
How to prepare for the exam in history - advice to the graduate. Self-preparation for the exam in mathematics How to prepare yourself for the exam

Many schoolchildren are in their last year of study, which can become decisive in the choice of their future profession and lifestyle. To get high marks on the Unified State Exam (USE), you need to start preparing right now - and the best sites for online preparation for the exam in 2020 ready to help with this.

Benefits of preparing for the exam 2020 through the website

Online education is now convenient, effective and familiar for schoolchildren, so this type of training should definitely be considered, including for the following reasons:

  • Firstly, you can practice without leaving your home and without spending money on a trip to the tutor and back.
  • Second, many paid sites are cheaper to sign up for than tutoring.
  • Thirdly, the creators of sites dedicated to the USE take care that their materials are not only useful, but also interesting to schoolchildren.
  • Fourthly, the courses will come in handy when there is nothing left before the exam, and then the student feverishly remembers that it is time to learn a large amount of material. He does not have to adapt to someone else's schedule of lessons, he will be able to determine the time and number of lessons on the site himself.

The best sites and services to prepare for the exam

Our selection of the best USE resources is based on their popularity with the Russian audience and user feedback.

10. College.ru


The ranking of sites for preparing for the exam in 2020 opens a large, well-structured portal with easy navigation. It has existed on the Runet for quite a long time - about 18 years. During this time, he managed to receive many awards celebrating his achievements in teaching schoolchildren.

  • On the site you can calculate an individual training program depending on the level of knowledge.
  • There are free tests (express), there are paid ones (more detailed).
  • There are free interactive textbooks, as well as useful information for students and their parents about taking the exam.
  • For a fee, notes, a USE simulator and other special modes are available to improve the level of a student's training.
  • The cost of services for preparing for the exam can be paid not for a month, but for a day in advance, it costs 20 rubles.

9. Ege.yandex.ru


On a site with a beautiful and modern design, you can take tests, make assignments on certain topics of different levels of difficulty, as well as familiarize yourself with a thorough analysis of USE assignments in basic school subjects - from mathematics to Russian.

  • There you can also take webinars from experienced teachers who can make even the most incomprehensible subject clear and interesting.
  • Webinar materials can be downloaded in pdf format.
  • There is a convenient atlas of universities in the Russian Federation, which contains passing scores for the past and the year before last.
  • And, most importantly, all this is completely free.

8. Coursive.ru


The purpose of creating this resource is to help bring up schoolchildren in basic subjects for a moderate fee (access to the site's materials by subscription).

  • The structure of the course is as follows: video tutorial; a written summary and a comprehension test.
  • If you have additional questions, you can ask the instructor that supervises the course.
  • You can study both individually and in a group, in the second case, the subscription cost will be lower.

7. Urokidoma.org


On the site, you can not only prepare for the USE online, but also fill in the gaps in school knowledge starting from grade 6, including the extended, "Olympiad" version.

  • Courses for preparing for the exam are distinguished by a well-thought-out structure and thoroughness, which will help to put all knowledge into a coherent system and train well.
  • The first, trial courses are free, then by subscription. The price of one lesson is 90 rubles, provided that 27 lessons are paid at once. The fewer classes, the higher the price for each.
  • There are discounts for "invite a friend".

6. Upstudy.ru


And if online lessons don't help, then it's time to contact a teacher. The site upstudy.ru will help you choose a tutor (or coach, instructor or teacher and even a psychologist) for individual lessons.

  • Only teachers themselves pay for posting their profile on the site, for customers a search in the database is free.
  • Professors' profiles are moderated and unscrupulous performers are removed from the database.
  • The catalog contains a very large number of specialists (over 44 thousand) in various educational and extracurricular disciplines. If you wish, you can find a teacher in acting, photography, 3D modeling and graphics, etc.
  • You do not have to look for a teacher yourself, but leave an application indicating the desired cost per lesson, and the site moderators will select the person who is suitable for the requirements for free.



