
The most dangerous and terrible volcano on Earth is the Yellowstone supervolcano. The largest volcano in the usa yellowstone volcano when the eruption

Recently, more and more people are beginning to believe that a catastrophe is approaching in the United States, or more precisely, the Yellowstone volcano is being activated. In particular, all sorts of large-scale preparations testify to this. Yellowstone volcano is one of the most likely causes of the disaster, and new information has recently become known.

Opinions differ

At some point, it turned out that forecasts regarding the magma reservoir under this supervolcano had been seriously underestimated for a long time. In particular, experts working at the University of Utah said that the size of the magma reservoir, where the Yellowstone volcano is located, is approximately twice the size of what was previously considered. At the same time, two years ago, scientists established exactly the same fact, that is, about ten years ago, everyone believed that magma there was four times less than now.

Public opinion

Many US residents believe that in fact their government is well aware of what threatens them with the Yellowstone volcano, but all the facts are hidden in order to avoid panic. At the same time, in refutation, scientists from Utah also guarantee that the most serious threat is not a volcanic eruption at all, but an earthquake that is too strong.

Why is that?

Geological data obtained by scientists indicate that in the National Park the first known eruption was two million years ago, the second - 1.3 million years ago, and the last earthquake occurred 630 thousand years ago. Thus, everything indicates that the volcano may begin an eruption in the near future, and not more than in 20 thousand years, as American experts often say. However, simulations using specialized computer technology sometimes show that the next catastrophe may occur around 2075.

How accurate is this?

The accuracy of these models depends directly on the regularity and complexity of the effects, as well as on various events. It is hard enough to believe that US scientists know exactly when this volcano will erupt, but given that it is one of the most famous places in the world, there is no doubt that it is being closely monitored.

How dangerous is it?

When the Yellowstone volcano explodes, the amount of ash is enough to cover the entire United States with a layer 15 cm thick. A huge amount of various gases will enter the atmosphere, the main part of which will be various sulfur compounds.

At the same time, it is worth noting that such a development of events would provoke a lot of tragic changes on earth. When the Yellowstone Volcano explodes, all kinds of blackouts and acid rains will begin, which will cause the extinction of a fairly large number of animals, plants and humanity itself. A situation like a nuclear winter could ultimately lead to the fact that the average temperature on the planet will be about -25 ° C, after which it will be necessary to wait for the normalization of the situation, since everything has stabilized after previous eruptions.

According to the British publication Focus, in other countries, governments understand the threat, as a result of which advanced specialists were sent to Yellowstone. At the same time, everyone should understand that humanity has no way to protect itself from this danger, and the only precautions will be the following: the creation of all kinds of shelters, as well as the collection of the maximum possible amount of water and food. As the camera aimed at the Yellowstone Volcano (webcam) shows, in the near future no emergencies are foreseen for sure.

Seismologists and volcanologists

Volcanologists who explored the Yellowstone volcano (June) determined that it has recently begun to show signs of activity again. In particular, this is evidenced by the fact that, in accordance with the readings of the devices, the rate of raising the soil around this “monster” has more than tripled over the past few years.

At the same time, seismologists, who also explored the Yellowstone Volcano (July), were somewhat incredulous about the results of their colleagues, and hurried with information that calms the population. According to them, there are no fears to be afraid of the next eruption, because in fact, seismic activity not only did not increase in the area, but fell altogether. Thus, to date, the volcano is still quiet, but scientists are arguing with might and main about what will happen to it in the near future.

Is it true?

In fact, you need to understand that regardless of who will explore the Yellowstone volcano, these forecasts will be extremely inaccurate. The thing is that the process of studying in the thickness of the mantle and the earth's crust, on which the risk of awakening volcanoes will directly depend, is still carried out exclusively with the help of specialized seismic equipment.

Ultra-sensitive devices process information and note even the smallest fluctuations, as a result of which scientists are already thinking about what the results mean. Thus, different specialists can interpret the data obtained during the operation of a seismograph in completely different ways.

