
How the mayor is elected. The head of the city - duties, rights and interesting facts. Quiet and humble

1. The head of a municipal formation is the highest official of the municipal formation and is endowed by the charter of the municipal formation in accordance with this article with his own powers to resolve issues of local importance.

2. The head of the municipal formation in accordance with the law of the subject of the Russian Federation and the charter of the municipal formation:

1) is elected at municipal elections, either by the representative body of the municipality from among its members, or by the representative body of the municipality from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition. In a settlement where the powers of the representative body of a municipal formation are exercised by a gathering of citizens, the head of the municipal formation is elected at the gathering of citizens and exercises the powers of the head of the local administration;

2) in the event of being elected in municipal elections, either he is a member of the representative body of the municipality and exercises the powers of its chairman, or heads the local administration;

(see text in previous edition)

3) in case of election by a representative body of a municipal formation from among its members, performs the powers of its chairman or heads the local administration. The powers of a deputy of the representative body of a municipal formation, elected by the head of this municipal formation, heading the local administration, shall be terminated;

(see text in previous edition)

4) cannot simultaneously exercise the powers of the chairman of the representative body of the municipality and the powers of the head of the local administration;

(see text in previous edition)

2.1. The procedure for conducting a competition for the selection of candidates for the position of head of a municipal formation is established by the representative body of the municipal formation. The procedure for conducting the competition should provide for the publication of the conditions of the competition, information about the date, time and place of its holding no later than 20 days before the day of the competition.

A candidate for the position of the head of a municipality may be a citizen who, on the day of the competition, does not have, in accordance with the Federal Law of June 12, 2002 N 67-ФЗ "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" restrictions on passive suffrage for election as an elected official of local self-government.

In a municipal district, a municipal district, an urban district, an urban district with an intracity division, in an intracity municipal formation of a city of federal significance, half of the members of the competition commission are appointed by the representative body of the corresponding municipal formation, and the other half - by the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of the state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation).

(see text in previous edition)

In a settlement, in an intracity district, half of the members of the competition commission are appointed by the representative body of the settlement, intracity district, and the other half - by the head of the corresponding municipal district, urban district with intracity division.

In the case provided for by paragraph three of Part 2 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, when forming a tender commission in a municipal district, one fourth of the members of the tender commission are appointed by the representative body of the municipal district, one fourth by the representative body of the settlement that is the administrative center of the municipal district, and half by the highest official by a person of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The conditions of the competition may provide for requirements for vocational education and (or) professional knowledge and skills that are preferable for the head of the municipality to exercise powers to resolve issues of local importance.

The law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation may establish requirements for the level of professional education and (or) professional knowledge and skills that are taken into account in the conditions of the competition, which are preferable for the head of the municipal district, municipal district, urban district, urban district with an intracity division of certain state powers transferred local authorities.

(see text in previous edition)

3. The restriction established by clause 4 of part 2 of this article does not apply to local self-government bodies of a municipal formation that has the status of a rural settlement, an intra-city municipal formation of a city of federal significance, in which, in accordance with the charter of this municipal formation, the formation of an executive and administrative body headed by the head of the municipal education, acting as chairman of the representative body of the municipality, with the exception of the election of the head of the municipality by the representative body of the municipality from among the candidates submitted by the competition commission based on the results of the competition.

(see text in previous edition)

The requirement established by paragraph 3 of part 2 of this article to terminate the powers of a deputy of a representative body of a municipal formation shall not apply to a deputy of the representative body of a municipal formation elected as the head of a municipal formation having the status of a rural settlement, an intra-urban municipal formation of a city of federal significance, in which, in accordance with the charter of this municipal education provides for the formation of an executive and administrative body headed by the head of the municipality, acting as chairman of the representative body of the municipality.

3.1. In the event that a law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is adopted that changes the procedure for electing the head of a municipal formation, the charter of the relevant municipal formation shall be brought into conformity with the said law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within three months from the date of entry into force of the said law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

If a law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is adopted that provides for the election of the head of a municipal formation by the representative body of the corresponding municipal formation, elections for the head of such a municipal formation are not called and are not held if the relevant law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation entered into force before the date from which the representative body of the municipal formation would have the right to make a decision on calling elections for the head of a municipal formation in accordance with Federal Law No. 67-FZ of June 12, 2002 "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation".

(see text in previous edition)

If a law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is adopted that changes the procedure for electing the head of a municipal formation, this procedure is applied after the expiration of the term of office of the heads of municipal formations elected before the day the said law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation enters into force.

3.2. The charter of a municipal formation may establish restrictions that do not allow one and the same person to hold the position of head of a municipal formation for more than the number of terms in a row specified by this charter.

