
Grazing temperature graphics with examples and decoding. The norm of basal temperature in the early grades of pregnancy basal temperature 38

I realizing that it exists in it new lifeThe woman seeks to learn as much as possible about his position. This is especially important for those who worry about any reason. Basal temperature on the early timing Pregnancy will help keep track of the process daily, to identify dangerous signs so that the future mommy can, if necessary, to get help in a timely manner.

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Why measure BT

Basal temperature - another indicator of gynecological health. Thanks to the natural difference of its values \u200b\u200bat each stage of the cycle, women are planning pregnancy. Daily measurements and graphics makes it possible to find out the day of ovulation. Before menstruation, BT value reaches 36.7-36.9 degrees. By the time of aging eggs, it increases to 37-37.1. If the conception has not happened, after ovulation, its values \u200b\u200bare reduced again. If ovulation was not at all, then the temperature will be approximately the same throughout the cycle.

Basal temperature 37 Sign of pregnancy, which manifests itself, perhaps, before others. Menstruation delay, morning nausea and other symptoms will declare it later. In the meantime, the retention of BT at such a continuation of 2 weeks will give to know the woman that she is now responsible for another life, and it's time to ensure suitable conditions for its development. And although this is not an indisputable sign of pregnancy, he can be a reason for testing the test, leaving her harmful habits, establishing a normal mode.

Basal temperature rate after conception

The fertilized egg requires special conditions for attaching to the wall. The body creates them with the help of a progesterone hormone, which begins to be produced in elevated, compared to the same, quantity. The uterus with it is to prepare to take a fetal egg, then give the opportunity to develop the shells, placenta. For this reason, the basal temperature during pregnancy in the early time also goes on increasing, but to certain limits.

Usually its value fluctuates different women From 37 to 37.3 degrees. Conservation within this framework means that the process goes without unpleasant surprises, as must. What basal temperature in the early period of pregnancy may depend on the characteristics of a particular body. It is normally able to deviate from average values, reaching 38 degrees. But to assure that this is not evidence of any danger, better at the reception at a specialist.

Daily fluctuations BT.

The measurement of BT in the early periods of pregnancy should be carried out in the same hours in the morning. Such indicators can be trusted, since the body rested, and no external factors have not yet been influenced. Inherent exercise physical activity, meals, emotions, even wearing clothes inevitably change its values. Usually, the basal temperature in the early period of pregnancy is rising above 37.3 degrees, but this does not hide any threat. At this time, its values \u200b\u200bare able to change every hour under the influence of the factors already mentioned.

By the end of the day, the body "digested" all accumulated per day, but is already preparing for rest. However, measurements at this time of day just as meaningless. The indicator will still be high, and understand, caused by natural causes or health problems, is impossible. The basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy in the evening is usually higher than the norm about 1 degrees. An informative measurement at this time will be if the woman slept during at least 5 hours. But it is unlikely that someone will comply with such a strange regime for all 12 weeks of the initial stage.

When and how to measure BT

BT during pregnancy in early terms is measured in the morning to lifting, when the biological activity of the body is minimal. The thermometer is placed in the vagina or the rectum 2 cm and hold 3-5 minutes. During this time, the device will feel and give the real temperatures.

Each measurement must repeat the previous one. That is, it is impossible to introduce a thermometer into the vagina today, and tomorrow in the anal hole. And it is necessary to carry out manipulations at one time, it is possible to be in a hurry only for an hour. The thermometer every time there should be the one that before.

The basal temperature is important in early pregnancy in accurate measurement. This is real if:

  • Doing the procedure only in a horizontal position, without turning on the side, without getting up. Lit in bed, a woman increases blood tide to a small pelvis. The thermometer in this case will show high values \u200b\u200bthat do not correspond to reality;
  • Measurement after not less than 5-hour sleep, only so indications will be correct;
  • Do not have sex all the period of control BT. Sexual activity stimulates its increase. Or at least make the break between measurement and act amounted to no less semitting;
  • Do not take medicine. Most of them are distorting the picture, and the indicator may be significantly higher or lower than normal values. But basal temperature is controlled in early pregnancy due to the probable threat of a state. In this case, the danger may not be, and the figure on the thermometer will show that there is;
  • Breakfast after measurement. Food also affects the magnitude of the indicator;
  • Do not be sick. Even a minor runny nose is able to change the value of BT.

