
Russian city of the first half of the 19th century. Territory and population of the Russian Empire in the first half of the XIX century. Development of cities of province

Administrative device

Russian Empire at the beginning of $ XIX $ c. Was the largest European state. The efforts of the rulers for $ XVIII $ c. The country has significantly expanded its borders. At the beginning of the $ XIX $ c. With completion Patriotic War $ 1812, the western border of the state was established.

To $ 18,61, the size of the Russian Empire was $ 19.6 million square meters. km.

Under Nicolae I, an administrative and territorial division system was changed. As a result, at $ 1,850 $. In the European territory of Russia, the number of provinces was equal to 51. The province of Finland and Poland had some privileges and in general a special position. At $ 1822, Siberia was divided into West Siberian and East Siberian Governor-General.

The province, mainly shared in the counties, but in remote territories an administrative division could be different.

Note that administrative division is not always equal to ethnic and economic.

Note 1.

In general, the current system worked quite successfully and answered its requirements, first of all, political security and stability.

Population size

The number of people living in Russia was measured using revisions. However, on audits, it was possible to calculate only the number of suggestive male shower, which, of course, was not a complete picture. According to revision $ 1795 $, the population has more than 37 million people. The last revision was carried out at $ 1857 G., it became the tenth in the account, and the population increased to $ 75 million people. (Given the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Finland and Poland).

The growth of the population is due to the natural increase due to relative stability in the country in economic terms, as well as the lack of serious wars and epidemics of destroying diseases.

The predominance of the rural population determined the agricultural nature of the economy of the country. So, at the beginning of the XIX century. The peasants accounted for $ 90 $% of the population. By the middle of the century, the share of rural residents was $ 84 $%.

The urban population was difficult to calculate, because Many peasants were engaged in lateralization - the period of the year's free from work on Earth went to the city for earnings, taking up to 20% of the total inhabitants of cities. In general, we note that major cities The number of men of male prevailed.

At $ 1811, G. In the Russian Empire, there have been $ 630 $ cities and $ 3 $ million inhabitants in them. In all cities, full townspeople (i.e., the merchants, merchants) accounted for $ 40 $%.

In most, the city was very small, sometimes large industrial villages (for example, Ivanovo, Kimra) exceeded them in size. The life of such small cities was little different from rural. In Russia, $ XIX $ c. Only at $ 5 $ cities lived more than $ 50,000 thousand people:

  • population of St. Petersburg was $ 336 thousand thousand,
  • in the middle of a century $ 500 $ thousand,
  • Moscow - $ 270 $ thousand,
  • and in the middle of the century - $ 352 $ thousand people.

The number of urban residents grew unevenly, fasched faster south citiesas well as the city of the Volga region. In relation to the entire population of Russia, the share of citizens in the early $ XIX $ c. It was modest - less than $ 5 $%.

Social composition

Russia remained strictly divided in the social sense, there were many different classes. As a rule, it was extremely difficult to change the estate. $ 10 $% of the total population relate to non-ferrers, i.e. nobility, officials, clergy, army. The number of nobles at $ 1795 G. was $ 122 thousand, and in the middle of the century - already $ 462 $ thousand people. The nobility never exceeded $ 1 $% of the total population.

Note 2.

It is difficult to describe the ethnic affiliation of the population of the Russian Empire, because Not a nationality, but a professionable religion, was not taken into account. We only note that the Orthodox amounted to $ 2/3 of the population of Russia.

The most important feature of the socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. (Or, as it is customary, in the preforming years, until 1861) was a progressive decomposition process of the feudal-serf system. The beginning of this process can be attributed to the second half of the XVIII century, it has more clearly began to manifest itself in his last thirty. In the bowels of the serf system during this period, new capitalist relations developed.

Modern domestic historiography refuses the previously extended interpretation of the crisis of the feudal-serf system as the time of the state of full decline. Along with crisis phenomena (regressive processes, which occurred in the landlord village, based on serfdom), there was a noticeable development of productive forces. True, it happened primarily on the basis of small-handed and capitalist production.