This useful project is dedicated to the selection of professionals in their field - whether it is preparation for the exam or the services of a plasterer. The site came into being after the merger of several specialized sites into one, the oldest of which - "Your tutor" - has been operating for more than ten years. During its existence, the site has accumulated a large number of reviews that will help you choose the ideal teacher.

  • Each specialist is checked - an interview, reviews, necessary documents - before his data is entered into the Profi.ru database.
  • It is worth filling out an application for free and the site administration will select the right specialist.
  • There are over a million customer reviews on the site, which allow you to choose the most conscientious tutor.

4. Skyeng.ru


If the previous sites for preparing for the exam "worked" in all subjects at once, then skyeng.ru is devoted to only one - the English language.

  • The training takes place via Skype, using the Vimbox platform developed by himself.
  • There are courses for preparing for the exam, and for TOEFL and IELTS.
  • The introductory lesson is free, the subsequent ones are paid. You can purchase a course of 64 lessons at once or 16 lessons with subsequent monthly payments.
  • Every 8 lessons, the teacher sends the student's parents information about the student's progress. And at the end of the course there will be a final exam.
  • Over 60% of each lesson, the student will speak English.

3. Your tutor


One of the oldest recruiting sites on the Russian Internet. On its basis, profi.ru later developed, which took the fifth place in the rating.

  • More than 220 thousand teachers are participating in the project, each of whom passed an interview during registration and presented the necessary certificates and recommendations.
  • There is also an opportunity to leave a review on the site.
  • All services for the client are completely free, and the tuition fees go directly to the teacher, no commission.
  • The site has a library with problem books, methodological articles and tutorials.

2. Foxford.ru


More than a million schoolchildren have already used the Foxford website. According to the website, these students have already passed the USE 25 points higher than the average for the entire Russian Federation. Not a bad recommendation!

  • Schoolchildren are encouraged to undergo training in programs from 3 to 11 grades, they can comprehensively prepare for the USE, OGE, GIA, and their parents can attend classes and learn about the development of children.
  • The company also holds its own Olympiad, organizes educational camps where children can conveniently combine entertainment and learning.
  • Foxford has a home school with personal teachers. Unlike the usual external studies in Foxford, teachers from well-known universities in Russia will work with the child, as well as members of the Olympiad jury and USE / OGE experts.
  • Teachers are in constant contact with the student's parents by sending them weekly attendance and progress reports.

The cost of training in Foxford is from 6900 rubles per month.

1. Examer.ru


The best site for preparing for the exam 2020 is the Exammer, where you can study in detail only the latest and most useful materials on the Russian language, mathematics, social science, physics, history, biology, chemistry, computer science, geography, literature.

  • You can specify the desired number of points for the exam and on its basis the site specialists will draw up their own individual training plan, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of the student, and fill in the knowledge gaps.
  • And all this is presented in a game form that makes learning easier - for completing tasks, the student increases his level, receives awards, bonuses and goes through quests.
  • For better motivation, the examiner introduced a competitive moment - this is the Unified State Exam Arena, where the student competes with other players in preparation for the exam. In this case, no marks are given, only individual knowledge is important.
  • The site materials fully comply with the requirements for the exam in 2020.
  • There are Exam app for IOS and Android.

You should not consider the sites listed in our top 10 as a 100% guarantee to pass the exam. They take on the most difficult task - finding a highly qualified curator who will help the student fill in the knowledge gaps and answer all the difficult questions for the student. However, without proper motivation on the part of the student, all the efforts of the curator to prepare for the exam will be meaningless.

  • You should not try to memorize the correct answers to the test tasks. It is impossible to remember all of them.
  • It is worth analyzing your failures on a topic. For example, you can create a special notebook where you indicate to which topic of the course a topic that is difficult to understand belongs.
  • It is advisable to repeat the material in your own words, so it is learned easier and better.
  • After every 40 minutes of classes, you need to take a break for 10-20 minutes. A tired brain assimilates knowledge worse.
  • Most schoolchildren are very responsible about the exam. But for some, successfully passing the unified state exam becomes almost the main task in life. And the parents' job is to explain to the child that the exam is one, but not the main, of life's tests.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes in assignments, it is common for any person to make mistakes. And there is no need to be afraid to ask the curator to help to analyze in detail the cause of the error, even if the student thinks that this error is “stupid”.

