
The dancer in the group is eugenia aspen blonde. Evgeny Osin biography. Evgeny Osin. Biography

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, the author of the famous hits of the 90s, was born in Moscow in October 1964. The boy's father, Victor, worked as a trolleybus driver. Parents gave their son a sister, Albina. When the child was 9 years old, dad left the family, and the children stayed with their mother. My father was a sectarian - he belonged to the Seventh-day Adventists. After the parents separated, mother and children were given a two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. Viktor Osin lived in Cherepovets, where he headed a cell of the sect and worked as the head of a convoy.

From childhood, the restless boy became addicted to playing the drums and by the age of 12 he could already play them quite well. The talented Zhenya even went to a music school to better master musical notation, but he quickly got bored with traditional classes.

After graduating from the 10th grade, Evgeny Osin enters the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing amateur performances, but, without completing his studies, leaves there with a certificate that allows him to be the leader of an amateur ensemble. A young romantic in those years was fascinated by another occupation: he tamed pigeons. On his balcony, the young man made a real dovecote. During these years, Osin dreams of a big house for his pets, which he will build when he gets rich.


For Evgeny Osin, one thing was clear: music is what he wants to devote his life to. In his youth, Zhenya changed many musical groups. At 22, he created the first project "Nightcap", which was later renamed "Keks". Evgeniy became a vocalist and guitarist in his group.

After the breakup, the musician moved to the "Nicolaus Copernicus" collective, where he mastered percussion, and then to the "Alliance", in which he sits down at the drum kit. Two years later, Stas Namin notices the young energetic musician and invites the guy to his center to work with the Ded Moroz collective.

It is not known how many years Osin would have worked like this, but in the creative biography of Eugene an event occurred that can be called a happy circumstance. In the popular at that time the group "" was urgently looking for a vocalist. The fact is that, having recorded an album with musicians, she suddenly decided to leave the team before the tour. And so that the tour did not break down, it was necessary to find an equally charismatic frontman in the shortest possible time to save the situation.

Clip by Evgeny Osin "The girl in the machine is crying" Song of Evgeny Osin "Yalta"

At a performance in Rostov-on-Don during the Osin song "Yalta", the president unexpectedly went on stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: for the singer, the presenter and the guards. Photos from that significant concert can be seen on the Instagram network, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Osin starred a lot on television in musical projects, he works with young performers, experiments. The album "Golden Collection" and the collection of children's songs "Bagel and loaf" are published. But the artist is no longer able to achieve the former glory. There can be many reasons for this. The singer's style of performance itself is becoming irrelevant, since the time of post-Soviet romance has long passed. The artist's songs are increasingly broadcast on radio and television with the mark "retro".

In addition, the singer begins to have problems with alcohol. Trying to solve the problems, Evgeny Osin turns to the church for help and finds support there. He visits monasteries, lives in them for some time and works. Ultimately, Evgeny Viktorovich finds inner peace. He has a confessor. In the singer's spacious Moscow apartment, in a corner with icons, an icon lamp burned to the last.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Eugene meets his future wife, Natalia. At that time she worked in one of the banks and was married. But this did not prevent the love interest, and soon after the first divorce, Natalya marries Yevgeny Osin. The couple was happy, even though the girl's mother spoke out against this rash step of her daughter.

Undoubtedly, the birth of Agnia's daughter in 2002 can be considered the most important event in the singer's personal life. For her, he composed many children's songs and poems. Eugene tried to spend his free time with his family, he took his beloved wife and daughter to the sea. But alcohol addiction prevented the artist's personal happiness. Wife Natalya after a while left him and stopped the artist's contacts with the girl.

Osin suffered from separation from his daughter. In order to resume communication with Agnia, he got a job at English school No. 1287 as an extracurricular singing teacher. Evgeny Viktorovich successfully applied his basic education and created the popular children's collective "Fishki", with which he even recorded several videos. But the ex-wife remained adamant. She turned her daughter against her father and transferred Agnia to another school. For 5 years of teaching activity, the artist practically did not appear on stage.

After breaking up with his wife, Yevgeny lived with a woman in a de facto marriage for five years. But she could not come to terms with the singer's "illness" and left.