In the conditions of an agrarian country, these processes are most relief manifested in the agricultural sector. For feudalism, as a whole, feudal ownership of Earth (landlord or feudal state) is characterized in the presence of a small peasant farm who had its own land and other means of production and the economy structure of the farm. At the same time, the farm was natural, and coercion was extraekomic (personal dependence of the peasant from the landowner) peculiar to this method of production was also a low routine level of used technique.

Russia with its practically unlimited natural and human resources developed in the first half of the XIX century. Very slow. The growth of commodity-money relations, who caused the interest of landowners in increasing the profitability of its farms, with a reduction in the reservoir form of operation, inevitably led to the expansion of the owner of the landlord. This could be either due to the dispense of other land (forest arrays, missions, etc.), or by reducing the land of peasants. In the first case, this often led to a violation of the current balance in the structure of land, reducing the livestock (and, as a result, a decrease in the amount of fertilizer submitted to the field). In the second, the economy of the peasant economy was undermined. In Russia in the first half of the XIX century. There were cases when the landowners were generally selected land from their peasants, transferring them to the monthly missions ("monthly"). The peasants were not interested in the results of their labor, which caused a drop in its performance. In a percentage, the number of borehole farms not only was not reduced, but even somewhat grew.

In theral farms, the enhancement of operation led to an increase in the size of the lifestyle, which also was increasingly charged in monetary form. A sharp increase in the size of the lines forced the peasants to break away from the ground and look for earnings on the side, which also lowered the level of agricultural production.

For the serfdom of this period, the depletion of the peasantry was characterized, the growth of the debt of peasant farms by landowners who took chronic forms. In the lack of town years, which systematically repeated in Russia, these farms were completely helpless and were constantly balanced on the verge of ruin.

It was no better about the landlords. The funds received by the Russian nobility from the exploitation of their peasants were rarely invested in the farm, thoughtlessly squandered and thrown into the wind. By 1859, according to S.Ya. Borovoy, 66% of the fortress peasants in Russia were laid and restained in credit institutions (according to some provinces, this figure reached 90%).

Capitalistic elements in agriculture developed very slowly. This was due primarily to the fact that the huge arrays of the land belonging to landowners and the treasury were actually excluded from the trade turnover. The land foundation, which could develop capitalist farms, was very limited (the land was rented or landlocked in colonized regions). However, despite crisis phenomena, Russia agriculture has developed during this period. A particularly noticeable translational movement at the end of the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century. Modern historians explain this by the fact that the feudal system of management has not yet fully exhausted its capabilities.

Although the gross grain harvest during this period increased by about 1.4 times, these successes were achieved mainly extensive methods - by increasing the sowing areas. The southern and eastern steppe regions were mastered: the area of \u200b\u200bthe Donsky Troops, South Ukraine (according to the calculations V.K. Yatsunsky, the area under arable land increased here more than three times). It is important to note that the south of Russia becomes a region of intensive colonization, a free entrepreneurship has developed higher rates, and bread through the Black Sea ports was exported. Sowing areas were expanded on the Middle and Lower Volga region, but the local bread was carried out mainly on the domestic market. The history of Russia XIX - early XX century. / Ed. V.A. Fedorova. - M.: Merzor Publishing House, 1998.

The yield of grain crops was still extremely low, during normal years it was "Himself" 2.5-3 (on one grain of sowing 2.5-3 grains of the crop), agronomic techniques were very undeveloped (the traditional three-pole dominated: Svarovye - winter - steam In the wooded areas of the North and the North-West of the country, the slated agriculture was common, in the steppe strip - a seal system). However, attempts to raise agricultural production were observed during this period more and more. Agricultural machinery was discharged from abroad from abroad, and local inventions appeared (a peasant Alekseeva flax machine, a hay car of Chitrin), which were exhibited at agricultural exhibitions. Agricultural societies have been created that have taken measures to rise in agriculture. However, within the country, all these measures were very insignificant. According to the latest calculations, only 3-4% of landlords showed interest in such improvements, they met among the peasants much less.