We wish you successful completion of the exam!

Good day, dear reader! This article focuses on preparing for the exam in one year. From it you will learn how to better plan your preparation for the Unified State Exam, how much time a day you need to study in order to successfully prepare yourself for passing the Unified State Exam.

You have exactly one year left before passing the exam. Or a little more, or a little less. About a year. You are going to enter the university on a budget, so you want the exams to be passed with maximum scores. But how to achieve a positive result for yourself? How to organize your training in such a way that in a year you become a real expert in your subjects?

Do you think it is difficult to be an expert even in one subject?

You are wrong! Very easy! You may well become a real guru of your chosen subjects for passing the exam, if you prepare for the exam correctly. Therefore, fewer words, more action, here is a time-tested instruction by many people on how to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in a year.

How to prepare for the exam in a year?

As you already understood above, the most important thing in preparing for the exam is to correctly draw up a plan for your classes. You have already set the goal for yourself - the successful passing of the exam. It remains only to lay the shortest and simplest "path" to it.

To begin with, you must, long before the actual delivery of the exam, decide what subjects you will take.

This is a very important point, take your choice of your future profession very seriously. Do not follow the lead of your friends and parents! You choose your own path, you know yourself and your abilities better than anyone else.

Therefore, for example, if you do not like working on a computer, then you should not take computer science.

Even if everyone around will say that now everything is around computers and computers, that the profession of an IT specialist is very prestigious and highly paid - do not listen to anyone! Choose only what you really like.

After all, in the end, it is you who will need to learn, not your parents. Correlate your abilities and desire, and make an informed choice of subjects that you will take on the exam.

I hope you figured it out, let's move on. The items are selected, now you need to somehow start to prepare for them diligently. Immediately we want to warn you against the following: in the list of selected items, do not make any item your “favorite” or “not your favorite”.

Simply, if you do this, then naturally you will pay more attention to your favorite subjects, and spend noticeably less preparation time on unloved ones.

In the end, this will lead to the fact that you will have a tangible "advantage" in knowledge in one subject, and a noticeable "underweight" in another.

Just do not forget that the university passes by the sum of the points scored, so even if you get a lot of points, say, in the Russian language, and much less in history, then the average result will not be so hot. Not on the budget, so to speak.

Once you plan to do preparation for the exam for the year then you should start preparing with summer vacation.

Yes, it’s sunshine and heat outside, and you already need to think about the exams coming up in a year. We understand that it is very difficult to force yourself to prepare in the summer, so we suggest that you only draw up a preparation plan over the summer.

Don't just think that making a good plan is easy. It is very difficult, let's say even very difficult! The plan needs to take into account all the nuances. For example, if, in addition to the educational school, you go to any additional sections (football, dancing, etc.), then you should take this into account when you type up your plan.

However, back to the plan. How to compose it correctly? What do you need to write in it? How do you stick to a plan at all?

A correctly drawn up plan is necessarily a document written or printed on a piece of paper, in which you display the main points of your future preparation.

Example. So, you need a plan for the year. You have chosen to pass 4 exams (Russian, mathematics, social studies and history) - you want to apply to become a lawyer. These 4 items should be distributed according to the days of the week.

In addition to gaining new knowledge, it will also not be superfluous to consolidate the material already passed in your memory. Therefore your plan preparation for the exam in a year will look like this.

For example, on Monday you study Russian, on Tuesday you study history, on Wednesday you repeat Russian, on Thursday you repeat history. You only spend the first four days of the week on 2 items.

Then on Friday you do mathematics, on Saturday you do social studies. Also, do not forget about rest, because rest is very important for quality preparation for the exam! Therefore, make resurrection a day off.

Although we said that repetition of the material studied is an important stage in your preparation, still try to immediately memorize new information.

You will have more time to replenish your mental stock with deeper knowledge that you really need, especially in that part of the exam where a detailed answer is required. In short, the more you read, the more examples you will have in mind.