1) represents the municipality in relations with local self-government bodies of other municipalities, state authorities, citizens and organizations, acts on behalf of the municipality without a power of attorney;

2) signs and promulgates, in accordance with the procedure established by the charter of the municipal formation, normative legal acts adopted by the representative body of the municipal formation;

3) issue legal acts within the scope of its powers;

4) have the right to demand the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the representative body of the municipality;

5) ensures the exercise by local governments of powers to resolve issues of local importance and certain state powers transferred to local governments by federal laws and laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4.1. The head of the municipality must comply with the restrictions, prohibitions, and fulfill the duties established by Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption", Federal Law No. 230-FZ of December 3, 2012 "On Controlling the Compliance of Expenses of Persons holding public office, and other persons to their income", Federal Law of May 7, 2013 N 79-FZ "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons to open and have accounts (deposits), keep cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments".

(see text in previous edition)

5. The head of the municipality is controlled and accountable to the population and the representative body of the municipality.

5.1. The head of the municipality submits to the representative body of the municipality annual reports on the results of his activities, and if the head of the municipality heads the local administration, on the results of the activities of the local administration and other subordinate local governments, including on resolving issues raised by the representative body municipality.

6. The powers of the head of the municipality are terminated early in the event of:

1) death;

2) resignations of their own free will;

4) recognition by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

5) recognition by the court as missing or declared dead;

6) the entry into force of a guilty verdict of a court against him;

7) travel outside the Russian Federation for permanent residence;

8) termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, termination of citizenship of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be elected to local self-government bodies, acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state or receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right for permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of a foreign state that is not a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a citizen of the Russian Federation who has citizenship of a foreign state has the right to be elected to local governments;

(see text in previous edition)

9) recall by voters;

10) a persistent incapacity for health reasons to exercise the powers of the head of the municipality established by a court;

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

13) loss by the settlement of the status of a municipal formation in connection with its merger with the urban district;

(see text in previous edition)

14) an increase in the number of voters of the municipal formation by more than 25 percent, which occurred as a result of a change in the boundaries of the municipal formation or the merger of a settlement with an urban district.

6.1. The powers of the head of a municipal district, the head of a municipal district, the head of an urban district are terminated ahead of schedule also in connection with the loss of confidence of the President of the Russian Federation in the following cases:

(see text in previous edition)

1) non-compliance by the head of the municipal district, the head of the municipal district, the head of the urban district, their spouses and minor children with the prohibition established by the Federal Law "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons to open and have accounts (deposits), keep cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, to own and (or) use foreign financial instruments";

(see text in previous edition)

2) establishment of the fact of opening or having accounts (deposits), keeping cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, possession and (or ) use of foreign financial instruments during the period when the said persons were registered as candidates for the elections of the head of the municipal district, the head of the municipal district, the head of the urban district, respectively. At the same time, the concept of "foreign financial instruments" is used in the meaning defined by the Federal

According to the results of the September 9 elections for the mayor of Moscow, the current mayor Sergei Sobyanin won a landslide victory, gaining more than 70% of the vote. Speaking to members of his campaign headquarters, Sobyanin said that this is his last term, since, according to the law, he no longer has the right to be elected to this post.

Sergei Sobyanin, who won the Moscow mayoral election the day before, said that the upcoming five-year term would be his last as mayor of the capital. “I'm going to my last term. I no longer have the right to be elected mayor of Moscow, ”Sobyanin said, speaking to those gathered at his campaign headquarters. He also noted that by the deadline "we will have to plow more than in the previous five years."

According to the Moscow City Electoral Committee, on the morning of September 10, according to the results of processing 99% of the protocols of precinct election commissions, self-nominated Sobyanin is gaining 70.02% of the votes, more than 1.5 million citizens voted for him. The second result in the elections was shown by the nominee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vadim Kumin - 11.44%, in third place was the representative of the "Fair Russia" Ilya Sviridov - 7.06%.

Recall that Sobyanin has been in charge of the capital since October 2010, when he was vested with the powers of the mayor on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. In September 2013 he won the mayoral election with a score of 51.37%, ahead of opposition leader Alexei Navalny (27.24%).

