
Nutrition for the female reproductive system. The most healthy foods for the female body 10 healthy foods for women

Girls' best friends are not diamonds at all! And 12 food products that are simply necessary if you want to always remain young, beautiful and healthy.

1. Milk

This is the first thing that a person receives at birth. Mother's milk is simply necessary for the health and full development of the baby. And all because it contains an element necessary for the skin, bones, hair and nails - a protein that promotes their growth and regeneration.

The second element found in milk is amino acids, which not only aid digestion, but also improve muscle tone. However, doctors advise consuming dairy products that are low in fat so that cholesterol levels do not rise or there is no problem with being overweight.


Important! Milk should be natural, not fortified.

2. Kefir

It contains the same substances as milk. However, in addition to them, kefir still contains many beneficial bacteria that improve digestion and speed up metabolism. This is especially important for those who want to keep themselves in shape or dream of losing weight. But, if you have stomach problems (for example, high acidity), try not to abuse kefir.

Important! According to experts, calcium is better absorbed in the evening, so drink kefir before bedtime.

3. Chicken and rabbit meat

Chicken and rabbit meat contain the already mentioned proteins and amino acids, as well as B vitamins. They improve digestion and help the breakdown of carbohydrates. As you know, carbohydrates are very long and difficult to digest by the body, so helpers in their breakdown will come in handy. In addition, B vitamins improve the functioning of the heart and muscles. What makes the body healthier and us more beautiful.

Important! It is most useful to eat boiled meat.

4. Fish

Give preference to cod and salmon. They contain omega-3, -6, the so-called polyunsaturated fatty acids. They have an antioxidant effect; cheer up and even improve coordination of movements.

Important! If you are watching your weight, lean more on cod, it is less oily.

5. Carrots (as well as cauliflower, broccoli, beets)

All these vegetables contain beta-carotene, which promotes skin regeneration and even improves vision. Among other things, beta-carotene is able to slow down the aging process. It is the natural beta-carotene that we get from food that is absorbed by the intestines much faster than that contained in pharmacy vitamins.

Important! Vegetables should be eaten raw whenever possible, since only in this case they retain a maximum of useful substances.

These fruits are recommended to be eaten fresh, not subjected to heat treatment or preservation. The main element they contain is vitamin C. It improves metabolism, relieves stress, raises tone, and improves the absorption of foods containing iron (for example, apples).

Important! These foods also strengthen the immune system, which is especially important during the autumn and winter period. In addition, pineapple is an effective remedy in the fight against extra pounds.

7. Mango

A very healthy and rich fruit. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, C and amino acids. Mango relieves stress, perfectly breaks down carbohydrates. Together, all the elements and vitamins in the ripe fruit help you lose weight and improve muscle tone.

Important! Mango has a beneficial effect on vision, helps with night blindness, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis. Green fruits normalize bowel function.

8. Cherries

The sweet and juicy berry is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains carotene, which removes toxins from the body and increases its immunity. In addition, cherries contain vitamin C, which is an excellent antidepressant. Cherry also helps with diseases of the lungs, kidneys, anemia.

Important! Cherries are considered a dietary product. It improves appetite and digestion, reduces thirst and even has an antiseptic effect.

9. Blackberries

This rare wild berry should become a frequent guest on your table, as it contains B vitamins and amino acids, as well as glucose and tocopherols. Blackberry normalizes metabolism, hormonal and water-salt metabolism, increases energy and improves skin condition.

Important! Blackberries are high in bioflavonoids, which are excellent antioxidants.

10. Pumpkin

It contains salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sugar, vitamins C, B, B2, PP, protein, fiber, as well as beta-carotene, which promotes skin regeneration. Pumpkin also contains zinc, which is responsible for growth hormone. Therefore, regular consumption of pumpkin improves hair and nail growth. Selenium, another useful component of pumpkin, slows down the aging process, helps to reduce weight by removing toxins and toxins from the body.

Important! Pumpkin is rich in vitamin E, which, together with carotene, reduces the risk of cancer.

