
Love horoscope for Libra for November. Love horoscope for Libra for November Financial astrological forecast

November 2018 will be a month for Libras when they will be able to understand a lot of what has been happening to them lately. The horoscope warns that you will have to part with someone from your environment. And although at times it will be very difficult for you, in general this period will be very eventful and fruitful.

The main tasks of the month of the sign Libra

The Sun in November 2018 will take its place in the 2nd house of your horoscope - the area of ​​​​property and finance. It will give you a realistic outlook on life and the feeling that you have finally found solid ground under your feet. Libra will feel extremely confident and for the first time this year may not think about the sources of their income. The Libra horoscope for November 2018 advises not to look back at the mistakes you made in the past, but rather to pay attention to the new opportunities that life will open up for you. This applies to both professional and your personal sphere, where you can expect quite a lot of different surprises. In general, listen to your inner voice more. Take on only those projects that you feel interested in, pay attention to the person who is nearby, and boldly invest in a business that seems promising to you.

Horoscope for November 2018 Libra: study, business and contacts

Mercury in November 2018 will be a guest in the 3rd house of your horoscope - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner circle and travel. In the first half of the month, a rather busy and active lifestyle awaits you - you will meet new people, go on short-term business trips and receive information from various sources. As the horoscope for November 2018 predicts, Libra must be careful. The horoscope warns that in the middle of the second decade of the month, Mercury becomes regressive. Therefore, during this period, business trips and trips may turn out to be unsuccessful, and the information that you receive in the second half of the month will require additional verification - most likely it will not correspond to reality. By the way, you, too, at this time, try to follow your words and not promise more than you really can or will be ready to fulfill. Otherwise, as the horoscope says, you will find yourself in a not very pleasant situation.

Love and money of Libra in November 2018

Libras will be getting quite a few financially lucrative offers this month that shouldn't be turned down. This will allow you in November 2018 to practically forget about money problems for a while. Unless, of course, you are lazy. In November 2018, you can safely invest in expanding your business or in a business that your partners will offer you.

For the first half of the month, Venus in your second house continues to be regressive, and already on November 6, 2018, she returns to your 1st house - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personality of a person. The horoscope warns that the first 2 weeks of November 2018 will be quite difficult for your personal life. You may find that your partner does not have tender feelings for you at all, but is with you only out of selfish motives. Whether it is worth continuing such a relationship is up to you. Lonely representatives of the sign at this time also need to be more selective in their new acquaintances. Fortunately, according to the horoscope, in the second half of the month you will be able to attract the attention of a truly worthy person. That's just your requirements for it may be prohibitive.

Horoscope for November 2018 Libra: activity and health

In the first half of November 2018, Mars will continue to visit your 5th house - the area of ​​​​pleasure, entertainment, play, sex and children. But already on November 16, he moves to your 6th house - the sector of work and health. According to the horoscope of Libra, November 2018 is a period when any physical activity aimed at improving your body will be especially useful, whether it be morning jogging, therapeutic exercises or massage. By the way, the horoscope advises that if you have not undergone a preventive examination by doctors for a long time, then now will be the time to do it. Moreover, this month you may be disturbed by problems with the stomach and pancreas. If the results of the analyzes cause you doubts, then be sure to contact another specialist. Unfortunately or fortunately, doctors can also make mistakes.

Introducing the love horoscope - Libra for November 2018 (woman and man). This month will be a turning point for many representatives of the sign.

In November 2018, Libra is simply obliged to monitor their desires and behavior. Happiness directly depends on the desire to be with this person. You can rush into the pool of relationships, but you should not forget about the mind! Pleasure from relationships will overtake suddenly, and the warmth from it can warm even on the coldest rainy afternoon.

There comes a moment of courage when the fear of love and relationships must be cast aside forever. In this case, the fast-moving romance will suddenly develop into something more. Perhaps a few passionate days will develop into living together or end up with the creation of a new cell of society. Light, frivolous relationships can dramatically change direction in the last month of autumn. The stars advise the representatives of the sign not to keep feelings in check. Love always comes unexpectedly, and the moment won't always be right!