print version

The main thing

The head of Karelia Parfenchikov could not dismiss the head of Sortavala
The court rejected the claim of the head of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov, for the early termination of the powers of the head of Sortavala, Sergey Krupin. Parfenchikov demanded the resignation of Krupin due to the fact that he provided false information about income. According to political observer Natalia Zakharchuk, the court's decision bears reputational losses for Parfenchikov. Political scientist Oleg Reut does not rule out that the authorities of Karelia used the lawsuit to put pressure on the mayor before the elections to the city council of Sortavala. “There was an agreement that Krupin does not help candidates from A Just Russia in the elections to the city council of Sortavala, and for this Krupin is not deprived of the post of head of the city,” Reut said. Experts also noted that conflicts between regional and municipal authorities regularly arise in Karelia.
Ilyukhin, Governor of Kamchatka, secured funding for subsidized air tickets
The Government of the Russian Federation allocated the missing 3.2 billion rubles. for subsidized air tickets for the Far East. Governor of the Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Ilyukhin has repeatedly addressed the federal center with a request to allocate additional funding for this program. Experts noted the importance of the participation of the head of the region in solving problems with the availability of air tickets. “The governor's attention to a large extent helps to solve these problems, because the governor has the opportunity to work directly with the ministers of the Russian government,” said State Duma deputy Valentina Rudchenko. The speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory, Valery Raenko, noted that "the availability of air tickets is literally an indicator of the quality of life."
The deputies of the Stavropol Territory submitted to the State Duma a bill banning the sale of snus. Earlier, at the initiative of Governor Vladimirov, a similar law was adopted at the regional level. In parallel with this, the head of the region began a large-scale information propaganda of a new anti-tobacco measure. So, on his Instagram page, the governor launched a competition for the best thematic video, and the authors of the best works will receive cash prizes. According to experts from the Yug Center, the use of new media to solve a nationwide problem is not just a modern, but also an effective strategy.
Maxim Shevchenko: who told Putin that Russians should be singled out in the Constitution?
The wording, which defines the Russian people as "state-forming" in the amendments to the Constitution, caused indignation of the chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Tatarstan, Kamil Samigullin. Publicist Maxim Shevchenko agrees with the mufti: “I don’t understand at all why this issue had to be touched upon? Everything was fine, but who suggested to Putin that it is necessary to single out the Russians in particular?” Political scientist Rais Suleymanov believes that the mufti expressed the opinion of the nationally oriented Tatar intelligentsia, "which painfully perceives initiatives relating to national issues." At the same time, he clarified that this does not mean that the entire republican elite adheres to the same point of view. Ex-governor Sergei Levchenko criticized the pace of housing construction for flood victims in the Irkutsk region. “In the two and a half months since my resignation, construction work at both sites has not progressed significantly,” Levchenko said. According to political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko, Kobzev's team failed to reach an agreement with the Communists, and they may enter the gubernatorial campaign "under the slogan of criticizing the acting governor." Political consultant Roza Abdulina believes that Levchenko behaves as if “the federal center and the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov is not a decree for him in this case. Levchenko's ambitions to make a comeback did not disappear. But its signals reach only the Internet community. And the electorate does not hear or see him.”

1. The Mayor of Moscow is the highest official of the city of Moscow.

2. A citizen of the Russian Federation shall be vested with the powers of the Mayor of Moscow for five years in accordance with the procedure established by federal legislation and this Charter.

3. The powers of the Mayor of Moscow may be vested in a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 30 years of age.

4 - 5. Excluded.

6. Upon taking office, the Mayor of Moscow takes an oath:

“I swear, when exercising the powers of the Mayor of Moscow, to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, the Charter and the laws of the city of Moscow, honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to me, serve the prosperity of the city and the well-being of its inhabitants.”

7. From the moment of taking the oath, the Mayor of Moscow is considered to have taken office.

8. State guarantees for the activities of the Mayor of Moscow are determined by the law of the city of Moscow.

9. The Mayor of Moscow cannot simultaneously be a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a judge, hold other public positions of the Russian Federation, positions of the federal public service, other public positions of the city of Moscow, positions of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Federation, municipal positions and positions of the municipal service, and is also obliged to comply with other restrictions and prohibitions established by federal legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow.

10 - 11. Excluded.

Article 41. Powers of the Mayor of Moscow

1. The Mayor of Moscow, directly or through the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, resolves issues of socio-economic development of the city of Moscow, manages the city economy, and performs other executive and administrative functions within the limits of his authority.

2. Mayor of Moscow:

1) represents the city of Moscow in relations with federal state authorities, state authorities of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities or entrusts the representation of the city of Moscow to other persons, represents the city of Moscow at official protocol events, performs other representative functions;

2) acts on behalf of the city of Moscow within the competence established by this Charter, in cases and in the manner established by federal legislation, the laws of the city of Moscow, instructs to act on behalf of the city of Moscow to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, officials, local governments, as well as legal entities and citizens;

3) signs and promulgates the laws of the city of Moscow adopted by the Moscow City Duma or rejects them;

4) conclude contracts and agreements in the manner prescribed by federal legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow;

5) forms the Government of Moscow and decides on its resignation; determines the structure of executive authorities of the city of Moscow;

5.1) submit to the Moscow City Duma annual reports on the results of the activities of the Government of Moscow, including on issues raised by the Moscow City Duma;

6) in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the city of Moscow, expresses consent on behalf of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the appointment of the Prosecutor of the city of Moscow, heads of territorial (in the city of Moscow) executive bodies of the Russian Federation;

7) submit for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and other bodies of state power of the Russian Federation draft acts, the adoption of which is within their competence;

8) appoints a representative from the executive body of state power of the city of Moscow in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by federal law and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow;

9) appoints its authorized representatives in the Moscow City Duma, as well as in other state authorities;

10) submits candidates to the Moscow City Duma for the positions of judges of the Charter Court of the City of Moscow;

11) exercise other powers established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Charter, federal laws, laws of the city of Moscow.

