
Ivan Abramov All. Stand UP Star Ivan Abramov About Family and Lilutics. - What are you currently interested in

Ivan Abramov (Parapearam) - organization and order of speeches on the official website of the Agency. According to the general issues of organizing performances with the participation of Ivan Abramov (Paraparama), touring tour and speeches, solo concerts, as well as leading to private events, corporate holidays. Call by phone + 7-499-343-53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of Agent Ivan Abramov. This young and talented artist won the hearts of many viewers thanks to his magnificent ability to parody famous people. Up to 25, he along with his family lived in Odintsovo. Ivan spent his childhood at the cottage at the grandfather with her grandmother, grew by a free child, far from life stamps and stereotypes. After graduation, the parents sent Ivan to study in MGIMO. For some time, he even devoted graduate school of this university. It was in this higher institution that Vanya began his KVNshchik and a humorist's career.

Creative achievements

In 2010, Abramov falls into the KVN student team called "Paraparamen", the history of which began in 2003. Soon, Ivan becomes the front of the team and begins to do everything possible for its promotion to the Higher League of KVN. The organization of permanent rehearsals and participation in all tours of KVN games is brings fruit. In 2011, Parapaparamah enters the final of the highest league, and in 2013, the team's speech brings third-place participants. In the same year, Paraparas, headed by Ivan Abramov, announced its decision to stop participating in KVN seasons.

During the speeches on the stage of the "club of fun and resourceful" Ivan managed to prepare and show the mass of interesting parodies on pop stars and show business. The following roles include the most famous and successful:, Vladimir Posner, Andrei Malakhova, Yuri Luzhkov, Sergey Lavrov, Konstantin Ernsta, Alexander Maslyakova, etc.

After leaving KVN Abramov begins to look for other ways to make money. He taking orders for various corporate events, festive events, weddings, anniversaries and so on. However, KVN continued to influence the life of Abramov. After all, during the KVN Games, Ivan got acquainted with his future wife. Before the wedding, he stuck with a girl for six years. Now the spouses are perfectly lived by a happy family life.

Regarding the professional achievements of Abramov after KVN, it is necessary to clarify that he began to experience himself as a lead and showman. But he was lacking all the time, that excitement, which he experienced, giving concerts in the KVN leagues. The decision was still found.


From the beginning of 2014, to this day, Ivan Abramov is a member of the Humorous Stand Up project, which is broadcast on the TNT channel. The artist perfectly joined the new style of work, in which the talent of the showman and the KVNchik was able to connect. Much more interesting information about Ivan Abramov and his professional activity can be found on his official website.

Order Online.

Ivan Abramov (Paraparam) - ordering the lead, contacts agent, organization of speeches. According to the general and individual issues of organizing speeches and ordering concerts for your holiday with Ivan Abramov (Paraparama), invitations to corporate events leading to the wedding, anniversary, speeches for birthday, party, you can call us phones in Moscow + 7-499 -343-53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40. The official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the Contacts section.

Ivan Abramov - Comic-intellectual, musician, Resident show "Stand Up", a former KVKNC (played teammate MGIMO "Paraparas"). He jokes a lot about celebrities, politicians and everyday life, and in each of its stand there is a musical component.

Childhood and youth

Ivan was born on May 21, 1986 in Volgograd. A year later, the Abramov family moved to Odintsovo in the Moscow region, where the boy spent his childhood and her youth.

In school, Ivan, according to his own words, was "shorter". Because of the completeness over Abramov, they often have fun, but in high school, the boy came into the form and became the school boat.

Up to ten years I have a hooliganil. But then sharply became different. All the fool was left in childhood, to study normally.

The love of music from Abramova appeared pretty early, so parents have given a child to a music school, where Ivan mastered the game on the piano and guitar. "4 years of study in the music, while my peers went to breakdance!", I remembered the comedian in one of the first stands.

After the end of the gymnasium, Abramov was configured to associate his life with art and was going to submit documents to Gitis, but his father insisted on MGIMO. Ivan followed the senior advice and received a diploma of a marketing and commerce specialist, although he was subsequently not worked at the specialty.

Humor and television

With the world of Yumor, Ivan came back in high school, when he was offered to play for the School team KVN. In MGIMO Abramov continued to engage in his loved business, heading the University team Paraparas.

In 2009, the Ivan's team became the Champion of the KVN Premier League and the Permanent Member of the Higher League. In many ways, the success of their speeches affected the dynamic parodies of Abramov (including Alexander Maslyakov, Yuri Luzhkov, Jennifer Psaki) and jokes in the spirit "Director of the Blind Factory can blink both horizontally and vertically."

In 2011, Parapaparashi fell into the Final KVN, and in the 2013 season, young comedians took the third place in the stubborn struggle among the best humorists of the country. It was the last season of the Abramov team in KVN, although friends participated in non-tournament contests for some time.

In 2014, Ivan got into the show "Stand Up", thanks to which the "intelligent comedian", as he himself calls himself, became famous for the whole country and beyond.