Cities and townspeople in the first half of the XIX century. Lesson plan 1. Developing cities of the province 2. Changes in the appearance of cities 3. Syncs and nobles 4. Mottles and merchants 1. Developing cities of province

Morshansk? The district center of the Tambov region is located in the northern part of the Okskoy-Don Plain 90 km north of Tambov. Population? 49 thousand people (2001). First mentioned in 1623 as the village of Mors, belonging to Ryazan bishops. The Mordovian population of Morsha in the 17th century adopted Christianity and was assimilated by Russian migrants. The status of the city of Morshansk received in 1779. Until the mid-1870s, Morshansk was considered the largest trading and industrial center of the Tambov province.

Troitsky Cathedral (1836-1857)? Almost exact copy of the Preobrazhensky Cathedral

The Architectural Monuments of Morshansk includes Trinity Cathedral (1836-1857)? Almost accurate copy of the Preobrazhensky Cathedral, built in St. Petersburg on the project of the architect V. P. Stasov. Near Morshansk in the village of Novotomnikovo, the estate of Vorontsova-Dashkov (18-19 centuries) was preserved in the village of Novotomnikovo (18-19 centuries), the newest Novotomniki Coneezavod, known for the breeding of Orlovsky Rysakov, operates here.

The local history museum of Morshansk is interested in a collection of objects of Russian antiquity of 16-17 centuries, a collection of Russian and Western European painting, unique exhibits on the history and ethnography of Mordva, materials on the history of the city and the life of its sculptor E. A. Lancere, Astronoma A. A. Mikhailov. In Morshansk, hockey player and football player Vsevolod Bobrov was born.

2. Changes in the appearance of cities

Administrative reforms of the late XVIII century. They led to the emergence of new cities: Morshansk, Kirsanov, who grew up from major palace villages. The development of plans for regular buildings of cities, started with Catherine II, made it possible to change the architectural appearance of Tambov cities. They acquire geometric clarity and completeness with smooth rectangular blocks. Although even in the provincial center, wooden development prevailed, stone architecture resolutely pierced his way not only in the cult, but also in civil architecture. Of the 1541 houses of individuals 661, the building was already built of stone.

Highlighting his appearance among other cities of Tambov. In the 20s - 30s of the XIX century. Here were the administrative buildings of the provincial rule, the provincial and criminal chamber, the county court, public charity, the post office. The people's school, the spiritual seminary, the battle school, the living room with shops, was operated. With Tambov successfully rolted goats. It housed administrative buildings of the district and Zemsky court, the magistrate, the orphan and verbal trial, the Treasury, the Gostiny Courtyard, the Garden of Glooring, the county school, the city hospital. From 2067 philistine houses 71 The building was built of stone.

The rest of the cities of the province were much smaller in size and appearance. Thus, in Morshansk there were only 743 philistine houses, of which 112 were already made of stone.

manor E.A. Andreevskaya, from the middle of the XIX century - a boarding house for noble children, from 1870 - the provincial women's gymnasium.

3. Synbers and nobles

Thesis composition of the urban population of the Tambov province in 1859 and 1897.

Sex ratio in 1859-1897. Literacy and education level in 1897 for estates


population of PO


Core composition


above began.



Other citizens

The nobles played a decisive role in the political life of the South Russian city, while maintaining command positions in their hands in local governments. In the economic life of the cities, they participated to a lesser extent, preferring to invest in the acquisition of new lands. It is the traditional urban classes: merchants, magnificent, shops and honorary citizens (so-called "city inhabitants" on a humble diploma of 1785 cities of Catherine II), not peasants, determined the social appearance of Tambov cities in the second half of the XIX century., T .to. They constituted more than half of the urban population until the end of the XIX century.

The number of officials in the province grew due to the development of cities. By the end of the XIX century they had more than a hundred in every city. They served in the office of the governor, police, courts, prisons, institutions of tax collecting, recruitment call. For the work they received a salary (that is, salary). Most of them did not have land and lived on the salary. But among officials there were rich, which built at home in cities (U.I. Arapov, Chicherin.) 4. Moisan and merchants

It is the traditional urban classes: merchants, magnificent, shops and honorary citizens (so-called "city inhabitants" on a humble diploma of 1785 cities of Catherine II), not peasants, determined the social appearance of Tambov cities in the second half of the XIX century., T .to. They constituted more than half of the urban population until the end of the XIX century.