Therefore, try to divide your items in pairs. One pair - requires mandatory repetition of the material (in our case, Russian and history - they are worse for you), the second (mathematics, social studies) - no, because you grasp new information on these subjects, literally on the fly.

This was just an example. You must decide for yourself which subjects to repeat and which not. Too zealous repetition can also be harmful, not good.

In the end, this is what we got:

Preparation plan for the exam

Week A:

If you still want to repeat the material on all subjects without exception, then you can alternate repetitions in this way:

Week A:

1. Monday - new knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Tuesday - repetition of the information received in the Russian language.

3. Wednesday - new knowledge of history.

4. Thursday - repetition of new information on history.

5. Friday - new knowledge in mathematics.

6. Saturday - new knowledge in social studies.

7. Resurrection is a well-deserved rest!

A weekB:

1. Monday - new knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Tuesday - new knowledge of history.

3. Wednesday - new knowledge in mathematics.

4. Thursday - review of new information in mathematics.

5. Friday - new knowledge in social studies.

6. Saturday - repetition of new information on social studies.

7. Resurrection is a well-deserved rest!

etc. in the same vein. Alternate weeks!

Such a graduation will allow you to gradually, gradually increase your level of knowledge in all subjects. In addition, you will constantly repeat the material you have covered, so the knowledge gained will remain in your head for a long time. At least, exactly before the time of the exam.

This was only an approximate work plan, we gave it as a template, according to which you can draw up your own.

Moving on, and next in line we have a question that many schoolchildren ask: how much time does it take to prepare a day in order to be well prepared in the end? Unfortunately, we cannot give you an exact answer to this question, since it all depends on yourself, on your ability to learn, to assimilate and repeat new information.

If you are a genius who grasps everything on the fly, then an hour of preparation a day is enough for you.

If you are an ordinary mortal who has an average learning ability, then you will need to practice at least 1.5 - 2 hours a day. Lot? If you want to go on a budget, then this is almost a necessary sacrifice.

[To prepare for the Unified State Exam in a year, you need to practice 1.5 - 2 hours every day.]

Everything is logical - those who do not want to bother too much with preparation, but wants to get a higher education - study for a fee. His parents donate money. You, most likely, cannot pay tuition fees, so you want to study on a budgetary basis. Therefore, you are also forced to give away your resource, which is called time.

The whole economy is built on this law, but what is there, the economy is all life. After all, a rich man will not waste his time to mow the lawn near the house? What for? He will better pay the same schoolboy and student, while spending time for a place, his money, which he has in bulk. But the time ... The time is almost the same for everyone. You can't buy it for any amount of money ...

Now it remains to deal with another question: what time is it best to prepare for the exam? It is clear that during the day you are at school and there you are already prepared very diligently. Therefore, most likely, after school, you come home tired and hungry. What is the exam, what is the preparation

After you eat, then go, rest. This is very important for future focus on new material. You can go for a walk with friends, unwind, breathe fresh rest. At about 6-7 o'clock, sit down to do your homework (the usual d / z, which you always ask).

After it, rest again (just don't sit at the computer!) And then start working with CMMs (control and measuring materials).

By the way, so that your preparation for the exam was even and without "jerking", buy yourself in advance all the necessary books, manuals, tables and other study materials for which you will be preparing.

Don't forget to buy some normal writing pens, as the pen is your primary learning tool. If she writes poorly, then you will accordingly be distracted by this matter, and your preparation for the exams will suffer from this.

All that remains for us to tell you is how to stick to the plan. You can write a bunch of plans, only success in any business depends not only on them, but on your actions. As far as you stick to your training program, this is the result you will get in the end. But how can you force yourself to prepare? After all, it is sometimes so hard to do, so lazy ...

Imagine this picture. You did poorly on the exam and failed to pass on a budget basis. Well, that happens. You say to yourself: nothing, I'll retake it next year. And this year I will work better, why waste a year in vain. You start to work. And when you work, then there is no longer any strength to study and prepare for the exam after a work shift.

