
Lost beauties. How was the fate of the winners of the show "Bachelor". Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola after the show "Bachelor" Bachelor and Masha after the show

A tall and handsome young man was known to fans of Russian show business only as the husband of Anna Sedokova. But after he took part in the Bachelor project, he became very popular, especially among the beautiful half of the audience of the TNT channel.

Childhood and family of Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim was born in Kiev. There he spent his childhood. His family was quite wealthy thanks to the trading business. Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim's grandmother, was among the first to open a suburban hypermarket. Such is the Maxi complex. It was opened in the year 2000.

It is known that the grandmother always led the family business. Chernyavsky's father is an entrepreneur, his mother works as a chief accountant.

After successfully graduating from school, the young man became a student at the Kiev Trade and Economic University, graduating with a "red" diploma.

The beginning of the career of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

Hypermarket "Maxi", owned by Maxim's grandmother, could not stand the competition and was bought out in 2005 by the Fozzy corporation. After that, Chernyavsky, under the strict guidance of his grandmother, began to build luxury real estate.

Thanks to perseverance and hard work, a novice businessman at the age of nineteen created a successful enterprise. It cannot be said that he did this without the support of his relatives, including financial support. However, in business, not only big finances are important, but also the ability to think economically and “push with elbows”.

Chernyavsky is not yet thirty years old, but he is already a successful entrepreneur and millionaire. Many business partners around the world know his last name.

Personal life: Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova

In an interview, Maxim says that he has always liked girls who have a model appearance. For some time, Maxim met with a fashion model from Kiev. This was before I met my wife.

Anna Sedokova entangled in men - Maxim Chernyavsky

The businessman saw his future wife Anna Sedokova on TV long before they met personally during the performance of the VIA Gra group. Later he saw her on the street and decided to get acquainted. Romantic relationships developed at lightning speed. At the beginning of 2010, they went on vacation to Los Angeles, where the young man proposed to Anna. A year later, the couple signed. In the summer they had a daughter, who was named Monica. The girl is very similar to Anna. Since the spouses did not have a wedding as such, but there was only a painting, they decided to gather guests and celebrate their wedding, combining it with a celebration in honor of the birth of their daughter. None of Anna's colleagues were among the guests.

I must say that Sedokova was married for some time to football player Valentin Belkevich. This marriage broke up in 2006. They have a joint daughter, who, after breaking up, stayed with Anna.

Unfortunately, after a year and a half of marriage, the marriage of Anya and Maxim broke up. At first there were many quarrels, unpleasant statements about each other on the Internet and in the press, and then a high-profile divorce proceedings followed.

In an interview, Chernyavsky said that it was difficult for him to be married to a woman who often starred in explicit videos and commercials, who had many men. In his opinion, he needs a more "domestic" wife, the keeper of the hearth, the mistress of the house. Anna accused her husband of numerous novels, including with Santa Dimopoulus, a colleague of Sedokova.

The daughter stayed with Anna, but Maxim shows himself to be a wonderful loving father and often sees Monica. They spend almost every weekend together. In his blog, friends often see new photos showing Maxim and Monica during their regular meetings. Many believe that the mutual feelings of the former spouses are still not extinguished. On his pages in social networks, Chernyavsky never once wrote that his daughter and her love for him gives him confidence in life, gives strength and desire to move forward.

New women of Maxim Chernyavsky

A month and a half after the official divorce, the businessman was repeatedly seen with Anna Anders. This Ukrainian model is only nineteen years old. The relationship did not last long. The media often wrote about the similarity of Maxim's new passion with his ex-wife.

During the advertising of the upcoming reality show "The Bachelor", with the permission of Chernyavsky, a photograph of his daughter was repeatedly used. This was the reason that Anna filed a lawsuit against the ex-spouse, saying that she was against Monica being shown on the show.

Maxim Chernyavsky in the show "The Bachelor"

After a difficult divorce, the businessman was invited to become a member of the Bachelor show. He said that his heart is free, therefore, he will gladly take part in a reality show, where girls from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia will “fight” for his location and love.