Why do you need a schedule

The BT graph during pregnancy in the early deadlines is necessary if the woman seriously decided to track this indicator. As the fetus develops in the mother's body, various types of change occur, mainly associated with hormones. It is not surprising that the basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy, the schedule will prove it. Usually it looks like this:

  • On the day of fertilization of the egg cell, the value is balanced between 36.4 and 36, 7 degrees;
  • Following this 3-4 days. It rises by 0.1 degrees daily and reaches 37;
  • Another 2-3 days the value of the basal temperature remains the same;
  • On the day of implantation fruit egg In the mucousness of the uterus it decreases to 36.5-36.6 degrees;
  • The following 2-3 days of the value of the indicator smoothly go up, reaching 36.8-37 degrees;
  • About 2 weeks, the digits on the thermometer can vary from 36.7 to 37.1. But values \u200b\u200bshould not be lower than those observed on the day of ovulation.

The graph of basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages should include not only the figures of the indicator and days of the cycle, but also related circumstances. The values \u200b\u200bof BT can affect the disease, drug intake, stress. Each of them should learn the attending physician to have a complete picture of the development of pregnancy.

When the basal temperature deviates from the norm

It is worth saying that the raising of basal temperature and hold it in certain values \u200b\u200bis not an absolute sign of pregnancy. Sometimes it can mean completely different. But if a woman with the help of the dough made sure that the conception occurred, it does not always be sure to control this indicator. Typically, the doctor insists on measuring BT with problems with having to-wear in the past to catch them on early stage. So more opportunities to neutralize negative factors.

Why basal temperature too high

Excessive raising of basal temperature is due to the inflammatory process occurring in the body. In most cases, it is associated with the reproductive sphere, but not always.

Another reason for too high BT may be an ectopic pregnancy. A fruit egg, despite the abnormal localization, is developing, it means that progesterone is produced in a normal amount for pregnancy. At the same time, there is an inflammatory process in the body, which is capable of increasing the body temperature, and BT.

A woman needs to listen to sensations in the lower abdomen and follow the discharge. If instead of transparent leaving brown, ultrasound of ultrasonic pipes and abdominal cavities should be made.

Possible threat of interrupts

The decrease in the basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy occurs in the threat of its interrupt. The main reason for this in most cases is the lack of progesterone. The hormone provides the creation of conditions for the development of a fetal egg: breaking the upper layer of the internal coating of the uterus, fixing the embryo in it.

Thanks to it, the basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy, 37 is its average value for the first 2 weeks after conception. A smaller indicator is a reason to take measures to prevent the rejection of the fruit egg, which may soon begin. If, moreover, the woman feels pain in his stomach, noticed the heoty painted blood, she needs help immediately.

Measuring pregnancy

Low basal temperature in early pregnancy can become a sign of fetal fetal. This means that the embryo has ceased to develop. For what reason it happens, you can only assume. But it is necessary to know about such a situation, as the fruit does not always come out independently. It is necessary to extract it, and the sooner, the safer for the woman. On a small period, this is done using a vacuum method, and recovered, after a while again you can plan a pregnancy.

Stopping the development of the embryo is accompanied not only by the decrease in BT, but also by other symptoms, the main of which is the disappearance of other signs of its existence. The woman has an increase in the mammary glands. In this case, the level of progesterone also falls, because the yellow body no longer need to produce it.

Like normal pregnancy Low BT

The norm of basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy is sufficiently conditional. It is not at all that the body will demonstrate its values \u200b\u200bas a textbook. Its individual features may be such that with a normally developing pregnancy, the indicator will not reach the average for all 12 weeks when it makes sense to measure it. And low BT during pregnancy in the early deadlines will not hurt to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

The indicator must be monitored and compared the values \u200b\u200bin the dynamics. If at another time its values \u200b\u200balso do not coincide with the norm, it is not necessary to perceive it as a threat to pregnancy. For example, with BT during ovulation less than 36.4, the indicator in the first 2 weeks may not reach the frontier 37 degrees.

Measuring basal temperature is useful for the first 3 months when its meaning is informative. Then they do not have the determining value. But in the first trimester, you should not overestimate them. The basal temperature acquires value only in the context of other signs. Therefore, with any incluses with medium numbers, you should not worry, but it is better to go to women's advice to make sure everything is in order.

Observation of changes in the base temperature of the body (BTT) is used by women as the simple and most informative method for assessing the state of women's health. It is especially widespread among women planning pregnancy. The correct and regular measurement allows you to establish an ovulation day, which significantly increases the likelihood of conception.

The values \u200b\u200bof basal temperature throughout menstrual cycle Different.