Later, Evgeny Osin resumed his solo career. In 2010, the artist experienced one of the main losses of his life - the tragic death of Alexander Alekseev, a close friend and stage partner. The singer dedicated his last work to the memory of his comrade - the album "Separation", on the material for which he worked for a very long time.

The artist resumed his tour: he performed in a team with the girls. Despite the fact that the singer's fans have grown old, he did not stop collecting full houses. Evgeny Osin often took part in joint performances with other pop stars.

In February 2018, Osin admitted that he was raising an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia Godunova. The artist met the mother of the girl, whose name is Elena, before he married Natalia. Then the lovers even began to live together, but later broke up. The singer remained on good terms with Lena. And now, a few years later, the woman called Eugene and said that they have a common daughter.

In recent years, the singer has lived in Moscow. The musician's height was 168 cm, while the man weighed 72 kg.

Sickness and death

In July 2017, Evgeny Osin told the press that his legs had failed due to problems with the spine. The artist added that he has no money for treatment. Then the singer came to the aid of the performer. The woman suggested that Eugene call a doctor to diagnose. Another celebrity urged not to give money to the artist, because he will spend money on alcohol. As a result, Evgeny Osin refused to be examined and had a fight with Natalia. Sturm said she no longer wants to interfere in the musician's affairs.

A month later, the singer left home in an unknown direction and never returned. Three days later, the artist's sister turned to the police for help. It turned out that Eugene is in a rehabilitation center in Thailand and is being treated for alcoholism. This was facilitated by the TV presenter herself. Later it became known that the treatment did not bring results, and the celebrity returned from Thailand very unhappy. And the singer called Borisov "a goner".

In March 2018, the artist was hospitalized in Moscow. The strongest intoxication became the reason. Then the doctors performed a series of procedures to remove toxins from Evgeny's body.

In February, it was reported that Osin had been unconscious for three days.

On May 22, journalists learned that Evgeny Viktorovich. A few days earlier, the artist drove to the traffic police on a new motorcycle to register the transport. But, approaching the house, the singer lost control and fell, as a result of which the vehicle crushed Aspen's leg. The arrived doctors provided the artist with first aid and diagnosed toe fractures. However, Evgeniy refused to go to the hospital and intended to register the motorcycle on that day. An eyewitness who called the doctors said that Osin was sober.

This was not the end of Eugene's troubles. A little later, the musician participated in the filming of a television program dedicated to extreme sports and broke his arm. The artist was hospitalized and operated on. As soon as the singer got better, Aspen was sent home. To celebrate, Evgeny Viktorovich decided to celebrate his recovery and got drunk again. At the same time, the performer said in an interview that health problems began when the man stopped drinking.

In the same month, the former member of the group shared with the fans that she was filming in Yevgeny Osin's new video for the song "Favorite". The girl posted photos and videos of the working process for review by web users. According to Yulia, there is still a "special twinkle" in Yevgeny's work. The artist tried to help her colleague in the shop.

On June 25, the producer of the group wrote on the Instagram page that if Eugene does not take measures to restore his health, then the artist's days are numbered. Andrey shared that after the operation, Osin's arm began to rot, but the artist does not stop drinking, his legs and kidneys fail. Doctors even worried that the singer would have to amputate his arm.

On November 17, 2018 it became known about Evgeny Osin. The body was discovered a few days later by his sister Albina in his Moscow apartment. Aspen's cause of death was cardiac arrest. According to Albina, my brother did not get in touch for several days. Ex-wife Natalya and Agnia reported that they were in the singer's apartment a couple of days before his death. At that time, Evgeny was in a deplorable state, but categorically refused help.


  • 1988 - "Man from the Star" (with the group "Santa Claus")
  • 1989 - "Let's say Bravo to each other!" (with group)
  • 1991 - "Light path of fire" (with the group "Avalon")
  • 1992 - "70th latitude"
  • 1994 - "In" Russia "
  • 1996 - "Correcting mistakes"
  • 1999 - Birds
  • 2000 - "Golden Collection"
  • 2001 - "Bagel and loaf"
  • 2001 - "All the same girls"
  • 2003 - "In the Mood for Love"
  • 2003 - "Star Series"
  • 2009 - "Bagel, loaf and bagel"
  • 2010 - "New and Best"
  • 2016 - Parting

In the early 90s, the song "The girl in the machine is crying" sounded from almost every window in Russia and abroad. It was the time of the popularity of the singer, composer and songwriter Yevgeny Osin. We will get acquainted with his biography in this article. We find out the reason from the stage and what is happening to him today.