3. In cases that threaten the safety and health of residents of the city of Moscow, the normal functioning of the life support systems of the city of Moscow, the maintenance of law and order, the Mayor of Moscow has the right to take the necessary measures to prevent extreme circumstances or eliminate their consequences, followed by immediate notification of those state authorities whose competence includes solution of these issues.

4. On issues within its competence, the Mayor of Moscow issues decrees and orders binding on the entire territory of the city of Moscow and exercises control over their execution.

5. Decrees of the Mayor of Moscow - legal acts issued by the Mayor of Moscow on regulatory issues, as well as on other issues provided for by federal laws and laws of the city of Moscow.

6. Orders of the Mayor of Moscow - legal acts issued by him on issues of an operational and administrative nature.

7. Interaction of the Mayor of Moscow with executive authorities and officials of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be carried out by concluding contracts and agreements.

8. Legal acts issued by the Mayor of Moscow may not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws adopted under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the laws of the city of Moscow.

9. The Mayor of Moscow cancels the orders of the Government of Moscow, legal acts of bodies and officials of the executive power of the city of Moscow, if these legal acts do not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow higher legal force or their implementation is not provided with financial or material resources.

10. Legal acts of the Mayor of Moscow come into force in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the city of Moscow.

11. Legal acts of the Mayor of Moscow are sent to the Moscow City Duma within two weeks from the date of their signing.

12. Legal acts of the Mayor of Moscow are considered officially published when they are published in the official publications of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow.

13. The Mayor of Moscow has a seal depicting the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and an official badge.

14. Excluded.

Article 42

1. The powers of the Mayor of Moscow are terminated early in the event of:

1) his death;

2) excluded.

3) his resignation at his own request;

4) his dismissal from office by the President of the Russian Federation in connection with the expression of no confidence in him by the Moscow City Duma, as well as in other cases provided for by federal legislation;

5) recognition by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;

6) recognition by the court as missing or declared dead;

7) the entry into force of a guilty verdict of the court against him;

8) his departure from the Russian Federation for permanent residence;

9) he loses the citizenship of the Russian Federation, acquires the citizenship of a foreign state or obtains a residence permit or other document confirming the right of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of a foreign state.

2. The Moscow City Duma has the right to express no confidence in the Mayor of Moscow in the event of:

1) issuance by the Mayor of Moscow of acts that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, this Charter and other laws of the city of Moscow, if such contradictions are established by the relevant court, and the Mayor of Moscow has not eliminated these contradictions within a month from the date of entry into force of the court decision;

2) another gross violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, this Charter and other laws of the city of Moscow, established by the relevant court, if this entailed a massive violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens;

3) improper performance by the Mayor of Moscow of his duties.

3. The decision of the Moscow City Duma of no confidence in the Mayor of Moscow is taken by two thirds of the votes of the established number of deputies on the initiative of at least one third of the established number of deputies.

4. Early termination of the powers of the Mayor of Moscow in the cases provided for in Clause 4 of Part 1 of this article entails the resignation of the Moscow Government. At the same time, the Government of Moscow in its entirety continues to operate until the formation of a new Government of Moscow in the manner prescribed by this Charter and other laws of the city of Moscow.

5. Excluded.

Article 43

1. In the event of the temporary absence of the Mayor of Moscow, his powers are transferred by decree of the Mayor of Moscow to one of the Deputy Mayors of Moscow.

2. In cases where the Mayor of Moscow is temporarily unable to perform his duties, their performance is entrusted to one of the deputies of the Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, determined by a resolution of the Moscow Government, unless otherwise provided by federal law. In these cases, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow issues decrees of the Mayor of Moscow and orders of the Mayor of Moscow, signing them as the Acting Mayor of Moscow.

3. Persons exercising the powers of the Mayor of Moscow, in the cases provided for in parts 1 and 2 of this article, are not entitled to decide on the resignation of the Moscow Government, make changes to the composition of the Moscow Government and make decisions on changing their own status.