Among other things, one should not forget that various geological events are predicted in the vast majority of cases based on a model of ongoing processes that is built by a computer, while the accuracy of such models is quite low, because even the most powerful computers are able to analyze the impact on a certain process of only two or three factors, while in fact there are several dozen, if not hundreds. In this regard, the truth about the Yellowstone volcano has not been disclosed to this day and, in principle, it cannot be reliably disclosed with the help of even the most modern equipment, since not a single computer is able to cope with such analyzes.

What do volcanologists say?

Nevertheless, it is worth at least listening to the opinion put forward by volcanologists. In the course of many years of measurements, it was determined that the giant volcanic caldera is rising quite quickly, and this speed has increased significantly since 2004. This information was officially published in the journal Science, which at that time caused quite a serious panic among those people who are not very versed in this area.

It should be noted that the collection of information was quite detailed. In the process of ongoing research, scientists used GPS information, as well as radar measurements carried out by one of the specialized mapping satellites. According to the information received, the rate of soil uplift currently reaches 7 cm/g, which is almost three times higher than the average values.

In addition, with the help of computer simulations of the source of this perturbation, scientists can predict how much the base area of ​​the supervolcano will expand, which today is approximately 1200 km 2. Interestingly enough, this bottom section, located at a depth of 10 km, coincides with the magma cavity in the earth's crust. According to the calculations of American scientists, the volume of hot matter present at the base of the volcano also increases, and the rate of this process is approximately 0.1 km 2 /g. It should be noted that this is consistent with the calculations of the amount of magma that is necessary for the normal supply of heat to a troubled seismic area.

Based on the information obtained, the researchers suggest that the driving force that provokes the uplift of the earth's crust in this area is the natural circulation of hot and cold lava layers, but it should not be ruled out that in the near future the power of the hot magma flow, which feeds the volcanic zone, is capable of increase. Such phenomena quite often indicate that the volcano may awaken in the near future.

What to do?

Volcanologists joke about this, saying that today, looking at the Yellowstone volcano (cameras), they feel like prisoners in a cage with a sleeping tiger, which is not dangerous, but at the slightest movement of which you already begin to tremble. At the same time, in this situation, they guess why these strange natural phenomena occur.

In particular, they believe that the uplift of the earth's crust has accelerated due to certain changes in the deep structure where hot magma rises, and this also often happens before a particular volcano awakens.

We just have to watch how the Yellowstone volcano behaves. The webcam is turned on, everyone can watch it.

Scientists warn of an imminent cataclysm, which will be the largest in the history of human development. How will the eruption affect Russia, will the country face a catastrophe?

According to research by specialists from the University of Arizona, in less than a hundred years, a supervolcano will erupt in Yellowstone. Yellowstone volcano is a huge depression with a diameter of 80 by 40 km, formed as a result of several super-eruptions over millions of years. The last time the volcano erupted lava was 640 thousand years ago, and it is possible that we will soon witness this event.

What will happen to humanity?

According to experts from the US Geological Survey, the consequences of a volcanic eruption will be comparable to a nuclear explosion. As a result of the release of hot magma to a height of 50 kilometers, the entire western American coast will be a dead zone covered with a one and a half meter layer of ash. Nothing alive will remain within a radius of 500 km, and 90% of people and nature will die 1200 kilometers from the eruption point.

According to estimates, about one hundred thousand people will become victims of asphyxiation and hydrogen sulfide poisoning. In a day, acid rain will fall in the United States, from which all vegetation will die. And in a month, the Earth will plunge into darkness, as the Sun will hide behind clouds of ash and cinders.

The climate will change dramatically, there will be a sharp cooling of 10-20 degrees. Because of this, oil and gas pipelines, railways will fail. The ozone hole will grow, killing the remaining living organisms. Because of the awakened volcano in Yellowstone, lava and other volcanoes will begin to erupt. Because of this, many tsunamis will arise, washing away the cities in their path.

Which countries will be affected the most?

Not only the United States will suffer, but most countries. Most of all will get to China, India, the Scandinavian countries and the north of Russia. Life will stop there. The number of victims in the first year of the global catastrophe will reach two billion people. Southern Siberia will suffer the least. The period, which scientists have already called "volcanic winter", will last four years. And humanity will have to cope with the consequences for a very long time. Over the next century, the Earth will return to the Middle Ages again, plunged into savagery and chaos.

Can the Earth be saved?

