
Restaurant and hotel business. Small cafe. Menu - the simpler, the tastier

Second courses are an integral part full lunch... The second is usually served with a hot dish consisting of a side dish, as well as meat or fish dishes, but there are also non-traditional varieties of recipes for second courses. You won't have to think too much about what to cook for the second, because there are a huge number of recipes, a lot of them are prepared quite quickly and simply.

To decide on your culinary masterpiece, you first need to decide which fish, meat or poultry is more to your taste, and then choose a good side dish. You can very cleverly experiment with each ingredient and cook everything according to your desire, but of course it is better to use ready-made recipes. Such detailed and interesting recipes can be found on our website. There you can find varieties of cooking seafood and river fish, methods of cooking meat, poultry. Using such recipes when cooking will greatly facilitate your work and speed up the process.

So, after you have decided on the basis of the second course, you need to choose from a wide variety what will be necessarily tasty and beautiful. For example, meat can be cooked in many ways - boil, fry, bake, stew. Recipes for delicious second courses with meat can easily be found here and no longer bother searching. There will be no problems with meat, the main thing is to cook it correctly. Anything can serve as a side dish for meat - potatoes, rice, stewed vegetables, even a simple vegetable salad. It can be concluded that meat dish you can always cook as you like.

If you decide to cook fish for the second, then here you can find a large number delicious recipes... The cooking steps will depend on the type of fish purchased. Fish dishes are also widely presented on our website. All recipes are available to absolutely everyone - they are not prepared in the most difficult way. Most fish dishes are not only very tasty, but also contain many useful substances necessary for the body. Thus, fish main course recipes should be a must in your kitchen.

Another variety in recipes with photos of second courses on our website is poultry dishes. Many chefs love to cook poultry meat, because, firstly, it is not at all difficult to cook it, and most importantly quickly. Poultry meat can be served on the table, either whole or in separate parts, it all depends on the cooking recipe. Everything is very simple with a side dish, it can be varied, because poultry meat is combined with absolutely different ingredients.

Delicious second courses can be prepared in your kitchen just as great as in a restaurant. To do this, you just need to choose for yourself good recipe from detailed description cooking. The recipes for the second courses are very diverse, and their number simply cannot be counted. Add all your love and kindness to the dish to make the dinner great and everyone is happy!

The restaurant business seems simple. You buy groceries, cook, sell at a premium. But it only seems so. The profit of a newly opened establishment, in addition to the quality of the cuisine, depends on many factors: a good location, the quality of the marketer's work, the selection of waiters, the beauty of the decorations, the convenience of the furniture, the cleanliness and atmosphere of the dining room, and dozens of other little things. But still, the proceeds are provided by the dishes and drinks presented in the menu.

They can vary greatly in price, and most importantly, in cost. The higher the price and the lower the cost, the higher product margin... It is high-margin dishes that provide profit to catering establishments at good times and keep them afloat during crises. What are the most marginal dishes and drinks?

In preparing this material, journalists IQ Review did their "homework" and looked for the answer to this question in open sources. Surprisingly, there is almost nothing on the Internet on this topic, there was only one article slightly touching on the topic. Basically, all materials on restaurant marginality are derived from economic factor analysis and are written for hired economists and restaurant consultants working on the network, and not for start-up entrepreneurs in the catering industry.

The answer to the simple question of a newcomer in the restaurant business who needs to form a concept for his establishment before opening and hiring chefs, “ what dishes are more profitable to sell so as not to burn out "You can find only in paid specialized business literature (for example, a good analysis of the economics of catering is given in the book by Dmitry Denisov" Superprofitable fast food "), but not on the Internet. Therefore, for novice restaurateurs, we have prepared this free material that will help you correctly form the menu of your future cafe or restaurant.

Pizza Company interior

How many different types of ready-made food outlets can you remember, if you do not take restaurants of national cuisine? There are not many well-established and popular catering options out there. Here's a rough list of what comes to mind in a minute: pizzeria, sushi bar, hot dog stand, pancake shop, ice cream parlor, shawarma kiosk, burger shop, coffee shop, pastry shop, mini bakery, sandwich bar, steakhouse ... We strain our memory a little more, remembering salad bars, fresh bars and newfangled soup bars.

We will not take a buffet in this article, this is a special sales model that is disassembled in. Also, we will not talk about purely alcoholic bars, there is no food. However, the topic of alcohol will be touched upon.

So, we have collected a certain pool of establishments that have proven their right to a place in the sun and have well-established armies of fans. Today people do not open restaurants and cafes, where the menu is crammed with "anyhow". The client looks askance at the sushi made in the shawarma tent. The menu should reflect a certain well-established concept or be a reflection of a specific national cuisine. What do all these concepts have in common? The answer is simple: they are formed around the anchor product .