4. In cases established by federal law, the President of the Russian Federation shall appoint an acting Mayor of Moscow. The acting Mayor of Moscow is not entitled to dissolve the Moscow City Duma, make proposals to change the Charter of the city of Moscow, decide on the resignation of the Moscow Government, make changes to the composition of the Moscow Government, determine the structure of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, change the distribution of duties between members of the Moscow Government, appoint a representative from the executive body of the state power of the city of Moscow in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, submit candidates to the Moscow City Duma for the positions of judges of the Statutory Court of the city of Moscow, carry out, without the approval of the Government of Moscow, a legislative initiative on the adoption and amendment of the budget of the city of Moscow.

Article 44

1. The Government of Moscow is the highest permanent collegial executive body of the city of Moscow, which has general competence and ensures the coordinated activities of other executive bodies of the city of Moscow.

2. The Moscow Government is headed by the Mayor of Moscow.

3. The Moscow Government includes the Mayor of Moscow, deputies of the Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow (including the first ones), ministers of the Moscow Government.

4. Deputy Mayors of Moscow in the Government of Moscow (including the first) and ministers of the Government of Moscow are appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

5. The distribution of duties among the members of the Moscow Government is established by the Mayor of Moscow.

6. The Government of Moscow adopts resolutions, which are signed by the Mayor of Moscow, and in his absence, by the person exercising his powers in accordance with the decree of the Mayor of Moscow. The resolution is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the Moscow Government voted for it.

7. The Moscow Government has the rights of a legal entity.

8. The procedure for the organization and activities of the Government of Moscow is established by the law of the city of Moscow, adopted by the Moscow City Duma on the proposal of the Mayor of Moscow.

Article 45

1. Sectoral and functional executive authorities of the city of Moscow perform executive and administrative functions in certain sectors and areas of city management.

2. The heads of these bodies are appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

3. Regulations on sectoral and functional executive bodies of the city of Moscow are approved by the Government of Moscow.

Article 46

1. In the administrative districts and districts of the city of Moscow, territorial bodies of executive power are formed - prefectures of administrative districts and councils of districts (hereinafter - prefectures, councils).

2. Prefectures, headed by prefects of administrative districts, carry out, within the powers established by legal acts of the city of Moscow, control, coordinating and executive-administrative activities in the territories of administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

3. Councils headed by heads of councils carry out, within the powers established by legal acts of the city of Moscow, executive and administrative, coordinating and controlling activities in the territories of districts of the city of Moscow.

4. Prefects of administrative districts and heads of administrations are appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

5. Regulations on prefectures and councils are approved by the Government of Moscow.

Article 47

1. Officials of the executive power of the city of Moscow are the Mayor of Moscow, members of the Government of Moscow, heads of executive bodies of the city of Moscow and their deputies, as well as public civil servants of the city of Moscow, duly endowed with administrative and administrative powers.

2. Structures of political parties, religious, public associations, with the exception of trade unions, may not be formed in the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

3. The issues of organizing the state civil service of the city of Moscow are regulated by the laws of the city of Moscow.

Article 48

1. Legal acts of bodies and officials of the executive power of the city of Moscow include resolutions and orders of the Government of Moscow, orders and orders of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow - head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, orders and orders of sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow .

2. Legal acts of bodies and officials of the executive power of the city of Moscow cannot contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, the Charter and the laws of the city of Moscow.

3. A legal act of a body or an official of the executive power of the city of Moscow may be declared invalid in accordance with the procedure established by federal legislation.

Article 49

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the Moscow City Duma interact in the interests of the population on the basis of the division of functions and powers, guided by the commonality of the tasks to be solved, the principles of democracy, legality and publicity.

2. The Moscow City Duma and the executive authorities of the city of Moscow send each other work plans, adopted acts and other information in the prescribed manner.

3. The Mayor of Moscow annually submits to the Moscow City Duma a report on the results of the activities of the Government of Moscow, including on issues raised by the Moscow City Duma. The procedure for preparing, submitting and hearing a report on the results of the activities of the Government of Moscow is established by legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4. The Mayor of Moscow has the right, in accordance with the procedure established by this Charter, other laws of the city of Moscow:

1) submit to the Moscow City Duma draft laws of the city of Moscow, resolutions of the Moscow City Duma and amendments to drafts at any stage of their consideration, as well as opinions on draft laws of the city of Moscow, resolutions of the Moscow City Duma and amendments submitted thereto, delegate the right to make amendments and conclusions to his authorized representative;

2) demand the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Moscow City Duma;

3) appoint their authorized representatives in the Duma on general issues or on individual draft laws of the city of Moscow, resolutions of the Moscow City Duma;

4) propose issues for the agenda of the meeting of the Moscow City Duma;

5) participate in open and closed meetings of the Moscow City Duma;

6) within 14 days from the date of receipt, use the right of veto in relation to the laws of the city of Moscow adopted by the Moscow City Duma, sending them for reconsideration with or without amendments;

7) apply to the Moscow City Duma with a proposal to introduce amendments and (or) additions to the resolutions of the Moscow City Duma or to cancel them, or appeal against these resolutions in court;

8) to make a report or a co-report on the agenda of the meeting of the Moscow City Duma;

9) speak out of turn at meetings of the Moscow City Duma.