The only consolation is that many serious scientists reject such a scenario and doubt that such an apocalypse is possible not only in the near future, but ever. According to Aleksey Sobisevich, head of the laboratory at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, a volcanic eruption in Yellowstone is possible not earlier than in hundreds of thousands of years. And, in the end, it is not so scary, because our distant ancestors managed to survive three such super-eruptions. At the same time, scientists do not exclude that the supervolcano can wake up with the help of earthlings themselves.

The attack on the volcano is one of the methods of terror, which can become the most dangerous. The volcano can be detonated artificially by blowing up the lid of the magma chamber using megaton-class warheads.

The most pessimistic scenario for the awakening of a supervolcano is as follows: it will be an explosion comparable to the explosion of 1000 atomic bombs. The ground part of the supervolcano will collapse into a funnel with a diameter of fifty kilometers. An ecological catastrophe will occur on Earth. For the US, the eruption of Yellowstone will mean the end of existence.

The saddest thing is that not only alarmists, but also experts are talking about such consequences. Yakov Levenshtern from the Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory (USA) said that more than 1 thousand km³ of magma fell out into all previous supervolcano eruptions (there were three of them). This is enough to cover most of North America with a layer of ash up to 30 cm (at the epicenter of the disaster). Loewenstern also noted that the air temperature throughout the world will drop by 21 degrees, visibility will become no more than half a meter for several years. An era similar to nuclear winter will come.

Hurricane Katrina showed that the US civil defense system is not ready for such large-scale cataclysms - and the civil defense of no country will be able to prepare for them.

Domestic scientists do not get tired of predicting the eruption of a supervolcano. The head of the Department of Dynamic Geology of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Nikolai Koronovsky, in an interview with Vesti, told what would happen after the eruption:

“The winds are predominantly westerly, so everything will go to the east of the USA. Will cover them. Solar radiation will decrease, which means that the temperature will have to fall. The well-known eruption of the Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Strait in 1873 lowered the temperature by about 2 degrees in the equatorial part for a year and a half, until the ash dissipated.

Many volcanologists have started talking about the fact that the Yellowstone volcano is waking up and its eruption can begin at any moment! What then will become of the United States and the rest of the world if this suddenly happens?

According to American volcanologists, the eruption of the largest volcano in the world, the Yellowstone Caldera, can lead to the Apocalypse.

Recently, the dormant volcano has begun to show more and more obvious signs of activity, which only further inflames the situation around it.

Why is there black smoke coming out of the Yellowstone volcano geyser?

So, very recently, on the night of October 3-4, 2017, black smoke poured out of the volcano, which seriously frightened the inhabitants of Wyoming. It turned out that the smoke was coming from Geyser "Old Faithful"- the most famous geyser volcano.

Usually, a volcano ejects jets of hot water from a geyser as high as a 9-story building at intervals of 45 to 125 minutes, but here instead of water or at least steam, black smoke poured out.

Why is black smoke coming out of a volcano?- unclear. Perhaps this is a burning organic matter that has approached the surface.

What happens if the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupts?

The first known eruption was two million years ago, the second was 1.3 million years ago, and the last earthquake occurred 630,000 years ago.

A super-volcano under Yellowstone National Park has been growing at a record rate since 2004. And it can explode with a force a thousand times more powerful than several hundred volcanoes all over the earth at the same time.

At any moment, with its eruption, it can destroy the territory of the United States, which may even begin a world catastrophe - the Apocalypse, as some American scientists believe.

Experts predict that the volcanic eruption will be no less powerful than all three times when the Yellowstone volcano erupted over the past 2.1 million years.

According to the forecasts of volcanologists, the lava will rise high into the sky, the ash will cover the nearby territories with a layer of 15 meters and a distance of 5000 kilometers.

In the very first days, the territory of the United States may become uninhabited due to toxic air. The dangers in North America will not end there, as the likelihood of earthquakes and tsunamis that can destroy hundreds of cities will increase.

The consequences of the explosion will affect the whole world, as the accumulation of vapors from the Yellowstone volcano will envelop the entire planet. The smoke will make it difficult for the sun's rays to pass through, which will provoke the onset of a long winter. Global temperatures will drop to -25 degrees on average.

