander. He was engaged in instructor work and does not regret it at all. He took an interest in his work. The future Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces (VKS) Viktor Bondarev knows perfectly well how to train a pilot so that he becomes a good specialist.

In 1989, he was sent to study at the Gagarin Flight Academy and in 1992 became its graduate. Since 1992, he continued to serve as part of the Borisoglebsk training center, where pilots were trained. He became a mentor of the educational institution in which he himself learned to fly. He served in this position until 1996.

From 1996 to 2000, he led the 899th flight regiment, 105th flight division, located near Voronezh.

As Commander-in-Chief

Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev became Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force in 2012. Thanks to his work, the flight fleet was updated, the flight crew was trained. The aviation fleet has been updated with new helicopters and aircraft, which have shown themselves well in Syria. Each new combat vehicle was refined and improved. Work began on the repair of old airfields. Airfields that were 40-50 years old received a new life.

After the creation of the VKS, the work became even more complicated, air defense systems and space units were added. Managing this entire structure was not an easy task. It was necessary to organize the work so that the combined troops could carry out combat missions. Sometimes this was not easy to do. But with the task set, the new united structure under the leadership of Bondarev V.N. coped.

Find out: Insignia in the Russian army and their classification

The Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Bondarev, planned the introduction of flight practice already starting from the 1st year of the flight school, just as it was in Soviet times. Now only sophomores are allowed to fly, which, according to Bondarev, is not true. The medical examination before admission to flights must be passed immediately, so that the cadet, in case of not passing it, has a chance to enter a civilian university. Now it takes 2 years before the cadet receives the final clearance to fly, but no one will return 2 years to him.

For two years of management in this position of the GK VKS Bondarev, a lot of work has been done to introduce new weapons. Aerospace Forces successfully mastered new types of space reconnaissance. The latest developments were used in the Syrian company. As a result, the Russian army was replenished with new generation combat vehicles.

Why did the layoff happen?

During his work in this post, he did a lot, but why was the dismissal of Bondarev Viktor Nikolaevich, the commander of the VKS from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces? The reason could be the tragedy that occurred in 2016, in which 92 people died. The plane on which the ensemble of Alexandrov and Dr. Lisa flew belonged to the Ministry of Defense. The investigation was not carried out at the level expected by the commander-in-chief of the Russian Federation. For this reason, the commander-in-chief of the VKS resigned.

The Commander-in-Chief, head of the aerospace forces of the Aerospace Forces, Viktor Bondarev, has recently represented the Kirov Region in the Federation Council. According to the senator, years of service in the army gave him an idea of ​​the issues that industrial enterprises face, he understands what plant managers are puzzled and what problems need to be addressed. But he was able to take such a post in the region due to the fact that he is a former military man in a high rank. According to the law of settled way of life, it is necessary to live in the region for at least 5 years, but it does not apply to the former commander-in-chief of the VKS.

Find out: Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin

Now Viktor Nikolayevich Bondarev is in excellent physical shape, he is still able to fly an airplane. In 2015, during the victory parade in Moscow, he was the pilot of the Tu-160, which soared over Red Square.

Successor: Andrey Vyacheslavovich Yudin
as Commander of the Air Force in the VKS Birth: December 7(1959-12-07 ) (59 years old)
Novobogoroditskoye village, Petropavlovsky District, Voronezh Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR Military service Years of service: - present tense Affiliation: Russia, Russia Type of army: Aerospace Force Rank:
Colonel General Commanded: Russian Air Force, Russian Aerospace Forces Battles: Afghan War;
First Chechen War;
Second Chechen War;
Russian military operation in Syria Awards:

Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev(born December 7, Novobogoroditskoye village, Voronezh region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation since August 1, 2015, colonel general. Hero of the Russian Federation ().


Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev was born on December 7, 1959 in the village of Novobogoroditskoye, Petropavlovsk District, Voronezh Oblast, RSFSR, USSR.

April 21, 2000 "for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in conditions involving a risk to life" was awarded the title of Hero Russian Federation.

From 2002 to 2004 he studied at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since May 2006 - Deputy Commander of the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Novosibirsk).