Anchor products

Let's list directly on the list:

  • pizza;
  • sushi and rolls;
  • hot dogs;
  • pancakes;
  • ice cream;
  • shawarma;
  • burgers;
  • coffee;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • bakery products;
  • sandwiches;
  • steaks;
  • juices;
  • soups.

What do these names have in common? Let's consider the main characteristics, due to the manipulation of which, restaurants make up a complete menu around one dish.

  1. Variability... You can order 20 different types of ice cream, absolute darkness of different pastries and pastries, pizza with a dozen different fillings and even shawarma in cheese lavash or plain.
  2. The ability to change the serving size... Everything is clear here, any portions of anything can differ in weight, number of pieces or volume.
  3. Complementarity... You probably won't eat cucumber milk soup. However, a cup of coffee is well complemented by a croissant, to an elite steak from marbled beef for the fullness of pathos, it is imperative to order wine, but while you are waiting for the soup, an aperitif in the form of toast will be useful.
  4. Compliance with the type of establishment... All the same example with shawarma in a sushi bar. Well, or an attempt to sell a steak to hurrying customers of a pie shop at the station railroad will not be very appropriate.

In general, from this short lecture it should be clear to you that a menu of suitable special stages is formed around the anchor product of different variations and sizes. It is formed in such a way as to maximize the average bill: the lower cost of a larger portion relative to its weight, the selection of tempting aperitifs, the ability to add individual ingredients for a fee - you can't list everything, this is a topic for a restaurant marketing book, not a narrow article.

The main idea that follows from the entire preface is what the restaurants are based on - these are the anchor dishes listed above that form the menu.

Approximate figures for dishes: cost price, price on the menu and margin

Sushi Set

Let's try to "estimate" the marginality figures. The exact cost of each dish will vary greatly depending on the fixed costs (rent, salary, some taxes, etc.) and the cost of the restaurant equipment. Let's break it down on the fingers, using only food prices, variable costs, and average “hospital” prices on the menu.


What is pizza? This is a roll, some cheese, some vegetables and some meat. The whole thing weighs 400 grams. We buy it for 600 rubles. Even if there are very high-quality products, its preparation is unlikely to cost more than 100 rubles. The margin is 500%.


Japanese cuisine is a gold mine. Under one important condition: you have high turnovers. After all, sushi is just rice that costs nothing, and a tiny piece of fish. You take a fillet of red fish for, say, 700 rubles per kilo and sell a set of 6 rolls for 350 rubles, "beating off" almost half of the cost of food. It's another matter if you bought in bulk 10 kg of fish of five types, sold 10 sets, and the rest is rotten. With high turnovers, the cost of one set is 50 rubles, the margin is 600%.

Hot dogs

We found out the cost of hot dogs sold by the market leader, the Stardogs brand. There the cost of products (a roll and a sausage) is indicated, which is about 40% of the final price of a hot dog (the data were taken a long time ago, there may be a slight deviation). That is, with a hot dog price of 120 rubles, you will pay 50 for a sausage with a roll to the supplier. There is one significant "but" here. The company "Markon", the owner of the brand and the franchisor, puts a restriction for franchisees to purchase products only from their suppliers. And, therefore, in addition to royalties, it also has a decent share of raw materials. If you open your own hot dog shop, then you are not bound by any obligations and can get sausages cheaper. In order not to harass people and discourage the buyer from returning, sausages at 200 rubles per kilo or so will go, which gives the cost of a hot dog about 30 rubles. The margin is 300%.


The leader in the Russian market is Teremok. He rightfully earns great money, because his product is excellent! Pancakes, excluding the depreciation of the equipment, cost almost nothing, maybe 20 rubles for a dough with a filling per piece. The average price of a pancake in Teremka is about one hundred rubles. The margin is 400%.

A glass of ice cream

The most expensive thing in ice cream production is ... electricity. One portion of ice cream has a real cost of 8 rubles or even less, and they sell it for 20 or more. But, of course, in a decent establishment of the Swensen’s level, the ice cream is cooler and the prices are higher. A set for 3 balls with beautiful and tasty toppings can be sold for 250 rubles at a cost price of 50. Margin - 400%.


According to Kommersant-money, 7 servings of shawarma come out from one kilogram of meat after frying. Lavash and greens cost 10 rubles. To have more margin, it is better to take chicken. The cost price of a portion of products for shawarma is approximately 30 rubles. Product margin - "only" 200 percent.


A fairly monopolized topic. You won't make burgers good quality cheaper than McDonald's for the simple reason that you will not have enough turnover to get good prices for raw materials - after all, in Russia 90% of burgers are sold by Mac, and people simply do not want to try new things! Almost all burger shops in Russia are represented by chains or franchises of American diners. The only more or less well-known independent point in Moscow is Rusburger on Arbat. A huge place with very pleasant cuisine, Burger King prices and style, it always stands empty. However, they opened the second outlet recently, so they earn something. But this is an isolated case when people invested very powerfully and got down to business seriously.