A lot of articles appeared in the media about the possible reasons for Maxim's participation in the Bachelor. One of the most likely is that he wants to be seen. As for the weak half of humanity, the businessman has never felt a lack of their attention.

The show was shown by TNT in the spring of 2014. Maxim chose a girl Masha from the city of St. Petersburg as his "wife". She is 23 years old and is a lawyer by training.

Maxim Chernyavsky now: his hobbies

Maxim has repeatedly tried to change the style of clothing. Buying himself another business suit, he always makes a promise to himself to walk in it. But soon he is seen again at the office in jeans and his favorite Nike sneakers.

The young man is fond of car racing. Of the cars, he prefers the Porsche brand.

The first thing that worries the fans of the project is where Masha Drigola and now live? Indeed, during the “Meet the Parents” series, the future spouse made it clear to Masha's father that he wants to create a strong family and will require his wife to be next to her husband.

Now that Maxim Chernyavsky has made his choice (between Alena Pavlova and Masha Drigola), the question arises - where in the world will the lovers settle? If you carefully look at the photos of the main character that he posts on the Instagram network, then you can already draw certain conclusions.

American fan recognized in the photo Studio City

The daughter of Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova, little Monika lives and is brought up abroad. According to the bachelor, when choosing a potential wife, he largely focused on his baby. The girl grows very active and loves sports.

By posting this photo on Instagram, Maxim Chernyavsky unexpectedly received a response. "...max_la and I trained here when I lived in Studio City!" - wrote a girl named Marina. She also sent her photo from this court.

The town of Studio City is located in the San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles), where next to the mansions of the world's show business elite are the houses of primary school teachers. Studio City is considered an ideal place for a happy life.

There are many cafes here that sell natural ice cream, and for those who want to immerse themselves in nirvana, there are yoga centers where they practice savsana.

Moscow accepted Maxim Chernyavsky as a native

The capital of Russia, represented by the secular beau monde, met the protagonist of the show "The Bachelor" with open arms. From the first days of his appearance in Moscow, Maxim Chernyavsky became a frequent guest on television and radio programs. He acquired useful contacts in the domestic show business.

While in Moscow, the main character of the show "The Bachelor" managed to visit the filming of the most rated programs.

Not surprisingly, there were suggestions on social networks that in the near future Maxim Chernyavsky would become the host of his own program. And given how much social networks have done for his PR, Maxim Chernyavsky has already ordered a warm sweater with his Instagram account.

Yes, Russia is not as hot as Los Angeles. Yes, and mansions Maxim Chernyavsky would have to build from scratch.

“Decided to become more modest by popular demand! I moved to ElectroReno and in the background I looked after myself a comfortable cottage in Moscow! — Maxim Chernyavsky signed a new picture on Instagram.

No matter how they scolded the Russian roads, they really liked Maxim Chernyavsky, who loves risk and speed.

“At a speed of 160 km/h on a narrow forest road, the Turbo S feels very confident and, due to the all-wheel drive, goes through all the turns with ease, despite the change in road surface,” Maxim Chernyavsky told about his impressions.

The protagonist of the show "The Bachelor" has repeatedly mentioned that he would like to try to live differently.

“It turns out it’s not so easy to enjoy absolutely simple things! Do you think it is a mandatory goal in life to spend weekends in expensive restaurants and chic clubs? - Maxim Chernyavsky asked this question to his readers and, first of all, to himself.

Watch next sunday CONTINUATION show "Bachelor". And on Saturday, Anfisa Chekhova invited her to her program “The Bachelor. What men want” all the former participants of the project at once.

Maria Drigola and Maxim Chernyavsky, who officially became a couple after the end of the Bachelor project, came under close attention of fans of the show and the press. Young people who immediately dispersed after the show to different countries give interviews to journalists, from which it became clear that there really was a feeling between the guys that would soon lead them to the wedding.

Maria Drigola and Maxim Chernyavsky, the heroes of the show "The Bachelor" on TNT, are still together, despite the skepticism of many viewers who, mindful of the situation with the last couple of the project, football player Evgeny Levchenko and winner Olesya Ermakova, who broke up after several photo shoots, expected this and from the participants of the second season.