In May 2016, the Commander-in-Chief personally checked the reconstructed runway at the Privolzhsky military airfield. Bondarev performed a complex of aerobatics on the MiG-29 fighter: afterburner takeoff, half-turn, turn, “ear”, “slide”, “barrels”, “tube”.

On March 17, 2016, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin presented the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, with the Battle Banner of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Has a total flight time of more than 3 thousand hours. Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation. Cool qualification - " sniper pilot".

Briefing on the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria,
October 7, 2015
Opening of the monument to the former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force
A. M. Kornukov, July 1, 2015
Presentation of the standard of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force,
May 16, 2012
With President of Russia V.V. Putin
at the air show, August 11, 2012

Military ranks


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (April 21, 2000) - for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree
  • Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree
  • Medal "For military valor" I degree
  • Medal "For Distinction in Military Service", 1st class
  • Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" II degree
  • Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree

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. Site "Heroes of the Country".

An excerpt characterizing Bondarev, Viktor Nikolaevich

– How are you here? repeated Prince Andrew.
The flame flared brightly at that moment and illuminated Alpatych's pale and exhausted face of his young master. Alpatych told how he was sent and how he could have left by force.
“Well, Your Excellency, or are we lost?” he asked again.
Prince Andrei, without answering, took out a notebook and, raising his knee, began to write with a pencil on a torn sheet. He wrote to his sister:
“Smolensk is being surrendered,” he wrote, “the Bald Mountains will be occupied by the enemy in a week. Leave now for Moscow. Answer me as soon as you leave, sending a courier to Usvyazh.
Having written and handed over the sheet to Alpatych, he verbally told him how to arrange the departure of the prince, princess and son with the teacher and how and where to answer him immediately. He had not yet had time to complete these orders, when the chief of staff on horseback, accompanied by his retinue, galloped up to him.
- Are you a colonel? shouted the chief of staff, with a German accent, in a voice familiar to Prince Andrei. - Houses are lit in your presence, and you are standing? What does this mean? You will answer, - shouted Berg, who was now assistant chief of staff of the left flank of the infantry troops of the first army, - the place is very pleasant and in sight, as Berg said.
Prince Andrei looked at him and, without answering, continued, turning to Alpatych:
“So tell me that I’m waiting for an answer by the tenth, and if I don’t get the news on the tenth that everyone has left, I myself will have to drop everything and go to the Bald Mountains.
“I, prince, only say so,” said Berg, recognizing Prince Andrei, “that I must obey orders, because I always fulfill them exactly ... Please excuse me,” Berg justified himself in some way.
Something crackled in the fire. The fire subsided for a moment; black puffs of smoke poured from under the roof. Something else crackled terribly in the fire, and something huge collapsed.
– Urruru! - Echoing the collapsed ceiling of the barn, from which there was a smell of cakes from burnt bread, the crowd roared. The flame flared up and illuminated the animatedly joyful and exhausted faces of the people standing around the fire.
A man in a frieze overcoat, raising his hand, shouted:
- Important! go fight! Guys, it's important!
“This is the master himself,” voices said.
“So, so,” said Prince Andrei, turning to Alpatych, “tell everything as I told you.” And, without answering a word to Berg, who fell silent beside him, he touched the horse and rode into the alley.

