
How to care for a sphinx rat. Unusual and mysterious bald rat "Sphinx. Description of the hairless rat

Exotic animals very quickly occupy their niche among lovers of curiosities. Until recently, bald cats were very popular, but now there is a growing demand for bald rats, which have no hair at all. This article is intended to lay down the correct view on the care and maintenance of this pet.

Advantages of the rat - sphinx

Of course, you always need to start with the good, so today we’ll talk about the advantages of this animal. This is a very sweet, responsive, handmade creature that constantly needs the warmth of your heart, and just a warm home. Good for single people with lots of free time. Also, this pet is harmless for allergy sufferers who cannot get a pet with wool, as they suffer from allergies. The absence of a fetid odor gives a certain charm to this creature. If you clean your home in a timely manner, remove excrement from there, then there will be no smell in the apartment. Rats are very smart, quickly adapting to the changes taking place around them. Therefore, watching such a pet is a pleasure.


It directly depends on her class, gender, age, availability of documents. But if you need a pet not for exhibitions, then you can buy it for ridiculous money.

Cons of keeping a hairless rat

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that you will have to be responsible for his life, as well as his state of health. He needs to be loved and taken care of, because they feel it, while they can get sick and even die. The content also requires a little more of your attention than if you had a furry animal. Of course, difficulties will arise, no doubt, if this is your first animal of this type.

An ordinary rat is the most unpretentious pet that can live in any conditions, eat any food. But our representative needs a certain temperature in the room, observing the length of daylight hours, constant cleaning in the cage, and most importantly, just attention.

Conditions of detention

For a comfortable stay of the pet, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature regime in the room. The optimum temperature is considered to be between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. In summer, the pet must be protected from exposure to the sun, because it can harm unprotected skin, burns may appear on it. Humidity should be medium.


It must be spacious and large. It can be purchased at a specialized store, where there will be everything necessary for a comfortable stay for your pet. Place all kinds of swings, sticks, a wheel there, be sure to put a house.

For filler, use large sawdust or white paper, cardboard. Cleaning should be carried out weekly with mandatory disinfection of all components and assemblies with disinfectants. Such measures are necessary to prevent infections.

Place the cage in a secluded place, away from drafts and sunlight.

Do not forget to also place all the necessary feeders and drinkers there.

Proper care

These individuals have very sharp and long claws. Since they love to itch, they often injure themselves. So you will have to regularly trim your nails with scissors.

Skin care involves wiping it with a wet cloth so that dirt and pathogens do not accumulate on it.


With proper care, maintenance and feeding, a hairless rat can live for several years. Often they die very early, as the owners take care of them poorly. These pets are prone to skin diseases more often than their other relatives. Therefore, such diseases must be detected and treated in a timely manner. They also often develop malignant neoplasms, from which they die.


These animals have increased heat exchange, so they need to be fed very often, while giving large portions. As for the food itself, these pets are omnivores. But don't give them everything. Stick to some rules:

  • Let's eat less fatty foods;
  • It is better not to give meat, only vegetable proteins;
  • Give only boiled fish;
  • Let her gnaw chicken bones;
  • Purchase special foods sold at the pet store, give them periodically;
  • Give vitamin supplements.

Leisure activities

Creation is sociable and manual. Therefore, a bald rat must be picked up, stroked, taught to respond to its nickname, learn a couple of simple tricks. So that she is not bored during periods of your absence, get a second pet. But remember that they must be of the same sex, about the same age, otherwise they will fight or have offspring. And it is better to initially purchase two little rats, they will grow up together, make friends.

We hope our article has helped you make your choice. Outline a plan for caring for such an original animal as a hairless rat. And now, without wasting time, go to the pet store for a new friend. Good luck.

Decorative rats have become popular pets in many families, the owners value furry animals for their rare intelligence, touching affection and exceptional devotion. For lovers of the exotic and fans of hairless animals, a bald sphinx rat was bred, which attracts rat breeders with its touching and defenseless appearance.

The absence of hair is a virtue of the animal for people prone to allergies to pet hair.