Its oscillations are due to a change in the concentration of certain hormones in various phases:

  • Menstrual phase. Takes the beginning from the first day of bloody discharge, on average lasts up to five to seven days. It is characterized by a low level of basic female hormones.
  • Follicular phase. It is counted from the first day of menstrual secretions, it lasts about twelve days. At this stage, the growth of follicles occurs, with one or more of them, stand out with dimensions and contain a ripe egg. This growth ensures a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In addition, the estrogen level increases, it is under its impact that the eggs are ripening. The peak of the production of hormone falls on the day before ovulation.
  • Ovulatory phase. It starts at around the middle of the cycle and lasts about three days. A sharp increase in the level of estrogen contributes to the rope of luteinizing hormone (LH) - the forerunner of ovulation, the FSH level decreases. There is a yield of a ripened egg from the follicle, and the follicle itself becomes the growth point of the yellow body - the time-producing progesterone.
  • Lutein phase. Its durability on average is sixteen days. It is characterized by an increase in the level of progesterone - hormone supporting pregnancy. If the pregnancy in this cycle did not come, then by the end of the phase the activity of the yellow body fuses, the hormone level is reduced and menstruation begins - the beginning of a new cycle.

As a rule, BT tends to decrease in the follicular phase and the growth of values \u200b\u200bafter ovulation. Temperature 37-37.2 ° C. It is the norm for the lutein phase, with the pregnancy occurred, then high values \u200b\u200bare stored until postpartum menstruation.

If pregnancy has come, and the BTT indicators are low, it speaks about the lack of progesterone hormone and the possible threat of spontaneous abortion.

In the absence of pregnancy, the temperature value will gradually decrease, and to the beginning of the new menstrual cycle will be 36.6-36.7 ° C.

Temperature standards a week before menstruation

A week before the monthly average BT indicators are within 37-37.5 ° C. At the same time, sometimes, it is possible to fix a short-term slight decrease in the indicator by 0.3 ° C. Such a decrease may indicate the implantation of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus. Implantation of temperature may be accompanied by minor blood discharge.

Temperature standards 3 days before critical days

In the absence of pregnancy, the BT level will gradually decline, and by the first day of the next menstruation will be 36.6 ° C. If the pregnancy occurred, then normally, 3 days before the monthly, its indicators will be within 37-37.5 ° C. There are situations where the temperature level falls, and the pregnancy still has come. Such indicators are characteristic of the threat of miscarriage and require an immediate appeal to a specialist.

Nepical Temperature Indicators - What does this mean?

When measuring BT, some indicators may differ from normal values \u200b\u200bin a large or smaller side.

Analysis of constructed temperature graphs allows you to establish possible pathological conditions, for example:

  • The BT level in the lutein phase of the cycle dropped, and during the menstrual secretions of the new cycle, it was installed at a mark of 37 ° C. This indicates the possible development of endometritis.
  • High BT drops throughout the cycle, the schedule has many peaks and recessions. Such a picture indicates estrogenic insufficiency.
  • A monotonous curve not containing in the middle of the transition from low indicators to high may indicate the absence of ovulation. At the same time, BT in the lutein phase does not reach the mark at 37 ° C.
  • The absence of a transition from low BT indicators to a high, weakly exposed temperature rise in the lutein phase may indicate estrogen-progesterone failure.

Basal temperature before monthly 38 ° С

Increased BT indicator in the lutein phase up to 38 ° C is not the norm. When high temperature values \u200b\u200bare not reduced for a long time, this may indicate the inflammatory processes of the organs of the female reproductive system. In the case of their registration, for several cycles, you should seek advice on Akuster-Gynecologist.

How to measure?

BT measurements are necessary on the mucous portions of the body, as it gives the most accurate result.

Temperature can be measured:

  • Under the tongue. This method of measurement has a greater error and does not always correspond to reality.
  • In the vagina. A more accurate way, but also has an error.
  • Rectally. The most reliable readings gives this method of measurement.

When measuring BT, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules and recommendations:

  1. Measurements are made every day at the same time. The result will not be reliable if one readings are taken in the morning, and others in the evening. The most optimal period for the measurement is 6-7 in the morning.
  2. It is best to measure immediately after waking up. Do not make extra movements, so you should prepare a thermometer and a notebook with a handle to record the result.
  3. Measurement temperature is carried out in the lying position.
  4. Use the same thermometer. The most safe and easy-to-use is an electronic measuring device, which is characterized by high accuracy and measurement speed.
  5. It is necessary to mark the actions of the unusual status. For example, stress, drug intake, disease.
  6. Simultaneously with the temperature indications, the character of the selection should be recorded.