Promenban treated lower estates. They paid the pillow to apply, delivered to the army of recruits, carried out post-caring and road traffic, participated in public works. Without paying all the grasan grasan, it was not entitled to leave the city even on his affairs.
  • Promenban treated lower estates. They paid the pillow to apply, delivered to the army of recruits, carried out post-caring and road traffic, participated in public works. Without paying all the grasan grasan, it was not entitled to leave the city even on his affairs.
  • The merchants had more permits: to trade, incl. And large, did not float the pitchforkas. But for them, corporal punishments were preserved, they were subject to recruitment.
  • According to the classes, the Musders and merchants were primarily merchants, and in the second place - industrialists and artisans
Homework: §21, retelling answer questions to §

By the beginning of the XIX century. Russia was a huge continental country that occupied the extensive area of \u200b\u200bEastern Europe, North Asia and part of North America (Alaska and Aleuta Islands). For the first half of the XIX century. Its territory increased from 16 to 18 million square meters. km from the accession of Finland, the kingdom of Polish, Bessarabia, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Kazakhstan. According to the 1st Revision (1719), Russia has 15.6 million people in Russia, according to the 5th (1795) - 37.4 million, and on the 10th (1857) - 59.3 million. (without Finland and the kingdom of Polish). Natural population growth in the first half of the XIX century. It was about 1% per year, and the average life expectancy is 27.3 years, which was generally characteristic of how foreign demographic calculations show, for the "countries of the pre-industrial Europe". Low lifetime indicators were determined by high child mortality and periodic epidemics. More than 9/10 of the population of Russia lived in rural areas. The number of cities for half a century has increased from 630 to 1032. Many cities were actually big villages, whose residents were engaged in agriculture in the reserved cities of lands, partly trade and small fisheries. In administratively, the European part of Russia was shared by 47 provinces and 5 regions (Astrakhan, Tavricheskaya, Caucasian, Land of the Don Troops and the Land of the Black Sea Troops). By the middle of the XIX century. All Russia consisted of 69 provinces and regions, each of which was subdivided into the counties. The dominant system of agriculture was the traditional three-poultry - spring, winter, couples. In the northern provinces of the country, with the abundance of forest land and lack of arable land, there was a high-firing agriculture system in a combination with a three-rode. The laboriousness of the work during the subsection was rewarded with a high yield without fertilizer for 3 to 6 years: it was 7 times higher than on ordinary lands. In the southern steppe areas with extensive land and a relatively rare population, a landfill system was used, when the Earth was used in a row for several years under a lot of fertilizers, and then "launched" under the deposit for 15 to 20 years. Among the crops, "gray" bread prevailed: rye, barley, oats. In the Central Black Earth Gubnia, on average Volga region and in the South steppe strip, a significant proportion was the crops of wheat, which in the greater part was for sale. Since the 40s of the XIX century. Potato crops are expanding in the central provinces, and in the southern - crops of sugar beets used on sugar factories. The most important branch of agriculture was animal husbandry. It looked predominantly "natural" character, i.e. the cattle was divorced mainly "for home use", and not for sale. Commodity animal husbandry took place in the Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Tver, Vologda and Novgorod provinces. In the first half of the XIX century. Sowing industrial crops (flax, hemp, tobacco, etc.) are expanding, a fruitless system with grass construction is introduced, replacing the traditional three-poly. Technically more advanced agricultural instruments and mechanisms are introduced - threshing, seeders, seeders, headers.