Thus, you gradually abandon the idea of ​​retaking, everything is working and working ... As a result, this is how you will work all your life in a low-paid job!

Therefore, even if a misfortune happened and you could not enter a university on a budget, then go to college. You need at least some education! After graduating from college, you can try your hand at university entrance again.

Just don't go to work right after school! This is almost a 100% guarantee that you will work like this as an ordinary worker in a factory all your life. Of course, not everyone wants high ranks, prestige and status.

However, if you went to study in grade 11, then you probably wanted something more out of life than a career as a hard worker. Here is all the motivation for preparing for the exam ...

Don't want to be a factory worker? Then turn off your computer, turn off the internet and get ready, get ready, get ready ... Don't look at anyone, read, memorize, repeat. Then see who will have the last laugh

Successful preparation for the exam!

How to prepare for the exam on your own? How long does it take to study to pass the exam? Is it worth attending preparatory courses for the exam? Are there effective techniques to assist in this process? Today's schoolchildren and their parents are concerned about all these issues. Former graduates know how to independently prepare for the exam. The article provides tips based on their experience.

When to start?

Before you draw up a plan for preparing for the exam, it is worthwhile to understand that there are moments that are relevant in the classroom and mathematics, and the Russian language, and history. There are also specific features. How to independently prepare for the exam in each of the subjects will be discussed below.

So how long will it take to complete a class to guarantee a successful exam? One year is enough. You can start preparing in the tenth grade. Or even during summer vacation. But few schoolchildren have such willpower. Those who like to put things off until later should know that preparation for the exam in chemistry, mathematics, Russian and other subjects should begin at the beginning of the graduation class. And not later. The spring months can be devoted to reviewing the material covered in recent years.

Attendance at courses

This is the best way to prepare for the exam. Most of the graduates choose him. Preparation for the state exam can be carried out both within the walls of the school and in the training center, where experienced teachers and university professors work. Classes are usually held in mini-groups. According to the methodologists, this is the most effective way to acquire the knowledge necessary to pass the exams.

There are specialized courses in each city. In addition, it will not be difficult to find a good tutor. But even by attending the best preparation courses for the exam, you will not achieve the desired result if you do not devote enough time to independent and systematic studies.

School lessons

Preparation for the exam should have a solid base. Grade 10 is an important step on the path to obtaining the coveted testimony. School lessons should be taken very carefully, even if you start directly preparing for the exam in the last academic year. The better the tenth grade program is mastered, the easier it will be in graduation.

Many people use the services of tutors. The individualized learning format is quite effective. In the first lesson, a private tutor determines the level of knowledge of the student, then draws up a plan for preparing for the upcoming exam. The student can only carry out the tasks of the tutor. If the teacher is a good, experienced specialist, he knows what should be worked on thoroughly and what should not be emphasized by the student. But how to prepare for the exam on your own? How to determine your own level of knowledge and draw up a lesson plan?

How to prepare for the exam on your own?

First of all, you need to find tests for the previous year. To mark the time (it takes more than three hours to complete tasks during the exam), complete, then check the results, marking the items that we could not cope with. The topics in which you made mistakes should be given special attention in the future.

It is not difficult to find books for preparing for the exam. Such materials in stores take up entire racks. First of all, you should acquire a number of manuals and textbooks. If you can do without the services of a tutor or attending special courses, then you will not be able to prepare without materials for preparing for the exam. Compulsory literature includes collections of assignments, educational and methodological recommendations, as well as books that list typical mistakes that examinees make.

Once the knowledge gaps have been identified, a clear plan for the week should be drawn up. For example, take Monday to math classes. Devote Tuesday to reviewing the rules of the Russian language. Classes should be given at least an hour a day. Consistency is a prerequisite for achieving any goal.

Preparing for the exam from scratch

One of the foreign psychologists once said that if you devote two hours to an activity every day, in a year you can achieve brilliant results. This is no matter how unattainable the goal seems to be at the beginning of the path. Therefore, even if there are significant gaps in your knowledge, do not despair. But preparation should start as early as possible.