Subject to the above measurement rules, BT indicators will most accurately reflect the changes occurring in the body of a woman, which will allow you to promptly recognize and not miss the beginning of the development of many pathological conditions.

On the chart of points there are all temperature indicators starting from the first day of the cycle. Then, you need to connect all the points of the serial line. Ideally, if you have an imaginary line in the middle, a two-phase schedule should be obtained, the left part of which has lower indicators than the right.

At the same time, by the state of the curve, the average temperature level in a certain period of the menstrual cycle, as well as the duration of the phases, you can draw conclusions about:

  • Hormonal insufficiency. Low or excessively high average temperature indicators may indicate estrogen deficiency, progesterone, excessive prolactin production. Hormonal violations may also indicate a decrease or increase in the duration of certain phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • Upcoming ovulation. Reducing, and then a sharp jump in temperature indicators indicates ovulation and favorable days for conception.
  • The occurrence of pregnancy. At the same time, in the second phase, the temperature will have elevated values.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes occurring in the uterus or appendages. For such states, high rates of BT in the first half of the cycle are characterized.
  • Absence of ovulation. The absence of ovulation is evidenced by the BT schedule, in which, throughout the menstrual cycle, there are minor lifts and a flavored temperature curve.

It is worth remembering that the schedule for one menstrual cycle is not informative. For a more accurate picture, it is necessary to build at least three graphs based on BT indicators of three consecutive menstrual cycles.

In this case, violations identified on the basis of the schedule are not a specific diagnosis. If you detect any deviations, you should contact a specialist for advice.

Pregnancy is a period when the future mother with special care is following his health. After all, now she worries not only about themselves, but also about life that originated inside her body.

It is very important not to worry about any reason, because the beneficity does not bring extra effort. There are some methods, for example, measuring basal temperature that will help constantly monitor health.

This technique helps to identify some dangerous symptoms. Reagreing on time, the future mother will be able to protect his unborn baby. If any deviation is observed from the norm, then it is necessary to urgently seek help to a doctor.

What is BT?

Usually it is abbreviated called BT, less often rectal temperature. How can I understand from the name, it is not measured standard method - armpits. There are several measurement options - in the mouth, in the vagina and in the rectum. With it, it is often tracked by ovulation when a woman wants to get pregnant.

An ordinary menstrual cycle more often shows up to 37 Celsius, but even until the moment how ovulation begins - then the temperature increases by 0.4 Celsius. After that or for 1-2 days, it falls again. But if this does not happen, then, most likely, a pregnancy has come.

How much should be during pregnancy? And how much should she hold on?

Each organism is individual, but normally 37.1 - 37.3, exactly so much the temperature is during ovulation and it remains if pregnancy has come. It is worth remembering that the borderline norm is 37.0. If there is a deviation of 0.8 degrees in any direction, this is a reason to go to the doctor or at least to consult with the physician.

Regarding how much it keeps, the answer is unequivocal - from the beginning of pregnancy and the several first months, while the girl shelters the fruit.

Why measure BT?

There are two reasons here - to track the health status of the mother and child, as well as for pregnancy planning.

The first reason, as already mentioned above, helps to understand whether everything is in order of health. And the second reason helps to calculate ovulation. When a woman wants to give birth to a child, she needs to determine when ovulation comes. When BT is encouraged, this is a sign that it has come, and now the greatest probability of becoming pregnant.

How to measure it during pregnancy?

Be sure to measure in the morning, immediately after sleep, when the body is still at rest. Important moment - it is desirable that the dream is full, at least six o'clock. It can be measured by any way, but the rectal is considered the most reliable. Measurement in this way should be carried out at least three to four minutes.

Oral and vaginal measurement methods are also suitable, however, the time increases to five minutes. Any thermometer is suitable - both the usual mercury and electronic. It is advisable to measure every day and mark them in a notebook or special chart - it is easier to track the dynamics. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every time at the same time, permissible discrepancy in time - thirty minutes.

Some factors such as diseases, stress, moving, consumption of alcohol-containing products and even some drugs may affect the accuracy of the result. Also cannot be applied contraceptives if you measure the rectal temperature.

Norma after conception

Each organism is individual. This can be proved by a simple fact - in some people normally normal (not rectal) temperature - 36.6, in others - 37 and even higher. At the same time, two types of people feel perfectly and do not hurt anything.

So and when measuring BT - it all depends on the particular body. However, the generally accepted and most common norms should be known - from 37 to 37.3. The temperature rises, as a special hormone - progesterone, begins to be produced in large quantities. This happens to protect the fruit.