Caring for a tender little pet is somewhat different from the conditions for keeping an ordinary decorative rat. Before starting a bald rodent, it is advisable to find out all the features of the breed and the conditions of keeping an unusual animal.

Description of the breed

Hairless rats got their name from English (hairless), these animals are also called sphinx rats, naked rats and balds. The Hairless breed was bred in 1932 by American scientists by mutation, rodents were intended for scientific research, but human curiosity and love for everything unusual brought the bald variety of ornamental rats out of laboratories. The true sphinx rat is quite rare, this breed variety is distinguished by a completely hairless body with bright pink translucent skin and a mustache of standard length.


The hairless gene is recessive, its inheritance is not found in all individuals of the breed, more often you can find rats with partial hair. Depending on the areas of baldness, the shape and length of the vibrissae, subspecies are distinguished within the breed:

  • hairless - (hairless);
  • naked - (naked);
  • fuzzy - (fluffy);
  • nude - (naked);
  • shorn - (shorn);
  • bald - (balding).

In the offspring of these subspecies, in the first weeks of life, skin fouling with a coat is observed, which later falls out or remains in the form of small rare hairs on the body, it is possible to determine which subspecies the animal belongs to only until the 6th week of life of the rat cub.


The body dimensions of this breed are close to standard values, adults are quite large, grow up to 15-25 cm, body weight can vary from 350 to 700 g. Due to the absence of fur, the body of the animal acquires an elegant shape.


The ideal is bright pink absolutely naked, almost transparent skin without scars and spots, soft and velvety to the touch, slight wrinkling of the skin is allowed. Males have thicker skin than females. There may be small guard hairs above the eyes, on the limbs and cheeks, in the inguinal region. The skin color of true sphinxes is bright pink, but by crossing bald rats with black, blue, chocolate, gray, cream skin were obtained.

The color of the skin of the Sphynx can be from pale pink to black.


Vibrissae (whiskers) on the cheeks and above the eyes are slightly twisted down, forward or backward, and are shorter than in standard rats. Sometimes there is a complete absence of whiskers, which is considered a departure from the breed standards.

The rodent of the standard sphinx breed differs from the usual domestic rat in larger, wrinkled, low-set ears. Bright eyes are located on both sides of the skull, the color can be any: black, red, ruby, husky, pink, there are individuals with different eye colors.

Sphinx breed rats

The Sphinx rat breed is divided into three breed varieties.

Sphinx on standard

Rodents are bred by mutation and crossing from, animals are characterized by long whiskers and sparse hair on the head, legs and sides. Rat breeders call such rats “porcupines” or “spectacled” because of the contrast of sometimes hard dark hair with the delicate pink skin of the animal.

A distinctive feature of the Sphynx on the standard are the circles around the eyes.

Sphinx on the rex

Rats of this breed variety are derived from, the animals have twisted whiskers and sparse wavy hairs on the head, limbs and groin, which may be absent during the molting period.

A distinctive feature of sphinxes on the rex is a curly mustache

Sphinx on double rex

The double rex rat is characterized by sparse hair. Rodents bred from this breed variety are distinguished by their characteristic completely hairless pink wrinkled skin.

The Sphynx on a double rex is distinguished by the complete absence of hair on the body.

The hairless gene is recessive; in the offspring of a bald rat, there may be bald, partially hairless or ordinary rat pups covered with standard velvety fur. All cubs are considered representatives of the hairless sphinx rat breed, they are carriers of the gene and can later bring completely naked rat pups. More viable and healthy sphinx rats are obtained by mating a bald male and a female, covered with hair and having a hairless gene.


Bald rats are very active, curious and peaceful creatures, they are quickly tamed and attached to their beloved owner. The absence of wool obliges the owner of a bald pet to hold a little friend in his arms as often as possible, stroke, kiss a fluffy rodent, wear it in his bosom and on his shoulder. The warmth of the human body warms and soothes naked animals; in response, the animal does not skimp on the manifestation of tender affection and sincere feelings.

Sphinxes very subtly feel the negative intonations in the voice of the owner, fright from a sharp cry can cause a stroke in these gentle animals. A person should communicate with the kids in an affectionate and friendly voice, the rats instantly and the greetings of the owner, enjoy close communication and fun outdoor games.