5. The law of the city of Moscow, in relation to which the Mayor of Moscow used the right of veto, may be adopted by the Moscow City Duma in the previous edition, if at least 2/3 of the established number of deputies of the Moscow City Duma vote for it.

6. The law of the city of Moscow, approved by the Moscow City Duma in the previously adopted version, cannot be repeatedly rejected by the Mayor of Moscow, is signed by him and is subject to promulgation within fourteen days.

7. Officials of the executive power of the city of Moscow have the right to attend and speak at meetings of the Moscow City Duma on the issues under discussion.

8. Deputies of the Moscow City Duma enjoy the right of extraordinary reception by the heads and other officials of the executive power of the city of Moscow within a period of not more than two weeks (not counting holidays, illnesses, business trips), the right to attend and speak at meetings of the Government of Moscow and other executive bodies of the city of Moscow .

9. The Moscow City Duma has the right to apply to the Mayor of Moscow, the Government of Moscow, other executive authorities of the city of Moscow and their leaders with proposals for the abolition, amendment or addition of legal acts adopted by them, or to appeal against these legal acts in a judicial proceeding, or in the prescribed manner to apply to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request about their compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

  • Chapter 1. (Articles 1-10)
    • Article 1
    • Article 2
    • Article 3
    • Article 4
    • Article 5
    • Article 6
    • Article 7
    • Article 8
    • Article 9
    • Article 10
  • Chapter 2. (Articles 11-13)
    • Article 11
    • Article 12
    • Article 13
  • Chapter 3. (Articles 14-19)
    • Article 14
    • Article 15
    • Article 16
    • Article 17
    • Article 18
    • Article 19
  • Chapter 4. (Articles 20-27)
    • Article 20
    • Article 21
    • Article 22
    • Article 23
    • Article 24
    • Article 25
    • Articles 26 - 27. Excluded
  • Chapter 5. (Articles 28-32)
    • Article 28
    • Article 29
    • Article 30
    • Article 31
    • Article 32
  • Chapter 6. (Articles 33-39)
    • Article 33
    • Article 34
    • Article 35
    • Article 36
    • Article 37
    • Article 38
    • Article 39
  • Chapter 7. (Articles 40-49)
    • Article 40
    • Article 41
    • Article 42
    • Article 43
    • Article 44

In Moscow, in September 2018, the next elections for the post of head of the city will be held. This event often causes public outcry - the previous mayoral elections, which took place in 2013, were accompanied by lengthy rallies and protests of citizens. Experts say that the election of the mayor of Moscow in 2018 is almost exactly the same in importance as the election of the President of the Russian Federation. After all, it is in the capital that all the most significant and urgent problems are solved.

It is clear that the issue of elections is of interest to every Muscovite, because the expediency and efficiency of the distribution of the city budget, as well as the welfare of the city, its economic development and convenience depend on the city manager. Let's figure out when the mayoral elections will take place in Moscow, who will present their candidacy and what are the statistics on the applicants at the moment.

The date of the elections of the mayor of Moscow is set for September 9, 2018, on a single voting day. On this day, gubernatorial and parliamentary elections will also be held in many regions of Russia. Around the same day, September 8, 2013, the previous elections for the mayor of the capital were held. Muscovites elect the mayor for 5 years.

List of candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow

Below is the final list of candidates for the upcoming elections:

Sergei Sobyanin, the current mayor of Moscow, is running as a self-nominated candidate. The main candidate for mayor received 51.37% of the vote in the last election.
Ilya Sviridov is a young politician, the head of the Tagansky district of Moscow, a candidate from the Just Russia party. In his program, Sviridov focuses on solving social problems.
Vadim Kumin is an entrepreneur, banker, former deputy of the Moscow Duma, and then the State Duma. Member of the Communist Party, nominated by the party.
Mikhail Degtyarev is a State Duma deputy of the 6th and 7th convocations, head of the State Duma Committee on Physical Education, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs. In 2006 he participated in the elections of the mayor of Samara, and in 2013 in Moscow. LDPR candidate.
Mikhail Balakin is an entrepreneur, former State Duma deputy, deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the VI convocation, represents the Union of Citizens party, although he is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Previously, several votes of deputies were withdrawn, because of which Balakin was removed from the list of candidates, but he was able to defend his right to participate in the elections in court.

As you can see, almost everyone on the list is “their own”: candidates from parliamentary parties, without opposition.