The biography of Evgeny Osin began in Moscow on October 4, 1964. He grew up a restless and curious boy. Since childhood, he was fond of playing various musical instruments. He was especially attracted to the drums. He had mastered them well by the age of 12. And at the age of 14 he successfully performed in a school ensemble.

Education was necessary for the further development of the musical biography of Yevgeny Osin. His parents understood this and sent the teenager to study musical notation in one of the best Moscow schools. However, the energetic Zhenya soon got bored with traditional lessons, and he dropped out of school.

After the 10th grade, the young musician made a second attempt to get an education and entered the Institute of Culture. The faculty of directing amateur performances welcomed the talented Evgeny Osin, but studies again did not suit the guy's taste. And he left the institute with a certificate. In fact, it was permission to work as the leader of an amateur ensemble of a regional scale.

In addition to music, Evgeny Osin was engaged in pigeon breeding. He kept the birds on the balcony. And he dreamed of building a big house with a dovecote. This hobby prompted Osin to decide to become a vegetarian.

First projects

Musical biography of Evgeny Osin as a singer began in the group "Night Cap", which he created at the age of 22. Later it became known as "Keks". This was the musician's first serious project. In it, he was simultaneously a songwriter, guitarist and vocalist.

After the disintegration of Keks, the artist changed a lot of bands. The first on this list was Nicolaus Copernicus. Participation in this group allowed Osin to master percussion (percussion instruments). In the next group - "Alliance" - the musician is already sitting at the drum kit.

Two years later, the assertive Asin was noticed by the producer and musician and invited to his center to work in the team "Ded Moroz". He collaborated with this group for about a year, but did not receive much popularity.


An important stage in the creative biography of Yevgeny Osin was his participation in the Bravo team. Everything happened swiftly and unexpectedly for the young musician. Zhanna Aguzarova, before the tour, suddenly left the group. And so that the plans did not break down, an urgent casting was announced for the vocalist's place. Among the applicants were Penkin. But the composer of the group, Yevgeny Khavtan, for some reason delayed the decision to choose a frontman.

And then Evgeny Osin came to the casting. The musician did not hope for anything, but they took him. For a year of cooperation with the legendary band, he recorded several songs from the album "Let's Say to Each Other Bravo!", Starred in a video and took part in a tour.

Solo creativity

Working at Bravo allowed the musician to gain invaluable experience and achieve professionalism in his career. Now the musical biography of the singer Yevgeny Osin moves to a new level. He creates his own group "Avalon". In her repertoire there were compositions of various directions: from jazz to "heavy".

In the early 90s, Osin turned to the style of the 70s. His solo project became successful almost immediately. Courtyard aesthetics hit the taste of millions of listeners. The approach was absolutely unsophisticated. Osin took compositions that were unpopular in professional circles, sincere and written in a simple language, added rock'n'roll rhythms - hits were obtained. And after the video "The girl in the machine is crying", the singer woke up a real star.

By the way, Andrei Voznesensky was the author of the text of this hit. And the music for another popular song "Portrait by Pablo Picasso" was written by a Polish composer (the film "The Pianist" was shot about him). The composition itself was first performed by the Polish singer Irena Santor and in translation was called "No one will return these years."

Aspen spurred success. He actively worked in the studio, recording song after song, traveled around the country on tour, performed at some venues with other pop stars. The singer also participated in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin in 1996. The concert in Rostov-on-Don became memorable when Osin and the president danced on the same stage.

The decline of creativity

In 2000, the musician still works a lot, actively acting on television and taking part in various creative projects. But the former glory is gone. Critics explain the decline of his work for two reasons. First, the singer's songs and manner of performance have ceased to be relevant. After all, the period of post-Soviet romance is long gone. In addition, Osin's compositions were broadcast on radio and television marked "retro".

The second reason was the musician's addiction to alcohol. Attempts to deal with the problem brought him to church. Osin visited monasteries and even lived and worked in them. This gave him peace of mind for a while.