The troops continued to retreat from Smolensk. The enemy was following them. On August 10, the regiment, commanded by Prince Andrei, passed along the high road, past the avenue leading to the Bald Mountains. The heat and drought lasted for more than three weeks. Curly clouds moved across the sky every day, occasionally obscuring the sun; but towards evening it cleared again, and the sun set in a brownish-red mist. Only heavy dew at night refreshed the earth. The bread remaining on the root burned and spilled out. The swamps have dried up. The cattle roared from hunger, not finding food in the meadows burned by the sun. Only at night and in the forests the dew still held, it was cool. But along the road, along the high road along which the troops marched, even at night, even through the forests, there was no such coolness. The dew was not noticeable on the sandy dust of the road, which was pushed up more than a quarter of an arshin. As soon as it dawned, the movement began. Convoys, artillery silently walked along the hub, and the infantry up to their ankles in soft, stuffy, hot dust that had not cooled down during the night. One part of this sandy dust was kneaded by feet and wheels, the other rose and stood like a cloud over the army, sticking to the eyes, hair, ears, nostrils and, most importantly, the lungs of people and animals moving along this road. The higher the sun rose, the higher the cloud of dust rose, and through this thin, hot dust it was possible to look at the sun, not covered by clouds, with a simple eye. The sun was a big crimson ball. There was no wind, and people were suffocating in this still atmosphere. People walked with handkerchiefs around their noses and mouths. Coming to the village, everything rushed to the wells. They fought for water and drank it to the dirt.
Prince Andrei commanded the regiment, and the structure of the regiment, the well-being of its people, the need to receive and give orders occupied him. The fire of Smolensk and its abandonment were an epoch for Prince Andrei. A new feeling of bitterness against the enemy made him forget his grief. He was completely devoted to the affairs of his regiment, he was caring for his people and officers and affectionate with them. In the regiment they called him our prince, they were proud of him and loved him. But he was kind and meek only with his regimental officers, with Timokhin, etc., with completely new people and in a foreign environment, with people who could not know and understand his past; but as soon as he ran into one of his former staff members, he immediately bristled again; became malicious, mocking and contemptuous. Everything that connected his memory with the past repulsed him, and therefore he tried in the relations of this former world only not to be unjust and to fulfill his duty.
True, everything was presented in a dark, gloomy light to Prince Andrei - especially after they left Smolensk (which, according to his concepts, could and should have been defended) on August 6, and after his father, who was sick, had to flee to Moscow and throw away the Bald Mountains, so beloved, built up and inhabited by him, for plunder; but, despite the fact, thanks to the regiment, Prince Andrei could think about another subject, completely independent of general questions - about his regiment. On August 10, the column, in which his regiment was, caught up with the Bald Mountains. Prince Andrey two days ago received the news that his father, son and sister had left for Moscow. Although Prince Andrei had nothing to do in the Bald Mountains, he, with his characteristic desire to inflame his grief, decided that he should call in the Bald Mountains.
He ordered his horse to be saddled and from the crossing rode on horseback to his father's village, in which he was born and spent his childhood. Passing by a pond, on which dozens of women, talking to each other, beat with rollers and rinsed their clothes, Prince Andrei noticed that there was no one on the pond, and a torn-off raft, half flooded with water, floated sideways in the middle of the pond. Prince Andrei drove up to the gatehouse. There was no one at the stone entrance gate, and the door was unlocked. The garden paths were already overgrown, and the calves and horses were walking through the English park. Prince Andrei drove up to the greenhouse; the windows were broken, and the trees in tubs, some felled, some withered. He called Taras the gardener. Nobody responded. Going around the greenhouse to the exhibition, he saw that the carved board fence was all broken and the plum fruits were plucked with branches. An old peasant (Prince Andrei had seen him at the gate in his childhood) was sitting and weaving bast shoes on a green bench.
He was deaf and did not hear the entrance of Prince Andrei. He was sitting on a bench, on which the old prince liked to sit, and beside him was hung a bast on the knots of a broken and withered magnolia.
Prince Andrei drove up to the house. Several lindens in the old garden were cut down, one piebald horse with a foal walked in front of the house between the roses. The house was boarded up with shutters. One window downstairs was open. The yard boy, seeing Prince Andrei, ran into the house.
Alpatych, having sent his family, remained alone in the Bald Mountains; he sat at home and read the Lives. Upon learning of the arrival of Prince Andrei, he, with glasses on his nose, buttoning up, left the house, hurriedly approached the prince and, without saying anything, wept, kissing Prince Andrei on the knee.
Then he turned away with a heart to his weakness and began to report to him on the state of affairs. Everything valuable and expensive was taken to Bogucharovo. Bread, up to a hundred quarters, was also exported; hay and spring, unusual, as Alpatych said, this year's green harvest was taken and mowed - by the troops. The peasants are ruined, some have also gone to Bogucharovo, a small part remains.
Prince Andrei, without listening to the end, asked when his father and sister left, meaning when they left for Moscow. Alpatych answered, believing that they were asking about leaving for Bogucharovo, that they had left on the seventh, and again spread about the farm's shares, asking for permission.
- Will you order the oats to be released on receipt to the teams? We still have six hundred quarters left,” Alpatych asked.
“What to answer him? thought Prince Andrei, looking at the old man's bald head, shining in the sun, and in his expression reading the consciousness that he himself understood the untimeliness of these questions, but asked only in such a way as to drown out his grief.
“Yes, let go,” he said.
“If they deigned to notice the unrest in the garden,” Alpatych said, “then it was impossible to prevent: three regiments passed and spent the night, especially dragoons. I wrote out the rank and rank of commander for filing a petition.
- Well, what are you going to do? Will you stay if the enemy takes? Prince Andrew asked him.
Alpatych, turning his face to Prince Andrei, looked at him; and suddenly raised his hand in a solemn gesture.
“He is my patron, may his will be done!” he said.
A crowd of peasants and servants walked across the meadow, with open heads, approaching Prince Andrei.
- Well, goodbye! - said Prince Andrei, bending over to Alpatych. - Leave yourself, take away what you can, and the people were told to leave for Ryazanskaya or Moscow Region. - Alpatych clung to his leg and sobbed. Prince Andrei carefully pushed him aside and, touching his horse, galloped down the alley.
At the exhibition, still as indifferent as a fly on the face of a dear dead man, the old man sat and tapped on a block of bast shoes, and two girls with plums in their skirts, which they picked from greenhouse trees, fled from there and stumbled upon Prince Andrei. Seeing the young master, the older girl, with fright expressed on her face, grabbed her smaller companion by the hand and hid behind a birch together with her, not having time to pick up the scattered green plums.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces in the near future will be appointed the commander of the Russian group in Syria, Colonel-General, reports citing two sources in the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“Colonel General Surovikin will take up the duties of Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces from October this year,” the agency writes. The military department clarified that this information had already been brought to the attention of the leadership of the Aerospace Forces.