However, here the situation was completely different. Maria Drigola really liked Maxim Chernyavsky, who appreciated in the girl not only beauty, but also a wonderful character, purity, kindness, honesty and loving attitude towards relatives. That is why in the final series of a reality show of two girls, Max preferred Masha, who for the entire project never even allowed herself to be kissed, unlike many other participants who did not disdain intimacy with the main character.

Now Masha is resting in Turkey with her parents, and Maxim is doing business in Los Angeles, but the businessman has already come to visit the girl, and she also had a young man in America. In addition, when the guys are not together, they call up. Anna Sedokova, Max's ex-wife, said that the couple was soon going to have a wedding, to which the singer and her daughters would come, one of whom is the businessman's own child.

Meanwhile, Maria Drigola shares her feelings, plans and memories with journalists. The girl said that she loves to make plans for her fate, reports Woman.ru. So, she thought that if the casting for the show passes, which the modest Petersburger doubted until the last moment, then she will win the project. In addition, while Maria Drigola was not yet aware of who would become the main character of The Bachelor, she decided that he must be green-eyed, not drink, not smoke, and love his grandmother very much, like Masha herself.

Imagine her surprise when Anna Sedokova's ex-husband appeared before her, who turned out to be just the right fit for the description of the man of her dreams. After the project, Maria Drigola met the family of a young businessman and was even more delighted that she got on the show. The guy's grandmother reminded the girl of her own, and the parents turned out to be nice people, and they received Masha very warmly.

During the acquaintance, the grandmother asked a lot of questions, wanting to immediately figure out the girl and form her own idea about her. However, it was not difficult for the Petersburger to communicate with the woman and answer all her questions, because Masha felt very comfortable next to her grandmother, as she told Woman.ru.

Maxim's relative wanted to ask Maria Drigol if she was wasteful, asking how much money she had enough to live on for a month. To which Masha, who earns 20 thousand, answered without unnecessary equivocation - 70 thousand, because her parents help her. The grandmother also asked if the girl would breastfeed and how she felt about caring for a person.

Having learned everything necessary, the grandmother concluded - "you have wonderful parents, since they raised such a girl."

Instagram photo of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigol

Every unmarried girl dreams of getting to the most romantic TV project in the country. Here and dates with the ideal man, serial intrigues, shooting in fabulous, and sometimes exotic places and instant fame. If you can’t establish a personal life, you will return home, at least as a hero with an army of fans and offers to place cosmetics or designer dresses in your account for a decent amount. For many, "The Bachelor" has become a serious launching pad for career growth or starting their own business. The main thing is that even years later, the participants are remembered, and their future fate is discussed and willingly interested in through social networks.

The other side of the project is less pleasant. Television relationships, the winners of the show, do not get the desired continuation in real life. Some feelings end after only six months, while others immediately after the completion of the project. Without cameras, “lovers” cease to be interested in each other, move away and, at best, remain acquaintances. It has been repeatedly written that not one of the participants in the show around the world has married his chosen one. Last week, two couples from the Bachelor show announced an unexpected break at once - Maxim Chernyavsky with Maria Drigola and Timur Batrutdinov with Daria Kananukha. StarHit tried to find out why the lovers fail to build happy and strong families at the end of the popular project.


Of all the contenders, the 34-year-old football player who played for the Ukrainian national team and in several Dutch clubs, as well as the model and most stylish athlete in the Netherlands, chose the 31-year-old blonde creative producer Olesya Ermakova. The audience watched the relationship of the couple with bated breath. Many understood in advance that Olesya is the only one who really likes Zhenya.

Rumors that Olesya and Eugene were together began to circulate long before the show ended. Some sources reported that the heroes of the reality decided not to wait for the finale and got married right during the project. Allegedly, in the final episodes, Olesya was shown to the waist so that no one could see her rounded tummy. The audience hopefully expected that in the final they would see their real wedding.
But in the final, which was filmed in Paris, there were two participants. In addition to Olesya, the brunette Irina Volodchenko passed. The girls themselves had to invite Yevgeny on a date. A painful choice awaited the bachelor - which of the two finalists to give an engagement ring.