Sphynxes are distinguished by their special cleanliness; during walking, adults do not dirty the territory, but try to do all their toilet chores in their cage.


Hairless rats live on average about 1.5-2 years, however, the creation and maintenance of a complete dietary diet can extend the life of a bald pet up to 2-3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The lack of hairline is an undeniable advantage for people prone to allergies to pet hair. The graceful thin body in combination with pink transparent skin, shining eyes and large ears give the rodent an unusual extravagant look that attracts exotic lovers.

The absence of a coat is associated with various disorders in the body, which were fixed by scientists at the gene level, so bald rats are more susceptible to allergies and diseases of the skin, eyes, heart and kidneys, oncology and diabetes than their fluffy relatives.

Care and maintenance of hairless rats

Warm naked rats, due to the lack of a protective warming coat, react sharply to the temperature and humidity of the environment, so the care, maintenance and feeding of these graceful creatures has some peculiarities.


A cage for a sphinx must be equipped with a hammock or a house

A wire cage for sphinxes should be cozy and spacious, at least 60x40x60 cm in size with a high plastic pallet, a solid bottom and wide doors. An alternative option is to keep defenseless animals in an aquarium, which creates a comfortable and safer environment than a regular cage. The home of a bald pet must be equipped with a cozy and in which pieces of warm fabrics should be laid. To insulate the floor and absorb physiological odors, the floor of the cage or aquarium is covered with wood filler.

Group content

Sphinx lovers are advised to simultaneously start a same-sex pair of bald rats, the animals warm themselves against each other. Keeping a hairless pet or leaving a defenseless rodent in the company of domestic rats is highly discouraged; ordinary decorative rats are extremely aggressive towards their hairless relatives.

A home with a bald touching pet should be installed away from bright light, noise, air conditioning and drafts. Dry air and high temperatures have a detrimental effect on the defenseless skin of a rodent, the optimal air temperature for sphinxes is 25-28 degrees, the air must be moistened daily with atomizers or humidifiers.


Sphynxes are very clean rodents, it is recommended to change the filler no more than once a week, disinfection is carried out once a month. Every day it is necessary to pour clean water into the drinkers and remove food residues from the cage.


The delicate defenseless skin of bald rats is subject to frequent pollution, to prevent the development of skin diseases, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a damp swab, regularly bathe the sphinx in warm water (38C) using shampoos for kittens or puppies, and lubricate the body of the rodent with baby cream. It is advisable to accustom rat pups to water procedures from a very early age, so that the gentle pet gets used to and enjoys bathing. A necessary hygienic measure for sphinxes is regular.

It is worth accustoming a rat to bathing from childhood


The defenseless skin of sphinxes is often injured, the slightest scratches and cracks must be lubricated with anti-inflammatory ointment Levomekol. A useful preventive measure is the periodic addition of lingonberries to the pet's food to maintain the functioning of the kidneys and the veterinary drug Vetom, the action of which is aimed at increasing immunity and normalizing the intestinal microflora of the rodent.


All domestic rats physically need long daily walks and communication with a person, and caress, warmth of the owner’s hands and active games are doubly necessary for bald pets because of their complete defenselessness to environmental conditions and innate gullibility towards humans.


To generate the required amount of energy that warms a naked pet. Hairless rats eat more often than their furry relatives. It is necessary to feed naked rodents with cereals, vegetables, fruits, boiled meat, greens. It is not allowed to introduce sweets, smoked meats, spicy and fried foods, raw cabbage, potatoes, green bananas, beans, beans into the diet.

Sphynxes are very allergic individuals, so sunflower and pumpkin seeds, carrots, chicken bones should be given to naked animals in limited quantities, fatty foods are recommended to be completely excluded from the diet. Through the skin unprotected by hair, a naked pet loses a huge amount of moisture, so sphinxes drink more often and more than ordinary domestic rats, it is necessary to carefully monitor the fullness of the drinking bowl with clean drinking water.