There were cases when a woman had a rectal temperature - 38, but she was not sick and everything was fine with the fruit. Such cases are very rare, usually, if the temperature is above 37.3 or below 37, it is wiser to contact the doctors.

Determination of pregnancy in basal temperature

Most likely, the woman is pregnant if such symptoms are observed:

  • The temperature is raised three days after the end of ovulation.
  • If, with the usual two-phase graphics, the girl observes another designer of temperature (this condition is not considered mandatory).
  • The yellow body phase does not stop 18 days - that is, the temperature is improved all this time.

Daily fluctuations BT.

As usual, it is necessary to measure the temperature immediately after sleep, at the same time. The fact is that factors like lungs physical exercise, Food, and even clothing can affect the result. Normally, when it is on the day (not in the morning), it rises above 37.3 - however, the factors described above are previously described.

Therefore, it makes no sense to measure it in the afternoon or even in the evening - you will not understand whether oscillations are caused by the usual load on the body or there is a reason to worry. Just imagine, in the early time in the evening, BT can rise by 1 degree! Morning results are the most reliable, so note them.


If there is a situation with an increase in body temperature during pregnancy, inflammatory or infectious processes are most likely occur. But this is only if the increase was recorded correctly, that is, in the morning. Abortion in this case is unlikely, but it cannot be discounted.

Regarding ectopic pregnancy - it does not necessarily cause increased rectal temperature. Usually it is within the normal range. If there is a violation of this type of pregnancy, a woman can feel strong pain In the abdomen, even a bleeding can be observed. In this case, it is impossible to postpone, you should call an ambulance.

The fall

This also happens. Her fall, especially sharp, should alert. This means that there is insufficient mining of hormones. This clearly indicates that the body is unable to maintain a female organism during pregnancy.

If, together with a decrease in the rectal temperature, you noticed such symptoms like pain in the abdomen, blood discharge, prolonged tone of the uterus, then consult a doctor, follow the survey.

A frozen pregnancy usually shows the result below 37, but in this case should not be panicing, but to contact the medical institution.

When and how to measure?

In the morning, not rising from bed, at rest and minimal activity. To do this, take a thermometer and put it in the vagina or the rectum for two centimeters. Keep a thermometer from three to five minutes.

It is necessary to measure BT each time the same method, that is, choose one - rectal or place a thermometer into the vagina. The thermometer cannot be changed, too, as well as the measurement time - if we decided to measure at 8.00 in the morning, then continue in the same vein. Oscillations can be up to thirty minutes in both directions.

To make the procedure as accurately as much as possible, here are a few rules that must be followed by:

  • Make the procedure in a horizontal position and nothing else, even turn on the side, the more you can not eat.
  • Full sleep is needed - from five o'clock.
  • It is advisable not to have sex at that time while you track the temperature change. Or at least withstand the interval of half a day between measurement and sexual intercourse.
  • It is impossible to take medicine - they both down and increase BT. Worse, when you increase - it can be below the norm, and you will think that she is fine.
  • Breakfast only after the procedure.
  • Try not to hurt - even the pain in the throat can distort the indicators.

Why do you need a schedule?

If the future mother wants to seriously track this indicator, then without the schedule it is not necessary. Different circumstances can affect the rectal temperature, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Usually, fluctuations in the graph look like:

  1. On the day of conception - from 36.4 and to 36.7.
  2. The next three to four days is a gain of 0.1, that is, it can reach 37 degrees.
  3. The next two or three days the value may remain the same.
  4. On the day of implantation of a fruit egg to the mucous meter, it decreases to 36.5-36.6 degrees.
  5. Further three days there is a smooth increase and is achieved from 36.7 to 37.
  6. The following fourteen days the value ranges from 36.7 to 31.1. It is important to monitor whether it fell below the value that was during ovulation.

It is important in the chart to indicate not only numbers, but also possible circumstances that influence them - disease, stress, reception of medical facilities, etc. The attending physician should know about them.

How to make up and decrypt the schedule: Detailed Guide

It can be drawn independently, or find on the Internet and print. Include such marks in the chart:

"Pregnant" charts

It is impossible to measure everything alone only, discrepancies are allowed. Different women have different indicators. For example, some do not observe implantation, or there are several of them.

It happens that the temperature rises sharply, or, on the contrary, smoothly. Sometimes it does not rise above 37. All options described are determined by doctors as the norm.

Is it possible to determine the pregnancy of a thermometer without schedule?