Abramova became "chuck", the musical numbers that included songs, parodies, a game on a synthesizer and guitar. So it happened not intentionally - the colleague Julia Akhmedova advised Ivan to try himself in this genre, and he liked. In addition, it is quite difficult for him to stand on the stage due to the third degree flatopy.

In his speeches, Ivan affected the various topics: recalled the childhood years and the pregnancy of his wife, joked about the friendship and driving of the car, told about rest in Turkey and a trip to the States. And, of course, a lot of sang, accompanying yourself on the synthesizer.

Ivan Abramova game on synthesizer

An absolute hit became his song about Alexander Kokorina ("Football Lounge") - that the Russian footballer earns more than football players with a world name.

Rap from Lavrov's Minister performed by Ivan Abramova

In his speeches, the comedian often passed through major political figures, for example, Elvira Nabiullina and Vladimir Putin. However, these numbers were not subjected to censorship, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov once praised his sense of humor and shook his hand.

Participation in the popular program brought Abramov to acquaintance with such popular humorists as Glory Commissarenko, Julia Ahmedova, Timur Karginov, Dmitry Romanov, Viktor Komarov.

It is very important to laugh the hall in the first three minutes and get a credibility loan from him.

Despite the experience of performing in KVN, before each yield on the scene, Ivan is still experiencing mandal. At the same time, the success of the booth can only be envied - he became the third (after Ruslana White and Stasov Starovoitov) Resident of the show with a large solo program.

The comedian watching the speeches of Western colleagues; Among the sources of inspiration Ivan Tim Michin and B. Berne, who are creating in a similar genre, as well as Mark Burbiglia.

Personal life Ivan Abramova

In adolescence, Ivan was not popular with the opposite sex, and today he behaves quite modestly against girls. However, the heart of the comic one has long been busy - with his future wife Elvira Gismatullin Abramov met in 2008, at the KVN fees: the girl played for the team of Mission "7 Hills" (and before that the team of Voronezh "25-aya"). Stand Up / Ivan Abramov. Stand Up for Piano with Guitar

Ivan Abramov Solo Concert 30.04.2017 watch online in good quality

- Concert of Ivan Abramova "Stand Up / Ivan Abramov. Stand Up for piano with a guitar "- Standap Show, a famous comedian speaks with a spectator about the sore. In the speech, the former KVNCH is that and it sits down for the piano or plays the guitar. Tools are applications, both in parodies on the songs of famous domestic and foreign performers and miniatures. Abramov's vocal data in a compartment with a comedy approach allows it to create numbers about complex in simple and accessible form.

Ivan does not argue to use light and audio effects. Every time the appearance of such inserts skillfully beats.

According to the example of the generics of the genre, Ivan adds a lot of personal to the concert. He talks about an eight-year marriage with his wife Ela, about jealousy and loyalty, about a two-year-old daughter and events preceding the birth of babies.

Having become a humorist a lot of rethink. Now he is different about the porn industry, as it proacts the experiences of parents of porn stars over himself, as well as more time wants to give close to the daughter, then the daughter could not present claims to parents.

Arguing about the excitement in front of the audience, Ivan finds ways to insert into the text not only its understanding of this phenomenon, but lead a couple of examples from the life of famous people. Interaction with the hall goes throughout the performance. The viewer reacts laugh, and sometimes answers the artist's questions with applause or their absence.

Raising a variety of topics, Abramov tries to work on a wide audience and do not cross the face permissible.

Although the team of MGIMO "Paraparas" finished his speech in the Higher League of KVN, the number of her fans did not diminish. Merry and charming guys are invited to conduct different events, including weddings. On April 26, a wedding of the team leader will be held - a bright parody and a very charismatic young man Ivan Abramov. With his beloved, his breath of KVN, the novel lasts for 6 years, and the noise from their family celebration is not planning to do. That's all we managed to find out:

- To which boys did you relate in childhood, youth: modest or started?
- In different years, various qualities were manifested in me. When I was Tolstoy, I was a scratched guy when I lost weight - I was the startup. Up to grade 5 I was a fragrant, for school in Odintsovo it was even steeper than the word "Loch". Fatty neolder! After the fifth grade, I went to the music school that aggravated my chances to become a leader. Then there was a transitional age in the eighth grade, which was associated with traditional cosmetic problems on the face ... Needer fatty with acne, who knows how to play Sonata ...
No, I did not like the girls! I was not a star star. I am very modest in terms of relationships with girls, I never would have met the first to know the girl if I need just a dialogue for one night. If I like the girl and I approach her, then it will be for life. This is what happens to me now and happens.

- Do you have corporate "chips" of courtship?
- One is the rule of courtship - not to change your woman. We must be with the one that you really love. Then you will not allow yourself to betray her, that is, change.

- Are you alolyub?

"Judging by the fact that I am with one woman for 6 years and is ready to stay with her all my life, probably, yes. This is due to my genes, but my girlfriend. With her any might be a monochombus!