Bald rats "sphinxes" - an amazing variety of decorative rats

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Exotic animals very quickly occupy their niche among lovers of curiosities. Until recently, bald cats were very popular, but now there is a growing demand for bald rats, which have no hair at all. This article is intended to lay down the correct view on the care and maintenance of this pet.

Advantages of the rat - sphinx

Of course, you always need to start with the good, so today we’ll talk about the advantages of this animal. This is a very sweet, responsive, handmade creature that constantly needs the warmth of your heart, and just a warm home. Good for single people with lots of free time. Also, this pet is harmless for allergy sufferers who cannot get a pet with wool, as they suffer from allergies. The absence of a fetid odor gives a certain charm to this creature. If you clean your home in a timely manner, remove excrement from there, then there will be no smell in the apartment. Rats are very smart, quickly adapting to the changes taking place around them. Therefore, watching such a pet is a pleasure.


It directly depends on her class, gender, age, availability of documents. But if you need a pet not for exhibitions, then you can buy it for ridiculous money.

Cons of keeping a hairless rat

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that you will have to be responsible for his life, as well as his state of health. He needs to be loved and taken care of, because they feel it, while they can get sick and even die. The content also requires a little more of your attention than if you had a furry animal. Of course, difficulties will arise, no doubt, if this is your first animal of this type.

An ordinary rat is the most unpretentious pet that can live in any conditions, eat any food. But our representative needs a certain temperature in the room, observing the length of daylight hours, constant cleaning in the cage, and most importantly, just attention.

Conditions of detention

For a comfortable stay of the pet, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature regime in the room. The optimum temperature is considered to be between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. In summer, the pet must be protected from exposure to the sun, because it can harm unprotected skin, burns may appear on it. Humidity should be medium.


It must be spacious and large. It can be purchased at a specialized store, where there will be everything necessary for a comfortable stay for your pet. Place all kinds of swings, sticks, a wheel there, be sure to put a house.

For filler, use large sawdust or white paper, cardboard. Cleaning should be carried out weekly with mandatory disinfection of all components and assemblies with disinfectants. Such measures are necessary to prevent infections.

Place the cage in a secluded place, away from drafts and sunlight.

Do not forget to also place all the necessary feeders and drinkers there.

Proper care

These individuals have very sharp and long claws. Since they love to itch, they often injure themselves. So you will have to regularly trim your nails with scissors.

Skin care involves wiping it with a wet cloth so that dirt and pathogens do not accumulate on it.


With proper care, maintenance and feeding, a hairless rat can live for several years. Often they die very early, as the owners take care of them poorly. These pets are prone to skin diseases more often than their other relatives. Therefore, such diseases must be detected and treated in a timely manner. They also often develop malignant neoplasms, from which they die.


These animals have increased heat exchange, so they need to be fed very often, while giving large portions. As for the food itself, these pets are omnivores. But don't give them everything. Stick to some rules:

  • Let's eat less fatty foods;
  • It is better not to give meat, only vegetable proteins;
  • Give only boiled fish;
  • Let her gnaw chicken bones;
  • Purchase special foods sold at the pet store, give them periodically;
  • Give vitamin supplements.

Leisure activities

Creation is sociable and manual. Therefore, a bald rat must be picked up, stroked, taught to respond to its nickname, learn a couple of simple tricks. So that she is not bored during periods of your absence, get a second pet. But remember that they must be of the same sex, about the same age, otherwise they will fight or have offspring. And it is better to initially purchase two little rats, they will grow up together, make friends.

We hope our article has helped you make your choice. Outline a plan for caring for such an original animal as a hairless rat. And now, without wasting time, go to the pet store for a new friend. Good luck.

Description of the breed

Hairless rats got their name from English (hairless), these animals are also called sphinx rats, naked rats and balds. The Hairless breed was bred in 1932 by American scientists by mutation, rodents were intended for scientific research, but human curiosity and love for everything unusual brought the bald variety of ornamental rats out of laboratories. The true sphinx rat is quite rare, this breed variety is distinguished by a completely hairless body with bright pink translucent skin and a mustache of standard length.