It is possible for this to adhere to the rules:

  • In the evening, shake the thermometer and put it nearby, but not under the pillow. The main thing is that you can be convenient to get it without using sharp movements;
  • In the morning, not eating, and not even getting up, use the thermometer. Choose either a rectal way, or place the thermometer into the vagina. It is necessary to place for two centimeters;
  • Wait from three to five minutes;
  • If the indicator is above 37, you are probably pregnant.

But it is impossible to count on accuracy, the increase can signal an inflammatory process, infection, hormonal failure or conventional stress.

Factors affecting indicators

To get a reliable result, eliminate such situations:

  • Receiving medicines;
  • Application of contraception (oral or spiral);
  • Banal lack of sleep;
  • Consumption of alcohol beverages;
  • Sex in less than six hours before measurement;
  • Overwork;
  • Any diseases;
  • Increased normal temperature.

Do I need to control during pregnancy?

It makes sense to do it during the first months. It remains elevated up to the twentieth week after conception. Usually not only gynecologists, but even endocrinologists vote for BT control.

Using the measurement of BT, you can notice deviations in time and react to them. Low indicators can signal the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the answer is unequivocal - it is desirable to control it. However, this is not the only way to diagnose state. future mom And her child.

At different times of pregnancy

Consider the basal temperature at various stages of pregnancy flow:

  • Week 3 corresponds to the 1st Embryonal Week. BT shows from 37 to 37.7 and slightly higher. The mark below signs the deviations and the danger of miscarriage.
  • N. 4 ranging from 37.1 to 37.3 °, maximum - 38. If above, it is possible that this infection.
  • N. 5 stably from 37.1 to 37.7. If she is "jumping", pay attention to other signs: pulling pain, hardening of the abdomen, softening the mammary glands, etc.
  • N. 6 saves the previous results: from 37.1 to 37.7. If much rises or decreases, the fetal death is possible.
  • N. 7-8 from 37.1-37.3 (not lower) and not higher than 38. With non-standard indicators, pass additional health diagnostics (ultrasound).
  • N. 9-10 - as in time of 7-8 weeks, but more than 37 and below 38. If this is not the case, consult a physician.
  • N. 11 Lowering from 37 to 37.2. If it is also high - then consult a gynecologist.
  • N. 12 from 37 to 37.8, but not higher than 38. Ideal are from 37.6-37.7 °.

Recent weeks are shown from 36.6 to 36.8. At the fortie week rises to 37.4 and can rise immediately before childbirth.

Deviation from norm

If it deviates from the norm, then this is either ovulation or pregnancy. During pregnancy, the doctor often recommends measuring it to eliminate the risk. Especially often this method is recommended to those who previously survived the miscarriage or problems during the tooling of the fetus.

Why is it too high?

This may be associated with infection, due to the inflammatory process, or even ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to follow some other features: Does the stomach, what color is the selection (transparent normally). If you observe them, you need to do ultrasound.

Possible threat of interrupts

This signals a decrease in BT. The decrease occurs due to a lack of progesterone. If the result falls below 37, besides, pain in the stomach and the selection of brown is felt, it is necessary to urgently ask for help.

Measuring pregnancy

Unfortunately, in this case will have to extract the fruit, it threatens the life of a woman. It does not always come out independently, because of this will have to seek medical attention.

Other signs that signal fetal fetus are lack of toxicosis, lactic glands are no longer increasing.

Is there a low BT with normal pregnancy?

It is difficult about talking about the norms - they are always conditional. Not always a low temperature interferes from carrying out the fetus, women give birth to healthy kids and their life is not threatened. In addition, it may be such an option - during ovulation, just before conception, the temperature was 36.4, so it is unlikely that it will reach 37 during the next two weeks.

However, if there are such signs - pain or opaque allocations - you need to go to the doctor.

Basal temperature of a healthy woman

The norm is not lower than 36.2, but not higher than 37.2. Before ovulation, the temperature drops, during rises - thus determined the most likely moment for conception. Already after conception, it practically does not fall.

Signs of probable infertility on schedule

This signals the following:

  • The average indicator of the second cycle phase (after the temperature grows) exceeds the average first phase rate of less than 0.4 degrees.
  • In the second phase of the cycle, temperatures are changing (it is below 37).
  • The rise in the middle of the cycle lasts more than three to four days.
  • The second phase is short (less than eight days).

Schedule when stimulating ovulation

With, especially clomiphene (clostilbyt) and using, in the second phase of the MC, the rectal temperature graph is usually becoming "normal". Two-phase, with a pronounced transition phase, with a sufficiently high temperature in the second, with characteristic "stages" (the temperature rises twice) and a small weave.

If the chart in stimulation is broken and deviates from the norms, this may indicate an improper selection of doses of drugs.