- What do you think your girlfriend has to endure?
- It seems to me that she got almost the perfect fiance! The only thing I am very often sick. That's why her morning often begins not with the phrase: "Dear, breakfast on the table!", And with "Dear, it seems, I ... Bad."

- Do you think Flowers - a waste of money or?

- No, I myself love flowers. I like when the florist collects a beautiful bouquet. I love to give my girlfriend flowers, once a month it is probably doing. When you give flowers, it's nice to see emotion that appears on a person's face.

- And dates of type on February 14 you encourage you on beautiful gestures?
- We give gifts to each other. Although I don't like the day, because there is some kind of obligation - you have to give something to the person you love, and say "I love you" ... a loving couple should be much more often.

- A film that you like to watch together?

- "The Walking Dead" (laughs)! In fact, we love the series: I watched "sex in the big city", "Sherlock Holmes", "Motherland", "Game of Thrones", "in all grave", etc.

- There are many jokes about the mother-in-law. Do you already have a favorite?
- I have a good mother-in-law, she is a business woman, everything understands. She is a woman with her traditions - she is Muslim (like her daughter), and I baptized agnostic. From this a lot of interesting things. Plus, the mother-in-law lives not in Moscow, but in Orenburg. I will be happy to communicate with her at my wedding!

- And how do you feel about your bride's girlfriends?

- Well, if they do not teach her any bad ... yes no, she has good girlfriends. It is generally some kind of ideal, even climbs!

- Did you have to be a safer at the wedding? Your impressions ...
- once witnessed. If this role is responsible for this role, then this is the most exhaustive role. We must do everything. The most delusional, I needed to be responsible for the certificate of marriage registration. The classic woman Tamada forced me to dance gypsy ... at a wedding of a friend-kvnetshchik.

- Do you behave weddings? What is pleasant in this, and what is not very?
- This is the most popular thing I lead. It is like that is a very soulful event in the life of every person, but also the nervous one, where the negative part of the wedding follows. When cool goes into nervous ... People under the influence of alcohol behave inadequately, not in European or European, but as in the Stone Age ... I rarely drop out such weddings. In June and in August I have a lot of weddings.

- Do you enjoy your own wedding troubles?

- The troubles are pleased when you love your bride. Especially since she does all (laughs).

Want to know how he started his humorous career? In which university he studied? Is it possible in legal marriage? Answers to all these questions are contained in the article. We wish you a pleasant reading!


The humorist was born on 21 May 1986 in Volgograd. A year later, the family moved to the town of Odintsovo near Moscow. Our hero from the usual family. He has Jewish roots.

Vanya Abramov studied in the gymnasium. Teachers always praised him for knowledge and approximate behavior. But classmates often laughed and joked over Ivan. And all because of his unattractive appearance. As a child, our hero was a full boy. He wore braces. And his face covered acne.

But in the fifth grade everything has changed for the better. Vanya lost much, got rid of braces and acne. From the "Crashing" boy, he turned into a real stock company.

In 12 years, Abramov Jr. began to attend a music school, where he studied the game on the piano. He successfully graduated from this institution.

Study in high school and game in KVN

In 2003, Vanya released from the gymnasium. The guy went to Moscow. He was able to enter MGIMO first from the first time. The choice of Abramov fell on the Economic Faculty.

Being a student, Ivan began to play KVN. He headed the Paraparam team. At first, the guys performed in the walls of the native university. But soon they had the opportunity to visit the main scene of KVN and declare themselves to the whole country. In 2009, the Paraparav team was recognized by the Premier League champion. And this is not all achievements. In 2011, the guys from MGIMO managed to go to the Final Games. In the 2013 season, they won "bronze".

Ivan Abramov: "Standap" (TNT)

Our hero dreamed of building a successful television career. It is not about working a leading or operator. To speak to the public and mix the people - that's what Ivan Abramov wanted. "Standap" helped realize his idea. This transfer was broadcast in 2014 and immediately acquired popularity among Russian youth.

Standap is a solo humorous performance before the public. From the release to the release of Vanya Abramov pleases the audience with their jokes and funny scenes. In his speech, he often uses musical instruments (guitar, synthesizer and others).

Personal life

In his youth, our hero was not popular with the girls. And the point here is not in appearance. Ivan is a high guy with a pleasant face and a cute smile. By nature, it is very modest. This quality prevented him to establish a personal life. But soon there was a girl who took it as he is.

With his future spouse, Elvira Gismatullina, Vanya met in 2008. Their love for KVN. For almost 6 years, the couple lived in civil marriage. In one day Ivan Abramov ("Standap") made a beloved sentence. In April 2014, Elvira and Ivan got married. The celebration took place in France. The groom was in an elegant suit with a tie, and the bride in a narrow snow-white dress.


Now you know where I was born, I studied and how Ivan Abramov came to the scene. "Standap" and "KVN" - these projects brought him all-Russian fame and audience love. We wish Ivan's creative success and achievements of all goals!

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