The hairless gene is recessive, its inheritance is not found in all individuals of the breed, more often you can find rats with partial hair. Depending on the areas of baldness, the shape and length of the vibrissae, subspecies are distinguished within the breed:

  • hairless - (hairless);
  • naked - (naked);
  • fuzzy - (fluffy);
  • nude - (naked);
  • shorn - (shorn);
  • bald - (balding).

In the offspring of these subspecies, in the first weeks of life, skin fouling with a coat is observed, which later falls out or remains in the form of small rare hairs on the body, it is possible to determine which subspecies the animal belongs to only until the 6th week of life of the rat cub.


The body dimensions of this breed are close to standard values, adults are quite large, grow up to 15-25 cm, body weight can vary from 350 to 700 g. Due to the absence of fur, the body of the animal acquires an elegant shape.


The ideal is bright pink absolutely naked, almost transparent skin without scars and spots, soft and velvety to the touch, slight wrinkling of the skin is allowed. Males have thicker skin than females. There may be small guard hairs above the eyes, on the limbs and cheeks, in the inguinal region. The skin color of true sphinxes is bright pink, but by crossing bald rats with black, blue, chocolate, gray, cream skin were obtained.

The color of the skin of the Sphynx can be from pale pink to black.


Vibrissae (whiskers) on the cheeks and above the eyes are slightly twisted down, forward or backward, and are shorter than in standard rats. Sometimes there is a complete absence of whiskers, which is considered a departure from the breed standards.

The rodent of the standard sphinx breed differs from the usual domestic rat in larger, wrinkled, low-set ears. Bright eyes are located on both sides of the skull, the color can be any: black, red, ruby, husky, pink, there are individuals with different eye colors.

Sphinx breed rats

The Sphinx rat breed is divided into three breed varieties.

Sphinx on standard

Rodents are bred by mutation and crossbreeding from ordinary decorative rats of the standard breed, the animals are characterized by long whiskers and sparse hair on the head, paws and sides. Rat breeders call such rats “porcupines” or “spectacled” because of the contrast of sometimes hard dark hair with the delicate pink skin of the animal.

A distinctive feature of the Sphynx on the standard are the circles around the eyes.

Sphinx on the rex

Rats of this breed variety are obtained from rodents with curly hair, animals have twisted whiskers and sparse wavy hairs on the head, limbs and groin, which may be absent during the molting period.

A distinctive feature of sphinxes on the rex is a curly mustache

Sphinx on double rex

The double rex rat is characterized by sparse hair. Rodents bred from this breed variety are distinguished by their characteristic completely hairless pink wrinkled skin.

The Sphynx on a double rex is distinguished by the complete absence of hair on the body.

The hairless gene is recessive; in the offspring of a bald rat, there may be bald, partially hairless or ordinary rat pups covered with standard velvety fur. All cubs are considered representatives of the hairless sphinx rat breed, they are carriers of the gene and can later bring completely naked rat pups. More viable and healthy sphinx rats are obtained by mating a bald male and a female, covered with hair and having a hairless gene.


Bald rats are very active, curious and peaceful creatures, they are quickly tamed and attached to their beloved owner. The absence of wool obliges the owner of a bald pet to hold a little friend in his arms as often as possible, stroke, kiss a fluffy rodent, wear it in his bosom and on his shoulder. The warmth of the human body warms and soothes naked animals; in response, the animal does not skimp on the manifestation of tender affection and sincere feelings.

Sphinxes very subtly feel the negative intonations in the voice of the owner, fright from a sharp cry can cause a stroke in these gentle animals. A person should communicate with the kids in an affectionate and friendly voice, the rats instantly respond to the nickname and greetings of the owner, enjoy close communication and fun outdoor games.

Sphynxes are distinguished by their special cleanliness; during walking, adults do not dirty the territory, but try to do all their toilet chores in their cage.


Bald rats live an average of about 1.5-2 years, however, creating comfortable conditions for keeping and maintaining dietary nutrition can extend the life of a bald pet up to 2-3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The lack of hairline is an undeniable advantage for people prone to allergies to pet hair. The graceful thin body in combination with pink transparent skin, shining eyes and large ears give the rodent an unusual extravagant look that attracts exotic lovers.