However, it was in those years that Yevgeny Osin's musical biography as an artist ends. He is no longer filming or recording songs. To somehow live, Osin gets a job as a music teacher at an English school in Moscow.

In 2005, the film "Pops" was released on Russian screens. The singing of one of the heroes of Lev Malinovsky (performed by Valery Garkalin) was voiced by Evgeny Osin.

Personal life

In the 90s, being famous, the musician met the girl Natalia. She worked in a bank and was married at the time. But this did not stop the artist. Soon, dramatic changes took place in the personal biography of Yevgeny Osin. Natalia divorced her first husband and reciprocated the musician. They got married, although the girl's mother was against it, calling this marriage a mistake and a rash step.

In 2002, the couple had a daughter, Agnia. This event increased family happiness, but not for long. Osin loved his daughter very much, spoiled her and developed her creatively. For her, he recorded a whole album of children's songs "Bagel and loaf", wrote many poems. But alcohol dependence turned out to be stronger and destroyed the family idyll. Natalia filed for divorce and took her daughter, limiting any contact with Osin. To see his daughter, the musician got a job as a teacher at her school. There, in 2010, he created a children's group "Fishki", of which young Agnia became a member. The team even shot several videos. However, Natalia prevented this as well. She managed to turn her daughter against her father and transfer her to another school.


Currently, about the biography and personal life of Yevgeny Osin, it is only known that he continues to fight alcohol addiction. The musician lives alone in his Moscow apartment. Sometimes his sister and friends visit him.

A couple of years ago, Osin was diagnosed with a serious problem with the spine. The musician's legs sometimes fail. There is no money for high-quality treatment, although the artist turned to Tibetan specialists, and they managed to help him for some time.

In August 2017, the singer left home. Three days later, his sister filed a report with the police about the loss. Aspen was found in one of the special centers for the fight against alcoholism. According to the artist, the proposal for treatment came from friends.


Throughout his creative biography, Evgeny Osin has released 15 albums. The first three - "Man from the Star" (1988), "We Say to Each Other" Bravo! " (1989) and "The Light Path of Fire" (1991) - recorded in the collectives "Ded Moroz", "Bravo" and "Avalon", respectively. Also in the singer's discography there are two albums of children's songs, which are dedicated to Aspen's daughter. These are "Bagel and loaf" (2001) and "Bagel, loaf and bagel" (2009). The second included songs by other performers. The composition "Alphabet" was performed by Agnia herself.

Aspen's latest collection of songs is called "Separation". It was recorded in memory of a close friend and colleague on the stage, Alexander Alekseev, who passed away in 2010. The singer worked on the material for the album for a very long time. The year of release was only 2016. Prior to this, Osin attempted a tour of Russia. His performances were crowned with success. Despite the fact that the fans of the artist's work had grown old, the halls gathered full, and the atmosphere reigned the same as in the fiery 90s.

He became interested in music at the age of 14, played drums in a school ensemble. I tried to study at a music school, but then dropped out. The only document on musical education is a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Cultural Workers, which gives the right to work as the leader of an amateur ensemble in any house of culture.

In 1986 he created a group "Night Cap", later renaming it "Keks" (guitar, vocals). Then he played in the groups "Nicolaus Copernicus" (percussion) and "Alliance" (on drums), under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory (worked there in 1986-87).

In 1988, at the Stas Namin Center, he directed the "Ded Moroz" group (showman, vocals).

In the same 1988, after Zhanna Aguzarova left Bravo, Yevgeny Khavtan was looking for a long time for someone who would replace the rebellious singer at the microphone. The auditions ended for a long time to no avail. Until finally one of the "bravists" advised: "And listen to Aspen, he just wandered somewhere nearby!" As a result, Evgeny Osin took part in the touring activities of "Bravo", starred in a video and recorded for the album "Let's say to each other:" Bravo! " (which never came out, but several songs from it with the lead vocals of Osin were included on the "Bravo" disc "Songs of Different Years"). However, in 1989, Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and preferred him as a soloist.

Later, Evgeny Osin created the Avalon group, in which he played the guitar, sang and composed music and poetry. Gradually I played with my band "Avalon" a lot of very different music - both jazzed and quite heavy. He recorded with her a little-noticed album "The Light Path of Fire" (it was published by the "Bekar Records" company).