It is likely that the person from whom Libra expected mutual feelings will never show himself, but an unexpected partner will appear on the horizon. Perhaps it is he who will bring with him true happiness and the necessary harmony. Do not lose vigilance!

For family representatives of Libra, it's time for change. The monotony of life in marriage will lead to relationship fatigue, so on cold November days it makes sense to have a light fling outside the home. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to meet a partner for more serious intentions. Do not rush, put everything carefully on the scales.

If parting is still unavoidable, then it is more favorable to inform your partner about your decision in the second half of November. This is the perfect time to settle material matters peacefully and maintain fragile friendships. However, the first decade is better suited to restore lost feelings. Any wrongdoing at this time will be perceived more calmly, the likelihood of receiving forgiveness is much higher.

👩 Libra Woman

Women in November should be ready for the ocean of tenderness, passion and love, rocking them on their waves. A stable relationship is likely to develop in an unexpected but beneficial change. Light sympathy runs the risk of turning into passionate feelings. A long-forgotten admirer, for example, will sing a serenade under your balcony! Do not immediately refuse him, punishing for delay. This is exactly the man with whom true happiness is possible.

It will not be superfluous for Libra women to take a closer look at their regular partner. His behavior is suddenly surprising. The reason, most likely, lies in his past. New unknown facts can dramatically change the opinion of a lady.

New stormy romances, the renewal of old passions prophesy stars to free Libra girls. Do not be afraid to ride on the waves of love for pleasure and joyful everyday life.

Without the memory of loving representatives of the sign, despite the abundance of emotions and desires to spend a lot of time with their beloved, surprises await, it is possible that they are not always pleasant.

Free women will not stand aside, sensual relationships will also fall to their lot. And again, you should expect a partner from an unpredictable side! Those who have gone through a divorce, the stars are strongly advised not to lose heart. Just a few days can imperceptibly drastically change gray sad everyday life.

Married Libras can relax and enjoy family life. The partner is faithful to you as never before, and is sure to prepare a cute surprise!

👨 Libra Man

No less than women, Libra men will want warm feelings and sincere love. An irresistible desire to be happy will help to build relationships with former lovers or actively search for a new chosen one. Free representatives of the sign may not limit themselves in pleasures. However, you should not lose vigilance: there are too many scammers around, especially if you look for love through social networks.

Do not be surprised if suddenly one of the women confesses their passionate feelings. Most likely, such a relationship will turn into an easy and short romance.

Family Libra will have more reasons to spend time with their significant other this month. Even loud celebrations with family or friends will not prevent them from feeling loved and needed. Such moments perfectly contribute to strengthening family ties and maintaining warm relations between spouses.

Dedicate cold November evenings to self-development and gaining new knowledge. Through hard work, many troubles will recede.

Libra men, who have been tired by their partner with endless suspicions, scandals, will easily break the bonds that burden them in order to re-open themselves to love.

This was the love horoscope for Libra for November 2018 for women and men. Bookmark the astro forecast and tell your friends. 😉

For other zodiac signs

In the first half of November, autumn blues can cover you, the reason for this is not the gray sky and the rain outside the window. No need to justify your bad mood and apathy with bad weather. What the Libra horoscope promises for November 2018 is the topic of our today's material.

“Nature has no bad weather,” have you heard such a phrase? Many even like it when the summer heat subsides, and there is an opportunity to take a walk in the rain. They get positive feedback from it. If you do not feel joy from what surrounds you, then you need to make changes in your life. The symbol of this year is ready to support you in your endeavors.

In November 2018, it is better not to spoil relations with colleagues. One wrong word, said on emotions, and you will immediately make enemies among your colleagues. The stars are advised not to get involved in disputes, heated discussions, try to maintain neutral communication and only on work issues. Someone will definitely convey the words you said on emotions to the boss, which can have unpleasant consequences for you.