New way of life

So, preparation for the exam in chemistry, physics, biology and other subjects should take the form of systematic regular classes. Regular changes in the education system cause public criticism. But even if there are negative consequences of these transformations, one should not discount the positive aspects. After all, preparing for the exam disciplines, develops a sense of responsibility.

Schoolchildren have passed their graduation tests at all times, but every year changes are made to most effectively assess the level of knowledge of future applicants. It is also a good preparation for the upcoming student life.

Russian language

When preparing for an exam in a particular subject, you should take into account some peculiarities. For lessons in the Russian language, teachers recommend using the textbooks of I.P. Tsybulko and N.A. Senina. The names of these authors are well known to schoolchildren. With the help of Senina and Tsybulko's manuals, preparation for the OGE is also carried out. The Unified State Exam in Russian includes the following topics:

  • Phonetics.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Morphology.
  • Word formation.
  • Spelling.
  • Syntax.
  • Punctuation.

Many believe that in order to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, it is enough just to be able to more or less competently express thoughts orally and on paper. This point of view is not entirely correct. You also need to know the theoretical part. In order to successfully pass the exam in this subject, you should learn and regularly repeat the rules, test your knowledge by self-testing.


And you can also prepare for the exam in this subject on your own. However, at the same time, the future graduate will need to search for the necessary information himself, to motivate himself to take classes. In other words, be your own tutor. However, in the process of preparing for the math exam, difficulties may arise that are not easy to overcome on your own. It is to prevent such situations that classes should be started at least a year before the exam. In this case, it will be possible to clarify any points in the learning process with the school teacher. The authors of the manuals recommended by the teachers are F.F. Lysenko, Kulabukhova S. Yu.


Studying a subject and preparing for an exam in it are completely different types of educational activities. In order to understand the history of your own country, you should read a lot, watch certain documentaries. When preparing for the exam, it is enough to learn the main dates and events. But still, you should not make one of the common mistakes schoolchildren make. Namely memorizing dates. You need to have some idea about the causes and nature of the main historical events. Thus, in order to successfully pass the exam in this subject, you should devote a lot of time to testing and, if possible, read the relevant literature. Authors of textbooks, without which it is difficult - I. A. Artasov, O. N. Malnikova.

Other subjects

Preparation for the exam in chemistry, biology, foreign language, physics is carried out in the same way. There should be no difficulty with these items. If the student chose them, it means that he has certain knowledge and he will not have to start training from scratch. A few months before the exam in chemistry, it is worth purchasing the manuals of V.N. Doronkina. To successfully pass the exam in physics, you will have to solve a lot of problems. And here, the purchase of a large number of reshebniks and collections is certainly inevitable.

It is quite difficult to prepare yourself for a foreign language exam. After all, part of the test is to test the level of language skills. It is not easy to develop them all alone. There is another way to prepare for the exam without visiting a tutor: to conduct joint classes. Helping each other will increase the level of knowledge, help to avoid many difficulties. After all, it often happens that someone who is strong in grammar has a small vocabulary. And the one who speaks a foreign language confidently makes gross mistakes in the conjugation of verbs and the use of one or another syntactic construction.

Local classes should be conducted not only in preparation for the exam in English, German or French, but also in other cases. Especially if you have an oral exam. Often, a student with sufficient knowledge is lost at a crucial moment. Speaking skills should be developed in order not to get confused in front of the examiner.

There are several months left until the Unified State Exam. For eleventh graders all over Russia, the time for shock training begins. If you have just now decided on the list of subjects you need for admission and decided to limit yourself to your own efforts, the GUiR will help you figure out whether it is possible to prepare for the exams on your own in a short time.

Self-preparation for the exam: myth or reality?

To begin with, of course, it's worth understanding whether this is possible at all. Teachers agree that this is real, but they remind of a lot of subtleties that you should think about in advance.

Mikhail Chistoserdov, lecturer of the "Fourth Question" project, tutor in history and social studies.

- Mikhail, what do you think: is it possible to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam?
- I think this is quite real, but there are nuances. The fact is that you need to have a clear preparation plan, and also an understanding of what awaits you on the exam itself, what exactly is required in these specific tasks, for example, in tasks with a detailed answer (part C).