In 1991 he turned to the repertoire and style of the 70s. Released in 1992 the disc "70th latitude". Yevgeny Osin performs songs where the romantic music of the yard is mixed with pop rhythms and aesthetics of rock and roll of the 60s. The first success - the hit "The Girl Crying in the Machine", followed by "March 8" and "Oriole". All these songs are well known among adolescents, more than one generation sang in the hallways to the "six-string" about love and female infidelity. The musician, with whom the fashion for the "yard romantic song" of the 60s - 70s began in many ways in Russia in the 90s. And the revival of the popularity of flared trousers and jackets with fringes bohemia owes exactly to the restless Zhenya Osin.

In 1994, the album "Evgeny Osin in" Russia "- a recording of the concert of the singer and his group at the State Central Concert Hall" Russia ".

In 1996, the album "Working on Errors", and on the disc "Working on Errors" appears as a composer, successfully working in the traditions of the music of the 60s - 70s.
However, the next disc has to wait. The reason for this is Zhenya's constant falling in love with those women about whom the heroine of Sharon Stone in the film "Basic Instinct" told the hero of Michael Douglas: "You fell in love with the wrong woman." In 1997 - 1998, songs were written and recorded extremely slowly. There is only one new hit - "Tanya plus Volodya". And only after parting with one of the "Strelok" members, Evgeny Osin, who had previously been with the group around the world and, of course, did not have time to work in the studio, took up his mind and guitar. His new songs are more rhythmic, danceable and fashionable. Little is left of retro and driveway lyrics. Now Osin wants to be the hero of discos, which is confirmed by the album "Birds" of 1999. This is understandable, as the saying goes: with whom you lead, with that you will gain. The new "visiting card" of the renewed Aspen is the hit "Dream".

Yevgeny Osin constantly tours our country and abroad, starred in television programs, has more than ten video clips. Works only "live" in a group of ten people, eight of whom are on stage.

Russian songwriter, singer and musician, whose fame was brought by songs in the genre of courtyard romantic music with pop rhythms and rock and roll "The girl in the machine is crying", "Eighth of March", "Tanya plus Volodya", "Kachka", "Portrait works by Pablo Picasso "," Fellow Traveler "and others.

Evgeny Osin. Biography

Evgeny Osin was born on October 4, 1964 in Moscow. He began to get involved in music at the age of 14: as a teenager, he performed as a drummer in a school ensemble. He studied at a music school for a short time, but dropped out. As a result, Osin had only a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Cultural Workers in his hands, which gave Yevgeny the opportunity to take the position of the head of an amateur ensemble of the level of a district recreation center.

When Osin was 19 years old, he decided to become a vegetarian.

In 1986, Evgeny Osin organized a group called " Nightcap", Which was then renamed to" Cake". Osin was not only a vocalist, but also a guitarist. Later, the musician performed in such groups as “ Nicolaus Copernicus"And" Alliance"Created under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory.

In 1988, Evgeny Osin headed the group “ Santa Claus”(At the Stas Namin Center), where he also acted as a vocalist and showman. After leaving the group " Bravo"Zhanna Aguzarova Osin began to tour with a popular band, starred in their video, and also took part in the recording of the album" We will say to each other “Bravo!»(The album was not officially released due to Aspen's departure from the group). After leaving Bravo, Osin created the group Avalon", In which he sang, composed music and poetry, played the guitar.

Evgeny Osin turned to the style of the 1970s in 1991, and in 1992 he released the disc "70th latitude", performing songs where the romantic music of the yard is mixed with pop rhythms and the aesthetics of 1960s rock and roll.

All the instruments on the album were live, and most of the musicians are girls. The album was a huge success, and most of the compositions became hits.

“I sang romantic songs by non-professional authors that no one wanted to release. All my compositions can be compared to home songs with a guitar. These are things that touch, because they are written from the heart. Nowadays there are a lot of corrupt authors writing to order. All their compositions are about nothing, just rhymed phrases. My songs may not be very literate, but they are real, ”said Evgeny Osin in an interview.

The author of the words of the song “ Crying girl in the machine", Which became the main hit of the album, was Andrey Voznesensky, and the composer of the song " Portrait by Pablo Picasso"- Polish pianist and composer Vladislav Shpilman (it was about him that Roman Polanski made the film "The Pianist").