Rumors that Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, will leave his post in the near future have been circulating in the media for a long time. At the same time, the military commander in the domestic military aviation has sharply increased the accident rate of flights, sources told Gazeta.Ru among the military. According to the interlocutors of the publication,

the number of air crashes in other years simply went off scale, which gave rise to Russian military aviators to call the most "bloody" commander-in-chief in recent years.

Earlier, some publications considered possible candidates to be proposed for the vacant seat of the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces. Among them were the chairman of the scientific and technical council, Lieutenant General Igor, and the commander of the Space Forces, Colonel General Alexander Golovko.

At the same time, Colonel-General Surovikin was considered as the least possible candidate for filling the post of commander-in-chief of the VKS. At the same time, allegedly, the main obstacle to the promotion of the general to this high post was his combined arms origin.

However, the sources of Gazeta.Ru, who are well acquainted with the situation, assessed the chances of Lieutenant General Makushev to be appointed to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces as practically zero. With all his considerable positive merits, Makushev is frankly not drawn to this high position. It's just that this military leader does not have the necessary leadership qualities, say experts who are well acquainted with the general.

Uncomfortable Candidate

A significant part of the generals and officers of the Aerospace Forces took a breath with great relief when they learned that the appointment of a colonel general would not take place either. And the officers and generals of the VKS have every reason to judge in this way.

In particular, in 2001, representatives of the Space Forces headed the Aerospace Defense Forces. Never before had they had anything to do with these troops and had no deep understanding of them.

This kind of troops for them was completely unfamiliar and alien. Therefore, the decisions of representatives of the Space Forces, when they led formations unusual for them, were, to put it mildly, controversial.

For example, they took the lion's share of the funds from the accounts of the aerospace defense, and Gazeta.Ru reported earlier, to the creation of the so-called Hardware and Software Complex for Aerospace Defense (PAK aerospace defense). Outwardly, it looks very impressive - displays, screens, illumination from numerous light bulbs and scoreboards, but from a combat point of view, its effectiveness, if not zero, is at least doubtful.