Failed Candidates

The following people were previously on the list:

Andrey Klychkov - ex-deputy of the Moscow City Duma. Initially, he was nominated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but was appointed Acting Governor of the Orel Region, which is why he abandoned the fight for the post of head of the capital in October 2017.
Evgeny Budnik is an ex-deputy of the Basmanny municipal district of Moscow. One of the first to declare participation, however, he announced his refusal to participate on his Facebook page in November 2017.
Ilya Varlamov is a journalist and entrepreneur, the most popular blogger on LiveJournal. In his blog, he actively covers the problems of Russian cities and tells how to deal with them. Promotes the ideas of "Radical Urbanism". In mid-April, he announced his participation in the elections, but on May 18 he abandoned this idea in favor of supporting independent candidates.
Ilya Yashin - politician and municipal figure, head of the Krasnoselsky municipal district. Criticizes the policies of Mayor Sobyanin, corruption among Moscow officials and the "communal mafia" in Moscow. He goes to the polls as an independent candidate from democratic forces, has the support of a number of municipal deputies, Alexei Navalny and the Solidarity movement. On June 24, he said that he could not pass the municipal filter, and withdrew from the elections.
Anton Krasovsky is a journalist, public figure, head of the AIDS Center charity foundation. In 2012, he led the headquarters of presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov, and in 2018 he worked at the headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak. He stated that he was being put forward "as a kind of alternative to everything that is happening in this country in general", "for values, and not against Sobyanin." Failed to collect signatures of voters.
Dmitry Gudkov is an opposition politician, former deputy of the State Duma (2011-2016), candidate from the Party of Changes (a party based on the Civil Initiative, created by Gudkov and Sobchak). Withdrew because he could not pass the municipal filter.
Sergei Mitrokhin - former chairman of the Yabloko party (2008-2015), current chairman of the Moscow branch of the party. He was also a deputy of the Moscow City Duma from 2005 to 2009. Naturally, he is nominated from the Yabloko party.
Maxim Suraikin - Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia, participated in the presidential elections in 2018 and finished seventh out of eight candidates.
Sergei Revin is a test cosmonaut, has the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Nominated by the Green Party, of which he is a member.
Georgy Fedorov, a former member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, opposes the urban planning policy of the Moscow City Hall and the renovation program. Independent Candidate.
Natalya Dontsova is a journalist, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, but is nominated independently.
Igor Suzdaltsev is an entrepreneur, CEO of IKT Management. Runs as an independent candidate. The main idea of ​​the program is to create favorable conditions in Moscow for high-tech companies.
German Sterligov is an entrepreneur. Extends independently. In 2003, he already participated in the election of the mayor of Moscow and scored 3.65%, in 2004 he tried to run for the presidency of the country, but was never registered. He voiced a rather unusual program - to resettle Moscow, reduce it to the limits of the Garden Ring.
Alexander Zakondyrin is the chairman of the Green Alliance party. In his program, he pays the most attention to the environmental problems of Moscow.
Ruslan Khaliullin - Director of the Children and Youth Support Fund, self-nominated.
Denis Ganich - co-chairman of the National Course party, editor-in-chief of the newspaper of the same name, activist of the National Liberation Movement.
Stanislav Polishchuk is a candidate from the political party "Party of Social Reforms", its chairman.
Sergey Troitsky is a self-nominated leader of the Metal Corrosion music group, known by the nickname Spider, for example. Previously, he participated in elections to the State Duma, for the post of mayor in the cities of Khimki and Zhukovsky, and also tried to run for the mayoral elections in Moscow in 2013.
Ildar Rezyapov - Chairman of the Party of Veterans of Russia, nominated by her. He has been active politically in Crimea since 2014.


Predictions and probable outcome of the elections

So far, there is not much time left before the next elections of the mayor of Moscow. Given the good reputation of Sobyanin among citizens and authorities, his active work, it can be assumed that the victory will remain with him. Assessing the results of the mayor's work from 2013 to 2017, one can see how much the citizens' trust in him has increased. People respond positively to the changes, because in less than 4 years of government, the Moscow transport system and pedestrian infrastructure have been improved, new metro stations have been opened, work has been done to improve park and forest areas, and a single ticket has been introduced for all types of transport.

According to political analysts, there are no really strong competitors for Sobyanin among the candidates for the 2018 mayoral elections in Moscow. In the last Moscow mayoral election, he was rivaled by Alexei Navalny, but even with strong support and a powerful election campaign, Navalny won only 27 percent of the vote against Sobyanin's 51. And given that there is no opposition candidate to participate in the upcoming elections, there is little chance of Sobyanin being removed.

Latest VTsIOM poll:

Municipal filters

With Sobyanin's popularity, everything is clear, but potential candidates had a much more serious obstacle - the so-called municipal filter. The fact is that in order to participate in the elections, a candidate needs to collect at least 110 signatures of deputies from 110 different municipal districts of the capital.