11. Seaweed

It is also very rich in useful substances, for example, plant collagen, amino acids, minerals (zinc, silicon, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, selenium, iron, boron, copper, chromium). They keep the required amount of water in the cells, are useful for the work of the heart, improve digestion, slow down the aging process, and are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes mellitus.

Important! When applied externally, seaweed activates cellular processes, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and oxygenates the skin, relieves swelling and irritation, and promotes healing of wounds and burns.

12. Nuts

You might be surprised, but nuts are very healthy, and absolutely everything! They are a source of a large amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential fats. With daily use, they are good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, vision, regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Important! If you often experience a loss of strength, general tone of the body, with stress, depression, nuts are the best medicine.

Ekaterina Zakharova
Photo: Getty / Fotobank. Photas (2). IMSM. Pavel Kryukov. Make-up: Victoria Goryunova for the Moscow club of make-up artists "Forum"

Thank you for your help in preparing the material of the leading cosmetologist Natalia Zvedeninova and therapist Olga Marinina

04/29/2016 | Yulia Beleva | No comments yet

Everyone dreams of being happy and successful, but few know how to achieve this. Have you ever wondered why famous public people always look so beautiful? And why do they talk so much about healthy eating? And all because success, happiness and beauty are directly related to health.

The color and condition of the skin reflects the inner world of a person and depends on what he eats. Physical, emotional and psychological well-being is also dependent on nutrition. After all, discomfort gives uncertainty, thereby disrupting plans to achieve the set goals. Isn't it better then to follow the advice of experts in improving your condition?

Sports activities, constant training, yoga, fitness and more help to keep the muscles of the body in good shape and in good physical shape. Constant movement and energy boost helps the body fight various diseases. In addition, stress on certain parts of the body gives graceful, toned forms to the female sex and muscle mass to men.

But do not forget that in addition to strength exercises and caring for your appearance with the help of various cosmetics, nutrition is of great importance. The benefits of the products we use have been proven by scientists many years ago. Many successful people include healthy foods in their daily diets. A certain ingredient we eat is responsible for the work of one or more organs at the same time. Their significance and beneficial properties depend on the degree of influence of products on the work of our body.

We present 20 of the most useful products for beauty and health, the use of which is a must.

- will restore your eyesight and youth. These tasty and healthy berries have many beneficial properties and are antioxidants. Protects against cancer, helps the brain and improves vision. Eating blueberries will reduce the risk of many diseases, because they contain several vitamins at once.

- support for the energy balance of the body. Due to certain processing, rice retains its outer shell, which contains the bulk of the nutrients that help create new cells. Eating brown rice has a positive effect on the nervous system, and due to its dietary properties, it is good for digestion. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of rice increases mental capacity and normalizes the cardiovascular system.

- strengthen the immune system. Eating eggs in the diet is very, muscles and ligaments. People who play sports are simply obliged to include this product in their diet. The combination of protein and yolk is considered the ideal post-workout amino acid stack. Eating raw eggs also improves the functioning of the vocal cords, which is very beneficial for people who sing professionally.

- takes care of your sleep and appetite. Lettuce leaves have many useful properties, which can be enumerated endlessly, and this is a dietary dish. Its juice is used to treat the digestive system, intestines, gastritis. Thanks to the substances that make up the salad, consumption before bedtime soothes the nervous system and normalizes sleep, and increases appetite during the day. Women use lettuce juice for strengthening.

- for the health of the baby and mom. White meat is considered dietary and healthier than dark meat. Its use strengthens the muscles and the nervous system. And due to the presence of a full complex of vitamin B, it is recommended to use it to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Doctors advise using a broth made from this meat during pregnancy and lactation, since it contains purely female vitamins for the favorable development of the fetus.

- will help prevent cellulite. This product helps to eliminate salt and water from the body. Thanks to its constant use, the cardiovascular system returns to normal, bones are strengthened, and the work of the kidneys is getting better. Broccoli has an anti-inflammatory effect, thereby preventing the appearance of fungus, infectious diseases and removing toxins from the body.