The main advice for Libra for November. Stop sitting on your hands. Do you want to improve your financial situation so that you have enough for a dress and a trip to Italy? It's time to take the initiative at work, to show management that you are a responsible employee. Just do not swear with colleagues, working in a team is easier to achieve stable results.

Aren't you tired of being alone? Maybe you should already open your heart to a tender feeling? But you should not actively look for a partner, frequent change of partners can lead to health problems.

Love horoscope for November 2018

Cupid is already tired of offering you candidates for boyfriends and is ready to give up. It seems to people from the outside that you have deliberately chosen the path of a loner for yourself. In fact, your loved ones know that your heart has long been waiting for a bright and pure feeling. But past relationships have left wounds on him, and each time it becomes more difficult for you to start a new relationship again.

Horoscope for Libra women

You and your young man have only recently been together, and you are already showing inattention to each other. It all starts small, small grievances can turn into big quarrels, which can be the beginning of the end of your relationship. Be more open to your young man. Communicate more, spend time together. Do not hide your feelings and emotions from your loved one, otherwise, in the end, he will no longer understand you, and your relationship will come to naught. And then all over again, suffering, tears. Do you need it? If the person is truly dear to you, try to keep your feelings.

Advice from a love horoscope. Married couples are spending more and more time at work. Are there really so many unresolved issues? Libra began to suspect her husband of treason. Don't act rashly, try to sit down and talk to your partner about what's going on in your relationship, be honest with him about your fears. In the second half of November, all your problems will be solved, peace and harmony will come to the family.

Horoscope for Libra men

You need to work on yourself. The woman of your dreams will not appear out of nowhere. To meet her, you need to regularly get out in public places. Sitting at home, you can communicate on social networks, in extreme cases, you can register on dating sites. You will not find anyone, so you will raise your self-esteem.

Financial horoscope for November 2018

Your boss knows you as a responsible employee. In the first decade of the month, success in the professional field awaits you. Put in a little more effort, and a promotion or bonus won't take long. Follow the signs that fate throws at you, and everything will work out for you.

You will have a conversation with your boss about your future prospects and plans in the company, you will receive well-deserved praise for your efforts. Not everyone at work will be happy with your success. Unfortunately, those who succeed have envious people. You can not avoid talking behind your back from colleagues applying for the same position as you. Do not stoop to the level of envious people, this is not your way of fighting. With honor, go to the intended goal, and remorse will not touch you.

Recommendation: November will be a good month for big projects and deals. You have worked hard and managed to save a significant amount. The time has come to dispose of it. Be attentive to the people you take as partners, work only with trusted people. Otherwise, it is likely that you will lose not only money, but a significant amount of your nerve cells. Let things take their course, don't rush. The stars recommend that Libra try his hand at some other project, so you will get invaluable experience, and perhaps even make money.

November 23, on the day of the full moon, do not make major transactions, do not make important business meetings, this day is not suitable for new beginnings. If you are planning to make a major purchase, then approach this with all responsibility so as not to incur financial expenses higher than those that you planned. Contact professionals, ask a lawyer to check the necessary documents.

Health Horoscope for November 2018

In November, pay special attention to hygiene rules, there is a chance of catching an infectious disease. It seems to your loved ones that you do not remember them. Forget at least for dad days about work. Call your relatives, friends and invite them on a trip to the forest or park. Make it a rule to meet at least once a week with people who are dear to you and who care about you. Put away mobile phones, laptops, tablets, communicate with each other, fresh air and nature.

Advice. Libra, stop sitting on the couch and watching TV shows, a new gym has opened not far from your house, isn't it time to go there? So what if you're a little out of shape and outwardly losing to fit regulars of the sports club. Let this be your motivation to work on yourself.

Pay attention to your diet, add more fruits and vegetables to it, which contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. But it is better to refuse fatty and salty foods. If insomnia has begun to torment you, do not immediately run to the pharmacy for sleeping pills. Perhaps you have unused energy at the end of the day. Try to find a use for it. Start jogging or visiting a dance studio in the evenings, or you can pour yourself a hot bath and read a book. Before going to bed, make yourself herbal tea, and insomnia will be removed as if by hand.