On a date with Olesya, Evgeny had a hard time. The girl laid out porcelain fragments in various places, which the groom, using the prompts, had to collect and find his bride. On the screen, Eugene coped with the task, but in real life it was not possible to put together all the pieces of a happy family life. Three months after the end of the show, Eugene, living in Holland, wrote on a social network: “Life in two countries has become an obstacle.”
“We talked for a while after breaking up, but now we are not on the way. Now in my thoughts I practically do not return to him and to our beautiful history, - Olesya Ermakova commented on the revelations of bachelor No. 1, - For me, this is in the past. We truly truly loved each other. But at some point, they suddenly realized that one of us lives in one country, the second in another, and this, in the end, killed our relationship.

Already at the beginning of 2014, Olesya was proposed by her friend from London. The young man turned out to be the girl's first love, with whom fate again brought her together after the end of the television project. The young man does not know the Russian language, and his chosen one categorically forbade him to watch a reality show with the participation of Olesya.


To charm the ex-wife of the ex-soloist of "Via Gra" - Anna Sedokova, seemed beyond the power of anyone. An entrepreneur from Los Angeles, Maxim is well versed in girls. And most importantly, the future wife should be liked not only by him and his parents, but also by his little daughter, Monica. Masha Drigola, a 23-year-old graduate of the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, came to the project to meet true love and almost immediately captivated the bachelor with sincerity and modesty. The fans of "The Bachelor" declassified the candidacy of the winner almost immediately.

Masha posted photos on social networks from the places where Maxim was photographed. After the show, the lovers had everything for real. Fan groups trumpeted with might and main about the upcoming wedding and confirmed everything with joint photos. Maria could fly to her lover in America from St. Petersburg, because there was an opportunity to work remotely as a lawyer in her father's firm, which was engaged in the sale and repair of military equipment.

Months after the show, Maxim gently hugged Masha in public, fed ice cream and told how his house was slowly filling up with her things, his daughter calls her beloved Masha, and.

“For three months, the show lasted so long, we were under the constant sight of cameras, in front of the whole country. And Masha is tired of it. She is not a public figure at all. At least look at her Instagram, she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they figure it out, ”Maxim said in an interview with StarHit. - It's hard for Masha, she is attached to her family. And I do not want and do not press, everything should happen naturally. So now she flies to me once a month. It suits us. When you start dating and living together, you are faced with the fact that you may not like everything in a person. Not everything is perfect with us either, but we are working on ourselves, changing for each other. For example, now Masha has become more relaxed.

// Photo: Personal archive of Maxim Chernyavsky

At first glance, the couple all went to the wedding. But a few months later, fans sensed something was wrong, which was abundantly poured out on social networks. Maxim and Maria appeared together only at the recording of the New Year's show. It was clear from their faces that it was just work.
The couple spent Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas and Valentine's Day apart and did not want to find a moment to spend at least a few days with each other. Soon, Masha suddenly perked up on Instagram and began to upload a lot of pictures, which contradicted the groom's statements about her dislike of publicity. Fans began to be embarrassed that for all the time Masha did not put up a single photo with Max and did not mention a word about their relationship. Even on the birthday of a bachelor, Masha responded dryly on social networks: “My dear friends! Don't forget to wish Max a happy birthday today!
Apparently, Maxim himself put an end to their relationship, analyzing the merits over the past year that brought him joy, he did not remember Drigol. “Most importantly, I already have an incredible daughter who is three years old! She is my main treasure, and every time I look at her, I cannot believe my happiness. There are many achievements and business victories behind, and even more ambitious goals are ahead! I was very lucky and I found a business that I love ... and at the same time it turned out to be indecently profitable, ”wrote Chernyavsky.
In February, Masha posted on social networks a poem that she wrote herself. According to him, the fans understood that something went wrong in the relationship of the couple. And in November, Maxim openly admitted in an interview that their relationship with Drigola is long in the past. “At some point, we realized that maintaining a relationship at a distance is extremely difficult. And she didn’t manage to move in with me, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bher family very much, ”concluded Chernyavsky.