The absence of a coat is associated with various disorders in the body, which were fixed by scientists at the gene level, so bald rats are more susceptible to allergies and diseases of the skin, eyes, heart and kidneys, oncology and diabetes than their fluffy relatives.

Care and maintenance of hairless rats

Warm naked rats, due to the lack of a protective warming coat, react sharply to the temperature and humidity of the environment, so the care, maintenance and feeding of these graceful creatures has some peculiarities.


A cage for a sphinx must be equipped with a hammock or a house

A wire cage for sphinxes should be cozy and spacious, at least 60x40x60 cm in size with a high plastic pallet, a solid bottom and wide doors. An alternative option is to keep defenseless animals in an aquarium, which creates a comfortable and safer environment than a regular cage. The home of a bald pet must be equipped with a cozy soft hammock and a house in which pieces of warm fabrics should be laid. To insulate the floor and absorb physiological odors, the floor of the cage or aquarium is covered with wood filler.

Group content

Sphinx lovers are advised to simultaneously start a same-sex pair of bald rats, the animals warm themselves against each other. Keeping a hairless pet or leaving a defenseless rodent in the company of domestic rats is highly discouraged; ordinary decorative rats are extremely aggressive towards their hairless relatives.

Conditions of detention

A home with a bald touching pet should be installed away from bright light, noise, air conditioning and drafts. Dry air and high temperatures have a detrimental effect on the defenseless skin of a rodent, the optimal air temperature for sphinxes is 25-28 degrees, the air must be moistened daily with atomizers or humidifiers.


Sphynxes are very clean rodents, it is recommended to change the filler no more than once a week, disinfection is carried out once a month. Every day it is necessary to pour clean water into the drinkers and remove food residues from the cage.


The delicate defenseless skin of bald rats is subject to frequent pollution, to prevent the development of skin diseases, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a damp swab, regularly bathe the sphinx in warm water (38C) using shampoos for kittens or puppies, and lubricate the body of the rodent with baby cream. It is advisable to accustom rat pups to water procedures from a very early age, so that the gentle pet gets used to and enjoys bathing. A necessary hygienic measure for sphinxes is the regular cutting of sharp claws dangerous for thin skin.

It is worth accustoming a rat to bathing from childhood


The defenseless skin of sphinxes is often injured, the slightest scratches and cracks must be lubricated with anti-inflammatory ointment Levomekol. A useful preventive measure is the periodic addition of lingonberries to the pet's food to maintain the functioning of the kidneys and the veterinary drug Vetom, the action of which is aimed at increasing immunity and normalizing the intestinal microflora of the rodent.


All domestic rats physically need long daily walks and communication with a person, and caress, warmth of the owner’s hands and active games are doubly necessary for bald pets because of their complete defenselessness to environmental conditions and innate gullibility towards humans.


The diet of Sphynxes must be balanced and highly nutritious in order to generate the necessary amount of energy that warms a naked pet. Hairless rats eat more often than their furry relatives. It is necessary to feed naked rodents with cereals, vegetables, fruits, boiled meat, greens. It is not allowed to introduce sweets, smoked meats, spicy and fried foods, raw cabbage, potatoes, green bananas, beans, beans into the diet.

Sphynxes are very allergic individuals, so sunflower and pumpkin seeds, carrots, chicken bones should be given to naked animals in limited quantities, fatty foods are recommended to be completely excluded from the diet. Through the skin unprotected by hair, a naked pet loses a huge amount of moisture, so sphinxes drink more often and more than ordinary domestic rats, it is necessary to carefully monitor the fullness of the drinking bowl with clean drinking water.

Bald sphinx rats occupy a minimum of space in the apartment, do not require specific conditions or rare food, unlike other exotic animals, and in terms of intelligence and trust in people they are on the same level as the oldest friends of mankind - faithful dogs. It is human nature to take care of our smaller brothers, and the appearance of a pink naked rat makes many people want to hug and warm a small tender pet. Affectionate animal will surely reciprocate his beloved owner and become a devoted friend for the whole period of his life.