Increased in the first phase when stimulating with clomiphene, it happens during individual sensitivity to the drug.

When to contact the gynecologist?

If you are seriously tracking BT and for two cycles in a row you see the problem, consult a doctor. However, he should not prescribe drugs only on the basis of the schedule, you should send to other types of surveys. Pay attention to such factors:

  • Newwool graphics.
  • Constant cycle delays, while pregnancy does not occur.
  • Late ovulation and you will not be pregnant during a couple of cycles.
  • Controlled indicators with fuzzy expressed ovulation.
  • Graphs with high temperatures or low throughout the cycle.
  • If the second phase is short (less than 10 days).
  • High rates in the second phase of the cycle for more than 18 days, there are no monthly periods, and pregnancy has not come.
  • Bleeding or strong selection in the middle of the cycle.
  • Abundant allocations during menstruation, which is more than 5 days.
  • Graphs with temperature differences in the first and second phase less than 0.4.
  • Cycles, less than 21 days or more than 35.
  • Graphs with a well-pronounced ovulation, regular sexual act during ovulation, but the woman will not pregnance several cycles in a row.

Women responsibly suitable for conception, any method detect the most favorable days. One way is the basal chart, which in addition may and suggest the attack of conception and possible failures. Consider what basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy is considered the norm, and what indicators it is worth fear.

Features of the basal method of observation

The schedule protrudes the indicator of properly undergoing processes in the female organism. Deviations in basal temperature in early pregnancy, and in reviews you can find that confirmation, it is often helping girls to avoid the risk of loss of the baby, and take measures to eliminate the destructive reasons in a timely manner.

Usually, women begin to lead a schedule for 3-4 months before planning. Such a period is necessary in order to understand the standards of indicators for a particular body. We will not forget how individually many processes, the production of hormones, etc. But it is the magnitude and balance of hormones directly affect the temperature.

Measurement must be carried out rectally. Also suitable measurements from the vagina or mouth. But choosing one way, every day and month should be committed, because Performance may be different. You don't need to measure the temperature under the arm, it will not give anything, because basal indicators are needed. So called the lowest body temperature, reaching at the time of rest, rest. Therefore, the basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy will not show the actual result in the evening, because the body has been in a state of movement all day, and therefore the indicators will rather be elevated or too low.

That is why measurements should be carried out immediately after a long calm sleep. At the same time, everything needs to be prepared in advance and not even get out of bed, do not observe once again. It is not recommended to sit down, because it causes a tide of blood to the pelvis organs, which will affect the temperature.

Rules for drawing up a graph of basal temperature during pregnancy

To reveal the relevant basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy, the graphics must be drawn up, guided by such principles:

  • On the vertical axis, put the temperature in 0.1 ° C approximately from 35.5 to 38.5 ° C. Further observations will show the most informative sites for future graphs.
  • On the horizontal axis to put the dates. The first number should be the day of the occurrence of menstruation (first cycle day). When the new cycle occurs, you need to take a new sheet and make a new schedule.
  • Daily on the desired intersection to put the point that after connecting the curve.
  • Under the dates, write notes - situations that could affect the non-standard indicator (sexual intercourse, alcohol adoption, medicinal preparations, Flight, Stress).

They will prompt how to properly conduct a graph of basal temperature in the early period of pregnancy photos and pictures from the network. You can find examples of women who lay out their results for discussions on the forums. Focusing on them, it is easy to make your correct schedule, taking into account all the nuances.

On the Internet there are many examples of graphics of basal temperature in the early pregnancy periods Photos and signatures, which will help to navigate with the result

How to measure basal temperature in early time

Some rules should be followed and know about the reasons affecting the temperature change in order to eliminate the error:

  • It is recommended to use an electronic thermometer as more reliable. With his absence, starting to make mercury measurements, it is no longer necessary to change it. The thermometer must be one in every day of the cycle.
  • The thermometer and leaflets with a handle must be put near the bed in the evening, so that in the morning, without getting up, make me out and record the number. The record is better to do immediately, it is easy to forget because of almost the same daily numbers.
  • During the disease, you can skip these few days, because They still distort the overall picture.
  • From the time of sexual intercourse, 12 hours must pass, so that the body comes to normal, because from the morning acts before the measurement you need to refrain.
  • Stressful situations affect many internal processes, which affects the level of hormones. They are better to avoid, if possible.
  • Insomnia, lack of sleep, sleep time less than 6 hours talk about an insufficient vacation of the body.