- normalizes the work of the heart. The healing properties of avocados are endless. Eating this fruit prevents heart attacks and improves blood circulation. In addition, the presence of avocados in the diet increases immunity, relieves constipation and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Thanks to calcium and phosphorus, it strengthens bones, and protein helps to increase muscle mass. Avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac.

- will protect you from tuberculosis. It contains a lot of proteins and vitamin C, it is a dietary product. The use of beans is recommended for recuperation after illness, hypertension and digestive disorders. In cosmetology, beans are used as part of face masks, which are aimed at eliminating wrinkles. You can also make simple recipes for a healthy complexion at home.

- improve mental performance. Nuts contain a lot of vitamins, iodine, potassium, magnesium and protein, so they are indispensable for vegetarianism. Nuts affects all organs, the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, strengthens the immune system and increases the efficiency of the brain. Walnuts are useful for the reproductive system, they are advised to be consumed by pregnant and lactating mothers, to enrich the body with nutrients.

- the guarantee of the beauty of your body. Delicate salmon meat is considered dietary and very useful for children and the elderly. Since it saturates the body with protein and fatty acids, which help the brain to function properly. Salmon meat is a source of beauty and youth. It contains vitamins that promote the growth of hair and nails, skin elasticity. The presence of potassium in fish strengthens muscles and bones, therefore meat is recommended for children during the period of growth and development.

Is a unique and irreplaceable vegetable. This is the owner of a huge amount of acids and vitamins. Improving the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, restoring the body after an illness, removing pathogenic microbes from the intestines are only a small part of all the beneficial properties of beets. And due to the fact that beets contain folic acid, its use is indispensable for rejuvenation.

- for a healthy diet. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, thanks to them, the body is saturated with energy, strength and a charge of vigor for the whole day. Oatmeal contains many vitamins that normalize metabolism, helps with diarrhea and bloating. Doctors advise people with allergies to eat oatmeal. The calcium and phosphorus in oatmeal strengthens hair, nails and bones.

- strengthens the entire body. Although it is not very pleasant in smell, it contains a lot of vitamins, iodine, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to the various amino acids, eating cabbage helps fight stress, improves bowel function and prevents blood clots. It is worth using it for a diet, cabbage fills the intestines and satisfies the feeling of hunger, while it contains practically no calories.

- normalizes digestion. Helps to better absorb food, kills intestinal and fungal infections. Thanks to beneficial microorganisms, it restores the body after taking antibiotics, normalizes the intestinal microflora.

- prevents cancer and stomach ulcers. Scientists prove that daily consumption of 50 grams. chocolate reduces the risk of various diseases. Although this is a sweet treat, there are even special chocolate diets for weight loss. Eating chocolate increases your mental capacity and gives you vitality. Doctors advise schoolchildren and students to eat chocolate before exams.

- slows down the aging process. This product lowers blood pressure and burns fat. Its use, thanks to omega-9 fatty acids, promotes the regeneration of the body, reduces the risk of malignant tumors, and is very beneficial for the stomach and liver.

- reduces the risk of developing heart attacks. It has increased nutritional value. Due to its rapid absorption, it does not clog the intestines, but, on the contrary, neutralizes digestive enzymes. The constant use of beef strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves heart function. This product is indispensable for athletes, helps muscles work, and is also beneficial for the reproductive system.

- for the growth of healthy teeth and nails. It is a source of calcium, without which the beauty of the body is impossible. And also cottage cheese is recommended to be consumed during pregnancy and during feeding, since it is rich in vitamins and saturates two organisms at once. It is also advised to use it during a diet and simply to maintain the health of the whole body.

- to cleanse the body. Due to the presence of active substances in it, this bread is simply irreplaceable for normal digestion. With daily use, you can forget about constipation and discomfort forever. In their experiments, scientists have shown that eating whole grain bread instead of regular bread helps sustain weight loss.