Experts believe that the country is unlikely to be affected by the explosion itself, but the consequences will affect the entire remaining population, as there will be an acute shortage of oxygen, perhaps due to a decrease in temperature, first plants and then animals will not remain.

For example, before the earthquake, many pet owners noticed that the animals behaved extremely strangely: dogs barked incessantly, cats rushed around the house, etc.

As for Yellowstone, even there the animals behave strangely. As the news of the possibility of a super-volcano eruption became more and more alarming, videos of bison escaping from Yellowstone National Park appeared on the Web. This caused concern already among people who decided that such behavior could be a sign of an imminent eruption of a super-volcano.

And although experts assure that these are just seasonal migrations of animals in search of food, the public still does not believe in such coincidences.

By the way! Protect and improve your life and financial well-being will help you

An analysis of the molten rock of the Yellowstone super-volcano showed that an eruption is possible without any external influences, so a catastrophe can occur at any time. Well, if asteroids fall into the territory of the United States, then the end of the world certainly cannot be avoided. By the way, about the nearest dates of the approach of dangerous asteroids, read and watch the video in THIS ISSUE!


Yellowstone volcano is waking up!

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There were many predictions about the end of the world, and one of the causes of the global catastrophe is often called the largest volcano in America - Yellowstone. And yes, if it erupts, it can destroy the mainland.

yellowstone volcano

The caldera of the Yellowstone volcano is so gigantic that it houses a national park (by the way, of the same name). Its dimensions are approximately 55 kilometers by 72 kilometers. Moreover, its dimensions were determined recently: in 1960-1970. And this is not just a volcano, but a supervolcano. Here you can walk without even suspecting that there is a volcano under your feet.

It is actually quite difficult with supervolcanoes today, about 20 such formations are known to the world. It is quite possible that some of them have not yet been recognized, some are considered to be ordinary extinct volcanoes, which appeared in ring structures as a result of the fact that a cosmic body (asteroid, meteorite or comet) fell to Earth many millions of years ago.

Yellowstone is located in the so-called hot spot: under the caldera there is a huge bubble of magma, the depth of which, according to research, is about 8 thousand meters.

The temperature inside this giant bubble, according to scientists, exceeds 800 degrees. That is why there are a huge number of thermal springs in the park, and there is also a valley of geysers. By the way, the largest in the world (there are five such valleys on the planet).

Today, this volcano poses one of the greatest dangers to the Earth. From time to time, scientists make predictions in the media that an eruption may begin, which will become a real disaster for humanity.

The most dangerous magma bubble

Earthquakes are a regular occurrence in Yellowstone National Park. On average, they occur from 1000 to 2000 per year, however, they are very weak, and a person does not feel them. Yes, and many tourists come here to admire the amazing scenery.

In general, supervolcanoes represent the second largest catastrophic event. In the first place, scientists put the fall of an asteroid. In the history of the planet, the eruptions of such volcanoes led to mass extinctions, as well as climate change, as the ash did not allow sunlight to penetrate the Earth and a long “volcanic winter” was established on the planet.

On average, the Yellowstone volcano erupts approximately every 600 thousand years: the most recent occurred 640 thousand years ago, before that - 1.3 million years ago, and even earlier - 2.1 million years ago, so the time for a new catastrophe is brewing. The probability of a new eruption in the near future is quite small, but there are risks that constant earthquakes can provoke a new tragedy on the planet.

So, in 2014, an earthquake of magnitude 4.8 occurred here (usually a magnitude of no more than 3), some researchers predicted further more powerful shocks and said that America had only a couple of weeks left to live. And even then, animals began to run away from the park en masse, this caused additional unrest among the population. See how the bison run, you would probably get excited too.

True, the authorities then reassured the citizens and said that this was a common migration due to the onset of cold weather.

What could be the consequences

According to scientists, the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano will lead to the release of about a thousand cubic kilometers of magma into the environment. This is enough to kill everything within a radius of 160 km and cover most of the mainland with a layer of ash about 30 centimeters thick. 100 thousand people could become victims, but it would also be a real disaster for the planet: volcanic ash will change the atmosphere and block sunlight for several years, or maybe decades, and then the average annual temperature could drop by about 20 degrees.

By the way, in the disaster movie "2012" the eruption of Yellowstone takes place.

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