In the 1990s, the artist toured extensively around the country and abroad, starred in television programs, and released more than ten video clips.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s, Evgeny Osin began to collaborate with young performers, among whom were rappers, starred in music videos, as well as in television projects (for example, in the show "Old Songs about the Main" on Channel One). However, the albums recorded by Osin during this period (“ Golden Collection», « Bagel and loaf"And" All the same girls») Had no success. In 2003, two collections by Evgeny Osin were released - “ In the mood for love"And" Star Series».

In 2009, the second album of children's songs "Bagel, loaf and bagel" was released, which included songs performed not only by Osin, but also by other artists. The song "Alphabet" was sung by Evgeny Osin's daughter Agniya.

In the summer of 2016, Yevgeny Osin was hospitalized, but he categorically stated that he was in a hospital bed due to cirrhosis of the liver, which a number of media outlets wrote about. Earlier, in 2015, the singer himself told reporters that his health condition leaves much to be desired: he was diagnosed with pancreatitis and problems with the pancreas.

In July 2017, Osin told the media that due to problems with the spine, his legs had failed and that he had no money for treatment.

“The feeling that I am crawling on sharp knives,” Yevgeny Osin described his condition and complained: “I need to go to the hospital. But the wallet is empty. The last savings were taken by the television men, who promised to shoot a story about me and assured me that they would be sent abroad for treatment. I let them into the apartment. I fed for several weeks, wasted my time, and they deceived ... In trouble, no one supports me, everything is on my own. "

Evgeny Osin died on November 17, 2018 in his apartment from cardiac arrest. The artist was 54 years old.

Evgeny Osin. Personal life

In 2000, Evgeny Osin married an employee of the bank, Natalya. The singer said that he met his future wife by chance and invited the girl he liked to his concert, not knowing that she was not free at that time. After meeting Yevgeny, Natalia left her husband and began to live with the artist. In 2002, the couple had a daughter, who was named Agnia. However, due to alcohol dependence of Aspen, the marriage broke up.

Aspen's wife took Agnia and forbade the singer to communicate with her daughter. For the artist, this was a real blow. Since then, he could not imagine his life without alcohol.

In 2010, in order to see his daughter, Yevgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher (teacher of additional education) at school No. 1287, where under his leadership the "Fishki" group was created, in which his daughter performed. He worked at the Osin music school for five years.

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin is a famous singer, musician, composer and idol of the 90s. He gave his fans a huge number of hits. The genre of his performance was varied, combining yard and pop songs, romantic music, rock and roll.

His songs became hits for many years and brought popularity to Evgeny Osin. He is organizing a new musical group. He writes songs himself, performs solo, acts as a guitarist. The band releases an album. The audience remembered this album less than the rest of his songs.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Osin

People make themselves idols, admire them, copy their demeanor. By all means they try to get to their concerts. They want to be like them.

It was the same with Evgeny Osin's fans. Everyone wanted to know about him: height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Osin. What he loves, where he goes, where he rests, i.e. all the details of his life.

In those years it was more difficult to find out all this. Now we can simply type our question in the search box of the computer and in just a few seconds we will receive the answer: place of birth is Moscow, the height of the singer is 168 cm, weight is 72 kg and age is 53 years.

Biography and personal life of Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin was born in Moscow. He was an ordinary boy, played football and drove pigeons. Even when he was little, Zhenya loved to listen to music. His uncle played drums professionally and quickly taught this to his nephew. Evgeny grew up without a father. The parents divorced, the father moved to another city, met with his son very rarely.

While studying in the seventh grade, Eugene already played percussion instruments in the school ensemble. I tried to study at a music school, but the classics seemed boring to him, the classes quickly got bored and he stopped attending lessons. In the future, Eugene never received a musical education, but he never regretted it. Lack of education did not prevent him from becoming an excellent performer and winning the love of the public.

After leaving school, Yevgeny Osin gathered a small musical group, which consisted of the same fans of the courtyard song, like himself. He played guitar, sang, picked up music for performances. Eugene could not imagine life without music and guitar. For 2 years, the musician worked in several groups, and then, by a lucky chance, got into the already popular group "Bravo".

For some time Osin toured actively with the group across the country, starred in a video, but then left the team.