- useful for the elderly. Its meat has unique and beneficial properties. Reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Its meat prevents clogged arteries and lowers cholesterol, thereby improving the condition of the elderly. The vitamins contained in this fish improve the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems and promote muscle growth.

If you want health, beauty, happiness and success in you at the same time, then you should include the listed foods in your diet. Then, without much effort, you can achieve your goals, because the body will be ready for this. Just eating the healthiest and most delicious foods will be the first step to your success. Take care of yourself and your beauty with pleasure.

Women's beauty, activity, positive mood among the fair sex directly depend on the health of their hormonal levels. With an imbalance of estrogens (as female hormones are called), women may experience various skin problems, hair becomes thin, the body loses its shape and there are a lot of other undesirable consequences. To replenish the missing amount of hormones, you can use pharmaceuticals or phytoestrogens contained in foods. Consuming natural ingredients is considered to be the safest and most effective way. In products, female hormones are contained in small quantities, but they will not harm them with the right diet.

Estrogen is a female hormone produced by the ovaries from the time of puberty. This hormone performs a number of vital tasks:

  • provides pigmentation in the genital area and nipples;
  • stimulates the development of the uterus, mammary glands;
  • contribute to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • increases the concentration of copper, thyroxine, iron;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, bone growth;
  • promotes effective absorption of calcium by the body.

The second name for estrogen is the hormone of sexuality and youth.

An important point: self-administration of hormonal drugs is strictly prohibited. Treatment should be prescribed by a qualified professional after a thorough examination. To increase estrogen levels in women, it is recommended that you eat the right foods.

Products containing female hormones

Special substances - phytoestrogens - will help to normalize the hormonal background. The main thing is to know which foods contain female hormones. Food is an excellent source for restoring female beauty: slim figure, delicate skin, thick hair, shine in the eyes. So, in order to figure out what products you need to use, you should study the list of the most effective food products:

  • legumes;
  • various varieties of cabbage;
  • flax seeds;
  • hop;
  • cheese, milk;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin;
  • all kinds of nuts.

Flax seeds and hormones

Flax seeds occupy the leading position among products with a high concentration of estrogen. They are able to increase not only the level of hormones, but also the body's defenses. They contain a whole range of nutrients and useful substances (protein, omega-acids, vitamins, minerals, etc.). As a rule, the seeds are crushed, combined with honey and added to the porridge. The daily rate is two tablespoons.

Flax is a storehouse of vitamins, extracts from its seeds are used to create medicines, the action of which is aimed at maintaining women's health during menopause.

This category of phytoestrogens consists of a fairly large assortment, in particular from soybeans, beans, green peas, lentils, etc. This is a special type of natural estrogen - isoflavonoids. You should be aware that frequent consumption of soy is negative for a woman's health; it can be replaced with lentils. It contains female hormones, proteins, tryptophan (the hormone of joy).

A diet high in legumes helps to alleviate climacteric disorders, premenstrual pain.

Cabbage and female hormones

Among the effective products containing female hormones, cabbage is distinguished, and of any variety, which allows you to diversify the menu. But, here, there is one caveat: the abuse of cabbage can lead to blocking the assimilation of iodine by the body. Everything should be in moderation.

Considering the increased level of phytoestrogens in decoctions and teas from hops, it is recommended not only to restore the hormonal system in women, but also during stress. Unlike frothy beer, hop decoctions are absolutely safe, since the percentage of alcohol is minimal. Alternatively, you can use hop-based kvass.

Dairy and lactic acid products

Dairy products are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Women's skin becomes attractive, elastic, bone tissue strengthens, immunity rises. These products have proven to be effective remedies for hormone imbalances in women. The ideal option is to go to the village for natural lactic acid products.

The most popular are milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese. Mold cheese is especially useful for women, where fungi are a source of phytoestrogen.

Herbs and estrogen

The following types of herbs have healing properties:

  • liquorice root;
  • chamomile medicinal;
  • ginseng root;
  • arnica;
  • linden inflorescences;
  • Red clover;
  • sage;
  • Rowan.