The only party present in 110 municipalities is United Russia, the party that Sobyanin is a member of and which appeals to him. Even having united, all other parties and self-nominated candidates do not have the required number of representatives. Thus, United Russia selected rivals for the current mayor.

The only hope for the opposition forces to go to the polls is to present a single candidate, and for this you need to be able to agree with each other. Unfortunately, no single opposition candidate was chosen, so there will be no opposition in this election.

Will there be early voting?

The main reason is the lack of transparency of the procedure. Early voting gives scope for undesirable manipulations with its results, and unnecessary scandals of the Moscow City Hall are not needed now. The second reason is the low demand for the procedure due to the lack of hard-to-reach areas (still, Moscow is a city).

Polling stations outside the city

The beginning of September is still the time when a large number of Muscovites are on weekends outside the city at their summer cottages. It is for them that 209 temporary polling stations will operate outside of Moscow. In order to vote for them, it will be necessary from August 29 to September 5 to submit an appropriate application through the State Services or in person at the MFC or the Moscow Territorial Election Commission.

Past elections

Last time, in 2013, a record high number of candidates for the post of mayor was recorded. The Moscow City Electoral Committee accepted more than 40 applications from deputies of various political parties, businessmen and social and public figures. In particular, current teachers and even pensioners offered their candidacies. But 6 candidates went to the final, for the main fight: Sergei Sobyanin (51.37%), Alexei Navalny (27.24%), Ivan Melnikov (10.69%), Sergei Mitrokhin (3.51%), Mikhail Degtyarev (2.86%) and Nikolai Levichev (2.79%). The voter turnout was only 32% of voters.

What is the legal status of the mayor? The mayor has the right to decide and is endowed with appropriate powers to resolve social and domestic issues, including those related to the management of the municipality entrusted to him.

It can be both an urban district and a district and regional center.

These powers are prescribed in the charter of the municipality, approved by the meeting of deputies of the local convocation.

In this article:

Legal status of the mayor

The mayor of a city or district is the head of the municipality. A mayor may be a citizen who has reached the age of twenty-one on the day of the election. The law does not provide requirements for the education of the candidate.

Being at the head of the city, the mayor determines the main ways of development of the territory of the city, represents its interests in relations with the state, region and other municipalities.

In most cases, the mayor is the people's choice, so he exercises his powers in the interests of the population.

The mayor usually heads either the local administration or the city council. Its place in the system of local self-government bodies depends on the model of local self-government implemented by the charter of the city or district. The mayor's term of office is usually five years.

The procedure for the formation of the office of mayor

The formation of the candidature of the head is regulated by the regional law and the charter of the municipality.

There are several options for the formation of the position of mayor:

  • by being elected in local elections by the population of the respective municipality;
  • election as part of a representative body from among its members, as a result of which he simultaneously holds the post of chairman of the city duma;
  • in the absence of a representative body, where the population is less than 300 people, the mayor is elected by the population by holding a gathering of citizens, as a result of which he simultaneously occupies the post of head of the local administration.

For the mayor, the law provides for a ban on simultaneously holding posts in the city duma or local administration, with the exception of a municipality that has the form of a rural settlement or an intra-city formation of Moscow and St. Petersburg in accordance with the charter.

At present, a law has been adopted in most regions of the country, according to which the post of mayor is formed by deputies from their own composition, as a rule, in an urban district.

The rights and duties of the mayor

The mayor is responsible for the following issues at the local level:

  • representing the interests of the municipality in relations with other local authorities, the region and the state, as well as citizens and organizations of all types;
  • approves the adoption at the local level of normative acts on municipal issues by signing and promulgating them;
  • has the right to issue its own normative acts in order to exercise official powers;
  • may convene an extraordinary meeting of deputies;
  • in the case of vesting local bodies with state powers, ensures their implementation;
  • annually generates activity reports submitted to the representative body.

The mayor is subject to the same restrictions and prohibitions as for deputies, including within the framework of the anti-corruption policy.

Cases of termination of the powers of the mayor

The termination of the mayor's activity may be due to a number of reasons, including early:

  • as a result of death;
  • resignation at his own will, including for health reasons;
  • removal from office by decision of the representative body;
  • when dismissed for loss of trust in the population;
  • if by court he is recognized as incompetent, missing or dead;
  • as a result of a court conviction for committed socially dangerous acts;
  • when moving for permanent residence outside the country;
  • loss of citizenship, with the exception of cases provided for by international treaties or agreements;
  • carrying out the voting procedure for the recall of the mayor from office;
  • for the loss of confidence in the President of Russia;
  • as a result of the transformation or change in the form of the municipality.

Based on the foregoing and if there is a desire, citizens have the opportunity to change the mayor of their municipality.

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