That is, the graduate, in parallel with the study and consolidation of knowledge on the subject, will have to draw up an action plan, study the formal side of the assignments and their structure.

In no case should this moment be missed. Of course, knowledge is important, but the format of the assignments largely determines the level of delving into the material. The graduate may not be aware of how much immersion in the subject is required of him or how broad knowledge he should have. I often come across a situation where a student begins to study only certain topics of interest to him and all preparation for the exam ends there.

In addition, knowledge of the format will greatly help in the exam, at least on the psycho-emotional level. Severe stress can play a cruel joke.

(c) https://thetab.com

And some of the teachers believe that self-training will not give high efficiency and that it is suitable only for those who do not set grandiose goals for themselves, or for those who began to prepare for a very long time.

Alexandra Bondarenko, teacher of French at Moscow State Linguistic University named after Maurice Torez.

- Alexandra, tell us about your opinion. Is it possible to independently prepare for the exam?
- It is quite possible, but you need to understand what goals you set for yourself: do you just want to pass the threshold or do you need a high score. An important point in independent preparation for the exam in a short time is the child's base, that is, what knowledge he has at the moment.

For example, if you are going to take the Unified State Exam in a foreign language and you have a language at school, then it is realistic to prepare yourself and pass the exam. If you are self-taught and decide to learn a language from scratch, this, in my opinion, is simply impossible.

After all, the exam is just a format for testing a graduate's knowledge. It is quite possible to navigate the work with the format without outside help. But it is unlikely to have time to learn the subject and “train yourself on assignments”.

Of course, for preparation, in any case, materials are needed: collections, manuals, samples, as well as a list of topics that will be in the exam. But the main difficulty of self-preparation is that there is no one to check you. Therefore, my main advice is: do not hesitate to seek help from your school teachers.

(c) http://naslednick.online

So, we have decided on the understanding of the tasks and difficulties. Now let's talk about timing. After all, exams are just around the corner, and having time to learn everything only by autumn is not an option.

How long does it take to prepare well for the exam?

Teachers and methodologists agree that the preparation time depends on individual abilities. A graduate can freely navigate the material, solve tasks from part B well, but at the same time it is difficult for him to write an essay from part C. In general, with very intensive preparation and with an average level of knowledge, it is possible to prepare for the exam in a year or even six months.

Whether a graduate will pass for a high score, having spent a month on preparation, depends, in my opinion, on what kind of “weak points” the graduate has. The main thing is that the student himself understands which topics or aspects of the subject "sag" for him. The student must diagnose himself and determine a further plan to fill the gaps.

When is it better to throw all your strength into studying the USE format and preparing for specific questions? The ideal term is a year. It will be quite enough, as the experience of specialists and course teachers shows.

Over the course of a year, you can learn about all the traps of the subject, analyze each task in detail (with a short or detailed answer), draw up algorithms for all tasks and work on topics that, according to the experience of previous students, turn out to be "sagging" after the school course. At the same time, there will be enough time to deal with not only one subject, but also with three or four. This is usually enough for admission.

Yes, it will not be easy, but knowledge about the exam will be fresh and relevant, the guys will completely immerse themselves in the USE format, learn to cope with stress.

Well, it’s up to you to rely only on yourself or ask for help. But how exactly teachers advise to prepare for the exam, we will tell in the next article.

Christina Serdyukova.

Very soon, school graduates will have to take the Unified State Exam. Right now it is necessary to mobilize all your strength and tune in to a high score. Despite the fact that a lot of information on this matter is given on the Internet, teachers advise not to leave preparation for the last week, and even more so before the exams themselves. If you adhere to only 8 rules, then the graduate will be able to easily overcome this difficult period in his life.

1. Set a goal

It is very important for a school graduate to decide on the choice of his future profession. This is the main goal, to achieve which you need to enter a university and get a diploma.

But you can't do without the exam. The teacher of Russian language and literature says that it is best to start preparing after the 9th grade.