If you take the segment of low-quality market burgers, they will be like shawarma at cost, but no one will buy them with a bunch of understandable alternatives in the same price range. Do not meddle in this topic, there is no money here, it makes no economic sense to quote a markup.


According to Womanwiki, the cost of the cake is about 200 rubles. And you can sell it for 600. 200% margin. It should be noted that cakes spoil very quickly, and buyers are very picky and are ready to take only today's one, despite the official shelf life of an ordinary cake of 5 days. Money is made from pastries. The costs are small, the weight is small, and the average price is 80 rubles. The margin can be estimated at 250-300%... There is definitely money in the topic, some confectioners manage to sell cakes for 300 rubles or more. But business is complex, you need to have an approach to clients. We do not recommend getting into the confectionery topic without experience and knowledge.

Fresh bakery

A canonical example is the Paul Bakery franchise. If someone suddenly does not know, this is a company that successfully sells bread for 130 rubles, just adding figs or nuts to it. People come there because there are no analogues in the supermarket and the store from the local bakery. The cost of bread is 10-15 rubles. In fairness, not all the bread there is so expensive. They successfully combine the sale of pastries with the sale of pastries. We estimate the margin from 500% minimum.


IN large cities The Russian niche is occupied by Subway. In small ones - his sandwich franchise is not worth gnawing, because no one knows the brand. And they sell a roll with herbs and a piece of meat for a very solid 200-300 rubles. The cost price is like that of shawarma, maybe a little higher due to the variety of meat. The margin is from 500%, the question is, will they buy a sandwich from you for 300 rubles in a city with an average salary of 15 thousand?


How much does a good steak cost in Moscow? Better not to know!

250 grams of meat for 2000 rubles? Why not - welcome to the steakhouse!

Already counting the millions you've earned in your head? It's not that simple, this is a steak from Australian marbled beef, which costs about $ 100 per kg in retail. Can you imagine if a party like that goes rotten? A regular good steak sells for 500 rubles, which isn't bad either, but won't make you an instant millionaire. 400% margin.

But a Russian reader would not be a Russian reader if his inquisitive mind hadn’t come up with a plan to sell Russian beef under the guise of elite marble beef. The plan is good, there is only one thing. Among your wealthy clients there will be respected gourmets from Chechnya and Dagestan, who may not understand the idea and let such a restaurateur eat meat.


What is soup? This is water with vegetables infused with a piece of meat. Selling water for 300 rubles per plate - how can it be unprofitable? Maybe if you sell Tom-yam with king prawns, for example. It consists entirely of rare imported ingredients obtained through air delivery. However, you can find tasty and inexpensive recipes for soups in the production and successfully work with a margin of 500%... Soup bars are a very promising topic if your chef is really good. And you can eat chicken soup at home.

Please be reminded that all margins are shown excluding fixed costs. If you take into account the depreciation of equipment and break down the actual fixed costs by the actual sales volume, the real profitability of dishes can be very low or negative (at low turnover). The material indicates "spherical marginality in a vacuum" so that you have something to start from in your own research.

This is all cool, big margin, good prospects for opening your own cafe, but still wondering where is the biggest marginality hidden? Let's find out!

Kings of margin

What should be done in order to earn maximum money from one kilogram of product?

You already know the answer if you read our material "". Let us remind you that Denis brought out a useful everyday rule: avoid food, the cost of which per kilogram is more than 300 rubles. The answer is simple: you need to understand the price. And so that the crazy price was not so noticeable, it is necessary to inflate the volume, reducing the weight. What kind of raw materials allows you to make such a product? Anyone knows and has tried at least 90% of the list, but in everyday life we \u200b\u200bnever think about the cost price.

Rating of the most marginal positions in public catering

7. Fresh and smoothies

A fresh juice business is a fantastic investment with low competition and low start-up capital requirements. Provided that you can get a rental at the checkpoint. A kilo of oranges costs 60 rubles in bulk. 400 grams of juice is obtained from it. A glass of this volume is sold for 250 rubles. It's a little expensive for pure orange juice. The problem of how to take more money from the client for juice was solved by the market leader - the international company "Zumo". Usually, several types of juice interfere, they call it a hipster name - and now the buyer does not mind 300 rubles per glass!

But what is 400 percent margin on juices, the guys thought, and went on. Smoothie is the same juice diluted with yogurt and ice. More iceof course, because ice is worthless, and the markup is obtained from 1000%... The hipsters cheer and ask for more!