I would like to say right away that those who squeamishly say that they do not like rats because of their long bald tails, this article can not even be read, since it will not just be about rats, but about rats that are bald from the tip of the tail to the tip nose.

It hasn't been long since bald cats jumped from the category of rare and outlandish animals to the sofas of everyone who wants to acquire such amazing pets. Due to their unusual appearance and unique character, these animals have gained such popularity that they have outnumbered many ordinary fluffy breeds, although initially the leading experts in felinology predicted the collapse of the bald breed of cats, calling them squalor and mutants.

But a cat is a fairly large animal and requires certain costs - both time and money. This is probably why hairless rats, or as they are also called, sphinx rats (Hairless), are becoming increasingly popular. Unlike hairless cats, sphinx rats immediately received public recognition and love. Exotic appearance, small size, unpretentiousness in maintenance and minimum food costs, attachment to the owner, cleanliness and low cost allowed bald rats to be at the peak of popularity in the shortest possible time.

A rat is a very smart social animal, with proper care and a friendly attitude towards it, it becomes a real friend for a person. You can often hear the opinion that if it is not possible to get a dog or a cat, you can fully replace them with a rat.

Rats distinguish family members from strangers, respond to a nickname; released into the room, run on the heels of the owner, trying to get on his hands or shoulder. But, allowing the animal to move freely, you must constantly look under your feet so as not to step on the rat. You should also always be prepared for such minor troubles as gnawed wires, gnawed wallpapers and curtains, small objects that the rat liked stolen and hidden in the house in a cage.

What you should not worry about during the free walks of a rat is about its cleanliness. Most rats choose a corner in their cage for a toilet and, even running around the apartment, they always try to return to the cage to settle their toilet business.

Hairless rats, bred as a result of a mutation, differ from their furry relatives not only in appearance, but also in character. Warm, with delicate and soft skin, covered with folds, sphinx rats require more attention from the owner.

Like all domestic rats, sphinxes are very sociable, inquisitive and mobile. Like cats, they love to play with a piece of paper tied to a string. But since they do not have wool, they like to be warm, in the hands of the owner, they are tamed faster.

Close attention requires skin care. Although rats are very clean and devote a lot of time to washing and cleaning their bodies, their bare, hairless skin becomes contaminated, both with skin secretions and dust. Therefore, from the very beginning, hairless rats must be accustomed to regular water procedures.

Rats are good swimmers and many love to swim. For washing it is necessary to use either special shampoos for rodents, or hypoallergenic shampoos for puppies and kittens.

Rats only in nature are distinguished by exceptional vitality and endurance, unfortunately, this does not apply to artificially bred bald rats. With proper care, health problems in rats practically do not arise, but any errors (in feeding, in maintenance) can result in serious diseases. Most often, hairless rats suffer from abscesses, eye diseases, allergic reactions, skin diseases, and tumors.

Bald rats must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight and drafts, try to prevent their hypothermia. To compensate for the lack of hair, sphinxes are forced to eat much more than ordinary rats, so there should always be food in the feeder, and clean water in the drinker.

Another difficulty that owners of hairless rats face is the difficulty in breeding them. If you buy a pair of ordinary rats at a pet store, then almost every month they will “delight” their owners with newborn babies, which can be up to 20 pieces. Therefore, it is desirable to keep rats either alone or with same-sex friends.

Hairless rats, on the contrary, are acquired by many in pairs, hoping to get offspring. But, sphinx rats raise babies only in isolated cases, most often they have or no milk, and babies, if they are not fed by hand or placed on another nurse rat, die of starvation. Or bald mothers turn out to be completely devoid of maternal feelings, do not care about rats, crush them. In addition, pregnancy and childbirth do not have a very favorable effect on health, significantly reducing the life expectancy of a rat. The vast majority of hairless rat pups are obtained from woolly females - carriers of the hairless gene.

Therefore, it is better to leave the breeding of hairless rats to professional breeders, and enjoy the communication with your pet yourself.

Another miracle of nature, if not as intelligent as a rat, but just as hairless, is a bald mouse. If you don’t surprise anyone with a bald rat in our time, then bald mice are very rare animals. Small, warm, touching creatures, genetically devoid of aggression and fear of humans. They are distinguished from ordinary domestic mice by the complete absence of wool, slowness, and innate gullibility towards people.