  • Auspicious days: 1, 4, 6, 11, 14, 18, 22, 27, 30.
  • Bad days: 2, 8, 9, 17, 20, 26, 28.

What else do astrologers advise Libra in November 2018?

  • From 1.11 to 8.11. A great time to visit government agencies, communicate with management. The active actions of Libra and their professional qualities will help to conclude new business relationships. The commercial transactions made this week will definitely bring results. If you work for a government organization, your drive and enthusiasm will help you move up the corporate ladder. In the second half of the week, relations with one of your family members may worsen. By the end of the week, serious injury is possible. Be careful.
  • From 9.11. to 15.11. The second week of November promises you a pleasant meeting, an unexpected acquaintance. In the future, thanks to her, you will be able to successfully conclude a major contract with partners. You should not think much about your love relationship with the chosen one. You're making up problems that don't really exist. And unreasonable claims to a partner can only worsen your relationship. Do not refuse invitations to visit, have a good time and meet interesting people.
  • From 16.11. until 23.11. The week will be good for you. Listen to the advice that you get from people close to you, colleagues, they will help you solve difficult problems in the future. Expect an interesting date that your chosen one will suit you. He came up with something amazing. Just don't sulk at him for coming up with it before you did. Think of your loved ones, call them or visit them. They are waiting for your attention.
  • From 24.11. to 30.11. The time has come to engage in your self-development, to make new useful acquaintances. You will be on the shoulder of any difficulties. You will spend a lot of time on business trips, at meetings and negotiations. Fortune will smile at you, you will have a chance to win the lottery.

Monthly horoscopes for all zodiac signs

Published: 2018-10-18 , Modified: 2018-11-07 ,

As the horoscope for November 2018 says, Libra will be able to prove himself as a real master, a practitioner who understands what he wants to achieve. Such a position will bring good luck, the representatives of the sign will see that they are still moving only forward, and the desired goal is already close.

Auspicious days: 3, 5, 9, 18, 24.

Unfavorable days: 1, 7, 14, 16, 21, 22, 25, 30.


Libra November 2018 will be held in a nervous atmosphere. They feel that they are still full of energy inside, but a constant feeling of vague anxiety does not allow them to move in the desired direction. Astrologers recommend finding a way to relax. You can’t constantly be in suspense, this will lead to moral exhaustion, possibly to a nervous breakdown.

In November, you need to take care of your health. If possible, you need to drink a course of vitamins, undergo a preventive examination. All general strengthening programs will be beneficial for the state of health.

Scales are prone to allergic reactions, so you should not experiment with new cosmetics. It is better to try new things gradually, it is not so traumatic for the body.


Libra's working horoscope for November 2018 shows that it's time to show all your professional skills and previously acquired knowledge. This month, you need to create a reputation as a conscientious, responsible employee who can perform complex tasks. The management will not only materially appreciate such efforts, but in the future there is an option for career growth.

Libra must be prepared for the fact that others will be changeable in their own opinions. This may have a negative impact on the work process, but this should also be taken with the utmost restraint and calmness. If a person fails to curb his own ambitions, a conflict will flare up, where the parties will not want to look for compromise solutions. So fruitful, long-standing cooperation can be broken.

Representatives of the sign, faced with professional problems, should not despair, everything will be resolved in December. Now it is better not to make rash decisions.

Libras in leadership positions should take a closer look at their subordinates. Their independence and initiative are not always beneficial to the common cause. It may be worth stopping such acts of arbitrariness. If conflicts arise, it is better to say goodbye to such employees, otherwise the damage to the cause will be much greater.

Astrologers do not advise Libra, who holds positions of employees, to be nervous a lot, fuss will lead to nothing, and November is not the best time for drastic changes.