2. Russian estate in the first halfXIX. century. (Nobility, its main groups. Cleaning (black and white). Mercury, Cossacks, allocations, artisans, bosses.) Economic and legal position of the peasants. For a feudal society, it is characterized by dividing it on class - social groups that have different rights and obligations enshrined by customs or laws and, as a rule, transmitted by inheritance. The estate system of Russia of the first half of the XIX century. Received his design, as mentioned earlier, even at the beginning of the XVIII century, when the population was finally approved and the division of privileged and submissions. The highest preferred estate was nobility.The nobility consisted of two categories - the "nobility of the offacarious" and the "nobility of personal". The hereditary nobility was transferred by inheritance and acquired "by birth" (by origin), "after service" (starting from the 8th grade on the table of the ranks of Peter I), "Monarch of Grace" (royal sufficiency for any merit) and " Award of the Russian Order "(gave the right to receive noble dignity). Personal nobilityit was purchased by driving from the 12th rank on the civil and 14th in military service. Heathy nobleshave an exclusive right of ownership of serfs peasants, the inviolability of noble dignity, liberation from the mandatory service, from the podachropod of petas and other duties, exemption from corporal punishment, the advantage of good production, upon receipt of education, monopoly on the most profitable industrial production (for example, a monopoly on distillation) free leaving abroad. The privileged estate was clergywhich shared on black and white. Black clergy - monks and nuns (bishops were prescribed from their number). White clergy - parish priests, deacons, psalters. The most devoted churchmen autocracy sought to attract to their social environment where the noble aristocracy dominated. The clergy was awarded by orders purchased noble rights. White clergy received a hereditary nobility, and black - the ability to transmit property by inheritance along with the Order. Rights: the ownership of land and serfs, thesis self-government, exemption from taxes, recruitment of obligation and corporal punishment. Under Peter I, the estate status of merchants took shape, which originally consisted of two guilds, and from 1775 - three guilds. Merchantsreleased from the pillow of Podachi (instead I paid in the treasury a guild fee in the amount of 1% of the capital announced) and corporal punishments, and merchant 1st and 2nd guilds (total 3)also released from recruits. The expert status of the merchant is entirely dependent on its property condition: in case of ruin and bankruptcy, he lost its status. According to the Ministry of Finance, the number of merchants for 1801 - 1851. It has increased from 125 to 180 thousand d. in 1832 a new preferred class category was formed. - Honorary Citizenstwo degrees (hereditary and personal), which were provided with privileges: exemption from recombine, corporal punishment, from podachnaya Podachi and other state-friendly . In the category of honorary citizens, whose title was transmitted by inheritanceThe merchants of the first guild, scholars, artists, children of personal nobles and clergy, who had educational qualifications. In personal honorary citizensofficials came to the 12th rank and children of the clergy that did not have educational qualifications. The main mass of unprivileged (suppressed) estates was peasantsthree main categories: state (or government), owned (landlord) and specific (belonging to the royal surname).Protection peasants were the most numerous category. Another submitted estate was messenger- Personally free (former Posad) Population of cities, obliged to pay a pillow to submit, serving recruitch and other monetary and natural mantoms. A significant place in the socially-defined structure of the population of Russia occupied Cossacks and the differences . Cossackit was a paramilitary category in which all the men's population aged from 18 to 50 years old was considered a military-rich, constituting an irregular horse. Military service, freed the Cossacks from Recructacles, Podachnaya Podachi and other duties. Term "Difficult"appeared at the beginning of the XVIII century. Then they considered "different ranks" of people who make up a special serving group of the population, personally free, but not belonging to the submitted or preferred estate. In the first half of the XIX century. The dispenser is primarily an educated intellectual, a leaving of the meshness, clergy, a figure of science, literature and art. Note that not all the differences are "Public Movement figures". The overwhelming part of them correctly served the throne. Russia in the first half of the XIX century. It remained a serfdom, however, an economic system based on serfdom and forced labor entered the stage of the crisis. Economic growth was observed, and in the city, and a lot of new things appeared in the village. However, new economic reality developed not due to, but in spite of the dominant system, at every step, pursuing the resistance that it provided it. This was the essence of the crisis of the fastener system of the economy. The further, the stronger the fastener system of the economy slowed down the economic development of the country. The question of the cancellation of serfdom has become becoming more acute. He demanded an urgent decision.

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