From the very beginning of the project, the student of the Faculty of Economics of Kazan University kept her distance from the other participants, which aroused distrust in everyone. She almost did not share her dates with Timur with any of the girls. In the final series, for the first time in the history of the project, an intimate scene took place between the bachelor and the finalist. Many after that claimed that this was precisely the reason why Timur, as an honest and well-mannered person, chose Dasha as the winner. Together with Dasha, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, whose victory was predicted by everyone, ended up in the final. Timur admitted that after meeting his relatives, everyone unanimously liked Galya without exception. Therefore, after the final series of the project, the show continued for a long time.

Once Daria mentioned that they remained good friends with Timur, and even when he came to Kazan on tour, he always met with her, and they had a good time. It was not customary for the couple to take joint photographs. Only when the fans had questions, Dasha, in addition to advertising posts, posted on Instagram old photos with Timur or a picture of a hand with a ring given to them. After the end of the filming of the project, Timur accidentally mentioned that the only woman in his life was still his mother, Natalya Evgenievna.

// Photo: Frame from the show "The Bachelor"

In August, in the hometown of Dasha Kananukha, the Comedy Club Aqua was filmed. She was invited among the guests of honor. By chance, among the invitees was her rival on the show, Galina Rzhaksenskaya. At that time, the girls, to put it mildly, did not communicate. Galya assured that she had not come to meet Timur, but only to the closing of the World Aquatics Championship. During the presentation of Dasha by Pasha Volya, Timur appeared on the stage with a bouquet of roses, which he presented to Dasha and kissed her on the cheek. Then he approached Galina and, as in the project, gave her a rose. The embarrassed girl did not answer, and the moment itself was not included in the television version of the program. Dasha was so shocked by the act of the television groom that she hurriedly left the hall, after which, as if nothing had happened, she returned back. The next day, to the delight of the fans, Dasha posted a joint photo with Timur, taken at the entrance to the hotel where he was staying. Galina Rzhaksenskaya had a meeting with fans the next day in Kazan, at which she admitted that of all the participants, Timur most of all does not adhere to the terms of the contract. “Otherwise, why does he say that while Dasha defended her diploma, I visited him at his house” - Galina was indignant.

// Photo: Frame from the show "The Bachelor"

At the Kazan casting of the show "DANCES" - in the hometown of Dasha Kananukhi - Timur, without hesitation, flirted with the participants, complimented their forms and even asked for a phone number. “Kazan is the birthplace of slender figures and waists. I'm happy for my compatriot! - Timur commented on the appearance of a dancer on stage with 26-year-old Leysan Ismagilova. - Oh, are you from Ufa? Well, then I'm ready to become your fellow countryman!
In early November, Daria opened an etiquette and personal growth studio, and soon, in the Periscope application, she announced that their paths with the showman had diverged.

Girls, tremble: in the new season of the show "The Bachelor" the main character will be Yegor Creed. True, none of the finalists of the show "The Bachelor" has not yet married the chosen one from the TV show. Evgeny Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova broke up six months after the completion of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola lasted a year and a half. It was not possible to start a family with Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha. And Alexei Vorobyov did not choose any of the brides at all! What do the finalists of the popular TV show do?

Olesya Ermakova and Evgeny Levchenko

The relationship between Levchenko and the winner of the first season, Olesya Ermakova, did not last long: the couple met for only six months. On the show, Eugene chose Olesya from 26 other contenders, but, apparently, he made the wrong choice, since the couple did not get to the wedding.

« Every fairy tale comes to an end. So our relationship with Olesya ended, ”wrote Levchenko, who at that moment was living in Holland. - The main reason is the distance. Life in different countries, constant flights and employment turned out to be an obstacle for us. We part without quarrels, peacefully, remaining friends.

Skeptics, on the other hand, said that the relationship broke up not because of distances, but because of the end of the contract with the channel. Olesya then married a man whom she met in her youth. Now she is expecting her first child, works as a show producer and maintains a fashion blog.

Irina Volodchenko

Irina Volodchenko reached the final, but lost to Olesya. Now Irina's work is connected with politics. The girl is a member of the coordinating council of the Young Guard public organization. Irina travels a lot, meets famous people, she documents all this in her microblog. Irina openly supports United Russia and often publishes political appeals on her social networks. Like Olesya, after the end of the show, Irina entered into a relationship with her longtime lover.