Love for exotic species of pets haunts our compatriots. More recently, there was a real boom about bald cats - you can read more about them, and now fans of the exotic give birth to decorative bald sphinx rats at home - absolutely devoid of wool.

We invite you to learn about the features of keeping such not quite ordinary pets from our publication ...

Benefits of Keeping Hairless Rats

To start getting to know them, we offer you the benefits of keeping hairless sphinx rats. Well, first of all, these are unusually cute and responsive, handmade creatures that constantly need your warmth (both literally and figuratively), care and attention. That's why,

they are ideal for the role of a pet for those who live alone, who have a lot of free time, and a lot of unspent affection and tenderness.

Also, I would like to draw attention to the fact that these creatures are hypoallergenic and if you have previously had an allergy to animals, and you have always denied yourself the pleasure of having a pet, you can do everything with a bald sphinx rat. In addition, this rodent has almost no smell, which is very important for clean owners. And, if you properly care for such a rat and regularly clean its cage, then nothing in your house will remind you that such an unusual rodent lives in your house. By the way,

scientists say that one of the animals whose reactions and mental abilities are close to human reactions and mental abilities is precisely the rat.

So, you have a unique opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of a creature like yourself...

cost of sphynx rats

Depending on the type of bald sphinx rat, its cost can range from 800 to 4000 Russian rubles. So, a Pat class Sphinx rat can be purchased for 800-1000 Russian rubles, breed and show class rats - for 1000 and more Russian rubles. The cost is affected by the sex of the rodent, its age and the availability of documents.

Disadvantages of keeping sphinx rats

As for the disadvantages of keeping such pets, this is a big responsibility for the life and health of such an unusual rodent, and also the fact that without your love and attention, your sphinx rat will get sick and may even die, therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that daily you will need to arrange sessions of communication with her. Also, keeping sphinx rats requires a more careful approach than keeping ordinary decorative rats covered with hair. Therefore, if you have not previously encountered such issues, you may have difficulties.

And, although ordinary rats can live in any conditions and are considered one of the most unpretentious creatures, and they are also not too picky in food, this cannot be said about sphinx rats. They require optimal air temperature, adherence to the daily routine, a more thorough approach to hygiene, as well as a lot of attention from their owner. We propose to dwell on these points in more detail.

Comfortable conditions for a sphinx rat

In order for your Sphynx rat to feel comfortable in your home, it needs to be in a room where the air temperature is not less than 20 degrees above zero, but not more than 30 degrees above zero. In the summer, the rat should be hidden from the heat, and in no case should the cage with it be placed in direct sunlight, since its skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays and the rat can burn out ...

The air in the room should also not be dry, but not too humid.

Sphinx Rat Cage

Otherwise, the requirements for a cage for keeping a sphinx rat meet the requirements for keeping ordinary decorative rats (read more about this). The only thing I want to draw your attention to is that the cage is large and spacious, standing in a secluded corner, where there would be no sharp objects or drafts, and direct sunlight would not fall on it.

In order for your Sphynx to be comfortable in the cage, you can, in addition to the tray, food plates and toys, lay out napkins so that the rat can fall asleep in them, and she is warm and comfortable.

Cleaning the Sphinx Rat's Cage

Since sphinx rats are more clean and capricious creatures, the cage must be cleaned more often. During cleaning, you must remove debris from the cage, and wash and disinfect all surfaces of the cage. Disinfection of the cage will help you get rid of not only the smell of a rodent in your home, but will also become a prevention for many. The main thing is that after cleaning and disinfection, the cage is well dried and ventilated before you let the rodent into it.

Sphynx Rat Care

Sphinx rats have very sharp claws with which a rodent can scratch itself, and since hairless rats are at an increased risk of injury, in order to prevent undesirable consequences, you will need to regularly trim its claws with small nail scissors, carefully cutting off the white part of the claw.

Special attention should also be paid to the care of the skin of the Sphynx rat, wipe it with a napkin dipped in water as a brown secret appears on it.

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