I completely agree with the opinion of my colleague - a teacher of the highest category, an examiner of the Unified State Examination in social studies. In her opinion, it is necessary to start preparing for the exam in the 10th grade. Six months before the exam, you need to do individual tasks of increased complexity, and you should not touch on the content of the course. This method of preparation is ideal for gifted students.

2. Assessing strength

Olga Zhovtonoga believes that when there is a goal, and there is no doubt, it means that the time has come to evaluate your strength. It is necessary to begin preparation with those subjects and those for which the student has uncertainty. But there are situations when an appeal is simply necessary. For example, an insufficient level of knowledge gained in the lessons, or you need to increase the scores to 90-100, which are needed for admission.

Irina Koryagina advises you to contact a tutor when choosing a certain subject.

The modern school curriculum does not provide an opportunity to adequately prepare for the USE in subjects other than mathematics and the Russian language.

3. Discard unnecessary, but not to the detriment of other items

Of course, all attention should be focused on the subjects chosen for the exam. But experienced teachers remind you that you should not forget about the rest of the lessons that are included in the school curriculum.It is imperative to study! Irina Koryagina warns that no one can know what knowledge will be needed in life. The most important thing is to do everything according to your mind.

If, for example, a student has chosen a humanities specialty, then he certainly does not need to spend too much time preparing for tomorrow's biology lesson.

4. Correctly create a workplace

In the usual sense, a student's workplace should be a table littered with numerous textbooks and a mobile phone nearby in case someone suddenly calls. But it is very important that nothing distracts the student, then the preparatory process will significantly increase and be effective. Vasilina Yurchenkova, a teacher of the Russian language, advises to remove everything extraneous and in particular mobile phones, exclude TV, communication with family members and friends. This will help the student to focus on learning the material.

Ideally, there should be a computer on the desk to help you study. But sometimes it takes a student longer than necessary to communicate on the Internet, so parents should check how their child is doing the tasks.

5. Correct timing

Before proceeding with the preparation for the exam, it is necessary to clarify the date of the exam in each subject - this will help to allocate the correct time for preparation, advises Vasilina Yurchenkova. Knowing how to plan your time efficiently can be a nice bonus when preparing for exams. In addition, a timer will serve as an assistant, by which it will be possible to track the time of a certain task. And you can train on the exam questions of the past.

6. Getting ready according to the plan

Preparation for the exam will be successful only if a rational plan is drawn up for its implementation. For example, it is advisable to solve three tests daily, which are posted on training sites. After that, you will need to check the work and disassemble the errors (if any). warns:

"Under no circumstances should you do any luck assignments. Playing your intuition is not the best way to pass the exam."
It is best to refer to the rules if you do not know the answer, and so you can gradually learn and fully master the problematic topics.

This principle always works, since the exam contains tasks of the same type.

7. Rest time - required

Vasilina Yurchekova is convinced that intensive training should be accompanied by rest for the brain. To do this, you need to allocate a day during which you will regain your strength, so that you can resume your studies in the morning of the next day.

“Everyone chooses a vacation at his own discretion, but one should not stay on social networks for a long time, as this will reduce the desired effect. Best of all is walking in the fresh air, as well as physical activity. Olga Zhovtonoga believes that a good result can be achieved only if the classes are regular, and the forces are evenly distributed - for study and rest.»

8. Don't be nervous

This is advice that applies more to parents, since it is they who are alarmists and often do not create the necessary psychological support for their child. And the constant reminder that what an important and difficult step awaits him is, in most cases, superfluous. A purposeful 17-year-old graduate who is about to enter a university most likely understands everything himself. Therefore, you should not "add fuel to the fire", but come to the aid of your graduate with understanding, a kind word and parting words. Let him believe in himself and that he will succeed if he starts preparing on time. Vasilina Yurchenkova reassures parents and students, says:

there is no need to be afraid of the exam, since it is not the most difficult life exam, albeit a very important one.
There are many tips, the main thing is that the student himself knows what he wants and what needs to be done to achieve his goal. Then he will be able to look at the preparation for the exam from the positive side and develop the right strategy. Teachers and parents will also help him in this.

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