Today, the Space Forces include the 15th Army of the Special Purpose Aerospace Forces, which consists of the Main Center for Space Situation Intelligence (GC RKO), the 153rd Main Test Space Center named after G.S. Titov (GICC) in the city of Krasnoznamensk, the 1st State Test Cosmodrome of the Ministry of Defense in Plesetsk, the Main Missile Attack Warning Center (MC PRN), as well as the 28th Arsenal in Tambov.

All command posts in this type of troops are occupied by "cosmonauts", that is, people from the GICC. Specialists of the missile attack warning system and other structural units of the Space Forces, in the best case, in this state of affairs, can only rise to the rank of colonel. All other paths are closed to them. In many respects, a similar picture has developed due to the personal preferences of the leadership of this type of troops.

So if the “cosmonauts” were at the head of the Aerospace Forces, they would instantly turn over the entire budget of the Aerospace Forces in their favor and place their people in all key positions, as is currently the case in the 15th Army of the Aerospace Forces for Special Purposes.

All other types of troops (forces) of the VKS would be in the position of poor relatives. And, it must be said frankly, such a picture would be typical for any other specialist general nominated for the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, and not only a representative of the Space Forces.

Compromise figure

Information has appeared in some publications that military pilots will perceive the appointment of Colonel General Sergei Surovikin to the post of commander-in-chief of the VKS with irritation. However, at present, up to nine types of troops and seventeen types of support can be counted in the Aerospace Forces.

Without any exaggeration, today it is a pronounced interspecific combined arms structure.

As previously Gazeta.Ru, the components of the Aerospace Forces are very different organisms. The competencies of a single commander-in-chief (even a native of the arms of the Aerospace Forces) with rich service experience and a broad outlook in the existing order of things will in many cases be frankly lacking. The pilot will be little familiar with the organization of air defense and completely unfamiliar with the troops of rocket and space defense. The pilot will also feel awkward, for example, in the Main Space Test Center. A native of air defense will be clearly uncomfortable in parts of the bomber, and even more so long-range aviation. And the commander-in-chief of the "cosmonauts" will be completely lost in the questions and problems of aviation and the air defense-missile defense forces.

Therefore, the appointment of a combined arms general as the head of such complex type The Armed Forces, which the Aerospace Forces are today, is quite possibly the only possible way out of this situation.

The strong side of combined arms commanders is precisely the fact that they view all branches of the Armed Forces and branches of service exclusively through the prism of the effective fulfillment of assigned combat and operational missions. They don't have any personal preferences. They cannot “unevenly breathe”, for example, towards artillerymen, motorists, specialists in electronic warfare or radiation, chemical and biological protection - for them all relatives, all their own, all the same and equally close and ultimately intended only for one thing - by joint efforts to succeed in armed confrontation.

In particular, at one time the country's air defense forces, consisting of fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops, were led for a long time by combined arms commanders - Marshals Sergei Biryuzov and Pavel Batitsky, Army General Ivan Tretyak. And these were, frankly, the best times for the Air Defense Forces.

In particular, when the Air Defense Forces were headed by Army General Tretyak, he immediately ordered to report to him how certain types of troops were financed and what their contribution to solving the tasks in peacetime and wartime was. And immediately discovered a lot of distortions and inconsistencies. Then the combined arms commander Tretiak balanced the allocation of the necessary funds,

moreover, he proceeded not from personal predilections, but exclusively from the interests of the cause and the contribution of each structural unit to the overall success.

Tretyak was neutral towards all branches of the military and evened out all the excesses and absurdities that were allowed by his aviator predecessors. He was concerned about only one thing - the unconditional fulfillment of the combat and operational tasks assigned to the Armed Forces.

Tretyak was very attentive to military science and the development of the Air Defense Forces. After him, the commanders-in-chief of the Air Defense Forces, the Air Force or the Aerospace Forces, if they remembered science, only when the question arose about their personal well-being or the fate of the branch of the Armed Forces.