Good results can be obtained with one cup of herbal tea daily. The drink helps to restore hormonal levels, and also has a calming, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effect.

Seafood as a source of female hormones

Crabs, shrimps, mussels, squid, octopus, oysters, scallops and other types of seafood are of particular value for women's health. They contain easily digestible protein, zinc, copper, which contribute to the production of estrogen. High content of iodine, magnesium, calcium, sulfur.

Potential consequences of "estrogenic" nutrition

When consuming phytoestrogens contained in food, the main thing is to observe the measure. In the case of an excess of female hormones, menstrual irregularities can be provoked, sometimes even its complete disappearance. Nutrition should be optimally balanced, since foods contain a fairly high concentration of phytoestrogens.


  1. Popova, Julia Female hormonal diseases. The most effective methods of treatment / Julia Popova. - M .: Krylov, 2015 .-- 160 p.
  2. Baranov V. G., Arsenyeva M. G., Raskin A. M. et al. Physiology and pathology of a woman's climacterium. - L .: Medicine, 1965.
  3. Endocrinology Guide. - M .: Medicine, 2017 .-- 506 p.
  4. Orlov R.S., Normal physiology: textbook, 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 832 p .;
  5. Romanova, E. A. Metabolic diseases. Effective methods of treatment and prevention / E.A. Romanov. - M .: AST, VKT, 2009 .-- 128 p.

The food you eat can make you smarter, slimmer, stronger, and at the same time give you a divine taste experience. Read the list of the healthiest foods for women and take action! In the beginning, we have placed the 10 most useful products. This list is supplemented by 15 more, which you should also remember more often.

Fatty fish

Fish, especially red fish, ranks first in the list of the most beneficial foods for women. All this is due to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish not only provides cardiovascular health, but is also responsible for a successful pregnancy. Plus, omega-3s can improve mood, fight depression, and protect against Alzheimer's and cancer.

How much do you need: Eat at least two servings of oily fish per week. If you are not sure that fresh fish is of good quality, then find good canned foods: they are just as healthy as fresh fish. Just pay attention to the source of the fish - farmed individuals may contain harmful substances in their meat.


If all berries are treasures, then blueberries receive crown status for women's health. This is one of the most potent anti-aging products nature has given us. Research shows that blueberries not only help prevent memory loss, but also improve motor skills and help lower blood pressure.

Another important reason to love blueberries is that they are high in antioxidants that help fight wrinkles. Another plus: low calorie content - only 80 calories per cup.

How much do you need: Your goal should be to get half a cup of any berries per day. However, eat blueberries as often as possible.


We all know that oats can help lower cholesterol levels. Scientists now say that oats are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps keep you feeling full and helps you control your weight.

How to choose the type of oatmeal? You can opt for cereal, but cooked oats contain significantly more fiber.

How much do you need: You need to eat about one average serving of oatmeal per day to get the recommended daily intake of fiber.


The chemicals in cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, can help prevent breast cancer by fighting excess estrogen. Rich in vitamin C and a good source of vitamin A, this vegetable helps you feel full for a long time, while only containing 30 calories per serving. Broccoli earns bonus points for its fiber, folic acid, calcium, iron and potassium content. It is important that broccoli does not lose its nutritional value when cooked.

How much do you need: Eat at least two servings of broccoli per week.


Protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids ... what else to say? A handful of walnuts a day can help you lower cholesterol, boost mental performance, sleep better, manage stress, prevent heart disease, fight cancer, and more.

How much do you need: Daily you need to eat 12 halves of walnuts.


Yes, this fruit is high in fat. But in this case, it’s not so bad. Monounsaturated fatty acids are important for our body, which are essential for heart health. In addition, it is these healthy fats that are responsible for using belly fat for energy, as well as solving some fertility problems.

Avocados are also high in potassium, magnesium, folate, protein, and vitamins B6, E and K. Add fiber and the ability to lower cholesterol and you have an almost perfect health product.