The material crisis is not terrible for Libra in November. Amounts that ensure a decent life will regularly be credited to the account. With a reasonable handling of funds, it will be possible to make a good accumulation. All purchases made this month will be successful and will not cause a significant blow to the budget.

Libra will be able to literally intuitively feel in November where it is better to invest money in order to get a good profit in the future. Astrologers note that some will go to fraud for the sake of the desired profit. It is better for Libra not to advertise to others the real amounts of their income.

Small savings can provide a decent life for the whole family, where no one will need anything. Additional income can be obtained from the sale or rental of housing.


After reviewing the love horoscope for November 2018, Libra will see that this period is perfect to establish a romantic relationship with your soulmate. Those who have not yet met their love should spend more time in friendly companies. There is a high probability of meeting a kindred spirit in the circle of acquaintances.

Lovers Libra will rush from side to side. It is difficult for them to understand what is more important: the closeness of another person or personal freedom. Such inconsistency will lead to conflicts. It is worth listening to yourself, making the final choice.

Some Libras will promote relationships without commitment. They will see that they look attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and they will definitely take advantage of this. For some, after such connections, there will be more problems than before.

In relations with children, you need to find a middle ground, you can not alternate the methods of prohibitions and strict limits with permissiveness and connivance. All this will lead to a string of problems in the future. You need to play more with children, delve into their hobbies, try to give the child separate tasks, accustoming them to independence within reasonable limits.

Man - Libra

The compiled horoscope for November 2018, Libra - a man can view in advance, having learned that the second half of the month will require serious, important decisions from him. You need to concentrate as much as possible, delving into the essence of each issue.

You should not get hung up on what others say, their opinion changes very often, and it is stupid to adapt to them. A man needs to work hard on himself, eradicating negative character traits.

If you receive promising proposals, you need to look at them carefully, and then draw final conclusions. Hasty decisions are not always beneficial.

Woman - Libra

Reading the horoscope for November 2018, Libra - a woman finds out that fatigue caused a feeling of weakness and weakness. You need to find time for a good rest. Some during this period will go on short-term business trips, they will help unwind, bring interesting acquaintances.

During this period, you need to listen to your relatives, they want the best and will not advise nonsense. Do not be led by your pride, it does not always prompt correctly.

Star forecasts can be accurate or approximate, because it depends only on a person in which direction he will turn his fate.

With the advent of the last month of autumn, a lot will change in the life of representatives of your Zodiac sign. Under the influence of the Sun (which is noted in the horoscope of Libra as the ruling planet of November), your aura and charisma will increase. Thanks to personal charm, you will be able to achieve your goals and conquer peaks that you could not even dream of before!

The horoscope for November 2018 Libra states that you need to fulfill your little desires more often. An excessively ascetic lifestyle should not be led - this can make even the most cheerful person become discouraged! In addition, in the first decade of the month, the influence of Jupiter and Venus noticeably increases, which indicates that Libra will have the opportunity to participate in a whole series of parties and friendly meetings.

If in the first half of November 2018 the life of Libra will be more like a holiday, then in the second half of the month the horoscope portends you hard and painstaking work. Not only that - there is a possibility that you will have to replace a colleague who gets so inopportunely ill! But know that your work will not be in vain - a solid bonus at the end of the month will allow you to realize all your desires. In addition, you can save money for the New Year's table and gifts for loved ones.

Good luck will accompany: 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 23, 28

Dangerous days in November 2018: 12, 13, 24, 29

Libra is lucky in love: 9, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27

November numbers good for shopping: 11, 14, 15, 19, 23, 26, 27, 28

Talismans for the sign Libra for November 2018

A rock: Garnet

November color: Scarlet

Mascot: Svarozhich

Plant: Lilac

Name: Michael

November animal: Hare

Number: 9

Libra November 2018 - work and career

There is good news for those representatives of your zodiac sign who have long wanted to make a career. According to the horoscope for Libra, in November 2018 your chances of success will increase significantly! The astrological forecast shows that you will have the opportunity to participate in an interesting project that promises considerable profit. If you cope with the tasks assigned to you, then career advancement is almost guaranteed for you.