Zumo sells its franchise for crazy money, although in reality a citrus juicer, washstand, freezer and blender are enough to open such a business.

6. Alcoholic cocktails and alcohol on tap

Have you ever tried to "push" a bottle of Baltika beer for 600 rubles? And don't try. They won't buy. Alcoholic cocktails are quite another matter. Alcohol - 30-50 rubles, the rest - water and flavors. It is sold for 500 rubles only on the way and feeds all owners of clubs and bars in Russia. The same is the sale of strong alcohol in small quantities. Margin - about 1000 percent... Feeding, dressing, buying sports cars - a fairy tale, not a product.

5. Salads

We take a bunch of greens and vegetables for 10 rubles, cut them, put them on a plate, fill them with dressing, sell them for 250 rubles. Brilliant? Brilliant! All classic restaurants make money on salads. Margin - from 1500%. From the equipment - only a knife.

4. Popcorn

The product is specific. Popcorn is traditionally sold successfully in cinemas and parks; elsewhere, the trade is doomed to failure. The device is cheap, about 30 thousand rubles. In fact, it is corn heated in oil in hot air, which explodes and creates volume. The cost of a kilogram of the product together with oil is below 100 rubles. One kilogram makes 30 glasses of popcorn. At a price of 200 rubles per glass, as in a movie theater, it is unlikely that you will be able to sell it if you are not the owner of a movie theater. But for 80 rubles really. Total - a markup of approximately 2300%.

TOP 3 most marginal products

3. Belgian waffles

For cooking, you need a penny waffle iron (up to 4 thousand rubles), dough and jam. The cost price is 10 rubles. In restaurants it costs 250 rubles apiece, for elite food. The margin is 2400%.

2. Coffee

A cup of coffee in Moscow costs from 70 to 350 rubles. A kilogram of coffee beans costs from 600 rubles and pays off from two cups. The coffee machine is capable of brewing 160 cups of coffee from an average of one kilogram of coffee beans. In general, the whole problem here is only in the cost of the coffee machine itself. Normal ones cost about 200 thousand rubles. If you do not take into account the depreciation of equipment, then margin - 9300 percent.

1. Cotton candy is the queen of margin


Trying to cover a fairly large amount of information in one article, we gave a superficial assessment without focusing on the high accuracy of the numbers. In practice, marketing research for a single category of catering costs from 40 thousand rubles and takes 30 pages of printed text.

Prices and data were taken from open sources as of 2015. These figures should not be taken as the ultimate truth, they were calculated en masse with a sufficiently large error for visibility... At the moment, there are no analogues of such systematized information on the restaurant business on the Runet, we hope that this study will be useful for you to start your own more detailed research in a specific restaurant industry and to successfully start your business in public catering.

Knowing the theory is a necessary, but far from determining factor for business success. In fact, starting your own catering business is hard work, be it a fancy restaurant or a democratic canteen. Only those who have tried to become a restaurateur can tell the truth about the practical side of the issue. If you are looking at a catering business, we recommend reading the real one.

The menu of a small cafe doesn't have to be too original or too extensive. Better to perfect and advertise 8-10 dishes - this is quite enough for the format of a small cafe, than to offer visitors two dozen of not very high quality. You can also focus on one direction or topic. For example, small cafes are very popular offering national cuisines and thematic, where the basis is one central dish. For example, pancakes, pies, noodles, etc. The throughput of such a mini-cafe is very easy to increase by selling take-away meals.

In the absence of experience, it is better not even to start production at first, but to limit ourselves to selling ready-made meals, backed up by a good assortment of drinks. Generally, a good tea and coffee list, pastries and set meals are the most popular choice for entrepreneurs to start. If at the same time we focus on quality - to maintain the assortment and freshness of the products - you can definitely count on success. And given the quite affordable cost of a coffee machine (http://vendmos.ru), even a novice entrepreneur can install it.

But if you still develop a unique menu, its relevance will depend on the simplicity of the dishes and the availability of ingredients. It is necessary to form more or less standard proposals - to choose as a basis, dishes that have already established themselves on the market. They will generate the main income. But if it is necessary, according to the concept, to develop an original menu, it is important to indicate the composition of the dish in the menu or place an image. The consumer must imagine what taste and quality he will receive. As a rule, too unique dishes with incomprehensible names are alarming, because visitors to budget establishments, in general, do not like to experiment with food. It will be good if the menu includes well-known hits, such as cheesecakes, pancakes, sandwiches, popular salads, etc. This will increase sales and gain regular customers.

High speed of service is required for productive work - it can be achieved by well thought out the set of equipment and layout of the kitchen working area. If the mini - cafe is not at all large and not designed for super - traffic, then you can partially get by with household appliances, such as blenders, induction cookers, ovens. This will help save energy consumption and startup costs.

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