How much do you need: you need to eat only a quarter to half of an avocado per day.

Red beans

Beans of any kind are good for women's health. However, it was red beans that made it into the top 10 of our list for several reasons: They are rich in antioxidants and protein, folate, minerals and fiber, including resistant starch. The latter can increase the body's ability to burn fat, which helps you feel full for a long time, it also controls blood sugar levels, and reduces the risk of cancer. Don't have time to cook beans? This is not a reason to refuse it. Canned beans are also a good option.

How much do you need: Just three cups of cooked beans per week.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium, which is essential for bone health. One serving contains almost a quarter of a woman's daily calcium requirement and twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Also, one serving of low fat Greek yogurt contains a large amount of probiotics, cultures that can help relieve irritable bowel syndrome, a condition that mostly affects women. Additionally, some experts claim that probiotics help boost immunity.

How much do you need: you need to get at least those servings of dairy products per day. Prefer Greek yogurt over sour cream, which can raise the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Olive oil

No list of essential foods for women would be complete without this precious oil. It has long been cited as the root cause of heart health and longevity. Among other things, olive oil protects against Alzheimer's disease and also improves cognitive function. A 2008 study in Spain showed that the compounds in olive oil can fight certain types of breast cancer. And that's not all: it keeps skin and hair youthful. Many southern beauties call olive oil the main secret of their everlasting beauty.

How much do you need: two tablespoons a day.

Dark chocolate

This is the food that you love and that loves you. Antioxidant-rich dark chocolate may help reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. It contains magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus and all the elements important for strengthening bones. Research shows chocolate can also help moisturize skin, lower blood pressure, and hone thought processes. In addition, it provides an irreplaceable sensory pleasure that helps fight depression.

How much do you need: Choose dark chocolate with over 70% cocoa. You only need to eat 10 grams of chocolate a day.

Add these 15 more products!

Almond lowers cholesterol and can help you lose weight. In one study, volunteers who added almonds to their low-calorie diet lost weight more easily and, most importantly, maintained their gains.

Beef contains zinc, which is involved in strengthening the immune system, and the high iron content fights fatigue and iron deficiency anemia.

Eggs rich in high quality protein and vitamins D and A. They are low in saturated fat. Choline in their composition is of great importance for maintaining brain function. They also provide two types of carotenoids that are essential for healthy eyes.

Green tea helps fight cancer and heart disease, and also helps prevent dementia, diabetes, and stroke. It also helps fight fatigue. Bonus: Drink four cups a day and you'll burn an additional 80 calories.

Kefir It is rich in calcium and protein, as well as probiotics that aid digestion and can solve problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Lentils is an excellent source of energy, protein, fiber and antioxidants.

Milk Is a rich source of protein, calcium and vitamin D.

Pumpkin seeds contain protein, zinc, magnesium and selenium. They help protect against depression and heart disease, and also strengthen bone tissue.

Quinoa Rich in protein and bone-healthy minerals such as copper, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Raisin- a great snack with healthy carbohydrates in addition to fiber, iron and vitamin C.

Soya beans Are great sources of protein. In moderation, soy can lower your risk of breast cancer and keep your bones strong after menopause.

Spinach rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as lutein, an essential nutrient for eye health.

Sweet potato"Stuffed" with antioxidants that effectively fight cancer, as well as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, manganese and potassium.

Cherries is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods that can help fight memory loss, heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Tomatoes- An essential source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may protect against cervical and breast cancer. Lycopene acts as a sunscreen. Cook tomatoes with broccoli for even more benefits.

What foods does a woman need to include in her diet to stay healthy and energetic?

Women's health and beauty require special attention and care. Every woman cleanses and nourishes her skin with cosmetics for face and body care, but it is not for nothing that it is said that beauty is within us: it is not enough to take care of the body only, you need to remember about the whole body!