At the beginning of the 90s, the biography and personal life of Yevgeny Osin becomes diverse. Yevgeny Osin's solo career begins in 1991. He finds his own style of performance. Gathers large concert venues. Success comes to him. A year later, the first disc appears. She immediately becomes popular, and the zest of this album - the song "The girl in the machine is crying" makes the singer famous.

In 1994, the musician released a new album, and two years later a third disc appeared. The musician tours a lot. The songs are played by all radio stations in the country. The audience adores him.

At this time, Eugene marries his vocalist Elena, but life together is not going well. After six months, they part.

At the peak of popularity, the singer meets his future wife Natalia. At the time of their acquaintance, Natalya was married, but soon after her divorce from her husband, young people got married.

For several years, Evgeny Osin has been keeping up with the wave of popularity. Over the next 10 years, seven more albums of the singer are released, but the basis of the albums is his previous songs. Evgeny's popularity is gradually waning.

Family and children of Evgeny Osin

In 2002, a wonderful event happens in the life of Yevgeny Osin - he becomes a father. The birth of his daughter Agnia inspires the singer to create children's songs and write poetry. In those years, the family and children of Yevgeny Osin, caring for them and love became the main thing for him. The singer devotes all his free time to them. All together they go to rest on the sea, play together, get out into nature.

The daughter grew up, and along with her, Evgeny's alcohol dependence grew. Tours, groupies, riotous life - as a result of which family quarrels. Osin was unable to keep his family together. In 2006, Natalya takes her daughter and leaves him.

Daughter of Evgeny Osin - Agnia

The ex-wife forbade Aspen to see Agnia. The girl went to school, and Eugene got a job there as a simple singing teacher. He began to see his daughter more often.

At school, Evgeny Osin created a musical group "Fishki", in which the children were engaged. The daughter of Evgeny Osina -Agniya was very fond of studying in the ensemble, she sang, but soon her ex-wife transferred the girl to another school. It was very difficult for Agnia, since they completely stopped communicating with their father. Mother set her up against Eugene and did not allow her to meet. Only on the phone and in social networks was it possible to communicate a little

Agnia has grown up now. She graduated from music school, is trying to write songs. Eugene believes that his daughter will be happy and successful.

The ex-wife of Yevgeny Osin - Natalya Cheremisina

Natalia Cheremisina was the wife of Yevgeny Osin for several years. They met in Moscow. It all happened by accident. The ex-wife of Yevgeny Osin, Natalya Cheremisina, was a beautiful, fair-haired girl with big blue eyes. Eugene really liked her. Soon a romance began. The girl's parents were against their relationship, since Natalia was married.

After the divorce was filed in 2000, the young people got married. Osin understood that his wife was very beautiful, many men paid attention to her. Eugene was a very jealous husband and insisted that Natalia leave her job.

Natalia was raising her daughter. A few years later, relations with Yevgeny Osin finally deteriorated, as the singer's craving for alcohol intensified. Natalia decided to leave her husband. She subsequently remarried. She does not maintain a relationship with her ex-husband.

Evgeny Osin - latest news

Recently, the press has paid little attention to the singer. The headlines "Evgeny Osin - Latest News" began to appear less and less on the pages of magazines and on the Internet. The fame has passed, the composer has not written new songs for a long time. His old, beloved hits can still be heard on the radio, but with the subtitle "retro".

This is due to the singer's strong alcohol dependence and the diseases that manifested themselves against this background. Due to problems with the spine, Yevgeny Osin's legs almost gave up. He has difficulty walking and needs surgery.

Alcohol addiction is a serious illness, and only a few can recover from it on their own. Evgeny Osin could not defeat her alone, but friends and relatives decided to help the singer. In August 2017, he flies to Thailand for treatment. He is fighting and has already taken the first steps towards victory.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeniya Osin

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Osin contain little information about him. And even that is contradictory. Basically, these are events of past years or impartial actions. The singer himself is not very willing to talk about himself, since recently little good has been happening in his life.

Perhaps, when the problems recede, Eugene will tell subscribers about his life, share his plans. I would like to believe that Evgeny Osin will cope with the disease, and we will still hear his songs. Evgeny Osin - the idol of millions, a talented musician, composer and singer, romantic of the 90s - come back!

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