“I think that the project did not work out for a reason. Everyone had to have their own story. After the show ended, there were no thoughts of resuming relations: I think you can’t enter the same river twice. I don’t know how he is, I think that now he is alone. Everything is fine with me - there is a second half. I knew my beloved for a long time, but only after the “Bachelor” did relationships begin to develop.

Maxim Cherniavsky and Maria Drigola

“I hope to meet my future wife at the Bachelor,” Maxim assured before the start of the show. The businessman is known for his marriage to Anna Sedokova, in which the singer gave birth to a daughter, Monica. It seems that Monica is now the main and only love of the entrepreneur, since the relationship with Maria fell apart quickly enough. The couple broke up after a year and a half, despite Maxim's initial assurances of an imminent wedding.

Maria, as before the project, continued to work in her father's law firm. She plays sports, travels and does not start new novels yet.

Alena Pavlova

Maria's rival, Alena, after "The Bachelor" went to conquer other TV shows. She went to look for love on the show "Dom-2", but nothing happened in the project either. Six months later, she left the TV set, talking about nervous exhaustion. But it still turned out to arrange her personal life - Alena recently got married, which the media learned about from the photos that she posted on her Instagram.

Timur Batrudinov and Daria Kananukha

This union also did not work out. Obviously, for Timur it was just participation in the show, he played by the rules of television. At first he flirted with Daria, and then with another participant, Galina. In general, the bachelor ruffled the nerves of both the organizers and the participants of the program. There was no wedding, of course.

Dasha announced her breakup with Batrutdinov in November last year. The girl says that Timur is to blame for the breakup, who, in her opinion, did nothing to save the relationship. But the girl's career took off. After graduating from the institute, Daria became the director of the etiquette and personality development studio. She works as a model, regularly participates in various projects, and gives lectures.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The finalist of the 3rd season did not manage to become Batrutdinov's wife, but she remained with him in an excellent relationship. The girl's personal life quickly improved. Beloved Rzhaksenskaya Eugene proposed to her, the couple celebrated their engagement in Dubai, and soon they got married.

Alexey Vorobyov

28-year-old musician Aleksey Vorobyov came up with his own version of the finale: he never chose anyone, arguing that it is dishonest, first of all, in relation to himself, to declare his chosen one a girl in whose feelings he is not sure. None of the finalists convinced him of their feelings, and he decided to remain alone.

Natalia Gorozhanova

Natalya was not surprised by Alexei's decision. She felt that the singer would not give her the ring, since she herself admitted that she did not feel love for the guy. The girl said that the whole project was stressful for her and she is glad that it is over. Now she continues to work as a model and look for her love.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina

In the fifth season, actor Ilya Glinnikov chose Ekaterina Nikulina. The couple did not hesitate, like the other finalists of the show, but gathered immediately after the end of filming. The star of "Interns" admits that he lives soul to soul with Katya.

“We do everything together: we watch movies, we read books, we talk for 10 hours, or we argue about the year in which One Hundred Years of Solitude was written. I am surprised at how Katya took care of me when I was on crutches. She cooks divinely. In the morning I eat the most delicious cereals, and for dinner - just restaurant food. We got two griffon dogs after watching the movie As Good As It Gets. They named them Una and Chaplin. These cute creatures are now pissing on our sofa, ”Glinnikov said in an interview.

The lovers are planning a wedding in Georgia and a magnificent wedding. True, the bride has not yet decided on her future profession, although the groom even offered her to open her own business.

Daria Klyukina

Daria was one of the brightest participants in the project, who, by the way, left him herself, realizing that she would not find love here. But skeptics say that the girl was looking for fame and fans, not love. Some argue that Daria has a boyfriend. Now Daria is finishing her studies and making plans for the future. The girl has her own business in Sochi - a small coffee shop, in addition, she is now constantly invited to model projects.

So, out of the five seasons of the TV show, only one couple found their love. Maybe the new bachelor Yegor Creed will also succeed?

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