To stay healthy, energetic, slim and beautiful, especially given the aging process that begins after 30 years, you need minerals and vitamins found in certain foods.
It is easy to guess that by slightly changing the usual menu, many problems, such as brittle hair and nails, dull or dry skin, weak muscle tone, constant stress, insomnia, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, etc., will disappear by themselves!
We have compiled a selection of ten healthy foods for the female body to make it easier for you to adjust your diet, making it as useful as possible. This will help keep your beauty and youthfulness for a long time.
Remember: we are what we eat! Eat right and always be irresistible!

What foods should women eat to be healthy? Ten foods will help protect yourself from premature aging, heart disease, nervous disorders and excess weight:

1) contain many antioxidants, including the source of youth and beauty - lycopene, which helps to slow down aging and prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. At the same time, tomatoes are low-calorie, readily available, and the complex of vitamins they contain has a positive effect on the female nervous system.

2) Fatty fish eg salmon, mackerel, trout. The reason for this is the high content of omega-3 acids, which stimulate brain activity and strengthen blood vessels, thereby preventing the onset of atherosclerosis. Fatty fish contains a lot of B vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium. With its frequent consumption in women, the nervous system normalizes, sleep and mood improve. In addition, oily fish enhances the production of the most important female sex hormone - estrogen.

3) Calcium is involved in the work of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, in the blood system. With a lack of calcium in the female body, it is possible to develop osteoporosis, gait disturbances, pain in muscles and bones. Most of calcium in hard cheeses, about 1000 mg per 100 grams. This group of products includes cottage cheese, which, due to its high content of calcium and easily digestible protein, is beneficial for the health and beauty of hair, nails and skin of a woman. Also, calcium in any form is especially useful for women after 30 years, because with age, the risk of joint pain and bone fractures increases.

4) Further down the list avocado is a generally recognized anti-age product that helps to remove cholesterol from the body, which is the main enemy of our cardiovascular system. Avocados are also rich in potassium and vitamins E and C (natural antioxidants). Ripe fruit is often added to salads and sauces, and avocado pulp is often used as an ingredient for masks, as it perfectly moisturizes, rejuvenates, tightens and nourishes the skin of the face.

5) Oats- a very important product for a woman's health, as it normalizes blood cholesterol levels. Oats keep the feeling of fullness for a long time, helping to fight obesity, and also contains fiber, a lot of magnesium, silicon and other trace elements that are responsible for the beauty and health of women and improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.

6) Another irreplaceable product in the women's diet is soy... It contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, which have antioxidant properties, as well as lecithin, which accelerates metabolism. When consumed regularly, soy, as a dietary low-calorie product, helps to normalize weight. In addition to all this, soy contains tocopherol, which strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process in the body. It is best to eat natural, organic soy products: sauce, milk, meat, cheese, or Formula 1 from Herbalife.

7) is one of the most popular berries that help prevent premature aging of the female body. Blueberry also has a bactericidal effect, perfectly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Blueberries are also rich in vitamins that support vision, which is important for women who often work at a computer.

8) Another important product for women are walnuts... Loved by everyone since childhood, walnuts have concentrated in themselves all the essentials for the female body: they help to fight high stomach acidity, liver problems and diabetes mellitus. Also, gynecologists recommend using walnuts in order to prevent diseases of the female genital organs. In addition, nuts improve mental activity, are useful as a snack for women who work with large amounts of information and with a pronounced intellectual load.

9) is a source of beneficial fatty acids and phytoestrogens, 1-2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil every day constitute the necessary diet for the skin, hair, reproductive and immune systems. This product can be added to salads in combination with lemon juice or consumed before breakfast on an empty stomach. Flaxseed oil is also a great weight loss aid, it contains omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, which are higher in content than fish oil, not to mention a lot of vitamins that are beneficial for the female body.

10) include in your daily menu bananas... They can be added to milkshakes or protein shakes. Potassium-rich bananas are responsible for muscle health, including heart health. Bananas are also famous for their high magnesium content and are involved in the production of melatonin, which is the hormone of happiness. And for a woman to be truly beautiful and healthy, first of all she must be happy!

September 14, 2016, 15:34 2016-09-14

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