It is advisable to schedule all important meetings, negotiations with clients, suppliers and other contractors for the second half of November 2018. In the second and third decades of the month, Mercury will patronize Libra, so all matters related to negotiating and concluding contracts will be successful.

In November 2018, the horoscope advises Libra entrepreneurs to exercise extreme caution. It is possible that competitors will try to set you up. Hurry up and run a good advertising campaign if you don't want to be surprised to see how your regular customers are transferred to your "friends" in business. At the end of November, it will be possible to deal with personnel changes.

Money, material prospects

It is desirable for family Libras to coordinate all major purchases with their spouse. Otherwise, disagreements may arise. Moreover, the horoscope for the Libra sign for November 2018 claims that this applies even to those couples who do not lack finances. In addition, it's time to start slowly saving money for the New Year holidays, especially if you are going to spend the weekend in some warm exotic country.

Love horoscope for Libra for November 2018

Dreaming of meeting your other half? The stars say that in November such an opportunity is not ruled out! But in order to attract the attention of a person of interest to you, you will need to take some action. To get started, visit the hairdresser and beauty salon. It will also be useful to update your wardrobe - get a couple of outfits in which you will look especially impressive! And finally, find an excuse to meet and talk with the object of your sympathy.

Are you already in a relationship and have been dating for more than six months? In that case, the love horoscope for Libra for November 2018 advises you to think about changing your social status! According to an old sign, marriages concluded in the last month of autumn are especially strong and successful. So do not miss the opportunity to hint to the second half that it is time to go to the registry office.

Family astrological forecast

As the horoscope shows, some Libras have recently aggravated relations with the second half. Fortunately, the stars portend positive changes for the representatives of your zodiac sign! Even if you are in a quarrel with your spouse, then in the near future be sure to make peace. In November 2018, Libra will have the opportunity to make joint plans for the upcoming New Year holidays. It will be just wonderful if you find an opportunity to change the situation for a couple of days.

Family Libra who have children in their teens should give the younger generation more freedom. During this period, a person develops a character, and if a teenager is too much limited, then he can grow weak-willed. On the other hand, complete permissiveness also does not lead to anything good. In matters of education, keep a reasonable balance.

Beauty horoscope: Libra woman

Recommended cosmetic procedures in November 2018: Vacuum facial cleansing. Unlike mechanical cleansing, this pore cleansing method guarantees no discomfort. In addition, vacuum cleaning allows you to treat hard-to-reach areas such as auricles or nose wings.

November 2018 nail care: gel polish removal. You do not have to think whether to soak the coating with acetone or cut it off with a special cutter if you visit a specialized beauty salon. Entrust the care of your nails to professionals!

Hair care in November 2018: chemical hair straightening. If you want to radically change the image, then this technology is just what you need! The curls are straightened by treatment with special chemicals, after which they can be washed and styled without fear that the hair will curl in ringlets.

Astro forecast: Libra man

The horoscope for November 2018 advises Libra men to stop dwelling on past failures and start thinking positively. There will be many opportunities for positive change in your life this month. But if you focus on previous mistakes and oversights, you may miss these chances. Think - what would you really want from life? Stop making timid attempts, act decisively!

Health horoscope for Libra for November 2018

The stars portend that your teeth or gums may be the cause of concern this month. Do not wait until mild discomfort transforms into serious pain, visit the dentist at the first sign of the disease! Firstly, teeth are easier to cure at the initial stage of pathology development. Secondly, if you put off a visit to the doctor "on the back burner", then later you will have to overpay for the treatment.

Libras who lead a sedentary lifestyle and tend to be overweight need to move more in November 2018. Walk up the stairs, take long walks - exercise will do you good! If you are too lazy to walk every day (or the urban landscape does not have a walk), then sign up for a fitness club. Under the guidance of a skilled coach, it is much easier to lose a couple of “extra” kilograms.

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