As for the pilots at the head of the Air Force (VKS), the last strong and authoritative commander in chief of the Air Force seems to have been Air Chief Marshal Pavel Kutakhov. After him, no equal figures appeared in the Air Force (VKS). So aviators should not be offended by the appointment of a combined arms commander. Of the pilots over the past 25-odd years, the commander-in-chief has not advanced, comparable in quality and merits to Kutakhov.

Tasks and powers

The new commander-in-chief faces large-scale tasks. By and large, at present, the Aerospace Forces are - and Gazeta.Ru wrote about this earlier - a hodgepodge that does not have signs of a strict system. This semi-finished product, which was born in an atmosphere of fierce disputes and is to some extent a compromise between all participants in the discussion, is still very far from perfection and effective combat use for its intended purpose.

To begin with, it is probably necessary to clarify the functions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces in peacetime and wartime. Prior to Sergei Surovikin, the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces actually controlled only the Long-Range (DA) and Military Transport (VTA) aviation of the Aerospace Forces. The operational formations of the type of the Armed Forces (Army of the Air Force and Air Defense) were not subordinate to him. If we take into account that, in addition, DA and VTA are acting according to the plans of the General Staff, then here, too, the capabilities of the commander-in-chief of the VKS were very limited. In addition, it also controls the launch of spacecraft. Missile attack warning and space control systems operate almost autonomously. The Commander-in-Chief cannot currently order weapons for a branch of the Armed Forces.

So, to begin with, the new Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces needs to figure out his powers, functions and capabilities. Real combat experience will greatly help General Surovikin.

People who have been in the war have a completely different attitude to very many issues. His age also plays in favor of the general - General Surovikin is only 50 years old.

According to Gazeta.Ru, the appointment of a new commander-in-chief of the VKS is far from the last in a series of such reshuffles. In the near future, it is quite possible that a new commander-in-chief will be appointed. ground forces. In many respects, such appointments are due to the fact that a significant number of senior officers of the Armed Forces are at an age close to the limit of being in active military service. So a wave of reshuffles and nominations in the branches of the Armed Forces and the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense is simply inevitable.

Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces and dismissed from military service in connection with his transfer to the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev was born on December 7, 1959 in the village of. Novobogoroditsky, Voronezh region.

In 1981 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots (BVVAUL, now the Borisoglebsk Aviation Training Center for Flight Personnel named after V.P. Chkalov, Borisoglebsk, Voronezh Region), in 1992 - the command faculty of the Yu.A. Air Force Academy Gagarin (Monino, Moscow region), in 2004 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In 1981-1989 he was an instructor pilot, flight commander at the Barnaul Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. Air Chief Marshal K. A. Vershinin.

In the 1980s, as part of a limited contingent of a group of Soviet troops, he took part in military operations in Afghanistan.

After returning from Afghanistan - senior navigator, squadron commander in BVVAUL, deputy commander of an assault aviation regiment.

From September 1996 to October 2000 - Commander of the 899th Guards Assault Aviation Orsha twice Red Banner, Order of Suvorov III class. regiment them. F. E. Dzerzhinsky (Buturlinovka, Voronezh region).

In 2000-2002 - deputy commander, since 2004 - commander of the 105th mixed aviation division of the 16th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Voronezh).

In 2006 he became deputy commander, since June 2008 - commander of the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Novosibirsk).

In 2009, he was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

From July 2011 to May 6, 2012 - Chief of the General Staff - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

On May 6, 2012, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force (he replaced Colonel General Alexander Zelin in this post). On August 1, 2015, an order was signed to appoint Viktor Bondarev as Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces.

September 19, 2017 the head of the Kirov region. Igor Vasiliev signed a decree on vesting Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev with the powers of a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, a representative of the executive power of the region. In the Federation Council, Bondarev replaced the former representative of the region, Oleg Kazakovtsev.

Honored military pilot, sniper pilot, has a total flight time of more than 3 thousand hours. He mastered several types of aviation equipment, including the Aero L-29 Delfin training aircraft, the MiG-21 fighter, the Su-25 attack aircraft and its modifications. Participated in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region (performed about 400 sorties).

Hero of the Russian Federation (2000, "for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus"). He was also awarded the Order of Courage, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals. 0svk / sau.

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