Thus, when preparing for conception, it is worth eliminating stress, abandoning alcohol, well to fall out. It is very important to carry out measurements at the same time in the morning, observing the mode. So, if on weekdays to make measurements at 6 am, and at the weekend - in 8 or later, it is impossible to name relevant to be relevant. The basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy during the day or in atypical time will not show the necessary change.

To measure basal temperatures, you must prepare a thermometer and a sheet with a table and a handle in order to get to the measurement in the morning.

What basal temperature in early pregnancy

To identify what should be the norm of basal temperature in the early periods of pregnancy in a particular case, the standards of each stage should be known and compare them with their indicators:

  • In the first period of the cycle, when the liquid bubble ripening occurs, estrogen is observed. Its amount holds the temperature at 36.2-36.5 ° C. Of course, the indicator may be normal and at some deviation from these numbers, but should be located in any case below 37 ° C. Otherwise, this will say about the inflammatory process or the deviation of the hormonal balance.
  • Before breaking the bubble there is a decline of several tenth of degrees (about 0.3-0.4 ° C). At the time of the exit of the egg, the hormone will be released, which provokes a jump by 0.4-0.6 ° C.
  • The second phase is characterized by the development of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the development of pregnancy and is produced, even in the absence of conception. Normal is considered to be a little higher than or at 37 ° C (but not more than 37.5 ° C)

  • If fertilization occurred, a fixed basal temperature of 37 ° C, in the early period of pregnancy, and up to childbirth remains at this level. Conducting your way to the uterus, already a fertilized egg reaches it only after 7-10 days. It is embedded in the endometrium layer, which is called an implantation. Sometimes it can be observed on the graph in the form of a decline in 0.2-0.3 ° C. But the next day, the indicator returns to the same digit.
  • In the absence of fertilization, the cell dies, the level of progesterone is gradually decreasing and such a balance of hormones in a few days before menstruation is manifested by a decrease in temperature by 0.3-0.5 ° C, i.e. Returns to its original parameter peculiar to the first phase.

Regulatory indicators of basal temperature

As can be seen, each stage has its own standards. When playing schedule in the first few months, the girl learns the figures that have peculiar to her, which will help to correctly navigate and reveal the conception that happened. For example, the basal temperature in the early pregnancy of 36.9 ° C is quite possible in some girls if the original indicator was also lower than the norm.

Changes in basal temperature - a threat during pregnancy

The schedule helps the girl to establish themselves in the assumption of conception before the delay. An explicit sign of how we found out, keeping the increased indicator. It is important to continue observations to control the flowing processes at this time. At later dates, this is no longer so relevant. Often, doctors even recommend the first month to conduct a schedule, especially women with the first miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Low or high basal temperature - reasons

Low basal temperature

If there is a low basal temperature in the early period of pregnancy, while the symptoms that appear were not going to no, it is possible to suspect a frozen pregnancy. This condition is caused by stopping the development of the embryo. If you see this deviation in a timely manner, the fruit is often still able to save. A woman will pass a course of treatment, usually in the hospital.

The rise in the same temperature will indicate a different pathology - an ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, all the usual pregnancy symptoms are observed, but the test shows a negative result. Since the fetus fastened in the uterine tube or ovarian (but not in the uterus), he does not produce hCG, whose value of tests reveal.

If appear brown discharge Both pain, it is impossible to postpone the inspection. In this case, surgery occurs. Most likely, the place of attachment bursts, which causes bleeding.

High basal temperature

The high basal temperature during pregnancy in the early periods (about 38 ° C and higher) speaks of the beginning of the inflammatory process. It may be infection, and bleeding with an ectocal or decomposition of embryo tissues when pregnancy. Visit the hospital should urgently need to make a diagnosis and take action. Even the infectious disease of the genital organs can cause rejection of the fetus, and therefore it is necessary to treat it as quickly as possible.

If the increase or decline happened once and the next day everything returned to the norm, then it is not worth the fear. Perhaps this happened under the influence of some external factor (stress, lack of sleep) or due to violation of the rules of measurements. But when the indicators differ from the previous ones, it is better not to postpone the visit to the hospital, especially if some disturbing symptoms appear.


So, the basal schedule helps girls to identify the moment of ovulation for planning conception. Further observations will be confirmed by the fact of attachment of the fetus before the delay and appearance of characteristic symptoms. The temperature is considered to be the temperature on the entire period - 37.0-37.5 ° C. If there is a basal temperature in early time during pregnancy below 36.8-36.5 ° C or rises to 38 ° C, it is urgent to visit the specialist to avoid possible threats to the life of mom and baby.

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women